Recap And Reviews Kdrama Healer: Episode 6

Recap and reviews korean drama Healer: Episode 6 -

Adorable. I feel like a giddy teenage girl to watch this show, in the best ways (squee!) Minus the worst way (you know, the average girl and crushing uncertainty and parents who just do not get you ), which makes it pretty awesomely entertaining. I thought we had good our history in place, but we get a new game changer that shifts relationships and settings, and makes me itch to see how things play out from here. Why are there only two episodes per week?


Jang Beom-joon (Busker Busker) - "무서운 짝사랑" (Scary unilateral Crush) [ Download ]

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Young-shin is on the thoroughly repulsive President Hwang above, as Jung-hoo knocks over a beam in the greenhouse, which unleashed a chain reaction of chaos. As he whimpers in a show of fear, him Young-shin leads to safety from where to track them duck out of sight bats.

it takes control of the situation outside trying hectic scene assessment as Boss Sang-soo and his SS thugs to stop its rampaging car. I love that Sang-soo tells them not his precious car injured in the attempt to keep it from them . run priorities, man.

Young-shin tells Jung-hoo to take a break for their car, and he agrees hesitantly. Then the moment will be away, his wimpy act turns into cool professionalism, he man over to Dae-yong calls (who is the "owned" car) and tells her to call off her biker gang. During the gangsters are distracted, they slip into their car and manage screeching off before they are stopped.

The two detectives are in front in their car still encamped, and Detective Yoon watches with hilarious bemusement as a series of cars coming through zooming: first there is the Rogue car, followed by Sang-soo in pursuit, followed by Young-shin and Jung-hoo to make their escape. These two screech to a halt and Jung-hoo beelines for Detective Yoon and asked him to take the police to report the frightening gangster men.

He doubled with feigned gagging over and takes the handcuffs in the back pocket of the detective, as well as the SS thugs come running, ready to lash out outliers. They ignore the two civilian police to Yo-Yo connects them, and apparently he and Detective Yoon go back. So the detective imagines and is willing to listen Jung-Hoo, report-just look around and he's gone. His partner feels his pockets and recognizes his handcuffs missing.

The next thing we know, the Jung-hoo run along a roof full Healer mode jump impressively from building to building. He directs Dae-yong to a meeting place and, even joyriding in Sang-soo car, it heads while away fend Sang-soo furious attempts to pull them over.

Sang-soo in forcing manages to stop his car by intercepting, and because he is still got his key, he forces open the door. Dae-yong crawling away to get, but he grabs it firmly and demands to know who she is. She keeps her face hidden, while in Jung-hoo swearing so long for the recording is to get his cue to fly to play in this fight.

Jung-hoo slightly the upper hand hand ~~ POS = HEADCOMP and then left handcuffed Sang-soo for his own steering wheel, funny doubled him in an awkward position while he settles again for a chat. Sang-soo asks Young-shin about his relationship, and Jung-hoo says he sent as bait to get Sang-soo. Aha, smart! He says he has observed Sang-soo and noted his interest in the Reporter, and therefore she thought as a way to use in order to arrange these private tête-à-tête. (Sang-soo rumbles, you could only come to the office! )

Jung-hoo fishes around for Sang-soo, the mobile phone (which ticklish Sang-soo inadvertently giggle) and compels him in abandon the unlock code. initially Sang-soo refuses, but all it takes is a photo of him tied to his car and all his subordinates to see a threat that it to write on his website to, and give it up. I get a kick out like a desperate Sang-soo takes issue Healer underhanded methods of extortion and threatening, as if he were not in the same business. Hee Sang-soo really growing on me.

Jung-hoo are only interested in the special VIP phone is that only one contact ( "owner") lists and taking a listen to the recorded calls with moon -Shik orders Sang-soo to "take care" of the healer. He has an idea who is the owner and shows a photo of the two brothers to ask what it is. If he can escape the information provided voluntarily does not, well, healer can always call the owner directly and explain the whole part where Sang-soo his task failed shamefully.

Meanwhile, Dad and Yeon-hee in the police station arrive where more SS guards are stationed to wait for them. Call in Moon-Shik, who arranges for a new wave of messages on the Internet to beat today.

Young-shin are Detective Yoon her testimony and explained about her attempted abduction and encounter today with President Hwang. She calls Jung-hoo as a witness who places the detective a little laugh, because he's such a coward, and Young-shin admits a little embarrassed that he has a habit, running in fear.

Detective Yoon asks if she knows who is Go Sung-chul, what you is a new name, and informed them also that they and and Yeon-hee-have their paper now with a lawsuit by President Hwang hit.

She stutters in indignation and applies directly to the web and finds a new flood of smear-job article painting Yeon-hee as gold-digging con artist who seduces powerful people as part of their scams.

Yeon-hee and Papa thoroughly ignored by the police, who kept them waiting for ages. Finally, you get to take her statement, and it is then that they hear that there is a warrant for they arrest. insists Dad that they are here as a victim, but the officer says only they are of that it must take care of in addition to the other interrogation.

Dad too busy to take Young-shin reputation, and it keeps short-ho Moon to call for help. She dismisses the idea, but the situation is terrible, and she reconsiders. Aghhh, I love the look on his face when he recognizes her voice on the line, as it means so much.

asking if he would be able to transfer their information properly when they gave him access to all the it-Yeon-hee statement, their medical records her text messages from President Hwang. She admits that the video that she had mentioned in her article does not actually exist, and says that she has no power and their paper is tiny and weak. But it is part of a huge outlet with many resources security he can to take them forward.

Moon-ho shares some discouraging truths about how his broadcaster simply do not like it buries every story, waste pumping instead because people trash over the to enjoy truth. He asks, "Even if no one wants to know the truth, you still want to make it known?" She is always excited, but he continues to ask why they did not just ditch the story.

Young-shin barks at him that she wants to know if he reported the story or not, and she will forward her name if he does not want to bear the brunt of the game. Moon-ho face takes these interesting twists Look-he's excited and interested, but it is not clear exactly what drives them.

Dad and Yeon-hee station in nervous leave ghosts, and he tried to assure her that he would confer with other lawyers they struggle to help. Young-shin is outside the station, as it is outside, for example, are to be strengthened ambushed by the group of reporters, the smell outside a story is convened.

But Yeon-hee recognized and swarmed with cameras shoved in her face, looking at headlights like a deer. Reporter bombard them with questions, and Young-shin and dad are doing their best to run interference while Yeon-hee looks shocked.

Moon-ho comes in his apartment waiting to his door Min-jae to find. As he puts together dinner, she tells him that Yeon-hee history has taken a different form now is about artists fraud that seduce and then blackmail their rich targets. Yeon-hee also in collusion with a reporter accused of demanding millions from an upright politician. Guh, gag me with a spoon already.

mentioned in a tellingly casual-but-totally-probing way, Min-jae "the first woman in your heart", he says, they would have to have forgotten; he said, they would long ago, and seems sorry for them, to hurt them.

, it points out that no woman comments like that would forget, then reminds him that they. By the time they start dating the companies joined together She had waited for ages and finally suggested he never said a word ... and his answer was that it was a "first wife" already in his heart, and the Min-jae could only second she could with that in be okay? She was not, which explains why they are no longer together.

They toast to his resignation, and she asks what he means to do now. Moon-ho says that it is a promising child he wants to develop, and he plans to teach the basics, and asks if Min-jae will accept it.

Min-jae, he says only she could go to the train station through the proper channels, but he points out that she refused him on the Yeon to let work hee history, and he developing his protégé requires this story. She asks why he wants to take them on the protégé later what he will do? He does not answer what I find disturbing.

Min-jae is quite keen to read between the lines and asks who this kid is and what it has to do with his first wife. It is to be embarrassing for his excited and he tells her seriously that he. The girl who owes a huge debt Min-jae asks: "After it has repaid that number will open a slot in your heart?"

He says that is his wish. And after the debt is clear, meaning that it far to leave off: "Maybe Alaska or Africa Someplace really cold or very hot I have lived until now too lukewarm..."

a confused comes Paperboy in the abandoned building of the healer and follows a set of instructions to leave food to a drop-off point. That's where Jung-hoo takes his order and something tickles his Spidey sense when down he looks sharp the empty hallway. But there is nothing, and he continued on toward his cave ...

At this point a man in the frame falls from its hiding place above, quietly and stealthily. Aha, you are old fogy teacher?

Jung-hoo checking his surveillance monitors and is satisfied with what he sees, then calls Min-ja to get only their voicemail. He is confused it to be the whole day out of touch, and shocked even with the super aegyo message that receives the call, which requires that their callers emerge with a cutesy I love youuuuuu ~!

he can leave to speculate a message that the person him Moon Shik, the mind when one makes has ordered killed his find that he Go Sung-chul had hand over a file, killed him, then wanted Healer also killed to cover his tracks.

It turns out that ajumma the right to hear a call there to ignore him on purpose as she talks on teachers. It points out that Jung-Hoo's on the way, the truth out without help from her, and soon he will know that his father was a friend of Moon Shik.

teacher ensures that Min-ja tampered with Jung-Hoo's cameras, and we see that he is in the hallway. He wonders how much Jung-hoo will find out, and she points out that it will not be long, and that all he has to do the news stories is to check to find out that his father his friend killed over money, and committed suicide when he taken for police questioning in.

Oh, and then he calls min-ja "detective" that explains a few things how, as she knows Detective Yoon and where she took her hacking skills (since Yoon part of the cyber crime department). Teachers worry about Jung-hoo response to the search for his father out on his dream sigh to run away to a deserted island. But Min-ja indicates that Jung-hoo once one ever-since abandoned, it was always the other person to leave him. Father, mother, grandmother, and even teachers.

Jung-hoo civilian phone pings with a text by Young-shin, which he ignored. It's a swear filled text followed him to ignore her scolding that makes him for a moment pause. Then another message comes in, and it checks concerned, to ensure that he is fine, and asked him to call to confirm. It ends at a surly "I feel like dying right now."

Jung-hoo does not reply, but he read again their texts with the entertainment, fun at her laughter word choices. But he lingers on her last line, pondering their meaning.

About the Chae budget, the mood decidedly bleak as Dad about the case goes. Yeon-hee badly shaken and Young-shin feels pretty low, as things do not look good for them. The stories quote Yeon-hee blackmail demand for ₩ 3000000000, and Dad asks if that number ever came. Yeon-hee, recalls with a sinking heart that once the President had asked if she would go along for ₩ 30,000,000, and she had replied that money was not the problem and said sarcastically that he should try 3 to spend billions. President Hwang must've recorded the conversation.

Young-shin steps aside to take a call, and scolding simultaneously and facilitates Jung-hoo heard on the line. He stated that he felt sick and vomited earlier and fell asleep, sounding embarrassed and apologetic. Young-shin tells him blatant pragmatism not to be ashamed, and then admits that she has a similar state where it finds it hard to breathe. But she says it is not something to be embarrassed-is only an inconvenience.

We see that he gets up close to watch her from his usual perch on the way. There is a running joke that always makes me smile when Jung-hoo forget it "up" to her in jondae and Young-shin again begins to him to speak it. Normally he stammers an apology or pretends they misunderstood him, but today he is still only in banmal and she lets it slide.

He asks about her comment to die, and she sighs, that there is a long history. He says he's fine to hear it, and she explains about the cucumber she has received in the article, and how the press has painted in the low light. When he hears Jung-hoo jumping from the second story down and comes closer to her when she complained about Kim Moon-ho and how they had to swallow their pride to talk to him, to have only himself aloof.

He is close enough to see her face when she respond to his questions, how famous Moon-ho, and she admits that she had liked pretty much Moon-ho: "He is my idol was, and my first love and my longstanding unilateral crush. "

she had the poster she tells in her room he pinned him, and start as last year, they would. been "two-timing" asks another unilateral Crush

Jung-hoo, who's the other guy, and she says, only he would not even know if they told him: "he is a night Ready Young. "Omo. That look on his face.

He stutters that he does not know what that is, and she tells him that this guy is famous in his world super. It assumes that the rumors about his abilities probably exaggerated: "But he has my heart pound, and fantasize about him That's how One-Sided Crush number 2 began.."

he looks like tried to explode his brain to process it, especially if it does so only as giddy see lecture her but she has to add more. She says that she thought she would never meet him, but she's pretty sure she's doing that just landed. She did not see his face, "but the feeling ..."

Young-shin is coy and repeated: "The feeling ..." And then she laughs embarrassed and again their normal tone, him say that it is strange, and strangely comfortable to her. Oh, he smiles here.

And then she adds: "What ... we are sisters?" HAHAHA. He shoots her this incredulous look, sputtering after they hang up and passes back inside the house. " sisters ?! "

Moon Shik takes a secret meeting with Assemblyman Kim in a bar, but curiously, it is the elderly bartender to whom he defers. The bartender is clearly some high-up figure, and all the time that he speaks jokes with Moon Shik, Assemblyman Kim huddles miserably, it is to know in the hot seat. And the bartender smooth, gentle voice has a tone of austerity that make him an ominous figure.

The bartender points out that there are certain lines that must not be exceeded, which does not observe Assemblyman Kim, and that a lot of people have worked very hard to make him a candidate for mayor. It is quite annoying all that work to have to go down the drain on a woman down, is not it?

Assemblyman Kim asks for another chance. The bartender looks not very forgiving.

Moon Shik goes home that night and supports Myung-hee to bed, they assure lovingly that he does not become tired looking after. She asks about his day, and he says he met more sorry types that protect their greed as bugs and their eggs, and wondered again whether the country would be fine in the hands as they are allowed.

Myung-hee realized how much he has changed since he was a shy, reticent university student. These days, he's more like Merlin, the wise and cunning wizards behind King Arthur. She asks: "Do you want perhaps to be King Arthur rather than Merlin?" He has become more and more efficient in the last twenty years: "You are still you lack the feeling"

Moon Shik tells her that he is not his younger days has changed. He can only have been the driver, while the others were from the justice in the persecution: "But I still did it to say what is not right, not right I still want to do that, but to the... do, I have learned that I need power, that's all. "

They accepted that and apologizes for quibbling, but he is not offended.

The next morning Editor Jang a mess of nerves is waiting for a call from his boss, who had promised a lawyer to send has not yet arrived on the. But he's in a bigger shock when Moon-ho arrives at the office, and the mere sight of him she has staff speechless and star-struck.

Editor Jang suspects that he is here to do research on the Yeon-hee story as his jaw falls for his news channel in an interview, but when Moon-ho says, "I am looking forward to work with you." Ohhhh. You mean you leave your fancy job at the TV station to work here ? That's great.

Young-shin in the lobby a few steps behind Jung-hoo arrives and sneaks playfully at him, then asks the movers, who have just arrived. They come in the office as well as Moon-ho will become familiar with the layout, while Editor Jang puzzled scratching his head. When Young-shin arrival, Moon-ho announced that he is a new video department to create, require more space and crew for a camera and editing team.

He talks about to buy another floor of the building, as there is nothing (to be fair, it is not), and just as Editor Jang tried him to explain how they work, he gets a call from the own paper ... which has just sold this building. And the paper. Heads turn at Moon-ho to see their presence suddenly makes a lot more sense.

Moon-ho says Young-shin, that it would be very busy from here, you knock on the head and say they will be back home, they do not call it for a few days. He smiles at her, Young-shin gapes at him, and Jung-hoo ... well, he does not look happy.


Many layers peel. Let's start with the Kim begin brothers, both of which are so charming and complicated, which are in command of their exterior façade that it is difficult to know which version of them is the truth or if we even have their truth nor not seen. I feel like Young-shin Angling the healer face better in this one-dimensional photo to see how stretching through my neck, I could catch a glimpse of these men that we are not given access to yet.

I think I Moon Shik? It is hard to decide, because I do not think he is a flattened villain who just want power for the sake of power. Even if he goes off the deep end, I believe that he believes he among them has noble intentions everything, although I still wonder if he means what he said Myung-hee, or whether it only really good to tell to their convincing lies.

But ultimately Moon Shik is less a cipher as Moon-ho, because even if he is a multifaceted man, I know how I feel about him and his place in history. Whatever realize his motives, he is the Machiavellian approach to its objectives, and clearly crossed the line to power abuse. Moon-ho, on the other side ... it fascinates me, because even if we know that he is not to be open about something, you can see its underlying seriousness. But he strikes me as a tragic figure, and I have this nagging sense of unease about where it until end of May.

His conversation with Min-Jae was lit, and I felt for Min-jae, as the woman who loves him in a straightforward way, only make him feel have to return all twisted with luggage. I admire them from a doomed relationship walk, but also for their frustration now feel to be so exasperatingly frivolous especially with Moon-ho. He is manipulative and clever, and although I do not mean that. In a bad sense, it is not so different from his brother What determine his character, what he decides to do with its resources, because it is about not so much what you do in the situation as it is what you choose to actually act on.

I was not sure if we wanted to get a standard love triangle with the Moon-ho, because I could see the guilt angle enough is his character, without taking the romance. And I would not mind if we do though to from the romance angle to the left, on the head, this way is to get jealous healer and come on, the search will not forward that? If we need to do first loves angle that is never my favorite thing, I think this is a nice way is to handle because they basically we are the opposite are doing from the Congress here-Moon-ho and Young-shin each other first loves, but they are not our OTP. And at least it's not a big big chance to throw them all together twenty years later, as this is a story where her childhood connection is actually a reason for their adult connection, not just a random side effect.

But really, we want to squee about Young-shin and Jung-hoo, right? Your entry has completely surprised me, so I that we were feeling right there in Healer's shoes when he realized who she was talking, all stunned and dizzy and disbelief. Now it makes sense that she was ordered to mention the healer in the first episode, because they had known about him, albeit as a kind of untouchable myth.

The "sisters" line was the perfect way to go below gooeyness of the moment (though really, I was fine with the fluid), and also ideal for its dynamism. I laugh every time Young-shin calls him Bong-sook, who took the top despite his attempts to do to correct them. Bong-sook is a girly version of Bong-Soo, which is not to say that they him a girl, she is not to say he is a wimp, but now it makes a lot of sense in the light of their calling him a sister calls. Bong-sook-ah rolls rather tongue over Bong-Soo-ya gone, and it is the sunbae in the relationship so it makes sense that they when they castrated him, cute kiddo looks.

It is one of my favorite dynamics of the whole Clark Kent Lois Lane relationship, so I made this dichotomy describes a kick where healer is all power and mystery and unfinishable rates and Bong-ah sook- is the little sister she cares. (Not even a unni! Oh, the crushing humiliation.) I suppose it would be fun, Young-shin see split between two virile Hotties, but this way is hilarious in its own way to open ourselves to other possibilities. Like the moment when Bong-sook goes from asexual to compete for a sexy challenger healers themselves. What, as we can not have our cake and eat it too

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