Recap And Reviews Kdrama Beautiful Gong Shim: Episode 19

Recap And Reviews Korean Drama Beautiful Gong Shim: Episode 19 -

The end is near and the truth is finally known to all, but not everyone emerges unscathed. a dark secret accommodation for inflicting too long immense pain and old feelings die hard. Sometimes it is too late to, but for the corrupt and greedy-minded, there is no time like the present to take revenge forgiveness when it is least expected.


with their bait in place, Dan-tae and Jun-su watching the monitor intently as uncle enters the hospital room of Dan-tae of comatose father. Little does he know, lying in bed, the doppelganger is as Dan-tae's father actually Uncle Dan-tae friend, Ho-Joong.

Uncle declared ominously that Dan-tae's father should have him taken into account in the Arboretum. He goes to tug the trachea, causing "Dan-tae Father" before it even to bend. He answered a call from his sister, and they decide to meet, as they have the money ready.

Once Uncle leaves the room, get on the double, fully alive and well. Dan-tae and Jun-su hop in Ho Joong car and follow from behind Uncle taxi. Ho-Joong wonders why she says no uncle in the hospital room nab, and Dan-tae, while uncle confessed to the attempted murder of his father, there is no evidence to link him to Jun-Pyo abduction, so they will have to tail him now

Jun-su status of Jun-pyo of DNA analysis asks for, but Dan-tae replied that it was just a lie uncle scare. Uncle DNA was not detected old clothes on Jun-Pyo, and no bloodstain, a game would be difficult.

waiting in her car, Jun-su mother eagerly to reach her brother. Uncle pulls in shortly after and occurs from the passenger side of his sister car. He grabs her bag and found wads of cash; Jun-su mother confirmed ₩ 1000000000 there (about $ 1 million) per his request, and asks if Dan-tae's father eventually abroad move to this payment alone and leave. Uncle reassures her that he wants.

Dan-tae & Co. are parked right across from them and kept watch. Jun-su, he says the Black Box will bring from his mother's car later that will have taken her conversation with uncle.

Jun-su mother regrets escape and not uncle kidnapping Jun-Pyo to stop. At that time thought they made the image Jun-Pyo with was ideal, but now, the last thing she wants to deal with, is this fiasco. Uncle admonished her second thought was, promising that after Dan-tae father enough money, everything will be over.

Dan-tae, the assumptions are correct. to his office to collect Uncle heads his misappropriated funds directly before his flight. When he stowed his trunk o 'money in his car, Dan-tae in wait for him and threatens to kill him after what he did. To his father Uncle pushed against the wall until Jun-su arrives on the scene.

Jun-su socks Dan-tae in the face, so that Uncle to hop in Jun-su car and escape. Police sirens howl, but it is only Ho-Joong car, heh, perched with a siren on. Dan-tae noted that it sounded like the real deal and thanks to Ho-joong for his great work. Uncle bags and purses are stuffed with cash now in Dan-tae in hands.

During the drive, expresses uncle relief that Jun-su saved him lately, but complained that his plane ticket and money were left behind. Jun-su has the money to get him later and advises uncle to hide at the time when he will not be able to fly today.

He just got the room for uncle is a small, insulated shed, the father of his friend on the weekends used to garden. Jun-su warns uncle not walk to get outside this room and to keep his phone. Now, since the airport from the question is, Jun-su, he says will look in boating and back to him to get too uncle relief.

Once out of earshot, Jun-su calls Dan-tae and updated him on Uncle. He will bring his mother over material Black Box next and sets out to do that. Meanwhile, Dan-tae sitting with Uncle Stash Cash at home on the floor.

Jun-su sunk nut in thought, until her son comes. It offers sweet to make him a healthy smoothie and steps into the kitchen. While she's gone, takes Jun-su your keychain the black box recordings from her car to get.

Jun-su reaches the material over Dan-tae and waits outside while Dan-tae takes a look. Dan-tae steps and proposes to examine Jun-su and the material; there is something more important than proof it.

Jun-su hear Uncle to call his mother from the past and learns that she is not at the attempted murder of Dan tae's father; they only wanted to silence him and send him away with money. It is clear to him now that she witnessed Jun-Pyo kidnapping, but did not say or above then do nothing.

Jun-su mother opens the door to find the gardener who slipped her are the note in front of her house Arboretum. He shows her a picture of Jun-su and stated that he was the one who asked him the note to her hand. This sends in a tearful panic, suddenly realize that Jun-su all knew together.


Dan-tae watch the encounter behind a bush and thanks to the gardener for his help. Meanwhile, Jun-su approaches his inconsolable mother. You can not bear to look at him when she profusely apologized and recognizes their reprehensible deeds. A tearful Jun-su embraces her, relieved to know that his mother was serious error Inaction and not attempted murder.

Dan-tae reflected on statement Gong Shim is an additional day to find out where it stands on its identity with respect. Gong Shim is in office, has to stay late and work longer assume, although nothing is urgent. Seems like someone does not want to go home and face Dan-tae!

Dan-tae you decide a call to give, and because it is still at work, he tells them to hear just what he has to say. a "from now on, I do not know how my world will change, and I am:

Dan-tae to pick up little by fear. Although I will Seok Jun-Pyo, I'll still be Ahn Dan-tae to you. I'm going to continue to be there as Ahn Dan-tae. I'm still things out of the ground and eat it within three seconds. I'm still my cheesy winks to do. I will not change ... I will continue just like it. even if you change anything in the world say, my feelings for you, Gong Shim , will not change. "

His words warm Gong Shim's heart, and he adds that he wants to see them now, shirks them the work that they so inexorably to the conclusion and screws out of the office, so that was early, heh. Forget work, Dan-tae waiting!

as it heads to its junction, she sees Dan-tae on the road. She calls it and rushes excitedly toward him. Now. Let us look both ways before crossing ...

Dan-tae superhuman eyesight begins soon a truck approaches Gong Shim, who is standing on the road in the middle , Girl, why?! He sprints to her and stands between her and the truck, which fortunately screeches to a halt. No effect, all good.

Dan-tae clutching Gong Shim ,, the still from the close call cocoons. But Dan-tae appears as shaken well. Memories in 26 years before him flooded back. He remembers being struck by a truck while Uncle lead away him to his mother witnessed. At the moment, uncle handed him to his father comes back to him. Dan-tae informed tearfully Gong Shim that he now remembers everything from his past.

That night Gong Shim holds his hand and sitting at his side, as he tried to sleep. He pulls her beside him and warns her not to run again on the road. Once he is sleeping, Gong Shim carefully removed her hand from his grasp and sneaks out.

She runs into her father at the convenience store on the ground floor. When asked where she came from, FIBS Gong Shim that they had all the time in her room, but her father knows better; he saw her coming down the stairs from the roof and gets caught on her funny.

contains The next day, Dan-tae receives a packet from the Philippines belongings of his father. When he to dig through the photos and other items, he finds a golden Special Forces ring with a red gemstone on which it contains, the same as found in the breast Jun-Pyo utensils. He wonders why his father does not have one of these rings, but when he compares them, he realizes that the numbers are engraved on them differently: twenty and twenty-one.

He recognized one of them as his father, because he was in the twenty-first class, while serving in the army, which means the other ring is one uncle. Dan-tae, remembers uncle asks his lost child necklace in exchange for the army ring before 26 years old, to see; Dan-tae had marveled at the red gem and thought it was a laser.

uncle feels hot and stuffy, hiding and asked when Jun-su get in the shed. Just then, Dan-tae barges in to surprise uncle. Dan-tae demands an end, and suggests that Uncle turn and confess his crimes. He keeps Uncle Special Forces ring, but Uncle does not believe there is enough evidence.

Dan-tae bellows that he is the proof

Dan-tae .: "I am Seok Jun-Pyo! the Seok Jun-Pyo takes you 26 years ago, I am. I remember everything

He tells about your kidnapping me. "

as uncle's phone number lost to Jun-Pyo child necklace to call the house and ask for money, while Jun-Pyo played engraved with Uncle used "laser" ring. Dan-tae says that, if he were not Jun-Pyo, he would not have been able to clearly remember such specific details.

uncle takes a knife and stealing at Dan-tae, but he misses. He just tries to find to skedaddle policemen, grandmother, and Jun-su all waiting outside. Uncle is immediately arrested for the attempted murder of Dan-tae's father and the abduction of Jun-Pyo. Grandmother angry punches him in the face before collapsing in Jun-su's arms.

uncle shouting into a grim Jun-su to betray him, he defiantly his innocence even as he is pushed into the police car. Dan-tae appears and grandmother affirms that it's finally over. He assured Jun-su that he'll explain the rest at home and hop inside grandmother's car. Jun-su is the only one at the scene, frozen in shock even as he processed the fact that Dan-tae was Jun-Pyo all the time.

Am Seok family home, Jun-su parents get on their knees in front of grandmother and ask for forgiveness. Jun-su goes over and joins his parents on the floor, his eyes full of tears. Jun-su mother sobs when she mention her guilt to stay Jun-Pyo acknowledges, but the grandmother is unmoved by their repentance.

grandmother wonders how Jun-su lived mother 26 years ago in this house and had the audacity to look to tell her to her grandson cease when Jun-Pyo was right by her side all the time , see Jun-su parents Dan-tae are visible next to grandmother and be stunned by this revelation.

In a space of its own, Dan-tae apologizes to Jun-su for so long from him to keep his identity secret. He explains that in order to find the culprit, he is not someone could tell. Jun-su is crying and can barely see Dan-tae on his face as he apologized. He does not expect to forgive Dan-tae, his mother, but Dan-tae replies that it is not high for him to forgive them; which will ultimately forgive truly regretful.

Jun-su that he and his family live quietly and continually repent, but that is not what Dan wants tae. Dan-tae will make do for them as well, as they have done in the past. Jun-su says that his request seems too low to their crimes in comparison, but Dan-tae urges him to try.

Dan-tae aunt to her are still comatose brother-in-law, the Dan-tae has finally found his family on his own. She urges him to wake up soon, so he say Dan-tae, how proud he is, and to greet grandmother.

Dan-tae for Seok returns home and calls Gong Shim, only to realize that she had lost her cell phone when they were almost run over. Grandmother stumbles out of her bedroom and encourages Dan-tae to pack his things and move into their home soon; she has been waiting to live with it for far too long. Dan-tae guarantees that he will do so.

The next day, swarms of reporters Dan-tae surrounded at home for news of Dan-tae as the long-lost grandson of Star Group assets as a missed. Gong Shim parents are shocked to hear that the strange man turned live above them as the Star Group to be an heir. Gong Mi can not believe it either.

Gong Shim tried to go and see Dan-tae, but the flood of curious reporters outside her door forcing them to go back into the house. Gu-nam committed a few reporters, noting that he and Dan-tae are very close.

not pleased to hear

grandmother, that uncle can not be convicted for Jun-Pyo kidnapping on the limitation period for, nor can Jun-su nut be held responsible for their part. But Dan-tae tells her that he plans on a thorough investigation into uncle attempted murder of his father performing so that he can be sentenced properly.

A girl informs grandmother that Jun-su and his family wait down, but she refuses to adopt it. You'll leave quietly with suitcases in tow, their swanky residence no longer home.

Jun-su at the airport to catch parents and grandmother a flight to Sydney, where they will begin anew. Join Jun-su will not, as he has his own business to tend in Korea. He puts on a brave smile and bids his family farewell.

concerned about the news, Gong Mi Jun-su tries to name but without success. The media is still buzzing with the story of the third generation chaebol who lived in one roof at home, in addition to what this means for Family Star Group and Seok.

Dan-tae and Gong Shim care of each other, since the media blitz them apart and has penned held in their respective homes.

A food delivery man in sandals, wearing a motorcycle helmet - Hi Dan-tae, I see you! - Steps off his bike, it makes passing the media audience and comes just before the Gong Shim door. Gong Shim parents are hammering out the door confused, they found not to order food, but the delivery man insists that they did, bursts in and whipped off his helmet. surprise

Gong Shim parents of pleasant, Dan-tae sudden appearance and screaming for Gong Shim to come see him. Within Gong Shim room, hugging the two lovebirds and express how much they missed each other. Desperate often, Dan-tae gifts Gong Shim to hear her voice with a brand new phone. He complained that he would be less frequent the roof now that the grandmother is alone in her house.

Gong Shim tells him to close his eyes, and he does with a goofy smile. getting kisses he thought he warp on. But Gong Shim surprised him by her wig to remove and her natural hair reveals sans bald spot! He congratulated them and gives her a quick kiss on the lips. He still tries to snag a kiss, but Gong Shim rushes him out, so that the outer reporter did not get suspicious.

uncle is in jail for wearing a brown jumpsuit, and the paper reads. The top story is romantic by Dan-tae relationship with Gong Shim, with large photos of the two of them. "Did you think I would stay still?" Uncle wonders aloud, his voice threatening. drag

Gong Shim alarmed by the mover boxes from the roof. It turned out grandmother had sent people to move Dan-tae stuff. Dan-tae apologizes for letting them in advance not know; he only just found out also. Gong Shim goes up and a mover accidentally knocks over her beloved sunflower plant, the pot shattering. Ooh, premonition?

In prison uncle go-to favorite pays him a visit. Keeps the newspaper with Dan-tae and Gong Shim, grinning uncle, when he brings the interest to the next top stories expressed safely Gong Shim to show what image, and to get a nod from understanding. Uh-oh.

grandmother holding a board meeting at Star Group and apologizes for the commotion family. It provides Dan-tae as their long-lost grandson Jun-Pyo, and soothes the board members, that there be no alms for him. She announces that Jun-Pyo is in the US business management study before returning, but based on the views of Dan-tae face, it seems that he never got the memo.

He asks for the study abroad plan, and the grandmother suggests that Gong Shim traveling with him, also; while BWL, they can focus on the art. Dan-tae also act by Gong Shim discuss.

Dan-tae happy business for couple rings and confirmed a reservation for dinner for two. He texts Gong Shim to tell her that he would wait outside her office on it. Jun-su talks to his father briefly over the phone and presses the care of his mother.

Gong Shim waiting eagerly outside Dan-tae, but a few feet away from her, sitting behind the wheel of Uncle favorite black limousine, just looking at her. Uh-oh. She looks hear up from her phone on squealing tires. Gong Shim is the goal, and the black car hurtling straight toward them.


Dear Gong Shim! Walkways consist of a base so please use. Pink glasses can obstruct vision and influence to common sense, but if you want to live happily ever since with Dan-tae, it's a good idea to stay alive. Just a thought.

We are so close to the end, but it would be a K-drama, if the road paved beautiful and unhindered were not a happy ending. The show threw in some curveballs - we've seen from a mile away! - In the form of in the vicinity of vehicle collisions and an unscrupulous uncle. While stationary damsels and oncoming vehicles are not new, I appreciate how the common trope was used all Dan-tae lost memories to bring back. Gong Shim close call with the truck broke the painful memory of the moment Dan-tae mother died before Dan-tae eyes 26 years ago.

This would not be Beautiful Gong Shim when the title character died, so I'm not concerned that we will lose our protagonist. I have a feeling, Jun-su pull a Dan-tae and save the favorite car, because it is near. He is most likely to get hurt, but I doubt that the injuries be life-threatening. Fingers crossed. Poor Jun-su has suffered enough, and we could use all the lightning of his megawatt smile.

I am happy to report that I enjoyed this episode. It was good from the start came to an end - with the exception of the scene in the parking garage, where Dan-tae uncle pinned against the wall for what seems like an unnatural length and dialogue freely propose Jun-su comes - and there was a good balance between drama and lightness. It reminded me of previous episodes, the simple, had an airy, fun and watch because it secret from birth technical not been bogged down. The effects of Dan-tae birth secret was long in coming, and the effects were expected for the most part, but entirely conceivable that I liked. But I was surprised by the quick departure of Jun-su family, together with the grandmother lack of mercy towards them, although I do understand their feeling. I'm not sure why Jun-su relocated family to Sydney from all kinds of places, but I hope that the exotic fauna and Dingo puppies Jun-su father delight. It only came to me that he and Gong Shim father are now long distance, and I'm so depressed

Jun-su, one of my favorite characters was - the no chaebol loves with a heart of gold? - Because he has always been very good, although it could have easily turned villainous. He and Dan-tae made a great team solving crimes (Ho-Joong was an invaluable member, too!). His tearful moments with his mother were surprisingly touching, and it hurt to see him as a result of his mother suffer errors. When he learned that his mother had nothing to do with the attempted murder of Dan-tae's father, the relief that has been washed over him satisfying to see because the mother that he did not love as evil was, as he feared it would be. Jun-su and his mother were always very close, which made her farewell at the airport, that much more bittersweet.

One of the most important I beefs with this show had been Dan-tae open no earlier than the Jun-Pyo business Gong Shim, but I actually found his telephone conversation with Gong Shim sufficient pleasing. He wasted no time in admitting that he feared how his world will change, but remain that his feelings for Gong Shim fixed. He also uses the same line Gong Shim used to him - "I only have feelings for you" - this is a lovely way was their sense echo. Instead of waiting Gong Shim response to his identity crisis, he took the initiative and called her first. Oh, and then later, rescued by her he will be hit by a truck. Dan-tae formed definitely on boyfriend / husband to be (?) Material.

uncle has nothing but a cunning villain. He is not very complex, definitely not the sharpest crayon in the box, but it is very inconsiderate with his "act now, deal with it later" attitude that has never really helped him. Considering the fact that it not a bit remorseful, and he ordered his favorite Gong Shim from prison to kill, it seems like he was for revenge itching does not matter how bad it looks for him already ; I think he got little has more to lose. Again, he is a two-dimensional, one-trick pony, which is already in prison, which means Dan-tae no problem that Uncle gets have the appropriate punishment.

Since we are only an episode from the end, I regret that my desire Gong Shim act as Watson to Dan-tae Sherlock see are never satisfied. Had they been more of a buddy during the show to him, you would have seen more of her amazing chemistry and their physical comedy chops. Dan-tae of and Gong Shim the storylines rarely crossed, and if every character has been left to itself, it was not nearly as much fun as watching, when they were together. Well.

I'm glad bald spot of Gong Shim grow some hair, but I have fond grew the wig and felt like Gong Shim without them entirely Gong Shim was. I think if you have a perfectly fine have hair, there comes a point when the wig has to leave, and if that's the case, I'll begrudgingly support tossing the wig, because it is a metaphor uncertainty for discarding and always comfortable with who you are.

I hope Dan-tae's father wakes up that Gong Meanie never ends with Jun-su (because that just does not make sense), and that my favorite Friendship Trio can enjoy a good laugh together and Make- up on the basketball court. Like old times. With Gong Shim father and Jun-su father humming in the background.

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tags: Beautiful Gong Shim, episode 19, in Minah, namgoong min, Ohn Joo-wan

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