Recap And Reviews Kdrama Entertainer: Episode 7

Recap And Reviews Korean Drama Entertainer: Episode 7 -

It's time for debut Ddanddara band and, well, let's just say, the reality still does not comply with our dreams. There will be a little more difficult for them to make themselves known, and it is to rely on some creative thinking and willingness to today. The success has been achieved by many different roads, and the Ddanddara family can only have their own level.



Although giving] [Seok-hoDdanddarabandaplaceonalivebroadcasthesaidthattheystillcannotpassitsuccessfullyconvincedPDParkhad-CEOLeehasboycottedhimHeaskstobeallowedtothestationnewCEOtospeakbutPDParksaysitwillnotdoanygoodthoughandasksforameeting

The manager is simply not roll CEO Lee left him in the lurch. He's new in Korea, and Joo-han laughs that he does not understand how this stuff works or how powerful KTOP is. He accompanied to see CEO Lee SBC's new CEO - it is to be called a slap in the face, but CEO Lee is just curious enough to go anyway.

Seok-ho already lurking around the office of the executive director is trying to get in to see him, and the security is called, him accompany out. So when he sees CEO Lee Joo-han, as he manhandled by guards essence, it's just that much more humiliating.

CEO Lee settles with the new manager, who to be the nice man, it turns out that encourages earlier in the toilet Seok-ho (I knew it!). He repeated KTOP threat - if they put Ddanddara band on TV, KTOP will never allow return to this network their idols.

He says that this has caused advised him with his superiors in trouble and insulted by his subordinates, and when he smiles, it is obvious that he is much more happy about this. He apologizes for him CEO Lee call, but it's just that he is so busy to find a replacement for all KTOP singers who not no longer shows on their music. Oooo burn .

He makes it clear ... CEO Lee go ahead with his threat, and the network continues to allow Ddanddara band on her show. The managing director clarifies that it is not connected with Ddanddara or Mango, he only likes her music. This guy is awesome.

CEO Lee looks like he just sucked a lemon, but before he can take his ball and go home, the new managing director reminded him that his threat not only lock KTOP shows singer from their music. It also includes them, the ban on variety shows, and he will make sure that all KTOP idol actor act are currently being replaced in dramas immediately.

It is obvious that CEO Lee would not have thought he would have to actually carry out his threat, and he says the CEO is going too far. The new director agrees, but says that KTOP to be unreasonable, so basically, he caught it on. HA.

Seok-ho is still in the lobby when CEO Lee Joo-han left, barely give it a look. But PD Park calls and give him the good news - Ddanddara band will be the opening act for the next week live music stage. Seok-ho runs out of the building, at the top of his lungs whooping cough.

The boys in her studio mope also disappointed to practice. Finally Jae-hoon gets up and starts to play his drum, and the rest of the guys can not help but be enticed to play on. They are enjoying themselves so much that when Seok-Ho arrives, he hides them just watch, enjoy music for its own sake music.

He eventually joins them with a stern expression, and tells them not to stop - it is a live stage, so they need to practice as much as possible. It takes a second to sink it, but when the boys realize that they will be on television, celebrate wildly.

CEO Lee refuses to take this lying down and says Joo-han, to ensure that Ddanddara tape of any and all other benefits excluded is. He also wants a meeting with his accuser friend - he wants to have for the manipulation of Jackson's album sales Seok-ho, investigated.

This could involve also KTOP but CEO Lee is willing to ruin risking only Seok-ho. It also charges Mr. Byun, to come back to talk to him, recalling how he Ha-neul brother Sung-hyun accused of killing him.

Mr. Byun is be wise carefully why he was brought here. CEO Lee never offers him an envelope of cash Sung-hyun to mention again, but Mr. Byun not impressed ... this is all Sung-hyun life is worth it? He asks if CEO Lee fear Seok-ho is really, or whether he actually afraid of Ha-neul to become famous and to learn the truth about his brother's death. He flings back the money to CEO Lee and goes away.

The next agenda for Ddanddara band point is to come up with a concept, and of course the guys do not agree. Jae-hoon and Yeon-soo as the idea of ​​tuxedos, but Kyle has something else in store.

Joo-han receives a USB file in the e-mail without a return, and he is shocked when he sees the images to be managed by a drunken Jinu in a taxi from Ji-young, got the same photo Seok-ho from the fan club president. Sure enough, Seok-ho sent them, and he says to his own photo of Joo-han watching all happen to prepare.

Kyle concept is bad, it is very bad. Cowboy boots, Lycra pants ... oh honey, just do not. Seok-ho asks Geu-rin why they did not stop him, and she moans that she had to go by bus looks to him like that.

Seok-ho runs back to the Executive Director in the SBC toilet, although he has no idea who he really is. PD Park joins them and gapes at Seok-ho casual attitude with the new boss, and mouths to Seok-ho, that the new type.

Horrified Seok-ho runs over and introduces himself, but the new CEO is just all Yes you said hello already . He says Seok-ho cool that he does not need his gifts - it allows Ddanddara band perform, because he likes the music, not because he particularly interested in mango or the band. Furthermore, he has to put it in its place KTOP.

He does Seok-ho said that he was impressed when he saw on his knees at him PD Park apologetic, but it was nothing more than that. This is the business, not personal.

So the band, with the Smoking concept, and they all plan salon for haircuts meet. Yeon-soo leaves Chan-hee with Seok-Ho's mother and looked nervous and anxious, but little Chan-hee adorably cheering his dad on.

look sharp, show the band at SBC and brace themselves for their debut. Seok-ho gives them a little pep talk in the locker room, and then it's time for them to go on stage.

They look fantastic and sound even better. In the back of the audience we see that Joo-han, while CEO Lee live watch on TV, looking angry. Even Jinu and Ji-young watch the show, both alone and miserable for their own reasons. And hee, I realized that Jae-hoon gigantic sunglasses to hide his face, if his mother is watching.

The band celebrated its successful debut, but they all frown when Seok-ho goes into teacher mode and their small errors begin to correct. Man-Shik finally pulls him up and tells him to congratulate them. Jae-hoon has to go before his mother noticed he lacks, and everyone recognizes that Yeon-soo is not there.

Awww, he is running to get his son, who really celebrate a person he wants to. Both their faces light up when they see through the restaurant window, and I do not cry, it's just raining here in. ~ sniffle ~

Everyone is disappointed, as there are not a single mention of their performance online the next day, but they perk up when they hear that they have invited to be the guest a radio show.

CEO Lee has dinner with his accuser friend (eeee, it is Oh Jung-se !) Suggests and that he do an investigation ratings-boosting songs. The prosecutor sighs that it is difficult to obtain evidence, so CEO Lee prove hands over a stack full of evidence that Seok-Ho Jacksons produced reviews.

He claims to be ashamed that his company would do such a thing, and is ready to accept the consequences of turning in its own staff. After he nothing wrong - he points the finger directly at Seok-ho.

Seok-ho Geu-rin for the cost of a business credit card is and when she stuck it in her pocket and says that it does not possess he's a purse, grabs her and takes her shopping. She gasps at the price tags but Seok-ho murmurs her to be elegant for pete's sake, they are looking mostly here.

he does buy her an outfit, said that they can wear jeans not only all the time when they will be the band manager, and gives her a nice little wallet for credit card. Asks shamelessly when he is going to put some money into it, and it sets snarkily in a coin. Ha.

Geu-rin shows at Mango in their new duds on, and five male jaw drop at how beautiful she looks. Ha-neul looks a little jealous when she says Seok-ho, bought clothes for them. Seok-ho just goes back to his desk, although he did not say that they, finally looks like a woman.

The problem is that Geu-rin only that an outfit has so she wears it every day (she washes it in the night, she swears!). Seok-ho asks if she protested, hinting for more, but she says she is not. She asks if they do not look nice, and Seok-ho says only: "Do you not a mirror at home" Ha.

Out of nowhere, Geu-rin says she has a confession to make: "I think I like you." Well, that escalated quickly. Stunned Seok-ho stammers through several false starts before you say, finally, that they stood wrong. Really, that's all you get?

He deflates when she says that he bought her clothes, is a true mentor, and he totally rocks! Ha, he keeps thinking they confess their feelings when it really, it is only darken so that they do not realize how their words sound. She twisted it so it's sweet.

When it is time for the radio performance of the band, Seok-ho is excited that again to learn, someone tries to take it from performing. What is worse, they have been replaced by another actor - Jinu.

Seok-ho seems almost to give up when he sees Jinu but Ha-neul noted notice something that him sit up and take notice ... a small tattoo on the back of the neck makes Jinu. He saw that tattoo on the guy he took off Ji-young in the night of the incident. Furious, he goes almost to Jinu right there, but Geu-rin hand on his arm stops him.

In the car, Ha-neul hears through his headphones on Jinu interview, and he be put to the air in a question text: "The Tattoo on Jinu neck is impressive. last fall in Busan, I could not see well because it was dark in the house there. "Jinu goes cold and shaking starts and ends the interview without warning.

He goes straight to Joo-han, who ruined the interview yells at him after they worked so hard to get him to instead Ddanddara band. Jinu screams that Ha-neul saw his tattoo that night, and he knows that he was in this house.

Ha-neul comes to Seok-ho alone and tells him that he now understands why he ran away and hid. He says cheer Seok-ho and Seok-ho grins that Ha-neul already acts like a star.

Joo-han looking pretty in those days worried and his hands are shaking so badly he can he put hardly the latest anonymous USB into his computer gets , This includes the photo Seok-Ho on staring that while Ji-young is manifestly incapable of working Jinu brings that Joo-han shows in the background in a taxi. Joo-han is so afraid that he begins to hyperventilate.

Geu-rin visited the radio station for another chance for Ddanddara begging band, and the PD tells her that it will not happen - Seok-ho got on bad side of KTOP so KTOP is determined to hold, Ddanddara band from the radio. She says Geu-rin that Seok-ho was only the TV appearance, because he knelt down and apologized, the message is too Geu-rin.

She hurries back to Mango and says Seok-ho that she heard what he has done, and says that they will be a great manager how he wants . Seok-ho grins shyly that he is pretty awesome , but he tells her not to be the kind of manager who kneels.

Kyle some posters of LEE frowns SANG-won (Cameo of Seo Kang-joon ), the supposed "genius of Juilliard" doing a concert in Korea soon. Yeon-soo and Chan-hee see how he put gum on his old schoolmate posters, and ha, Kyle simply runs off embarrassed.

Sang-won do an interview later on television, and Yeon-soo asks if Kyle knew him at the Juilliard School. Chan-hee tattles above the gum, but Yeon-soo's jealous Kyle is friends with someone that famous. Kyle corrects him - they are not friends.

But Geu-rin has an idea and shows Seok-ho, Min-joo, and the interview Man-shik, and suggests they asking if Ddanddara can make a guest appearance at Sang-won concert as a way to promote the band. It's Sang-son the first Korean concert, so it should be a lot of reporters. It's actually a pretty big idea

The problem with Kyle -. He is not interested. Seok-ho argues that it is a good way to introduce Kyle particular, and that he went to the Juilliard School (wow I had no idea ...), but Kyle says Sang-won made his time at school miserable. They were the only Koreans studying classical guitar that made automatically rivals. What's worse, Kyle always came in seconds to Sang-won.

With tears in his eyes, Kyle is not asking Seok-ho, to ask him, Sang-won to be an appendage at his concert. Seok-ho agrees otherwise this plan and think you drop something, but Geu-rin wants Kyle to try again to speak. Ha-neul says no, that he had never seen Kyle this excited, and besides, it is not worth it hurt worse when they might not even they agree to let the concert.

Seok-ho follows outside Kyle to tell him that they are canceling this idea, it does not excuse it in private before asking. Kyle cheers and they go again, but later Geu-rin corners Kyle about the concert idea anyway to speak.

She thinks it is a good idea because KTOP can not stop the concert and they can not interview or performance obtained elsewhere , But if they can win fans, more places are they calling efforts despite KTOP. Kyle says he wants her band to succeed, but that's the only thing he can not do.

Pushing the question Geu-rin asks him to do it for Ha-neul - he feared the whole time that the band suffer because of him. She has asked Lee Sang-won the favor itself, but they are interrupted when Seok-ho and you hear screams at her to get out. Geu-rin is fired.

He is more angry than they had ever seen him as he spits that they no manager as they need. He orders them to leave immediately.


While the hard initially seemed understand I really, why Seok-ho Geu-rin fired. She was not only Kyle under pressure to do something, he'd already made it clear he was uncomfortable, she became aware Seok-ho decision undermines the plan, and to his promise, Kyle noticed that he did not ask his rival, would for a handout. Seok-ho knows what it feels to go to his knees at someone and begging, and I think he wants to Kyle that humiliation to spare. So to turn for Geu-rin and try secretly to push Kyle, she crossed so many lines, I can not even count. She deserved to be fully discharged.

What I love most to Ddanddara that despite their rough beginnings, they all seem to really like and respect each other. I keep forgetting they have been for a year together now, half of this time, while Seok-ho was gone and they were on their own, which of course would knit them together in a tight family unit. It is heartwarming to see, for example, how quickly they are willing to drop the concert idea if he makes Kyle unhappy. Although it would be good for the band, it is not worth to sacrifice one of its members for the exposure only. Although Geu-rin tried to push him into it, regardless of the rest of the band Kyle feelings, and I believe that the quality in them as a whole them in good stead when (if) they finally break into the music industry.

While I understand Geu-rin despair - it's kind of sad that after all that work to debut, there was nothing for Ddanddara band, although I imagine that it so happens for many music groups. It would be unrealistic to expect them to be an instant hit, and it forces them with their exposure to get creative to attract a following. I think that they are fighting to get on the stage to observe strike against the power of KTOP at every opportunity, it will be seen entertaining. But they have to do it in a manner that preserves the dignity and agency of all Ddanddara members, otherwise they are no better than KTOP, forcing the talent perform like trained monkeys, and do what they are told without input, as it happens.

I think a lot of my dissatisfaction with Entertainer was in the first few weeks, because the show is so much different than what I expected. I expected something much as Dream High or Persevere, Gu Hae-ra - a cheerful show with lots of music to try a group of plucky child centered to make their big break. What we have been given still good (and definitely improved in the third week and seems a much smoother track now be maintained), but the gap between what we expected and what we got was so wide, it created a dissonance that made it difficult to follow at first.

I actually like the plot of Jinu and Ha-neul to be with each other through a terrible incident in contradiction, that the victims of them made both, and as the waves of the night, they cause even a year later problems to influence their personal and professional lives. It is not a bad story, I just wish we had an idea that this was not an easy romp summer, but a serious look into the dark underworld of the music industry, where. But now that we are firmly in the meat of the plot and understand where this story takes us, I actually find it very pleasant, if a little plastered white. It is not a predictable plot line, and I have no idea where the show will take what keeps watching me and interested.

Even now that I've seen them together one-on-one a few times, I do not actually find the Seok-ho / Geu-rin pairing terribly problematic. Yes, he's much older than she, but the social impact and imbalance of power, their mutual attraction is to lay aside kinda cute. I want to see more actual chemistry (or should I say, is more of Hyeri ... Ji Sung at its end only good), but their quarrels is adorable and it moves slowly enough that it is credible. The catch is that I apply the idea of ​​Geu-rin with Ha-neul as better , and the same for Seok-ho and Min-joo. In both cases the pairs have a history together, they are more age-appropriate, and there is already there feelings. I would not be mad when the show let Geu-rin and Seok-ho explore a little attraction and flirtation, enjoy the excitement of something new, but realized at the end they loved their old friends really. Can we pass that show?

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tags: entertainer, episode 7, in Hyeri, Ji Sung Kang min Hyuk

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