Recap And Reviews Kdrama Doctor Stranger: Episode 14

Recap and reviews korean drama Doctor Stranger: Episode 14 -

If you had a hope in your head and a song in your heart, that things would be better if we only knew what was the big overarching plan, you know that you control the surgical competitive times, no matter one responsible for the execution of the minutiae a hospital no reasonable person could ever come even to this hour then a disappointment when some would admit. It's all but because we finally get doom and gloom a response not what the plan is. And say what you will about them, it is a plan. If there is only one thing I can say with certainty, and there is, then it is that a plan is definitely what it is.

Big Man took the top spot for its finale this week with 12.6%, so that Doctor Stranger with 10.8%, while the Triangle in the single digits.

to fight had


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Hoon calls Mom number in the States and speaks with a woman who knew his mother and was found explicitly told her to keep this number if he ever called. "What took you so long?" despairingly asks the woman.

When the woman Hoon says Mama before back to Korea 20 years went to him, he sinks to his knees, as he remembers the ajumma from the hospital she clutched desperately teddy bears. he knows that she is his mother?

women forwards a message to Hoon that Mama instructed them to tell him if he ever call: "she said ... that she is sad that she was wrong." to the ajumma he thinks back in the hospital, and the words that she had said what he would initially brushed off: "I did not know what you were through But do not forget, I love you more than anyone else in the world.. I'm sorry, my son. I promise, Mom will come and see. Do not be sick, and remain good until then. "

remarked At the time, Hoon how jealous he was of her son. In the presence Hoon thinks of Mama in the hospital in complete shock when we cut her murmur," I'm sorry, my son. "

No sooner Hoon has completely that another call, this time from Prime Minister Jang. Search and sounds pleased with himself (as always), he hums "did you get to meet your mother?"

with tears in his eyes, Hoon demands to know what Prime Minister Jang did to Mom "Oh ... we did not do . everything, "Jang replied evilly." But remember :. We are able to do something, "he Hoon urges Mom to hurry and see because Prime Minister can totally talk in this way about unsecured lines, I mean, it's not like to take care of them, that they could be recorded, not right?


followed as Hoon of shady dude on the way Mom to see replaced by night the news while Seung-hee in the hospital awake hold. Mom is a bodyguard close to another area of ​​the hospital moves , works under the night command.

Wondrous Mom manages her bodyguard the clock with the help of Seung-hee to escape, although they can only go a shuffle. Hoon is always one step too late in trying it to find, but to see how the hospital can for each of his patients would not show.

Everything we know (be very good, although night could) Minister Jang has not been involved in Mamas escape Prime, is that because Jang phone night roars over to to meet required Mom and Hoon to be in a better position to control Hoon. Oh ok. Way Seung-hee / Jae-hee very existence to make more moot guys. I thought they should control him what to do tell anyone interested.

Seung-hee Mama Chang-yi takes ,, still live in Hoon clinic. Although Chang-yi is initially reluctant to trust her, Seung-hee convinced not to tell a soul, not even Hoon that Mom is there because the bad guys use them against him.

Wizard Cha magically appears in the hospital where Nightshade and his men THIRD searches in vain, and is in a jab about how this would not have happened, leave when night Mom in their care (the North) would have.

But ask as Solanaceae whether their disappearance their agents was to do Cha, thinks erratic behavior to Seung-hee and finds them one behind when they requests to leave an operation.

Seung-hee denies any involvement, claiming that they could not have left in the middle of an operation anyway, although with Min-se did by trade like this. Agent-Cha offers the usual "Good, because then I'd have to kill you and Hoon" threats before they he slips into a corner in hiding until the next scene will.

If Hoon can not hold to get the prime minister, he tried to take only a taxi to his home to find it elsewhere that Seung-hee to take paid the driver. It's because she says it is his mother safe.

Hoon grabs her shoulders when he asks her if she knows where Mom was all the time. When she nodded, he breaks into a rage why she did not tell him if she knew? He does not seem to think that if they claimed that Prime Minister Jang they would not say where Mom was because he did not trust her.

"He was just sure I was not Song Jae-hee, after I showed him that it was on his stomach no surgical scar," she explains. She continues to say that they undergo many operations before coming to the south, and that Prime Minister Jang trusted her only when he was convinced that she was someone made easy looking as Jae-hee, only deceiving in existence Hoon.

"Did you ever think that I would be suspicious of you?" Hoon asks and Seung-hee replies that she never thought for one second that. Even if they had to seek surgery as someone else, she was sure that he would recognize them. She urges him to trust her, even if she did not tell him where Mom is because it has a plan that protects Hoon and Mom.

But Hoon is done with blind obedience and questions why he should trust her when she has nothing to show for it. "I do not know if you really know where my mother is, and I do not even know what you are planning. So, how can I trust you? Honestly ... I can not trust you. No, I do not know even if you really Jae-hee. I do not care about the plan. "Amen, brother.

He threatens to go to the press, when Prime Minister Jang not tell him where mom is, but Seung-hee argues against it, claiming Jang alone will not always leave him. "Then he can kill me," said Hoon, but again, Seung-hee brings his mother, what would happen to her if Hoon died? The real reason she lost her mind because the guilt she suffered for twenty years, after all.

"That's why I need to see them," Hoon said, angrily holding back tears. "I have to say that I'm sorry that I was wrong to her." With that Seung-hee her that asks only once to trust him. In a month, for whatever reason, everything will be over.

But he pulls his hand out of her grasp and silently goes away, they leave in tears.

Chairman Oh grins to himself as he flashes back to the moment passed as Prime Minister Jang on the folder and CD as. On Myungwoo role in his practice

spoke only now we hear the rest of the conversation, as Jang Oh explained that the president's first hospital eliminated, he decided, which means that he not trust him. So it is with that against him, to choose him to make between Myungwoo hospital, and another competitor, the Chairman Oh needs to get rid of the files with Jang just handed him to clear the way for Myungwoo.

And in this case, Prime Minister Jang wants to take him back Hoon, so the competition (!!) can be continued. God of the drama, why have you forsaken us?

Things are going according to plan when Chairman Oh are the damning information on Prime Minister Jang first choice-but-not-really hospital, the President leaving Myungwoo hospital for Jang practice.

What Hoon missing mother, night believes Seung-hee is to choose behind, because he too is Jae-hee believes. Prime Minister Jang is not so sure, because he saw no surgical scars on her body, although night argued that Seung-hee Saving Mom says everything about her true identity.

While Chairman Oh and Doctor Moon talk about the exercise with the competition (* sob *), Soo-hyun decides to use their day off last night leftover curry Hoon to deliver. She preens nervous to Seung-hee notices and decides to send off with a homemade breakfast so Hoon will not curry eat all day every day.

Soo-hyun finds Hoon in his clinic in his sleep, and claims that she is there to hear last night his apology for their sophistry after he asked them jokingly, if she liked him. Hoon is too exhausted to play games, so this time he bluntly asks: "Hey quack, like you really love me?"

She is totally surprised by his question and fumbles a response, first try to claim that they came only because Seung-hee made him food and definitely not , because she likes him, however it could not be clearer that it does.

Hoon may be tight, but at least clear that he the truth when he gives Soo-hyun's apology she sought, along with advice for her, him Jae-joon will not be wrong to stop visiting. Ouch .

Soo-hyun know that there is a rejection, and running before it can reveal their own feelings to him. "Am I crazy to love you?" to herself wonders how she pulls all the jewelry she was gone pretty herself up for him grew. Hoon they can call him hear a jerk, but says nothing.

Chang-yi is conflicted about whether Hoon to say about his mother or not, at least until a man clutching his chest goes in their clinic. I love that play dramatic music as Hoon examined him abruptly stops when he. The man who has to write a prescription Hahaha. Is the show actually makes fun yourself?

Just when you think the show will have its first case that not end in surgery, Hoon uses his genius and concludes that the man needs an operation. But the patient is running out, claiming he could never afford it.

Doctor Moon falls through to try and bribe Hoon back to come to the hospital and re-enter the competition without success. Hoon would rather leave only Jae-joon represent the hospital ... to Chang-yi, the patient comes in drag who had just left.

He has collapsed, and Doctor Moon recognizes him as Doctor Yang of the patient-even though he had to be dismissed because he did not pay enough money for treatment. As usual, Doctor moon looks sick people as an opportunity and grinning from ear to ear, as Hoon is forced to take the patient to hospital Myungwoo.

While Chang-yi proposes to ask from Chi Gyu for them to a movie, Hoon pays Doctor Yang for the hospital costs of patients with the money Doctor Moon tried to bribe him with, since Doctor Yang is persistent, that the patient will not get any medical care if he can not pay for them.

at the time, her testimony Hoon finally Seung-hee looks, he thought over and decided it give out the month to sort things asked.

Now that Myungwoo was elected for Prime Minister Jang surgery (again), appears at Jae-joon the pleasant reaction Chairman Oh shocked when Hoon will be returned to the hospital.

for the sake of respect to Hoon part toward Jae-joon, the Score: 1: 1, showing the matter, how little any of these rules or average operating threats. Chairman Oh even asks asks literally "? Then this is the last round again" I dont know. Is that it?

The patient Hoon takes the same man who went to his clinic, as it means the operation that he will receive free, is. As it just so happens, Jae-joon has a patient just like him who has already found a donor for a heart transplant. But Hoon is a much harder time trying to find a donor fast enough for his male patient.

So Hoon proposes the installation of a ventricular assist device, or VAD, which is extremely expensive, but the males help failing heart either while waiting for a donor or permanently, because the device can the human heart to replicate for years enough used.

Doctor moon a seizure because of cost leads, but that is not the purpose of the chairman Oh -er knows Hoon patient a disease has, where his blood does not clot (he only bleed if'll slit meaning), so are there is no hope to install a VAD. "Even if God performs the operation itself, he will die."

Jae-joon is surprising since this means that Hoon does not even have a real chance to Chairman Oh reminds him that he is on thin ice is. the man whom he forgave the Jae-joon his daughter, not Jae-joon was cares who defied him

he remembers Jae-joon just there, how easy is losing everything for him, clearly upset, that Jae-joon and Hoon act so friendly. It gives a whole monologue about how important winning this competition is for Jae-joon, as everything is on the line, as this is the last chance, etc. We can everything you have heard before too many times.


filled by Jae-joon is regarding where Hoon's father, when he allegedly testify for them, he visited Hoon old house and flashes back to his mother a heart attack, as they waited in vain for Hoon father to help them.

"Park Chul, Park Hoon," Jae-joon grits teeth clenched. "Are you the son of that bastard Park Chul?" Oh, he is disappointed that the Hoon is he come as the Son of Man he hates.

Soo-hyun is dizzy when she received his doctorate dress gives Hoon back, and although he noticed her expression controlled, he decides to treat them, as he always does as a child with her and bickers.

Hoon the unit he is going into his victim's chest to implant after him well on the cost put: not only that this operation be covered, its future heart transplantation as well. The patient and his family are relieved beyond.

Hoon then Seung-hee confronts she refuses on the mysterious plan to lay him open, this time remaining firmly when he demanded that they tell him. He can not wait for an hour, much less a whole any month.

When they stuck their guns and reminds him she can not tell him, he asks: "What is the reason why you can not tell me?" Seung-hee: "Because it's not in the script "Okay, maybe that last part is a mistranslation, but that's pretty much their line of reasoning


them all, but Hoon asks quietly and only to sit and be a good doctor, so they can save him and his mother. "A good doctor? Is that what you want?" He throws back when he a brick with the intent grabs to smash his hand. "Tell me, otherwise I will not be able to hold a scalpel again."

How Hoon is poised to follow with his threat by, Seung-hee collapses and acknowledges that the plan to meet the president ... because Prime Minister Jang is not the one of the operation required. It's all a cover-up, so that citizens do not learn about the president being ill.

course Hoon's next question, why the Prime Minister would want him in the team. "Because he wants to kill the president," Seung-hee replies. Therefore he wanted to control Hoon by using Hoon Mother and Seung-hee / Jae-hee.

But he does not want the president dead right Away- but he wants him to remain in a comatose state, while it is running the country. Seung-hee counter plan was to meet with the president secretly and promise to save him when he saves them and Hoon.

You know it's a bold plan, but it is the only one that has it. She also plans to Prime Minister Jang an ultimatum to admit that they do not, as he says, unless Jae-joon, the operation performs. If Hoon asks why it has to be her of all people, she fights back tears as she replied: "Because I love you Because if they threaten to kill you, I need to do as they command." So ... her ultimatum will not go very well, right?

Seung-hee then Hoon to forget everything it pushes only said, claiming him that it's okay to lose the competition for him. She even wants to lose him, so that way he can become the good doctor he always wanted to be.

Leave it to Jae -joon Soo-hyun a metaphor money to buy, because it the temporary act as she tried it compares to their are drawn to Hoon temporarily. "I can not take more than can," he adds.

But laden home, Soo-hyun couplings Hoon Stethoscope being held by Jae-joon Embassy gift.

Hoon and Jae -joon patients in the operating room for surgery on wheels. Hoon captures Seung-hee outside apologize for the night before and to tell her that he did not do what she says, and to lose the competition: "No matter the OP, I will not let you go in alone." [1945009[

He recalled with a smile that the competition the patient is first on the rescue and especially, which is exactly what it not over for President Oh, he decided bleeding withhold vital and potentially life-saving information relating to the male patient problem intentionally.

So if in case confused Chairman Oh does not care if the patient dies , because all that matters is losing Hoon. And there is no better way to make sure that he does it, as by Doctor Yang bribed the patient bleeding problem to keep mum about and certainly Hoon surgery can not be done successfully.

by her husband While nurse Min suspicious enough to ask (?) Doctor Yang Seung-hee, confronted the necessary controls before surgery, Jae-joon Hoon perform now that he knows who his father is. He does not mention Papa's binding to its own past, but through education in order to address the problem, decide how Dad DPRK's supreme leader savings must've been completed the basic Hoon from Pyongyang Medical School.

Hoon on the strange atmosphere come from Jae-joon, but takes nothing can get out of it other than a cold "good luck." He particularly surprised taken when Soo hyun even acts away around him what was in the water at any asking.

The staff observed entire hospital, as Hoon that his patient, a test, the doctor Yang claims that he should have forgotten a very serious bleeding disorder has been found. Wamp wamp waaaamp. Well, it's not like the hospital just lawsu- escaped from a medical malpractice ... Oh wait.

It's sad that all doctors Hoon claimed, the only "real" doctors at the hospital to talk about this new development with literal shrugs, because now the patient unfixable clock ticks means that Jae-joon will win. Soo-hyun and Jae-joon are the only ones who manage to look only halfway human than in his OP.

Doctor Yang tried his work to do discourage Hoon from the conduct of the operation, but Hoon ignored him when he comes with a complicated plan that Chi be explained -Gyu an orange. The only catch is the heart, the removal of dead, unworking tissue, and close it back up.


Everything we need to know is that it comes to be that the process no longer exists in modern medicine, because the success rate is so low that no doctor would try ... until now dare.

When the president, the method of the Blue House, Doctor moon casts its usual hissy watches. Doctor Yang argued that the process will not be successful, and if the Hoon to convince fails, he reminds him that the guardians of the patients would have to sign on these kinds of lethal methods. And they will not.

But Hoon will not hear, because the patient can not wait until his family is consulted. Doctor Yang has no other choice than in the operation to participate as Hoon makes his first cut ...


I did not expect anything spectacular from this go show this week, but I was genuinely surprised when competition from the dead [1945011gebrachtwurde] again , like a mindless zombie forget someone double tap. Despite us knowing what is now the plan, it does not relieve the crippling dependence of the action on the vacuum of a competition doctoring, it all means at any given time, while absolutely does not mean anything. , Always

It's a funny thing about basic storytelling that is both fantastic and terrible all at once: you can have your universe as crazy or banal as you want it to be as long as you make sure that do not to negate the rules you create. The reason why it is difficult beyond the events is to buy in this universe, because nothing is static or reliable, everything is constantly changing, and never in a way that builds on itself or makes a certain amount of sense. What was initially a stupid competition to find the best cardiothoracic surgeons to determine now in an unholy love child turns between politics and ... well, more policy. Exciting stuff, right?

The whole there-are-no rules except-when-it-is-bit is probably the worst thing about this contest and besieged plot point, even worse than the fact that people Myungwoo hospital and the country of South Korea in this show is not only utterly incapable they are literally inhuman. You can not spend a week harping on how would Myungwoo never just a medical malpractice suit survive Chairman have Oh the possibility Hoon discussing patient Doctor Yang medical malpractice as nothing more than a bump in the road in the direction of Jae-joon dying success the Chairman Oh really, really now takes care of, for realsies this time.

from character point of view it was a little sad, Jae-joon run a factory to see to his vengeance- reset y itself, as I thought that he had left that behind when he literally that left behind by doing his job last week. I can only assume that the branch Hospital Chairman Oh keeps threatening everyone to send out to not exist, because no one will ever sent there. Come to think of it are no threats always followed through with, no matter how abundant they are dealt. And I'm not affect the Seung-hee / Jae-hee problem, because if they can be Jae-hee even without surgical scar, then there is nothing still to go. We are still in not knowing the country, party all of us.

Although I am sure that Seung-hee statement that Hoon may now come back to lose, they bite in a big way, the fact that they are the Hoon commitment to the entire show to this time was treated made it seem at all negate the seriousness. Basically, we are of "The world will end if you lose!" To: "It's okay if you lose, really!" In a further drop of a hat, the again , makes it very difficult to worry about a cast of us Stakes when all so easily changed. There are only so many times Agent-Cha from killing Hoon can be stopped and only so many last chances Chairman Oh can give Jae-joon, before everything turns into a drinking game. although in the interest of our common liver and mental health, let us hope that we will never reach that point.

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Tags: doctor stranger in Jin Se-yeon Lee Jong-seok

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