Recap And Reviews Kdrama Plus Nine Boys: Episode 1

Recap and reviews korean drama Plus Nine Boys: Episode 1 -

Come -of-age drama plus-nine boys * premiered over the weekend on TVN, and I'm happy how to say in advertising, it's so cute. It's funny and full of fun meta references, but more importantly it has every day, relatable characters and a serious mood. I already love the song selection in the first episode, and the entire series, in fact, presented as a mixtape that just more lovable makes it all.

[*DerTitel Plus Nine Boys is really embarrassing to translate-it's literally boys to end their age 9, or boy with nine lucky , which is not really much better. Basically, our four heroes are aged 9, 19, 29 and 39, and "plus nine" seemed the easiest way to get the concept of every decade and nine. The premise drama depends on the superstitious belief that every ten years and nine is cursed.]

SONG OF THE DAY [1945010[

Standing Egg - "고백" (confession) [download]

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is track 1: "The plus-nine effect"

A man tells of a number of famous personalities (comedians, athletes, actors Park Hae-il), all of which have encountered misfortune aged ending in nine. Hilariously, they are not tragic, but the narrator seems to believe that this is a proof that the plus-nine curse very real is.

the numbers 9, 19, 29 and 39 flash ominously through dark storm clouds, as we are introduced to our family of boys, in quick flash-forward snippets. Each of them to himself wonders what happens, the narrator tells us that this is her cruel and 9 years is ...

woman wriggles uncomfortably at a fine restaurant. first it seems as if they could be in a day, but the beginning then it calls the man her sitting opposite a fortune teller. He reads assets in a suit and tie formal dinners? The woman agrees to a meal with several courses, and then eagerly takes a picture of their family.

This Mom is that introduces her sons, ten years apart in age (she explains the regularity of the age gap as the result of a ten-year anniversary vacation her husband always you took that cracks me up).

Eldest is KANG JIN-GU ( Kim Young-Kwang ), age 29. The fortune teller he says like a player looks, but Mama assured him that innocent, hardworking Jin-gu knows only his work in a travel agency, and knows nothing about women. Section :. Half nekkid it Jin-gu on a sudsy dance floor surrounded by girls celebrate, ha

Your second is KANG MIN GU ( Yook Sung-jae ), age 19. The fortune-teller reads anger in this, and Mama says that he had met other boys growing up, but he discovered Judo and has matured since then, he has now set his sights on college. Cut to: the PC to play Min Gu videogames bang and an angry tantrum his friends throw

The fortune teller tells her he recognizes youngest, KANG DONG -GU has seen ( Choi Woon-ro ), age 9. Mama asks eagerly if he The binding Scandal (a play on speed Scandal ). She says that he will have a series of commercials for this film, the take for the house she paid now live, and after a break of showbiz, then he's back.

Last but not least is the uncle of the boy GU Kwang-SOO ( Oh Jung-se ), age 39 is mums little brother, whom she describes as a curse their existence. He has a variety PD for Music Camp (the title pun is only one thing would be in every possible reference, is not it?) And quite successfully, but she says it's all useless, because he never marry.

the fortune teller on the picture looks and says with anticipation, that they are all in their nines Plus, and one of them in particular is enough angsting a lifetime to do all this year. His finger pointing ominously to her eldest son, Jin-gu.

Mom asks what can be done, and the fortune-teller texts her a talisman (lol, also talismans are digital these days?) Sent to all four boys will . It sends instructions for them to be placed as their wallpaper on their phone as the fortune teller told her to do.

She calls Jin-gu to make sure he hears, and he finds the whole thing rather silly. He's sweet mom, but after the call, it clears the talisman from his phone. Ruh-ROH.

Jin-gu is indeed a smooth-talking playboy-he turns heads wherever he goes and throws smiles left and right to all women who notice him. He reached the top of Namsan Tower, where his staff annoyed by the travel agency about the terrible weather, but that it will be fine breezes.

a young woman, MA SE-Young ( Kyung Su-jin ), leads a group of Japanese tourists, but does not know how to deal with their disappointment at the sight obstruction. About the way, leads Jin-gu its group of Japanese ajummas that is over this is a famous place are heard excited where Jang Geun-seok turned a drama.

He tells them they are the rest of the tour skip instead, and the ladies all the cheering and make to go shopping pictures with him. Se-young to their group turns back and notes that have jumped all ship Jin-gu tour, save for a lonely man.

It turns out, it starts all working for the same trip, and Se-Young their staff warns not fall too much on Jin-gu to fainting because these new CCTV cameras have been installed in their offices, because he was caught with several women at work prowl.

The employees poorly thinks guys somehow are hot but Se-young points from its obvious player tendencies-as are white to off to the perfect distance from women, turns the way he his body 15 degrees, or only sticks his thumbs in his pockets, and always seems busy, so it they want more leaves. Hm, for someone who hates him, you seem to know much about his behavior.

There is Jin-gu, which is since the start narrating, and he comes back in voiceover, to introduce a 29-year -old Tourenplaner. He finds Se-Young is waiting for him inside and sneaks her backhug: "Are you waiting for oppa" He coos and calls them his Sam-shik, and she strips him unnerved from

This seems to be between normal dynamic to it, it is syrupy sweet and she's grumpy, and she likes to show of himself as he is. She calls him the ajummas to flirt and enjoy the attention while he denies it, and complains that ajummas grope the worst. Ha.

Se-Young wants to stop and eat, and Jin-gu eyes glazed, as if she had the most huge fried cutlet I ordered ever seen. He says that no matter how she feels or what she does, Se-Young a day hence his nickname for them, Sam-Shik place must eat three meals (three and Shik as in shik- sa ).

He calls it a mystery of the universe, for any for 26 years the same exact size petite yet, no matter how much food she hangs up.

When they go back to work comes, made her huge scarf undone, and he insists there to fix them. He pulls her so close that she starts to feel awkward, and he tortures: "Why do so fluttery feeling you'll crazy" She complains that he is crazy and she bellows playfully.

you noticed their employees PARK JAE-BUM ( Kim Hyun-joon ) near and calls him (also call him oppa) from. He greets them stoic, and Jin-gu tells us that Jae-Bum his bestest friend.

Jae-Bum is robotic but faithful and fear never his mind to say, and whether happy or sad, he is relentless cold and prickly. We get a photo collage of Jae-Bum emotional states of happy, depressed, surprised to excited ... and the faces are all exactly the same. Hahahaha, I die.

Se-young asks Jae-bum to connect for coffee, and swinging happily on the young arms between them. They tell Jae-Bum about their day at Namsan, and as Jin-gu brags about saving the day, Se-young wonders what on earth women see in him.

He leans in close and tilts her chin: "Do you want to show me you?" But she tells him to get lost, seemingly untouched noticed by his charm

Se-Young. JOO DA-iN ( Yoo Da-in ) at the next table to sit on and calls them "my unni", although they have different last names. When Jin-gu compliments Da-in for us especially beautiful today, Se-Young warns him away from her to stay unni, because she is too innocent to be sullied by people like him.

mom calls Jin-gu Check to double if he saved the talisman that they sent, and he is that he did it. She says that she is on the way maknae Dong-gu to take an audition today, after which they will go to see Min-gu judo competition.

Min-gu psychs up before the big game, mostly admiring herself in the mirror. His coach thwaps on his mind to be distracted for, and tells him that he has to win today to get to his dream school. He feels safe when we see to be that his candidate number happened 199.

Meanwhile Mom takes Dong-gu of the school where she has to pry him away from the other kids want autographs, and he wears sunglasses and not see a single time from their phone like a mini-celebrity on. The car breaks down as soon as he gets in, making it too late his audition (by Gift of Room 9 , heh), and she feels a sense of fear, as it has 9 to press the elevator.

the other stage mothers worry about their children, chances are if Dong-gu arrives, and he says that he has been on many audition, but he is always the star was. But when he is in the room (No. 29), called the director is shocked to see how much his face has changed, including a missing front tooth.

You act it a sad scene, where his dog has just died, and pwahaha, he is terribly stilted and emotionless. The boy next to him, with the name of Do Min-joon, of all things, he takes his turn and brings the entire room to tears.

Dong-gu does not come to know from the audition, where things went wrong, and whisper the other mothers that he another Macaulay Culkin or Daniel Radcliffe how to be growing up, not nice more ,

In his judo competition, Min-gu doing well until the semi-finals when he meets a particularly strong opponent. They are equally strong, but then Min-gu suddenly gets a rumbly stomach and braced.

It's bad enough that he nailed on the back and without much defeated by a fight, and then with his opponent all he can do is not to for on the belly down press, because he might poop his pants.

He considers it as long as he can, and then his face turns a sigh of relief. Oh no, he pooped his pants in front of all these people? Also, why always I get the pants-pooping episodes? Min-gu tells that fell that day, Kang Min-gu, age 19 from the top.

My math says we still have two unfortunate boys. Uncle Kwang-soo is busy at work during a live broadcast of Music Camp , and only half listening to the urgent call from his noona on the talisman. It deletes it and get back to work. His employees worry about the unknown indie rock band, they now on the air, but Kwang-soo assures him that they might look crazy, but they are a great band.

Meanwhile, Jin-gu home driving the bus with Se-jung, and it happens bus 09. He pulls playful phrase as always, but take things when the driver falls asleep at the wheel just long enough Break out.

Fortunately, there are no accident, but Jin-gu hugs Se Young they close fall, keep and depends a lot longer than it needs to. He enjoys it a little too much, and when she stands up away, he pulls it over her bra size. No wonder she finds him annoying.

But later, when she is on the seat next to his, as he looks at changes dozing completely he-shall look carefully, and feels a jolt, as her hand his scrapes. Gah, you loooooove her.

He engages to let her head on his hand, and shines when for a fraction of a second supports the him. He backs away when she stirred awake, do not want to be caught, and spends the rest of the trip just grinned at her as she sleeps. It's adorable.

, get off at the same stop and he says to call her when she misses him, she mocks straight. He waves and sees her walking away, and then said that bus 09 does not go anywhere near his home, he wants to ride only the bus with Se-Young. Awww.

Back to the transmitting station, Kwang-soo directs the music program as it goes live, and cuts across the rock band when run on the series , Suddenly in the middle of the song, the lead singer drops his pants and all (this actually happened in 05 at MBC with indie band Couch) flashes.

Kwang-soo freezes in horror and crawls to get something, anything on the screen. But the damage is done, and already broadcast the worst. My favorite reaction is Mama and Dong-gu, who see it happen on TV and just sit there hanging with his mouth open.

Kwang-soo's like a zombie through the corridors of the station, like all other runs wild around him. He says he but maybe, just maybe, he had to get through the age of 39 without incident. Clear that not be the case.

overturned with 9, 19 and 39, there are only 29 left. Jin-gu visited an old employee who to open the company a bar to the left, and asks the friend if he still hung on Se-Young. Oh, this friend is to crush the long-standing, and wonders how Jin-gu could be so popular with all women and so clumsy when it comes to its one-sided love.

He asks if it might help because "this incident" and assured Jin-gu, that he do not have it, and Se-young now forget about it. Jin-gu does not seem so sure. He takes the bus home and faints to take pictures of her, and then is jolted from his reverie happy when Mom texts to rush him home.

Mom sits the three boys down it on their doomed curse of nines to warn, and tells them to be careful about everything. Jin-gu argued that they should not believe in this silly superstitious things, but it notes that failed on a day Dong-gu his audition, Min-gu got the poops and lost his judo match, and Kwang-soo suffered that terrible embarrassment.

Jin-gu is the only one who has not seen the message, and having a laugh to suppress when Min-gu him showing the pants-dropping snafu on-line. Nevertheless, he argues that it is perfectly fine, and does not see why every single person in a cursed Plus 9 years. Mom points out all the bad luck they have at that age had over the years, and adds that the fortune teller said Jin-gu is the worst luck of all of them.

He asks gently: "You didn 't a few talismans buy again, not true," Mama says guiltily that she did nothing, and then Jin-gu goes to his room, the ceiling in talismans and Strohpuppen plastered under his pillow to find.

He says that Mama had always believed in this stuff, but when her father died eight years ago, turned into the religion for them. Also at the breakfast table is full of cautious admonitions, and they can hardly do anything without turning it into a sign of the curse.

It's Valentine's Day, and Jin-gu is inundated with chocolate at work. Of course, the only person he wants chocolate really is Se-young, but she gags only to the lines he throws out with other girls. He asks why they give him not chocolate and pouts when she says she'd rather eat them all yourself. Jae-Bum, on the other hand, is as cold as ever and has both chocolate and dinner invites.

Min-gu broods in a convenience store with his teammates as they're wondering what to do about college when medaling was in Judo their only real chance. The boys shrieking with excitement when she looks a pretty girl on the spot and even Min-gu mesmerized as she walks past them.

It is late getting in the office, and complain Jin-gu and Jae-bum each other, wondering if they ever from there get (hee, she her boss Gap-dongie call). Jae-Bum, he decides to go straight up and go, but Jin-gu, the same kind of brazen defiance and sits back in his seat not manage.

He makes a box of chocolates notice although filled in his pocket, and shines when he reads the map of Se-young saying that it made and they messed up and she would throw away anyway, so he can have.

She assumes he has a date tonight, but he runs out of the bus to catch them, and they spend the ride on their mothers and their endless worry to speak. He just goes googly eyes stared at her, as "Pretty" plays on the radio.

Then, the DJ is on and the caller says, he had an eye on his staff for a long time, and they did chocolate for him on Valentine's Day what does it mean? They insist that they like him and it's a green light for him to confess his feelings, and play Standing Egg "Confession" (written above) to promote him.

are acutely aware of both Jin-gu and Se-young, how closely these describes, and Se-young is looking for a funny video sharing to break the awkward moment. Jin-gu is brave his arm around her ... but can not stand on his legs to touch over the back of her bus seat.

When they get off the bus, he tried haltingly to speak twice and easy to bring them home safely, and only waves that ends up telling from afar as he always does. Agh, why are you so speechless?

He dips on the bench and sits there for a while about his inability mulling the words to say. He takes her chocolate and comes to a decision and taking a run out. Yay go, tell her how you feel!

He runs excitedly all the way to Se Young's house, but suddenly stops short on the road. Earlier, Se-young is sweet to someone and smiling looking up ... it's his best friend, Jae-Bum. , Oh no

He stands there in disbelief as Jae-Bum her goodnight bids; and then he pulls her into a kiss. OOF. Poor dude. It secures slowly away, and when he walks through the streets, the disaster-Meter shows 29 fall to join the rest.

He says that the plus-nines is not some terrible curse. We watch as Dong-gu gets the official rejection for his film audition, as Min-gu wistfully looks at his dream away to drift a judo champion of being to start, and as Kwang-soo grabs his desk in the network up and leaves.

"if something turns up in the form of a long-standing dream or love that we get have dreamed for a long time when it is no different from a rejection, but yesterday came somehow feel .. . anxious and lonelier ie plus nine lucky. "


Aw, the just-friends-case is one of my favorite romantic conflicts, and from the outset made Jin-gu sided love surprisingly endearing really. I did not expect it, when it was presented as such a smooth-talker who is popular among women wherever he goes, but I love the phrase, but he talks a good game for a long time to accommodate been crush this mystery, would because he can "t work to profess courage. he is actually pretty stupid to Se-Young, who negate the potentially greasy atmosphere I doing a good job, he thought, have they introduced him as eloquent and girls -verrückt. it's nice, a drama to begin with a hero who is already in love and longs alone.

I love the characters individually, but I hope that there are more family interaction in the store. I can see how to separate them and us their introductions and personal crises is important for the first episode, and the diviners was a good device for that, but now I want it to be seen brothers and to influence each other's lives. and we would better time to get on the screen for Uncle Kwang-soo in the next episode, because I really like Oh Jung-se and I can not wait for his antics.

When presented with the premise, I wondered how credible this would plus nine curse, but Mama works superstitious nature, the concept to the ground because it outrageous in their fears may be, and the boy can remain skeptical. She wants to clearly believe that this is real and attributes rather harmless accident to this larger work of fate, while someone else might argue that every age ends in 9 sucks because you bring a new decade facing the course change with it , While they seem inordinately by the number 9 and pitch at a time (the obsession with the number 9 ( gu ) is dogged in its name: Jin gu , min gu , Dong gu and Gu is Mama and Kwang-soo last name.) I like that their concerns as everyday growing pains are really strange nothing. It's just a coming-of-age story for four boys some very rough waters in the life and love of, and they happen to be joined by mom who believes that there is a wave of bad luck.

The writing is funny and a little obsessed pun, but I like the most is that the episode ends with seriousness and leaves us for the character development and many endearing relationship potential is like to feel it. I love already Jin-gu and Se-young crossed wires friendship, so I have hope for the rest of the boys and their romances, and especially look forward to the family relationships boy. You have to carry all their various crosses in their accursed year, but overall it seems to be a fall from grace, for each of them, and when boys used at the top of their game, fall on their faces to be flat , we should have some interesting chain reactions.

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tags: featured , first episodes, Kim Young-Kwang, Kyung Su-jin, Oh Jung-se, as well as nine boys

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