Recap And Reviews Kdrama Happy Romantic: Episode 3

Recap And Reviews Korean Drama Happy Romantic: Episode 3 -

We wrap the Setup now and to bring the stage for the real conflict / regime, in, which means that I am looking forward to tomorrow to start us on our heroine comic foibles. It also means that this episode was still obtain the mark where we knew that they were traveling the whole time, which felt a little unnecessarily slow. On the other hand means that it is rather a superficial episode as a must-see comic romp. On the other hand (I hope?) Now that the table is set, we can turn our attention to the funny stuff

episode. Grade: B-


Tennis star Gary / Gun-wook shows with Bo-nui for his date to bring and knock on their door, all smiles. Bo-nui, on the other hand, is all to be seen panic at the thought of another man, for fear it will ruin her date and her tiger man lose so she shoves tech genius Su-ho inside and claps hand over his mouth.

She screams out that she is not yet ready, and Gary says he'll wait outside. Meanwhile, Su-ho shakes it off and tried to leave, although Bo-nui grabs him and desperately explains that this is a really important date and they can not have the situation Gary misunderstanding.

Su-ho finds the idea stupid that they would be mistaken for a romantic couple, and breaks their argument with his cold logic down in front of his path pushing the door. But there is no one on the floor only had brought the bouquet Gary.

Bo-nui slumps in dejection, Su-ho blamed for things in disarray, and pointed out that he measly only for five minutes can remain calm have. "Do you remember what opportunity I just lost?", Thinking Ask them and their comatose sister.

Su-ho is not exactly means , but certainly lacks empathy, and he says that since her date ruined, they could at least call her boss for him for this game. At their affront, he asks blankly, what is wrong with his request, to tell her to explain it logically.

Bo-nui tells him not logic to quibble with her to break, "According to this logic, I live silly anyway!" So she knows. Asks you to leave him, to him and closed the door just as he is to ask them again to call her boss.

Bo-nui attract hurries and runs outside, but there is no sign of Gary. She thinks of Su-ho huffily and wishes for him to be struck by lightning on a clear day.

... and across the city, a sudden clap of thunder as lightning flashes sounds in the clear blue sky, on Su-ho head. Heh.

Su-ho to his office and his team say they are the sports game concept into virtual reality instead. Its employees take the idea with enthusiasm, surprised that the genius with such a great idea could come in such a short time. Dal-nim radiates Su-ho on, glad that he recognized her friend talents despite Bo-Nui quirky ways.

But he has no luck of Bo-Nui boss, President Won hold of. Then his friend / shareholder / Barista Ryang-ha was complains about the shareholders meeting he attended, where everyone was up in arms over the dip of the company in stock value. He assures Su-ho that he had told the others that a truly fantastic new game in the works. No pressure or anything.

Su-ho complains about how his conversation with Bo-nui went nowhere, as it is completely lacking meaning. Ryang-ha suspected immediately that Su-ho said, probably down to her and complained about logic, as is the case generally, and asks how far he put in his foot he is-go in a dispute over Astrophysics, or it was biology and DNA that time?

At least Su-ho seems to recognize truth, when he called on them, and flashes back to his comments to Bo-nui about animals and mating, although it aside brush. Then, when a reporter tried to rob him in the lobby for an interview, he ignored them and calls for stricter security.

It turns out Gary had his own reasons for leaving the date when he met with a friend of his father. A flashback shows us how they'd first met, had approached as Papas friend Gary after a winning game. At the time, Gary had been cool to the idea of ​​his biological father, whom he has not spoken in 13 years old. Papas friend had pushed an envelope in his hand, to tell him that the contents of his father would reveal feelings. Gary threw the envelope into the trash before the man, but later it fetched several CDs with recordings of his tennis matches to find.

Now explained Papas friend that his father had asked him to send him the material since 03, was forced shortly after Papa from his job. This is not the story of Gary know, but the friend says that his father had not been able to admit that he had lost his job, while the family was living abroad in Canada.

That night, Su-ho watches over the actual game simulation and imagines suddenly Bo-Nui face in the mask of his opponent. The flash him back that first night, she had met when he had helped home and she had refused to let him go. The memory of Bo-nui forward for a kiss roll has now recoiling him in horror.

Su-ho is called in the lobby of security to deal with his drunk, belligerent father. When Su-ho appears, begins Dad on a tirade in the familiar, insulting Su-ho to be seem to be rude and snooty. Su-ho tells him that to pick one or the other: "If you go, I am your son, to insist, take money and go when you want to say I'm not, then delete me from the family register.."

Su-ho stands there stoically while his father goes ballistic, sarcastic insults and playing striking dramatically the victim.

flashes on a childhood memory Su-ho back when he coastal town had grown up in the working class and amused complex mathematical equations on his own work from. His father had not seen, liked him taunted by other boys and had forced him to sea, insisting he learn to swim. Su-ho had been crying and asked, but his father had thrown him in the water alone and let him to thresh and to sink.

Now, Su-ho sits huddled on a dark staircase in the empty building, multiplication recite to calm down.

Bo-nui waiting outside Gary all day, worried that he angered feel abandoned, so if he shows up and apologizes to because of a sudden reputation they leave brightens considerably , Then he has gallantly his jacket to her and now proposes going out, and she thanked the gods for sending her such a wonderful Tiger.

proceed along a cherry tree-lined street with flowers raining down on them, and Gary stares so intense that it is insecure. She stumbles into their nervousness and he catches her by the waist and leans in ... although there are only a petal face to remove them.

She is surprised when he used her name, and it is now that he singing start in a childhood and jogs her memory-it is Gun-wook, the little boy who lived under it on the floor , her noona call now, he calls it fate that he return to Korea and find still in the old house. He is so happy to see her again, that he gives her a warm hug.

Bo-nui remembers the little boy she used watch over, and chides him to lie to her who he was, and his age. He explains, reveals itself immediately because he was disappointed they did not recognize him, and asks for her family. She explains how her parents died and her sister sick, and then he says that, while it is really very glad to see him, there is something she has to do suddenly.

She hurries from a confused Gary away and sighs to realize that he is not her Tiger finally because he younger in fact two years ago.

The next day at work as Su-ho-bikes, runs through its options with regard to his game introduction problem, and the landscape lights around him and carves its way into its flowchart. He concludes that Genius II not a viable project is to push, and the Bo-Nuis "if" game is a good prospect. Unfortunately, it looks on this front also not good, and the street sign over the head changes to read: ". I. Am Screwed".

When he locks his bike, a voice calls out from behind, and it's sports agent Amy / Seol-hee, smiling expectantly. Su-ho looks through them and over, and she identifies surprised to remind him that they used to be such friends. Su-ho, it performs to ask if there was anything worth remembering between them, and says that maybe something awful, because he makes it a point to quickly forget bad memories.

He stalks off cold ... and then breathe in the great nervous breaths as he rounded the corner. He is on the edge it snaps at the person who knocks his shoulder, only to find that President Won, which he was so desperate to find.

President Won is ready with a catch if to Su-ho, license: Bo-nui has to be part of the deal. Su-ho tries to sink, say that they are willing to pay handsomely for the rights, but President Won insists that she will not be able to project work without making it. He is not interested, forward when Su-ho rejects this condition.



Bo-nui checks on her sister from her roof, able through binoculars in her hospital room. She looks Bora wheels out of the room to be up and running for the hospital in a panic, only to be told it has been taken for a routine test. Bo-nui keeps her eyes carefully averted and consider resist or to touch her sister for fear of bad energy will have a deleterious effect. In addition to their problems is a bill for accumulated hospital costs, the approaches ₩ 5,000,000 (just over $ 4,000).

While the condition of observation to ensure Bo-nui employment for three months, Su-ho looks down on bicycle figurine on his desk, sending him in a flashback. As nerdy 17 years, he had never learned to ride a bike, so it was Amy who had taught him how. It looks like he had had a crush, but one day when he had gone with flowers in their house, he had found everything cleared and drained.

The memory is a wound, and Su-ho throws the bike figure in his desk drawer.

But he is not the only one resistant to bring up the idea, Bo-nui on board at Zeze factory because it is as restrained. Your friend Dal-nim it pushes from Bora thinking hospital bills and hold it for three months, but Bo-nui reminds them what Zeze means to her.

A flashback takes us back to the day the Bora accident when Bora had urged her sister not to Zeze-she had to go to this job interview had the night before a bad dream, just like the bad dream, she had before her parents died. Bo-nui had waved it off, then ignored Bora reputation during their debugging test finishing. So Bora had instead started a response SMS with, and when she stopped to retrieve her umbrella in the street, she was had been hit by a car.

Bo-nui applies for advice to her fortune-teller and on his recommendation, she agrees to do the job, but goes through a thorough cleaning routine by creeping brings the building at daybreak salting and sneak a Talisman below the CEO desk.

What she does not know is that Su-ho in his suite sleeps in a niche, and he wakes up to see a white-clad figure with his dark room to move. He squeezes his eyes closed and nervously says, he's just seeing things, muttering: "There are no such things as ghosts, there are no such things as ghosts ..."

He studies the nerve to take a look at how Bo-nui at the source of the murmur looks over, and they cry. Su-ho ends huddled over like a baby, and Bo-nui half is that they just early here is to familiarize yourself before their first day of work.

Later in the morning, she is presented with the rest of the team, who warmly received, albeit with some confusion as to its huge collection of charms and piles of Salt. Dal-nim it pushes not be as strange as coffee shop owner Ryang-ha lights to see a new female face and gets smarmy hilarious.

Dal-nim hastens her boyfriend gone, Bo-nui say he. With all the women, as is, and Bo-nui asking breaks, how old is he Ryang-ha puffs up what he reads, such as interest and answers 33 to the Bo-nui leaves immediately. Ha. (Tiger, be at least 30 years old.)

Throughout the morning meeting, Bo-nui eyes the others, wonder if a tiger could be among them , The team is fighting an appropriate subject for their game they want to find a hot star, whose personal and professional life would be a draw for players. You land on tennis star Gary Choi, and although it is a tough sell as is, because he is famous private, Su-ho makes the decision to go with him. You just have to make it happen.

That night, Su-ho works while clips of Gary Tennis game to watch, and in his drowsy state, he does not realize what he enter until he at the looks random text he typed: "Shim Bo -nui, Shim Bo-nui, strange woman, it is a problem, bizarre strange weird ... "

Bo-nui runs in Gary on the way in, and he insists to invite them in, while Agent Amy askance both looks. The first thing Bo-nui noted in his apartment is the bad Feng Shui to his bed, and in their direction, they move in a more favorable position, practically rolled Amy in her eyes but Gary does with enthusiasm, because it pretty superstitious about his sporting rituals. When he invites her to dinner, but she apologizes, they say to do things.

Amy Gary advises to be cautious, thinking his old noona could angle for money. Gary replied that Bo-nui not even know what he is doing, Amy warned not to speak of her.

Bo-Nui employs plans include going online to search for a chat room for Tiger men. It starts a conversation with one and asks for proof of his Tiger status ... and gets instead back a NSFW pic. Ha. Now, in defense of the perverse, it's not like her question suggestive not sound.

The atmosphere in the office begins merrily enough the next morning until a chic older woman steps and everyone starts attention. It's Su-ho mother, and they are very well aware that every time it exits from drops him in a terrible mood.

Mom starts in a wheedling tone from, Su-ho to say that they get drunk Dad for themselves and caused a scene switching office. You mentioned the Russian pirating his game and says she is worried about him, but Su-ho has little patience for his mother and says not to come to the office her. It passes some bills and tells her to go shopping, and Mom looks for injured a second, pushing before that aside to take the bills and say that it is used to its Thorniness.

She leaves him with a lucky charm that makes him sigh in exasperation, although she tells him that he is free to throw it away. He makes at first chance.

Bo-nui gets directly employs around is talking to all employees and offers to read people horoscopes and asking their dates of birth. They finally found a tiger and benefits with interest ... until he talks about his teenage child who what suits him. Su-ho noticed her empty desk and looks employees around the building chatting on.

The pesky reporter makes a reappearance and Bo-nui, who shows approaches not to know of its history, to try to sneak stories inside in. the team grabs the reporter immediately and snatches away her phone and assured Su-ho that it. in time Su-ho is not pleased, but to hear that Bo-nui was to get inside of her apology and accuses her of making no sense of being and not their job by their merit. He points out how her seat has been all day strikingly free, and tells her to do here.

They chastised at her desk back and slandered feels, and rips her employment contract. That night, she goes to report to their diviners, that there is no Tiger prospects for their enterprise, although he insists that it and very close to that of. He warns that it has until the next full moon.

Bo-nui leaves the fortune teller just as another customer comes-Su-ho mother. Ha, I love the fact that their food to take away from this is that Zeze because Mom efforts it is successfully bringing happiness.

Bo-nui lingers near the door and listen to Mama about her awesome son sigh that is so picky that he has not yet met his match. The fortune teller informs Mom that a raccoon has already attached to the Son, and speaks in what sounds like a metaphor (pushing from the side, climbing on his back, always dragged along), but we see are literal descriptions Bo-nui Su manhandling ho that night she was drunk.

Mom interprets this to mean that those pesky raccoon, the reason is a decent woman has not had a chance to get to Su-ho, and asks what should be made to free the raccoon.

Su-ho, now animal charms and her cracked job then look for the night of heads and stops at Bo-Nui desk in her menagerie taking happiness in the trash.

The fortune teller flips through his book while mom fed her son birth. And there he is, the Tiger. Bo-nui gasps.

At the next team meeting, Bo-nui staring at Su-ho and tried to persuade them to see him as not a person but a tiger. He reminds the team that they pull this game start 3 weeks and confirmed check whether this coincides with Bo-Nui full moon time her calendar.

Dal-nim Pulls them to set aside suspicious if Bo-Nuis got something else up his sleeve. Bo-nui denies and asks for advice, what Su-ho like she plays as she wants to make amends for their poor start. Then Ryang-ha benefits and is happy to fit into the conversation, painting itself as Su-ho "guardian angel" who pulled him from Hell.

Ryang-ha tells her that Su-ho's favorite moment when its encoding is going well (what he calls code gasm); Besides the fact that Su-ho essentially asexual that. No interest in women That makes Bo-Nui mission more difficult, but she says to think of a way.

Su-ho surprised by it a new copy of their contract was enough to have seen the ripped version.

Bo-Nui boss drops by to take them to eat, and it is only now that she realizes that he had anything to do with their employment, as Su-ho not reveal the condition. was your boss adds that the back wages he have settled well, thanks, because he has signed for this amount to her in the contract. Which means that Bo-nui currently holds decision-making powers in the If-license agreement. Bo-Nui eyes shine with hope.

So she takes the contract to Su-ho, to confirm the conditions, and he listens impatiently when it passes through the article, press to stop her dawdling. Bo-nui indicates that if they failed to submit their employment, the if option contract is invalid. It intends to sign, but with a condition. Su-ho yells at to get to the point already, and it bursts, "go out with me!"

She clarifies that she wants him for three weeks until today, is only released to If. These are their conditions.

Epilogue: Bo-nui leaves the fortune teller in shock, now that she Su-ho's knows a tiger. She shakes her head and thought she heard wrong, but sees more than two children to see with a doll. The girl pulls up and down the hood of the teddy bear, which shows how it goes from bears to tigers to wear.

that delivers the kick to her memory she has this drunken night to remember when they ran into -hō Su on the street and pestered him and climbed over him, and he had confirmed that he was a Tiger.


I tried the whole episode to find out why I felt so disconnected because the show is look very nice, the colors are vivid and the lighting is strong, and the director rather sharply. The actors are good, and the show has all the elements of a funny, cheeky rom-com, with nice graphic elements and fast camera work.

The problem is, it just is not very funny. I feel like it's so obvious, slightly comedic setup that it's kind of shocking that the show is not very funny even, but there you have it. I thought things waiting to happen, and while rom-coms are often based on this type of premises, it is the romantic chemistry and laugh-out-loud antics that keep you addicted ... so if you have a drama with the insignia in place but not laugh, it feels very empty.

It's a shame, because I think the actors do a good job, more on the roles as adding perhaps there on the paper. I am fascinated by Ryu Joon-yeol reading of Su-ho, the not a typical cold and CEO boss makes him interesting flashes vulnerability ... and Hwang Jung-eum sold basically the show on their own, because they will make any ground nui feel real instead of nuts. But I feel like the director plays everything completely to straight, serious, and therefore we are taking this really entertaining comic idea and suck the shine out of it.

It is not an action problem in fact is the action a notch above the material, but more of a storytelling problem because I often really, when the characters admire in a Show stay fully invested, while the show itself Humor from pulling in their emotions. I hope keep that happy Romance is were back to comedy, because there are a few laugh-out-loud moments for me in the first episode, and I would like us now to that to come that the premise is essentially fixed. (Though why it took so long to establish the premise We were all watching for this premise, and it took just to get there forever ?.)

If the sound finds itself again, I think happy Romance has in it a fun, light and occasionally heartbreaking am his. (The fun and light comes from the setup and the heart-tugging is all the actors. Sometimes I was amazed that they could not find what she was doing inside characters that might have been rather flat on the page.) I love the way it looks and the way I want it to feel ... now only the content to catch up. Be loud. his comic. Be funny

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tags: Episode 3, in Hwang Jung-eum, Lee Chung-ah, Lee Soo-Hyuk, happy relationship, Ryu Joon-yeol

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