Recap And Reviews Kdrama Fated To Love You: Episode 20 (Final)

Recap and reviews korean drama Fated To Love You: Episode 20 (Final) -

the day we feared that we love for the first time is finally upon us, which means that it's time to say goodbye to the crazy and bizarre side Fated to Love You while comfortably the angsty page somewhere easily forgotten shelves. At least it's not one of those endings that forgets to be an end, because you will be hard pressed would think of a thread that does not get tied up in the cleanest of sheets. If anything, it's almost too much an end, that it replaces and decided to spend his last hour as an epilogue all conflicts with cuteness a week ago. First world problems


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The final episode RECAP

Just as Manager Tak is to send all home now that they have their missing bride and groom, Gun and Mi-young come through the door hand in hand. grandma Wang overjoyed.

Mi-young noted mom missing, but still she starts to walk down the aisle .. . at least until Mom frantically from the door shouting: "I am here !!" them all, but falls in Gun in his arms when she worried it will be too late, but everyone is all smiles and laughter it is only in the. time.

Gun and mi-young start their official walk down the aisle this time down, which is like night and day compared to when Gun looked like he was first to the time to his grave on foot.


Yong noticed one of the candles during the ceremony is not lit, and uses his magical fire powers to illuminate it. Haha. I still do not understand this piece, but I'm glad to commit them to it until the end.

Then there is the exchange of vows. They promise each other as husband and wife to take and say out loud (and together) to love their promises and to appreciate each other for the rest of their lives until death separate them.

But then there's the addendum tell them both: "No, even if the death separates us, we always swear to be together." Man Now and woman, they kiss to seal the deal. (* Sniff *)

complained on the way to their honeymoon spot on Jeju Island, Gun to how short their journey has for Mi-Young's work plan be. You preempts to his question whether work is more important to her than he is, which causes him to stop the car as he praises his impressive line, all, Pfft, as I wanted to ask anyway! (He will ask, was total.)

Mi-young takes things into his own hands by literally taking the steering wheel so that Gun fall in the passenger seat in a panic when he asks whether it has a license. She says that she does, but that they have never driven a car. HAH.

It is to get their way out of the Gun suggestion that she would have to kiss him at every stop light, but going it back ravishing when Gun realizes that he can at will now kiss that he was not the one driving. Cue cuteness.

Manager Tak and Yong as spies dressed, undertake a mission, which they call "Revival Macau" that give them the honeymoon suite prepares brings (Room 09) so that Gun and micro- young can get down to business. Grandmother Wang command, of course, she wants a grandchild stat.

We flash back to say to Grandma Wang Gun to a grandson wants to keep in 10 months, only for Gun to tell her that he plans on enjoying newlywed planned life with his snail least six months , Since this did not sit well with her manager and Tak Yong there is sure to make her go to plan things.

Our newly wed couple in the room arrives in 06, and it's funny how they both ensure that last number is onto and completely unflippable. Few know that the two spies from the peephole observed in room 09 on the corridor.

After Mi-young to the kibosh on sexy times before the sun sets, the two slow dance under the stars. Mi-young tells him that her father used to dance with her, when she was young, to call their "Princess Mi-young", although she admits that she never felt like much of a princess, and more like a girl.

Gun takes offense, that, as he says, that his Mi-young a girl, but a pretty and kind princess who the key to this prince Heart found. She laughs about the taste "Prince Lee Gun" to call him while Manager Tak Yong and literally with snacks, watch in hand on

But they have planned something else. They are on the drug goes to the two of them back to really that night in Macau recreate. I'm ... not quite sure how to respond.

added complication is, Gun repeatedly to Mi-young, that this order is together their first real night, considering that none of them remember that night in Macau.

So be sure to remember this evening, they make a pact even to keep a clear head, without knowing who that manager Tak and Yong already the bartender drugs bribed their drinks. But when Gun is rejected shot for a love that he brings on, as she had no problem dealing with Daniel ...

... which opens another can of worms, because Mi-young had no idea Gun was for her to return and then is not everything rejoice. Both down their (drugged) beverages as a challenge before another round of order and Gun makes another misstep when he tells her that she should not drink so much. Mi-young is not screw it earlier, and is not a fan of being told what to do.

She leaves in a huff, but Gun is not too worried them-has only one going to lay, and it's the same as he. He does notice a familiar taste in the drink a little too late, as we find Mi-young stumbling back to her room when she complains about a lovers quarrel with gun.

is Gun crawl on all next to the hall, laughing hysterically at the generic pictures on the hotel walls for some reason his way. He can not escape the feeling of deja vu when he tries to give stubbornly what should his room in 06 but which is now room was marked by Spy Duo of 09.

Mi-young in bed already when Gun creeps into it, and they find each other with their eyes closed before Gun pulls the blanket over his head ...

grandmother Wang the several portraits to bless the Lee clan ancestors Gun and Mi asks -Young so they returned as three , instead of two. Mama Yong also joins in the prayers, their hope added that they will have twins.

Dressed in traditional wedding Hanbok in a cartoonishly familiar world, Gun and mi-young act much as they did from their wild night together in episode 2, crammed with crazy innuendo. Would not be the same without being there.

You wake up with a next morning screaming, none of them has happened with some memory of the night before. Gun cries when he exact situation in Macau reminded, especially since he already pleased with her years to sleep now ... and he can not remember it.

He can not even remember when asleep slept together, although all signs point to yes. Try the events of last night to piece together, and as they both remember strange drunk feeling, Gun, Manager Tak Yong and remembers to see later in front of his room. He was too stunned to recognize then.

Gun finds across the hall in Room 09 and makes the two with their hands kneel over their heads like school children. But Manager Tak Yong and the beans to Mi-young spill that wanting everything because of what Gun said Wang grandmother about a child immediately.

Nevertheless Gun can not believe how the spy duo ruined the first night of his honeymoon, but I love how it ends, to be to keep the one to Mi-jung back when they start at the pair for insinuating that one night sacrifice is not such a big deal if they will have countless more in the future.

Daniel faced Se-ra mother with the picture of him and his sister as children, and it does not deny that the little girl is indeed Se - ra. While the weight of this disclosure in deposits, comes ra Se for her mother in time to pull her aside and tell her the truth: She adopted is

Se-ra mother, freshly lobotomized, a tender moment informs. her adopted daughter as they both agree that they are still mother and daughter, even if they are not related by blood.

by Gun gets over his wife success as an artist, the two are to brag on the hotel roof and looking at the stars. They remember when their fate actually began, and while Mi-young thinks it was when he called to his wife luck at the casino, he thinks that he began when she met for the first time after his ring to hunt.

"This thing called destiny," Gun muses: "I thought it would be something special, but I do not think it is is at the moment. the person in front of me ... you'll be fine as long as I'm with her. Not with someone else, but she is able to imagine ... I think that's what is fate. "

"I'm okay, even if we are not to love each other condemned" Mi-young answers. "Because I would still love you as we were." Gun takes her hand, as he her that her future says to him, is not without its difficulties, but Mi-young is not afraid and does not want him to be either: "Let's do our best to love each other and together every moment of every day for the rest of our lives to be happy. "

so Gun a vow you make, how they look in the night sky: "Until the day all the stars disappear, I will love you as you are my destiny every day." Mi-young: "Until the day all the stars disappear, I will love you as you are my destiny every day."

And what how long last feels, get the two for one night to have, together they are actually remember , complete with candlelight and all their unspoken words of undying love between past them as they kiss, undress and make love ,

One month later.

grandmother Wang and rifle in the doctor's office waiting with bated breath to Mi-young stock news comes from ... it's twins! Grandmother Wang is over the moon with happiness when she praises her grandson virility that, hah.

But it is not long before Gun blames jokingly his grandmother to take away their chance to plain ol 'married couple to live as, even if he can upset this not stay. Moreover grandmother Wang is not a bit sorry.

Se-ra finds a post-it note, from inviting them for ice from their oppa. It is the first time meeting found out since they are brother and sister, because it requires both time to process their feelings.

But from now on, Daniel she wants to live as brothers and sisters, the Se-ra true. In a throwback to their first meeting at the level of Daniel, paints a portrait of his sister only now he does not have to guess how it looks.

When Se-ra asks why he alone his sister drawing, Brim Daniel's eyes with tears as he he mentioned they lost the day, while ice cream to buy , He tells it as a story that is not about her, perhaps the only way he can get through it, but everything is important that Se-ra understood.

They both have tears in his eyes, as Daniel complained that he was not fast enough then and it has since been suffering, to the Se-ra replies that he can do it now by his sister that long-awaited ice to buy.

Daniel holds out his hand to her, "I will never go back from me I will always hold on to our Mi-young in the hand.." Se-ra smiling through her tears as she his hand accepts and calls him "oppa."

Three years later. Doctor Moon and Gun you take a look at its crystal clear brain scans, with the good doctor suspecting that if he has had no more symptoms of his age, he can expect to live free of his family genetic disease the rest of his life.

However Gun know that Doctor moon woos Mi-young mother and give him a few tips ... as her "Salad Wrap Lady" cries favorite nickname for her gun. And it total works, earn doctoral moon a date with an extra-flirty Mom.

As we wrap all stories properly, we find out that Manager Tak has a passion outside Gun- and to serve this passion, is dance . (Throwback in a fun, turns his teacher from one of the many clones of Gun and Mi-Young's prenatal class teacher to be.)

He completely fangirls he learns he is teaching at a legendary dancer named Charles, just take the pink-clad legend after he recognize Salsa to him as none other than Attorney Hong. As Manager Tak, he needed a hobby, and it's not long before the two stop with little human words in favor of dance , the universal language.

to get out of their teaching, watches Daniel While for Se-ra wait amused as one of its young male student professes his undying love for her. Then he discourages the child, saying that he one who Se-ra loves most in this world, only to answer for it that Daniel is the man they most loves in this world.

Thereafter Se-ra used Daniels specified name to scold him to say his sister is the person he loves most when he could be dated. Daniel throws back that they did not have much room to talk when she's pretty, but only as a single.

Mama Yong reluctantly attended a meeting with Ji-yeon and her father, with the intention of showing their rejection once and for all. But when Ji-yeon's father is revealed to be a chaebol, and it is a chaebol heir , Mama Yong certainly change their tune quickly.

When Yong asks why Ji-yeon kept their lineage a secret from him, she admits that she did not want him to love her because your money. But now that Mama Yong smells money, it's all for a quick marriage.

Gun and Mi-young having a picnic with her twins, a boy and a girl, now toddlers. It should not come as a surprise, the gun was to be born a father, but he even manages to surprise Mi-jung when he has to read the children's favorite story ...

... and he pulls a hand drawn, hand-written book titled "Princess worm." It is the story of a princess who wore glasses around her mother, and who study was poor. Haha.

The story goes on to say that the princess had an illness a foreign applicant to refuse it incapable and unable to leave someone. In fact, as he tells it, she did not even know that she was a princess, and thought that she was a girl.

Then tells Gun raw prince from a neighboring country, the princess called "snail" and live up to their namesake, turned the princess into his life and the heart. The prince fell in love with the princess and suffered an illness, where he could not live without it.

How do we get hit by a flashback role Gun Recalls its real disease, saying that others were concerned for the prince, but he no fear because the princess was at his side. "As long as the princess him is next, the prince will never get sick."

He flips to the last page of the book, with a drawing of him and Mi-jung, her two children, and many adorable snails as he finishes the story: .. "the princess and the prince had twins and live happily ever after "and more and more, just in case the" depending "was not enough

when Gun asks Mi-young, if they ever marry him repent, they treated like the ridiculous question it is, why should they?

"Thank you for your by my side today, and at this moment." Says Gun.

"Thank you for always with me, that the time to be, not someday, but this moment," Mi-young answers.

"I love you, Princess worm."

"I love you, Prince Lee Gun".


What a sweet end. Granted, I was a little concerned, during this dark long episodes to do with Gun amnesia and noble idiocy, because that is where this version differs so much from the original, that all crossover audience (like me) inevitably lost the ability predict what would or could happen. That's not a bad thing, because I'm all for adjustments remain true to its roots, while their own identity forging. And it's safe to say that Fated 's strongest point was in its ability to bring, cherry, what worked in the original, while the omission does not.

and count for a little more than half of the episode, this show was perfect. Which is why feeling even vaguely dissatisfied at the end of it all much harder than it should meet, because it is to an already middling Show- Fated not the same a senseless end as just a bad show or even a mediocre end to Love You was like a sunbeam on drama country darkest day. It was the drama that reminds us why we started dramas to watch, with a tear factor through the roof, witty writing and sparkling chemistry between two lines, which could not have been more perfectly cast.

But it began to lose what made it stand out really if Gun disease came to the fore, and if it was to shoulder the weight of the world on his shoulders less they as a couple and more about Gun. Edler idiocy is not a bad trope in and of itself, and while what gun did and why has not been as beyond the realm of reason to be as incomprehensible that story thread has surprisingly little of this discussion to enrich experience or understanding of the characters.

Because of operating at the end and after years under disinformation and lies from Gun Camp, Mi-young to made the same decision in relation to him and his illness, when she would have if they'd make the information public sooner. The three years spent thus, apart meaningless, which indeed seemed to make the whole exercise meaningless. So much ended an illness rode Gun was not even sure that he would have, and the drama is pivoted about the two of them will learn to love the moment, without the future worrying about ,

Which in turn is a very fine thing for a drama to focus, unless was about nothing else. , it is a shame if it was my so much of how they met through how they dealt with the loss of her unborn child, to their rediscovery of each other. But instead Gun noble idiocy act was like hitting the pause button on what was, until then, was a fast-paced ruins and the worst, he was not even meet the one play again.

understanding Even his argument now not change the fact that the story slows to a crawl after skip the time, and what strange as filler felt these past few weeks, actually turned out be filler. I was a little surprised that this week was dedicated to tie every single possible loose end you, and think those you could not (because really, who among us would really feel bereaved when we do not have one ending for Lawyer Hong?) which is indicative of a show seems more that saddled with a sudden extension of more than a show got the twenty episodes knew he had had with history and yunno fill conflicts early.

But lest I sound too hard on a show that so many of us brought so much joy, it should be said that although Fated tested to the limits on how much there could for stable, his filler was cute antics and Pelzchen packed with more than most shows ever could dream. It is still the puppy parade of dramas, but with the bittersweet reminder that these pups grow older with every day that passes. What I think is as good a reason as to remind everyone, us, to enjoy the time we have, even though I already miss the time that has elapsed.

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tags: Choi Jin-Hyuk, Fated To Love You, featured, Jang Hyuk Jang Nara

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