Recap And Reviews Kdrama Neighborhood Lawyer Jo Deul-ho: Episode 10

Recap And Reviews Korean Drama Neighborhood Lawyer Jo Deul-ho: Episode 10 -

courtroom Drama takes a back seat in this episode, as we get to explore the background stories to be performed our characters who and what they are today. Whether to see the how Deul-ho and his now estranged wife fell in only eventually grow apart, or how exactly Deul-ho given justice as a prosecutor (and some lifelong friends along the way), it's all about, how the past interacts with the present. But when it comes, Deul-ho and Hae-Kyung, the past still hurts, the present is complicated, and the future is still too far away.


Deal-ho wakes up confused to find his daughter Soo -bin fast asleep beside him, her arms around the stuffed penguin doll he wrapped had given her. He stands up slowly, careful not to wake her, and a flashback showing how Deul-ho landed in her room.

The night before Deul-ho had arrived drunk outside ex-wife Hae-Kyung home, always ringing at the door and calling for Soo-bin to be in it. Soo-bin stopped by her mother calling security, and quickly opened the door for her father. Deul-ho stumbled inwardly screaming stew for Kimchi and on the ground even at home. Recognizing their mother displeasure, Soo-bin, she said Deul-ho sleeping in her room would have.

In the present Deul-ho goes to the sound of chopping and sees Hae-Kyung breakfast in the kitchen. He recalls the past when she would smile and let him know that it was preparing his favorite kimchi stew. But the present is different from Hae-Kyung stops chopping and stares at him, last night his drunken appearance RĂ¼gen and warns not to get him again.

Deul-ho silly excuses, and is on the way when Soo-bin him running to ask if he leave so soon going on. Just as he is to respond, Hae-Kyung interrupts and forwards it for breakfast, very keep to his surprise.

is The breakfast selection of kimchi stew, and Soo-bin wonders why, because it is too hot for them to eat. Deul-ho explains that this his favorite food, and Soo-bin lights in realizing until her mother made for her father.

The bell rings, and it is none other than Attorney Jang at the door. Hae-Kyung screws from her seat and says up Deul-ho; if her father finds out, he's here, he will not be pleased. Soo-bin grabs her father's hand and plunges him into her room, so that he can hide.

Once he's out of sight, Hae-Kyung leaves her father, who came some legal documents on his way to work to pick up. Soo-bin greeted him kindly, and as he makes his way to the kitchen, his face darkens when he noticed three seats on table.p he begins to Soo-bin room down the hall, but Hae-Kyung calls him and hands him the requested documents. He asks bluntly if Deul-ho is here, and she admits reluctantly, that he is. Attorney Jang expresses his disappointment in her before leaving.

While hidden in his daughter's room remains Deul-ho opens an old photo album and flips through the pages. He lands on a photo of him to look chummy with Ji-wook and Hae-Kyung, who are both smiling and clutching aluminum bats.

We wind decade ago aand see Detective Ae-ra to their two new Prosecutor recruited: a ravishing nerdy Ji-wook (bespectacled a la Harry Potter) and a fresh face Hae-Kyung investigated hilariously stiff and awkward on her first day of work. It welcomes Seocho District "Trouble Law Office" and has to follow them, and repeat their mantra, replete with hand movements.

Ae-ra: "! Embrace the victims Look for evidence everywhere chin up, always!"

them on their A game advises you to be at any time or anyone else will kill them, haha. That someone breaks into the room, and it is none other than resolute then prosecutor, Jo Deul-ho. It's Hae-Kyung and Ji-wook is the first time to meet him, and by the looks on their faces, they are simultaneously fascinated and a little of this loud man terrified of watching someone over the phone, aluminum bat in hand under threat.

Deul-ho spots, the two newcomers and asks Ae-ra, who are these nervous "lambs". He tells them to follow him and refused to reveal himself wherever he goes. Follow Deul-ho to a dark warehouse where a gang holding a victim hostage. "Let's go home!" Deul-ho hollers before taking on the gang loading and with his bat in the bat. Hae-Kyung cries amid the violent scuffle and hides behind her hands, and Ji-wook surprisingly takes a piece of plywood and joins the fight in.

Suddenly grabs a bat Hae-Kyung and holding a broken bottle to her throat. Deul-ho tells him to let it go and take him instead. The crook corresponds to only be thrown in the face of Deul-ho and thrown violently against the ground.

After the riot, Deul-ho takes Hae-Kyung to a restaurant, black pudding stew served. She thanks him for saving her and admits that she never tried the dish. He answers that the people he hates most are those who can not eat it. She scoffs, and continues to eat one of the sausages. Impressed by their bold step, he grins.

We see Hae-Kyung admire Deul-ho his accusers magic to work in the courtroom, and see how they work with him until late in the evenings. One night, when she would have thought her birthday forgotten, he surprised her with a cake in the same pudding restaurant. Ae-ra a snapshot of the two together, beaming and looking positively sweet.

Back to the present, Hae-Kyung catches him in the photo linger. They informed him coldly that she had forgotten to throw it away.

Deul-ho goes from Soo-bin at home and complained that images take not get rid of the memories. A car stops in front of him, and it's Attorney Jang, of his granddaughter with his foul presence warns not to tarnish him as he has already done with Hae-Kyung.

Deul-ho returns to his office, and Eun-jo treated to prevent him from eating his usual instant noodles and coffee him with a PPL breakfast and coffee. Her gesture reminded him of the time Hae-Kyung through his apartment went and invited in his fridge with homemade side dishes and fresh fruit stock up because his diet was so unhealthy. He had asked her if she liked him, and recommended that they stop when he was just a passing interest in her. To this, they would certainly stated that she was in it for the long run.

The early stages of their relationship Surprise breakfast supplies, kisses were included coffee, and warm hugs when Deul-ho came to fisticuffs. We see the simple marriage proposal, which took place in grandma's potato pot restaurant, followed by Hae Kyung-ho Deul cuffing and stating its version of the Miranda Rights to inform him that she was pregnant. His eyes were full of tears as he hugged warmly, elated to become a father.

Hae-Kyung:. "You have the right to remain silent Anything you say can be held against the baby, you have the right to be ... of. father of my child. "

However, their marriage was not without need. Deul-ho erratic work schedule made birthday parties and hard to keep up date nights. care after the birth of her daughter, Hae-Kyung would baby-Soo am alone during Deul-ho was to chase out bad guys.

A night Deul-ho, came home from work early and gifted Soo-am a huge teddy bear and a bouquet of flowers to his wife, because she so excuse MIA , Hae-Kyung illuminated in his idea of ​​a family trip, but pushed him her bouquet back, as his idea of ​​a family trip to visit the orphanage he grew up and meet the priest who raised him like a son , They stated that they do not want, Soo-bin to expose his atypical education, in which a priest was his stand-in father. Deal-ho could not understand what was so repugnant shows through its subsidiary, where he grew up.

Back to the present, takes Deul-ho a walk outside, his mind with thoughts and memories crowded. In voice-over, he notes that he gave his whole of his work, because he thought that was the right thing to do, but because he was not able to protect his loved ones.

He recalled Young-No surrounded at the time of his strained friendship with other orphans Il-gu and the bribery investigation, the Supreme Court judge Choi. Both were victims of chairman Jung malice, falsely accused of a crime they did not commit. Over drinks, Justice Choi Deul-ho had warned his back to see because Chairman Jung to throw someone under the bus for his own profit.

Deul-ho refused Chief Prosecutor Shins to observe orders to let Chairman Jung alone, and as a result, Shin and Attorney Jang had to protect applied Deul-ho from his post to remove their financial ties with, Chair , Geum San had heavily involved with the Chairman of heavy slush fund from the start and benefited from it. If Deul-ho Jung Chairman beat then decided Geum San would be next. Lawyer Shin advised so Lawyer Jang his son-in-law cut off immediately.

At home, Hae-Kyung tries Deul-ho to convince to refrain from blowing the whistle on Chairman Jung Geum and San, to protect themselves, their father and Soo-bin, but to no avail. So in the courtroom, as Hae-Kyung Chairman Jung asked the prosecutor to identify, he bribed, he pointed an accusing finger at Deul-ho, and that false accusation ended Deul-ho career as a prosecutor and finally drove his family apart.

We return to the present, where to make in the neighborhood lawyer office in the kitchen Dae-soo eyes Ae-ra instant noodles. He beats around the bush before, if something happened between the two of them yesterday evening to ask (if they woke up hungover on the same couch, empty bottles of soju surrounded). Ae-ra rejects fervently his idea and said she is not such a simple woman and would not do such a thing. They lose their appetite and storms out in a huff.

Eun-jo enters the office with coffee and mentioned to Dae-soo, that it seemed as if he was armed "have a lover. He denies flatly its observation and notes that, although it for seven years Ae-ra is known, they are certainly not a good game. Sure, just keep saying that.

Eun-jo shocked that they mutually yourself so long know, and we go back in time seven years ago, when Dae-soo had straight brown hair and a more colorful wardrobe. He would always in the interrogation room with lawyer Deul-ho on various charges-fraudulent text messages, marriage fraud, sale of counterfeits and every time Deul-ho made him the hook at the end off after he confessed honestly and led a song that is to be like their odd friendship came

After this brief. journey into the past, Eun-jo turns tells Dae-soo for financial advice by a story about her lawyer friend who is from $ 3,000 in desperate need. Eun-jo failed to keep her story straight, and Dae-soo realizes that they one who needs the money, not some imaginary lawyer friend.

rather have this sum at a ridiculously high interest rate, Dae-soo come up with an idea to bring all customers Deul-ho refused to work with the customer Eun -jo rather than loans. Eun-jo loves and the next day a number of people up for legal advice in a row. Ventilate their grievances to her while Dae-soo and Ae-ra charge consultation fees. Finally, the office is crammed with customers and business is booming. Deul-ho is surprised by the rush when he returns to the office.

The two catch up at the door and Eun-jo reveals been financially that it is fighting for his resignation from Geum San, makes Deul-ho doubts about whether she asked, was with him such a good idea to work. They assured him quickly that they do not join him to make money anyway.

Deul-ho explains that he is not some kind-hearted lawyer who represents the poor pro bono; he hates simply hit innocent people watch to get advantage during convicts go to with their heads held high. thinks

Eun-jo about his testimony before suggesting that perhaps his seemingly irreconcilable feelings actually mean the same thing. They taught that the poor are often bullied and unjust, while the rich treats that have everything available, are able to commit crimes and live just fine; so the world is in which they live. It points out that Deul-ho is to work, in fact, for the people who are in need.

Deul-ho confesses that he has never thought so, and asks her if she wants to be a lawyer, which helps people who are wronged. Eun-jo says she does, but she also wants to work a lot and make lots of money while it is. She asks him if that's very superficial of her, and he does not agree, define superficial behavior do bad deeds while acting like they are friendly and well on the outside. He tells her to do what she wants, and Eun-jo seems to be comforted by his words.

Back to Geum San, Hae-Kyung looks through the list of candidates for the role of the Attorney General on. The two top candidates are lawyer Ko and Chief Prosecutor Shin, and lawyer Kim sets slyly that it would be best for them when Shin the next attorney general will because Ko goes by the book too much and is therefore unsuitable for Geum San.

Hae-Kyung mentioned that his statement makes it seem like Geum San through the books do not go, and Kim says that he only imply the Prosecutor Ko is inflexible. Hae-Kyung warns him not to be so obvious, and noted that Ko should resign if he does not become attorney general, since it is at a higher level than Shin. Before leaving her office, brings Lawyer Kim to Deul-ho and commented that he had been rather quiet lately. Hae-Kyung, offended by his casual mention replies that he still is her ex-husband and Kim Senior and yet should be treated respectfully.

Deul-ho combines Justice Choi and Ko prosecutor for a chic sushi dinner. Ko is very familiar with Deul-hos skills and recognizes all good work that he has done for the people. He asks if Deul-ho is still at odds with the Chairman Jung, and Deul-ho is known that both he and Justice Choi are victims of crime the chairman. Ko knows already about him and Chief Prosecutor Shin lot of talk because of the Attorney General role that needs to be filled. Justice Choi claims that Ko is the best candidate because of his integrity, but Ko brings the government's confidence in Shin and says the result can not be predicted at this point.

Deul-ho replies that it is not the one government that has faith in Attorney Shin, but Chairman Jung. Lawyer Ko does not warn him his teeth show too much because Jung has the means to do what he wants.

At the end of their meal, the three run into Chief Prosecutor Shin and his son Ji-wook in the restaurant. They exchange pleasantries with each other before departure. Ji-wook wonders why Deul-ho at such a fancy restaurant for dinner one night when he can not even afford to pay its employees, and wonders what is his connection to Justice Choi and Ko prosecutor.

In the office the next day, Eun-jo gets a frantic call from her mother. You and Deul-ho races to the scene and look to see her stepfather at the edge of Dae Hwa residential buildings. The police guarded the area and an air mattress in the case is inflated it jumps. Eun-jo tries to comfort her frightened mother and Deul-ho steps over the yellow tape to get to the top of the building.

A crisis team it beats Eun-jo stepfather, HONG Joon-KI, to move, to convince the Security and finish. Meanwhile, hops Deul-ho on the edge and connects it. He introduces himself and informed Mr. Hong that he is working with his daughter, Eun-jo. When asked why he does that, calling Mr. Hong that he wants an explanation of why it is not for the tireless work he always compensated as a subcontractor for Dae Hwa housing is finished. Listen to the name "Dae Hwa" Deul-ho ears perk up and he repeated to ascertain the several names that he heard correctly.

Deul-ho assured Mr. Hong, he's a whack-job lawyer who forges just ahead and is an expert in all things Dae Hwa. He stretches out his hand and pushes the man to take it and do not look down.

At that moment, a car and Chairman Jung pulls out. He looks up and frowns at the sight Deul-ho at the top of the building with a grin. Deul-ho turns to Mr. Hong and stated that he the fastest and quickest way know to talk to Dae Hwa.

Suddenly he grabs Mr. Hong hand and jump, the building away together, thresh all the members, as it is just for the air mattress head.


comprised Much of this episode of flashbacks, and I do not mind not because we finally got a deeper insight into the Hae-Kyung as a woman and as they get in and out of love with Deul-ho.

I was pleasantly surprised by her assertiveness surprised Deul-ho in court, because they pretty much always made the first move. Your true love for him was loud and clear, and they put it in countless ways. Interestingly, I think what also caused him his case in love their discord.

There must be a genius to determine that Deul-ho from the rest. He's busy not buttoned-up enforcer of the law as Ji-wook or someone of Geum San. He gets his hands dirty, not a damn are from the wrong people is ticking, and has a solid moral compass. It was love at first sight for Hae-Kyung and Deul-ho outlandish behavior and violent occurrence in the courtroom she had struck.

But'm Soo-after childbirth, it seems, Hae-Kyung not more appreciated his dedication to his work and sporadic presence as father. Nothing about Deul-ho is stable, and if you have a child in the picture, who really wants all a mother's stability, consistency, and perhaps an adherence to tradition especially in family matters. Family comes first, right?

I was a little surprised when she Deul-ho was dismissed by the idea of ​​taking a family trip to visit the orphanage, and especially if they denigrated the priests who raised him because he did not Deul-ho real father was. I know that line and bloodlines are very important in Korean culture, but clearly she loved Deul-ho enough not to worry, that he was an orphan because she married him. So why his education diminish and it a secret from Soo-bin hold? My outburst was shocking elitist.

It could be that Hae-Kyung was so fed up with Deul-ho that it in his mouth at this moment, but this scene revealed clearly the cracks in her foot their marriage. Moreover, it is also showed us that the erratic lifestyle Deul-ho out, while good for the safety of society, a disadvantage for his family life was; Himself admitted this in hindsight.

I think Deul-ho and Hae-Kyung have together a chance again, but are their relations with Geum San affiliation and her father with Dae Hwa on the path of reconciliation. You will have to choose between her father and her ex-husband, security or justice, and it is simply not ready or willing to do that yet.

The best comedic moments of Ji-wook-Newbie Ji-wook came, that is. He did not have too many scenes, but repeat everything pushes up from his wire glasses, Ae-ra Mantra with stilted conviction sniffles before a mistake to introduce to Deul-ho and even fend off bad guys with a piece of plywood made me laugh brought. I found the contrast between the Ji-wook then and Ji-wook to be very amusing now.

I'm still not satisfied with Kang So-ra lack of time on the screen, but I know with Deul-ho their short (also deeply felt when) to appreciate conversation, because it showed that the two of them do actually share something in common. They are both lawyers, the people want to defend, who suffered injustice. You want to do good for good people, and they want to have the bad guys get their deserved.

This episode ended, what is the first inciting incident of a brand new case, and because it is Eun-jo stepfather, this could mean activity of Eun-jo longer be substantiated, which would be great.

Our loyal neighborhood Advocate sure not even see the top of one too many tall buildings did not he? He is like a magnet roof. At this point, it is probably more on at ease when he is inside buildings. Now that Dae Hwa is back in the picture, together with the Chairman Jung (and its rainbow of frowns and grimaces), Deul-ho got a second chance, his public enemy number one to defeat. And it seems as if he fired everything and raring to go. Deul-ho Maybe can not stay away from tall buildings, because that's where his adrenaline and determination to be refueled? Just a thought.

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tags: Episode 10, in Kang So-ra, neighborhood lawyer Jo Deul-ho, Park Shin Yang

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