Recap And Reviews Kdrama Beautiful Gong Shim: Episode 1

Recap And Reviews Korean Drama Beautiful Gong Shim: Episode 1 -

Did not think we'd recap this drama? Frankly, we did not think so either, until we saw the first episode and actually liked it. Really liked it - enough to bring for its full term. to create Beautiful Gong Shim Premiere two weekends ago with a known history and a charming cast that fit together from soothing drama. While it is definitely a weekend drama, there is some peculiarities was that it makes a fun watch. There is a regular ol 'introduction to our characters and story in this first episode, but I'm rooting already for our heroine and the love-hate relationship with their lawyer / neighbor.



We start in the courtroom hall ~~ POS = HEADCOMP where Gyu-man our lawyer, AHN DAN-TAE ( namgoong min ), for its final declaration makes his client. He compares the accused to a doctor who frantically the last breath of the patient adheres and asks for a fair judgment. Then he passes out of the courtroom without hearing the final verdict, stopping only a boy fell to fetch cookie ... and to eat with a goofy grin. Ha!

Dressed down, Dan-tae wanders through the streets and finds in the attic house that matches the address on the paper. When he goes including in the convenience store, we meet the inhabitants of the attic house, GONG SHIM ( Minah ). (Name Note: Gong is the name, but it is always called by her full name, Gong Shim.)

She adds another potted plant on the plant on the ledge and tells us that she attended the wedding, but wasn 't invited to the Inauguration parties, so that they never deliver the presents. Needless to say, it is bitter, but that they do not prevent the perfect weather to enjoy their plants to take selcas with.

Dan-tae be eating ice happy and spits a bit to share from a stray dog. He squirms with delight as the dog licks the ice out of his hand. Then from above, our attic house goes girl overboard with their selcas and pushes a pot off the ledge. Fortunately, Dan-tae feel the covered pot and kicks him out of the danger zone as he lands.

Gong Shim hiding in shame and Dan-tae runs to catch up the stairs this hit-and-runners. He throws her to run away, but they refuted that the question of whether it is in order. Without answering, stopped Dan-tae of his ice and continue up the stairs.

He makes the assumption that Gong Shim the act is committed with the life of discontent, leaving the system on an unfortunate stranger. They vehemently denies his assumptions, and it drops the subject.

Dan-tae lingers to knock on the door of the rent on the roof room, only to discover that it is flat Gong Shim is. It loads within and uses the near-death experience as a lever for a discount to ask. Gong Shim stands her ground and does not move to the fixed price, and Dan-tae reluctantly agrees. He plans to move in the next day and tried the deposit to pay his bus pass, at the point Gong Shim kicks him out and will invalidate its approval.

In another (larger and richer) house, Grandma picks up the phone to an unknown man's voice asking over their long-lost grandson, Seok Jun-pyo. Instant alarm, she asks him to confirm Jun-Pyo vital status, but the line goes dead. Grandma tells her son and daughter-in-law about the call, but they are resistant to the messages. They think it is a scam and tell her that it is unlikely to find any real information about their kidnapped nephew after 25 years.

daughter-in-law remembers grandmother her other grandson, SEOK JUN-SU ( Ohn Joo-wan ), but they do not have the same affection for him. She orders Jun-su to find the caller information and report it to her the next day. He agrees obediently to do so. That evening grandma finds old flyer for a lost Jun-Pyo and crying over their loss.

The next day, Gong Shim helping her older sister through their morning stretching routine and asks careful about money to take classes to borrow. It turned out that the reason for Gong Shim is the decision her attic room for rent.

Her sister, GONG MI ( Seo Hyo-rim ), you say that they are already paying for her rent, her father's debt, and other household expenses; it would be difficult Gong Shim the class fees that add. Course, but Gong Mi seems demeaning distastefully about. In addition, they hear cracks that Gong Shim want classes to take Italian language.

At the breakfast table, the whole family openly derogatory Shim Gong because it does not work and can not seem to score any interviews. Mom scolds for trying her sister to borrow money, and the conversation unfolds into an argument about why got Gong Shim in the loft house primarily for her sister her bedroom took it in her closet to make.

Gong Shim goes to her room and takes her wig (Thankfully, that was not her real hair) and checks their bald spot. She had visited the doctor earlier, and he had told her that she was out of a job stress balding. When they use the wig back on, Gong Shim gets a message from an interested tenant constitutes agreement to pay the deposit.

through its neighborhood walking spots Gong Shim Dan-tae play basketball and seems confused by his presence. Then roll three motorcycles by the court, and the three boys renounce their money line at Dan-tae to hate. Gong Shim shakes his head and decides not to associate with bad guys.

They tried to go past unnoticed, but Dan-tae spots her and gives her the contract money. He was the one you messaged on deposit. Gong Shim does not want to take what it considers dirty money, but it forces them into the hand and is a selfie as evidence to take their "contract." Gong Shim convinced of anything else to think about, because she needs the money.

Dan-tae stores its number (misspelling her name on purpose) and goes to answer a call from a friend with a joke insults. He reminds quickly move her things out tomorrow and she nods. Being a Good Samaritan helps Gong Shim an elderly man pushing his car while noting how vulgar Dan-tae is.

walk through the streets, Gong Shim stuck behind several couples who block the busy streets, so she takes out a bicycle bell rings and shamelessly by angry march it passer. She sits in her class and enthusiastically practicing her burgeoning Italian.

Neglected grandson Jun-su sitting in a bar and has a drink by himself when he thinks about his report to grandma. He tells her that the call from the Philippines was, and suggests that they ignore it, because it was probably a scam. Granny refuses and throws Jun-su for the death of Jun-Pyo parents. It was all because of his first birthday party.

Dan-tae heated some microwavable convenience store food and looks very pleased with his meal. Duty calls, and he is to ask of its intended travel services.

Gong Shim eats her Ramyun at the gas station where she works and quickly runs over to a customer who picks up the pump upwards. She asks the arrogant, rich-looking customers off their engine, in accordance with the security procedures, but the customer wants. The client then asks Gong Shim throw their garbage, and hurls it in her face when she by her hand not take it. Gong Shim repeated quietly that they can not pump gas with the engine running.

The client interprets the marbles as an insult and begins Gong Shim beat, hit his head and pushing violently to the ground. Continue Gong Shim continues to hit on the head, to the manager to the legitimate customer expires to stop, and Gong Shim hiding in the corner with her tears away.

In the parking lot, a gang of men from the bar confront drunk Jun-su. In his haze Jun-su had stumbled into one of them and could not apologize properly. The boys are here to teach him a lesson, but you only get a good blow before Dan-tae to interrupt in the steps of her.

Dan-tae logs as designated driver to ignore their threatening looks and calling in June to prove -su phone that he his client. After confirmation, he tells the boys, so that they ganging wrongly on a drunken buddy. But the guys do not care, and that is enough for Dan-tae to give it its final decision, the law or the fist?

Obviously, choose the boys fist, but their beats are expertly avoided by Dan-tae of superfast and calculated reflections. While Dan-tae Jun-su helps to his feet, a man throws at them a knife, but Dan-tae responded accordingly intercepts the knife in midair. Next, a glass bottle with them, and Dan-tae swings a punch thrown directly at the approaching bottle and smashed it. The gang is shocked, but too proud to surrender, so they suffer the wrath of Dan-tae blows.

After a quick fight, Dan-tae drives safely Jun-su home and receives payment for his services. He wonders about the big rich residence and goes back home.

Elder Sister Gong Mi and her law firm boss meet with a politician, an older man who asks for drinks Gong Mi from. Red flags go up, and Gong Mi refuses immediately. It is that they have a family memorial has observed, and the sleazy politician and her law firm boss both look upset. As politicians go, he says the head not to contact him, he will be busy.

After the politician leaves, Boss Gong Mi scolded for not to fulfill their duties. You need to know why he brought them to dinner and why they hired a lawyer rather the company. Before he leaves, he reminds her that of other lawyers in line much are hired to get in their company.

At home Mom takes pictures of Gong Shim the cuts and bruises, curse in this item Dame. Dad brings medical care of to treat the wounds, but Mom stops him. You must provide proof of injury from the hospital. When Gong Mi returns, told Mama their loyal older daughter on the punches, but Gong Mi is in a sour mood and tells them cold, they need both sides of the story.

Gong Shim is visible hurt by these words, but more so because they know that Mom and Dad will take Gong Mi side. Gong Mi has her reasons, because it dissociates so and sitting on her bed in a daze.

Soon it gets Gong Shim text from her sister her how to go about the case, such as collecting evidence and CCTV recordings instructing. Mom is facilitates and secures Gong Shim that her sister interested in them. Dad asks when Gong Shim plan to move their things, and Mama reminds Gong Shim softly move because the sound of her sister disrupt sleep.

In his hostel room, Dan-tae dreams of a little boy crying alone in the streets. He grabs the boy's head, but the image disappears quickly. Dan-tae wakes up and asks this recurring dream.

Back in the convenience store, Dan-tae makes its quality French toast breakfast and takes a look at his cell phone, which is not really his phone. The phones were are turned last night in combat. Jun-su calls, and they agree to meet to resolve confusion.

Mom feel deflated mood Gong Mi and asks if something happened at work. Gong Mi says that she got to her boss bad side but does not go through the trouble to explain the situation. Mom shrugs it off and moves on Gong Shim case. slightly Based on the evidence, it seems like they will win the case.

Gong Shim enters the hospital with Jun-su randomly on her tail. She is very careful and very aware of Jun-su, the kind stranger who opened doors for them, providing a lift to press buttons for them. At registration desk, Gong Shim says her name with whimsical exaggeration and Jun-su watches with amusement.

The company, Gong Mi colleagues the video to see the wife of the President of a scene at a gas station to make. It is the rude lady customer who Gong Shim beat, and while no one knows the sacrifice of her sister, Gong Mi is found in the middle and caught need to take a side. She enters the office of her boss and tells him to trust them with the case - it will ensure that it will not lodge

Dan-tae ends in the attic house move and meets with Jun-su to , Exchange phones. Before her awkward goodbye, Jun-su gives him an envelope of cash as a gesture of gratitude for defending him. Last night As Gong Shim past her neighborhood is her sister home, she witnesses the back and forth of the cash envelope as Dan-tae refuses the money and Jun-su expresses justice to. Misunderstanding of the interaction she called the police and reported that Dan-tae jumps the man for money.

Dan-tae looks aghast that Gong Shim would judge him as a bad person and denies all her allegations. The police start Dan-tae arrest when Jun-su jumps to clarify the situation. It is that they are trying to settle a debt just good friends, and Jun-su hands to see the police his business card, and the police that he has got a high ranking in a large company. Check with Gong Shim about their prejudices against Dan-tae (which they confirmed) and leave the scene without charge.

After leaving the police, Gong Shim looks at the two boys suspiciously and asks if the two are really good friends. They act like friends and keep their position goes to Gong Shim away from the eyes. Dan-tae shakes his head in dissatisfaction of this area of ​​crazy.

When Gong Shim comes home, tries to leave her family to convince them drop the charges. Gong Shim not understand the sudden change of heart, so her sister gives her straight: The arrogant customer who Gong Shim beat is the law firm wife of the President. Gong Mi promises to obtain adequate compensation, but Gong Shim is not in this for the money.

Gong Mi argued that this decision is for her family because they sure do not keep her job if her sister sued the president's wife. But Gong Shim reads through their excuses and accuses her of being selfish. Throughout her life, Gong Mi and their parents have Gong Shim ignored because it was never good enough for them.

She wanted to live so badly in the attic house was suffocating her family looks to escape. She wants to learn Italian, because it seeks to draw a day in Italy and live. She also has dreams.

Gong Shim vows to find a lawyer, the wife of the President and storms out of the house to complain. She sits on the floor of the attic porch and wept with resentment.

Jun-su Dan-tae treated to a nice dinner, but Dan-tae seems hesitant about it. But as they share the food, warm about their similarities to each other, starting with their allergies to eggs. It looks like the beginning of a friendship.

Meanwhile Gong Shim gets drinks with a friend and asked to rent it every cheap lawyer. Gong Shim tells her friend about the most shocking moment of their lives, in middle school, when she had performed a DNA test because she was convinced she was not biologically connected to her family. She was wrong, and today it can not figure out what it thinks of her sister closely related.

You can not believe that her parents and sister of her are embarrassed. But even sadder, she admits that she is embarrassed of yourself. Gong Shim friend tried to stop them, because it is late, but they still ordered a drink and tells Cinderella to go home. As Gong Shim goes home, she rings her bicycle bell in the empty streets, tell everyone to get out of her way.

In the morning, something overcomes under Dan-tae the covers. It's Gong Shim, and it nestles next to Dan-tae on. You snuggle until Dan-tae come to their senses and recognize the situation, and then she wakes up with a scream.

Gong Shim shouts Dan-tae for being a pervert, and then remembered belatedly that they no longer live in the attic house. Dan-tae had not changed the pass code in the space, so Gong Shim had had.

Gong Shim quickly packs her bags and runs wrapped in the blanket out. Dan-tae joins her outside with the wig on, reminding them not to forget it. Mortified, Gong Shim takes it from off his head and crawling down the stairs.

relocate After traveling to a Jjimjilbang, Gong Shim friend calls with a lawyer recommendation. You receive a text later from her sister, but it is only on order not to sue the President's wife, warning that it would cause her family fall.

Gong Shim found in the office of the lawyer and noticed familiar faces before - the three riders who gave Dan-tae money the other day. They praise Dan-tae for his services and wonder how he makes his living, as he does everything for free. At this point, Dan-tae the stairs coming down and asking for payment in the form of food, then you realize Gong Shim standing nearby and sends his customers with his order.

Dan-tae asks if she's a stalker, the joy of the night and loitering during the day will be room around him in the command. In her head Gong Shim throwing the guy to be a pervert, he does not perhaps be an advocate. So her question is a blend of two words, Lawyer and perverse: "Are you a byuntae-sa" (mainly professional pervert.)


I'll be honest: The drama was not on my radar. I saw fun and fluffy on the basis of the promos, but I had no interest is added to it to my weekly lineup. I hesitated a weekend-esque drama to recapitulate, but to my joy, this is a very pleasant watch. Maybe with my nonexistent expectations, has to do it, maybe it has to do with a surprisingly pathetic yet sympathetic heroine, maybe it has namgoong min to do with not to play a seething and creepy villain. No, the reason no matter I like it.

At first it was strange namgoong min still look to play a very different character, especially since this screen flashing Crazy Mr eyes of his former drama in my head. I get chills every time his smile suddenly because I expect some kind of carnage. He still gets some who with his expert battles (superpowers or just cheesy editing?) And reflexes. But he sold his oddball character, and I love to see him as this adorable character. The way Dan-tae finds such joy in his grocery store meals makes it seem like it is with these simple meals in the sky. After going through hell and purgatory by his previous character, then it is time that namgoong min find something paradise with his Dan-tae character.

Gong Shim disappoint either, and Minah has embraced fully their pitiful character, terrible wig and all. Although it may be a constant disappointment and shame for her family, Gong Shim is just an unfortunate victim of circumstance. Her sister has all admirable traits - they miss Korea sees brains and day job - to be and maybe she has a reason, the favorite. But since the world by Gong Shim eyes we see the unjust world that is daily exposed Gong Shim. Always lackluster potential disregarded for her, she needs almost pity from her family to ask. They are the ultimate underdog, if you are ignored confirmed by your DNA test biological family. This is pretty rock bottom in my book, so I invested Gong Shim redeem themselves for themselves to see.

During Gong Shim is a mild-mannered ignored unity in her family, she sees that they can not be stopped. Despite her challenges, she still dreams for their future and makes its presence known in the world. For now they will have to do with her bike bell, which I love. I'm excited to see them grow from their self-pity, as the growth of that I care about most.

I care much less about the birth secret / lost child story, but as long as manifested in the bromance between Dan-tae and Jun-su, I would not mind. It is one of those quintessential weekend drama storylines, but I am confident that this is a thoughtful addition to the story - not , the history.

In contrast, I am excited to see the bickering love-hate relationship between Gong Shim and Dan-tae as the main story. You already have a hilarious relationship with one another and an unexpected chemistry that makes this worth a watch show. Here's hoping for more cohabitation antics, the transition to more love than hatred in our oddball pair, and the growth of a vulnerable yet winning heroine.

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tags: Beautiful Gong Shim, episode 1, in the first episodes, Minah, namgoong min, Ohn Joo-wan , seo Hyo-rim

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