This episode sets the stage for the future development of the plot, especially with the introduction of three new characters and the arrival of a new threat. Since the events of the night of the seventeenth birthday of the twins come to an end, we jump on the consequences of the consequences of that fateful night. There are several revealed dramatically in this episode and I'm excited for what comes next!
for the hidden princess hunting takes Yeon-hee on a cliff by black witch Hong cornered fighters. June begins the first in Yeon-hee shot arrow, but it is by a second shot, and falls over the cliff into the lake. Upon contact, it freezes over, it is incorporated under the surface.
The shamans report by Hong-joo that they were unable to find Yeon-hee body. Hong-joo understands that the cursed princess will not easily killed, but do not understand why. She tries to cast a spell, but dark veins appear on her arm, and she recalls the pronounced by the young shaman Hae-RAN curse that Hong-joo would die at the hands of their own black magic. She looks at her strong arm in alarm.
Both Prince Sunhoe and Poong-yeon, to alleviate their worried mothers. It seems the curse has lifted; the hair of the Prince returns to its original black curse tattoo from behind Poong-yeon faded ear. The prince says he is hungry, and Poong-yeon seems much better than good.
in Yeon-hee house back in the woods, amid the scattered bodies of their Taoist masters Guards, someone a talisman placed on the body young Yo-gwang. It shines brightly, and the man is wearing Yo-gwang away.
Oh no! Heo Ok cronies have Juns friend Dong-rae and beat him captive, disappeared sophisticated information both Jun and his slave mother. Dong-rae insists he knows nothing, so Ok takes a sickle and threatens his ear cut off, and his friends keep Dong-rae down. It looks like he really do it, and at the last moment, Dong-rae breaks.
Jun wakes up in the forest, still with the arrow in him. When he pulls out the arrow, the mirror fragment hiding briefly in his clothes glistens before they fall to the ground in pieces. The fragments disperse in smoke and glittering lights that move to heal his wound up. In its place a marker appear on Jun's chest in the shape of the tree, which was in the Mauigeumseo book, on the side, which uprooted and locked Hyun-seo.
Then see June, the boat passes and remembers his mother waiting for him, and runs back to meet them.
The smugglers begin the passengers store, but Jun's mother hanging back, waiting for June. Someone from calling a gentle "Mother!" And she turns around quickly falls in relief, but her face when she realizes that it is Ok.
Jun's mother begins to ask for forgiveness, and insisted it was all her idea and that June did not know about. Ok it casts on the ground to knock in the process over a lamp on a bale of hay. The fire burns quickly and blocked the entrance, before one of them recognize it.
Ok panics but managed wooden sticks on the high windows, knock out, but climbing is not so high. He drags literally use Juns mother about it as a step stool, and she clutched him as he climbs over. Instead of helping her escape, Ok pushes it back, which is glued outside safe while mom inside. A burning beam lands on her and she collapses.
Ok crouching out of sight, cries as June for his mother and takes. Luckily June can knock a part of the wall out and carrying his mother out. She is still alive, is to be but quickly fade, and her eyes flutter open as she apologizes weak that he was not born in a better mother and that she could not give him. The desperation in his voice when he tells her that he needed nothing else from it's heartbreaking.
He apologizes to her over and over again, but life fades out of her and she falls limp. June breaks into sobs over her body down, and a yellow lacquer ring falls out of his hand.
Ok whining with panic plagued his all the way home with guilt when he says his mother that he is responsible for Jun's mother's death. Aberlady son tells him coldly that he has done nothing wrong, and that his life is sometimes more important than a slave. She orders him tonight the events as nothing to be regarded as a bad dream to another.
At the palace of the Prince appears as the healthier, demonstrating an insatiable appetite. While the Queen and the Queen Mother are satisfied, this confused clearly Hong-joo.
When Hong-joo takes her farewell, the Queen follows her and asks about her health. The queen believes that if Hong-joo is still in order, then the princess is in fact must be dead. However, this does not explain why the prince ill. Hong-joo, it tries to explain away as an unrelated event, the queen being suspicious.
So Hong-joo asks: "And if it were because of black magic that the Prince sick, what would you do it?" The Queen is alerted to ask, what do they mean, and Hong joo replies that she should not worry.
That night furtively a fencer enters quarters of Hong-joo, but discovered that the rooms are empty. He reports to the Queen, who is Hong-joo disappeared. At this moment a serving lady running in need to inform the queen about the fact that the prince is dead.
When the palace passing the Prince mourns, overlooking Hong-joo, the process from a distance, to hold a glass. A look back at the night before showing Hong-joo wears the same glass in the Prince chamber. She had passed her hand over the prince's sleeping face, and his eyes were snapped open. She had directed the black shadow, to leave his body and it contained the glass, while the Prince had choked and shook.
In the presence of the jar rattles and black fog around him swirls around, but Hong-joo keeps her hand on the lid to quieting the content of the glass. It notes that a knife to leave the body when he enters is painful.
In his mourning, leads June last rites for his mother to pour a cup of brandy over her grave. He holds the yellow painted ring in his hands when he is mourning.
Jun returns to the city and runs in Ok who is drunk in broad daylight again. Ok staggers on until June and demanded that he take a drink in honor of his birthday. He taunts June by pretending to forget that today was Jun's mother monument, his usual provocative self. Suddenly Ok again mother Juns flashes him beg for mercy and has a moment of conscience.
Jun surprised to take him out of the liquor and drink it. His voice is choked with emotion as he wants his half-brother a happy birthday and a very long life.
Then in June holds the yellow lacquer ring up and said that left Ok they fall. Ok is surprised and said that he thought he had it and lost his guilt June confirmed its eyes harden as he realizes what this means.
five years later.
wrapped a girl in white, moves through Cheongbing temple. A narrator tells the story of a girl, in the heart of the forest with pale skin and blood-red lips, she hides them without touching them and even control the lives of things can can move. He calls her a witch, and we finally see that the girl is Yeon-hee.
Our narrator turns out to be a player, the ladies enjoy his story spooking. The ladies scream when he brings the story of his highlight. At full moon, witch turns into a monster, the people's hearts steals
His story man not, although frightening, the noted that the story of the heart-eating monster is known and boring. The camera pans over to June, his arms around the women on either side of him and looked very much like his irresponsible older brother.
Someone sitting behind the group, asks if this person could be the one called red coat. The narrator explains, claiming that no one is actually seen red coat because "they" in midair disappear. The mysterious man throwing a that the red coat could be a man, not a woman. This raises our narrator and the players quickly to their game back.
A distinctly dressed girl behind the circle of players migrates (played by Dohee ), which, clearly in cahoots with some of the players keeps signaling to the ringleaders of the maps in June.
June, all in it, and the scammers follow suit, confident that they know what cards Jun is holding. However, it turns out that Jun is already on its con; he puts his cards down, the suddenly different winners, and now are.
He plops down to two communications the ringleader and his buddy wanted to identify their crimes as illegal gambling and rigging games. June adds that he was rather disappointed in their con skills, HA.
A Cheater lunges sent for June with a weapon, but he handled it, the player with the tying sashes their own clothes. Shouts of "catch!" Filling the air and scatter player burst into the casino only as police officers. June makes his escape out the window as Ok and his officers come the scammers to collect.
Ok boss congratulated him on another successful arrest. Ok accepted praise with false modesty, and his superior to catch evidence of transport, while asking him the red coat.
But it looks like Ok the arrests are all doing in June. Ok finds him later and throws it at a number of coins to give him money in exchange for taking all the credit. June smiles, and speaks with the utmost humility and said that Ok is helping out the least he could do for the generous family who raised him.
Ok tells him that it's a relief that at last June knows his place, to be useful as instead to waste his time dreaming of government offices, which is out of reach. June agrees with such respect that it irritating; we know that he can not agree with what he says, but his submissive words to punish the hard look in his eyes lies. Satisfied Ok leaves with the promise to contact him if he has to do more jobs for him.
We find Jun in a gisaeng house next, back Quack medicines as his part-time job to sell. This time he is peddling the Joseon version of Viagra and are gisaengs almost willing to buy, but one of the girls think twice and ask for a demonstration.
So sitting June, the eyes, with his best bedroom eyes and then turns it over. His fingers with her band playing, as he tells her that he is quite capable on its own, without the medicine ... she can handle it? The other gisaengs lean forward with anticipation, but then in June starts laughing and rolls away mumbling about the girl that it's no fun.
The mysterious man from the arcade begins the stairs to the temple Cheongbing climb. He is indeed Yo-gwang, which seems to be the only Taoist master who survived before the fight five years. Yo-gwang calls someone Seo-ri called, only a sickle to his throat to get him telepathically hurled by Yeon-hee. Remarkably, her hair is back to its original color.
Yo-gwang he swears was to buy only a candle and the princess relents as gambling sticks fall out of his pocket. The sickle flying in the neck again, and he swears that he played only one round and it was only because he wanted to hear more about rumor that sounded like it was on her. You know, just in case, that he might learn something that would help her. Yeon-hee gives him only a large portion sides eye.
Yeon-hee placed the candle on the altar and used the flame to light another candle. In a voice-over tells how she lit 100 candles in the last five years. Only eight candles remain now. Pray that the candle does not go out, they confirmed that they decided, lest someone else because they die.
A shaman a wooden mask provides a box to Hong-joo, who draws a human heart that thrown into the fire. A black cloud is formed when she starts a spell, and in the temple, flickering candle in front of the princess and goes out.
Yeon-hee tells how in the past six months, she has not been able to light a single candle of.
A flashback shows how she had survived five years ago: Dripping wet and silver-haired, Yeon-hee sits on the lake as Yo-gwang the arrow in the shoulder helps remove.
Yeon-hee asks Yo-gwang tears in his eyes, if it is true that the people she loves and the people who will love them die. Yo-gwang she says gently, that they can return to the world if it is able to diffuse through the lighting 108 candles, the curse. He gives her a new name, Seo-ri, and tells her to reclaim their old name, if it has the curse finally broken. (As their name Seo-ri is now, we are her that name now.)
bringBack to the present, Yeon-hee requests that Yo-gwang a desired tag to it. The request must be a serious one to be. Work
gathertownspeople under a tree, alerted to the dead man hanging from the feet with a bloody wound where his heart was. There are whispers that this must have an act of red coat. Remarkably, he is still a bottle in his hand, one that seems to recognize Yo-gwang.
The scene is horrible, but the return of Poong-yeon is welcome sight. He looks up at the dead man, as his companion doing bodyguard warriors SOL-GAE ( Moon Ga-young ).
lit from a tree with candles arrival and delivery of essential light, Yo-gwang selects a few requests from the hung there. As he leaves, someone takes notice and starts following someone-a wooden mask wearing, wearing a red coat.
Yo-gwang the fact seems aware accelerate that someone is following him and his steps. Suddenly an arrow on the Red cape flying, shot by Poong-yeon.
Poong-yeon hunts red coat as Yo-gwang well makes use of the possibility, escape unnoticed. Poong-yeon engages red cloak in a sword fight and they seem equally strong, but equally Poong-yeon first blood draws, his opponent blinds him with a handful of a dust. Red Coat escapes to Poong-yeon frustration.
In the intervening years, a new king went up, Seonjo ( Lee Ji-hoon ). Poong-yeon, now an officer of the king's guard, was commissioned by King Seonjo to detect red coat, and King Seonjo is angry, he has to hear to get away again. He takes Poong-yeon and not to control his court to task killer.
Later, the king calls Poong-yeon for a private conversation, and is now much friendlier to ask if Poong-yeon is upset that he him hard treated earlier. Poong-yeon is not responding and gives the details of the meeting and notes that Red Cloak had extraordinary fighting skills. King Seonjo says Poong-yeon, he is the only person he trusts, and asks him to be careful.
rises to leave as Poong-yeon, the king asks for Poong-yeon's father and said he wants to build the Taoist temple on the farm again. However Poong-yeon insists that Hyun-seo is still alive and refuses to take over the temple, while his father lives. It seems a discussion they must be frequently and the king has left him without much controversy.
Shortly after Poong-yeon exit suffers the king a sudden spasm. Blood begins to drip from the sleeve
After the palace exit from Sol-gae Poong-yeon is an update to the assignment he had given her. The people his father or Yeon-hee were not. Discouraged by the lack of leads, it suggests that they instead seek the bodies of that night. Poong-yeon refuses that either the father or his younger sister is dead admit, and Sol-gae ensures fast down to apologize.
Poong-yeon Gentles his tone and gives her some dried persimmons wrapped, patted her shoulder the bloody, torn shoulder of the king.
There is a full moon, and a doctor digs spikes. King Seonjo bears the pain, but the tips cover half of his body and his skin is completely shredded. The nature of the disease is still unknown, and the king demanded that the doctor to find the cause as soon as possible, but he has to keep a secret. He has the doctor to record the extractions again, but announcing the arrival interrupts the Dowager Queen. to hide
Back in his royal robes and his pain, the King meets the Queen Mother (formerly the Queen), the worry about the rash of murders. They speak in a pleasant tone, but there are hints of bad blood (or at least distrust) here.
When the queen widow of Health King Seonjo asks, he thanked her for her concern and asks them not to think of him as the dead crown prince. Her smile disappears, and he clarifies that he is healthy, and that they need not worry. The royal widow says his health is a matter of national interest, and he dismisses it with a laugh, they do not worry to say because he did not ask, is to take over his work for him.
The queen widow rises, they discovered traces of blood on the ground, but does not respond to the outside. She just says that she hopes that what she is distressed not happen, and takes her farewell.
The queen widow returns to her quarters, a eunuch told her that the royal physician has mentioned several times during the night to the royal chambers. While the official records did not mention anything out of the ordinary, a maid noticed that the sheets of the king have been increasingly stained with blood.
The alarm is growing Dowager Queen when she wonders if the curse in the palace is not over. She had made constant efforts, Hong-joo, and to find jobs that are intensified efforts.
Jun visited his mother's grave in the dark, and when he cleans the weeds, he recalls the night of his mother's death, and how Ok had been responsible.
In a flashback we see June Ok room at night enters, murderously angry when he takes out a knife and tried to stab her with Ok. Each time, he considers himself to go with it even in conflict.
In the present June told his mother that it's almost over. He promises to ruin "them" and extract the price of his mother of them of life.
Seo-ri dreams that night five years ago from Hong-joo they tell of their curse and their desperate flight to Cheongbing temple.
She wakes with a start and tells her father that she has only eight candles. Vowing to dispel the curse, no matter to discover what and to protect the people she loves, and why she was born cursed.
Elsewhere, Hong-joo looks down on the body of the man on a plate in the prone position, with a talisman attached to his chest. It's Hyun-seo.
There is so much about this drama about love and especially this episode. First of all, I can tell you how relieved I am that Yo-gwang is still with us? Let us also not forget oraboni!
Honestly, Episode 3 and 4 lost me a little because I really get frustrated when perfectly avoidable tragic disasters occur. Episode 5 but has completely brought me back. I really enjoyed how the episode unfolded to leave some questions unanswered provocatively. For example, the rose-Yo gwang and why was he saved the only Taoist monk? How has Yeon-hee escape the frozen lake and why it freeze in the first place have? Who's red coat? Why is Heo Ok and Heo Jun's father never mentioned? I have so many questions, and I am looking forward to see how this drama to answer them.
We are still in the dark as to stand over the exact nature of the curse, because it is not entirely obvious why Poong-yeon survived, or why not Hong-joo is affected. Is it because Yeon-hee made it to the temple at the time? I estimate that we as spectators are not the only ones in the dark about the parameters of the curse, like the characters creep in to answer itself.
The occurrence of red coat intrigues me, as it seems unknown to the king's illness related. It is to say that Red Cloak appears only during a full moon, with the royal physician to remove shards correlating an unknown species in the shoulder of the king. However, it does not look like the injury could be the sword wound, had received the red coat of Poong-yeon, and to be honest, it took me queasy for long to look at it really enough to determine what kind of it was wound. However, if the illness of the king is related to the curse (like the queen widow believes), then the occurrence of red coat is also to do with the curse?
I look forward to even if the drama Seo brings -ri and Heo June together again. Both are so alone, deprived of your family or friends. While Seo-ri Yo-gwang she has support, he is a figure guardian and much less a companion or peer. The suffering and the pain is even more pronounced in June, which must on a daily basis with his assailants, but I think their insulation must be difficult just to wear. The two of them could really use a real confidant at her side.
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