Recap And Reviews Kdrama Jackpot: Episode 24 (Final)

Recap And Reviews Korean Drama Jackpot: Episode 24 (Final) -

Oh, what would have been and was not. Or what it was not, and should have been. But really, with Jackpot , it is a lot of what was, and should not have been in any case. But like every show needs to do this comes to an end. The species. It's actually not that bad in the grand scheme of things it meets the most points it needs, provides a lot does not, but at least it remains (mostly) healthy. And that's saying something for a ride.

The final episode RECAP

was arrested after successfully Injwa, a still wounded Dae-gil shuffles king over, arches, and then go out immediately. rush Seol-in and grandpa to help when King Yeongjo watching unblinkingly.

It seems like it is King Yeongjo who rode just before the riflemen to the moment, Dae-gil flashes again in the shot process, but it's actually a nightmare Dae-gil has during his recovery along with flashbacks his luck ~~ POS = TRUNC with Injwa.

He wakes and heads outside, where tend Seol-in and Grandpa to the former rebels. You, hailing all the cheering for their savior Dae-gil him as a hero of the people. Although they acknowledge that it was the king's order that frees no effect of suffering, it's Dae-gil, who gets all the credit.

Mil Poong-goon drop apologetically to his knees when confronted by King Yeongjo about his traitorous actions, and claims that, while the uprising for connected people he does not recognize that Injwa was only in it for greed.

King Yeongjo muses that Mil Poong-goon should be beheaded for his crimes, but because it helped them to Injwa by rotating (and because Yeongjo a promise to Dae-gil made), he would be allowed to live. But he will have to live in exile, and never again have in the capital his face.

The king is celebrated as the winner, and advises to hear their opinion with the court, what should be done about Injwa. The Minister, who had earlier Suggest allied with Injwa execution look nervous when King Yeongjo ordered two mysterious crates brought.

Dae-gil returns to the capital Yeon-hwa and Hong Mae, who is now to find part of their little family. (Aw, yay.) He finds his father also because that grin assures him with his signature, that their plan flawlessly Park worked Pil-hyun and Jeong Traitor are no longer.

Back in court, the open two nerve Injwa fans the boxes at her feet, and horrified recoil. Inside are the heads of the Park Pil-hyun and Jeong Traitor. I love how the King casually enjoying their thoughts to his question "gifts", apparently this little revenge.

Dae-gil learns simultaneously by his father that both Traitor Jeong and Park Pil-hyun were killed and then beheaded. All leaders of the revolt are dead, Man-geum adds that leaves Injwa with nothing. (The Chyron tells us that Traitor Jeong on Yeongnam marched before captured and beheaded, and failed, Park Pil-hyun of Honam in his plans, was arrested for raising an army and even beheaded.)

Or maybe not since the Injwa ask Soron supporters what Injwa to do, and how they can best secure their own future-do they threw him aside, or he returned to power? And why the king keeps him alive?

King Yeongjo answered this question when he the face-to-face with Injwa, and orders him to write down all the names of the government officials who conspired with him , Injwa sees no benefit to help him if he were going to die anyway, so Yeongjo offers a deal: If he does, what has told him he can be it a simple, private death. If not, he would have publicly drawn and quartered him.

Injwa giggles that King Yeongjo has now become the monster, though Yeongjo that take selected as a compliment-his father was a hundred eyes, known as the Monster and a thousand ears, and so how he is what he always wanted. It leaves a dagger with Injwa and tells him that by tomorrow morning he has come to his decision. (He, why should he not kill himself easily and give nothing at this point to the top?)

Dae-gil, again in his official position, warns the king to let Injwa die so easily what if they don 't the names of corrupt ministers from him? King Yeongjo is not worried about it, but wonders if Dae-gil is. Even if they raise against him again, he would strike down only the rebels.

He gives Dae-gil a lesson in politics while he is at it, adding that it is not considered a strike-kills-all in politics something is. If he cuts the tree but leaves the roots in tact, it can those to his advantage that he plans tonight, doing of Injwa location unveiled and waiting to see what telltale Minister come to his aid.

Dae gil does not understand the King and Chae-gun tried that Dae-gil overlooks the internal conflicts a king understand will never tell if he should not sit on this throne. Chae-gun receives a message from Jin-ki requesting a meeting, but before he goes, Dae-gil tells him that Jin-ki managed to change his stripes by turning Injwa end.

While Sorons decide to take action, now that Injwa site was unveiled set (as King Yeongjo predicted), Chae-gun heads to meeting Jin-ki. Jin-ki is still determined to fight and defeat Chae-gun, so they draw swords and fight.

But again, Chae-gun seems to be always present the best of his former junior, Jin-ki leading defeat smilingly. He is remorseful for his crimes with Injwa, and know that to kill him tried not his sins does not wash away. With tears in his eyes, Jin-ki says that he came to Chae-gun for his crimes to pay, as it would only be right when Chae-gun person who would kill him.

He falls half -heartedly at Chae-gun that does not fatally stabs him in the side. "Why ... why did not you kill me?" Jin-ki asks in shock. Chae-gun replies that it pay two people in his life that he has to his wife, who lived as a widow for him (and probably so, because this is the first time we heard of it) and Jin ki.

"to reflect the rest of your life use on your trespasses" Chae-gun says his way to make a deal for Jin-ki life. Jin-ki understands and thanks to his friend and one-time senior full with grateful tears in his eyes.

That night, Dae-gil asks Chae-gun, whether the king he could ever again be able to return that person was. Chae-gun tells him not to take the breath of life on decisions basically is to keep and bear the burden of these decisions.

Soron Minister Jo Il-soo is payable able to visit Injwa as if he just is dropping in on a neighbor, he's just not that sugar-he brought an assassin for a cup Injwa kill. But of course, before the bombers can hit, he is knocked down by King Yeongjo bodyguard who then takes him to the king.

Remembering Chae-gun words about how he never understood the king's predicament without sitting his throne, meets Dae-gil with the king who that Injwa imminent execution goes smoothly he observed instructed and confirmed ,

Dae-gil the way leads to take Injwa to meet his maker in the morning, but are Injwa a chance to be stretch to say first. Injwa only says that he does not regret it, has except for the election Dae-gil, which is the biggest mistake was that he ever made.

"Yi Injwa, you are full of contradictions" Dae-gil wonder. "Your words and actions do not line up." Injwa: "It is not I who is full of contradictions, it is the world that is full of them.." This conversation pretty much sums up the entire show. We can literally to end it here.

Injwa tries to get Dae-gil, to end his life by saying cutting with his sword down, but Dae-gil, it will not so easily be. He has to face the people who four cows to bind his arms and legs in the public square means. He is to be drawn and quartered. But first an empty speech:

"A man who has given the people in this nation of prosperity and military defense, in a nation where there is no need for its identity suffering in a country, in which I have the people to build his masterpiece of this land ... under what justification must a person like me die? Let us wait. I, Yi Injwa, one day ... one day! ... as a necessary figure known be, the better a hundred, no, a thousand times as it becomes aware of all the beings of this corrupt nation? "

sound the drumbeats, led the oxen forward. Injwa screams as his arms and legs are pulled slowly in all directions. "I, Yi Injwa will not die!" He roars. And then he dies.

Dae-gil returns to the king the sword to King Sukjong gave him once. He explains that the sword was given to him, so that he could protect the people, but most of all, so that he could protect King Yeongjo, which he described as both describes his friend and brother.

Only now, Dae -gil wants nothing more than a normal life outside the palace to live. He warns the king to use wisdom in all things going forward, and to keep the tide of fickle public opinion in mind when making his decisions. "I hope you become a good and wise king, all will remember," Dae-gil added.

King Yeongjo acts externally cool if he really wants to Dae-gil ask: "Are you really want to leave?" But in the end, all that he is, asks that Dae-gil stay somewhere where he the need ever arise to him.

Now that Injwa is to find dead, should Sorons think their biggest hurdle has been overcome ... until Mrs. Jeong revive with proof the deal makes made with Injwa. Should they fail to honor it, it is the king tell their dirty secret, and has failsafes in place, they should try to kill them, too.

Minister Kim Il-soo goes to Queen Dowager Seonui So ask them to make a potentially dangerous decision, while another minister Nameless to free from prison, goes. Presumably, the decision has to do with the new court lady, install it to serve the king's meals.

King Yeongjo begins immediately, and orders the flowered courtyard maid again his food to taste. Knowing it contains poison, it falls to the floor to plead mercy, but runs away before him, who can tell ordered him to do it.

Just then, Nameless and a small group of other guards come drawn into the chamber of the king, swords. King Yeongjo loyal bodyguard is from alone against all of them to face and performs admirably ... to fatal wounds Nameless him.

Nameless claiming that this is all for Injwa is, and as he prepares to plunge his sword to King Yeongjo he stabbed instead by the two ghostly chamberlain of the king.

The king rises on his faithful bodyguard to verify that an apology by the blood in the mouth before they can gargle die. Nameless is not dead either, and tells the king that he will live the rest of his life alone, and he will die alone.

he point says that the king immediately thinks of his son, Crown Prince Hyojang, who currently is a meal of his court lady serving food. We get an ominous beat Queen Dowager Seonui and Minister Jo Il-soo, but by the time King Yeongjo makes it to his little son's room, he's already dead.

attempts One of spooky eunuchs to stop the court lady from poisoning itself, but it is too late. (I feel like I these two miss the most, and I have no idea why.) King Yeongjo give legs way as he registered what happened, and it is shocking to see him to his son, crawl , take his little hand in his, and cry.

Arrested In retaliation, Minister Jo Il-soo and other Soron leader and questioned the right Joseon way. King Yeongjo personally supervised their torture, wanted to know who was behind the poisoning of them. He suspects the court lady who worked under the Dowager Queen poisoned, claiming that if they confirm the truth that he would let them live.

Minister Jo Il-soo admits shaky that he has saw that maid to the quarters of the Queen Mother, what king Yeongjo to the conclusion that the Queen Mother was behind all this. He can only wonder why they did what they have-have honest the Dowager Queen think they would save in the situation? Torture is resumed under the king's orders and for good measure, he ordered that the distant relative of the Minister collects punished and be.

Ms. Jeong kills himself in front of the guards of the king, they can achieve, but it is the King himself who breaks in Queen Dowager Seonui quarters with a sword in his hand. When he asks why she killed his son, replied the queen widow that she is paying for the pain of losing her husband. (She throws Yeongjo for his death.)

King Yeongjo very badly wants to kill her, but drops his sword and orders that they be exiled instead. If they ever outside their place of exile the steps, then all bets are off.

Despite the strict laws that govern the neutrality of historians who were at this time creating what would the Annals of the Joseon Dynasty , overruled King Yeongjo their authority and burns personally all records of Yi Injwa and rebellion. He wants no trace behind Injwa left ever existed yet.

Chae-gun has to warn again Dae-gil to take measures against when it comes to be arrested by the families of Soron traitor, and tells him not to concern itself more with political affairs. Dae-gil does not know the pain of losing a child, he adds, he can not not for the king.

King Yeongjo eats a sad, lonely meal, and think about how Nameless cursed him to a life of loneliness. But he also talked about how he is thinking not able to be sad, he holds his grief in and instead asks the creepy twins to update it matters to the nation. All is calm, they say, with one exception ...

cut to random citizens Dae-gil lauding, which has become like a superhero to the people, and who they think should be king. You have heard the rumor that Dae-gil is actually the son of the king, so why not?

to have

The new Minister in King Yeongjo Hof arrested call on the King Dae-gil, and so the king orders the arrest and embodiment of Dae-gil. When ministers begin nervously in response shuffling, he deadpans: "What Is not that what you wanted.." (Is it them punking right now I can not say?.)

flash back to all the happy memories King Yeongjo and Dae gil shared how the King is coming to meet with his brother at Dae-gil village in disguise. "I came to kill you today," says Yeongjo him before adding that it is like a king acts the speech of a man to have been if already a king on the throne.

Dae-gil just sighs that the king can stab him if he likes, he is not the people who control the feelings can. (Translation: "I'm sad that I'm so popular!") But the king wants to tell him how he really feels and if he really feels like a king

With , a shrug, Dae-gil admits that he does not know. Perhaps it would be otherwise, when King Yeongjo not his little brother, but Dae-gil, knows that the same people who would him unhappy now wants to be king when he actually stole the throne away from Yeongjo.

You like him now, because he is one of them, and that is how things should remain. "You should trust more as rulers" Dae-gil adds that seems to cool the tension between them.

"What are you doing now?" King Yeongjo asks not as king, but as his brother. "I am only one of many citizens of this country," Dae-gil responds with a sigh, as if he needed to sound more like a tool. He says he'll just live, maybe play tujeon once in a while, but otherwise it is just life.

King Yeongjo smiles this page of Dae-gil, to see, he remembers the page itself. "I miss those times," he says, and Dae-gil is reminiscent of the mood. "If these times ever return? The times when we laughed and gambled ... times" Yeongjo muses. Dae-gil has no answer.

Chae-gun respectfully resigned from his post due to old age, leaving King Yeongjo to sigh that the throne has become a lonelier place for him.

Back in Dae-gil village, there are good times for all to have. Opa and Man-geum can not help but wonder where Dae-gil's gone away to-he's supposed to marry Seol-in tomorrow. Man-geum promises his erring son to find and drag it to the altar in time.

Hong Mae and Yeon-hwa to the village come gifts and messages stock for Dae-gil wedding, but Grandpa says they have no need to all these things, if they would soon leave to a faraway place. You do not say where or why, only that it can not hold there to live for whatever reason.

Despite his age Chae-gun is still as sharp as ever, and is particularly proud of his own in besting (very, very grown) son archery. His son asks if his father has all of the students who have managed to live through his training, and Chae-gun mentioned Dae-gil.

"He was a great tiger" Chae-gun says his former pupil. He was trusted by the king, loved by the people, he adds, even if he no longer answered by his son questions. He just punish him like a father and smiles instead.

We find Dae-gil meeting King Yeongjo (in disguise) at the top of a hill, the capital of Hanyang- overlooking ...


it is. The camera pans around them, they say nothing, the end of the show. Maybe they tried to go for poignancy, but at this point it would've been nice to share it for at least one word, so that we would know what the meeting went. Instead we got two characters pretty vista views just because, and it ended up a scene for the sake of being there. An unfinished one, at that.

But let it be vague on Jackpot to the bitter end, I suppose. It could be worse (it could be sword and flower , although I have a fairly low bar, which is guessed), but it is always when a final me to do with the a job fails, has to do. There is a certain amount of fun while leaving certain yarns to the imagination, because everything does not have to be tied in a bow, but I do not understand why the show would go out of the way, new plotlines imagine just let them unsolved. It had nothing but time, all the things to solve when its central conflicts are resolved in the first ten minutes.

For example, what was the point of having Dae-gil & Co. plan these secret about movement as mysterious reasons? Why even imagine the idea that Dae-gil absent on the day before his wedding, without offering even a hint of resolution? If the point was just a fanservice ends to have, where Dae-gil married to a girl he lands hard with the second half of the Serie interacted, then it would have been practically run out to have been married skip for them during the period would be, it not? It is not that there is such a big deal that we do not know if he wanted to show to his own wedding, it is usually just bizarre that it was thrown into the mix as it should mean something, they not only did have the time to mean much of anything.

All though I said, I'm half surprised, half grateful that the show did not something even crazier to do with his last moments, because it does not exactly have to make a track record, the most logical choice. But because Jackpot operated on its own internal logic, they refused to let us in on and negated regularly, it was almost impossible to see with any type of investment. I always felt like an outsider in the search, because while it is secret, and there's intrigue, it's also easy not to know why someone is doing any of the things they do. Art, really works to have as an obstacle to the full enjoyment of a show that recurring issue, why-is-the-go, and I do not buy only the argument that there is a level of brain cells is required to enjoy entertainment, such the height requirement on a roller coaster ride. In the end it comes down to what to work as opposed to what is not, and it really was a confusing mixture of both here.

Even if we overlook every single gap in logic, the story we had left with still would not be very engaging, and I think most of these errors lies with as ambiguous Dae-gil turned out to be. illustrated by the figures, King Yeongjo was the only one who seemed to get something like a bow, even though I could not really get a read on him threatening Dae-gil is for operating during this scene too popular to kill. If it was that he was a threat and actually Dae-gil believed did mean to kill him, then I would be bitterly disappointed in him. If he looking for an excuse Dae-gil to see and do not believe all the nonsense, then everything would be fine. Suffice it to say, got Yeongjo is one hell of a poker face.

Luckily for Yeongjo, we were constantly getting glimpses of what was going on in his mind, and knew the kind of inner war he was to perform, without Chae- gun with constantly a sometimes frighteningly unaware Dae -gil to spell. Yeongjo was someone , even if that someone changed dramatically over the course of a series. The problem with Dae-gil was that he did not like the feeling someone , and the show has done him a great service by trying to make it in all . He was so much better when he was an invincible youth and erring player, because he wore his heart on his sleeve and knew what he wanted. But somewhere in there, Dae-gil 3.0 arisen a Dae-gil, who was by the people and for the people that he had nothing, not to mention his own, a personality.

Does not say anything about Jang Geun-seok 's performance that was coming admirably despite his character of a black hole of a script where action and consequence went to die. In the end, this really what the experience ruined more than anything else: the idea that a consequence is selective and based on the whims of the script. Not fate, no signs, not the world that they in-one character live only faced the consequences of their actions when it was convenient for them to do so. Or maybe comeuppances were decided by coin tosses, and we'll never know.

On the bright side, the benefits were strong enough to increase the material-it's just a shame that the material no longer have to do with them. Yeo Jin-gu was a particularly outstanding and how Choi Min-soo , often seemed to be adding more to the role than what was on the page. Jang Geun-suk smooth velvet voice heard forever in sageuk and Ahn Gil-kang is one of those actors who makes everything that comes as perfect sense from his mouth sound. Or, would like Injwa say: "It is not that the script is full of contradictions, it is the world that is full of them."

R.I.P. Injwa. , Rest in pieces

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tags: Episode 24, in jackpot, Jang Geun-seok, Yeo Jin-gu

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