Recap And Reviews Kdrama Healer: Episode 2

Recap and reviews korean drama Healer: Episode 2 -

In a convincing first week, we get the first indications that the three main characters are all caught in the middle of a much larger network. today do not care if it, like, see the instructions of the great power plays Young-shin and Moon-ho. What matters is to connect with your loved ones, and save whomever you can, what it costs - although no one has told the healer that yet. But a spark of something was kindled in him. It is not to change ... but it is the possibility of change.


Young-shin tells Council her father's their job, what they like second-highest, and their hobby, the thing she likes to do in the first place. This it explains why job her father as an attorney specializing in police cases, while it has a café on the side, patronized by his "fans": police and ex-convicts. She calls her friends, and a flashback shows a young Young-shin surrounded by proud and doting ajusshis, than bringing masters like locks and pockets, and doctor open a safe.

Late for work, Young-shin only makes the bus. We begin as Jung-hoo boards to the previous episode to right behind her. When the bus decreases and they lose their balance, he catches it but evades the eyes as soon as they will be set to rights.

He takes a seat right behind her, and Young-shin said that from her criminal friends, she picked up especially a sense of intuition - so they know when they to be observed. Every time she snaps over the spy to catch Jung-hoo ducks, so they do not see the face.

While the back of her head watches, Ajumma Min-ja (knitting in her hacker to, lol) not to bring Barks in his listeners in disarray - will do just a few strands of hair. Each time he tried to reach them, though, Young-shin inadvertently foils him. His expression when she finally pulls on a hat is invaluable. Ha!

He follows her out of the bus, out of tune, that it is not easy prey. Suspecting they might be on him, Min-ja advises him their pocket instead to aim, which may include a hairbrush or toothbrush from which he get his samples.

He drags her, and quickly clocked the busy market street - fruit sellers, cyclists can empty - and engineers a three-way collision with a kick in the last , That was kind of awesome. As fruit, go cyclist and Young-shin down, he takes her bag and Scrams.

She is quick to notice, and stains to give him time chase. Meanwhile, he empties her bag in a toilet, but is increasingly frustrated that what he is nothing after. At this moment, Young-shin bursts into and accuses him of theft. She calls the police to report the thief, with a rod, the door from the outside lock.

Cap pulled down and hood, Jung-hoo snapped on the door and drags her inside. Young-shin is tough, scrappy, and fighting back - it's not their fault, he is a professional. She sees his reflection in the mirror and, anxious to protect his identity, Jung-hoo covers her eyes and kicks into his fist.

Pinned against him, she sobs with terror when he goes for a knife, but he takes nail scissors instead ... what you just added so much fright. He tells her that they are violated, when it moves, and it is bad that I laugh? I knows that he only wants a nail clipping, though she thinks she is about terrible to die, or worse.

collected his samples, he tells her, "From now on, not only fearlessly follow someone, or you'll be dead end", and disappears.

by the river, Jung-hoo slipped his nail samples in an envelope and fulfilled by the third member of their operation, KANG DAE YOUNG ( Tae-mi ). She rides her motorcycle and calls him "Hyung", and their chatter, he puts the envelope in her bag and leaves.

It follows, urging him to recommend to the boss for bigger tasks than deliveries. Only when she gives up he does back their march. Strapping on her helmet, he tells her to drive safely -. The only words that this time he said everything

Dae-jung deposit the envelope in a station locker that number and PIN code via a text message to her. It is later collected by an unseen person dressed in black. But the sleeve looks like what Moon-ho wearing today ...

When ABS Office, Moon-ho assiduously avoids news director Min-jae, but she catches him anyway. She confronts him about his Delving to Soosun Company, its main channel advertisers, and he's all, "Who, me?" He tells her he has the history to hunt for three months, but she replies that it is useless because it will not be transferred.

Min-jae raises him to leave his popularity when getting "The Honest Reporter" on the head, and warns him that his fans throw him off sooner or later. But he is well aware: You will not just throw it away, they will tear him and destroy him, but he vows to go until then to keep. And then we find out that they are exes. I seeeee.

In the editorial, Moon-ho his assistant asks DNA samples to the laboratory should be discontinued. The latter pressed him to give away anything for all this information about DNA testing, but Moon-ho. Jong-soo his sunbae warns to pay his way to the Verwaltungs storm heading due to its off-the-script program.

In response to their reputation, Moon-ho Myung-hee paid a visit, and she blames him for not his face these days shows is so much to do and famous. He starts to help with the cooking, just showing off all "veal mushroom porcini" and "steak with white wine sauce" and now you're, lady!

There is a pleasant atmosphere and Moon-ho, moved by warmth and affection, kneels at her feet and kicks they leave his Hyung and run by Seoul. He strengthens his jesting supplication with a "Noona-ya ~!" As Hyung Moon Shik comes home.

Hyung indicates it has been 20 years and he still calls her "noona" held right of her as a sister-in-law Addressing. Myung-hee Chimes that it just as well, otherwise they would have to call him "young master" and all speak jondae that everyone gets a giggle.

Moon-ho follows Hyung and they chat about his latest mishap that hyung seems much more than knowing. Although Moon-ho jokes that he must have had dinner with his boss, there is a tight subliminal duplicity. Moon Shik says his erring brother at ABS to pack and it will not recruit him with a team of its own values, as is the head of a cable outlet is not worse than the tail of a large broadcaster to be.

his brother go Watching, good humor Dias from Moon-ho face.

Moon-ho helps Myung-hee into bed and gives her medication. She asks him about all friends, but he does not have: "You are angry." She sits in, but falling asleep is the hardest part, she tells him

Moon-ho has divert. it with a story: There are people in a steel walled space, and they are all asleep. Eventually all will die of them - but one of them wakes up. He represents the dilemma: Should the monitoring a wake everyone else, and work together to find a way out? Or Myung-hee is completed, it should leave it to sleep and die in peace?

reminds you that this is actually a study, no history, and asks him why he thought and he just laughs it off.

While she slumbers, moon-ho sees her tenderly. He takes the group photo on her nightstand and remembers in flashbacks as a younger Myung-hee care. Young Moon Shik was rather repellent, and he dare not cry in front of him. But when Myung-hee tells him it's okay, it crying before he breaks into loud sobs and she caresses him.

Moon-ho can be in the study of his brother, he noted monitored by CCTV. Pretending to see, he uses his body to block his line of sight. He plucks a hollowed out book with a spycam provided he have planted earlier and change memory card, take the old with him.

from the property, Moon-ho skims the video in his car until he gets to the segment of the conversation between hyung and his secretary on the healer. He replays it, get rid of the two men schema hearing the boy both the order and the Gopher and distressed to see that they had successfully tried it received the item trap.

He is interrupted by a call from his DNA lab friend who lucky congratulates him forever on his fourth attempt: The results are 99.999% positive, and as they are both female, she must be mother and daughter. Moon-ho is too overwhelmed to speak of the message.

We catch Jung-hoo on a job. He relates in voiceover that he did that for eight years - since he was twenty years old - and modestly admits that he is the best. Therefore, it is not cheap. As long as it is involved in any killing, he will do anything to disturb morality without information probing or leave.

While we hear that, he navigated his way through a corporate building, an impressive array of panels execution through sheer on-the-spot ingenuity. As office workers, janitors and lab-coated technicians he works his way into the (not so) safe core of the building.

Slipping into what appears to be a control room, he hides behind banks of computers and combines his Jacking wires while Min-everything remotely Downloads. There is a hairy moment when he might be discovered ... lol as you can be on top of the device without the other guy look?

He sets an alarm when it is finished, but gets away from his latest (dorky college student) outfit seen, half without.

take a moment now done the job, he tells us that he need not for friends. He has only three numbers on his telephone. Ajumma (Min-ja), Minion (Dae-jung), and his favorite chicken place

Back in his cave, interrupts Min-ja again during longsuffering eating Jung-hoo tries ( "Ajumma, there is a camera in my house?"). She tells him, Young-shin must've been the right girl because the customer wants another job. He has been for the completion of a paid (Min-yes, "I have this client likes"), and every other element is in a little fat paycheck lead

Jung-hoo is impressed, but surprised the list him. : The girl and background family to find out and whether she was abused as a child

completely nerd in shape the neighborhood, Info-glasses with matching, he Young-shin café the next morning scopes out .. This panel is a perfect cover because it allows him to be lanky, unsuspecting and curious, unreasonable without raising suspicion.

While the employee scans (literally - that's what do the glasses) Min-ja feeds him Intel about the family: Young-shin accepted was, when she was eight years old. Your adoptive mother died in 01 and she now lives alone with Dad, Chae Chi-soo. She tells him about Papas work and notes that his firm right in the café (ha! Genial!) While he stammers order breakfast and settles into a corner.

Min-ja Dad says famous for cares submitted to its customers even after their cases, as the ajusshi who served him, a former pickpocket and burglar.

Young-shin clatters down and says father had nightmares that night because all you argued to play upbeat music with him, and he stuck in "this psycho thief." - Oh my lols - a blaring record of Han Dae-su's "Please give me some water", while father and daughter dance hilarious along together (no, really!).

Both Min-ja and Jung-hoo are flummoxed by this display, and the report of the healer reads that absolutely no evidence of child abuse. Hahaha.

Young-shin sets for the day, with Jung-hoo in Healer get-up on her tail. He pushes deliberately into it and slipped a tracking device in their pocket. Min-ja taught him about her job to find out how competent she is, and what is their style.

To this end, Jung-hoo looks her scramble to a parking lot and wonders aloud if she really a reporter -. it is more like a car thief sees

Young-shin, a car goes, grabbed the attention of a bat to a woman in the back seat to knock. She is chased away by thugs, but detours back. The woman hobbles out of the car, while the tyrant continued his tirade, telling her to right to. From the dull fear on her face, it comes as a pimp in workplaces to force away

Young-shin turns when the guards mouth more warnings to their -. And in a stroke of luck, it is immediately detected celebrity she has to hunt for her shovel. She runs after him, but is locked out of the building, while he disappears into an elevator.

When she keycodes tried unlocks the door by someone else. She rushes in time her husband confirmed on the ninth floor dropped out, and suddenly noticed the person who opened the door, was the battered woman.

go along with the elevator, but the woman has no intention, at the bottom of. Young-shin gets at 9, with a look back at their stricken companions but shakes it off and puts it, her shovel from. When changing to a police uniform cladding, she realizes the elevator opens right holds to the top floor. Oh no ...

Jung-hoo it pursues and says Min-yes, it must be some kind of stalker, work skiving off to hunt a man. "I find this kind of woman frightening than a serial killer" the Ignore his grumblings, she tells him he has to get video of her.

Meanwhile, Young-shin tries access to celeb Flat get paraded as a policeman. Jung-hoo claims the same elevator, and when he reached her floor, Young-shin sees the discarded bag of the woman and asks Jung-hoo about its owner. He knows nothing.

After a short battle with their conscience, they are their luck curses and gets in. Jung-hoo her sideways looks as they head together uppermost in the Floor. See no sign of woman is running Young-shin to the roof, where they jump over place.

Frantically she asks to stop the woman, and called it "unni" she urges listen to her. But the woman takes just one step closer to the edge. Scrambling for the right words, says Young-shin her that she has been there, too: ". When I was seven years old, I stood in your position"

She describes a painful childhood: Discarded found by their parents and next to a garbage can at the age of five, she was shuttled from orphanage orphanage. When she was finally accepted, she was beaten. "It hurt so much, I wanted to die. When I was seven years old, I thought it would not hurt if I could die," she says, choking.

The camera pans out of sight Jung-hoo to show record over his glasses, an unreadable expression on his face.

Young -shin continues: "If you do something only to endure, it all passes" She holds out her hand, and asks her to trust unni hesitantly, reached the woman's back and stumbles down in.. her arms and both crying. Jung-hoo stops the camera and says min-yes, that's enough. lifting earpiece and glasses, he goes.

the footage moon-ho is sent who observes it alone, wherein in Young-shin story of her childhood. grief fills his face, and he can not bear to watch more. Close the laptop, he thinks of another childhood memory back.

a younger moon-ho plays in a junkyard, while his brother worked. the call, moon Shik asks him whether Myung-hee gave him the flowered handkerchief in his hand. He offers it for to wash his little brother on the hands. Later we see Hyung kept them happy handkerchief, looked with a sad expression on Myung-hee, as she laughs with her boyfriend.

Elsewhere caution tape cordons off the scene of a death and blood stains the rocks. A cyber police investigators, YOON DONG-won, come and listen, that the body was a passing train from the bridge overhead cast, but no one knows whether the victim was dead or alive at the time.

Investigator Yoon is passed a note in the pocket of the victim. It contains one line: a healer email address. Despite the protests of the detective, he snapped a photo of him to explain that he has been for five years after the guy.

Min-ja says Jung-hoo that their customer was very satisfied with what they had been sent, and new instructions have: Find out what Young-shin's dreams and desires. Jung-hoo, Stake Young-shin Café snorts derisively and told Ajumma to do it. After all, girls do that Social Media bloggy stuff, right? The problem is, Young-shin is not

should have

Min-ja he expects her a blind date -. Then he was free all the stuff to ask - and follows it with a aegyo-tastic idea of ​​how he should do it. He tells her to get to grips with, and goes to work.

Healer gets on his Spiderman and scaled the cafe building. Young-shin is still inside with Papa and Unni, they brought home, he can through her window in. In the dark, he riffles through her things, to find a diary or some hope.

Min-ja computer flags a warning, and she sees the police report for the earlier death. She warns him that he is now a wanted man, and he's all, "So what's new?" But scrolling through security footage of him with the Gophers, Go Sung-Chul (the client he had met on the subway) she tells him this time, he is a suspect murder - because Go Sung-chul is dead

Meanwhile, Young-shin brings to Unni and heads to her bedroom for. Spare clothes. Turn off the lights, she collects them and leaves ... and then the camera pans to the top where Jung-hoo was hiding. He really is Spiderman.

He falls down, and looking around the now-lit room. His eyes land on the most recent additions to their personal gallery: the poster of Kim Moon-ho, on the one hand by a picture of themselves, and on the other, their stolen picture Healer

Min-yes. tells him for a while to get out and lie low, but the eye is fixed on the troubling tableau, he cuts her short: "you asked for their dreams ... Then I'll have to stay right next to her, really experience."


healer visual and aural similarity with City Hunter is strong enough that it start a little thrill in my toes. If I say it, it jinx it? A good action thriller is exactly what I want now (read: all the time), and a man, I hope this show brings. Moderate my optimism? Why?! (Do not make me eat my words, show, I warn you :. A sad fangirl is a bad fangirl)

I like Park Min-young as a kind of every girl, and she plays Young-shin wholeheartedly flying colors. She is someone who works for everything. She has no recourse genius or resources, but it does not stop her from thinking quickly or to be imaginative - surprisingly, its predominant features are not unlike Jung-Hoo. She seems to enduring their inner character have built, and I love that it has such a large backup / surrogate family in the form of her father and the ajusshis. She is driven and came into conflict (see how they waived their reluctant big scoop), and although their lives and education are as atypical as it is, it is still completely relatable and her tears do not feel cheap.

Although I I think the screencap button on Ji Chang-wook made (ie breathless Badass Healer) over 508,953 times (the last time I did: City Hunter ), which I have found convincing most as structured all relationships are, feel fully fleshed with interwoven backstories and mixed motivations. The layered stories with just the right amount of tension really brings the dimensions in the two figures and the storyline, and it feels like the setup in place is to start the central story.

in the first episode, Moon-ho mentions two key periods: 1980 and 1992. We have an idea of ​​how things in 1980 looked, but the second event has yet to be revealed. He obviously has a reason to distrust Hyung, rooted in more than its shady chief activities (although that is reason aplenty): Both trying constantly outdo each other, but neither is it on the surface. Since we do not know how Myung-hee ended up in a wheelchair, I when in 1992 asking a kind of accident was the death resulted in their disability and their former families ... except her daughter not die and perhaps it is was not an accident. DNA test aside, mathematics, certainly adds up: If Young-shin (currently 27 years) was abandoned when she was five, which was 1992.

I'm speculating here somewhat, but it seems like moon Shik of the starting point of good guy starts with his crush Myung-hee. But there is no obvious tension in their current relationship, so it will be interesting to find out what is his story, and why Moon-ho is so determined to catch him. What he ultimately wants from his brother, is unknown and difficult to guess, but because it is the family - maybe his only family - it will not be as easy as just want to take him to court. Maybe that's why he was so desperate for Young-shin, the daughter presumed dead. If Hyung was responsible for their job (and it seems likely from the second), then what lengths he would go to make it come to light to stop, and shattering the life he built since with Myung-hee?

As Jung-hoo factors into the mix is ​​another big question. His connection to the 1980 Five is in here somewhere (their photograph is in his camp), but I wonder if he's anything consciously, since the events of 1980 several years before he was born. He is the only one of the central trio whose past remains a mystery. All we know is that it runs almost solo, and when he buys his island, he needs a yacht charge to run. How he came to be "The Healer"? What he was before that? Who are his parents?

I now admit I'm a sucker for (fictitious) damaged Badass characters, so that's why the illuminated spark inspires me. For the first time, Jung-hoo has a personal interest, which will take him along the way of throwing away his "Ethics" (which we all know, a euphemism for not mess is to give, as long as he is paid), and it is too have to make decisions whose consequences make matter - he has been the first. The blunted devil-may-care attitude is to crack, and I hope it is so gorgeous - (? Because is not that he is most fun when he whiny most) stubborn, kicking and screaming

now a murder. suspect had on his role in opening up job, I wonder what kind of Pandora's box of Gopher die. What is it and why everyone wants it, and what they want to do with it? Is there a link to the past have, or is it a new villainy

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