Recap And Reviews Kdrama Oh Hae-young again: Episode 17

Recap And Reviews Korean Drama Oh Hae-young again: Episode 17 -

There seems , obvious that the decisions that determine the form in life takes your life, but not everyone understands how it works. It's simple, the darkness inside, and sometimes to take the right path to embrace it much more difficult. But the waves of a good deed can spread and affect other, so that the effort is worth it, if a person understands how or not.


"I could die without regrets today" hemodialysis young is confession impressed by Do-Kyung love, but he indicated cutely that he would like her response to hear something back. They roared their answer: "I also love Park Do-Kyung !!", and he immediately her shushes, ha Be careful what you ask of this lady..

On the bus ride home, she little grins each crawl, and Hae-young moans that she is happy so pathetic only heard him say: "I love you." He holds her by her confession again, so that it rips open the window and yells on the street. HAHAHA, he quickly changed seats.

Hae-Young's mom and dad overhears Hae-young silly, kissing Do-Kyung hands in front of her house, and Mom makes a sound when its ask hear daughter if she can go to Do-Kyung tonight. This sends Do-Kyung scurry home, bowing apologetically and Hae-young runs inside the house. Mom is really angry about Hae-young dating Do-Kyung, but Dad defends and says that Mama used to act the same way if they were dated.

Do-Kyung finds Jin-sang in his office sleeping the next morning, and Jin-sang complains that he can not go to Do-Kyung, and know all his old girlfriends, where he lives. Do-Kyung takes him in a sauna to get cleaned up, and then Jin-sang pouts that Do-Kyung did not notice that he put on the first of these time his pants, just for him.

Awww, he is so vulnerable - he gentle plucks a compliment Hose of Do-Kyung and asks. Do-Kyung patting his head and listens while Jin sang vents, which he feels lately like a total bastard. He says that he was planning to marry Soo-Kyung, but she stepped out him.

He tells Do-Kyung as Soo-Kyung began to smoke him and knew that it meant that he had to fight and excited, and sighs that he embarrassed. He's just so desperate and asks Do-Kyung for a hug, the Do-Kyung is doing, even though they are in broad daylight on the street. The contact makes Jin-sang cry, and even Do-Kyung looks a little Snuffly.

Jin-sung asks Soo-Kyung, and we cut to do and talk to the baby on her yoga in her office. She tells the child that it have no father, but it has a strong mother and a father-like uncle, and when they did she would later find it a wonderful father. A knock on her office door she quickly dressing and the yoga mat putting away, and it slips easily into her bitchy manager Persona.

Am Studio, Hoon informed Do-Kyung that he and the ducklings have no intention of doing the job of taking it lined up for them - they are their own sound Studio start and expect it-Kyung to come with them. Do-Kyung Mom breaks into him again to beg to the Chairman Jang apologizing and breaking with Hae-young, so everything to go back to the way it was.

him go bankrupt you just throws to stick to her that which is wow exactly the height of narcissism. Do-Kyung says calmly that all this is his own fault, and his mother is shocked once silent. She confused by his sober behavior and calls Soo-Kyung to wonder if he is sick.

Hae-Young speaks with her flowers, as if they are babies until their colleagues tease that she looks like a loon. Do-Kyung her to dinner with him and Soo-Kyung and HA, Soo-Kyung just saunters over and sees a "tell him to forget it!" Loads of them. He must first called Soo-Kyung.

But the two women share a taxi to the Do-Kyung Hoon place and asks Do-Kyung, is why Hae-jung here when her boyfriend ruined her studio. Do-Kyung replies he her friend, and prohibits Hoon to bring it. Hoon cherishes the new couple teases, shyly earn smiles from Hae-jung and death glare from Do-Kyung.

Hae-jung serves melons since Do-Kyung said Soo-Kyung like them, and Soo-Kyung warns never say it, like a food or he will buy it forever. She mentioned preference melons thirty years ago and he is still feeding it to her, heh. It is serious, and asks Hae-young to give a lot of love Do-Kyung, their own love showing to her brother.

asks Hae-young, if they can keep him, and Soo-Kyung tries to scare them to tell her to take him and keep him forever. Hae-Young is not down and says again that they - if they do not first die of happiness, seems to worry the Do-Kyung. asks Hae-jung, where Jin-sang is today, and Soo-Kyung, he says is no longer there. Hoon growls that he had better not have run away.

Do-Kyung Hae-jung and head to his place after dinner, and in his small sound studio. asks Hae-young, if they can make their own recording of the song sang as a child: "The Daydream" so that they hear them together when they are older.

Do-Kyung refuses at first, but he softens when Hae-young says she wants the man's voice she loves, in the moment when they are most recorded for all time loves him. She has got him in a backhug, and he slips a bracelet on her wrist, so they ask if it is a handcuff. Ha, girl has a one-track mind

This time Do-Kyung says it is not a gift of something that he had already -. He bought it especially for them. He is so sweet that it makes suspicious Hae-young, and she wonders if they believe that also happy just anxious. Do-Kyung tells her not to think too much, and just to enjoy, to be happy.

tried Jin-sang to go back to his former party boy ways, but it's obvious that he's trying too hard. Hoon finds him in a club with a girl cuddling and roars a loud BROTHER-IN-LAW !! and called to him his child to think. Jin-sang chases Hoon from the bar, but he sneaks right back.

This time Jin-sang Hoon chasing all the way and down the road, Hoon call to him that a marriage without love could be, not so bad. He screams that Soo-Kyung loves him, but Jin-sang yells back that he did not not understand women. They end up wrestling on the sidewalk, screaming about Hoon Jin-sang the baby all the time, and finally collapse in a heap.

Jin-sang makes his way back to his friends, claiming that Hoon's just some man who likes to harass him. But the melon in the fruit tray they served are reminded him of Soo-Kyung, and suddenly he's no longer fun.

Do-Kyung drives hemodialysis boy home, and on the way back, he sees from the side of the road Tae-jin, so drunk he barely stand. Do-Kyung begins by driving on, but ends up going back to help. He does not want to see Tae-jin and gets out to see, and stains staggered him across a bridge over the road and saw how he plans to jump.

Remember that driving Tae-jin, the car that it mows in his vision down, Do-Kyung hesitates. Tae-jin stands with his back down the road, tears falling down his face, and as he can topple even backwards, a hand grabs him by the lapels.

Do-Kyung yanks Tae-jin collapses back to the bridge, and Tae-jin, only to see Do-Kyung shoes. Do-Kyung leaves him there, and thought to himself that he will not look back on this as he dies and regret it.

The other Hae-Young is Chairman Jang, asking on his knees for a favor to see. Jang complains that he used to like her because she never asked him for something, but she is willing to put aside their pride to ask for him Do-Kyung to forgive. She wants to move, but she feels responsible for this whole situation, and it can not move when he is still suffering because of her. Jang plays, but dismisses her an answer without giving too.

It runs in Tae-jin on the way out and says that it is childish for them to do-Kyung ganging up to be. Tae-jin is confused - should they break do-Kyung Hae-jung and do not want? admits Hae-young, that they may be right not so deep down, he wants to look for fear of making them do the right thing before it is bitter.

Tae-jin sighs that he initially felt so that he does felt bad about Do-Kyung and Hae-young for these things. But then he realized that he was in conflict because he himself did not want to admit that he is not a nice person, so he decided to follow his heart and embrace his anger.

As he turns to go, says Hae-young that they now know why people say you do not really know a person until you break with them. They did not know what was a great person Do-Kyung until she broke up with him. "But it seems like Hae-young is not about her break-up like me sad." Oh, burn .

is as Soo-Kyung headed to a meeting, she hears her name - it is Jin-sang. She tried to ignore him, but he drags after her, in French. Fuss for wearing heels when she's pregnant, and she replies that he has nothing to do with it He replies that he did with safety have something to do with it, ha

Jin-sang is. Almost hectic because Soo Kyung ignored his calls, wondered if they meant to kick him, that she is no longer his noona. She says that she can not be, of course, and says in French, that they slept together, she became pregnant, as they could still be his noona?

Heh, apparently Sung-jin studied French, although he pretends he can not understand a word to say. Soo-Kyung waves on each, and Jin-sang calls to her that she will never see again, he is perfectly fine with that.

Soo-Kyung and her group file into the elevator, but the doors are stopped by a hand - apparently, Jin-sung is not fine with that. In French, he says in a man's voice that they should try to kiss again. Sung-jin pushes everyone out of the elevator, and Jin-sung gets in and close the doors.

When the doors are opened, Jin-sang and Soo-Kyung engaged in a very passionate kiss, and Sung-jin closes the doors quickly. HAHA, his boss keeps hitting the button to open the doors, but Jin-sang and Soo-Kyung not even notice. Finally, let the doors close when clothes begin to fly.

It turns out, our Hae-young to have the other Hae-young, to ask to stop Chairman Jang Do-Kyung asked harassing, and says other Hae-young that she was happy , to do it.

has alone in his office, do-Kyung another painful vision again by Tae-jin car go straight towards it. The vision is so immediate, Do-Kyung tries to get away, but everywhere he turns he sees the car on him Barrels down.

There will stop eventually, but a few minutes later he sees her again, and this time he sees himself running. He goes to his doctors who discuss how Do-Kyung feels like something will happen soon. Dr. Park decides Do-Kyung hypnotized, and Do-Kyung faces lying in the street, as an ambulance arrives.

He noticed the cherry blossoms in the air, and it may be a poster see announcement of the death of singer Lee Byung-joon (we see him for some time on billboards all singing in the background during the show, and interestingly, it is the same man to give advice was on the radio, if Hae-jung their embarrassing story).

announces new billboard a sale in June 2016 but Dr. Park says that it makes no sense - there is no cherry blossoms in June leave. He pushes Do-Kyung just to leave the country, but Do-Kyung simply drives away without a word. All he cares about Hae-jung told before it's too late.

He calls Hae-jung and promised to have home before dawn, and her mind naturally goes to the naughty place. He takes his place back, and asks if she remembers where she learned. She remembers it in the cafeteria was when he ran into her and gave her a nosebleed.

Do-Kyung says that they are on the front line, which meets, and after a moment, as she recalls, to see him there, for the moment. But Do-Kyung says he knew she already, of images that he saw in his head. He says she felt like memories, and that he saw, as they move into his room before it happened.

He explains that at first he thought he saw the future. But then he has the real reason realized that he saw them: "In the future, if I die, it's what I'll be thinking about with my last breath ... before I die, you're all that I will think about it. "

he says Hae-young that originally, his recollections showed that they never got back together after they moved out, and that was what he regretted most as he died. He now wonders why he was always afraid to feel anything, and why he always said the opposite of what he felt her.

So he decided to forget his pride and to say what he really felt, and it led to their reconciliation. So far, he has always hidden his feelings, and her emotional openness scared him. "But I liked it. I was touched. If I died without so much love, I would be very sad." He says that now, when he dies, he is no remorse, and he thanks her.

Hae-young grins at him, happy that he're not married, after her breakup and muses that he is so serious that he must tell the truth. Do-Kyung confirmed that it's all true, and decides Hae-young to believe him.

Do-Kyung climbs in Hae-jung in her arms, and she tells him that she has a diary lately, because they take their luck will , Thank each other and kissing, and then there are no more words between them.

Mom is already on when Hae-jung tries early the next morning to sneak in, and she says Invite Hae-young do -kyung in for breakfast. Ha, busted. Breakfast is attenuated, but it is clear that Mama tried to accept Do-Kyung, and she even puts meat (which he predicted that she had touched him) on his rice for him. Awww, Dad sees his tiny smile and pushes the whole bowl of stew toward him.

Tae-jin drives his partner, Chan-soo, the airport, and noticed with unease that his shoes are the same ones that he saw in President Jang home. He also notes that it is the weather for a location, the Verification supposedly it is not fly, and his expression hardens.

Tae-jin in the office all comes back, what will be found confiscated by the authorities, and learns that his so-called partner took everything. He learns at last the full truth, that it drew Chan-soo guilt Chairman Jang its investment was.

Chairman Jang refuses to see him, and of course, Chan-soo is not answering his phone. Tae-jin rushes to the port where he sees his partner prepare to board the ferry. It runs when he sees Tae-jin, but Tae-jin follow him and shouted that he trusted

Chan-soo admits him that he never cared about the company -. Plante he always take the money and run. He breaks into an actual run and Tae-jin chases him, kicking him to the ground and punching when he tries to defend him themselves. Tae-jin learns that Chan-soo is also the reason why he went to jail, the investors to have encouraged to sue him.

Chan-soo laughs at Tae-jin, saying that he and Do-Kyung are both played by Chairman Jang. He tried to make a run for it, and Tae-jin beats him to a pulp.

has At work, Hae-jung little things begin to remember, Do-Kyung told her to give the validity appear to be claiming that he been seeing things happen before they actually do. She remembers how her mother said not to come to her cousin marriage, if he does not intend to marry him.

you suddenly realize that if he really see into the future, he must know that he will die before they get married. She gets a text from Tae-jin with a simple, unexplained apology, and in that moment, the flowers on her desk start their leaves to drop. find Hae-young runs Do-Kyung, to say that it can not be true, but to somehow know that it is.

The Do-Kyung leaves his office that evening, he finds himself in the headlights of Tae-jin of the car. Tae-jin looks angry, but plea Hae-jung not Do-Kyung runs to infringe upon his head. Her words to fight with the other Hae-young's comment that he can not measure to Do-Kyung.

When he hesitates, Do-Kyung Hae-Jung calls and leaves her a message that he recorded the song for her. "I love you. We do not have to make together a photo." Tae-jin meets the accelerator pedal, and Do-Kyung drops his bag and runs.

We hear Do-Kyung voice the song for Hae-Young sing, as we see him for his life running desperately. He runs out of steam and spun the car on him busy to face, and somewhere, his older doctor fights to keep a man as he is hanging from the ceiling.

Suddenly Tae-jin slams on the brakes and his car stops just inches from Do-Kyung. He gets out of the car and looks at Do-Kyung shoes down, so they like to see the shoes of the person who saved himself from throwing off this bridge. He breathes a word, "bastard ..." and in his car rises again to drive away.

Do-Kyung goes back to his house, and opens into Hae-jung on the way. The running together and hold each other tight.

The psychiatrist sitting next to the singer Lee Byung-joon, the Do-Kyung vision would have said today die, but whose life he just saved. The doctor tells him to live, to try, and Byung-joon replies only sad: "To continue to suffer so ..."

Do-Kyung and hemodialysis young cry and kiss, relieved that he alive and healthy. About Hae-jung shoulder, Do-Kyung sees the billboard of his vision, which now says only that the singer Lee Byung-joon canceled a concert.

Back in his studio, we see, Do-Kyung recording song for Hae-young, and his voice trembled and his eyes closed as he sings his love for Hae-young.


I do not even know where to start. I love that Do-Kyung succeeded in different ways to change his fate, though it makes me wonder - if he is facing the last moments of his life to avoid, how has he have the vision to change things in the first place ? The show is written so tight, it has been obvious that it is known exactly where it was going on since the beginning, and there were no cracks were in the stories up to this point. I hate to think this is a mistake, but I have a feeling we're not done just that, learning what quite yet happened. The introduction of the singer and his suicide attempt is fascinating, and I'm curious how the bonds in Do-Kyung history.

Tae-jin really came through and did the right thing at the end, and I was actually quite proud of him. He is one of those characters I want to like, but he held to make all the wrong decisions. I do not even know that Tae-jin as much Hae-Young loves, than that he can not stand the idea of ​​Do-Kyung with her. When he had the chance to explain himself and try to win her back, he did not take it, and his deepest feelings have always directed toward Do-Kyung in the form of anger and violence. Not that I blame him - from his perspective, he did nothing wrong, and this guy came out of nowhere to ruin his business, then, while he is in prison he used his girl draws from under him. I think that's why also Do-Kyung not Tae-jin his revenge begrudge because he knows he deserves it (and although we know Do-Kyung was not the reason, Chairman Jang its investment back, the point remains that was Do-Kyung intention). But I have never felt that Tae-jin is upset because he loves and misses Hae-young, only that his pride has taken a hit, and he can not bear to know that he lost.

Tae-jin the difference spells between themselves and Do-Kyung, and the reason that he, the girl lost all on its own merit - when it came to choose, Tae-jin have selected the vindictive, mean side of himself. He gave in to his anger and pain, and kept trying to be nice. Do-Kyung had choose the same choice, but a good half itself, and this path led to love him and happiness. We all have good and bad sides of ourselves, but it's all about which wolf you feed, and at the end of the happy person is the one who decides to feed the good wolf. Do-Kyung got the girl, not because he's a better person than Tae-jin, but because when it was time to decide what kind of man he wanted to be, he chose the side of himself, which led to love. Hopefully is Tae-jin decision Do-Kyung to spare the life in thanks for his own, a new turning point for him.

What I really appreciate is over Do-Kyung travel as it does not really change him as a person - he is still the same quiet, guarded man he always was. He has not any kind of dramatic personal turnaround, or. In another guy He's just more aware now, so conscious decisions not to do through the motions of life, which makes him the least fear. While I cared for the other Hae-jung, he think, I think he especially planned her to marry because he felt that what you do when a relationship to a certain point, is not because they in his life was a great love. He also admitted, in particular, what he felt for her compassion was - and while that was a way for her love, it was not the same as what he feels for our Hae-young. Loving (and be loved) our Hae-young do-Kyung think has really forced to make about what he says and does, and more aware and sensible decisions. But its driving force is not even love -. It is that he does not want to live with regret

I like that the overarching theme of the show is not "defeated love everything", but a lesson in life conscious life, and the things that you know you will not regret it if you are on the deathbed. It is so easy to do what we think we should do to follow social conventions and to take the smooth path in life. But Do-Kyung is learned that he did not want to live an easy life ... he wants to live a life, he is proud of, and that is to be a quite wonderful way. No matter what you do in your life, when you look back and be proud of the person you are, that's a real gift.

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tags: Episode 17, Eric, in Jeon Hye-bin, Oh Hae-jung again Seo Hyun-jin

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