Recap And Reviews Kdrama Marriage is not dating: Episode 9

Recap and reviews korean drama Marriage is not dating: Episode 9 -

An overnight trip sends any relationship status in turmoil, the real surprise should not be given as many ulterior motives in this love Hexagon are in circulation. I would say that the real miracle is that they take another 24 hours without coming to blows. You will be amazed how many shirts are coming out and how many kisses are stolen before anyone starts to ask what the hell is real and what is not. Maybe if you get so good fake love, you stop being able to see the real deal.


Son Ho-young & Danny Ahn (god) - "하루 만" (Just One Day) for the Marriage Not Dating OST [ Download ]

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EPISODE 9: "A night in a faraway place"

Some crazy person thought it was a good idea our gathering leading actors in a remote location and they give drinks they each alternately a shot and look back and forth expectation Downing

Jang-mi told. "the six of us are the night far away in a place to spend. When the day is over, all six of us have kissed anyone. by this kiss, some to confirm their love, and some will be hurt. "

it ends Voiceover their premonition by saying that it is a common occurrence aka Han Yeo-Reum the holiday on a summer holiday.

rewind to Jang-mi runaway bride, as the bride shopping day from hell and leaves escapes Ki-tae of the street called her name. Jang-mi mom are Se-ah, the once and asks suspiciously, who she is, and Ki-tae mom no qualms calling her his ex-fiancee.

Jang-mi Mom snorts that she gets now why her daughter was so reluctant to agree to this marriage, and says she'll have to rethink things. Ki-tae Mom looks quite satisfied with the result.

Jang-mi ignored Ki-tae of calls and finally asks Yeo-Reum, wherever they go. He just tells her to go away, as they run away together promised. Ki-tae holds hectic Jang-mi call and Se-ah Comments meek that she wanted this time really help. She asks if this is not an intervention that is should be broken anyway, and adds that Ki-tae seems serious atypical.

He drives in silence Hoon-dong restaurant and tells her at home to take a taxi. He runs up the stairs and wants to know where Jang-mi's because he saw them in Hoon-dong car. But if Hoon-dong, he says Yeo-Reum get sent washed his car, hardened Ki-tae face.

Hoon-dong chases after him flailing "Did he kidnap her?" He calls Yeo-Reum, who tells him that they go to the beach. Ki-tae asking for Jang-mi, and finally responds to say that she is sad, but you do not want to be just now found. She says that when his mother called her name one more time that they do not know what horrible, what they could do, and that they get scared right now.

Ki-tae in the car jumps for her to go, and Hoon-dong hop in and using his stolen car as an excuse to get together. Se-ah joins them, heard all, and insists that they go to the beach is to want to have.

Yeo-Reum drives Jang-mi of the ocean with the top down, like a picture-perfect honeymoon getaway directly from film. But she could not be of the happy bride on when she tries and spends the ride in their radio lost. It is only when it comes flying off the veil in the wind that lifted suddenly feels and begins to smile weight.

you sit on the beach, and Jang-mi admits that she does not really know what happened -Only that she did not like to see in this position her mother, trying so hard, someone else and not even realize like that it has devalued in the process.

Yeo-Reum wrapped with her forever blames real emotions in the fake marriage all over again, and Jang-mi agrees with a smile. She stands up and says they should go back and send the expensive dress and Yeo-Reum assures her that Ki-tae has a lot of money, and he will pay for it.

Ki-tae calls on cue: "It's my money" Jang-mi yawns, and then Hoon-dong and Se-ah show beside him on. She realizes that he will have tracked her phone again and starts the ocean race, determined by their godforsaken traceable smartphone to be rid of.

But of course it's trips and falls in her huge dress, ha, and all three boys race on their side. Everything we see is buried legs and arms under a mountain of tulle, and the boys shouting, "Flip it! Flip it over!" Lol.

While Jang-mi cleans house accommodation, Hoon-dong gobbles Yeo-Reum upside the head for runoff with his bestie girl. Oh, that's adorable. Yeo-Reum runs until Ki-tae for a rescue and insisted that Hoon-dong should tell the truth. But Ki-tae just enjoying the small retribution and says he deserves it, Hoon-dong allowed him to chase around the yard.

Jang-mi turns into some giant ajumma flower pants, and recalls a moment to look at Ki-tae face when he restarted it in wedding dress saw. This time it is scanned her up and down and called it a perfect look for her, and she frowns. She asks why he came, and he wonders why he does not want when the woman he will marry with another man running away.

They complained that even if it is a fake wedding, he left her still all alone to do everything and deal with two mothers. He says he knows, and that's why he has come. He apologizes sincerely for the hard time they had for him, and not that it will be with her. That's cute.

you to think there is appeased, but then Se-ah interrupts that her mother found about his past relationship to tell from Se-ah, their commitment to put on the rocks back. Se-ah says that is the reason, Ki-tae came all the way down here, and Jang-mi grouses to believe that he was actually sorry. Urg, he is sad! Do not you think!

Se-ah tries to lighten the mood (and skip right past his explanation) by inviting Jang-mi to go tanning with her, but Jang-mi insists she goes home. Ki-tae indicates that it has no car and no money, so Jang-mi reluctantly lets get dragged with Se-ah to the beach.

Ki-tae, after it with a look of warning to Yeo Trails -reum and Hoon-dong follows it with a hilarious three-part mime act: I'm watching you. Make a wrong move and you're dead.

Jang-mi sitting outside on the beach grumpily, still in her flower pants. Se-ah swears she is on their side and just want a small gift of Ki-tae, holding out to her. Jang-mi tries to find a common denominator with Se-ah, and says you must had a hard time prepping a wedding with Ki-tae, and understand why it fell through.

But Se-ah counter just that they did not have a hard time ever, and Jang-mi points out that it does not really seem to know

as to make friends. Amongst other things. Ki-tae plops next Jang-mi on the other chair and takes off his shirt, and Jang-mi staring back and forth from Ki-tae to Se-ah, wondering what the hell they are stuck between them in doing.

she says Ki-tae, to be cheap and only give Se-ah, the presence to stop it wants, and it deletes only unpleasant his throat. Things take direction a swing back in Jang-mi years when Yeo-Reum joins them and takes be Shirt ... and well, there is really no need, the reaction is induced to explain, or?

Ki-tae looking over go at Jang-mi googly eyes and stares at his chest confidently down and reached for his shirt suddenly complain that it is cold. Hee. Se-ah do not miss a beat and asks Ki-tae her with her tanning oil and Jang-mi watches with a hairy eyeball as Ki-tae rubs oil on Se-ah back in front of her to help.

Jang-mi you comes out halfway leg (has migrated from its ajumma pants, no less) and requires that Yeo-Reum oil to put on it. Hahaha.

Yeo-Reum proposes to look elsewhere for some private time to go, and Ki-tae gets all pouty face after they cry and would be ignored. Fortunately Hoon-dong is a mood killer and forces shows to be, all playing together, where he had to keep an eye on it.

So Yeo-Reum takes Jang-mi and throws it into the sea, and Hoon-dong joins in on the fun in. Ki-tae watches enviously, wishing, but he warring with his desire, above all could play to look. He mutters that they are so childish ... and then, after running in. Finally, Yeo-Reum hurls Se-ah in, and they have fun splashing around.

to have back in the city, Hyun-hee comes from the pharmacy with a long face (uh-oh) and calls Jang-mi talk. It sounds like you really need a friend today, so Jang-mi asks if she wants to get to where she is.

At the same time, Ki-tae of the mother tells the rest of the family, that the engagement off, and wish to marry tattles on dad for Ki-tae Se-ah for her father's connections. Granny yells at him for selfish, so Dad swears the happiness of children is paramount, and Mom just look at him skeptically.

Mom says Jang-mi with someone was different, maybe the person they want to be with more than Ki-tae. But Aunt burst their bubble with the latest picture of Ki-tae sent a few moments ago, Jang-mi and Ki-tae, happy and cuddly on the beach. Ki-tae ensures that they also send parents to Jang-mi, and Mom cheers immediately to see that they are together.

Jang-mi rebounds when they drink the group, determined looks not to go home without having some fun. She asks if she is thinking about the strange, it is strange that they are drinking all together. (Dude, you're not the only one-it's weird!) But they just sit back and insist that fun made.

Se-ah proposes a dangerous game of truth (or drinking) and when the spinny bottle lands on Ki-tae, Yeo-Reum asks how far he went with Se-ah, as they were dated , Ki-tae drinks. If it lands on Yeo-Reum next Ki-tae asks how many women about him wept. He starts counting, then sees the cloud over Jang-mi face, and chooses to drink.

On Se-ah turn, Hoon-dong asks if she ever again is a man in her heart can (technically, he says "breast"). She says that Ki-tae touch remains on her chest, and enjoys the round of reactions before clarifying that her breast implants are Ki-tae handwork.

Nobody wants Hoon-dong everything, poor guy to ask, and so when it asks Ki-tae turn again, Yeo-Reum whether he really Jang-mi like. Everyone is waiting with bated breath, and he stunned them all with a simple "Yes." Omo.

Jang-mi heart begins to race, and she jumps up in protest that he can not be in the game of truth. It has the bottle itself and says that she will tell the truth: her engagement to Ki-tae is all a big show. Hoon-dong learns fiiiiinally the truth and pitches a fit, he has made a fool was, as he struggled with his emotions his best friend to think his girl had stolen.

He laments that they all knew, and he was out of the loop to the left, and Hyun-hee comes, say that they do not know. It sees Jang-mi with injured eyes come all the way here because she thinks of her as a friend, and Jang-mi swears she should tell her.

Hoon-dong usher her and passes a drink not drink it among friends to toast that were left out of the great mystery, and Hyun-hee especially ,

Now that the out of the cat out of the bag, Yeo-Reum sneaks happy open Jang-mi on. He takes them for some alone time away, and Ki-tae she observed with a long face go. Out by the lighthouse, Yeo-Reum suggests that they spend the rest of the trip on your own. As soon as he says it, but Ki-tae voice heard, call for Jang-mi.

They hide from him to get away, and the interception is looking at the end, when Se-ah come for Ki-tae and asks why he is so obsessed with finding Jang-mi. She tells him that she got a room for the night, and she did tried him to threaten them or cheat time'll just ask. He asks if she is serious, and she says that she really wants a child.

Jang-mi finally understands what it of "presence" used to mean, and Yeo-Reum has her mouth covered by yowling loudly. Se-ah grabs Ki-tae for a kiss, and Jang-mi averts her eyes, wondering why she feels that way.

She is so excited that she stumbles and falls, and Ki-tae breaking free from Se-ah, to run after her. Ki-tae tells her she needs stitches and increased if Yeo-Reum her piggyback. They go to a nearby hospital where a woman recognizes Ki-tae and Se-ah, like the doctors who came here a few years back facial reconstruction surgeries for children to perform, who were born with deformities.

Her daughter was one of the patients, and she thanks them her child to change lives. They observed Ki-tae and Se-ah sew Jang-mi leg together and heaps of compliments on them for being such a lovely couple, and asks if they have children yet. Se-ah makes them believe they are married and says she try that is not lost on Jang-mi.

Meanwhile seconds ah explains Jang-mi, that they do not stop the need sees itself in a traditional version of the family to be a child and happy increase. Jang-mi says she can follow their line of thinking, but honestly they do not understand. Se-ah know that other people think that they are just selfish, but she thinks that perhaps the only person who can understand, is Ki-tae, and Jang-mi acknowledges that they are similar.

Ki-tae and Yeo-Reum by pivoting on the metaphorical skip tail and only go to the bathroom together. Why waste words, if a trip to the urinal do?

return as the boys, Se-ah asks Ki-tae to get his car, he runs scored when he realized the alternative Yeo-Reum piggyback Jang-mi all the way back. After he leaves, Se-ah she has some time to give alone, leaving Yeo-Reum smiling and Jang-mi somewhat in conflict.

Back at the guesthouse, Hyun hee help back a drunk Hoon-dong in the room and tried to have a conversation with him. now you took all time? He sighs that it is always the same speech Oppa, what are we? Oppa what I am for you? -and waves her repellent from passing on the floor out.

When Ki-tae return by car, Se-ah, it is alone. Jang-mi and Yeo-Reum view to their expensive hotel suite and Jang-mi freezes when Ki-tae calls. Se-ah tried to tell him that they want to be alone, and again asks why he so out of shape bent over Jang-mi.

He tries to gloss over it, as he is only concerned because Jang-mi is so unfortunate need and are maintained, but all it takes is a glance at his tracking app (showing that they in a hotel) freak out for him.

He goes the suite tear in the search for her, but there's no one. He hears her phone ringing off the bedroom and goes in, but all he finds is Jang-mi phone sitting on the bed. That's when Se-ah comes in behind him and closes the door. Ki-tae jaw drops in shock and disbelief, asking if this was on their plan everything.

What? Okay, seriously, what the hell is wrong with you?

Jang-mi and Yeo-Reum are on a boat, and she wonders if she did the right thing. How can you even ask? She sighs that Ki-tae as another person seems when. With Se-ah, and wonder which is the real Gong Ki-tae

Yeo-Reum asks what is real to she replies and Jang-mi hesitantly: "You?" He leans in to kiss her.

Ki-tae asks why Se-ah such lengths is arguing that if she wants a baby, it with someone, why it might be? She calls him dumb and asks if he really does not know why it to be him.

When Yeo-Reum kisses Jang-mi, to draw closer to reaching around her waist, but she jumps actually back at his touch. Ruh-ROH. Well, that's to say.

She surprised herself, and then quickly makes the excuse that they leave with Hoon-dong Hyun-hee alone is concerned. He lets them off the hook and they agree to go back.

Jang-mi sit there for a moment cocoons as dawns on her that Ki-tae of truth Game confession and his kiss with Se-ah get to her.

Se-ah wraps her arms around Ki-tae neck and comes close for a kiss, but Jang-mi phone begins to ring with a call from Hyun-hee. She sighs when their calls remain unanswered, and takes careful the pregnancy test out in their pocket.

Back in the hotel room, Se-ah turns off, Jang-mi phone and starts to unbutton her shirt. She gets two keys before Ki-tae finally brings his hand on hers to stop them. There you took long enough.

Se-ah trembles at the rejection and asks: "Is it because of Joo Jang-mi" He does not answer, but gives her before walking out of a sympathetic squeeze arm. After he leaves, shaking her hands as she tried her shirt button again, and she bursts into tears.

Jang-mi and Yeo-Reum come back to the board but Hyun-hee is nowhere to be found. Jang-mi discovered the pregnancy test that Hyun-hee threw in the bathroom, and notes, that's what they talk about, needed.

Ki-tae comes out and he and Yeo-Reum exchange barbs about their lack of endurance when Jang-mi still holding the pregnancy test runs and worrying about Hyun-hee. Ki-tae noted the test and guesses immediately that Hoon-dong screwed up royally, and remembers that called Hyun-Hee Jang-mi phone.

you checked the news and finds a text from her saying that she doesn 't know where she belongs, she has nowhere to go and feels like it is in every way. It ends with "I'm sorry" and "Do not look ..."

It sounds terrible, and Jang-mi in panic gets even more when they tried calling and you can find Hyun-hee phone sitting there in the yard. Yeo-Reum and Jang-mi go running to see if they can find them.

Ki-tae checks Hyun-hee phone and is surprised to find it unlocked. A quick search of the last calls contains a nearby temple, and he grins to recognize, they are found on the left there the breadcrumbs.

He pulls up Jang-mi and Yeo-Reum like a know-it-all and says he uses his brain as they run aimlessly, and he knows where Hyun-hee is. Arrival in the windy mountain roads, it turns out to be quite a challenge for the brainiac, though, and he gets lost and stuck in the mud.

Jang-mi and Yeo-Reum out to try to push the car and be sprayed only in the mud in the process, and Ki-tae lands call a tow truck. He looks enviously over at Yeo-Reum, as he tends to Jang-mi and brushes to bring back the mud off of it, and then sends Yeo-Reum Guest House for Hoon-dong.

There is a totally obvious trick, but he argues that Hyun-hee does not wait for it to stop so Yeo-Reum heads back down on foot, a looking back nervously Jang-mi and Ki-tae together.

Ki-tae repeatedly tried to sit next to Jang-mi, but every time he sneaks up to her, she scootches gone. He tried to check on her wound, but she is still angry and blames him for all this. He argues that it is the one that murmurs behind her phone to the left, and that you had wanted to Yeo-Reum sleep poorly.

Jang-mi scoffs bitterly and cries that he is right, she wanted to sleep in the man so bad that they leave alone her friend. She cries when something happens to Hyun-hee, she will never forgive herself.

She sighs that Hyun-hee are packed right about in their wedding so that she had no time for her friend, and wonders what hell she was doing when it is not even a real wedding.

She says they've packed emotionally in things that were not real at the expense of real life. She admits that she's all turned around now lost Hyun-hee, because of him., And even when she was with Yeo-Reum, she thought

He listens to her attentively, eyes fixed them all the time. She cries: "?. What are you, you are wrong, but because of you, I lose everything that is real That's all because of you!"

After him face he turns leads her forward for a kiss. to close your eyes start, as she kisses him back

And in the distance, Yeo-Reum is to find them locked lips

Jang-mi told in voiceover: .. "Have we get too far? If we go back, it will be like nothing happened? Can we go back? "


Phew, that was an ordeal of a holiday, but at least it gave us the results that we have been waiting for. Real feelings take over at last, and Ki-tae is finally doing something, how he feels, instead only can get from mom or Se-ah bulldozers. Frankly I think it too long to get us here, not because of the timing, but also because of increasingly ridiculous attempts to extend the feint. The more they began to pile up, I thought the less, this could be real people.

really cracked when both lines can be the last episode my skin just in wedding plans come railroaded as if they had no other choice. I mean, who leaves her parents formally her fake fiancé real parents meet for an actual commitment? I that the contractual relationship is the premise of the show, but you do not really to have to brace it, as your is History device when it is no longer realistic to extend it, as if two people can 't possibly stay connected when Mom keeps as the wedding Terminator act. Since when Jang-mi has said to stop her mind? And makes Se-ah actually need to be written as they went from a makjang, have keyed in this drama, just to ride the conflict? She drives me crazy, and now by association (and the lack of definitive pushing away), Ki-tae drives me bonkers for letting them stick around.

me wrong-I enjoy a good round jealousy games more than most. It's simple, they do scheming and conniving and manipulation of unsuspecting ex-friends to participate in accidentally-but-not-inadvertently you have to give babies? I mean, what dimension we came in? It's just a shame, because early on, this show refreshingly managed differently to feel, just because they do not rely on overused dramatic tropes, and found fun twists to keep us going. Jang-mi always turned the classic candy moment to be upside down surprisingly strong and always to speak for themselves and what they wanted.

But in the last few episodes, it is always the doormat and let Mom, Se-ah, Ki-tae and even Yeo-Reum make decisions for them, and then feeling deflated about the result. I, that part of it could be because they do not know what they want now, and she is confused about her feelings for Ki-tae. And maybe when Se-ah were not trying to manipulate their way into Ki-tae bed, I would have more patience for the confused angsty part of the drama. But I do not, because Se-ah is a crazy person, and no one seems to them to call for them in the drama. I do not see why they can not just be an explosion, the Ki-tae has feelings for lingering, without the lies and inclusion. That would make her a lot of credible and compelling threat to the romance than this.

I really want to spend any more episodes mad at Ki-tae, or frustrated with Jang-mi, so I hope that we've kissed this section of the drama goodbye. Now that they finally are on the same page about the blurry line between what and what is false in real terms, we can get to the more interesting conflicts, like what the hell they are doing on the fake wedding between their real families if their Emotions not fake. Are they really just along emotionally always do in games so swept, or it does not matter if you feel the feelings? If this kiss the point of no return, then I'm even more excited for what is to come, because it can check the time for Jang-mi and Ki-tae, if they have more than any other perhaps deceptive else all . along

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