Recap And Reviews Kdrama Marriage Not Dating Episodes 1-2

Recap and reviews korean drama Marriage Not Dating Episodes 1-2 -

Now, my recap slate has released, I can finally make my attention to something new. Marriage Dating Not is the latest Friday-Saturday-offering of TVN, and I enjoyed it immensely enjoy for his witty banter, laugh-out-loud humor and refreshing take on romance. Not to mention that it undertakes a hilarious contractual relationship in the blend, and some fantastic comedic performances of Han Groo and Yeon Woo-jin . I had planned only once in the show weigh in a while, if I had the time, but LollyPip , the recaps offered graciously to tag team with me, so that the balance is tilted. (Your thank recap the next!) We are hard at work, so please make the patients arise, we will be rescheduled in the shortest time.


Ben - "연애 는 이제 그만" (No More Dating) for the Marriage Not Dating OST
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EPISODE 1: "The polite way to break"

In a courtroom, calling a judge JOO JANG -MI ( Han Groo ) on the state of charge: .. stalking as the supplication as a man up the stairs to the street and racing runs down the court, she lets out a laugh, the insane grow and then she finally says. "I'm a crazy bitch I must've been crazy ..."

the man hanging through security remains, and he told the guard he testify for someone has the guard asks his relationship with the person, and we cut back to Jang-mi. "I bastard said ..." the man explains the guard: "She is the person I'm going to marry." Jang- mi: "... they let us get married." as she says it, the man busts widened in the courtroom hall ~~ POS = HEADCOMP, and her eyes.

rewind the recent past, as our heroine Jang-mi flits her way through the preparations for the proposal it plans to her boyfriend tonight spring. She goes completely overboard with heart-shaped balloons, rose petals, to include too many candles and the perfect outfit for her perfect day. That will be so catastrophic.

calls her boyfriend, and we see a call unanswered in the office of a plastic surgeon. The clinic is one of GONG KI TAE ( Yeon Woo-jin ) to be the man turns out that went into the courtroom in the opening scene. After a procedure, he finally answers, sounding angry, but promises to be there.

He comes into the hotel lobby, and says into his phone that a foreign woman waving at him. He to the situation in approximately two seconds-er of a blind date out of the blue is sizes, and it is only now that we see that he is talking to someone else already all the time. His buddy LEE HOON-DONG ( Heo Jung-min ) giggles on the phone and says he no Ki-tae was Mom not say no one can.

Hoon-dong is actually up in the same hotel, because it is a date of his own got. He comes to a suite, and there is Jang-mi, who welcomed him with her eponymous rose between his teeth. But once Hoon-dong steps inside, his eyes flitting around the room as the warning signs blaring such as fluorescent lamps: balloons, cake, candles ... even Slideshow .

He starts sweating bullets, and she puts obvious hints about how she wants to be all the time together. Your words across the screen in the happy pastel colors flashing, only by Hoon-dong like a slo-mo horror death knell heard. He's scared witless, and scanned the room for the next exit.

He runs into the bathroom and closes in and texts Ki-tae help. Ki-tae is unmoved by his plight, and works through his blind date in what can only be described as red rudeness-it is clearly a routine that has been practiced in the shortest time for maximum offense and refined.

He turns every question the woman in a barb at her back asking all for only his interest in money while (via text) negotiating the terms whether or not he will Hoon-dong to help his out Chaos. It is a new tenant in Hoon-dong commercial buildings (or really, his mother building) and Hoon-dong finally agrees his clinic to provide free rent for three years.

His Blind Date asks Ki-tae, what he does, and he says he actually has upstairs for him in a room waiting for someone, and he is present with a weight of its options. Pfft. What's even funnier that he knows so well, when the glass of water comes on his face that he has time to put his phone and glasses on the table before them for impact stress.

By Date # 1 below, it forwards Hoon-dong room to crash date # 2, the part of the unsuspecting best friend to play, who does not know that he ruins a romantic evening. He opens their balloons, drinking her champagne and eating their cake, all while Hoon-dong dances in the background and Jang-mi strains to keep from wringing Ki-tae's neck.

with excuses that he can 't possibly his bro leaving in his distress hanging, Hoon-dong escapes, so Jang-mi completely emptied on her big day. As they walk out, Ki-tae warned his friend to keep things clean finish. Hoon-dong swears he wants what I hardly believe

break the polite way no. 1: Submersion .

will get the hint after a few days without contact, Hoon-dong is safe, Jang-mi, and for good measure, he changes his online status: "it changes ... it. is love "But Jang-mi is nowhere near his passive-aggressive note, and wonders when proposing next to decide that they will go to an island this time, so no one can interrupt.

Jang-mi is a salesperson at a department store high-end, and she spends her whole layer gets Hoon-dong repeated. Your friend and collaborator Nam Hyun-hee ( Yoon So-hee ) is shocked to see that they are. Even an old flip phone and was not her boyfriend online handle when they wanted

disappear after three days of "sinking", aka and contact cuts, Hoon-dong thinks that it is safe to turn on his cell phone. But once he does, it rings again, and he found more than 300 calls from Jang-mi. Eep.

A week later she calls, but Hyun-hee tells her that no answer means that he has to give clear signals that it's over , Hoon-dong says she must've got the hint now just to Ki-tae suggest that Jang-mi is directed towards Restaurant Hoon-dong right this minute.

Hoon-dong is running as the weasel that he is, and crouching behind the counter. Jang-mi walks in and the tall handsome waiter gets his own entrance music when he welcomed struts about them. Hello, there.

The waiter is Han Yeo-Reum ( Jung Jin Woon ), and he gives her a puzzled look when she asks for Hoon-dong, who owns the restaurant. Yeo-Reum ". Most people come here to see me," he assures her that the boss, though they do not do much of anything at work, is fine and good. Haha.

Ki-tae saves Hoon-dong again passes through interference and is in Jang-mi way so that they can not see him. He gets a call from his aunt to take him on in embarrassment that family nags on his blind date, and asks for the woman he had to wait in the hotel room.

He sees Jang-mi up and down, as he says, that a woman was desperate to get married, and shouting into the phone that he would ever not marry, so they should just give up. But it's too late aunt on their way now with Mom.

He panics and runs to the door, but Jang-mi holding him back, wanted to know if something is wrong with Hoon-dong oppa. He tells her to stop, because it is always pathetic: "It's over."

break the polite way no. 2: Breakup News via third parties

chasing him all the way in his car, and demands an explanation they-did something wrong? Is Hoon-dong oppa ... terminally ill? Pwahaha. Ki-tae wonders how she could be so dull, and says clearly (and cold, but at least honest) that they stank the wedding hopes and Hoon-dong cut and ran.

Poor thing, the truth finally heard and a tear rolls down her cheek. He has to drag her out of his car, and mom and aunt arrive just in time to hear them argue. Jang-mi asks if this is just an opinion and want to know where Hoon-dong, and Ki-tae blows at her, mocked, that he was sorry for never for Hoon-dong until now-the would not run away from a friend, so affectionate? Ouuuuuch.

He leans into the knife to rotate further and says that just like they dated Hoon-dong for his money, he dated Jang-mi for her face and her body. Angry tears begin to pool in her eyes, and only then, Yeo-Reum comes with the juice Ki-tae ordered. In one quick motion, pops Jang-mi the lid and throws it with a satisfying SMACK of Ki-tae face. They surprised him even further with the tearful statement that at least for them, there was no money: "It was love."

mom and aunt see the whole scene unfold to the conclusion and jump, the Jang-mi the other woman Ki-tae had was up in the hotel room, and Mama takes her crying on the street below. If mom asks if her son runs away from her while she has thoughts of marriage, of course Jang-mi takes is Hoon-dong mother, and takes moms invitation to dinner.

Ki-tae at Hoon- sour dong to be a weasel, and what Jang-mi asks him was: ". On She seemed sincere" Hoon-dong, says that was the problem, because he could not handle the weight of their sincerity.

Hoon-dong is always distracted so quickly through the entry of a hot girl in a red dress, and is surprised when Ki-tae says Hoon-dong she already knows. When she comes out of the locker room, his jaw drops as he watches Ki-tae walk away with her, and muttering loudly, "she player hits another still?"

She's Ki-tae ex, KANG SE-AH ( Han Sun-hwa ), a plastic surgeon who apparently work is done by Ki-tae. I suppose you can not work on yourself. For Exen be, they are terrifying nonchalant about him examine her breasts, but she does not seem the shy type anyway.

they tried to elicit about him to their hospital, but he says that there are much better doctors than he. She sighs, he said, to find the same better than a man when he broke up with her three years ago.

Hoon-dong is not to be answered by Jang-mi calls, and wistfully recalls the good times when they started, first out. Hoon-dong seems like the class clown type, and despite its flaws are many, when he sweet is very sweet and he makes them laugh.

Hyun-hee sees her crying at work again and suggests they go see his mother when to marry him, but Jang-mi says it past really wants. Cut to. Your pacing back and forth at the front door someone who changes her mind every two seconds into going

It is seen from a snooty ajumma to be the Hoon-dong mother, it turns out, since Jang-mi of was naturally looking to his house for the wrong mother. His mother calls her a stalker and pampering it with the terrible things Hoon-dong said about them, including the hotel proposal, scared her poor son.

There can Jang-mi humiliated, but she stands her ground and replies that the bastard hiding behind friends and his mother, all because he can not personally break with it. Ki-tae takes over the blind date to apologize, and takes another of Jang-mi to experience heart-breaking moments.

Meanwhile Ki-tae Mom sets a houseguest hoping an elaborate dinner. Granny sighs that Ki-tae has not been in three years from home, so what makes them think, to show his girlfriend?

Jang-mi parents a small chicken and beer run business and are currently in a dormant stage where they hold (ample) via doodling board and SMS. When Jang-mi is to them talk about it, and she yells instead of fighting. The latest problem is because Mom is worried that her parents Bar is Jang-mi to her restaurateur friend look bad.

Jang-mi receives a text that suddenly sends them reach for a bottle of soju, and to her shock, she downs the whole bottle in a train the parents. It indicates Hoon-dong restaurant on drunk and swallowed down another beer.

Hoon-dong away tries like the rat to run, he is, but Jang-mi fiiiiinally corners him for the first time since the hotel proposal. He asks her if she does not get its text, and reciting it for everyone: Ki-tae and Se-ah hear: "Thank you I'm sorry Be happy..." Hahaha.

This time, Ki-tae ignored Hoon-dong pleas for help and Jang-mi rails rotate it for them in a fool with only three lines in a text and reducing the their love for this. Since the argument is heated, it highlights the beer bottle in his hand as if to strike him, and Ki-tae grabs her arm around her and Hoon-dong crouching on the floor in terror to block. He flees into the bathroom and called the police to say that he is attacked by a stalker is.

Ki-tae, he says this time is inconvenient for Jang-mi of the benefits, and they ridiculed, that they know that they rock his bottom right hit now, "but I can not clean and cool and polite how the people! " I love how the words are positive, but she says she like insults. She cries, that they see the person she wants to see and say the things she wants to say, it is can be chaotic, but that is to do the right thing.

She choked back sobs and Ki-tae finally tells her to go ahead. Hoon-dong hiding in the bathroom as a coward, and she knocks accidentally the beer bottle in Ki-tae nose while banging on the door. Jang-mi does not notice, and cries out for Hoon-dong, only his face showing even maybe when she saw his eyes only, she would understand. She whimpers: "We loved together, but I have only to break?"

you finally get to the door, and Hoon-dong cowers under the sink, afraid of what she might do. And the second she sees his eyes, it falls the bottle and the sobering tears come ". Now that I I see your face it I loved alone."

Ki-tae is that they to to accompany police station where the officer tried to explain the stalking charge to the drunk girl. Jang-mi babbles that they only wanted to see him and touch, and a drunken man right near my heart that the double standard is unfair, and it is romantic, if you do it and sexual harassment, if another does.

But when the policeman explained that is ajusshi here because he repeatedly woman, Jang-mi crying in the realization groped, "Ah, I see ... I'm a stalker!" Lol. She whines and then suddenly asks the officer a person for her-the mother to find that they act through such Hoon-dong invited mother, only she was not his mother. She wonders why someone would do that, and she decides to make them want to meet and find out. This whole drunken interrogation is invaluable.

sometime later, Ki-tae relaxes with a bathroom and thinks back to Jang-mi, the moments of sorrow, her for calling to go silent there and after they hear for yourself. In flashback, we see that when she fell asleep on the ground, he lied and said he was a victim of the attack, and asks for the care of the cargo with a fine to be taken. But the policeman says Hoon-dong Mom wants with stalking her charged, so it must go to court. Ki-tae, remembers that today her court date.

Ki-tae a rude awakening of his own gets when a real estate agent starts his house unannounced shows, and he sits in years with mom for the first time down. He refuses to give up the house, and she wonders why, if it was not as she had fond memories.

If it says it does not look good for him away from home to live, he snaps back that she is the one who lives for the outside world approval, not he. It lays down the law and says he has until 10:00 tomorrow morning, either to bring the girl home to meet the family or have his bags packed moving back. Now Ki-tae realized what the hell Jang-mi babbled over to the police station, it was his mother, who invited her over.

With little time left over, he rushes to the court, and we catch up to the opening scene. When he makes it to the courtroom, Jang-mi murmurs that it is the bastard, but he witness her shock that his friend not made once clear his intentions. The judge agrees the attack responsible to fall, but can not let go the drunken disorder, and rules for a low 50,000 won fine.

keeps the bill, as your fine is charged, and muses that the penalty for their love is somewhere. Between jaywalking and an act of violence She goes out of the court wondered if she would ever love again, and then two steps later, she finds her way blocked by Ki-tae.

They tried to let him go, but he asks her to come to his house to meet his mother. She does not know why she would do that on Earth, but he says, with a mischievous smile: ". The mother, who you invited, was over my mother"

EPISODE 2: "the widespread advantageous quality: maintenance of the fishpond"

Since the clock to Doomsday overcomes to Mama aunt recalls that when Ki-tae doesn 't show up, they signed at the hour of his apartment. Ki-tae race through the traffic, as the hand of his aunt contract hovering over ...

He makes it just in time in the door, and Mama calls the property from hostage negotiation. Mom, Dad and Grandma all come to greet him, and their faces all turned into look of horror as Jang-mi finally exits

She looks like something the cat after a night clubbing dragged in. : ripped cut-offs, a bare midriff, a transparent shirt and a tangled mess of hair. Even more hilarious is the way she smiles, as if she is so happy to meet them, and not humiliated.

Rewind to 17 hours before, in front of the courthouse. Jang-mi does not understand why he wants to bring her home to meet his parents, she had to marry seem so desperate? She says she would not marry him if he were the last man on earth, and it will jump to that, to bring as his reason her home. Do not marry him, and he will not marry

you see what he makes at-he brings a girlfriend home, the mother will retire on blind dates, while he will remain single. She is not interested to help him, even though his family cheat while he sighs when he could have handled it with a lecture he had; it is not that kind of family.

He offers to pay her, she shoots, so then he provides them with Hoon-dong again to help together, they vehemently denied yet. Ki-tae: "I could give you a whole new face I'm a plastic surgeon so much of this mess in the first place you do not want to get revenge!?" Hahaha.

But they are going to be impressed fails and blames him for the emergence and roar at him lost. Instead, he has behind him silently drags like a lost puppy, no matter how many death stares his way sends.

It is on the way, their employees Hyun-hee to meet for sympathy makgulli but Ki-tae follows her all the way there and turns smoothly as Jang-mi friend and invited along. It's quite funny how they decide to go clubbing 'cause they'll feel better, although exactly screams prestige that it is not.

Off they go to a club where Hyun-hee has fun dancing and Jang-mi drowned their sorrows in martinis. Ki-tae surprised by sincerely apologize, he says he assumed a few things about it and was wrong, although he points out that it. Things up to him Hyun-hee tries Jang-mi to get that jerk Hoon-dong to forget and to have some fun, so Jang-mi takes to the dance floor. She goes along with Hyun-hee and even dances with a man (with the turned back), before turning around and coming face with Hoon-dong put to. Yeeek.

The music comes to a halt, as the foursome begins arguing, and it's pretty amazing how Hyun-hee is glued to her friend. Hoon-dong she accused him of stalking, and Jang-mi pokes him defiantly: "? Why can not like me not someone come into a club Is it cool for me for you and a crime"

But then Ki-tae breaks through the crowd, throwing his arm around Jang-mi and coos that he has you are looking everywhere. He pretends not to notice Hoon-dong until their eyes meet and says nonchalantly: "?. Oh I forgot to tell you I see Jang-mi" The view of Hoon-dong face is so satisfying.

Ki-tae, it follows from the club and says he'll help you get revenge, he will make it so that Hoon-dong in love with her, so she can kick him to the curb. She stops and wonders if she distances and cool as can be other people, and he promises that if they followed his lead, she can.

Today it is five hours of inciting incident, and Jang-mi stuffs her face with food, while arguing that parents make is a bit much still. But he points out that she does not love him, so there is no need to look good or the right things to say.

She spends the next few hours to stumble drunk to find the insistence on something to bring to his parents. You run out of time and he pushes her into the car and insisted that she does not need to change. That's how it ends up in his parents' house still drunk, where Mom and Dad it gets cold, they looked up and down with lascivious eyes. Ew, Dad.

Jang-mi told the family that they just started dating and need the time to do things on your own to find out and they do not see why adults the last word obtained when they are the ones to be responsible for the relationship. Ki-tae grins all the time. He certainly took the right girl to get his parents off his back.

Mom begins quietly Jang-mi to tell about the family, but it bores so much that she falls asleep on moms shoulder. Ki-tae blows almost a good, and it just spreads in his lap and snores. You can with cheerful goodbyes and Jang-mi worried that his parents were so nice to her, that they want to get married yet.

He assures her that Mom will never agree, that's just her way of working people get exactly what they want. They remain polite but detached, and waits for the other person to get exhausted and give up, not once blood still on their own hands, and still the good guy.

He calls her fishpond maintenance, the Jang-mi suggests is used to refer dating tactics (to keep all on the hook and to play the field). He says it is the same principle in fundamental human interaction, and it should be a page from Mom playbook take

He takes in his clinic to begin its operation. Fishpond, and gets his own little revenge by their up-labeling one with all the things to fix. They decide on a wardrobe instead makeover and even Ki-tae is a little impressed with how good she looks in clothes, which he singles out. He insists they keep appearances to front of their friends, so Jang-mi reluctantly lets him pay for clothes before Hyun-hee

Next stop :. Hoon-dong restaurant where Yeo-Reum the flirty waiter greeted with newfound interest. With Ki-tae of the fishpond maintenance rules in the head cause popping to her, she has gently to him to pick out help clothing to use Ki-tae key noncommittal word to ensure:


Hoon-dong comes and do not miss the chance to propose to a pretty girl, only be protected if they rotate around to face him. She ignores him and goes out, and he has once again floored when she. The steps in Ki-tae of the car She maintains her composure for about three seconds before they congratulate themselves on the great achievement.

Luckily for us, Ki-tae family is so crazy that his aunt just follows them, so they have to go on a date true bill. At dinner and wine, Ki-tae noted as Jang-mi constantly out of the way going to help others and muses that she lives for approval and is likely to be used often.

you do not see what can be loved with want wrong, and tells him to be with his mother cute, of his love obviously wants. She says that once she gets her revenge, she is done with him, because they do not like anything about his attitude. He complains that every time they are a little brandy she gets up on banmal cuts, and vows not to drink with her back to her. He lets them out at home and invites them to a charity auction party on the weekend, to make for the purposes of their relationship publicly, so that mom buys that it is genuine. It ensures lean, so that aunt thinks they are about to kiss goodnight.

Yeo-Reum comes from department store unannounced and Jang-mi doesn 't seem very eager to help him buy, that is, until they Hoon-dong spying from their seats. She takes Yeo-Reum away for its shopping makeover while Hoon-dong stews jealously in their wake. Jang-mi helps Yeo-Reum pick out a suit, and does her best to follow Ki-tae, the rules of engagement. Yeo-Reum jokes (or fish?) To pay for them, and they suddenly of Ki-tae reminded of chiding she let people use. Ha. It's hilarious. Ouch. HA. []; _taboola.push ({mode: "Thumbnails-a 'container' taboola Down Item Thumbnails" placement "Below Article Thumbnails" target_type, "Mix"});

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