Recap And Reviews Kdrama Plus Nine Boys: Episode 14 (Final)

Recap and reviews korean drama Plus Nine Boys: Episode 14 (Final) -

It's time to say goodbye to our Plus nine guys and wish them well, where their love lives take. All four boys have their stories wrapped in a manner which remain truthful to the character, which is a beautiful thing to see; and while they may not they had hoped, I think they have all grown and changed in a way that will bring them luck in the future throughout the year.

Track 14: "Boys are men"

After struggling with Jae-bum, Jin-gu follows Se-young to their apartment door, her recalled that it would happen this knew and everything will be fine, but she's too emotional to hear. She says that she is no longer to do, and he asks if she really means, but Se-young cries just that they can not even think now, and the door slams shut in his face.

Waiting for Da-in at the cafe, Kwang-soo gets a text from her saying simply: "I'm sorry, Oppa", and he expires. He bangs on the door and screaming for them in a terrible repetition of their separation from a decade ago, but it is not even home - she is crying out with a sleeping Eun-seo driving in the car and in pain.

Kwang-soo and Jin-gu both outside their women wait in vain "doors and Jin-gu says in voiceover that breakups hardest for men, but this is the moment when boys become men.

Su-ah shows for min-gu of competition, and it takes strength from her presence and goes with his game face in the fight. It's the same opponent from his humiliating pooping incident, but he does not embarrass him, and he puts up a good fight. but manages the guy anyway to win, and when min-gu to look at the grandstand, Su-ah is gone. min -gu not even look angry, just resigned, and he thinks that he also failed in his two goals -. the girl, and get the College

tried to find

Kwang-soo-Da in the café but it's closed today. He is waiting in the hope that they only late, but she never shows. He goes to Eun-seo school but her teacher tells him that she is not here today. He sends Da-in a text asking how she could do this again, after she was sorry for disappearing said the first time, and that he is concerned about it.

Jin-gu gets found to work that Se-Young has not come in today, and he goes to her staircase to call her, but her phone is off , Your boss makes a remark that for this reason the office dating should not be allowed, because if ever completed the pair breaks one of them. Jin-gu freaks on from news that Se-Young actually finish their work, and it runs all the way to her place, but she the door or her phone does not answer.

Determines Jin-gu heads straight back to work and go for Jae-bum office to ask him in very formal language Se-young to delay withdrawal agreement. He argues her case - she loves the company and the people and has big dreams, and he has his own resignation if it too hard for them to all work together. Jae-Bum silent but seems to move, and Jin-gu turns to go, but Jae-Bum stops him, although we do not hear what he says next.

Se -Young mopes while her boyfriend trying to get through them to eat the rejection also fried chicken (which, as we know that this is very serious). she calls her boyfriend pathetically for refusing to eat or leave her job, and nagging at her even more than she wants to answer another call from Jin-gu. She asks if it's so important what others think - they are not, and Jin-gu feelings important? Se-Young moans only that, if your relationship other hurts, there to harm you, but her boyfriend against that love is supposed to be hard.

Always the supportive buddy, pitied Young-Hoon with Kwang-soo on Da-in to get him back to do the exact same thing. He goes a little too far, forcing Kwang-soo, to defend it. Young-hoon coos sarcastically, that it must be true love, and complained that it was nice, happy to see him, but now he will be gloomy again.

They are called into the office of the chief, where Kwang-soo looking angry entire Sponge Team - oh no. Kwang-soo is said that the management wants the show due to low ratings and Kwang-soo takes offense to cancel, they did not even speak to him as a producer. He argues that if there is a problem, they should get a chance to solve it, and his team looks surprised to see him so passionate about their show.

Later in his car, Kwang-soo hear a radio show where listeners are encouraged to call to say something, they have never to their loved ones (DJ Cameo to say Yoon Sang ). He calls in a message to Da-in, wondered if she crying somewhere and asked her to call him. He says he regrets losing it 10 years ago, and that it immature to think that he forgot about it, that he would find a new love. But 10 years have passed, and when he saw her, he realized she was the only woman for him. He starts to cry and says that it is okay if it is too late, as long as she comes back, and that he misses her.

Se-Young is still at work the next day, and Jin-gu spends the day in her empty closet staring and the pair Photos Looking through of their work trip earlier in the year. He remembers how she said to be a travel writer about her dream, and he directs, Da-in cafe they think with her boyfriend as can be.

The café is still closed, but to leave as Jin-gu he turns finds Jae-Bum behind him, to have had the same idea. They now sit at last to speak, that they have a common interest, and Jae-Bum admits that when he met with Se-young 2 days before he was still angry with Jin-gu. Da Jin-gu hurt Se-young so much in the past, he was worried he would do it again.

But Se-Young had told him that she had since Jin-gu ever loved, and Jin-gu seems serious this time, so Jae-Bum known his jealousy and apologized for his behavior. Jin-gu apologized again for his friend was, and in the kind of guys around the world, Jae-Bum just says that he hates him and everything will be forgiven.

There Underwear couch time for bad Kwang-soo, but Mama has no pity and tells him to take recycling and for a walk. He does, still in his underwear, but suddenly he travels through a cloud of bubbles and looks as romantic music swells ... there is little Eun-seo, happily blowing in the wind. D'awww . Da-in is not far off course, and they actually smiled at him.

Jin-gu still can not get Se-Young on the phone, and he walks on the roof at work, but freezes when he sees Go-eun. He tried to sneak to her, but she holds him to speak. She tells him that he disappointed her, but clarifies that it is because he let his girlfriend quit. She says she is concerned about Se-Young, because they are so very stressed (I'll say), and says Jin-gu, that she still hates him, but he should take care to go by his girlfriend, and tells him where Se-young is hidden.

Se-Young currently shuffling to her boyfriend the apartment in her sweat pants and looked back very, uh ... unemployed . She gets in the corner and sees Jin-gu near the stairs waiting, and there's this hilarious moment in which makes her eyes dart on the stairs, his eyes dart on the stairs, and a run for it. But she is no match for his long legs, and he grabs her before she can go far.

He immediately noticed her swollen eyes from crying and I know that she misses him, and he tells her that he said to Jae-Bum and that they show work tomorrow. He saw her fusses for such acts this, and says that it could not understand, but that neither Jae-Bum nor Go-eun wants to see her in pain, and understand them both.

Se-young still, looking at him, so Jin-gu is persistent, to tell her it's just a rocky start for them. He says he knows she likes him and he goes crazy when he sees it, and he promises that he would be better. He admits that he just act like he knew the love, but he thinks he knows now really, because even if they fight, then he is without them useless. SWOON .

Se-Young finally looks at him, and he tells her they are inseparable because they are keywords related, and asks if she wants a hug. He nods his head for her and she leans against him (so sweet), get in a few smacks when he asks her if she has her hair washed, HAHA.

Da-in and Kwang-soo sit to talk (in his unders still), but he has difficulty speaking and asks only whether it is okay. Search more relaxed than they ever have, she apologizes and promises never to disappear will (Kwang-soo: "It is good, a bad habit .." Ha). He asks if they do not show is because he is overdoing it or when his sister intervened again, but Da-in it says none of those.

She says Kwang-soo is still like a boy, but she married a child and had dated since the last. She says that it is difficult to be a single mother and she did not want to bring these difficulties to him, want to leave him with only the beautiful memories of what they did ten years ago. Kwang-soo sulks at her that she is more beautiful now than in his memoirs, and that he will not only beautiful memories.

He says that he that thinks in his age the best, someone is acceptable to you and who will take over the good and bad things, and that it. That person for him He says he is in no hurry to marry her, but she asks, just thinking about it - even if they think their whole life, he must'll wait.

Min-gu alone in a Noraebang singing sitting itself, and is related to the head when the song he sang to the Standing Egg concert to Su-ah ( " Yes, you can ") starts to play. He sings along, and Su-ah finds him there. They go outside to talk and she tells him that she leave his competitors because he had to fight, and asks what he will do about the school now. She has him correctly, he tells lost because he did not train hard enough to them busy chasing.

Su-ah says that if he really wants to go to college to train hard and try again. She says that we have many opportunities in life, and keep trying and not give up, and she pulls adorably noona rank when he gets a little mouthy, that they did not get into college yet either, hee. She tells him she has something different than college, which she really wants, but it's a secret.

as his noona Speaking which has under their belt two years of failure, Su-ah advises Min-gu that he is out to do what everyone else does and go to college. She says that she first thought he was weird, but now she's thinking that he's a big kid, and wants him to be successful.

Su-ah gets up to leave and Min-gu asks if they really are breaking up, and she says that maybe, after they find out what they want in life and are respectively the right people for each other , they meet again. It proposes a cool breakup scene like in a movie, and pulls her MP3 player. She plays Standing Egg song for him and asks him to close his eyes and think about what he really wants for his future. She puts in the other Earbud for him and gives him the player and goes away crying. When Min-gu opens his eyes, it's gone.

At home later, Dong-gu exerts its lines (it turns out that he got a supporting role in the movie after all!) And even Min -gu has to admit he's gotten better. His character has a line going around with his father at a bath house, and he asks Min-gu, if he was ever with her father there, but Min-gu can not remember. Mama asks if Dong-gu is curious about his father, and she waves Kwang-soo to follow in her room.

She draws a box that she saved things for Dong-gu her deceased husband, and asks him to be a good uncle and they give to Dong-gu. Kwang-soo says Jin-gu do to have it, but he did not come home last night (oh really?). Mom he expects worked all night but Kwang-soo's all " PSSHT right, it is a girl," and Mom panics. Way Your nephew out, dude.

Jin-gu answers befuddled his phone from Se-Young bed (rawr!), But do not believe his lies Mom that operation. He likes to cuddle again with Se-Young, who tried to shake him off, because it is hungry, but I'm on his side - cuddling before eating! She throws him out of bed, but he is moving in with him down, determined in all skinship to obtain it can.

Min-gu friends a short spam PPL fit, and his only friend who always makes the strange food combinations, he says in a cooking class is taking. Ask Min-gu, if he'll keep doing Judo, and he says he decided that Judo is his dream - he wants to give it his all, and various techniques to try to get better and learn.

Mom set the table while Kwang-soo and Dong-gu exchange deep tissue back massage, and everyone freezes in shock when Jin-gu comes with Se -Young , Se-Young looks nervous, but Jin-gu might look impossible prouder, daughter-in-law to introduce his mother to their future, it is so adorable. Kwang-soo grumbles only again to be caught in his underwear, HAHA.

lunch Super is awkward, to Jin-gu tells everyone to stop at Se-Young, staring, so she can eat. Mama asks for her parents, and that is what no one will be surprised to hear they have a sashimi restaurant. Mom complains that she has not cook all nice because they do not know that they would have company, and when Se-Young has to make eggs, Kwang-soo tells hilarious a few poached ones.

Jin-gu does not say Se-young to cook something and Mom has a seat and go to them to make themselves, they banged on the table. Mom is shocked to see a little how caring Jin-gu is to Se-jung, and Kwang-soo's Mom food carefully, just in case, she's jealous. Se-Young has to peel fruit, call her mother a few times and disarmingly Mom. Soon she is in her new daughter-in-law her hands in joy clapping.

Jin-gu drags Se-Young in his room for a little more skinship as the giant cuddlemonster who he is, but when he goes for smooches in her looks, Dong-gu her "I'm watching you" to enter fingers from the door and pushes Jin-gu away. PWAHAHA. Better get used to little brothers bratty, Se-Young.

The whole family sits a home video to look down, and Min-gu comes home just in time (and is thrilled his new sister-in take right). Mom says Dong-gu that the video is a gift from his father, and she notes that this was a bad year, but they made it through and they won even a new member in the family.

The video is so cute, especially clips of Baby Dong-gu and his father, as he was a wonderful loving father looks. There are pictures of the whole family, including cute nine years old Min-gu and a lanky teenage Jin-gu. Everyone laughs and comments with the exception of Dong-gu, the rest gets and starts to cry. Kwang-soo hugging him while he weeps for his lost father - I'm not crying total, it's just really humid here.

Jin-gu and Se Young go with Jae-Bum and Go-eun to her friend Restaurant, the wince all how cheesy they are together and holler at them to finish it (which they do not, of course). Kwang-soo exerts stupid human tricks with his sponge team and Min-gu trains in Judo harder than ever. Dong-gu runs his lines for his film and he's pretty good now, having learned to get his emotions.

Jin-gu said that like us, to have to fall to start a boy, have growing pains experienced an adult to be. Mom runs over Kwang-soo with Eun-seo to play and romp Da-in in the playground and starts, but smiling to see how happy they are no longer capable of their bad mood to keep him a single to see mother. In voice-over, says Kwang-soo that a plus-9 years, a chance to slow to look back on the way we have taken so far.

We see Su-ah with a guitar on his back strapped to audition for a musical tension, and I'm not surprised that music is her secret life dream. Min-gu said that a plus-nine years crossed a new threshold. We see Jin-gu anticipating until a curtain aside draws Se-young in a wedding dress to reveal, and Jin-gu, only with the same besotted stare stare he gives her every time she looks especially nice. He says that a plus-9 admitted only a small hill where you can put your heavy burdens down and rest a while, as a broad smile crosses his face to see his beautiful bride.


It is to be totally satisfied with a drama finale very rare for me, but in this case I can not give me a single thing that I would change. I believe that all four boys had wrapped their stories in real truthful manner, and that although everyone they grew throughout the series, they always grew in a direction that was to the people she was honest from the beginning.

Dong-gu History was never really a love story with a girl - his bow was left to stop more about learning to its cuteness, and that he needed to get in touch with his feelings, if he wanted to be more successful Actor. I love that thing that started him in pushing to be a real actor with Baek-ji lose but really sunk when he had a chance, the father he never knew mourn. And it's not that he lacked for father figures, because he more than its fair share of those who had - but nothing can really take your father's place. I am glad that he got this connection to make and that feeling of loss because it will serve him well in the future.

I thought treated Min-gu his disappointment with grace and maturity and really took to heart the words of Su-ah. Work hard, find your dream come true, and not necessarily just do what everybody does, and maybe one day they will find when they are the people they want to be. I think that they really cared for each other, but they met too early and were too immature to have a real relationship - and to be honest, their ability to gain that maturity that was a big step to recognize. I have every reason to believe that one day, when they meet again, they might fall in love for real.

Jin-gu and Se-young - what can I say? Sweetest pair each. I loved that they each compensate resort as Se-Young is an over-worrier and Jin-gu is a let-me-fix-it-for-you kinda guy. I feel like they can be together and to feel secure that what everyone is missing that can take others for the slump in claim, and that is a rare type of security, which bodes well together for a long happy life. I was glad that it worked out things with Go-eun and Jae-Bum in a realistic way ... her friends were still hurt and angry, but they were good enough friends, their feelings, to put aside all their family to hold. That's some true love, right there (and maybe it's just me, but I feel that Jae-Bum and Go-eun are far better suited for each other anyway, unless I was foreshadowing to see where there was none). And I know that no matter how long they are together, and no matter what they are going through, Jin-gu is with Se Young filled always with these wonderfully fond Puppy Dog Love eyes.

But I think my favorite end Kwang-soo was, although they do not get exactly what he wanted. I know what Kwang-soo suffered when Da-in gone, and I really had to dig deep to take care of Da-in side of things. I still think that what she did to him was terribly hurtful, but I accept that they regret it did and wanted to make it there. do not want And while I'll never understand their behavior in the past, I have to get her present fears Kwang-soo to hurt again or bring hardship for him in a society that would judge him for dating a single mother.

Kwang-soo had to jump two major obstacles in the course of the drama - violated always about his past, when it came to Da-in and learn them on their own terms in the present to meet, instead of neck rushing over head in engagement. I feel like it was a bit hectic, "repair" the past and laughed, as if still a step further would erase its previous rejection this time. But he learned that it's okay to have not locked her down, and that in fact he has more chance of a future with her if he relaxes and lets them come to him in their own time. He was a different person at the end, and it's great, everything pain and fear to see his face away. Playing the last scene with him and Eun-seo and Da-in was the first time that I was, he felt really happy and carefree, even if things are still in the air with Da-in, and it was wonderful.

I loved Overall this show, even if I struggled to understand the signs (or let's face it, sometimes even care about some of them), because they all seemed the only way real, and their lives will never feel like a script. It really made me think about life and love, which sounds corny but it's true, and I feel like I learned some things about the people who saw the show. Plus Nine Boys is as one of my favorites in my memory definitely down, populated by some of my favorite characters, with one of the most satisfying drama endings I've ever experienced.

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tags: featured, Kim Young-Kwang, Kyung Su-jin, Oh Jung-se, as well as nine boys

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