Recap And Reviews Kdrama Police Unit 38: Episode 8

Recap And Reviews Korean Drama Police Unit 38: Episode 8 -

The Crew is back together even take down an even bigger villain than the last time, and the stakes are raised higher than ever with a side of personal revenge. shaken with the law those who do to protect for irreparably the most damage, Sung-hee confidence in the system and the people she works. While she teeters on the brink of lawlessness, someone tries near Jung-do to pull him back.


Sung-il on stands Jung-do right outside the door and asks if money really solve anything. Jung-do realizes that something is very wrong and asks him what happened. Sung-il tells him that what he wants more than anything is to defeat the bastards who violates cultivates people. He asks Jung-do to work with him again.

Jung-do sighs that he really should stay away from official then asks with a mischievous smile, how much of the sting is worth. Sung-il says $ 50M Jung-do laughs a little. He asks whether Sung-il can to pay him 10% of the total, and Sung-il said that he can do anything he wants.

Jung-do calls the team and ask them all to apologize because they are so busy ... until Jung-do tells them how much they're going to. Then suddenly everyone's schedule is flexible and young-do the phone hangs up, grinning.

Finally, there are convincing only woman Noh who noted scornfully that they need, they and their "ammunition" bad, because they are all destitute. She agreed to work with them again and asks who this is defaulter who owes $ 50 million taxes to the government.

The subject of the conversation, President Bang, discusses the tax department of the raid on his house with Mayor Chun. He says he did not know that the mayor of Sung-hee and section head Kang was internally care and self-deprecating apologizes for trying to treat it yourself. Mayor Chun is not so easily appeased. He says President Bang that one man died and one of his department manager lost his job -. A laugh and an apology is not enough

All mirth leaves President Bang in the eye. He says Mayor Chun about a pet dog he had that to be him after six years bit docile. Chairman Choi bite warned him not to forgive, because the dog then pity error would be for what he is entitled. Therefore, says President Bang, he had to kill the dog.

Mayor Chun watched him impassively as president Bang says that one of his employees suddenly $ 6,000,000 paid in taxes, and then raided the Income Tax Department his own house. He wonders why he feels as he had just been bitten, and asks mayor Chun whether he started the pity President Bang has shown him to be confused what he entitled.

Mayor Chun noted that people sometimes forget how much compassion they have actually shown; how much they have done for people like him. At this point, says Mayor Chun, they begin impositions and say terrible things to make. He asks President Bang if he has forgotten his place.

President Bang narrows his eyes and asks if the mayor just insulted him and Chairman Choi. Mayor Chun clarifies calmly that no, he insulted President Bang only. He adds that from now on, when President Bang wants something from him, he should politely ask instead of threatening. President Bang replies that he has never asked politely for something, then brings six years ago on the mysterious incident. Mayor Chun face stills.

The con team in the "freezer", their hiding place has compiled Butcher in Hak-joo, to discuss President Bang. Jung-do stated that everything they have on her husband, is his image. Sung-il worked out that President Bang has two children. He has transferred all of his assets to them and not always seem to go to work.

The son, Bang Ho-seok, spends his time playing with his friends monopolistic board games that use real money, while the daughter, Bang Min-ah leaves, they look home twice a week around Insa - dong where artifacts and antiques are sold, and then passes directly to your home.

Jung-do wonders why they never left their home - they have there is something buried? Yes-wang turns to Sung-il, saying that he should learn from the Bang siblings, and go home sometimes. Sung-il snorts only that he is too busy right now. Manage

connexion Ho-seok and Bang Min-ah an illegal pyramid scheme companies mentioned UN communication, where they by buying rope in victims, stolen products and then to recruit friends and family if they can not sell enough units. Employees will then buy from a company of Chairman Choi, more units to take in possession loans and then sell set or transported under pressure to recruit.

Commissioner Ahn heard that it was the mayor Chun who stopped Sung-il disciplinary proceedings and it can not quite accept. Section Chief Baek from Division One told him that after Ma Jin-seok, he was in the payment of taxes, which linked from the Division Three of Sung-il.

Slowly realize that something is odd dates, asks Commissioner Ahn for all files to Division Three defaulters that their taxes recently paid off. He calls on them, noting that none of them know that their taxes have been paid. Commissioner Ahn puts down the phone and laughing in disbelief.

Back in the freezer, Mi-Joo points out that someone could work for your business take the siblings, but Sung-il says that it is unlikely is because they are almost never at work. Mi-Joo thinks about it and says that they there to get a job and to let the sisters come to her. You ask her how and she says: "The climb to the top."

Mi-Joo gets a job with the UN communications and begins her first day of "sale" 30 units, and then 50 the next day. Your supervisor is watching with amazement with concern mingled, while the "sell" products stacked in the freezer. Mi-joo's sales are growing every day, as she spends woman Noh money as many units to buy, eventually her superior Bang Ho-seok calls to tell him about the girl who joined a month ago and has already gone gold in the reach to enterprises.

Ho-suk is unbelieving because he can not imagine anyone want to actually buy their product, but the supervisor considers ridiculously high sales report until it is to come into the office, forced to check the strange "new girl."

He sees Mi-Joo away after a working drive and calls his sister min-ah on the up "real diamond" in her office. The next thing we know, Mi-Joo supervisor is dismissed and Mi-Joo is always Diamond status for the highest turnover this month in office.

Sung-hee visited Chef Kang section and finds him to lose in a sorry state after his job. She asks for his black eye and he assured her hastily that his wife was not to beat him, he tripped and fell. Sung-hee, she says personally apologize to him needed, but it clips it aside. Sektionschef Kang notes that, although her teammate Chang-ho is seriously injured and Sang-ho is dead, the mayor remains calm. Kang admits that he had thought Mayor Chun was done with President Bang, but it looks like the mayor still the man to protect.

Sung-hee asks what he means, and section head Kang tells her that Mayor Chun practically working for President Bang. Six years ago, the call that the tax department of investigation derailed and ended with Kim Min-sik death was made by President Bang to the mayor.

Jung-do visited his father in prison, and tells him that he sent Detective jail Jae-sung. Not really expecting an answer, he tells his father that he will get the other two also. Jung-do gets up to leave, but suddenly hears his father speaking tries. He leans forward immediately, pain, to hear every word.

His father raises his eyes with difficulty and says: ".. Not not do it, my son," The words come tiring with difficulty, bring tears to Jung-do the eyes, but he only says: "you have become so old, father." He turns around and quickly leaves, as his father calls to him again.

Mayor Chun sits in his office and on the threat thinks back President Bang over lunch made. He reminded the mayor of the incident six years ago and asked who he thought would be infringed if it happened again. A man with a pen, Bang said, could never beat a man with a sword. Mayor Chun asked what he wanted and President Bang said with a smile. "I think, to look for a public hearing to discuss my unpaid taxes"

the Division Three team heard about the open courtyard and the staff always starts very angry thinking about hurting President Bang getting away to their players and get Section Chief Kang fired. Section Chief Baek breaks from their table and asks what has any of this to do with President Bang, who has only exercise their rights as citizens.

This is driving the Team Member Section Chief Baek to call on his corruption: "Do you have toilet paper are of wiping after Commissioner Ahn up" rising tempers and the two are about to get into a fight when Sung hee gets up and asks them to stop. She tells her colleagues to drop it.

asks you what infighting would achieve when everyone knows that they will never be able to obtain the tax from someone like President Bang. He will hire the best lawyers and manipulate the judge dismissed all its arrears. President Bang is gone and the only one that will suffer the people like them.

Sung-hee goes out, leaving behind their silent counterparts, their hopelessness like a millstone around the neck. She meets Sung-il in the hallway and told him of President Bang hearing. Sung-il knows about it and says it will not happen. Sung-hee's eyes widen when she realizes that he is involved in another con.

She tells him that the mayor Chun President Bang is the protection, but it is obvious from his face that he knew. Defeated, Sung-hee asks if what he is doing, really is the only way. Sung-il patting her shoulder and walks away, leaving only a tired Sung-hee standing.

After record sales, Mi-Joo is now deputy head of the UN communication. Jung-do visited her office after all employees leave and they discuss their next move. Mi-Joo Ho-seok invites for a meal and kisses him. He does not seem to respond to her flirtatious compliments, as usually men do, and just starts talking about his wife. Mi-Joo tries to learn more about his sister from him, but all she gets is that Min-ah's antiques, and often says that ceramic artifacts is your kids through the over, they have no taxes on to pay them.

As of Jung-do focused, Mi-Joo told then Bang Ho-seok of the man with a large company in China, which helped her Diamond Status gain. Ho-seok believed that he had all of their products are for sale, and Mi-Joo says that her patrons soon need another big contract because it holds a conference. Ho-seok nods and says that it sounds like a really nice guy, then go back to eating.

Mi-Joo Chinese businessman persona would be enough if only to mention Jung-Do 's wondered Ho-seok had snare, but Jung-do had insisted that it would. And so later, as Jung-do predicted Ho-seok asks if he can come when Mi-Joo to deliver the next product to beyond.

Ho-seok and Joo Mi-take a car to the Congress, while Hak-joo a hall hired full directed actors such as Jung-do speech to respond. Bang Ho-seok gets a call from his father and it is clear that he has the Chinese businessman harbors a secret. He apologizes family lunch for Missing and hanging with a upwards "Love you, Daddy!" Mi-Joo suppressed a grin but her smile disappears when Ho-seok the driver turns around and kicks him under the speed limit for the stay.

President Bang his daughter turns around and asks if Ho-seok up to something stupid, and Min-ah answers that Ho-suk is always up to something stupid. Neither pay attention to Ho-seok woman sitting at the table, unable to swallow a bite. Before the conference hall of the input Ho-seok asks Mi-Joo, if it looks bad, and Mi-Joo assured him that he looks exactly like a Chinese tycoon. You enter a hall full of excited people who clap very hard when Jung-do stage comes.

Jung-do, the rich Chinese entrepreneurs, "Cho Hee-joon," playing presents as a demagogue. He speaks with flair and the amount riles on until well Ho-seok with the energy illuminated the room. Jung-do talks about the antiquities unearthed every day in China and how old rich people would be buried with their treasures. He promises that the investment in his company, which markets such treasures in this country are traded, the amount of investment will be in just two months twice give back, and five times their investment in five months.

With a background note set a mood of epic chance "Cho Hee-joon," with its broad Chinese-accented Korean and infectious energy that gets people in the hall roared their approval when he tells them to join the rich of his country and make their dreams come true. Ho-seok looks inspired to invest properly.

Back in the freezer, Sung-il, yes-wang, and Mrs. Noh have the task of baiting Bang Min -Ah. If Mrs. Noh asks them if they just want to sit there all day, brings Sung-il a notebook out sketched with a plan. He is tentatively about it, but when Mrs. Noh reads the pages, it is obviously impressed. Sung-il outlined the plan:

Because Min-ah is only interested in antiques, they will first find a business in Insa-dong and rent. The idea is that when they sit for a week or so, Min-ah, finally, it will check up. This all happens according to plan and when Min-ah comes to the shop, she is greeted by Mrs. Noh, posing as ajumma shopkeeper.

After Sung-il plan, Mrs. Noh Min-ah shows a ceramic vase. She begins to describe the process by which the vase gets its color, but Min-ah finished her sentence to clearly know the process well. Min-ah examined the vase and place a piece of a price tag on the bottom, and dry noted that this had not as old as the woman Noh claims. But it turns out that you sell the vase, not part of the Sung-il's plan.

Shortly afterwards, some men come in store Woman Noh and claiming to be from the Ministry of Culture. They say they come with them, but it first asks to tell her the reason. That's when Sung-il goes with Ji-yeon and yes-wang in tow, clearly the team leader. Sung-il welcomed Mrs Noh before Min-ah, and by Sung-il plan, this is the moment they were to build - show their faces to Min-ah. So when Sung-il, the men told off to take Mrs Noh, it now goes without resistance.

Ho-seok "Cho Hee-joon" applies, which explains its business model and Ho-seok listens with apparent calm as Jung-do claimed back a 1000 % profit in one year. When $ 10,000 Ho-seok sets in would return $ 100,000. Ho-seok asks him for lunch the next day to meet, and Jung-do calls his assistant, played by Hak-joo, to find a place in his schedule.

Hak-joo tells him that he has an appointment with a Chinese businessman to meet him tomorrow and then a dinner with his wife. Jung-do places it with the loving man something thick and says he has to celebrate his wife's birthday tomorrow. So, they settle on the day after on the dinner canceling his meeting with someone who for some time an investment is promising, but not penalized.

At the end of the day when Hak-joo, Jung-do, and Mi-Joo left the hotel, where they held the conference, be they from Jae tailed -Sung police thugs. In prison, tried-Jae sung President Bang to convince them to get him out of jail. He uses his knowledge of Jung-do activities as a lever President Bang incentives to offer to help him, but President Bang is uninterested in any information he might have. He sneers that she had never been so close anyway and leaves.

One of Jae-sung police asks him why he did not tell President Bang to his son about the ongoing fraud, and Jae-sung growls that he hopes Bang Pil-Gyu is ripped off. Then to channel his anger into evil thoughts, Jae-sung orders his favorite Sung-il to bring to him.

When the cop gets Sung-il in the prison Jae-sung to meet, Sung-il is confused about why they meet needed. Jae-sung looks sharp at Sung-il and asks how much he knows about Yang Jung-do. Sung-il frowns and Jae-sung smile, confident that what he has to say have an impact.


When Jung-do says in this episode when the stakes of this are high, so are the risks. This story really like to keep his audience on edge of their seats. The pace was still fast, the processing closely, but now it feels like we hurtles us no means to pull the breaks. I do not remember the last time that I saw a show that this is also followed up premonition. I feel like I'm always just be to keep me hooked enough information given, but never allowed to feel helpless.

Sung-hee heartache really this week to me. The system they so very familiar injured people seemed to hold, it was important, only the rich and unscrupulous protect. Your hopelessness scene Office was so poignant. It was a turning point for Sung-hee. I had asked in previous episodes, what could possibly convince a straight arrow, how to turn Sung-hee to the dark side. The show followed her disappointment so well that I do not think this would be out of character. When Sung-hee to help Sung-il and Jung-do selects, the government has no one to blame, but so hard for them to hurt his corrupt gatekeepers.

In a way, I loved that the wrath of Sung-hee cast mate and not them. Her despair is born of anger and hurt and how Sung-il, may they now see no point railing against the men who manipulate the law. She is also vain outbursts. But she's willing to go outside the law? When she asks Sung-il, "Is this the only way?", Sung-il silence answered her eloquent. None of them want to this to be the only way. Neither want to break the law or to work with scammers. They just want to do their work only.

I guess that's the reason, Sung-il can not go home will be. Sung-il once asked Commissioner Ahn as his children's faces do, the damage he does. For a man like Sung-il, it is important to live with self-respect. And although it can be surprisingly good condition to work outside the law, it is not his natural instinct and it could shame him to put his own daughter at home.

I loved that Sung-il came up with his own plan in this episode. His shyness was very endearing, especially because it is so beautiful with its confidence in the fraud contrary - the bumbling con man who is no longer forgets his lines. Although Mrs. Noh in her ajumma robe came out, I nearly died laughing. She's just so brilliant.

They have also developed the relationship between Mi-Joo and Jung-do a bit more, and it seems possible that they could be more than anything else like siblings else, like me, be a great relief for anyone would, who is struggling to observe triangles. It was also hilarious a spoiled, little entitled villain as Ho-seok have to be a devoted husband, immune to Mi-Joo stimuli. Never accuse this show to be of clichéd.

Speaking of complex villains, it seems that the mayor Chun has a conscience, but either too deep sinking into the same mud, where President Bang and Chairman Choi play, or go has some personal reasons with them. Because I really like to play him the actor, I would like a redemptive arc for the mayor. But even if he remains evil, I guess the look of uncertainty that the corrupt officials feel when their subordinates are injured at work, and they can not fight back.

Finally, a word on Jung-do. Seo In Gook-plays him as conning people has real life experience. When he riling the fake audience on stage was, I would personally in any company it invests pointed. The man is criminally attractive, not only in its extreme good looks, but in the way he moves from sly to nonchalantly heartbreakingly sad. I want to know how desperate landed his policeman father behind bars, and as Jung-do was a fraud at a time when his personal revenge a charming fraud is carried out.

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tags: featured, Ma Dong-seok, police unit 38, Seo In-gook, Sooyoung

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