Recap And Reviews Kdrama The Good Wife: Episode 8

Recap And Reviews Korean Drama The Good Wife: Episode 8 -

Can anyone choose only to be a "good" person, despite years of something , but to be good? Or is goodness innate quality that one is born with, and to be every effort to show change as meaningless? "Good" is only relative, and in the eye of the beholder? So many questions, so little answers as our characters struggle through each of their personal travel, try what to bring their instinctive motivations and actions in the past in accordance, and when (or even want) "good".


Hye- Kyung start-off drive to from the parking garage, so Tae-joon back. But when they see that their children followed after them and stand beside Tae-joon, watching her go, she decides to stay. It calms their children that everything is fine between her father and her - she just had a little argument is everything. She answers then Joong-won phone call, apologized that they will not be able to join him for dinner.

Tae-joon earlier, calm apologizes for his actions to her that he has nothing to do with Dae-Suk case - he is not the type to help a murderer. He only asks that they wait until after the hearing before making any decisions.

The next morning, Joon-ho is in full-on kiss-up mode, as it provides some information on David Lee, who tells him that the decision to him or Hye-Kyung to hold next week done. Joong-won tells Hye-Kyung, the same thing when she stops by his office before they excuse the night to rescue him. It requires that they are solely judged only on their performance so far. - And nothing else

Dan has found some evidence that the carpet fiber make evidence irrelevant in Hyun-Jung murder. Hye-Kyung is able to argue in court that the search and seizure warrant was issued after the police actually wanted the car that was used to move her body, so that no evidence at the scene found illegally acquired ,

Hye-Kyung asks that the court move, all the evidence with this search and seizure related strike be declared inadmissible, and despite Prosecutor Baek protests, the judge must the letter of the law and generally in accordance with follow Hye-Kyung. Then asks a frustrated lawyer Baek, if it is willing to let a murderer who just released. But Hye-Kyung warns him that he better act not so hasty to circumvent the law, if he really wants to catch the killer.

Dae-suk thinks Hye-Kyung is nothing less than an angel in the way they argued for him in court. Although the carpet fiber evidence is thrown out of the court, they have yet to explain how Dae-suk was able to find carefully hidden identity Hyun-Jung.

[1945010er] admits that he found out her true identity in order to try and get them to help his case - even if he had to bribe - because Guk had promised -hyun, enough to pay him to help him open his own company, when they won the embezzlement trial. But he insists that he has not received anything from Guk-hyun, and when Hye-Kyung asks him if he has an idea that might otherwise have leaked the identity of the victim, he recalls that responsibility while lawyer Baek for witness investigations, was lawyer Park was the one who was the guide for the study.

Back in the office, Hye-Kyung case with Joong-won discussed. He knows that she worried Tae-joon's kind of the murder in connection with, but he reminds them that Hye-Kyung he would use white, approach the case without fear and deal with everything she discovers whether she liked it or not. There is also a chance that Tae-joon is innocent. Hye-Kyung excused him for the use of their concerns with respect to vent to the case, but Joong-won she recalls happily, that's what friends are for. And they are friends. Yes. Uh-huh. Friends.

Hye-Kyung meets with lawyer Park to ask him what he remembers about Guk-hyun embezzlement trial. He sighs that he lost the case because the witness disappeared. All accepted except lawyer Baek that Hyun-jung was of Guk-hyun bribed to stay away while Prosecutor Baek everything he could to try and find.

He stated that he only knew that she ever of her alias and had no opportunity to witness the contact. But what Tae-joon? After all, he was chief prosecutor - he has come to know their true identity? Lawyer Park just says smugly, that this must be the real reason she came to him, adding that Tae-joon was too busy at the time to pay attention on witness information.

But once Hye-Kyung music lawyer Park, Tae-joon calls him, he let it be known, told her exactly what Tae-joon asked him to. Then calls the Prosecutor Chief Prosecutor Choi to report that Hye-Kyung is suspicious of her husband, and they should try to call Guk-hyun to find out who leaked the name of the witness.

Tae-joon mother is still in the hospital, which makes it to arrange convenient for him to visit her meetings under the pretext - this time with Joong-won. He has information about Dae-Suk case for Hye-Kyung would be helpful, but considering how delicate things are right now with them, it would be easier for Joong-won, to mention her.

He knows that Prosecutor Baek Hyun-jung was in a relationship with the murdered witnesses that he only found out after she disappeared and the prosecutor went crazy trying to find them. Handing over a file of information, he tells Joong-won to Hye-Kyung they help him win her case.

Joong-won asks suspicious if he was the one who the witness information about Guk hyun leaked, but Tae-joon it denies repeating that he had nothing to do with the case and therefore innocent. He then leans in, reminiscent Joong-won that Hye-Kyung through help to win this case, he will be in the company of your stay to help.

as Joong-won is sitting in his car overlooking the documents Tae-joon gave him he sees Advocate Park enter the hospital. Prosecutor Park seems to play both sides, as he reported that chief prosecutor Choi wants to bring in Guk-hyun and offer him a reduced cost if it discloses Tae-joon connection.

But Tae-joon keeps him from further discussion when Joong-won entry into the hospital, wanted to know if, despite the fact that he was not directly involved in the case, Tae-joon every debt feels that someone died because he defended Guk-hyun. But Tae-joon says regret for the weak is. - To protect through Guk-hyun, he was able to save the lives of many other

Joong-won asks if Hye-Kyung agrees with this line as thought, but as he goes away, Tae-joon calls for him to remind him that he Joong-won is also notorious knows everything to do to win. He should know that by winning, it is opened only other options. He sits in his car, think about the fact that they will decide if Hye-Kyung to hire or fire this week, and if they win this case, it means'll probably keep her. Resolute, he goes to court, where Hye-Kyung waits for the process to begin.

calms Dae-Suk woman that she surprised all she can do her husband to prove his innocence, then by Joong-won sudden appearance, as he woman Dae-Suk said that they definitely win. Oh, and he takes over as defense lawyers in this case.

Before the trial formally starts, Joong-won informs the judge that he can prove that Prosecutor Baek should because of personal connections, as the prosecutor be removed. In the hand - thanks Tae-joon - is an affidavit from an employee at the hotel, in the Prosecutor Baek and Hyun-Jung met repeatedly

lawyer Baek admits that the affidavit is true, but it is a personal. Matter. He wants to know how Joong-won got ahold of such information - it was Guk-hyn? But Joong-won says smugly, that he is bound by attorney-client privilege. The judge stated that the victim's ability prosecutor negate personal commitment not necessarily to do its job, but Joong-won begins to argue that her murder might have been a crime of passion -. Lawyer Baek could be the real killer

In response to this, lawyer Baek grabs the lapels-Joong won and then he kicks in the face. Joong-won Strikes Back and the guards have the two lawyers disconnect in the middle of the courtroom tussling.

They are cool in a jail cell to the left, and Joong-won miracle Prosecutor Baek ability to throw a punch. Prosecutor Baek says that although he is known by Joong-won celebrity to do anything to win, he had not thought he would go so far. He asks Joong-won, if it is true that only cases accepted that are profitable and when. Money to the fellow judges and lawyers on his baseball team loans

Joong-won seems unaffected says of these allegations to lawyer Baek that the rumor is he is only Hye-Kyung hired because he sleeps with her. As for him, he spent two years of his life for Hyun-jung studied, which is a measure of devotion that Joong-won will never understand.

But Joong-won know that Prosecutor Baek for Hyun-jung's death feels guilty because she would have been alive if he did not for a witness Guk- hyun case had used, and now he is desperate to find someone to blame. Lawyer Baek tells him that he loved Hyun-jung and would have done anything to save her life. Since he can not turn back time, means that he is determined to find her killer.

While she waits for Joong-won released from the brig, Hye-Kyung, the messages in the police station watches TV. Guk-hyun was placed in a certificate of Tae-joon to give the study. Chief Prosecutor Choi to boast about it is - well, because it technically for Prosecutor Baek, but he can with Guk-hyun statement does not contradict the fact that the ditch attempt her husband are now condemned. Hye-Kyung refuses to show that she is disturbed by it, cooly informed him that she has to do their own work.

is released by Joong-won, she asks him if he provoked the fight intentionally - he Prosektor Baek knew would react if Joong-won argued it Crime passion was. He admits that it is true, but he had no idea of ​​the prosecutor that would react violently.

Hye-Kyung hesitates a moment, then, that it is something that she regretted her life, wondering if they made the right decision. It flashes back to the car accident with a driver Kang years until the moment before, when they decided to stay out of Tae-joon page. But everything she says Joong-won is that they will have no regrets it. Joong-won says simply that he wanted to make sure that they won, because that is the best for all.

Back in the office, Dan asks him about his bloody lip, and he says that he got in a fight. He ponders that when he was younger, he used to think that he had to fight to get what he wanted. But now it seems like even if he wins, he does not feel good - but he might not lose it. He sighs, that he is no different from Tae-joon, but Dan points out that the sheer fact that he is able to consider the cost, all the time to win sets him Tae-joon.

The next day, Prosecutor Baek and Hye-Kyung before the judge found in his office. Prosecutor Baek Hyun-jung died presented as evidence of the GPS data of the car whereabouts the day, but Hye-Kyung argued that because the judges had no evidence relating to the illegal search and seizure of the car should the GPS- its data thrown. It all depends on whether the judge believes that the GPS part of the car or just a digital information that can not be him, and finally the judge accepts it as evidence.

Tae-joon visited his mother - and this time it seems, is the only reason why he is in the hospital. She is worried about how Tae-joon resettled with his family, knowing how stubborn can be Hye-Kyung. Hahaha, it turns out that it was she who was responsible for the pack of condoms in Hye-Kyung dresser, and she explains shyly, as she hopes that they in the room are back to share.

Hye-Kyung meets with Dae-suk, told him that it will not be easy to weaken the GPS evidence because it shows that the car in Dae-suk of the company on the date , Hyun-jung had disappeared. He swears he had nothing to do with it, and he was not in the office on that day baseball playing away. The only other person who knew the identity over Hyun-jung, was his wife.

When he sees how interested Hye-Kyung is in this fact, he stammers, that there is no possibility that his wife - who was his assistant at the time - could have had anything to do with Hyun-jung's death. But Hye-Kyung has to visit Yu-mi before the prosecutor finds out. He asks her to leave his wife in peace, even if it means taking him the full blame for Hyun-jung's death.

Tae-joon with a congress meets, pouring as she tries to learn more about, and whether it will it win the case on the flattery. Then he waits for a call from a mysterious someone, where he told them to proceed as planned.

Joong-won place Guk-hyun for him in his office to wait, and the way Myung-hee sparkles him across the hall from her office makes it clear that his presence is not desired. Guk-hyun is his scramble sporty with Tae-joon a few days ago, but what really matters a bandage on his cheek, is that he says bluntly Joong-won, that he found out, Hyun-jung, the identity of default daemon suk woman.

He Joong-won told along the message across that his men Yu-mi move to a safe place - one that is far away. It sets a briefcase full of money down, and added that it seems like Joong-won money needed these days. Guk-hyun tells him only for a few days a blind eye to turn everything because Tae-joon once from Joong-won hair Guk-hyun testifies against him.

Joon-ho thanks Dan to please for their advice seems so anxious to stop, because it is given to him the railway union case, but Dan only warns him that he will be with too obvious, as he tries to to suck all the other lawyers. She walks away from him to answer their phone -. Hye-Kyung outside Dae-suk office waiting with his wife to take and she wants Dan to find out how much the persecution of her white

When they Yu-mi sees them their rushes out of her car to catch so quickly that it leaves on the seat her phone. The women go to Dae-Suk office, which is being renovated, so they rely on the portable Baustrahler to see anything. Hidden behind one of the tarps a strange man with a scar on his face and a knife in his hand.

Worried that it that it does not Hye Kyung Joong-won finds out meeting, Dan reached by Yu-mi. When he to Dae-suk office hurries to find wild, that she did not answer her phone, he calls Guk-hyun to ask if he sent one of his men Yu-mi to kill. But Guk-hyun says there's no reason he needs to know, and instead focuses on his meeting with the prosecutor Park.

You are in a private area of ​​a club, and Guk-hyun believes it has to do with the testimony he gives the Office of the Prosecutor. When Tae-joon comes suddenly, Guk-hyun is in surprise and concern - but there is no way thanks Tae-Joons burly guards the door to escape blocking


Reluctantly sit back down, Guk-hyun hears Tae-joon through information about Guk-hyun family flips and all the money he embezzled is under their name. There is no guarantee, the prosecution will be able to protect him when all his crimes - including murder - have been disclosed, and Guk-hyun laughs nervously as he tried to negotiate with Tae-joon, promising not testify if Tae-joon promises to cover his confusion. But Tae-joon denied

Meanwhile, Yu-mi cries when she confesses that she told Guk-hyun on the witness identity in exchange for money -. Dae-Suk was so desperate for funds to set up his new company, the Yu-mi thought to help them. But she did not know it would end in Hyun-jung's death.

Hye-Kyung sees the shadow of the man with the knife, and they tried to get quiet Yu-mi, to leave the office. But the man chasing after them, and they run at the end to escape down the stairs, but the door leading outside is not opened. Hye-Kyung tries by swinging her handbag too scary to keep Scarface protect him away Yu-mi, but he grabs her arm and holding the knife to her throat, ordering to move out of her way.

she refuses, pleading with him, as she promises she will not call the police. But she freezes when Scarface asks if they will do so because it is supported by her husband.

Guk-hyun mocks the idea that Tae-joon would try to come clean and how to become a new person, but Tae -joon says it's not his style - everything he needs to know is, if Guk-hyun will obey his commands or not. So it looks like Tae-joon is willing his burly men use Guk-hyun to help in compliance, force, Joong-won calls him

Joong-won has reached Dae-suk office -. It is empty, but he knows someone there was because Yu-mi is the handbag on the floor. He calls Tae-joon, angrily asking where Hye-Kyung is added that if he is hurt, he'll kill him. That's enough to recognize for Tae-joon that Guk-hyun men have injured it. Seeing that he now has the upper hand, Guk-hyun says grandly that if he wants to make sure not to be injured, she could speak without the burly bodyguards his wife.

In response Tae-joon, a fork snaps jams it deep into the back of Guk-hyunn hand. Ow, ow, ow. Writhing in pain as blood splattered Tae-joon looks on calmly, Guk-hyun calls from Scarface. grab the women in shock for breath after the assassin leaves and Joong-won plunges into the stairwell, relieved to find them alive as he hugged Hye-Kyung, apologizing over and over again.

At the police station, the women give their report on the incident only as prosecutor Baek comes suddenly. He throws Joong-won for the hearing of the murder trial of Guk-hyun, desperately wondering why Joong-won refuses to tell him anything about who killed Hyun-young when he broke before the attorney-client privilege.

Before Joong -Won can say to confess anything else, Scarface at the police station is that he was the one who killed Hyun-jung. Prosecutor Baek assumes that Guk-hyun to put him for a hefty sum of money, but Scarface smiles only when the prosecutor, trying to beat him.

Sitting in his car, visited Joong-won to section Hye-Kyung wrist. She thanks him for coming still to save, even though it violates the attorney-client privilege. She wonders what will happen to Guk-hyun, and Joong-won, he says is accused, but because one of his subordinates is blamed for the murder take, it's not really the way it stuck to Guk-hyun, unless that attorney-client privilege is injured.

Just then a news report on the radio shows that Guk-hyun committed suicide in the Han River. Although his body has not been found, there are many witnesses who saw him drive his car directly into the river. This leads to complications for Tae-joon of the study because it is implied that Tae-joon was responsible for the suicide. Chief Prosecutor Choi, the judge asks for Tae-joon process to demand their right to bail.

Meanwhile, while preparing for a press conference, Tae-joon lawyer gets a call from Congressman, concerned about the impact of this latest Guk-hyun rumor. It makes Tae-joon look bad after they already vouched him to the rest of the political party. arrive

Tae-joon would Hye-Kyung to see at the press conference. Although she said she would wait until after the hearing, she asks him what really happened to Guk-hyun. He kind glosses over the details, but only says that he realized that he was too deep to Guk-hyun before he realized that it was too late. But now he has a chance to change a good person, and he needs them next to him for that to happen.

you really hoped that he would change and a better person, but she is not sure if it needs to be by his side. The press conference begins, and she looks out of the hall, when her husband reveals the deeper corruption that falsely accused him of taking bribes and his determination to uncover the truth of the matter with respect to Guk-hyun.

Myung-hee asking barges into the office of her brother, whether he has seen the news about Guk-hyun. She worries about the reputation of their company, but Joong-won at least assured her that he got his fee in advance and in cash. He then sighs tired - he thinks that it is impossible to be a good person. Every time he tried, it never seems to work out. He studies the decision to die, his father gave him, then calls Hye-Kyung

This is not a business call -. He wants to let them know before he regrets that he almost lost his mind with fear and worry injured when he was thought Hye-Kyung. He wants for them to be a good person. He tried to keep it hidden for both their sakes, but he can not do more.

you tried to interrupt his confession, but he says he has to say it, even regret when it later. She tells him she does not read right now confessions of love and romance, but a plan. You can not live their feelings - it has two children to care for and scandal of her husband has to deal with. It's easy to say "I love you", but if he wants to be with her, he has to let them know what he wants to do them.

Tae-joon lawyer tells her that the press conference is almost over, and they are ready to come for her husband on the stage, and she hangs up. Tae-joon waits anxiously to go to her on stage, but she is unsure if she sees that Joong-won calls her back.


I do not know if it's too much, because the news report was no body was found, said hoped and he seems like the smart way who would fake his death, but I hope that's the last thing we saw of Guk-chul. I feel like he is carried in our lines his welcome as a film, and how Tae-joon (and fork) showed he is not the most terrible one more here. Each week, Tae-joon seems more and more like a bad news ... but I find that mobsters! Tae-joon for compelling television makes. So even if I want to scream at Hye-Kyung to take the children and run far, far away, I can not wait to see what intensely scary, what he'll do next (and I can only for whomever express my eternal gratitude mean, he decided his shirts should undo the top two buttons always wear?).

I do myself more in the Joong-won to find stock, although with all the repeated warnings about how ruthless he can be, he makes me worry. Although, if he. By the conflict between his desire to be aware at all costs, and to gain his desire for a "good man", then as Dan said he is already one step ahead of Tae-joon I am impatient to hear what his plan is after the "I love you." I want to know, say what Hye-Kyung. I just want to kiss only less secret longing glances and more, really. That's all.

There was only a small part of the show, this episode, but I am fascinated by pointing out that Tae-joon will get into politics. That makes me hope that we gold get our own version of Eli, although I'm still bummed that the supported actors had not much to do, and we are already halfway through, so it might be wise not in another interesting (and lover from the original) character. I mean, you would think I complain would be tired, that it is not enough Myung-hee, but ... it's just not enough Myung-hee!

That is, it was a really, really great episode, and I have, as it balanced the personal drama with an interesting case and moved the scandal underlying through them. Every moment was riveting and though I conflicted about how I feel about the characters, I also know that I should be , in conflict. Each is painted in shades of gray and it is only more and more confusing because it gradually Revealed what depths they going to get what they want. ". The good wife" - Now the question is whether or not Tae-joon and Joong-won really a can be "good person" is, and when Hye-Kyung remain

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tags: featured, Jeon Do-yeon, The Good Wife, Yoo Ji-tae, Yoon Kye-sang

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