Recap And Reviews Kdrama Happy Romance: pick Episode 4

Recap And Reviews Korean Drama Happy Romance: pick Episode 4 -

do media now that the setup is complete and the romance can really get going, albeit from a cold, hard business arrangement in the form. I suppose stranger things Romanticism led in drama country, and if it is I always enjoy a trope, it is the contractual relationship, forcing people in coupley situations and leads to genuine feelings. wants to be I still laugh out loud as I (which has the go zany the first episode?), but there are some cuteness and the possibility of a genuine link between our leads had to be.

Impact Grade: B


contract in hand, Bo-nui biting the bullet and making them soon -to-be boss Su -hō an offer: they will be signed and work for three months for his company, and he gets the rights to the game they developed ... if he goes three weeks. It takes a really long time to respond, probably because his brain is short.

His mother calls and sulking about the birthday breakfast she is ready for Su-ho, which he obviously no longer come home to eat. She throws father and his drunken ramblings and sighs that she was told it was because Su-ho not a girlfriend, that he always cold and numb. Is Dad gets just mad at her again to waste their time with a fortune teller.

Back in the office, Su-ho asks Bo-nui to repeat their conditions, and comes away with: "So, as you love me?" She answers no immediately what is even more confusing. She says she would not real dates for real, but she wants to go on dates as other people do, and watch movies, have tea and make Ramyun (Code for inviting someone for sex).

She calls it Beta-dating, as the beta version of a game. Su-ho flat-out says no, ask why a programmer would use her own game like this to get it to a parent compared hostage their own child. Everything she tells him, is that someone's life is at stake. I think you should set only, you have gone as he?

He is not saying, but when Bo-nui threatens to pack her desk and left, he still asks a day to think about it.

tennis pro Gary goes to swim with his agent Amy, but he runs when he gets a call. She asks if he is the noona back next door, but everything he says he does not want to lie to her, so she should not ask.

Gary races to a cafe where he encounters in a man on his way to and meets with a private investigator he had his father set to the track. Apparently, he was just here, but he ran when he heard that Gary was on the way. Gary is crazy, but the researcher says that his father was not really anyway he was a homeless person looking for a con. Gary asks him to do everything possible to find Dad in the next two months will take.

Su-ho his buddy Ryang-ha has to play through video games (aha, so he has a house outside his office!) And Ryang-ha laughs at Bo-nui and its beta-dating-contract hear. He is convinced that Bo-nui for Su-ho was at first glance, the Su-ho agrees quite possible.

But he fixed on Bo-Nui words about it to be a matter of life and death, and he asks what it means when she said that she would end up clean after three weeks and disappear. Ryang-ha's eyes widen and he says it list it must be her bucket, an incurable disease got, and their operation is in three weeks, but the odds are really bad, so she wants to do all the things that they never done before, such as the date. Ha. Thank goodness for Ryang-ha and his overactive imagination.

Su-ho gasps, but then he points out that she's got perfect skin and rosy cheeks and clear eyes and shiny hair-not the sign of a dying patient. Ryang-ha only question is when he noticed all of these things.

Ryang-ha sighs as he opens the refrigerator to find no sign of life, and swallows there the only drink down. He wonders why it acidic, and Su-ho looks up and says his mother that ... the last year put in the summer.

Cut to: Hospital, with Ryang-ha as Su-ho dramatically overreacting tried to poison him for his company shares. Now that he's lying in a hospital bed, Ryang-ha decides that Su-ho was dated Bo-nui, because it's just too sad for someone to die in this age without ever having a boyfriend.

Bo-nui comes to the same hospital to visit her sister and snacks for the nursing staff to faint, and she announces happily that they get a job just so they will pay their secured hospital bills soon. You and Su-ho miss each other to see where they collect a frayed mother to help her shoes only through the entrance, pausing. Bo-nui says with empathy, that everything will be fine and remains there for a little while, choked with emotions.

Gary outside the apartment building waiting if Bo-nui comes home, and he asks for a chat her because he has had a really tough day. She invites him and digs old photos of his father, who came to his junior high graduation, after he found out about her parents' deaths.

Gary sighs that he still has no photos with his father like this, and he hated him for a long time, wondering if he meant nothing to his father. But now he's worried that he waited too long, and that he wanted too late for him.

Bo-nui gives him a stuffed owl and says that it is a guardian spirit that his eyes open all night keep looking'm his father, and Gary smiles. You know that most people just call this stuff superstition, but she says that for some people, they all have the hope and aspiration, and no power to do anything else.

Gary asks if that's why they sought a tiger character, for superstitious reasons, and she says that it is apparently good for her sister when she comes a tiger man. Gary warns only that all men are wolves beside him (that's what all the boys say!), And when she asks about Amy, he swears it just a business relationship. He insists that he was not sitting in the wrinkly noonas what earned him a beating from the noona beside him.

It is a really embarrassing morning at the office, with Su-ho to avoid confrontation silent, and Bo-nui stretched its decision on , He takes her on the phone to overhear her sister doctor an increase in the discussion of medications, it is the confirmation he theory Ryang-ha has to believe that she might die.

He finally called to his office on the same day and agrees to the deal. Su-ho calls it an exchange of hours as he. His precious, expensive time in exchange for its clients He has three hours a day on weekends, but Bo-nui scoffs that it is not nearly enough time to set the mood and things to do. Su-ho: "W-what mood"

They deal back and forth, six hours a day, four hours a day, and finally settled on five hours a day on Saturdays and Sundays, for the next three weeks. It is the strangest conversation, but Bo-nui true happy and says with a bow, that they will never forget that, even if it is dead. For them it's just a thing you say, but he makes a face at the mention of death thinking that it confirms its assumptions.

Gary Game Proposal Zeze straighten up and turned it down, as it does with most deals, but he surprised Amy with the asked if he would do a TV appearance, and which program might appeal to fifty something age group.

When he goes out it, Amy asks him again to reconsider the holidays, and he wonders if there is something else going on with her. She says only, it is not to compete a waste moment, and checked his shoulder muscles.

Bo-nui come and see them, and from a distance it looks like they embrace, or at least get weirdly Handsy. Bo-nui smiles and assumes that they are together after all. She comes home with a big stack of books all about dating, they advise eating meals with the man she is interested. If you had to learn that from a book, we have a long way to go.

But discovered the next day, Bo-nui that Su-ho never lunch with the rest of his staff eats, the add that he does not eat, sleep, or ever laugh. Dal-NIM is the only one to be a genius, who also works hard, but no one else shares to defend their opinion Su-ho. Oh, do Dal-nim an eye on him?

Su-ho tense when he discovered Amy in the Zeze offices, and asks for greater security and goes straight past her. But she surprised him by saying that it is here as Gary Agent. So they are forced to sit opposite each other in a tense meeting, issues with its employees why the air is so cold there.

Amy says in banmal that a genius, of course, the best, not matter what field he is in, and Su-ho that tense but she ignored. She admits that Gary refused their offer, but they came anyway, "Because it's someone I want to see, but he will not give me the opportunity."

Su-ho wants to deal directly with Gary, who is responsible would ask if they betrayed them. It is clearly a barbed comment, but it simply jumps over it and says that to convince Gary of anything. Su-ho to break that and then says bluntly that she was younger, must use successful men, because that is their specialty. Ouch.

He says cold that he would ensure the contract is airtight so that no party the other may betray and run away. She reminds him that this business is contractual, not a personal, and he says he knows the difference, as opposed to her.

There will eventually run tense enough for the other employee there, and to tell Dal-nim race down to the cafe about Ryang-ha. He acknowledges that it speaks with hilarious sparse details of Dal-nim about Amy like: "You have this body, and this face!" And he calls her a femme fatale.

Amy says that San Francisco after leaving it switched majors because Astrophysics never suited what he needs to know. Su-ho asks why they do not stay, because they write it, they could have a dissertation had and you get a Ph.D. "Naïve The Su-ho would have offered everything," he says bitterly. He gets up and tells her to speak, and not to call him by name from then on his staff.

The staff gossips about drinks that night, most of them amazed that Su-ho ever had a girlfriend. Speculation is running wild about whether she still comes, or uses it to him or her cheating broke his heart, and all the time Bo-nui sitting quietly and wondered what that means for them, their tiger check.

Su-ho brooding by himself and flashes back to the first time he met Amy when she had saved him from a lake, after some hooligans threw him into the water. He was always teased because he skipped grades and was the child genius, but she had turned out to be his teacher's daughter and offered to be his friend.

Bo-nui comes back to check into the office Su-ho, but Ryang-ha is him first and takes him out for beer, and she worries about how he is doing, as they observed they leave.

Su-ho mother shows in the office the next day, but you can get past security and even Ryang-ha plays disorders calls Su-ho an angry hedgehog is not just manage. Mom sees Bo-nui for work arrive and asks them to provide a talisman for them without knowing Su-ho, and Bo-nui surprised by knowing what the talisman is for. She takes the opportunity Mom ask what Su-ho likes to eat, and Mama says Seafood, since he grew up by the sea.

So sneaks Bo-nui the talisman in a Su-ho-books, and falsifies fit a cough when he them come in. He takes it just as another sign that she is ill, she denies. She leaves him a tuna sandwich, but he throws it in the trash immediately.

it sees happen, because they are turning back, and he at least seems to be a tinge of guilt feeling about it. He explains that he does not fish do not like what his mother seems odd in light of what said.

Bo-nui reminds him only on their first date tomorrow, and says she'll pick the place. She plans everything from the night before, and on Saturday, she gets all go dressed.

It runs in Gary on the way, and hesitates before asking him to give them a little encouragement, because they really really needs now. He gives her a weak cheer at first, but then adds a heartfelt "Shim Bo-nui, you can do it! Fight!" What raises her mood.

Bo-nui waiting outside a hotel and Su-ho Schleps barefoot to her and slippers and his normal casual wear. It is not so much the outfit as his attitude is-basically he bratty is to make it clear that he does not want to be here, and does not care about any of it.

She says he looks tired, and he confirmed that he is too short on sleep already, "Because I have a strange hand labor agreement recently signed, but what can I do I made a promise, so I have to keep it "He leaves the rest unsaid, but it is perfectly clear.?. but I did not like

Bo-nui forges. forward and proposes, on one of the hotel rooms dinner that could have turned him into stone, because it does not move. She adds, nervous that she won a drawing and got a free room, and the view will be amazing and she wants to do something unusual, like eating in a luxury hotel room once before she dies. He gets up and does it when she brings death.

He has not a single thing at dinner but touching because she ordered all seafood. Apparently, he is not like does not fish, so Bo-nui asked what he likes to eat. Su-ho says that as soon as he can take you so retiring, he will invent a pill that you do not eat. Hm, that sounds crazy and familiar. [But it would be so conveeeeeeeeenient! –javabeans]

Bo-nui wonders what he enjoys in life if he does not like any food, while he replies that carbohydrates and sweets to love is an indication that she is unhappy and low on serotonin. Omg, from this guy in real life would be so annoying!

She takes it in stride and admits that she is unhappy, but if she says she, positive thoughts from now on, that contrary thinking goes he calls that refusal. She clenches her teeth and holding from snapping back to him, and instead uses a moment when he looks out the window.

Bo-nui grabs her wineglass, spilling the contents all over the dress, and uses to go wash the excuse. Is it the intention to make real his bones to jump tonight? I do not think that will go well ...

They cling in the bathroom and has a moment of hesitation, but they are a few encouraging words, arguing that logic, he is a man and she is woman, so should things go in this direction.

Bo-nui comes out of the bathroom in only her panties and even Su-ho eyes meet as she begins to say to nervous "What should I do ..."

But then she finally sees him and recognizes that he sleeps like. You lose air and says he looks really nice when he is asleep, and he shocks them with the question, what it is she wants to do. Ack, he was not asleep? Embarrassing!

She gasps and tried to hide behind the couch, and he leans suddenly close as it is to kiss her ... and then says: ". The time is up" Urg.

She argues that they do not have the time, but he wants to travel time factor and is to leave. In a mad dash to try to stop him and she runs to the door and falls instead, and when he makes repeated attempts to find out if she is hurt, she blurts out that they only humiliated.

Bo-nui hurry her panties thrown over her trench coat and just wearing her dress in her hand, so that they leave with him. Down in the lobby, Su-ho is recognized by a lot of people who are excited bizarre about him (maybe there is a player convention in the hotel?) And be trauma to the surface when they surround him and start taking pictures again ,

He looks so distraught that Bo-nui noticed and it breaks through the crowd hand to take and lead him away. They put him in a quiet corner of the lobby down, and he realizes later that he was still clutching her hand. He let go, and when she comes back with a glass of water, she finds him hunched and reciting multiplication tables.

On the drive home, Bo-nui for her chest pounds, such as indigestion seems, and she asks about the multiplication tables. He says simple calculation clearly helps her head, but when she brings the fainting incident at the launch, he changes the subject abruptly and says that they have arrived.

Su-ho rejects their offer for tea, because he wants no more time to waste, and Bo-nui looks sad, as she admits that she thought that she had come a little closer. After a long beat, he calls her name and turns to her as it is to say something meaningful ... and asks, "Are you not going to get out of the car" Wah-waaah.

He drives off and touched his hand for a second before it on a tirade about which they proceed as down without they were his hands and things would be fine calm. He decides he will have to get a kind of injunction to bring an end to the physical contact, and gets all again at the memory of her touch annoyed.

Gary is waiting at the bus stop with ice on Bo-nui to come home, and when she says that they are already at their building, he runs again happy. He sneaks up behind her and comes to wear a mask over his face, and it scares them for a second, until she smiled Gary sees them back.

But then out of nowhere, another hooded man flying through the air and brings in Gary. It's a pretty quick and one-sided battle, and Gary gets the other guy just on the floor stapled. Bo-nui begins to call the police if Hoody your Name coughs, and she gasps to see that Su-ho.

They are all to Bo-Nui relocate apartment where Su-ho his cuts and scrapes while looking jealously at Gary investigated the currently ongoing to enjoy each small section still bandaged from Bo-nui and attention. I love how Su-ho so clearly wants the same treatment, but can not admit it, and insists that he's fine.

Gary takes issue with Bo-Nui boss in place at night shows, and starts all accusatory to Bo-nui has physically pushing him later promise a statement. After he leaves, Bo-nui helps Su-ho with his bandages, and relies on his hand protectively to help mark to heal him.

He says he doesn 't believe in that stuff, but she claims that she does. It is the physical contact that he is concerned with more, and he draws the second it is finished. He says he will add a contract clause that keeps him her touch, and she argued that dating will naturally lead skinship. He says it is wrong anyway, and then to go.

Su-ho finally remembers why he came back and a pharmacy bag because he noticed her digestive earlier throws at her feet. Aw. He even bought two species in drug interactions with what other medications she's on. She is confused on this, so he confronts her about it and ask directly what their illness.

he puts all the characters how to take their medicine outside the hotel (which was a herbal sedative for her nervousness), cough (when on their own water would suffocated from nerve), hiccups or fall over.

I do not know why, but I like the way he asks, "What's wrong" he nudges to ask if they surgery in three weeks is over and if they say they'll die. Finally, it is still confused, so he tells her that he knows about her terminal illness.

Bo-nui laughs and says it humbled a misunderstanding, and Su-ho on the error. He covers his embarrassment by saying that he would add this clause to any skinship, and so does the digestive medicine back.

She laughs again and says he unexpectedly beautiful than she first thought, agree to her crazy contract because he felt bad about her dying, and their medicine bring and jump in their own rescue, though he can not fight. Hee.

now says that she thinks about it, it's rather large. He does not know how to respond directly compliment and just standing back there, staring at her. She adds with a grin that when he said only things beautiful, it would be perfect.

Su-ho points awkwardly at his watch and says they have run overtime, they will announce tomorrow's date and add an hour and a half to date next week. But Bo-nui asks: "Can not we, that now use this hour and a half we do it now consume sleeping with me tonight?.."


Back at the hospital, Su-ho had noticed Bo-nui because after all that had solidified his assumption that she was ill. He saw the emotion in her reaction when she told the worried mother that everything was fine, and again when it is repeated.


I do not think that they would put it out there so and ask him to spend the night, but maybe the show surprise us and do something unexpected for a change. That would be nice, because the last few episodes really have the setup pulled what I thought was already done in the first episode. But the workplace drama really weigh the story down, and a part of me still can not believe always that it took so many episodes officially get Bo-nui worked for the company. Because that's just not the part we care about. I just want that the main characters were active funny because right now Ryang-ha the only implementation of comedy. I like the characters and especially the actors, but I still feel like the story behind one step. It was the second pick that Bo-nui and Su-ho went on their first date, because now we are finally done about what to say and to do something; it should just have not taken so long.

The day was a series of disasters, but I wish honest it more embarrassing and more of a disaster have been. Is that funny? It is only when it wanted to go up in flames (which of course it was), I wanted hilarity epic embarrassed to bring it to fall. As it is, it hurts their ego, but Su-ho seems unaware that I do not think their intentions ever registered with him. The handholding and his response was a significant upturn, because I began to fear that he did not like, although he said her hair was shiny (I like it that he so focused on small details, even if he misses the great image completely). And maybe with Gary will be a good thing if it brings its childish jealousy.

I am disappointed that the incurable disease misunderstanding no longer worked because there is so much trouble thinking process put in Su-ho was and all little confirmations he thought he had seen. I thought it seemed like a plausible reason for them a three-week beta friend want to, and now I'm not sure what excuse they come up with will know why they made him. I still think it is working in their favor when they think it can be that she has a crush on him, but maybe thinks she is more embarrassing? Three weeks just does not seem like much time, especially considering Su-ho personality. But maybe, just maybe, he will tap into his emotions and fall for their first? I do not hold your breath.

I just hope that there are more contractual relationship hijinks in the business, because that is the only part of the show is I like, and now it is surrounded by a lot of filler side stuff that is not necessary. It's a bit like a jelly filled donut get and get to ninety percent of the plane donut to a dollop of jelly in a corner to go. Do not be stingy with the jelly! The jelly is why we buy the donut!

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tags: episode 4, in Hwang Jung-eum, Lee Chung-ah, Lee Soo-Hyuk, happy relationship, Ryu Joon-yeol

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