melodramatic Next for our pleasure Big Man premiere this week on KBS, the usual "I want your heart" phrase at a very literal and young graduates. The premise of the show is crossing like your classic rags-to-riches tale with a medical nightmare with a chaebol group after the current ticker. They say that revenge to take on a sometimes bloody border, but that takes a completely different meaning when. A beating heart at stake
This show is not, I will recap long-term, but Big Man saw better figures for the first episode than its predecessor with a 6.0% rating. Nevertheless, that's pretty impressive, even though it applies to Empress Ki Final week s', and while that number may change doctor even stranger and Triangle the airwaves next week , one can only hope that the show its steady beat keeps
. Note: This is a first episode recap Once is
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We open with a shot of our hero KIM JI HYUK ( Kang Ji-hwan ) scoping a café from a nearby rooftop. untidy lookout is littered with half-eaten junk food, and if its target a young man finally emerges, it moves on its way to block. immediately our hero recognize the man in black takes in the opposite direction.
Ji-Hyuk chasing his goal through the streets and into oncoming traffic, where a car screeches to avoid an abrupt halt collision. He shows furiously on the car before continuing his persecution.
of surprised man behind the wheel, KANG DONG-SEOK ( Daniel Choi ), is proposing on the way to his lady friend but it is obvious that it is not later, because a truck slams into his car moments that make appointment for lunch. they text and drive, people do not!
after his goal successfully detecting, Ji Hyuk station drags him to the police, where he (according to Mo Il-hwa , er I mean Song Jae-rim Cameo) for a confession of the man in black pumps. One might be led to think that Ji Hyuk a policeman the way he demands answers given ... until he smacked over the head of the actual Detective is the attempt as a to act. So Ji-Hyuk is forced to sit by and Jae-rim denials of all allegations against him.
We find out that the reason morosely listening in silence why Ji-Hyuk is determined in the hunt for Jae-min, to his own name delete, as the wanted poster is on the wall to hang it in his face. Despite his insistence that he is cut relations with these blanks long ago, his troubled past is still a mark against him and is told to leave the poster. He tears it down anyway. Ha.
When Dong-seok rushed to the emergency room, his chaebol family grave situation is alerted. The treating physician is well known, Dong-seok heart condition, but told the family that is too weak, the patient's heart beat on its own, he needs a new.
an organ transplant The acquisition may take some time, because neither money nor prestige can push him on the list. But Dong-seok mother will not hear of it, and demands that it be carried out immediately.
In addition to wait helplessly, their only other option is a donor willing to place within the family. With the firm belief that a donor match must exist somewhere, instructs Chairman Kang combing his personal secretary for the ideal candidate.
He is ready to go to any lengths to save his son, even if it means adding a total stranger in the family registration. "Bring [him] in by any means necessary," he growled menacingly, "even if you have to kill him."
Elsewhere, Ji-Hyuk gets from a small restaurant of Mom chased swinging a sheet pan for nothing son to beat up her well over the head. He swears that the police will not come for him to not save for more now that the real culprit in custody is, but that he proposes for his month-long disappearance of another.
Mom frowns sad when Ji Hyuk bursts that he is the only one who can take care of themselves, and then leads him dinner. At the mention of his buddy Dae-Sub invites to eat on, Mom says he is in the hospital, and we see, that's because his father just died. Aw, sorry.
Enter his friend a comforting embrace, Ji-Hyuk asks why he was not the first to hear about the sad news, are only remembered that he can not be reached. When they eat of the memorial together, Dae-Sub can lose a parent, can not help but mourn, even a terrible one, and says that Ji Hyuk would not be able to understand on.
Ji-Hyuk disagrees, arguing that not one parent one makes default one is born, but that has a parent deserve this title by their children well increase. Dae-Sub remarks that Ji Hyuk would feel differently if his actual parents one day to show random (Omo, so Mama is in the restaurant is not his biological mother?), But Ji-Hyuk not think so Dae-Sub regrets not to send on a trip abroad in a position while he was still alive his father.
yet. Although Ji-Hyuk not worry, pretends we see that he is thoughtful when it counts. As if his friend is about to spread the ashes by the river, Ji-Hyuk comes with balloons in hand running
you watch the box away swim together in the sky, in the hope that it will land somewhere far away.
As for Dong-seok date she is waiting in the restaurant left for hours without knowing that her friend was in a car accident. Her name is SO MI-RA ( Lee Da-hee ), and she wonders why Dong-seok would suddenly for America to leave without a word.
Chief Secretary clearly Thu tells her that it to do their job, as they are told by the Kang family is not her place to know why. When she pushes for more anyway, he raises a suspicious eyebrow and basically tells her Google it .
isAfter Mi-ra promptly sacked without answers, scans Chief Secretary do to the batch meets potential donors. He sighs, as the success rate of each candidate less than fifty percent, but then stops on a name the best match of 95 percent: Kim Ji-Hyuk. Bingo.
Speaking, Ji-hyuk is busy his face to stuff when he is called to work. He is considered by some thugs came on the way out, and although Ji-Hyuk has its ol set behind him 'Gangster days he still pulls rank and advises the leaders to teach the other manners.
When they watch him leave, the leader sighs about how Ji-Hyuk was once the best among them. And then he gets to ask a call to Ji-Hyuk, it recognizes the leader knows very well. Gulp.
It turns out that Ji Hyuk works as a designated driver, and he swishes quickly (to get rid of the smell of soju, which he drank earlier) some mouthwash before his fare collection. His red-haired customer annoyed to say that it does not interfere with the in his questions about public transportation in their neighborhood.
She has ears like a bat, though, and asks him immediately when she hears him mutter an insult under his breath. You may be a snob, but she is not a ditz, and does not buy his answer that he talked about his rude little sister who ran away. So she dishes it right back and said that her godforsaken big bro is probably a designated driver now. Damn it.
your tiff pauses when Ji-Hyuk a police checkpoint spots earlier. Thinking quickly, he suddenly sheared the car in a U-turn and goes in the opposite direction. He accelerated down the road with the police hot on his tail, its customers screams to ignore him, to stop the car.
He loses by pulling in an alley, and his red-haired customer raises his drink before getting behind the wheel-why else would he run? Ji-Hyuk tries to explain, but she barks back that a DUI should be the least of his worries when he almost killed someone.
She storms out, what if a scooter street Zoom comes down. Ji-Hyuk is moving in a timely manner from the way her even though he gets side swiped it. He lets go deliveryman, but they have bigger things to worry about, when a police patrol appears near.
So Ji-Hyuk it starts and kisses her until the last car leaves the police, she then pushes him away from her and beats him her hard on the cheek, called it "garbage". Something about this particular offense is from Ji-Hyuk as he grabs her by the wrist when she tried to hit him again.
he warns because to think before acting "there are only two pieces of trash here." Stuffing the mouthwash in his hand, he tells her to get rid of the trashy smell obtain.
So Ji-Hyuk staggers off in his injured state. And his evening is to get almost get much worse, because he with a blow to the back of the head and hit cold (thanks to this gangster bats we've seen) is suddenly attacked.
Ji-Hyuk is carted from the hospital where the doctor that for our patient chaebol his blood test results confirmed it was once again a good donor match. Acting Chief Secretary to Do command injects the gangster leader Ji-Hyuk with something that makes go haywire his vitals. The doctors are all confused about the case, concerned that their patients could go brain dead.
And while the hospital busy with all this excitement goes Chief Secretary Thu expected to elaborate paperwork to officially Ji Hyuk Add to Kang family registry. Chairman Kang is pleased to hear that everything went smoothly and reports is so much to his wife.
It is not sure if her daughter overheard their parents' conversation or just dreaming, but it is the same red-haired girl we already seen have. This is KANG JIN-AH ( Jung So-min ) who rely excuses from the table, the parents, to discuss among themselves to marry each other their children.
Chairman Kang is greeted by an old face, which he identified as chief prosecutor Jang. Neither party is terribly excited to see each other, but they keep terse niceties as the chief prosecutor, says he is looking forward to race in Chairman Kang now more often that he is moved recently to Seoul.
Mi-ra goes to Dong-seok of empty office with a heavy heart, and the place triggers a flashback when he surprises her with a kiss. as suspected, were they so delightful, as might be, although Dong-seok had explained to her why she could not go with their relationship public.
he feared, especially his mother reaction, but teased then that he would be denied and she hopes a company president's wife forever dashed would be. The called Mi-ra to say that it strikes a gold digger was, and he smiled back: "Was not that the case?" Oh, they are sweet.
Amused by her annoyed response, he challenged if it can really leave behind if they do not want to be married to the president. Back in the present, Mi-ra wonders whether Dong-seok really meant those words.
Apparently Jin-ah apologized to find Ji-Hyuk, which caused a scene at the call center where he works. Mi-ra swings to drive from her home, and when Jin-ah refused to take the legal way (because that would unnecessarily complicate things), it asks for the real reason why Jin-ah is looking for this man. To this, Jin-ah deflected the question and pretends to sleep.
It seems that Jin-ah not from her big brother hospitalization also know to judge, as she asks if there Mi-ra upset that oppa without a word left. to understand Mi-ra promotion that her brother like this can sometimes be, Jin-ah heads inside.
Mi-ra turns back to the big house to see / imagine (?) A paper airplane window shoot. Regardless, it takes us back, as Mi-ra and Dong-seok were children and the plane had landed on their feet.
She had tried to start it up again, where a friendly young Dong-seok waited, but the wooden nose of the aircraft had broken off in his attempt. Dong-seok was kindhearted about the accident, however, and had told her to fix them if they could. Back in her room, Mi-ra holds the old, but repairs aircraft in their hands.
Back at the hospital, as the doctors prep for surgery, Chairman Kang and his wife received the sad news that their law "son" Ji-Hyuk now brain dead is. Right on cue, bursting the wife of president in tears, as a minister read his last rites Ji-Hyuk.
Ji-Hyuk is then wheeled into the operating room, but also the attending surgeon makes his first incision, Ji -hyuk shows a flicker of life. As the seconds pass, his brain activity is growing stronger. The attending is ready to continue operation, but other medical staff to point the ethical dilemma.
Thus, the participation no choice as Chairman Kang and his wife to report that her "son" Ji-Hyuk is to her shock alive. Of course, this means that they can not go with the organ transplant for Dong-seok, and the wife of president shrieks that there is an error. now on Ji-Hyuk operation would make him a murderer who argued the doctor.
Chairman Kang at this turn of events is not satisfied, especially if his personal secretary comparing a miracle. All they can do is to keep their options open (as in, hoping Ji-Hyuk is brain dead again?) And things quiet.
Dae-Sub swings through the restaurant, worried that he has not heard of Ji-Hyuk again. Mama says she is not worried, protesting that they cut links with Ji-Hyuk time goes. She makes a big fuss about not worry about a boy who is not flesh and blood, but then we see them outside for Ji-Hyuk to wait knitted with worry. Aw.
Mi-ra is a competent team leader at work, delegate tasks for an upcoming event, and the solution of increasing problems with effective ease. Chief Secretary Do's with a guest to talk away, the Mi-Ra does not escape notice.
Once they are alone, Chief Secretary Thu she says in the need for a matching "Machine" are with Dong-seok records pointing to the heart. When you say "machine", you mean an artificial heart? Or is it code for something else?
Mi-ra enveloped the staff meeting, but her eyes widened at the tidbit about Dong-seok of car wrecks. She has to take care of themselves and discovered his cell phone and jewelry pouch in the rubble. The mechanic is not free to discuss the details, but he does tell her that the driver survived the accident, to her great relief.
They opened the jewelry box in her car the diamond ring inside, and then travels to the hospital murmur over and over again, to see that everything is in order , Soon after she arrives, Chief Secretary Th calls with instructions, Kang Ji-Hyuk check.
When she asks who it is, she recalled that her family business (FB) performs division without question their duties. Regarding the Dong-seok whereabouts he says Mi-ra, to stay focused and do as she says.
And so, when she falls from Ji-Hyuk room, a nurse steps in and tells her of his miraculous healing -not many declared to be brought back to life and brain dead.
Mi-ra then leads on to Dong-seok ask only be turned down. Some employees come wearing some items that they are recognized by Dong-seok office, but they are to further access denied
The PSP-Press, an employee reports to his boss about an interesting discovery .: Chairman Kang appears to have a newfound son, who was recently added in the family registration.
Chief Secretary Thu passes updates to Ji-Hyuk the speedy recovery of the additional measure to have transferred him to a general hospital, when he wakes up. Chairman Kang told his right hand, to ensure that no paper trail there.
The wife of president, Ms. Choi, turns on classical music for her son (with the sound system from his office). It exits for some air, the Mi-ra the opportunity allows inside slip.
After the sound of music, her eyes fall on Dong-seok unconscious state. Tears fall from her eyes as she pushes to wake him on to tell her that he's fine. At the sound of the door, Mi-ra slips into the closet.
She listens as Chairman Kang said that Dong-seok has about a month in its current state. Normal operation would be difficult for a period longer than that. Ms. Choi wants to know what they can do now, even if that means, "that the heart of" tears for her son. Whoa, lady.
It is easy to no progress makes her son frustrated by little, and is led outside by her husband. Inside the cabinet, extend to the Mi-ra eyes what they have just learned.
The pieces of information fall like a ton of bricks on their shoulders, as it becomes clear why heart Kang Ji-Hyuk is so necessary. She recalls the time Dong-seok once collapsed at a restaurant and told her that this could happen again in the future. One hand on his heart, he said: "The [heart] in me, it is not originally mine."
isChief Secretary Thu informed that the media has caught wind of Ji-Hyuk existence and instructed that he be transferred immediately.
Mi-ra the hall in a daze and steps within Ji-Hyuk room goes down, hovering over his bed. Is that ... a slightly murderous look?
She raises a trembling hand towards Ji-Hyuk face, coming closer and closer ... but then pulls back, overcome with guilt. Tears stream down her face, her fingers hovering over his oxygen mask.
Ji-Hyuk fingers twitching with his whole body jerks awake moments later. Why yes, I totally cracked and screamed in shock. His eyes fly open, his hand to grasp her firmly.
Holy crap, the last few seconds to the bejesus out of fear of me. Frankly, I'm with little to no expectations for Big Man , in the hope that the latest melodrama in this drama cycle would breathe new life for KBS Monday-Tuesday lineup (which I must admit , has down been spiral for some time. has a period of six months with a single-digit ratings overlooked strange things to people. But I digress), so I'm happy to see a pretty solid number for this show, albeit some KBS to see better days ahead.
I'll be the first to admit that medical terminology often flies over his head, and while I will not be able to accuracies out (or often inaccuracies) in the medical aspect of a show, I do know two things about medicine in drama country: (a) a disbelief to suspend voluntarily, so that (b) all in a fictional hospital is possible. Do you need a brain transplant? Done. How about selective amnesia? No sweat. For Big Man in all, I have a bit of curiosity dig the story to find out how much different from what looks a real organ transplant process. Some details that remained (such as organ donors for heart transplantation should be brain dead, but alive) impressed me, while others I scratch my head still on. Is it really faster (and clean) a donor to find agreement, risk to kill him, while adding it to your family registration, without thinking that the public could find out?
So while it all seems like a realistic long process (because why would you go through the trouble of a living donor to see if you also spending oodles of money on an artificial "machine" if you consider that the work could do? unless "machine" something suggests otherwise), the conflict makes it even more interesting character feed, especially for our hotheaded to act before hero thinks in Ji-Hyuk. For some reason I had initially thought that Ji Hyuk and Dong-seok heart would be exchanged (granted, is still a very real possibility for this show), and that Ji Hyuk would the world with his weak to fight heart to the conglomerate Hyunsung group down who stole his original heart, along with its very real obstacles, as no one would believe the word of a former gangster. But who knows if that will happen. Instead, I still like that Ji Hyuk struggles with the idea of parents, especially now that he has a new set of law (and reckless) parents who have heart after his literal and only. Compare that to the bickering yet emotionally sweet relationship with the maternal figure in his life, and we have to wait and see how these relationships change his perspective on family, love and life.
Speaking of which, I appreciate watching over Mi-ra-dilemma whether on the screen play Ji-Hyuk life by her own hand to take. We know that they shared an adorable, loving relationship with Dong-seok and was known by his heart condition. What made her even more fascinating than conflict was in the operating room, it was more than just a moral ethical dilemma to save a patient, because they had the opportunity to save rob loved by someone else of their own life. It is a frightening yet legitimate question that then motivation in perspective eerily our chaebol parents: what you would not do for the sake of a loved one
In addition, the quiet, seemingly quiet nature in Chairman Kang is uncomfortable has I can because I never say what he thinks of next. Maybe see Eom Hyo-seop (the actor who plays him), who has previously performed in nice paternal figures me to a false sense of security, so I'm excited to see what he has to bring to the table. I am reminded that Dong-seok once said that the heart he has, is not original is that then the question arises, how many heart transplants Dong-seok had before and just as he get , Eep has, President Kang disposed of more legal family members, which he had then?
So while I can say with some confidence that Big Man offers some interesting questions, it is not a show that either grabs me immediately. I just hope that Daniel Choi character comes out of his unconscious state, so we can learn more about Dong-seok unlike his Mr. Perfect, so he does not, we end up staying for 16 hours looked like some other comatose patients.
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