Recap And Reviews Kdrama Beautiful Mind: Episode 9

Recap And Reviews Korean Drama Beautiful Mind: Episode 9 -

After the value of unrealized Feelings in medicine, our hero works characteristically difficult to acquire what it lacks. But some things can not be earned through honest effort. What we do not know can harm us. As Young-oh, is beginning to realize the value of what his disorder took from him, he is desperately vulnerable to hurt.


It is 1988, and Dr. Lee is in the lobby of a Hyunsung of country hospitals, where a man with a child on the back begs the receptionist wears him to have to admit the boy.

hospital policy requires him to pay his old bills before he can utilize the facilities, but the child, crying with a splitting headache, apparently can not wait until the man finds the money. Dr. Lee, more concerned about the patient and hospital policy, the boy asks reported to see the grateful his guards over.

Dr. Lee and a colleague looking over the reports, and the colleague notes with surprise that the child the same disease that Dr. Lee's son suffers has. A stunned Dr. Lee asks the child's name and the watchman answers, "Lee Young-oh ... He is the 205th child at Grace Home Orphanage is Lee Young-oh.." (Its name is derived from this number, with "Lee", ie two "Young" is zero, and "Oh", ie five). He told doctors that the child's parents left him because of his illness, he grew up in their midst.

Dr. Lee asks for an OR despite protests "receptionists, stating that he will take full responsibility of what happened. When he wheels the boy into surgery his colleague stops him. he warns Dr. Lee not as a dangerous operation on the child in an effort to carry out to save his own.

Dr. Lee replied that the child was abandoned by his parents, but he not to this child or abandon his own. he promises to save the boy's life. his colleague watched him with concern to take the child to the operating room.

a few hours later, as Dr. Lee comes out after the operation successfully finishing, he sees his wife the boy be placed on wheels. he welcomes you happy, convinced that he has found the way to save her son, but she is not in the Constitution to hear. While he was at the boy running to test the process, went his own boy away.

from the loss Reeling, goes to Dr. Lee, the hospital corridors in a daze. His colleague finds him and tells him that he has made a mistake during surgery. He has touched the frontal lobe accidentally Young-oh, says the mate, and for this reason the boy will always be turned off emotionally.

The colleague wants to inform the Young Guard from the orphanage, but Dr. Lee stops him. He is to the Guardian now the boy, he says. He says his colleague that he traded the life of his own son for the life of this abandoned boy why he will dedicate his life to help Young-oh like a normal human life.

In today Suk-Joo is the successful completion of stages two and three of its regenerative medicine tests. If someone from the press asks if they really succeeded in regenerating stem cells, which has been impossible up, Suk-Joo thinks back to the moments after the death of the little daughter of Dr. Kim.

Assistant Manager Chae had on him like a vulture lunged for weak prey wait and told him to make his decision. If it could save their research in the world countless small children were, he said, was as a good person important Suk-Joo, to be a good doctor?


decision, Suk-Joo is speaking to the press and to say that the two test phases showed positive results in all patients and their research has already received FDA approval. Even if his conscience can beat him, Suk-Joo from his bed.

The senior doctors and nurse JANG MOON KYUNG stand in the break room sitting snacks and gossip share when Young-oh goes into them, startling nurse Jang in and handed over to him by someone else coffee from the table. But he wants to know only through its outpatient schedule, and leaves. Just as they all start to moan about how awkward it was, Young-oh returns to the room.

Nurse Jang jumps up again, and this time Young-oh takes a snack from the table and said that he knew she was to greet him all again , Pfft. he thought, was the spread on the table for him?

While the hospital board votes for a new main director, the two main candidates in person opposite. Dr. Lee asks Assistant Manager Chae whether it was really necessary to announce their research in the world. The assistant coach says Dr. Lee to focus on the research, and Chief Director Shin dreams to let him meet. Dr. Lee returns that chief director Shin dream was in the world to make the surgeon unnecessary, not to claim the glory, the first is to be successful in regenerative medicine.

Then Dr. Lee leans forward and Assistant Manager Chae asks if he knew about diabetes chief director Shin because Shin was so secret about it. Assistant Manager Chae says only that it has been proven that Dr. Kim was responsible for Shin death. Dr. Lee smiles and says that he was just confirmed that the assistant coach for the Chief Director Shin was not really close enough to have the same goals on their research to achieve.

come to Kang Dr. Lee congratulates the results of the vote in, and director on his new position as chief director of the hospital. Later Assistant Manager Chae asks director Kang whether this is his decision, or his father. Director Kang tells him bluntly that Dr. Lee is paranoid about the hospital reputation and would keep Young-oh in the queue. The Assistant Manager grins that Dr. Lee not be able to do much if patients eventually find out that they in this hospital a psychopath for a doctor.

Young-oh reads the advice of a map, the Champions empathy as the first medicine. He decides the steps they outlined to try as he visited that day his patient, together with a confused nurse Jang. If a man who has recovered from the surgery takes complain about suspected wobbly eyes and a bad headache, Young-oh, that he still have to fight with alcoholism.

The man denies it, but instead of his usual brash approach, Young-oh trying to treat the steps on the map following this patient. looking at the patient's eyes and greet him warmly , they say. Young-oh the table leans over and smiles at the frightened patient, to ask if it's hard to get him to the hospital.

Be polite and listen to the patient , they say. Young-oh (still uncomfortably close to the patient, ha leaning) says that he is the man of the physician, and is willing to have everything he heard to say. Young-oh gently asks him again if he was still drinking.

The man only gets more warlike, and demands that Young-oh to write him a prescription for his medicine, so he has not come to the hospital to keep. from the perspective of the patient thinking , says the map, but Young-oh has enough. He tells the card that think nothing about it, and finally straightened up.

Back to his old form, he asks the patient if he does not know how harmful recovered alcohol for someone from the brain surgery. Pulling the man forward, Young-oh says he does not want to be a doll, smiling in his patients, or a priest to hear their confessions. He says that he is a doctor, and he will decide what is good for his patients.

He says the man to come to the hospital every week until it really can give up alcohol. If the patient does not follow his instructions, Young-oh tells him the only doctor he will see is a funeral director. Punished, leaving the patient and nurse Jang smiles relieved when she says that Young-oh seems to be even again as he now. Young-oh on the empathy mocks card and throws it in the trash.

Jin-sung was transferred to the Violent Crimes Unit and welcomed with comic dismay by their new colleagues. They complain leader NOH Seung-CHAN team that it is unpredictable and working too hard. If the team leader praises searching for the suspect, as she had promised, they say team leader Noh that he can her mentor, and to leave quickly before he can protest.

The team leader says Jin-sung, that they be first later, and open the case Hyunsung on learning, to concentrate a detective. Jin-sung looks at him in surprise, and wonders if he also thought that the case is not yet solved. Before he can answer, they hear a shipping an armed robbery in progress, and take it to cope with it.

you park in front of the jewelry store and watch the robber threatened the staff with a knife. Team leader Noh notes that this people first act from the nervous way he holds himself. They confront him and the robber puts the knife away. Then he looks up and Jin-sung recognizes him as LEE SANG JOON ( Seo Joon-young ), the suicidal patient who had attacked the hospital Young-oh. He smiles, suddenly losing consciousness before.

take him Hyunsung where Young-oh examined him. He guesses correctly, that the young man has a disease, and that he tried to kill himself before, because his illness had progressed to an intolerable extent. Patient Lee refuses violently each treatment, asking only to be allowed to leave the hospital.

Young-oh looks at his CT scans and tells Jin-sung later that it really is not a problem. Confused, Jin-sung asks what he means, and Young-oh says that the patient has stage four lung cancer that has spread his brain. The patient has developed tolerance to chemotherapy. So Young-oh says, because the patient refuses treatment and the hospital does not have any treatment for him, there is no problem.

Jin-sung controlled with difficulty and only says that Young-oh, a habit that has things to say, the right sound at first, but very end up being wrong, if anyone paused to think about it. Drawing from their own experience with a terminal illness and their determination not to burden her family, she tells him that everyone wants to be treated.

Nurse Jang assumes a VIP patient, YOO-KYUNG OK, the people seem to get their kicks in the life of insulting and demeaning around them. Dr. Oh comes with their test reports and patient Yoo refused treatment because he. Not by an impressive University But once a frustrated Dr. Oh leaves, gets the woman having a headache and fainting.

Suk-Joo Yoo is patient doctor, and he asks for a neurosurgeon to examine them. Young-oh replaced Dr. Oh and listen to the story on her case. She has cancer, and targeted treatment caused a tumor in her brain to form. Suk-Joo recommends Gamma Knife radiosurgery to remove the tumor, but Young-oh disagrees.

Young-oh noticed the similarities in this case with patients Lee, acquired up to their tolerance to chemotherapy. Suk-Joo asks Young-oh, if there is no treatment then, and Young-oh says that there is one, but it is expensive and illegal. Suk-Joo know immediately that he talks about the experimental drug osimertinib, and is used against him. Oh Young-argued that the drug is not illegal because of security concerns, but because it is expensive.

Suk-Joo says that health care should not discriminate between classes, but Young-oh counter with the question of why only the equality applies to the sick. He points out that the drug is present, and although money is not a problem for patients Yoo, she must die, because it is illegal. Young-oh asks why he has to follow such a law.

Suk-Joo Young-oh bans of an illegal drug to his patients administered, and returns to Dr. Oh Yoo patient neurosurgeon. But surprisingly, Dr. Oh Recalls that osimertinib with is the only chance left to live patients.

Suk-Joo says again that it is illegal, and fall the punishment for this drug on the hospital. He explains Dr. Oh added that, if the hospital is involved in such things, then their research in regenerative medicine is suffering. Make his priorities clear Suk-Joo says again that he is against it.

Jin-sung holding Young-oh on the way to his office to ask a question, and he asks her if she just now live in the hospital. Jin-sung asks him what he would do if patient Lee wanted to be treated. Brings you some lottery tickets they have found patients Lee Clothing and explains Young-oh, that this shows the young man keeps on hoping.

Young-oh takes the lottery tickets and tells her that it may represent hope for ordinary people, but he does not see it that way. As he turns, Jin-sung says that if Young-oh is not willing to help, really patient Lee has no chance.

Young-oh pauses, and then says that there is another option. Also suppressed as Jin-sung, a triumphant smile, he pulls her to him and says that the option expensive, dangerous and highly illegal. He adds that the detective would charge very often to meet the doctor in charge. AWW. Is he back that line try?

When Young-oh asks Jin-sung if she understands what he thinks Min-jae is watching from afar. She goes looking away as they hold back the tears as she. In a resident bumps He helps her bring the contents of her spilled purse while she had the ring quickly hides Young-oh given her behind her back.

Young-oh think of Jin-sung words about the hope of the common people and out patient Yoo late at night. When they disturb him to romp their sleep over starts, he gets her attention by telling her that her tumor will help her sleep for a very long time.

Thus silenced, she hears, as he explains how their situation is, and that it is only a treatment that can help her. When she learns that it is illegal, she asks if they will be punished for breaking the law, but Young-oh assures her that the hospital will take responsibility.

After Suk-Joo wishes, prepares Dr. Oh to perform a biopsy on the patient Yoo. But when he comes to her room, he found waiting Young-oh. Young-oh does on the risks of biopsy, and Dr. Oh sends the staff to instantly OR Preparing and said that he never intended to take make the surgery the patient Young-oh.

But if wheels Dr. Oh Yoo in the surgery patients, Young-oh waiting inside. Young-oh says: "Shall we start?" Dr. Oh nods to have made his decision. During surgery, explained Dr. Oh why he changed his mind. He relies on a surprised Young-oh, that his wife had died of a brain tumor in a similar situation.

At that time, had been a biopsy his only choice, and he deeply regrets not go against hospital regulations lifesaving drug to be administered to his wife. Working together, the two doctors insert a small tube and deliver osimertinib directly into the cerebrospinal fluid.

is much later director Kang a call that tells him how much he will have to pay as penalty an illegal drug for use. He calls Young-oh to his office and forbids him from patient to treat. Director Kang spelled him that he needs a doctor who will help earn him money, and not one that first brings the patient's health.

Patient Yoo's office in the middle of this tirade on wheels, and notes that if this is the case, then the director Young-oh will have to be hold patients to see. She explains that because of Young-oh, she will donate an amount far beyond the cost of the punishment.

When Young-oh winking conspiratorially in patients Yoo and walks away from the stunned director Kang how much money asking the director if the patient Yoo understands it talk about. She nods, the night before thinking again, as Young-oh she visited.

He asked her if she would like to win, which they never - honor and respect - because their lives demeaning others spent. He warned that it would be prohibitively expensive, but they shrugged and said that costs a little more, the more valuable it is.

Patient Lee suffers a breakdown and Jin-sung calls Young-oh, to ask him if his offer of an alternative treatment was still open. Young-oh alone speaks Lee to patient and asks if he is really given to the treatment. Young-oh summarizes cold its appalling reality, and added that even if the patient wanted treatment Lee and got surgery, he would still fight to keep living.

Young-oh again asks if the patient has made Lee peace with this truth, to leave before getting up. Behind him, the patient sobs quietly and says he wants to live. With tears in his eyes, he added that he could never afford the treatment, but he wants to live still.

Young-oh about him leans and reads the truth on his face. Then he tells the patient that she had found a patron for him to walk. Patient Lee lying in his bed crying from relief and newborn hope.

is patient After Lee's operation, Jin-sung out Young-oh to say in his office, the detective in charge of the responsible doctor to see come. They reported happily that the police have reached a settlement and patient Lee, do not go to prison. She thanks him and puts a lottery ticket on his desk. She says that patients Lee it had become for him since meeting Young-oh was like winning the lottery for him. But she adds that if Young-oh wins, they must equally share the money.

Young-oh will open its drawer in the map to set and noticed Jin-sung bottle cap ring sit there. He looks up and asks her if she really thinks that a lottery ticket may represent hope. Jin-sung thinks about it and says: ". That tomorrow will anticipate different That's what hope for me in that sense you are the most hopeful person I know you are different every time I see you..."

she tells him to call if he wins the lottery and leaves. Young-oh repeated her words - "Call me!" - To himself and smiles. Then he thinks of what she said to him every time she met him are different.

Suddenly leaves the smile his face and he runs from it. He stumbles almost blind down several flights of escalators and packs them before they reach the hospital entrance. He pulls her into his arms and hugged them desperately. Jin-sung is still confused.

When she starts too late to ask what's going on, Young-oh lets go. He checked his pulse in disappointment breaks and stated that he felt nothing. He watched with resignation that it was wrong. Just as he had thought, he says, he is not the change in the situation. He promises to call if he wins the lottery and slowly into his office returns, a stunned Jin-sung staring to leave after him.

Assistant Manager Chae and Dr. Lee old colleague from his former hospital watching Young-oh come up the stairs. The colleague says Young-oh has better grown than he had expected. Assistant Manager Chae says only that Young-oh seems to be dangerous to him. The colleague wonder with genuine concern on his face, would like Young-oh react if he ever found out what his father did to him.


Young-oh himself had in the belief that isolated that his emotionless brain was superior clouded which by feelings. But the more time he spends with Jin-sung, the more he begins to appreciate the same feelings. His fierce pride and determination, never become his father called him, as had kept him from seeing how much his disorder robs him the monster. But now that the realization dawns on him, it's probably the worst time for him to know that he has his adoptive father to blame for his condition.

showed this episode, so much of what drives Dr. Lee. He lost his son to test that could cure him during an operation, and then found out that he had damaged in a clear case of wrongdoing of his guinea pigs. I can not say that I have much sympathy for him, but I can see how such a tragedy would push a man of his decision on Young-oh "normality" to fix as penance for what he has done. I believe that he hates both and loves Young-oh -. The child that he both injured and stored, while his own boy died

Suk-Joo has clearly turned to the dark side. He made a deal with the devil in Assistant Manager Chae shape, and despite continued uncertainty, we see in his eyes, he deliberately chose to go one way down, which leads away from all that is good and right - held every principle he prefers before this. We saw him from one of the empathetic doctors to transform in this episode, which will go to any length to forward the cause of stem cell research. He is right now in a terrible state of mind, and if Jin-sung, to prove the corruption behind the research, manages and bring it to an acceptable maintenance, Suk-Joo would be the only thing that are stripped him go right now to keep.

Has anyone else had a smile of satisfaction to feel her face from when Min Jae Young-oh observed with Jin-sung? I have predicted that I understand their motives, but I also feel strongly that they took the easy way out. They held on to a grudge for years and got her revenge, but she has never tried Young-oh the way Jin-sung does, without the deeper emotions that Min-jae at the time felt was helping.

And while I am uncertain about the ethics of what Young-oh pulled off in this episode, I can not help but admire its efficiency. Now that Young-oh knows that a deeper insight into the psyche of the patient makes it an even better doctor, he uses to evaluate its cold analytical brain how much patients Lee wants to be healed, and then pulls the strings together to they happen. While I, in his experiments, laughed empathy to imitate steps to learn by heart, it is only pushed back home for me how bad to feel the emotions that he wants that he sees glitter from Jin-sung eyes when something deeply feels. Even when I clapped in luck that they finally embraced, I felt his pain, when he realized that no matter how much he wants it, his thoughts blocked the emotions that he desperately wishes that he could feel for Jin-sung.

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tags: Beautiful mind, episode 9 in, Jang Hyuk, Park Se -Young, Park So-dam, Yoon Hyun-min

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