Recap And Reviews Kdrama Running Man: Episode 312

Recap And Reviews Korean Drama Running Man: Episode 312 -

Old habits die hard in this week, when our cast is faced with writing a refreshing take on a classic song. Some singers will join the mix with the right words to help come to make this summer playing in a catchy tune. The question is-their input be a help or a hindrance? There are just to find a way.

EPISODE 312. broadcast on 14 August 2016.

We open on a glowing summer day in Yangpyeong, Kwang-soo and Gary makes selection of long sleeves and hoodie so puzzling. Myuk PD decides some statistics from last month, issued by SBS sportscaster, Kim Min-ah.

The first graph indicates that Ace Ji-hyo had to check the most wins (episodes 306, 307 and 309), while Kwang-soo had zero. He brightens when he and Haha for tearing off the largest number are bound by name tags; but our Betrayal Trio have been eliminated and the greatest number of times.

The next graph shows that Jae-Suk had the longest average time of stay in the game, and the other members hit similar numbers. And then there are Kwang-soo, which lasts on average 3:34 minutes.

Among the top 3 most watched clips in July, Gary and Hyo-min (from episode 307) took the most focus. Myuk PD stated that he has heard the viewer response, especially as they thought that was a foul play and betrayal to extremely lately.

So it is a new campaign will roll for August, that these two elements prohibits, of which Betrayal Trio immediately invalidated-what will they do without this angle? But no matter, because the new plan is that the Referee to spend more than two warnings. Somebody should continue this behavior in at least three episodes, they will remain a future episode.

, taking everyone by surprise, especially our Betrayal Icon Kwang-soo. Lol has not even begun this episode, and everyone knows that he has the greatest probability of punishment against.

time split into teams of Singers Team (Suk-jin, Jong-Kook, Gary and Haha) and Non- Singers team (Jae-Suk, Kwang-soo, and Ji-hyo). They argue that Suk-jin a singer calls a route is, especially if the addition to the Non-Singers team is none other than singer-songwriter Yoon Jong-shin .

He is here to help, the Non-Singers team in a music-themed race where both teams rewrites one of his hits. When Jong-Kook is concerned that the singer team have the edge, Jong-shin snapped back to him until later that a few seconds to regret.

The loser of each game add in one word is needed to ultimately give their rewrite, and both teams a live performance fresh on the classic songs. Not only will they (5 points) will be judged on the texts (15 points) and performance, the judges are rich public and a handful of celebrities from actresses to music experts.

today price includes a golden musical note and last week prices ... because Jong-Kook crew left the gold and Gift Certificate behind. LOL.

It's time for a song of either 01 hit "Patbingsoo", "Rebirth" from 1996, "My Love Ugly" in 1995 and "Expressway romance." Each connects to choose the last song with singer Kim Jang-hoon, because he sang it well, though Yong-shin insists that it was his song first.

elect "Expressway Romance", then it's off to start the games. Once they are in the pool, they are reminded that wrestling is still allowed, but each challenge will be caught by the refs.

There are a number of important points on the line in this first game: Singer Kim Kyung-ho and Bada . Kyung-ho joins the Non-Singers team during Bada singers joins Team, and goes straight hands with Gary keep. Hehe.

Here the teams will help a teammate jump through a series of rings to win, and the "elements" are waiting for them are actor and screenwriter Yoo Byung-jae and Singer Jo Jung-chi

Jae-Suk. "Is not that Jung-chi part of Jong-shin agency?" Haha: "Did Jong-shin go ahead to pay money to appear, this show today?" No team holds either choice much of a reward, but both have to offer special qualities.

Gary takes offense when Bada to be mistakens him Gaeko of Dynamic Duo, although now he understands what she meant when she asked him why he in one of their songs do not have. She rubs salt in the wound when they Leessang as applies to "TwoSsang."

HA then Jong-shin adds that recently he worked with Gary, who was approached for his "sexy texts."

Anyway, the game starts, and both Ji-hyo and Bada literally jump through hoops. Bada is to jump around through the last, when a pair of hands trying to pull them back. These hands belong to Kwang-soo, although Jae-Suk its part does. Both names are written as transgressions.

Ji-hyo tries through and climbing, and now everyone is everywhere in this tire. Bada will first run through, and the singers team selects Yoo Byung-Jae.

The next match will determine who will perform first, where the goal is, the other team from the inflatable flamingos or swans-the last person standing to push, wins. However, the losing team must contain the phrase "a wide Flamingo victory" in their newly written texts.

Each team is allowed to use an element, and barely a minute passes before Kyung-ho capsized inflatable flamingo. Jong-shin engages Jong-Kook, if he feels that Jae-Suk is in danger. He jumps to completely bring Jong-Kook down with him intend ...

... but Jong-Kook is asked. Ji-hyo comes to the rescue, but when Jae-Suk Flamingo flips, it depends on their lives. Jong-Kook: "Is this not count?" Jae-Suk: "I'm still in"

While Ji-hyo Gary meets with a plastic hammer, we see Kwang-soo, a hole in the inflatable swan stuck with a hidden scissors. None of the referees were able to see what happened, and Gary sends an SOS to his teammates.

Kwang-soo makes a noticeable crack in both Haha and Suk-jin inflatable swans. Unfortunately for him, Haha sees the scissors and pulls Kwang-soo's hair in retaliation. He is quickly pulled into the water, then makes a run for it.

If you can believe it, Jae-Suk is nor clung to his Flamingo. Having had enough, Jong-Kook Rips in the inflatable animal, but Jong-shin insists that Jae-Suk does not touch your feet to the bottom of the pool.

Speaking, Jong-shin coach Jae-Suk to bite into the inflatable swan, and then Jae-Suk draws Jong-Kook with him.

Only that Jong-Kook is still holding onto his swan, which means that the singer wins Team.

Having showered, mentioned Jae-Suk, that he for a woman mistook because of the almost Kyung-ho his long curls. Kyung-ho says it is the first time in more than two decades was that he showered in a public bathroom because it was once written up.

The staff have prepared a list of possible words and phrases, teams can hand through the remaining games with each other. Haha noted that "My Love Su Ae" sounds like a song title, while Jae-Suk Jong-shin compares jokes about piranhas.

Jong-shin adds: "If there is a hint of blood around, I'm drawn to it," and he then turns Jong-Kook, whose shrill voice brings him the nickname "Mosquito": "You use can "bug spray" "


time for the first indoor game: challenge 10 songs that are a person on a block of ice and the right texts to sing. The Non-Singers team is first, and Jae-Suk can feel the shock as soon as he steps on the ice.

Once Jae-Suk messed says Haha the Non-Singers would have an advantage, they landed on Jong-shin hit "Patbingsoo". Jong-shin: "I also look at the texts, the singer in my generation were not blind to be able to sing!"

Bada knowing the lyrics to Park mi-Kyung is confident "Eve" Warning - it's just that the song has a super long intro and it is stuck on the ice. But then she blanks on the first set of missing lines and the next line gets wrong, Haha responds with its own single, "You're so crazy!"

Byung-jae seems to be frozen in place for coolness of the "Summer Story", but he is just waiting for the right time to jump. he screwed up and on the second verse, so the production crew, the rules for all the curves.

Kwang-soo climbs for DJ Doc "Summer Story", a moment later, to step off. He holds by the first page, but then pulls in Jae-Suk only to take before the musical break. This throws everything away for Jae-Suk, who can not figure out where to jump again.

Jong-Kook takes only a Deux hat to wear when he steps up to sing "In the summer". Bada feeds him the lyrics and get them together through the song. Jae-Suk slips slyly toward the group as the singer to choose one word for the other team.

Neither Bada Suk-jin still is the possibility of getting confused kongguksoo cold soy noodle soup and then we see that each group gets a whole bunch of words

after Myuk PD ups the stakes for the next game. the losing team must belong to a proverb. In this game, they will sing a line texts on a specific subject, while passing along a ticking time bomb, uh, microphone.

The first subject going down food, and Bada starts to sweat when it is handed over to the microphone. It begins 10cm of "Americano" when the tip suddenly falls to the ground, to everyone's shock.

Ji-hyo singing "cold noodles" over and over again before they sing a little help from their teammates. Gary starts punching when Kwang-soo sings "a squid with twelve legs", but these are the lyrics of Eagle Five "Squid Aliens."

Jae-Suk will sing in hot water for a commercial jingle, then he says he will wait until there is only a few seconds on the clock. The microphone is giving across the board Haha singing two different songs before it to give back to Jung-chi ... and it bursts in his hands.

The non -Singers Team takes issue with Haha choosing the "Cuban sandwich" but then argued Jong-shin, that the song does not exist (he, Haha, and skull sang the single composite). The singer team given the win for the round.

The next topic is "name" and each is a place or a different name until Bada starts singing over a field. He, I do not know what counts. The ticking time mic achieved Ji-hyo before his way to make back to Gary, but it ended up exploding in Jung-chi hands again.

The singer team on the adage hones in "Mosquitoes are a nuisance," and then it goes to the drawing board.

Despite 11 random words and phrases which, Jong-shin adds two words to string together naturally. Between the three singers in the team, they manipulate the syllables of the rhythm of the song match, and as for "Piranha" Jong-shin offers: "Would you hold my hand, Piranha?"

He argues that it could be like an expression of love, as someone another person so loves that they want to just bite them. Meanwhile, the singer tried all team to piece together the food words, but the problem here is that there are too many cooks in the kitchen, trying to offer what they each think is the "best" idea.

In the other room, Kwang-soo has just in the crowd to shout "a wide Flamingo victory". Jong-shin beat a syllable to the end can add each line that Kwang-soo might think a cheap shot be.

Going to sample the singer team decides in second place. Now Myuk PD says the audience will sing Students will be music focusing Creative Writing and Applied. Our celebrity judges will obtain a video performance and the lyrics, and the two points will be applied to their total.

The Non-Singers team goes first in adorable sailor uniforms on stage to "sing Beltway Romance" its surrender the original text. "Expressway Romance" is also to compare the screen for us, and HA them a syllable of add "a sweeping Flamingo" at the end of each line of the refrain. It's super cute.

The team can hardly lift their heads when the song ended and is rapidly disappearing backstage. The singer teams think tips on how to better engage the audience with "Delivery Romance" as Bada bounces across the stage during the intro.

Jong-Kook appears to sing with her before Gary and Suk-jin join. the whole team is on stage for the chorus, and Bada "hop on" Jong-Kook motorcycle that recognizes the other team that they made on the spot. Hey, whatever works.

Now that their performances are over, the team take a look at every text of another. Suk-jin breaks at the "Piranha" line and Jong-shin says he used the water cannons rather slow. The singers are criticized for the sudden transition between a trip and delivery of food and as Gary says, it is because these texts held in Busan, Jong-shin says, they should have the dialect then inserted. LOL.

No matter what they say now, the result is in their hands Richter. The maximum number of points is 0, and the team came pretty close: 140.1 vs. 142 7.

We see that actress Han Hye-jin enjoyed the "Delivery Romance" lyrics, while "had Beltway Romance" difficulties However, critics in Jin-mo the opposite opinion - that " . Beltway Romance ". give a word picture painted

lyricist Kim In-na, the Non-Singers team using the Spot "sweeps Flamingo win" line, and when she asks if she swears negative points to the Singers Team Jong-Kook can go and that he would keep all its work.

It turns out that webtoon artist Jo Seok a huge Kim Kyung-ho fan, so he gave the team good grades. asked actress Park Bo-young, whether it fair that the Non-Singers team in their team had the original artist. In order, Jae-Suk says Jong-shin more of a hindrance than anything else was.

Announcer Bae Sung-jae had noticed that "Beltway Romance" was disappointing, while the catchy melody of "delivery ratio to praise." And so the team that has earned 142.7 points ...

... the singers team. It turns out, the extra 2.6 points came from a higher performance score, and it will be the singer, the final touch.

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tags: featured, Gary, Haha , Ji Suk-jin Kim Jong-Kook Lee Kwang-soo, Running Man, song Ji-hyo Yoo Jae-Suk

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