Recap And Reviews Kdrama Cantabile Tomorrow: Episode 3

Recap and reviews korean drama Cantabile Tomorrow: Episode 3 -

The orchestra is assembled, elected the leader (... sort of), and the main storyline will go seriously, although it is not an easy victory for our hero. His strange relationship with the head continues to evolve in interesting ways, and we meet more of our supporting cast, as we are issued our first major challenge. There are a lot of setup involved in this episode, but it's a nice, airy feel for the progressive establishment, which I enjoy, even if I know how the story ends. Or maybe it's because I know; ending with existing (even if this series selects deviate slightly from the original), you really need to enjoy the journey.


Beethoven - Symphony No. 3 "Eroica", 1st movement, Allegro con brio [ Download ]

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as Yoo-jin to Mahler's sweeping Symphony No. listening 2 he recalls asking who was to perform such beautiful. music

at the meeting of the newly formed S Orchestra, Maestro Streseman Yoo-jin ripping transfer request and refuses to let him in the conducting department Yoo-jin melodic Voiceover grows angry shrill. "in the Minimum, it should not an old codger like him! "

Yoo-jin storms out of the auditorium, closely followed by his retinue of Nae been -il and Il lac. behind the wistful timpanist Ma Su-min, who considers himself with a sigh lags back. a few students that the S Orchestra ask on its roster Yoo-jin is the only were not invited to join remarkable musicians them. Streseman as the elite school who favor this lowest rung wannabes ignored?

Streseman deals with the rest of his orchestra, building anticipation as he talks to provide about the music by Harmony. Students sit in excitement to listen to what is the first order of business, he ... proclaims to be a dinner party? That takes everyone by surprise, even Dean Mina, as she defends him Teacher You Do. sounds uncertain but says they should have a little faith in Streseman.

Yoo-jin is in a bad mood, and Nae-il not chirps him to worry, because it is close to the conductor (the calls Milk aka milk despite yet now know his real name) -she'll convince him. Il-lac indicates that if Yoo-jin transfers, he will not play with her anymore to be able to piano, and just like the Nae-il, its melody suddenly changes bat transferred him not to.

Yoo-jin wants to be left alone, but Il-lac reminds him that she now combines best friends in soul. Which, aw. Jealous Nae-il takes him aside and spores another round of fights over Yoo-jin, who actually makes him feel for a while before pushing aside. He hates so not, right?

follow him home anyway, and Nae-il asks him to let them in. Il-lac wonders whether it is better to transfer for Yoo-jin, because remaining in his current principal would quicker graduation and someone like Yoo-jin probably mean going abroad would pursue his music immediately.

But they did not know about his plane trauma that lives Yoo-jin in another flashback. This time we will see that the old man behind him once hit turbulence, sit had lost his bottle of pills. Young Yoo-jin had in the transition it scurried retrieve, but lost consciousness. He shakes the memory aside and thinks: "If I could only fly in airplanes, I would not have been the subject of humiliation to this day I can not study abroad, I can not transfer-how can I carry out to learn.?"

Il-lac a call from Streseman gets, and has Nae-il ward while trying to get to roar up the phone and then accesses it. Il-lac stated that he did not go to the party, but one word is enough to change his tune lasts .: concertmaster hearing that he would occupy the top seat of the orchestra, Il-lac darts from with a fast "Sorry!"

The party is held at Il-lac of the father's restaurant, and Chef Dad is just so happy to Il-lac order. While the S Orchestra drinks and merry making, Yoo-jin watches a video of his old teacher, Maestro Viera, conducting. It filled him with desire and determination, and he gets score books and begins carefully to study.

As he does so, Nae-il holds her post in front of his door, waiting to get to him. She keeps herself amused with hand puppets, role play, a scenario in Yoo-jin rabbit full appreciation and love for Nae-il rabbits. Heh.

Yoo-jin keeps studying, until he comes to check on Nae-il. He does not expect it to still be there, but it is behind the door, cold and sleepy, and crawls to tell him curled up "Orabang ... hug me."

He brings it in, and gives her hot soup, she scolded to go overboard. He tells her to eat her pleas and go, turn down to stay with him. She blows out her dolls and staged a scenario where the "woman" Nae-il Rabbit asks to be with her husband, while Yoo-jin rabbit crankily she yells to leave him alone.

It makes Yoo-jin to smile at least told to Nae-il a rabbit reconciliation and a structure for a kiss. He tears his image away and finished her story. "And then the two separate"

The orchestra party moves on a Noraebang and timpanist Su -min tumbles the bathroom, totally wasted, and fall down drooling. Streseman there a handkerchief and offer a shoulder to cry on (in gratitude), and it turns into a group hug with more drunk orchestra members. Streseman seems sober, but enjoys the attention.

Nae-il asleep snoring on the couch, and Yoo-jin puts it in and even smiling to himself. "She's cute when she sleeps" Immediately he is appalled at his own thoughts, and hastens to make sure only "during sleep. Everybody is nice when sleeping. Frogs were cute then."

morning Nae-il awakens in an empty apartment and finds a note to leave immediately, order and do not touch anything. Now simply enter their ideas. She goes to kiss his photos lying on his bed, in swarms.

The Haneum campus we have a little walk counterpoint see lug through her instrument, which looks like a bass with feet basically. That's when Nae-il comes and-I kid you not-slips on a banana peel. Your sandwich goes flying (lol, subway again, KBS?) And is caught by the bassist, the eyes it so eagerly that Nae-il she provides.

The bassist, CHOI MIN-HEE ( Do-hee ) eats ravenously while Nae-il checks on the other sandwich they got Yoo jin, and min-hee eyes that too hungry. Nae-il clocked the interest and waves the sandwich from side to side, and Min-hee's eyes remain locked on her, like a dog with a bone. So with the utmost restraint, Nae-il hands that you can have a. Min-hee thanks her, then takes to run away in order to make their class.

Out of nowhere, an arrow with a suction cup end comes Nae-il and lands right in the middle of her forehead fly. The little tricks have an opposite tendency, and it is convinced that it is because someone from her and Yoo-jin is jealous. Il-lac did not buy, but in the middle of his release, he and Nae-il are attacked by a waterfall from above. Maybe she's right, he admits.

Yoo-jin Streseman with a box full of notes he presented studied, and asked him to reconsider his transfer. We saw under the hated rivals, Viera, Streseman aversion Yoo-jin comes from his tutelage and now we have to see more background. In a flashback Streseman finds out that the toy he is ordered limited edition was sold to another customer ... aka Viera. Lol, you're so petty that you literally can not share your toys?

Yoo-jin finds that basic silly, and refuses to leave until Streseman accepted his request. So the Maestro is offering him a chance to give him the task to deliver lunch all S Orchestra members within an hour. Yoo-jin takes off running, armed with a box of sandwiches. Omg, metro, you just put this whole episode?

Nae-il and Il-lac watch him confused, wondering whether to be bothered. You duck for cover when she discovers he thought to be angry that they look at him, but instead he asks for their help in tracking down all members.

The trio runs on campus, at the coffee shop, to find the majority of its members. Already eating? No problem, eat a sandwich instead. They push aside the students lunch and force sandwiches on them until Yoo-jin ticks from all the names on his roster.

Without a second to spare, Yoo-jin presents the list to Streseman, who pointed out that he forgot the mascot, also known as Nae-il. Aw, but it's his fault that you did not have it on the list? Nae-il on darts that forward to protest and his case plead, but Yoo-jin she stops and just told Streseman he'll be back to try again.

Nae-il Huff at Streseman that they are no longer friends and stamps, while the Maestro only says that there is a misunderstanding. Nae-il insists that they like this had to comfort Yoo-jin at a time ignores Il-lac insistence that Yoo-jin wants to be alone, and that it is obvious that the Maestro only confuse him.

teacher happened to do something to eavesdrop, and takes them to Dean Mina to tell her that Streseman now pull pranks on children. He can not love for his idiosyncratic ways Yoo-jin, but he takes great issue with a teacher who makes heart with a student. Mina tries to argue for more patience, but the ratchet only the tension between the two of them upward; do teacher indicates that his faith is compromised over Streseman in her.

Nae-il finds Yoo-jin, and is heavy heart by cutting off a friendship (milk) in the interests of the other. But he noted, only the child's character stuck on the back ( "Stupid! Dummy") and asks if she has been plagued recently. She sighs that it was punishing God (because to be without him in the band), and does not notice when Yoo-jin, the characters stuck again with a pat. HA.

It is a special lunch made him cheer, but finds her lunch box full of stones. Brimming with anger, they called Il-lac their revenge to begin preparation.

A short time later, that plan in motion: Nae-il "nap", detail drawing on a bench on campus, at which point a shy masked student approaches with a marker in his hand to her face. ..

There is Su-min and Il-lac comes running and grabs him as he a mustache on her face drawing. Nae-il looks through his bag and found a whole stack of photos, all. With her and Yoo-jin Because it must be clearly in love with her, she is suddenly all sympathy and Su-min apologizes for promising to marry another man.

Su-min barks that he has no interest in and lets slip for Yoo-jin his nickname, "Cha-re-nim" which is a pun God is Cha. The realization that he's got a crush on Yoo-jin, she has carefully out that he's a guy, and Su-min sniffs, "What? The feelings of the people are all the same."

Su-min sobbing expires, and his violinist friend Shi-won sitting with him while he was chiding for ditching the existing school orchestra for the S Orchestra. Su-min makes the big announcement that he would like to have Yoo-jin say Shi-won, Duh. certainly knows So look for any already only by Su-min behavior.

He asks if she it is strange thinking, and she replies, "I like Hyuna, and I love Kim Yuna Did you find me weird.?" She says that you can not control where your heart goes out, and that he finds a smile through his tears. That's cute.

Il-lac muses to Nae-il, the Su-min to such extremes Love drove, and swears that he will not let love make a fool of him. Instead, he will use all this passion for classical music. Nae-il only tsk-TSKS in shame he seems foolish not know the size of love.

with So that love them, Nae-il ride goes Streseman begging to soften the transfer, or at least once perform Yoo-jin allow. He refuses and walks out ... but leaves his score on his desk. Nae-il sneaks on and reads the score-Beethoven's 3rd and takes the baton lying on him.

Without explaining, she grabs Yoo-jin immediately and pulls him to orchestra practice. To the shock of everyone, including Yoo-jin, they announced that he will be heading today, and that Streseman has allowed him to take over for the day to present him with the score and stick it stolen. Ha, it has block the Maestro in a bathroom somewhere, too?

His inner voice is full of excitement and nerves, but Yoo-jin Keep Calm and assures the dubious orchestra that he knows how to read score. He takes the conductor position up and wonders how the orchestra to present this particular piece of music, "heroically" with the name Eroica or.

Ha, and yes, Streseman was imprisoned locked in fact in a room with heavy furniture. It is proposed by staff, sees his missing elements, and says quietly that they toast.

Yoo-jin, the sample starts, and really know way that things are terribly wrong. The portions are not in sync, notes are out of tune, and the students do not even seem to notice how bad they are. His frustration is rising, and his anger turns to Streseman terminating this orchestra up to fail by collecting only the worst musician.

Yoo-jin stops and the errors of any catalogs with cold efficiency, first quietly, then increasingly frustrated at the continued failure. Nae-il amazed how well it is demanding on the game, but too early Streseman enters the sample.

Streseman assumes that Yoo-jin stole this opportunity for yourself, so Nae-il jumps to his defense and takes the blame. Yoo-jin realizes that he was not yet entitled to fly, as well as Streseman offers him a chance: For a week, it may be the assistant conductor. If he can not make improvements within this time, he gives his attempts transferred to departments. Yoo-jin is likely to offer and promises a very different performance from today to show.

He leaves feeling great tasting, and Nae-il is quick to attack him for hugs. He dodges and runs as per their development habit every time she tries to circumvent skinship sneak.

He delves into the work immediately, trying to ignore Nae-il, to feed him, his eyes only on the score. Day and night, it is either Score Study or orchestra rehearsal.

Meanwhile, bassist Min-hee shows Yoo-jin mother coffee shop on regarding the job posting and takes the cashier opening.

Yoo-jin falls through the coffee shop at school on the way and only now realized that it was his mother who runs. Ha. Stealth meddling mothers, who can stop them? She noted how thin he looks, and he sighs that he tried his best to pull the detail and the power of work, but that a week is too short.

to provide on campus, Su-min regular friend Shi-won-the concertmaster corners Streseman Orchestra a few questions to test, but he fobs them off on Il-lac instead. It asks for Streseman style but Il-lac replies that he would not know how Yoo-jin all week was. You can not believe that a piano major would conduct him think first lie.

Mina Streseman approaches to ask about his intentions about the orchestra. But she rows immediately when he asks if his presence, it is difficult to make for them; it has clear concerns, but either she has faith in him or her afraid to ruffle some reason his feathers. Moreover, when a stumble it gets in each other's arms, it is clear that all the feelings, they dance around are still there. His face falls, however, when she makes a personal favor to ask to look for him after Yoo-jin.

Mina finds himself in the hot seat at a board meeting because of the S Orchestra, some teachers (as teachers do) find unnecessary. At the end she said to have perform both orchestra at the end of life under Concert, will be decided after which orchestra is dissolved. Since neither while the other can live on.

Rehearsals are getting worse, however, and Yoo-jin temper gets shorter. Two members in particular, oboe and clarinet, with its blaring and the girl sick envious admiration for him. They come with a plot of up to stick it on him they'll swap parts, so that things sound strange, but to recognize the difficult part, so embarrassing Yoo-jin, as it fails to fix it.

Yoo-jin and Streseman the curiosity instantly hear and Yoo-jin stop play and disdained the orchestra for playing pranks. But that's when Streseman finally steps in and orders him down from the podium; it is now the turn of the Maestro.

Streseman accepts and gives instructions with mild to promote words. His style is comfortable and has all in a smile as he explains the origins of the Eroica, which was dedicated to Napoleon initially. After hearing that Napoleon had declared himself Emperor (ie greed takes wisdom shows), he had beaten the commitment and retitled it "Heroic".

With gentle hand, Streseman the Eroica and Yoo-jin begins beaten the difference immediately. There are still errors as usual, but sound things completely different. "This man ... a true master is," he says.

After they finish the run, Streseman turns to Yoo-jin and declares the game over: He orders to leave him "you are disqualified.".

Yoo-jin realizes that Streseman was better, but to everyone's surprise, it is clear and clearly said that he will not leave. agreed Streseman it had to give up tomorrow. "Until tomorrow, it's my orchestra is"


you know how to adapt, I think Cantabile Tomorrow is to make some interesting decisions, and in particular I greet them. Except in a few ways of deviating purely for the sake of not making a carbon copy replica (and would be sufficient, the justification, I believe), has this drama have a different feel from the other projects (and the J-drama also felt different the anime, this is not a cultural argument), it follows that you can not play all the same beats and expect the same results, because the sound is so great a part.

from the first judging Reviews, Korean audiences are aboard this remake not completely just, what's interesting Nodame Cantabile was such a success in Korea. I wonder if it is not (as the concern was) with the Japanese unit of the original, but the Korean-ness of the remake. I'm still working it out in my head, so that there is still not a complete thought, but it feels like you can love something that feels very strange, but if the strangeness is familiar, feel it off. I'm pretty loving Cantabile Tomorrow , but I read reviews and comments about how the heroine is unrelatable and their motives unclear-despite audience to love Nodame. And the designs are pretty much the same from version to version.

In any case, I like how they are the Streseman / Yoo-jin relationship building that is antagonistic in a way that really stupid reasons mixed with logical rational. And even if I had not known the original story (and I'll stop it now to talk, I promise), I would expect this manager-versus-conductor budding relationship with something of a master-disciple, and I ' see'm curious how the extracts.

When I heard the first of this story before I had seen every version of it, I was expecting it to be anything to be the heroine, and the way in which it changes the people around them with their oddball, endearing way. And while that happens to an extent, this is really more of a story about the peaceful development-inspired hero, yes, by the heroine. But it is a catalyst more than it is the center of the story, and I like Joo-won take on this character-quiet, thoughtful, intense.

He has a temper, but he rages not funny at all, and you will see at once that he is not a genius. He is talented, but he's really more of a hard worker with immense drive, and that makes me root for him so much more than when just a genius who has to type in his gift.

It helps that I find Joo-won surprisingly convincing in his management skills, and I did not see the actor in the role; I just see this character and the emotions that I feel for Yoo-jin, not for Joo-won me. I do not think the same is true for Nae-il, unfortunately, although I think it is settling, slowly. Your over-the-top-ness is not what bothers me is because some of Nae-il exaggerated comedic moments make me laugh out loud.

The problem for me is the balance between Nae-il's quirks and their realistic emotional moments, because at the moment they feel like they belong to two different dramas. Su-min, on the other hand, is a great example of a successful combination of the two sides, because it is an over-the-top absurd nature and yet I always feel his emotions.

For example, it is funny, but not because he tries to be funny-instead, he will go for serious and sweet, and in the right context, the humor without overt comedy shines through "to work." So kudos Jang Se-hyun, I from his supporting roles in Sungkyunkwan Scandal or Boys Over Flowers can not remember, but I'm going to remember safe.

by Shim Eun-kyung, take away not because the elements are all there. You just have to gel. Come on, you can dooooo eeeet. With all these hugs from Joo-won, certainly it is not an attempt to be to try?

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Tags: Cantabile morning in Go Kyung-Pyo, Joo- won, Shim Eun-kyung

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