Recap And Reviews Kdrama Plus Nine Boys: Episode 12

Recap and reviews korean drama Plus Nine Boys: Episode 12 -

are the honeymoon over and the real life begins our plus-nine boys to meet, as they try to navigate the rocky waters that come with their new relationships. Friendships at stake, feelings are hurt, and more than a couple begins to unravel under the pressure. But there is hope that they may not burn all the crash and, and perhaps they could even come out of this stronger if they can hold them and believe in each other.

Track 12: "to me Lean"

fight after tickling turns the mood serious and Jin-gu leans in Se-young to kiss, but they will ring with exquisite timing. It's Jae-Bum and Jin-gu will speak to him to man and go, but Se-Young convinced him they deal with it, this time to hide and let. To his credit, Jin-gu looks very unhappy about the things treated in this way.

Se-Young steps outside with Jae-Bum, who brought her some herbal medicine, since she had claimed on that day malaise. It is unclear whether he heard the voice of a man inside, but he takes on in any case, that something is off. For a moment, Se-Young looks like they could come clean about dating Jin-gu, but Jae-Bum keeps it up and goes. Se-young and Jin-gu Watch Jae-Bum go away sad, both looking unhappy for her boyfriend cheated to have.

Jin-gu are Se-Young his patented hug and tells her not to think so much. He reminds them that there are two of them in this respect, and that they do not so hard to fight, and says again that he will be the villain and talk to Jae-Bum. Oh, he's so cute. Se-Young relaxed thinks in his comforting arms while Jin-gu, that if you can not dive in love, you do not deserve it.

Am Park, Su-ah orders Min-gu to sit and listen to them, but he stands his ground. They apologized and said that it was never their intention to deceive him and that she wanted to tell him about her past so often. Min-gu turns his back, so she screams at him that he created the illusion of it all on his own, and the he hunting kept she runs , so why is he now away?

Min-gu denies that he runs away, it is just that he is a simple person and can think at a time only one thing. All he could think of is that she cheated on him - he just want to go home and think.

Back at home, Mama (Noona) follows Kwang-soo in his room to him stupid to call for dating a single mother, the kind of woman she not told him to date , She orders him to straighten out before things too deeply, but Kwang-soo says only that his relationship with Da-in is not what she thinks.

He tells her that since in was the one he married almost ten years ago, and she is even more excited now to know that he him to bring them back to the way they devastated can be seen. Kwang-soo stays calm and asks her to help him only, but Mom is beyond reason and tells him to break with it only again.

made Do not even bother, Kwang-soo calls to apologize Da-in for the surprise encounter in the elevator. He tells her that he always regretted losing, and that he promises never to let go of her hand again, and asked her to do the same. Da-in, as usual, says very little.

The moment Jin-gu in the morning wakes up, it sends a text sappy Se-Young, who must have been waiting for it so long as they again texts. She sends a selca of himself in bed with a "I miss you" message to someone they "dummy", but she calls both freak out when they realize that it sent by mistake in the office group chat. Oh no, I'm cringing for you!

Everyone at work knows now that Se-Young is to see someone, and they're all wondering who it could be. The only person who knows is Gossipy Sunbae who looks like she is about to rise with the information in flames, and Jin-gu shoots her glare "dare not".

When Se-Young gets it she plays to work as intended this text for a friend, but their denials are so over-the-top that it Jin-gu also begins brightly to signal them, shut up. While all this is to make Jae-Bum lyrics Jin-gu him for coffee, and they talk to the head on the roof.

Jae-Bum wonders aloud who it was that Se-young meant text, and says Jin-gu that he went to her place last night, and she was behaving strangely. Jin-gu starts to say something, but he carried a call from Se Young desperate calls him is interrupted to her staircase.

It begins immediately think of new inventive ways to hide their relationship, but Jin-gu still thinks they should only come clean. He wants Jae-Bum to say, because to keep them secret is not right, but Se-Young is to chicken. Jin-gu says it, by it's gone just lie, and this is true at home, so they say Jin-gu agrees reluctantly they can be dated. Jin-gu invites both Jae-Bum and later for a drink-Go-eun made to decide to make a clean sweep of the messages.

Min-gu is listless and quiet in practice, moping about the truth about Su-ah rough past. His friends (dipped eat the sausage in marshmallow fluff that is so disgusting) to ask him what he wants to do, ensure that Su-ah not mean to lie to him. You wonder if he'll call Noona now that has Min-gu his eyes roll.

Su-ah fingers her wish bracelet Min-gu and accepts referrals of their friends to go clubbing to grow and telling study. It is not to talk in the mood, and when she gets on the road and sees that Min-gu, it is not for them as waiting accustomed drops her face.

Min-gu and Su-ah both walk, each thinking the other, and if Su-ah rises up the stairs to the library it Min-gu are at the top waiting for her looks. He simply asks: "Do you like me?" Su-ah says she never regretted being a bad girl until she met him, because they do not want to disappoint him. Min-gu asks her to date him again, and holds out his hand - after a long moment, Su-ah takes it.

asks if he keep them name them off and asked him to call her "noona", but he refuses. They in turn refuses longer call him "Oppa". These two are so cute.

Kwang-soo and Da-in soaking up the sun by the river, and he decides to teach them to ride a bike. It is terrible to it, so it for a ride on a tandem bike. Compromises with her You missed a call from Eun-seo school while driving, and when she discovered that Eun-seo was injured at school, she feels terrible that her daughter was crying for her while she was fun.

On their way home they passed into a nosy neighbor woman who noted that Kwang-soo Da-in carrying things and says that people clap because he will think a bachelor's and people, that he is dating someone he shouldn 't. And that's your business how ...? Kwang-soo says only cocky that they can think what they like, because he does not care, and usher Da-in and Eun-seo inside.

In the elevator Kwang-soo is proud of how he handles this situation, but Da-in looks restless. She pushes the button for his ground against his protests that he would take them to their door, and he realizes that something out (I honestly do not know how he can say, because it's just not as usual to speak). He drops it and says to call him if she needs something, but he is troubled noticeably.

Later Da-in ringing the door, and this time it's Mom is for them with more food and Eun-seo. But the food is just an excuse to Da-in about talking Dating Kwang-soo, and Mama pulls no punches as she says, because-in that she likes, but she thinks that a previously broken relationship can not be repaired again. It makes clear that it is not Da-in does not consider to be a suitable wife for her brother. And again I say that your business is how ...?

Da-in tucks Eun-seo to bed and cries, while at the same time Kwang-soo look at the matching rings he bought and smiles to himself. He is so happy, it's my heart breaks.

Jin-gu, Se-young, Jae-Bum and Go-eun go for drinks, and Jin-gu texts Se-Young that he can tell them is that they are now together. She stands him several times until Go-eun gives her the perfect opening to ask her who (sees and bad Jae-Bum a little sick), it meant the text for this morning, but Se-Young is again, that no one is. Jin-gu sits as more and more frustrated that she will not let him tell the truth.

to be

Apparent something honing in, Jae-Bum asks Jin-gu in front of everyone, why he rode Se -Young the bus all the time, and again Se-young lying about it only as Jin-gu is about to confess. Jin-gu face darkens, and he enters Se-young under the table, then he apologized while with her "I need to talk to you" code.

They meet outside and he tells her to stop and she says, nervously, that she wait tomorrow, decided and tell. Jin-gu, he tells them tonight told right now, but Se-Young continues each time he begins to speak, interrupting. Meanwhile Jae-Bum tries to figure out what Jin-gu trying to say, but Se-young is wild and out of control.

When Jin-gu, the bill on the way, and Se-Young takes the chance to pay stops Jae-Bum to pack up and move out, so that Go-eun for Jin-gu to wait outside. Go Eun Jin-gu invites to another restaurant, just the two of them, but he turns it. No fool them, Go-eun asks if he the person, Se-Young is meant this morning in text, and he only says: "I'm sorry", and runs.

he begins Se-young as Jae-bum in a taxi, and this time he ignored Se-young-plea and communicates directly with Jae-bum sets ". Jae-bum-ah I'm really sorry I like Se-young.." Jae-Bum looks Se-jung for refusal but you can not meet his eyes, and the expression on his face, as the truth dawns crushed. To make things perfectly clear, Jin-gu takes Se-Young hand and says Jae-Bum, which they originate. Jae-Bum turns around and walks away from them, without, as he calls Jin-gu after him.

Jin-gu hugging near a devastated Se Young as he thinks 29 years old, that although there were many reasons not to, he chose love (of friendship). Go-eun now goes home alone and crying, and Jae-Bum takes a cab when he processed betrayal of his friends.

Da-in over Mamas words thinks the next day at work, completely distracted and gets a text from Kwang-soo to take him outside. He puts her in his car her pictures of his friend trip to Machu Picchu to show they should say to go one day without realizing that it is (to manage somehow) quieter than usual. He chats on the reviews and finally they noticed not seem excited.

Da-in says she now remembers how hard it was back for her when she dated before. She tells him that she feels lonely now with him, as then, because she has not felt as they could show their feelings. I'm sorry, but whose fault is that? Certainly not the guy who's been begging him to speak by months.

Kwang-soo swears that they no longer feel lonely, but she is too afraid to again leave him to start, felt for the first strong and independent time without him. Kwang-soo says blatant pragmatism that he loves how he feels now, and that he wants them to feel like they can rely on him. Da-bei simply says that she is sad and goes back to work.

Min-gu clothes after training and puts his hair all polite and mature-looking, and his friends to his joke that he looks like he stole his uncle clothes. They are impressed that a noona dating has so made it for adults, and he just passed breezes at them and dismisses their childish antics.

He takes Su-ah to a nice restaurant, with his own credit card instead of Mom this time pay. He begins Su-ah longing to some guys looks to drink at another table, and hilariously thinks she wants a soda instead of alcohol they truly desire was. I think the clothes do not necessarily make the man.

go to see a movie, but stopped Min-gu, because he is not old enough to see it. Su-ah tries to comfort him, but just to feel their efforts it smaller, and they begin to go home. They are stopped by some rings sunbaes of Min-gu, and the leader of the group is a jerk to Min-gu, while Su-ah suspect tried to hide behind her hair.

The guide they noticed anyway and recognizes them, their vocation "Bong sookie noona." His whole behavior is respectfully when he talks to her, then turned back to meanness, when he speaks Min-gu. He laughs when Su-ah says they are dating as the funniest thing in general, offers Min-gu to teach a lesson, if he does not respect. Just when Min-gu thinks leave, turns the donkey poop himself before teasing during play back.

Min-gu is silent on their way home, and it is to charm Su-ah turn to try to tell him from his black mood that she knows that little guy and they can see the film later. She says cheerfully, he's cute when he pouts, and she does not care what happened during the game, but Min-gu snapped at her and whipped by mentioning their graduation back album. Oh honey, that's not how you try to mature before your girls to look. Su-ah says that she was trying to cheer him up, not to make fun of him, and he obviously just a high schooler. Ouch.

Go-eun is cold to Jin-gu office, and he realizes that Jae-Bum workspace out has been cleared. He gets an email that it has to be announced today a new CEO, and he puts the pieces together. Sure enough, Jae-Bum is heralded as the new managing that look like he has made of ice and rock, and he carefully avoids making eye contact with Jin-gu and a very shocked Se-jung.

The two in their stairwell sit alternately sighing, and Jin-gu admits that he knew about Jae-Bum family connection to the company, and how he hated the idea, not to work its way to the top. Se-young wishes this were all a joke, and added that she feels bad for Go-eun, and Jin-gu softly stroking her hair and apologizes. He takes the blame for everything, and returns to its default adorable teasing until they end both smiling.

Jin-gu offers some reports to the new Executive Director of the agency to take what Se Young an encouraging nod on his way to the top. Jae-Bum still refuses to look at him and Jin-gu asks if he is okay, whatever, but gets no answer. He says that he wanted, Jae-Bum to say, but Jae-Bum interrupts to say in a very strict and formal voice to the same can not remain. He gives Jin-gu ice-cold look of hatred, and that their friendship is over.

Jin-gu thinks that love does not always go as planned, you run up against obstacles or be caught in traps. We see Kwang-soo alone as Da-in goes away, and Min-gu snarling standing on the bus computer when it announced it as a side. Jin-gu says that's why love is difficult, as he and Jae-Bum stare at each other with nothing, and everything that threatens between them.


First of all, I have an announcement to make - I officially my hands Da wash -in. I have for some weeks now hope that they still had a good reason to be locked and uncommunicative with Kwang-soo in the present, but I am tired to make excuses for them. She has lots of opportunities to speak had to Kwang-soo, what has happened in the past, and about what she feels now, and yet she continues to close it. I no longer think Kwang-soo have no real responsibility in their separation 10 years had; or if he did, it was negligible and, above all, that he simply did not know he was doing something wrong, because said Da-in again and again, everything was fine. His only mistake was to believe her when she told him she was fine, and you can not convince me that your partner to trust words is a bad thing.

And now she's done it again him, led him to believe everything was great then in his face slammed the door without giving him a chance. I believe that he would return, and now would be to listen to them, would they open their mouth, and bother to talk to him. But she refuses to do that, although she admits that she still feels insecure about their relationship, and although he practically begging him to be honest. It's too hard to learn to observe him from his mistakes and try so hard to reassure her that he wants the man she needs to be, and they turn away straight. You do not deserve him, and I'm done with it .

I have more hope for Min-gu and Su-ah, because, as he definitely good reason was to be angry about many things, Su-ah finally shows him her true self and the true self fucking awesome (and I have to say that I called it, I knew it would be great!). Su-ah is not a gangster girl anymore, but neither is the demure little sweet for what it is purported to be. It is something in between - a girl who knows what she wants and does not want and is willing to do whatever is necessary to get there, but who is understanding enough of Min-gu, and patient enough to him the ass-whooping he needs to grow up. And he can not know how it grieves them to be built in his head, but in fact it is the absolute perfect girl for him the loss of the perfect girl. You can order him wake up from his fantasy world and see that, who she really is, is about a million times more amazing than the princess he. In his mind

But I'm most hopeful for Jin-gu and Se-young, because even if your anxiety often can not take much to control when it comes to Jin-gu and their relationship, know that he well enough to know exactly how to tease and hug from her own head. He constantly reminded that they are not alone - she's one of a series now, and they can trust him and rely on him to be there for them. It is so swoony and romantic, I do not know how they do not in a puddle it every time he says, does not melt. But he did not even say it to be swoony and romantic; he really feels about it, and he has to make this work obligation, the way is better.

Not that their obstacles are behind them, because this thing with Jae-Bum just got so much worse on them than they might have imagined. Not only did he them down emotionally, but now he has to put in a position of authority over them at work, and I feel like he's doing it for the wrong reasons. The timing for this decision as a revenge to be at his side also perfect anything. He in the only way it could make life difficult for them lashing out that he can, by putting them in a subservient position to him, and if he wanted to. I just hope Jae-Bum, remembers that they love him so much that they save log his feelings, and misses but that is, they did it because they did not want him to get hurt , I do not want it to destroy something unforgivable and fully to do their friendship, and I just hope that they can get to him before it is too late.

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tags: featured, Kim Young-Kwang, Kyung Su-jin, Oh Jung-se, and nine boys

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