Recap And Reviews Kdrama Doctors: Episode 13

Recap And Reviews Korean Drama Doctors: Episode 13 -

We have more romance, some doctor-ing, and a few more laps around the inferiority circle for Seo-woo. Hye-young and Ji-hong ease in their romance, but it is not an easy task to involve yourself in the lives of each other. There are fine limits in the workplace and in their personal lives that are learning to navigate it. All this time our doctors take on a new case, reminds us that they are capable of neurosurgeons and multitaskers.


We fast insight into Hye-young and Ji-hong in her childhood and quickly come forward, where they are now. runs Hye-jung to Ji-hong and wraps her arms around him in a back hug. She said: "Dating is a common story of a man and woman wrote each other past scars in the presence understand and accept is to this story Key.."

In neurosurgery department, Young-Kook and nurse Su-jin yawn in exhaustion as Hye-jung approaches. She receives a call from Kang-soo in the emergency room about a patient and assigns it a surgery room preparation. As she waits for the elevator, Hye-jung calls Ji-hong, which is home to observe a surgery, but it hangs shortly after, because it is the elevator enters.

your quick conversation reminds Ji-hong a current voicemail recorded accidentally, and was sent by Hye-young. In the voicemail, she wonders why he has not asked her out a second time, as he had promised, and maintains that yes, they will come to him. Ji-hong smiles as he hears the voicemail freak that their message was recorded.

Hye-jung leads surgery while Kyung-joon falls asleep beside her. She catches him away to nod sympathetically and threatens him to leave with a countdown operation, insisting that they. On their own order

In the break room, Joong-dae clears off the table at the arrival of their late-night snack and enthusiastically greeted the deliveryman (Cameo of namgoong min ). Before he goes to Deliveryman turns to ask the doctors about his seven year old son limp. His local clinic recommended that he take in a bigger hospital his son, and Kang-soo has to schedule an appointment with Ji-hong.

Speaking Ji-hong, he enters the hospital and finds Hye-young after their surgery. Nurse Su-jin admired his commitment to his patients, even if he does not on demand, but we are not under the same oblivion. Ji-hong looks for spectators around to take before Hye-jung hand and leads her out. But then a nurse goes through and Hye-jung shakes it off, acting nonchalant.

go for a walk outside, and Ji-hong shows its heart-shaped headphone splitter. He puts it in his phone and does not answer the "Where is the love" as they go hand in hand. Sit down, and Ji-hong gently stroking her hair. Inevitably their romantic moment is cut short by a call to Kang-soo on another patient, so they walk back to the hospital together, have each moment to milk them.

The next day Deliveryman observed his two sons giggle and play with each other in the hospital lobby. The nurse calls for the younger son, Dal, and they give Ji-hong Office. Ji-hong asks Dal to go to him and returned to his father, and his smile drops after watching Dal drag his feet.

In the meeting of Directors, Myung-hoon Tae-ho congratulated the neuro for the education department gains. It appears that the video of Ji-hong DBS really marketed surgery on the Olympic Sagittarius her department. Myung-hoon her credit card and vacation time as a reward department again, and he announces the continuation of the geriatric center project, much to Tae-ho dismay.

Ji hong says Father Dal that he needs an MRI the exact cause of Dal hiking anomaly to assess, and suddenly older brother Hae says desperate that he go to the toilet to go. His father tried to calm him down, but it's an emergency and Hae expires. Dal father asks if the MRI is covered under insurance, and Ji-hong clarifies that the cost, if the disease is identified after scanning are covered.

Da Hae running in the hall, he comes in Seo-woo and falls. She helps him and directs him to the bathroom, and he runs away, his cell phone fall behind him. Seo-woo is waiting for him outside the bathroom and hands giggly Hae his phone. She takes his hand to get him to go back, and he continues to giggle when he compliments her, "You're pretty.". Seo-woo admits that she has recently been a confirmation to

Seo-woo asks Hae, he always laughs and giggles so much, and he says yes, but adds that it makes him sad. He explains: "... My name Hae's (sun) and my brother's name is Dal (moon) Dal is sick, but I still laugh I'm sorry, because I even laugh when he is sick," then moves he continued to laugh more.

His father calls him and Hae runs to him when he giggles. Seo-woo looks at the child strangely, waving Yoon-do to her. He seems reluctant to approach her because their rocky relationship, but Seo-woo only shares her suspicions about Hae behavior. She approaches Hae father and tells him that she suspects that are associated with a disease to laugh Hae. Yoon-do agrees that it could be a gelastic attack, and recommends that Hae more tests.

Myung-hoon goes to preach by the hospital to his entourage and stops when he sees her hospital in the news for unfair hiring practices. The hospital seems to undergo investigation for nepotism, and Myung-hoon erupts with anger, smashing the phone in his office (Nam Gyu-man style).

Kang-soo receives a call from a producer of a documentary show explores the inspiration for the main character to interview webtoon his. She insists that this heroine perfectly fits a successful physician with her show concept with a difficult past. Kang-soo says that this doctor was not interested and says the producer to estimate the webtoon how it is and leave it at that. Even after the shutdown producers to Kang-soo makes what will happen when Hye-young discovers webtoon that is all about them.


Hye-jung walks down the hallway on the other side of Ji-hong and signals him to go lunch together, but by Joong-dae and Kang-soo is intercepted. They suggest walking together in the cafeteria, and Hye-young she scolds for wasting precious time. She scares easily, although Hye-jung looks apologetically. Texts Ji-hong, that it is so difficult to eat together, and he responds with his signature puppy Emoticon to say to cheer her up.

They signaled to meet him again in the cafeteria, and Ji-hong blowing a kiss from the other side. Giddy and embarrassed, Hye-jung starts to run and Ji-hong she reflects. She tried to get up, but she is like a fool smiling.

Ji-hong grabs a table in the cafeteria, only parameter called over to running and In-joo at the next table. He is clearly disappointed, but calls on a reluctant Hye-jung at her table when she arrives. Pa-ran feel that they are only the two stopped from sharing a meal together, and Ji-hong confirmed his suspicions. Then he goes Hye-young to introduce them as his girlfriend. And Hye-jung reciprocated by itself introduce as Ji-hong girlfriend. Omo.

In-joo and Pa-ran teasing, saying that they are going through their honeymoon phase now and it's all downhill from here. But In-joo warmly congratulates them, especially Ji-hong at his age. You promise to keep her secret, and Pa-ran teases more of kissy faces, before they succeed for good friends high five each other.

Director Jin breaks in Myung-hoon office, upset by the bad press around the hospital. A resentful former employee must have reported it, but Myung-hoon assures his father that the prosecutor on the case of a patient from their hospital, so the damage will be minimal.

The hospital scandal seems even doctors will influence - hired Kyung-joon doctors always keeps reports from patients about being by nepotism. Nurse Su-jin says that she has heard directed these comments on her. It brings the possibility of Kang-soo webtoon in a book, and Young-Kook says that they should get good page for the event on Kang-soo, he makes it big. So Kyung-joon makes Joong-dae do all laborious check-ups. Aww, poor Joong-dae.

Yoon-do spots a malformation in Hae brain scans and confirmed that he has a gelastic attack. He congratulated Seo-woo to recognize the symptoms and states that he supplemented twice already. Yoon-do confesses that she is a little pathetic always, but Seo-woo knows that compassion is not love. Yoon-do asks if she still loves him, she asks if he still loves Hye-young. He laughs and acknowledges that she knows his weakness.

Seo-woo says Yoon-do that Hae brother is a patient of Ji-hong, and he tells her to call him. Seo-woo then looks earnestly at him and confesses, but that she detests him like him a lot. He assumes that she likes him because of his undesirable circumstances, but Seo-woo, having declared that that was the case. It was a change from what they had experienced with suitors that she has fallen for their position. Yoon-do advises her to check on him if their feelings are love or reassurance.

Seo-woo asks what is the difference, and Yoon-do tells her that in a person confidence and to love a person are different. Even without confidence, you can make it to the end with love. She finds this even reckless, but Yoon-do says, you love because it is ruthless.

advise as In-joo and Pa-ran our lovebirds on their workplace romance, Hye-jung a call from getting over their patients Seo-woo. You will need to meet together to discuss the treatment options for the brothers, so Ji-hong and Hye-young head. Kang-soo runs up to her and says Hye-young that he has something to tell her alone, and Ji-hong she teases that it must be beautiful, which means that everyone has an eye on them. He walks with a grin and said that confidence is important.

Kang-soo makes Hye-jung promise not to kill him and then show them the webtoon. She is not too happy, as their character looks like, but it is by especially upset as he uses their stories without permission. He tries the pros out and says that he could make them into a star, but she orders him to keep concealed their identity from these manufacturers.

Hye-jung office and Ji-hong enters immediately stands up for them to sit down. Both Yoon-do and Seo-woo sense something different with these two, but Ji-hong claiming that they only diagnose their patients. Ji-hong tells Hye-jung diagnosis to his father lay, as they will be on the patient in operation. She smiles broadly when she's ready, and Yoon-do she looks sad with envy.

Hye-jung says Dal father that they need to remove the tumor Dal brain before it further weakens his motor functions. Dal father understands the urgency of the operation, but he is worried about the cost. He is a single father, and with his two sons in need of medical care, it is likely to be a financial burden. Hye-jung tells him to have brought his two sons to the hospital and says she'll speak to the social work office on the cost. He thanks her and moves on Yoon-do Office for his advice for Hae.

Yoon-do says the father of the boy that Hae also needed surgery to remove a tumor gelastic that will affect its behavior. Dad did not know that Hae was laughing a look of pain, but Seo-woo says he should not feel guilty because a gelastic attack is not easy to detect. Yoon-do recommend treatment as soon as possible, since this tumor can affect Hae development, but Hae Father knows that it is not financially feasible. He decides to initially get to do Dal practice, and then he will Hae reconsider the treatment.

Hae and Dal father calls all his contacts, asking money for the operations to borrow because loans alone can not cover the costs. He tears as he carries his playful young sons watch, no idea about the burdens of her father.

Myung-hoon meets with Tae-ho and requires some plans for their hospital image repair. The PR director enters the office and informed Myung-hoon that Hye-jung to throw because of their fame Kang-soo webtoon an offer of a TV show. Myung-hoon like the idea and orders Tae-ho to convince them of this concert in the revenue.

Seo-woo and Young-Kook take before a coffee break on a bench, and he shares his suspicions about Ji-hong and dated Hye-young. Seo-woo does not seem to care and says that they are no longer with Hye-jung compete not tried because they lose anyway. Young-Kook says that likeable Hye-young and adaptable, say that they have eaten Hye-jung to its employees for dinner to see. He takes his cell phone to show you a video, and they butt heads as they try to look at the screen. They stare at each other for a moment, and Young-Kook eyes linger on her as she looks at the video. Oooh, this boy has a crush.

Seo-woo wonders how Hye-young this way was, and Young-Kook reiterated that Seo-woo is nicer. She takes it as a compliment friendly (although it seemed more sincere) and is a call from her father answered. He says to bring Seo-woo Hye-jung, to meet him, and even seems Seo-woo drain the mood again.

Hye-jung father by the hospital falls food from his restaurant to drop off, and Ji -Hong greets him. Ji-hong asks if he and invites him Hye-jung father recalls to his office. Hye-jung father finally reminds him of Grandma's house and Ji-hong also shows that he was the class teacher Hye-young. Ji-hong asks Hye-young father when he called his daughter, but he says that Hye-jung him dislike and would probably avoid him.

Hye-jung receives a call from her father, and as expected, it rejects the call. Then she gets a call from an unknown number. It is the Secretary Summoning them. With Myung-hoon

Hye-jung and Seo-woo meet Myung-hoon, the social adaptability says to meet and insists Seo-woo is missing, that the two friends should be. They remain silent, but Myung-hoon bulldozes and suggests that Hye-jung offering take to appear on television. She says she already rejected the offer, but Myung-hoon demands that she should take it to help the hospital in difficult times. He says he Seo-woo do it, but it is not qualified for the appearance. Ouch.

When they leave the office, Seo-woo says Hye-young, that this is how she lives. She has not easy to win everything, as Hye-jung once had claimed. She walks away, and Hye-jung looks regretfully.

Ji-hong waiting Hye-jung in the hallway, and suggests that they take it this time at home. She likes his proposal, saying that she lifted her mood immediately to see him. She explains that she met with Seo-woo and Myung-hoon and says: ". The life of a person from a distance looks good Up close, it's cruel." He asks if she still wants to give his life, even with this knowledge, and they do so, determined.

Hye-jung the opened passenger door to her car, and Ji-hong arches in honor of their chivalrous gesture. "Has this adventure to another a person's life began."

Yoon-do until his: When they go home, Ji-hong stretches his hand out the window, and Hye-jung tells with anticipation apartment complex attracts, and Seo-woo is waiting for him there. She cries and admits Yoon-do that they tried to resist, but keeps longing for him if something happens difficult. She hugs him and asks why they can not be together - they get along and know them well, after all. He pulls away and clarifies that it does not work for him.

Seo-woo insists that it is just the right height for him. He laughs when he tells her this and recognizes to go home because the neighbors could see them. He further explains that it as two options for people: to obey their parents' wishes or not they obey. Seo-woo can their parents do not disobey, but they can not meet their expectations as well. Yoon-do says that it is a selfish wish to ask others to meet your expectations, and says Seo-woo outside their parents to live shadow. He runs inside and lets them to cry alone.

Joong-dae lays happily rice balls together, but he is interrupted by Kyung-joon, who scolds him for not proper care of the patient. Joong-dae insists that he ordered the necessary CT scans, but Kyung-joon scolds him anyway for his miscommunication. Tired of being the punching bag, Joong-dae grabs a handful of rice and storms out of the room. Kang-soo says that Kyung-joon was a little hard, but Kyung-joon says that he is tough, so they do not make serious mistakes in the future.

Unhappy Joong-dae occurs Soon-hee bar and orders alone drinks. He asks for a favor from her that they do not know all his employees that he's here. He takes a sip of his beer and crying to himself.

In-joo goes to Yoon-do house, as it comes out of the shower and makes himself at home. She says she is comfortable here and warns Yoon-do not fall for them, claiming that they have a rather colorful background has. He calls them "Aunt" again and tells her that he does not. Yoon-do is flat, and even more when his uncle Pa-ran enters the house. In-joo and Pa-ran enjoy at Yoon-do hanging space, as it so fun to tease, and she. Fist bump in solidarity

Hye- Jung parks her car, and Ji-hong keeps on his seat belt, so that they can unbuckle him. She gets close to the seat belt to be undone, but springs back when she realized her proximity. He lifts the seat itself and bait Hye-jung with his claw machine. You can not resist the offer, so that it connects him inside.

Hye-jung successfully navigated the claw machine, and Ji-hong said that he wanted to compensate for his unfulfilled childhood a claw machine. Hye-jung says, they must have something like this, and Ji-hong admits that he used to hit her father on that day. They flatly states that she does not like her father, saying that they do not again want to do well. He asks if it's okay for him to meet her father, and he explains that he misses grandma cook and wants to go the restaurant.

admits Hye-young that she misses even grandmas cooking and admits that she does not cook, because she is afraid that she might be good. They would by their grandmother, and thinking about grandmother would remember her crying. As she tears, Ji-hong says he does not know what to do in this situation, and Hye-jung appreciates his honesty. She says she'll teach him and wraps his arms around her. Ji-hong comforting her in a warm embrace.

The next morning, Dal insured father the boy that surgery is not scary. Hae laughs, and this time his father is watching with a better understanding with him. Ji-hong enters the room and shakes Dal hand before surgery in the head.

In surgery, Ji-hong Hye-jung can prepare deep in the brain before the official procedure begin. When he begins to remove the tumor, Hye-jung warns him about the nearby areas, which could result in other behavioral deficits. Suddenly the machine BERA shows unstable electrical signals and Ji-hong orders his surgical team off their hands. He closes his eyes and waits a moment before coming back to check the signals. They are back to normal, and Ji-hong continues the operation. He gives Hye-jung quick message and asks if he is good. She replies that he is very much like that.

Ji-hong exits the surgery and says Dal father that it went well. Ji-hong appearance Hae, who has fallen asleep while waiting, but continued to laugh in his sleep.

Tae-ho meets with Hye-young and admits that he feel pressure to convince the higher-ups to participate in the TV show. As Tae-ho requests it, she decides to easy to follow his wishes. She claims that she pleasantly surprised clear likes and dislikes, even with people, and Tae-ho seems they simply concession.

After their meeting, Hye-jung finds Ji -Hong has outside, leaning against him in exhaustion. He is feeding his coffee and offers to cook what she wants for dinner. You go to the supermarket and Hye-jung throwing in everything they want, as Ji-hong traverses some of the food. He pretends to feed her a sample before he shrugs in his own mouth and a little too much on Hye-jung, the mock-hitting fist.

At home, Ji-hong chefs like Hye-jung watches love, set. It brings about the soup, and Hye-young, there is a taste. You recognize it, still takes a spoon, and asks where Ji-hong bought it - it just like grandma's cooking tastes.

He tells her that she is from grandma's Restaurant, also known as her father's restaurant, and Hye-jung puts down her spoon. She looks at Ji-hong and told:.. "Entering the other person's life is the beginning of dating In contrast, it is also to welcome the other person in your own life, it seems like a friendly welcome, it is difficult . "


This novel achieved a good balance, which is something I do not had expected, given the inherent imbalance of power between the two. While Ji-hong clearly is the older and wiser doctor yet, his relationship has not necessarily reflect with Hye-young that teacher-student more dynamic. They are starting from scratch, and I appreciate the honesty in their growth together. I enjoyed the vertigo in this episode (as evidenced by my collection of screen proved), but plenty of romance means that we compensate with some unfavorable circumstances. Ah yes, the time has come for this relationship a little more to be real. That's not to say that the romance in this episode was not real. It was really fun and very cute.

I only half-jokingly, that Seo-woo runs around the inferiority circle of fate, because they seem to be even make some progress, out beyond their parents' expectations, but it quickly returns to dig deeper back in their self-hatred hole in an instant. Yoon-do really dropped the microphone with all truths he said Seo-woo, but I do not know how well their sensitive ego to take his bluntness. It is a frustrating circle of fate, because everything Yoon-do says, is the simple truth, but Seo-woo just do not know how to take it. And I can not Seo-woo totally hate because we will get smashed front row seat to their ego from their father. We saw the cruelty that Hye-jung only realized by Seo-woo life up close, and I think I just need to be with Seo-woo character patients. I am constantly ambivalent about it, but I want them to like a little more.

I namgoong min of Cameo as a single father has loved me, and I'm amazed that I believe his acting despite all memorable characters he has recently taken. It helped that his supporting role had much pathos with those adorable sons, who had the cutest matching names that both required brain surgery. But I must admit that I could not help but think back to crazy eyes namgoong min when Myung-hoon (the actor worked with namgoong min in this show, remember?) Broke the phone in his anger fit. I hope that a tribute to the crazy character and his anger management issues was.

The popularity of the show in Korea is not too much sense to me, but I appreciate it for what it is. I personally am a big fan of the cast and the execution of the show. I love the chemistry of the cast as a whole, even if we get only pieces of our characters. The writing of the show is not amazing, but I think that it challenges some of the standards with drama heroines. Love them or hate them, Park Shin-hye is the real star of the show. You will be treated like Hye-jung in real life style - a lot of people love them, those who in the past they dwell not like and some hate them because everyone loves it. It is mixed an entire bag reactions, Hae and Dal are as different as day and night, sun and moon.

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tags: doctors, Episode 13, in Kim Rae-won, Lee Sung-Kyung, Park Shin-hye, Yoon Kyun-sang

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