Recap And Reviews Kdrama Bring It On Ghost: Episode 4

Recap And Reviews Korean Drama Bring It On Ghost: Episode 4 -

The Bong - start PAL and Hyun-ji on their joint venture ghost fighting, they can not help but grow closer in the process. You learn something about each other, and that can only be good for their new partnership. But it's not all hearts and roses as some of the disclosures of which are dark and painful, and it is not easy to open someone new, even if a ghost is "only".


Bong- pal burns the peach dress, which he just bought for Hyun-ji, and down the stairs, her school uniform disappears and is replaced by the fairly new outfit. They are smiling happily to himself, then moved upward Bong-pal to show. She looks so pretty, all Bong-pal can do is look.

Bong-mate looks at his phone to something, then takes Hyun-ji in a princess carry. She is just about to fall fainting when he says that they have to go to work. Heh.

Elsewhere in a sauna, a woman showering alone. Your water turns itself off, and a creepy hand reaches out of a black fog to touch her leg. She looks down and sees a face peering at them from the mist, and she screams.

Bong-pal does not keep its door open to Hyun-ji, they assume only she would, but she pushes her nose. Bong-pal does not notice when he goes out again to tell her they have another job, and Hyun-ji whimpers for a day, tired from last Ghost fight night. Bong-pal reminds them of their consent, they drag behind them if they refuse to try.

Chun-sang complains about the condition of the room after the confrontation with the idol spirit, and says he has to thank for saving his life Bong-mate. He wonders how Bong-pal knew he was in danger, but before he can say to him, In-ranking gets a message from Bong-pal. Chun-sang takes for him to see, but HA, it is a reminder for his payment.

Chun-sang is flustered that Bong-pal was not save him from the goodness of his heart, but they have not the money to pay him not , The Club Committee representatives knocking on her door only hilarious knock it directly to his weakened hinges, and the hiding boys are blown.

The next morning, a sleepy Hyun-ji's mistake in on Bong-pal shirtless, and it's hard to say who is more surprised (although I got Hyun-ji remarkable on abs a good gander ). Hyun-ji apologized, then noticed that Bong-pal today seems particularly beautifully dressed, and remembers that today his class with Seo-yeon.

Shy Bong-pal denies it hot, guilty looking as sin, and heads off to class. Bored already, Hyun-ji follow him and Bong-pal does not seem even everything annoyed more.

Hyun-ji sees Kyung-ja on campus and shows off her pretty dress when she realizes that she still wears her sneakers. Kyung-ja wondered if it is the type Hyun-ji kissed who that dress for her burned (ha, she calls him "Soondae," for his soft lips), and immediately goes romance.

Hyun-ji says it is not so that they only get the dress because she nagged, and anyway he likes someone else. But when Hyun-ji back appears to Bong-pal, you can not help but differently, to look at him. She scoffs when Bong-mate jumps to Seo-yeon like a faithful dog, and she is jealous of Seo-yeon feminine heels.

Bong-pal Monde in Seo-yeon, while they prepare for the class, and Hyun-ji teases him her so much to like. Thinking to force him to talk to her, she pushes Bong-pal in Seo-yeon, but Hye-Sung coming to class so Bong-pal can not talk to her.

Hye-sung realizes that he has some class forgotten materials such as Hyun-ji leans close to the scratch on the hand search, and if he does not appear to see them, next steps, he actually avoid through it on foot. Huh, interesting. During class Hyun-ji tells Bong-pal that she thinks the teacher, she can see, but he blows out her concern.

Bong-pal is looking for Chun-sang and in rank, if they do not respond to his request for payment and finds its clubroom dispelled. He says Hyun-ji, if he does not get paid for that fight ghosts not to count what she owes him, and she is suddenly so angry as he is.

Between Bong-mate and the money they owe the school to repair their room, the boys can not afford, and they argue about what they will do.

(Note: .. The following scene has some disturbing moments of violence against animals is only a heads up for those who find this upsetting)

Seo-yeon sees a friend who did not make it today class, who will be the girl turns out that feeding the strays that end up dead. She behaves strangely, and when she sees Hye-sung, she remembers seeing him near the spot where she crouches cat's body found.

you'd watched her as he had picked up the cat, then pressed calm the life out of him. When it was over, he would actually smiled , then he had seemed someone close to feel.

The girl gets up and leaves, so that Seo-yeon to ask what is wrong, and draw up a pen from the pocket in the meantime. Seo-yeon picks it up, and notes it's Hye-sung's pen

Instead lunch Bong-pal presents Hyun-ji with a test -. He needs to know how much they know, so he can teach them. It is ungracious about it, but she takes the test, and Bong-pal gives her a little head-pat as a reward.

When she is ready to pay them, that they good enough to a score would need to get into the college to move, and Bong-pal grades the test and grumps that they do not any time be ascending soon. Ha. Hyun-ji argued that it was five years ago, since they studied by all and Bong-pal jokes that this is the simplest test.

Seo-yeon takes the monogrammed pen Hye-sung, to tell him that her classmates had Hyun-joo. Hye-sung thanks her and asks for the dog, but his expression turns terrifying when he is alone. He goes to the place where he killed the cat, and finds a small bouquet of flowers and know Hyun-joo saw him that night.

Monk Myung-Chul goes for acupuncture treatment, and the doctor asks if Bong-pal knows he this to save him, to himself did. Myung-Chul of course does not say, and forbids the doctor to say a word about it. They discuss Bong-pal father, who seems to have shifted again, without anyone to say where he went.

The doctor asks if he still chasing the demon that killed his wife and gives Myung-Chul, a photo of young Bong-mate and an unfinished letter which he found on his last residence. This seems to show that he left in a hurry, and the doctor says that the landlady mentioned that someone else was looking for him. She saw his face is not good, but he was young and beautiful.

In-rang tried his video camera to sell to raise some money, but the shopkeeper refuses to say it, that it looks like somewhat forced to has been. In-rang flashes over at Chun-sang, the attempts to innocent, but he is finally that he messed with him without permission. leaves Add-rang from a furious primal scream.

all sweetness and light now, Chun-sang treats In-rang for lunch. In-rang him makes money all show that he has, and their combined wealth is pathetic. He's still angry, but In-rang invites Chun-sang now staying with his family. But Chun-sang declines, so In-ranking can only disgusted ... with all the money, hee.

That night Bong-pal Hyun-Ji presented with a huge stack of books, to tell her it's just the beginning. Deceives bellyache and tried to run to the bathroom away, but Bong-pal stops her. "You're a ghost" Heh. It starts with mathematics, but Hyun-ji nods, and he has to catch them before they fall over. He puts his head on the table and pushes her hair out of her face to be blank for a moment her smile.

In-rang find a sauna a steep discount, and wonders Chun-sang, why the place seems to be so empty. They lay down in the steam room to sleep, and Bong-pal texts again about his money. Chun-sang the battery from the phone takes and they settle into sleep.

Some time during the night In-wringing leaves the room Chun-sang avoid snuggles, and the lights flicker out. Chun-sang snorts awake and finds a spirit upon him, black smoke breathes down. He tried to escape, but the door is locked and the mind pulls him from the door to it he gets off every time. In-rang finally wakes and sees his friend to fight seemingly alone in the room, and he easily unlocks the door.

Hyun-ji sleeping all night on the coffee table, and yells Bong-mate for them not to move to the couch. He snarks that it is too heavy, and goes to take a shower before they pay him to do for this remark.

They noted that he left the door open to a spare room open, he told her, would not give, so of course it goes straight in. It has boxes and personal items filled, and a shelf of videos all with the name "Hong Myung-hee." marked, but the thing that Hyun-ji most interested in a box is a pair of pretty, includes strappy heels.

When Bong-pal finished his shower Hyun-ji asks him to burn the shoes for them, which makes him angry. He yells at you for coming here without permission and his things to touch, and reminds them cruelly that she is a ghost. "Do not act like you're a human being." Ouch.

Chun-sang exhausted from his ghostly encounter, and In-rang doing some research and discovered that the sauna was so cheap, because a man died there a month ago. An exorcism was performed, but without success, and now the sauna can no customers.

from the two friends head to nap in an empty auditorium, but directly into the Bong-pal run instead. They lead him into a merry chase around the quad and Bong-pal finally catches them and throws them on the floor. Chun-sang swears she did not mean to deceive him, they simply need more time, and In-rang promise in two days to pay.

Around noon Bong-pal feels Hyun-ji absence, concerned about whether she eats. She thinks about him and asked if they should go to see him, but she remembers his harsh words and remains lying.

Chun-sang and In-rang a scheme to cook the sauna to get paid, and are hilarious cater for the confrontation. Try as the men look in black? You will find closed the sauna, and offer their services as Ghostbusters.

Bong-pal comes home from school to find their way home, Hyun-ji still sulking in the dark apartment, and she answers all his questions with an irritated Who cares, I'm just a ghost , Bong-pal loudly wonders what he'll do it with all the meat just bought, and it takes all Hyun-ji strength to keep her grump as he cooks and eats dinner.

The moment when he goes to bed Hyun-ji running into the kitchen, and place the table with a big meal put on them. Awww. discuss

Hye-sung nurses as the hospital struggles - used Hye-sung a clinic in Gangnam and to have made money hand over fist, but one day he moved inexplicably, the clinic for this area. He sends them home and passes out, saying only that he somewhere to go.

Bong-mate takes a call and go out also, Hyun-ji told that he is going to collect the payment of Chun-sang and In-rang. He looks gorgeous pleased when she asks to come ... so sweet.

He meets with Chun-sang and In-rang, telling him their plan - instead of paying it directly, they will bring him jobs. He begins to walk out, In-ranking causes to burst, that it would pay its triple the price, and Chun-sang drags him away. Meanwhile, Hyun-ji sneaks Bong-mates drink when he does not see, hee.

Chun-sang returns and provides Bong-pal the high price while Bong-mate yet to Hyun-ji snarling make Chun- sang the amount even more increase. That's enough to have Bong-pal consent, and they all head over to the sauna. Hyun-ji is good and now roasted, drink Bong-mates.

Bong-pal is the room shown where Chun-sang was attacked, but there is nothing in it now. He is more disappeared with Hyun-ji, and we see that she has fallen asleep in another room.

In-ranking says Bong-pal, that the man who died here was a regular, but he was not really welcome, because he uses the female customers tap. The lights begin to flicker, but the mind is actually in the room with Hyun-ji, creeping close to her bare leg to touch. She wakes and cries, and Bong-pal is running.

To Chun-sang and In-rang it looks like Bong-pal nobody speaks. He lured away from the spirit of the pops off and appears next to Hyun-ji again, picking and throwing her over his shoulder. Your reflexes are had by the drink they dulled and the mind throws at Bong-mate, both of them to the ground.

Chun-sang and In-rang out what has happened, but they are ripped off when they are trying to help. They run in the steam room to hide, while Bong-pal fighting spirit and Hyun-ji keeps drinking a juice.

She decides to jump, but her sliding kick thwarted by the spirit that grabs her and tries to kiss her. He throws across the room when she spits her juice on his face, and Bong-mate is moving with a great roll rings. The spirit grabs his feet and wishbone him, ouch, but allows Hyun-ji's weakness in the middle of the chest to detect.

she babbles to Bong-pal to hit him in his chest, and Bong-buddy jumps up and planted his knee right in the weakness of the mind. Okay, that was cool.

Hyun-ji is a drunken mess on the way home, although it maintains perfectly fine. Then she falls over, heh. She tries to teleport to prove how very very sober she is, and opens to the right in a mark. She whines and refuses to go home, and says Bong-pal a beating needs, but they can not manage to land a punch.

Bong-pal shakes his head in a drunken spirit, but Hyun-Ji asks why a mind can not get drunk. "Can not a ghost want to wear pretty clothes? Why can not act like a man I?" She repeated his words that only a ghost, and yells at him to say things not to do so.

crying now, Hyun-Ji asks if Bong-pal thinks that she wanted to die. She laments that she does not even know how or why she died, and added that she does not like to be a ghost. She says that spirits can also be injured, and calls Bong-pal a jerk. You tell him, girl.

Bong-pal only listens to piggyback everything, Hyun-ji home. She pats his face and calls him nice, then smell it when he says that they are difficult.

Someone calls Hyun-joo name, when she was a frighteningly blank mask home, and Hye-sung comes out of the shadows, his face is on foot. He says he wants them to ask something and holds its spring. He asks where they get it, and laughs when she is not thinking of a quick response.

He shot at, casually noted that it. To nobody Hyun-joo runs but Hye-sung will appear directly in front of her, as a cat wails somewhere near in fear. He stretches and grabs her neck, and Hyun-joo gasps for breath. When he crushed the life out of her, sang Smile Hye.


I just love how Bong-mate is hardly trying to act like he does not Hyun ji wants more. I had initially worried, worried that the arguments (my favorite part of their relationship) would slow down, but they appear as ready as always at each other snipe. It only takes a less central and more teasing tone, and it feels as if they would just do it out of habit, and because it's fun, but it is just as enchanting as ever. Mostly I'm entranced only by changing the Bong-pal when Hyun-ji's order - it brings a brighter side of it, seem to make it as a young college boy more, and less burdened by life. Hyun-ji is definitely a positive influence on him and it shows already.

As much as I the show just the way it is worship, and would change, I am also very concerned about some of these secrets to learn, which will hold teased nothing. Hyun-ji was obviously a reason for a spirit to be instead of moving, and I have the feeling that it has very little to do with not taking the college entrance exams. But interesting and unexpected, Bong-pal is the same as a secret here, what with his tragic life history and current problems they caused, both the ones he knows and which he is unaware.

Obviously his mother's death was caused by a supernatural force, and caused the event somehow has his ability to see ghosts. But what happened to his father as well, and I'm dying to know why he have any kind of contact with his father, refuses not to read even to the point of his letters. When his father is looking for the spirit that killed his mother why Bong-buddy cut him out of his life? Myung-Chul seems to know the whole story, but for some reason it keeps from Bong-pal, and some other secret may have to do with the loss of his own shamanistic powers. I am very curious to know how it all holds together, and how it fits in with Bong-pal spirit-seeing ability.

On the brighter side, I will love it if every spirit is Bong-pal and Hyun-ji battle in the end because it attacks Chun-sang. He does not seem to be a ghost magnet he? It already turns to a nice running gag, as it is, keeps ending up in trouble this damsel, and Bong-pal and Hyun-ji have to run to the rescue. I had assumed that Chun-sang and In-rang help spirits eventually fight would, but if its narrative purpose actually a buyer and / or spirit-bait, I'm pretty well-that also.

This show does a very good job, the play funny and scary to today, and I'm actually pretty damn impressed by the excellent balancing. Normally a show run is screaming has two buffoons, side by side with a (probably) possessed man cats and coeds in his spare time, cute flirty bickering and suicide strangled idols, would feel very dissonant and repulsive. But the scenes are processed so that it never feels Shake to switch from one sound to feel the next, and I find myself crouched and laugh well without any of it out of place. The show is a good story, but it is also good Storytelling , and that's what makes it so addictive a clock.

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tags: bring It on Ghost in, Kim So-hyun, Kwon Yul, Taecyeon

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