Recap And Reviews Kdrama Trot Lovers: Episode 1

Recap and reviews korean drama Trot Lovers: Episode 1 -

There is a solid first Episode for new Monday-Tuesday drama KBS Trot Lovers . I am now for weeks about this show very excited what is primarily based on the casting, and I am happy to say that the pilot episode does not disappoint. The show effectively creates a simple but interesting premise while delivering laughs, gimmicks, and set up a lot of sparks chemistry between our lines. I think we are in a silly but heartwarming journey!


The show starts at a racetrack, and we see through the eyes of a runner as everything moves in slow motion. A crowd chants a name, and a coach yells to stop for the runners. The runner falls to the ground, and we see her face - it is our heroine CHOI CHUN-HEE ( Jung Eun-ji ). It lays on the track, exhausted.

Later, Chun-hee is in practice, lagging behind the other runners and trot song ( "With You" by Nam Jin) to sing to the rhythm of their steps. Suddenly her gym bag lands on her feet, and the coach reminded them that they told her to clean her locker. Chun-hee promises to work even harder, but the coach yells at her that they never know when to stop and that she needs a nuisance and leave is to stop. Ouch.

to run four years later, Chun-hee are a few encouraging words prepares for a group of men a charity marathon to benefit orphans. They are obviously not trained athletes, and they all wear jerseys of a gym called Lax Sports Center.

A black van pulls, and the passenger complains that he would rather die than run this stupid Marathon. This is JANG JOON-hyun ( Ji Hyun-woo ), self-proclaimed god of music and obviously conceited idiot. His manager TAE SONG ( Son Ho-joon ), reminds him that they need to maintain his macho image.

Joon-hyun whimpers only that he is a artist (in a very familiar tone, haha) and he thinks he especially this is clear. A memory of all the women who will watch him run convinced finally Joon-hyun to move.

During the marathon, by Chun-hee teammates collapses and has to be taken in an ambulance, protesting that he has to finish the race, so he can bring Explore the participation medal for his child. When they remove him, sees Chun-hee a runner in the same flowered run outfit wearing Joon-hyun, and watches as he gets into the black van and the real Joon-hyun gets out. Manager Tae-Song spritzes it with water to make it look sweaty to him, and he pussy foots the last bit of the race.

Chun-hee observed how Joon-hyun crossed the finish line, for his fans a show and also in collapsing to the ground "exhaustion." If he receives his medal and told reporters that he wanted to give soooooo many times, but he was able to finish because of its fans. He rolled her eyes in disgust for the cameras as Chun-hee cup.

in the van later, Joon-hyun murmurs about the equitable participation medal rest some time. Chun-hee tapped on his window and he rolled down to them with contempt. He assumes it is a sasaeng supporter (one with stalker tendencies) and slaps on a smile, but speaks condescendingly when he asks where she wants to sign him her jersey.

Chun-hee has quietly him the medal back and said that she saw how he connected with another runner. He does not try to deny it but, stuttering, "I do not know what you're talking about, but let's just say that it's true ..." They repeated that it is not fair for him to complete the Marathon to get a medal when he didn 't they actually cause it.

He rested back to her, it is not even to say a genuine coin, and begins in the van to come. Annoyed, she repeats and demanded that he hand over the coin while it is to be beautiful. Joon-hyun mutters: " Fine I'll give you the stupid medal," but when it comes into the van he waves the medal it with a mocking smile, as drives and leaves them there. What an ass!

full-on now angry, Chun-hee, the van chasing, trying corners across the parking lot cutting as Joon-hyun to avoid them. I love the Bionic Woman sound effects as Chun-hee between cars and jump over curbs. She manages to finally before the van out and force Joon-hyun to stop.

he rolls down the window and says Chun-hee, that they can have the stupid medal, and leaves it at her feet. Seriously, what a ASS. In her anger, she lectures him on how useful it is to finish a marathon, compare to overcome death. She is a little overwrought, but you can see how important this is to her medal symbolizing endurance.

to be Tae-Song flail on the Van to be left to wail, and Chun-hee puts him immediately in the fraud involved. He apologizes and asks her to overlook it, just this once, all ", the Orphanage Think!"

The Lax Sports Center runners go to a Noraebang for drinks and a runner asks Chun-hee, why to be themselves stopped a runner. Instead of answering she jumps up to sing a song, and singing "With You".

directs home to her family convenience store, and finds her father ( Kang Nam-gil ) and little sister byul ( Yoo Eun-mi ) behind the bar sitting on the floor, Ramyun eat and kimbap.

Clearly, Dad not responsible operator is as Chun-hee chides him into debt for themselves and reminds him that she and Mama always him always were of necessity, though he obviously loves very much his daughters. The sisters gang up on him about his dirty apron and holey t-shirt, but they are obviously a close family.

Joon-hyun goes on a talk show and, while he is dreamy indisputable when he sings, he does not even try his high opinion of himself to temper ( "I have the god of music am!"). The host invites viewers to personal stories about e-mail and a voice begins a story about a recent marathon to read where the writer saw a runner fraud. Joon-hyun confesses to this event to be, but relies on an innocent face, wondering how to cheat a marathon.

All this is interspersed with scenes of Chun-hee at work, looking, as they are very concentrated types away on her laptop.

As the story is accurate, also describe how the narrator for completion medal asked back and was rejected, Joon-hyun starts nervously looking. Shortly before the narrator, though the offender can call, the connection is broken. The show tried the narrator back when Tae-Song frantically calling mimes to Joon-hyun from backstage to tell him to play the piano or sing or just do something . But Joon-hyun does not understand, and finally exploded: "What do you want me to do"

After the show, Joon-hyun barks Tae-Song "found that Medal Meddler!" But back in the gym, we see that Chun-hee has actually worked on a document for the sports center. So who sent the story about the marathon cheater?

A customer approaches you from a lost locker key and find the head of the deposit to another customer, JO Geun-WOO ( Shin Sung rok ) (although we do not know his name officially not yet tried) to get into a locker. Chun-hee points out that it is the wrong button with, and he gives her a blank look. He pulls a second key from his pocket (other customers) and Min-woo just laughs and passes it. He is definitely an odd duck, even though he seems to be a good-natured guy.

Chun-hee takes a call and heads down and ends in the same elevator as Geun-woo upwards. A cell phone begins to ring, but he has his cell phone in his hand, and he finally asks her why she is not properly detected. She says it's not her ring tone either, and he gets a funny look on his face and draws a second phone from his pocket.

He wonders aloud how the got there, and Chun-hee asks if he or has something kleptomania. He gives her the phone and ask them to return it to the owner, and if they get out of the elevator she sees patted him his pockets, as if he has lost his wallet. I can not figure out whether he is a thief, or just super spacey.

Chun-hee meets Manager Tae-song in the garage, which is there to confront them about the talk show about the marathon writing. It denies knowing anything about it, and he takes a call - ha, it's Joon-hyun want only three meters to know from inside the van call what she says.

Chun-hee assures Tae-song, which she promised that she would keep the incident itself and she meant it. She starts to leave, but Joon-hyun jumps out of the car and keeps it on. He circled while scoffing that she is a liar, because it is the only one who knows what happened in the marathon.

Your phone rings, and Joon-hyun snorts trot song as their ringtone, say that of course her ringtone would fit to hear their "level" as a person , She takes offense, and replies that if he and his music at such a higher level, then what is he doing here so low as to speak to someone? She says that she did not send the show's history, but is surprised by its perfect timing.

The strikes a nerve with Joon-hyun, and they clocked this and runs to tell him that they tell everyone goes what happened. He loses his temper and yells (like Tae-Song him physically restrains) that they should any say, and they will see who of them believe the people! Chun-hee gets personal and verbally abused his music, and now she's crossed a line - Joon-hyun so angry that he is struck speechless.

you start to stroll hollers back to work and for them to come back Joon-hyun. She does, with an impressive untouched swagger, and losing it. He yells at her while Tae-song between them is to keep them apart, but hilarious crouching behind Tae-song when some people go through the garage.

Joon-hyun sneaks to Van back, hiding his face, but peeps to announce dramatically that it is they, follow to the ends of the earth and destroy their loose. Chun-hee is clearly not worried, and I can not help laughing, because just Joon-hyun lose his temper, a toddler's have seen a tantrum like he is loud and so very, very angry, but not even a little scary.

Chun-hee goes back to the elevators and forwards Geun-woo with a telephone conversation. He says who he speaks to, that he in Hawaii all swimmers check-out. When Chun-hee it shoots a glance, he tells the person on the other end, that there are also ugly women there. HAHA.

At the other end of the phone is JO HEE MOON ( Yoon Joo-sang ), Min-woo's father. He has enough to pay Geun-woo way for all had, and demands that he help his mother care. Geun-woo deadpans a series of unrelated questions about retirement, and if he is the first love he been looking for -. It is really kind of adorkable His father loses his temper and tells him to hang, but Geun-woo protests that in return for all that he received, he can at least hear nagging his father ... click . I think this is a way out of a difficult to get parents lecture.

That night Chun-hee, Dad and Byul eat dinner when it rings. It's a certified letter for Dad payment of 30,000,000 ₩ call (ouch), which he hides immediately. Chun-hee insists that he show what it is, and they argue, caused the screaming Byul on them. It has at least to have dinner before fighting, and harrumph s, when they make silent faces today. She's the boss of the house, is not it? So cute.

At work the next day, Chun-hee Manager ask for side pulls why she had a customer phone, do not believe her story that another customer has accidentally and it gave her back. He says that there is a lot of theft, since she started working there and they fired on the spot. She heads for a career and running their feelings, to remember that a job is not to lose the end of the world.

She takes a phone call and runs to save her family creditors take to find all their inventory. Chun-hee manages her CD player and store a CD, which obviously means you much. She plays the CD (trot music of course), when she is a CCTV video sleeping by her father on the floor of the store and struggling with medical Patches watches. She sobs: "Mama ...", as she looks at the CD cover, trot album Oh Sung-joo - this must have been her mother.

An assistant brings Geun-woo's father (who turns out the president Shine Star, a music agency) some pictures of Chun-hee's father, the girl and her address, his briefing, that the person he was looking for and died behind a husband and two daughters left. find interesting, so Geun-woo comment on his lost love was not just a joke.

Joon-hyun enters the room - he is here, to sign a contract with a new agency. During a tour of the building they run in PARK SOO-IN ( Lee Se-young ), a rookie singer Joon-hyun welcomed respectfully as sunbae. They speak formally but that goofy grin on his face is mighty suspicious.

An assistant showed him all the facilities available to him, but he will, with everything complain, only in its break room of drinks license (which his own are brand). Once he is alone, Soo-in comes to him to give more to ... personal Welcome to the company, depend on him and call him oppa. He gives her a song he wrote, and he is quite fond.

Chun-hee goes home after her Very Bad Day Byul sitting on the stairs to find her house. Byul says that Dad is not home, and she was scared inside to be alone. President Jo comes around the corner, looking for the address that was given him by his assistant, and and stops talking, watching the sisters.

Chun-hee Byul has to sing a song to cheer her up and starts singing "With You." It sounds pretty amazing, even a capella in an alley. Byul joins her and they dance together, and the lights glow suddenly down stage, a band kicks in, and they are both coiffed with big fancy in sequins. You have an entire dance routine and down the stairs, and it's the cutest thing ever.

shine Star Joon-hyun poses a big welcoming party with plenty of dancing and drinking. Joon-hyun benefits all women and alcohol, and parties to the right into unconsciousness.

Chun-hee spends trying to contact her to leave her father voicemails if he does not answer the night. The next day, as she gathers her courage and asks for her job back in Lax Sports Center, but manages to upset only in the manager. Chun-hee sees red when she noticed a banner with a picture of the manager and the new sponsor, Jang Joon-hyun. She remembers his threat to destroy them, and jumps to the conclusion that he is the one who got fired.

She calls Tae-song and tears in him, accusing him of retaliation if she was not even the one who wrote about the marathon at the television station. He says that he does not talk to the right person and gives her Joon-hyun phone number, but he is unable to answer their call.

He does not answer, because he is half-naked and covered with a random girl in a hotel room in lipstick, asleep. She leafs through the photographs she has taken of him on her cell phone and uploads them to the Internet. Oh no. She then takes his listeners on and listen to the messages of Chun-hee, assumes she's a jilted lover and texts her. the name of the hotel

Joon-hyun wakes finally a call from Tae-song, composed of directly freaking and warns him that reporters are headed to the hotel. Of course, Joon-hyun not remember anything about the night before and blames Tae-song let him leave the party with a girl, because nothing could ever may his own fault.

Chun-hee in the room bursts screaming and clinging their metaphorical pearls about his condition Stripping (although it is much too covered for my taste, just to say), and he wraps himself in a hurry in a sheet. He literally enters her ass all the way to the door, but the reporters are already there.

Paparazzi the room while Joon-hyun and Chun-hee hide in the closet swarm. It's pretty close quarters in it, but hilarious Joon-hyun seems the more uncomfortable the two, even to modestly cover up to try his exposed armpit. Chun-hee asks what the hell he's doing, and he covers her mouth (with the same hand, just under the arm, was coarse), causing him to earn a blow.

You shushes him apologetically and covers his mouth this time. He blows his top and grabs her collar, she bites his hand and going for his throat, and they have this hysterical silent slapping / face-smooshing / hair pulling fight in the small closet, while the reporter him looking in the room. Pause, Rewind, Play!

Finally, to leave the reporters and Joon-hyun fully coincide in the sheet and drags Chun-hee out of the room. The reporters give chase and hightail it down the staircase and into the car park.

Joon-hyun calls Tae-song, looking for the van. He finds it and warns Chun-hee to shut up all closed over them, and make a break for the van when reporters follow. He almost makes it, the sheet (in dramatic slo-mo) and take a flying leap hurled away ... and Tae-song opens the door.

Joon-hyun brains even at the door and falls to the ground. The reporters swarm him, shouting questions and images blinking as he lies there stunned.

Soon magazines and websites are flooded with pictures of Joon-hyun scandal, accused of sexually assaulting a minor. The scandal is all over the TV also, and Chun-hee sighs to Byul when she makes the dinner that is all his own fault, really.

Dad still has not at home, but Chun-hee, he promises them soon be connected, and then right she gets a text from him. it says everything is "I'm sorry", the Chun-hee finds is the first time that he ever apologized.

Joon-hyun sinks into a radio but takes heart from the fact that his fans still support him, as they relate to the sign in front of his house and her love sing to her oppa. He made sure that his fans to protect him, but also the most loyal of them eventually leaves.

Three months later, Chun-hee's father has still not at home, and none of the neighborhood shopkeepers also have not heard from him. She's had no luck in finding a new job.

Joon-hyun sitting at home to watch cartoons and eat his feelings. Tae-song dips and Joon-hyun complained that the new agency is not doing their job, only that Lucifer to hear, has canceled his contract.

Tae Song says he can not do this job, but Joon-hyun not hear him when he is too busy, the "medal meddler blame" for all his sufferings. Tae-song implores Joon-hyun this to be taken seriously, because it is his house about to lose, and start it, some things to sell to the near Joon-hyun shushes him a call from Soo-in to take.

Joon-hyun meets for drinks Soo-in, making all the excuses why none of his fault is, insisted that he was set up. She makes an impression and says she knows how much to fight it, but that does not stop from him an envelope with enough money to pay for the song, which he wrote for her, then break up with him.

As a last resort, Joon-hyun visited a contact at a broadcasting station to offer to appear on the show, he turned down previously. The station manager is over there is nice, but says it did not happen.

Tae-song drives Joon-hyun home, and Joon-hyun not tell him to come to work. Tae-song begins to protest and Joon-hyun waves it back away until Tae-Song finally shouts that he can not leave because the agency told him the van back today and Joon-hyun is still sitting in it. AWW, which is both very funny and really sad.

Am Joon-hyun morning shine Star barges to see challenging President Jo, but is blocked by a group of employees, who he knows is not should be here. You begin to him the door physically perform, but are stopped when President Jo sees them, and he says Joon-hyun to come with him. I love that Joon-hyun is not yet translated, and he projects it on the tongue.

President Jo has a plan, and he asks Joon-hyun, what he would do to him if he helps Joon-hyun his career back. He tells him that there was a girl he knows, and tasks him. With their training as a singer Joon-hyun goes to the address and is horrified to see that the girl he will be training is nothing but the real source of his sufferings, Chun-hee.

He begins to tremble with anger when he makes them responsible for their current situation, it raises a big deal about the medal make then to his hotel to ruin on purpose for him his career. He works himself into a frenzy, screaming that this is all her fault that Medal Meddler!


so far, I like it really! Trot Lovers seems to give us exactly what we expected on the teasers based - a nice, sometimes silly, sometimes over-the-top comedy, but it looks like delivering a lot of heart, also. I do not think the drama will break any new comedy ground, but I believe that they have settled on some interesting twists on a reliable formula. forced The premise of a fallen former success, to train a novice, that he was not made for them to fall in the process before it can be, but it gains a little spark from the fact that the lines had a few negative encounters and have every reason to hate each other before we even imagine the main conflict of the show. They each have blamed the other for their current bad situation, and it will be fun to see them forced to face the fact that if they want to succeed in the future, they will have to learn and to trust, trust the one person who they accuse, the fact that they are here in the first place.

I am very effectively by the hostility among between Joon-hyun and Chun-hee - the way he immediately loses his cool when he sees it, compensated by their obvious contempt of absolutely everything he to has to say is pretty fun to watch. I enjoy their interactions already, and it's funny to see how, the more angry and spluttering he gets, the cooler and more resistant to an answer. So far, all their confrontations are voluntary, but I am looking to have to work together to make it a music star on the forced interaction. Until now, if one of them (okay, Joon-hyun) gets too excited, they can just walk away. If they are no longer simply rely on if they have enough, it will be interesting to see how far they are ready to go right respectively.

In fact, surprised that I am, how much I am after only the first hour invested in the characters, and I applaud the writers for characters who have to create a nice amount of depth to them. It would have been so easy in a show back on the same cookie-cutter characterizations we fall into so many comedies have seen, especially for characters like Chun-hee deadbeat father and Tae-Song of the revised and supportive estimated Manager. But I find that I like all the characters really and want to know about it, which is a nice thing to feel after just one episode more. I hope above all that Dad does not remain for long missing, because I think there are a lot of interesting stuff is from the relationship are broken down between him and his daughters, and how their lives changed after Mom clothing.

Many of my love for the characters has to do with how well the show is cast. Ji Hyun-woo and Jung Eun-ji play their roles perfectly, and the rest of the cast are also very well suited to their characters. Ji Hyun-woo has certainly his comedic edge is not lost during his almost two years away from drama country, and his portrayal of Joon-hyun is perfectly balanced with over-the-top arrogance and little insight into the sensitive, easily hurt, lonely man among. If I have a complaint about the show, it that Choi Chun-hee played almost exactly the same character as the characters Jung Eun-ji in The Winter, The Wind Blows and answers 1997 . It is nothing new for her as an actress - but it is a role that it plays so well that it is not so much a complaint from me as just something that I and a mental note of then in my enjoyment of her spunk ignored sassy mouth. (I also have to mention that I am happy to see that Shin Sung-rok is the role of playing Geun-woo with a fun, ditzy air that makes me less concerned that he will go on a murder tour, and more worries that he can accidentally - intentionally - ?. rob everyone I dazzle have the feeling that he is not as scattered as it seems, although there is no trace of malice in the character, which seems to be at least so far)


As for the narrative style of the show, it's definitely a little crazy and out there. But anyone who has seen the teasers surprised? []; _taboola.push ({mode: "Thumbnails-a 'container' taboola Down Item Thumbnails" placement "Below Article Thumbnails" target_type, "Mix"});

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