, the newcomers finally seem to have hit their stride, and for at least one episode, it is not the sense of the soul-crushing agony as we go watch them about their day. However, nothing is ever as easy at One International, and it is the higher-ups, the fight now - especially boss Oh, he discovered not only the cost of his team to be loyal to their leader, but also needs to determine whether it worth sacrificing its intrinsic pride and integrity of the executive director of projects.
to support
the office is buzzing with everyone hard at work, and Dong-Shik and Chief Chun exchange glances when Geu-rae explained over the phone that the contact person for this project has changed "for internal reasons" Dong-Shik, and his extension instead of calling. Assistant Manager Kang blames Baek-ki for the data that recycle their agreement with Turkey on because he is still focused on his own project. Baek-ki apologized embarrassed that he's not great at multi-tasking.
Chef Jung Congratulates Young-yi, how excellent their documents, and that it's jokes at the time, he noted. The rest of the resource team members are surprised sat on her, but Chef Jung recognizes the fact that it has been studied witty comebacks. Seok-yul (piece with center hair!) Reported to Chief moon over the progress he has made with the factory and to complete the search for suppliers that will help the order. Chef Moon is grateful, but Assistant Manager Sung watching in silent frustration.
The old Seok-yul definitely return because he Baek-ki and Geu-rae cornered is driven in the break room and tried to convince them Friday evening him and some pretty flight attendants spend. The other two are resistant to go against the idea of a group blind date, but Seok-yul tells them it is their duty. In addition, as otherwise they will meet all the girls, as the only other woman they see regularly is Young-yi. Wait, does this mean that the cute kindergarten teacher is no longer?
Of course Young-yi comes just at that moment, and the boys try dispel awkward when Young-yi asks why they talked about it. But as deputy director of Sun employee enters, poignant about her new job, all four newcomers quietly out of the room file.
Seok-yul said that the deputy director Sun on a humanitarian project took blankets to Pakistan for a Send Earthquake and Baek-ki recognizes that it is sure to be an error, as there is a lot of work with no guarantee of profit requires, and her team explicitly do not want to work on it. Young-yi also notes that the Deputy Director Sun has been looking lately exhausted. When she asks again why the guys were talking about it, all you can find to leave suddenly excuses. Haha!
boss Oh carefully and wisely passes through the files that had been delivered by the Executive Director. If it can be finished with the project, it's $ 500 million contract for the company. But the first project is necessary to pave the way for large money-making contract, and the department manager reassured boss Oh, it's safe, because the manager has to go through to work for at least a year to its relations with China The latter is surprised that it was so given high-profile jobs, feel like it must be a catch.
unveiled as boss Oh, the projects chief Chun and Dong-Shik. The always practical Chef Chun believes that they should take over the tasks, because it means that it will look good on a performance review. - Due to her past, she could risk looking like she and not totally incompetent able even to complete simple projects
But these "links" is might not be exactly legal, and chief Oh recalls that their team could be held responsible if it falls through. In addition, the large contract for the expectation of the CEO supports that the company they have with connections to win a solar power supply, and there is a chance that could fall through.
During a smoke break, Dong-Shik admits Chef Chun that he wants to take on the project, because when they succeed, then their team will finally be respected. But he still does not understand why the manager is so determined to have this project to be successful, or why he had to Sales Team 3. Chef Chun explained that this project, the Executive Director be the way to the Vice President be promoted - but only if it through, of course, goes.
through him Sales Team 3 instead of another sales team, the manager is also consistent in the event the project fails to assign. Because then 3 sales team will be held responsible, and finally it can be exempted from this, "toothache." Dong-Shik points out that there are also less likely to boss Oh agree to these projects, then, since he does not want to be either support or be the scapegoat for the CEO.
boss Oh returns from a demonstration of Chinese products factory with a chatterbox plant manager, SEO MANAGER as a following to shame behind put Seok-yul with his constant chatter and incessant salesmanship overeager puppy who could. If you thought the face looks familiar, you're right - it is the same type Geu-rae chased through the streets of Amman in the first episode
The older employees seem his schtick know and immediately shut down. his attempts to sell products, but if Manager Seo Geu-rae is introduced, he immediately asks whether there are any other newcomers. Our favorite four are his captive audience as Manager Seo glasses "rare" honey disclosed. Seok-yul is ready to go when Manager Seo ridiculous claims like to hear why this honey is supposedly so much, but is immediately suckered back in when Manager Seo says this honey is good for a man's virility.
When Young-yi three honeypots proudly on the rest of her team as a gift, they. All chuckle to himself, amazed that Young-yi all people fell for fraud manager Seo But Chef Jung plays together, to thank them friendly and assures her that she happy to get the honey. But if Baek-ki happily hands over his "special honey" gift, Assistant Manager Kang says bluntly that he was duped.
Sales Team 3 of the irritated reactions in Geu -rae the pot of honey fall somewhere between the other two, with Dong-Shik to tell him, it's good, helping Manager Seo, as it go through some difficulties and Chief Chun letting them all know manager Seo by his fraud. But when Dong-Shik looking everywhere for the pen that was before on his desk moments Geu-rae realizes that he had seen the pin in Manager Seo pocket.
There is not much time to fret about a lost pin, because the co-trainer of 2 excited sales team informed boss go, that he was promoted, along with another assistant coach, who for a working year at the company had been only. The celebrations are too much for good-natured Dong-Shik escaping quietly in the break room.
boss Oh follows soon and Dong-Shik admits that he hopes he would be promoted, also. He makes due to the fact is passed over this round that he refused a promotion that would have him work a few years ago in the Congo. Chef Oh tells him quietly, that's not the reason, but Dong-Shik refuses to hear any other explanation.
Concerned about meeting deadlines, Seok-yul recommends private assistant manager Sung that they change suppliers as the company worked it is always too late returns , But Assistant Manager Sung directs from his old "Wall-dog" nickname of education, and call him a bastard when Seok-yul implies suspicious connections to untrusted company between Assistant Manager Sung could be loyalty.
Assistant Manger Sung grabs his collar, but Seok-yul shakes him off and insisted that he him and think "Bastard" instead about to stop calling what is best for the company. Assistant Manager Sung is preparing for a fight, and tells the "sociopath Bastard" that they'll see who ends first leave One International. Chief check him or Seok-yul
boss Oh and for stepping out Go smoke break, which is really just an excuse so go head to head over Oh Dong-Shik. Among them, the other assistant managers gather for their own coffee break, and Assistant Manager Sung expresses loud his opinion on the fact that Dong-Shik was passed over for promotion.
Chief Go tries along to move but boss Oh remains Assistant Manager Sung, the boss Oh is the reason Dong-Shik was not promoted insists to eavesdrop - he spends too much time on risky projects focused not to think of the impact it has on his team members. Although Sales Team 3 gets together, it is better to be part of a team that does not like, but produces profitable results.
Dong-Shik takes over everything said from the boys, and when the assistant manager to go for drinks at night in celebration of promotion, he tells them drunk all gone, say that they do not know the first thing about boss Oh. He reminds them that he hates cursing, and then proceeds to curse them all. Pfft.
as Assistant Manager Sung him called a sociopath, Dong-Shik lunges forward, ready for a fight. Time to break the party, and the rest of the Assistant Manager Help Dong-Shik (still in his attempt rowed Assistant Manager Sung struggling) stumble out of the restaurant.
boss Oh stays late at the office, lost in thought. He is surprised to see that everyone is gone for the day at home, with the exception of Geu-rae, who is just still there because boss Oh is still there. Chef Oh tells him to leave to one of Yoda-isms adding that the people you meet change your life. If you follow a fly, you will end up in the toilet. But if you follow a honeybee, you will end up in a flower garden. Geu-rae smiles: ".. So, why am I in a flower garden" Aw
as an assistant manager prepare their own way to go, they try to find out who will be responsible for the drunken Dong-Shik, who is still in high fighting spirit, even though he can barely walk. They all have their excuses why they can not take it home, and it's funny how they all look immediately on the only sober, Assistant Manager Kang, can only come with the excuse that his house is not clean. Ha
So they held in a hotel room at the end - all except for Assistant Manager Sung, that is. Dong-Shik of passed on the hotel bed, and the rest of them remember how close they are used when they were all novices together. Assistant Manager Kang refuses how to connect them all sprawl out on the king-size bed and said that he would soon leave. But he still stuck around when everyone was asleep coincides, he in a chair and all other on the bed. Super cute.
The next morning, Dong-Shik shuffling into the office, a terrible hangover care. During a private roof chat, asks chief Oh Dong-Shik, if he intends to transfer to another team, since he knows that it is not easy, a part of the sales team 3.
Dong-Shik admits that he knows the other assistant managers talk about the smack, did but says Chef Oh do not worry, because he does not agree with them. He enjoys working with boss Oh - it's as simple as He promises that if he ever wants to transfer to another team, will he let know boss Oh..
deputy director Sun home from the airport from a business trip, busy organizing meetings over the phone moves. She is too tired to keep driving though, so she is moving to the side of the road, just a few steps out of the car for fresh air, and immediately collapses.
When she heard that she has been taken to hospital, chief Oh and Director of Sun deputy staff immediately left to check on her. When they arrive at the hospital, says her husband she collapsed from stress and fatigue, exhaustion due and is in the hospital must be, for a few days to rest and recover. Deputy Director Sun's husband blames himself for their collapse, because they had fought recently about the work. He was promoted in his job recently, and told her to quit. But she refused, saying that their work has become a big part of who she is, and she needs to keep itself intact to keep intact her family.
then overheard their employees complain that this meant that they wait longer to be promoted, and that's when she realized that her staff that she thought as a family, they saw only as a springboard to the career ladder.
boss Oh returns to the office, the Executive Director runs as he is headed to the elevator. The manager asks to Deputy Director Sun, adding that boss Oh had its own stress-related health problems, also.
The manager apologized that it wasn 't he could do something on his project to keep Geu-rae name, but he can only companies follow rules , He adds cryptically that boss Oh needs more power because it is not good for the company contract workers to keep switching and spend as much time and resources to help them retrain.
boss Oh marches to Deputy Director of Sun employees and tells them that he would help on the Pakistan project, but they again wheedle him to convince them to abandon it. But boss Oh remembers how she thought of them as a family, and when he returns to his desk asks Geu Seok-rae-yul to get on the line, want to see the project files for Pakistan ceiling. He puts the kibosh on their Friday night plans of them to say he expects Geu-rae and Seok-yul at a particular hotel first thing in the morning.
Saturday morning, Geu-rae in the hotel rooms is as desired, surprised Young-yi answering the door to see. Baek-ki is also available, but if Young-yi says Chef Oh she asked this weekend to help, Baek-ki admits boss Oh threatened him. Ha! A few seconds later, Seok-yul arrives, and hands over the sample ceiling had boss Oh asked - except this excess tissue that the factory was originally unable to sell, and is so much cheaper than the substance Director Sun originally Deputy produce to use planned.
you spend hours by the data to mesh, the deputy director Sun had put together for the project, and as Seok-yul sweet talks his factory ajusshis in the search starts some free space on the factory line, Geu-rae, the recording of the Deputy Director of Sun meeting with the Pakistani representative to transcribe. Except it's all in English, so he hands it wordlessly on the Young-yi. Oh, it's like nothing has changed since his first day. When she translated, he taps on everything.
rolls By the time evening around, is Chief Oh asleep on the sofa. Geu-rae takes the sample ceiling Seok-yul boss Oh to cover, and the newcomers to slip outside for a break. About cans of beer, Seok-yul admits that he is surprised that at all working on a project voluntarily, which does not affect all of its divisions, and wonders if he were in a situation such as the deputy director of Sun when the react the same as boss would Oh, help each other out. Then he says, hilarious, what reactions would each based on their personality.
boss Oh wakes the newcomers went to find, and looking through the presentation file on the laptop, impressed by what they have composed. When he opens the door to the bedroom, he sees the newcomers from fast asleep stretched, and immediately takes a picture of them with his cell phone. finished
task, they left the hotel on Sunday night, and chief Oh thank them for their help. Seok-yul is ready to have to take advantage of the fact to leave a few hours in their weekend, but he is interrupted in the details of his plans from any phone buzzes with a text by boss Oh. Along with the message to tell them, "Remember this day passionate" about, is the image of all sleep. They all promise each other never mention again, since they delete the image from their phones.
Chief Oh is happy to share the image with the Deputy Director as he shows her the presentation together, and when she laughs, remember when they used that to work hard if they were newcomers. She is grateful for all the work they have put into the presentation, but it is curious why Chef Oh was so determined "cure", by this additional work to be done. He explains the situation with the projects of the Executive Director, and wonders why he endures all things.
They hypothesized that Chief Oh clear that this project provides the Executive Director will be landing the real test between them. As the project manager of the means for vice president could be promoted, he would be forced to support sales team 3. reminds him that if they succeed in completing the project, then boss Oh department heads be encouraged. If he is head, then each company manual, he gets to decide how his department is busy - which means that he could hold on durable Geu-rae and Dong-Shik promote
At home, fixed his wife. late dinner for him as he ponders the words of the Director Sun Deputy. They have a sweet moment of man-and-wife banter before she sits with him at the table to quietly asks him to tell her what's going on. He asks if he can be responsible for someone else again.
She tells him from Eun-ji (the prior contract workers who have died) to leave. Chef Oh woman knows that he has done anything wrong, and if he could go back in time, she knows that he would do the same thing that he did before - and they would support him. He should do on what he thinks is right, and not so concerned about what he can not control
morning men stare of Sales Team 3 amazement at Chef Ohs empty desk -. He's never mentioned before, so the fact that it is taken grueling morning in sick. Geu-rae thinks it must be because he worked so hard over the weekend, but Chef Chun knows that boss Oh, a decision on the executive projects to the end of the day must.
boss Oh standing in his undershirt, staring out his bedroom window. surprised his sons to the fact that her father has not yet left for work, worried that he'll yelled at by his boss, because they assume that he overslept. But boss Oh pulls off his shirt and puts it on like a tank, prepared prior to the fight. He walks with confidence in the office of the Executive Director, stopping only itself to steel before he knocks on the door and enters.
sleep on a hotel bed, exhausted piled puppy together as a One international rite of passage must be. I'm not complaining, because have given all the terrible stuff undergone our newcomers, as they have adapted to their new jobs, to share a bed, as one of the better shared experiences seem. I appreciate that this episode really let indulge us in the warm fuzzies because it has been a brutal sixteen episodes, as we the Fab Four to take a step forward saw regularly beaten by terrible managers and petty assistant to return to the starting line Manager.
I also appreciate that the Fuzzies not were only for the fab Four, but for all levels of management. In particular, the support boss Oh deputy director Sun - but also go head to know exactly how Chef Oh would react when not promoted Dong-Shik disappointment and are targeted with him check. It is easy to forget that in this business, they have the same way started the present newcomers did and grow today observed and the rows move (but be that growth could slow or fast).
But I think I particularly loved together, to see the assistant manager, because it is much easier to visualize how the Geu-rae, Seok-yul, Young-yi, and Baek-ki in might not be too distant future. Although we can only hope none of them, as Assistant Manager Sung turn out to be. Although his opinion boss Oh and Dong-Shik non-promotion might have been technically correct, he refused even to back down as soon as it was evident that Dong-Shik was ready with everything to defend boss Oh he had. Not to mention how easily he throws around the word "sociopath", although he is the one of the most manipulative and (most striking, at least in my mind) seems one who does not puppies stake for the hotel bed while on , Quote The Princess Bride : "Keep this word use I do not think it means what you think it means.."
Because it seems strange to label people "sociopath "when they obviously so much care about their work, and the company for which they work, that they put to risk for their employees their neck. Seok-yul sticks for factory workers and even tried by coming privately with a way to avoid Assistant Manager Sung call him for him to always save in trouble with boss moon. Dong-Shik is (literally seemingly) for Chief Oh go to fight down, but he also has to be incredibly supportive of Geu-rae, has also been shown, when no one else was. Assistant Manager Sung calls boss Oh a "sociopath" for so so selfish not to see how to influence it Dong-Shik career, but I can not agree. I mean, I think pretty much everyone is willing to follow Chief Oh to the ends of the earth and back, because they know that he will fight for the people, he believes.
to know about boss Oh, though, is why I wanted to cry in this scene between him and his wife. He is so instilled loyalty in our favorite characters, but he is still so insecure in themselves. But to his wife to give him permission to be the man, you know he's really such a tender was "hell yeah!" Moment (he, when "hell yeah!" Moments can be tender). Although she knows that if he does not succeed, it is that could mean the end of his career, she sees that it has maintained an opportunity for him to move from the past to which for him for so long.
Which is why, perhaps, I am enthusiastic about his confrontation with the Executive Director, after all - finally - we obtained are boss Oh up for himself, his team, and the company is he spilled to support so much of his blood and sweat and tears in the past fifteen years. If there was ever a person at One International which could properly call a "sociopath", it is probably the CEO - especially since it seems that he has forgotten puppies pileup on the days of his own hotel bed. But Chief Oh is the kind of man who wants to remain forever in memory at this moment.
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