Recap And Reviews Kdrama Doctor Away: Episode 10

Recap and reviews korean drama Doctor Away: Episode 10 -

Poor Hoon is taken for a hell of an emotional journey in this hour, as his hopes and dreams collide with reality inbred cousin. The cat is not out of his pocket when he was a week ago, although we do some insight into just get how gullible can be our good doctor when it comes to love and unrealistic expectations. But if he is all heart and no brains, then his rival is just the opposite, much better suited with a heart of blocks and a spirit to villainy as our resident's pajama wearing Big Bad. Then again, literally anyone would be a better candidate for this job be

And yikes, the ratings race getting closer every week .: Big Man took home second with 11.4%, while doctor stranger barely edged with 11.7% in the first.


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We wind a little ahead of the night, and as Agent Cha and night met outside the hospital where our two lovebirds had an intimate reunion.

During her not-so-secret meetings, Nightshade agents Cha had recalled that it was time to move to the next level of their plan. Agent Cha had reassured him that the DPRK has already begun to move, and that South Koreans would find a reason to be afraid, come tomorrow to be.

sure enough, Prime Minister Jang is activated by pressing on the way in attacked a state meeting, all they suddenly perform questions on the North large-scale nuclear testing.

the nation's officials watch with a DPRK station that ständig- angry Newscaster revealed that the north to seen to gain their freedom and nation [insert propaganda here] again.

During the drive to the Blue House ride, nightshades reveals his concern about the North's conducts have a nuclear test, the likes of which have never, nuclear activities during Prime Minister Jang brushed it off like he does everything. He is sure that this is. Just a temporary thing that will pass

Share As Hoon dreams of a cozy morning with Jae-hee (?), We consider Seung-hee, the news report on the South in response to the observation recent aggression with its polished stone face.


If Hoon wakes up alone, he rushes out to call Jae-hee name ... to drive only for Seung-hee / Jae-hee. He hugs it, relieved before and swung collect them. Both are smiling and laughing. (I have no idea what is real.)

She asks him if he knew she was really Jae-hee (so ... now we are only demanding, they go back that further information pending), and he says: ". From the moment I first saw you" She smiles, but urges him to go, working, because if he does not, they are reason to believe they really Jae-hee.

as he skirts the rules by calling Doctor moon to say that he would be too late, so happy they won this competition doctor that he would let Hoon away with murder.

Hoon takes Jae-hee for a dreamy day date that bicycles belong to the keys on a feat / organ to play with spoons (it's quite fun actually looks), "Hoon ♥ Jae-hee" sign on a common wall and much more. It's all adorable, but this too well-to-load-long fashion. The kind that makes you nervous.

Later, Jae-hee asks if Hoon nothing has to ask how, why they went from Han Seung-hee instead of Jae-hee, or why they came. "Do you mean to tell me," he asks, to which she replies, "I think I should."

But then Hoon totally blows them (and in my opinion) by claiming that he in the knowledge is not interested, why all that is important to him that she is here with him.

Jae-joon is angry doctor moon hanging in his office to find out how he has it, the Doctor Moon so now thinks Jae-joon could already with the branch hospital now that, Genie why two have to be sent, if you can only have one at a hospital cardiothoracic surgeon missing surgeon? That would just make too much sense.

He then presses violently aside Chairman Oh secretary to lock in Oh office to talk in an effort to force the old man with him.

However, Chairman Oh is with him not and calling his guards at the door, so Jae-joon expression darken as he remembers how completely repellent had been chairman Oh, when his father out of surgery on wheels was found dead unexpectedly understand (with Director Choi at the top) something that he could his mother, because his father had been healthy enough to go to the hospital before surgery.

[1945010InihrerVerzweiflung] had a young Jae-joon to the Chairman Ohs leg clinging, crying, "My father Get back! Bring my father back!" But Chairman Oh wrestled from his grasp, as if he were no more than a nuisance.

Back to the present, to negotiate Jae-joon with Chairman Oh tries for another chance to prove that it argue without him, only Hoon would be have the future of the hospital Myungwoo Oh. "I do not have to let one of you be," barks back Chairman Oh before Jae-joon to say that he take a job in the store or hospital can Myungwoo for good. It's his choice.

Director moon jubilation as chairman Oh guards (oh, now There are security) Jae-joon accompany out of his office, to be chastened only by Director Choi, who tells him that they should Chairman Oh convince Jae-joon keep because their hospital surgeons such needs. Doth my ears deceive me? If someone talks sense ?

Soo-hyun tried to feel better Jae-joon, by claiming that a stint in the store hospital would give her father time to think. "I'm not going anywhere," Jae-joon says resolutely. "I belong here. You know why? I have something that I do here."

She thinks that his goal is to make the best the hospital, but Jae-joon sends an ominous views be Metaphor Castle as he remembers his promise to destroy it. He admits that all changed when Hoon came, and to throw the pins to take the blame for her Hoon page and get his feelings out of balance.

"They wanted to move hospital administration," Jae-joon reminds. "Why are you trying to be like a doctor to act now?" Ouch. reflects Soo-hyun face her own surprise at his harsh words, but Jae-joon anger rises just as he was to blame for his loss continued as her siding with Hoon and his psyche messed up the only reason.

with, at its Jae-joon shooting daggers and breathe her neck, Soo hyun worked up the courage to tell him that she knows the reason why he really lost, because he tries too hard to gain an operation such as a game, and treated

Soo-hyun .: " you are one, of how a doctor behaves just not me. that's why you should lose a real doctor. a fake doctor how you lost

burn to a real doctor like Park Hoon. "

After this ultimate, Soo -hyun flashes with Jae-joon to some of the better memories back when someone nicknamed "garbage" she calls. You can only ring up garbage itself (aka scummy brother Sang-jin) enters and grabs her wrist an action that him a kick in the crown jewels.

[1945010Netze] she takes the car from Sang-jin stolen from it has and manages its tears as she passes to Hoon clinic / home, only to find him gone. She decides to wait, but when it does it can no longer control their emotions and begins to cry. Poor thing.

Chang-yi gets a text from Hoon thank her for everything and tell her goodbye-oh, so that's why he took Jae-hee for a ride and did not tell her where to go. They tried to see him in the hospital, but Soo-hyun the only one there.

Hoon takes Jae-hee to a shipyard, where he planned to flee to China with her by clicking on a ship stowage. "I do not need to know why you came here," he says, "but I know it puts you at risk." He knows that they will not be able to avoid it, while in the country, which is why he wants to smuggle them out.

Jae-hee protests, but Hoon is adamant when he promises to protect. "We can not escape," she begs, but he forces her to look at him, as he repeated his promise.

When Doctor moon can not get ahold Hoon nor Min-se with Seung-hee, we can assume that Doctor Yang of the spy who is reported to nightshades, of the always unselfishly Prime Minister Jang he reports subsequently , He is not too concerned because he is doubtful to be able to safely escape.

Sure enough, Hoon and Jae-hee find swing surrounded by thugs lead pipes. Agent-Cha reveals finally to Hoon, right in front of one of the rackets diamonds Hoon over his head. The Jae-hee, who was fearless as she looks into the barrel of a gun just watched helplessly down.

Chang-yi can Hoon not be found anywhere, and her mother breasts screaming their concerns in. Aww, she deserved more than a farewell text, Hoon. This is like a post-it note on smashing.

Hoon comes in a room decorated in North Korean propaganda and torture devices, replete with guards in the DPRK uniforms. Has he the open highway north back all really need help with is? I would say it's only taken a room that the way to look.

Agent-Cha that he in his "home" tells how he blindfolded Jae-hee brings in and kicks her in front Hoon. Hoon "Stop it starts to cry, you bastard! I'll kill you!" As an agent-Cha is Jae-hee beat. Jesus.

Then Agent Cha stops them as he looks Hoon directly into his eyes, he sees exactly what he does next. He grins as he begins tearing Jae-hee clothing against a provocatively helpless Hoon, who changed his evil threats to desperate pleas that he would do everything Agent Cha wants. All just to stop him.

Agent-Cha stop the rape tactics and has Jae-hee removed. Hoon watches her as he thinks, "Do not worry, Jae-hee. I'll ... I'll ..." But he does not know what he will do. , Or what he can do

So, Agent Cha tells him what he has to do to keep Jae-hee sure: work on Prime Minister Jang heart and tell no one that Seung-hee is Jae-hee. "Remember that I always am," Agent Cha sneers before Hoon pulling her head back by the hair and told him to say: "Yes, sir."

After chemically Hoon knocking Agent Cha goes to take Jae-hee blindfolded and rearrange their clothes ... but the woman who stares at him coldly is Seung-hee.

"Good work," he says to her. Man, I was worried that getting this all an elaborate scheme Hoon blind obedience, but hell . So even if to win it still is going on, whether it is Jae-hee, as we now know, it was just acting the part of Jae-hee AS Seung-hee, we will call her Seung- back hee for now. (Up to a further Intel. As always.)

Not surprisingly, Agent Cha take Hoon not to the DPRK, he only made it look like he , Night hits him with his concern that people will now start to catch that Hoon and Seung-hee missed for a while, but Agent-Cha is unimpressed.

In fact, thinking evil agents, it was all worth it because now they know how much Jae-hee is to Hoon. "This means that we have full control over the heart have it will be in operation." Ah, so nightshade and Agent-Cha cooperate against Prime Minister Jang. Or not. I honestly have no idea.

Prime Minister Jang tried to convince the President that the DPRK to stop its nuclear test, if he is to hold a summit with them, true catch is that they want two billion dollars / ₩ 00000000000 he is since so much money to give to the north against when their own economy.

, it is clear that the president is a better leader than Prime Minister Jang, could hurt. Especially since Prime Minister Jang would give it to them, they just want to win points with the people an idea of ​​the President finds appalling: "Do you want me to feed the North with our taxpayers' valuable dollars to increase my popularity"

Prime Minister Jang clucks his tongue at what he considers later the cheapness of the President is. Night cuts as saying that peace bought with money never lasts, giggling on Jang ". Everything can be bought with money"

We find Jae-joon wait somewhere, like the outside of the prime minister Jang looks office while Chang-yi will Hoon asleep in Seung-hee of the car. He immediately starts looking for Jae-hee, as it comes, and not only ignored Chang-yi but actually push them away.

"Do you know how worried I was?" She screams, but Hoon is completely in another world. He picks up the phone when Soo-hyun calls to him say that everyone is gathered for his congratulatory party ... with a grumpy looking Seung-hee.

Hoon moves as he held in the party, but won Chang-yi 't let him in this way. Even if he says to silence them, she always continues, as Jae-hee is a spy, and Hoon only response is to shout that they do not.

"If she is not a spy, then as it is now? And why did she change her name?" Chang-yi fires back, what is the kind of rational thinking that rudely out of the car her is entered. Hoon eyes are dead puddles as he says Chang-yi, that he will never see her again, as he leaves there on the side of the road, just like that.

So Jae-joon was outside Prime Minister Jang office, because we see him having a meeting to ask for a second chance with him, to be at his surgeon.

But claims as prime minister Jang, he does not want to interfere Affairs in Myungwoo Hospital, Jae-joon mentioned how he knows the Prime Minister to disturbed back Hoon after he was fired-a get hired dangerous piece Intel ,

"I will not ask why you did that," Jae-joon adds cool. "I ask only to give me the same chance that you gave Dr. Park."

All but Seung-hee is pretty good by the time toasted Hoon makes it for the party, and it ignores all of them (including Soo-hyun, aww) to draw their length.

No matter what she says, Hoon still thinks they have a chance if they escape. He even suggests rotate in the police, to the Seung-hee (as Jae-hee, it y'all now get) says that it is not-not be safe as long as the Prime Minister controls everything.

If Hoon will not hear how he babbles on and on how they can protect it, Seung-hee slaps him. "You're going to bring you in danger," she calls, and Hoon seems shocked and broken when he answers. "I have you never worry about me"

"Do you know how much I missed you?" Seung-hee sobs. "Do you know how long I waited to see you? We are finally together. Please listen to me. I never want to separate from you again. I do not want you to be in danger. So stop only to me, you idiot! "

Hoon can not take their pitiful tears and soften as he pulls into a hug. He agrees to do what she says to him, and tried to lighten the mood by inviting the party. But Seung-hee can not stop crying, so she just keeps Hoon there to help you through.

Jae-joon, god of thunder, cries a thunderbolt with his anger, as he stands outside Soo-hyun house. Meanwhile shows night Prime Minister Jang proof that Jae-joon is not who he says he is, he's Lee Seung-hoon, the son of the man who died 20 years before of medical malpractice at Myungwoo hospital. The same malpractice lawsuit was Hoon father trapped in, even if he did nothing wrong.

Chairman Oh stands outside the house Jae-joon to refuse entry, so that the man in the pouring rain standing. Jae-joon even falls to his knees, to ask for forgiveness, but Chairman Oh is not moved, because he finds the gutless movement.

Review of Mini Jae-joon on the lawn of the chairman Oh house in the standing rain to demand an answer: "Why do you have to kill my father Why did you kill him?", Whereupon President Oh replied cold had, that he was a doctor who saved the life to which to Mini Jae-joon call him a liar and a murderer.

Back to the present, Chairman Oh retreats to leave inside the house Jae-joon outside, like he did to him when he was a child. Jae-joon continues to kneel in the rain, while Chairman Oh a call from Prime Minister Jang receives to tell him that Jae-joon came just to see him.

he asks, still give Chairman Oh Jae-joon a chance, but this time, President Oh refuses to change a decision he has made and let the Prime Minister intervene affairs in his hospital. Prime Minister Jang threatens smugly to give him a good reason, his mind help him to change his reputation and keep his faithful dog rescue. Whatever that means.

Chairman Oh finds out that late Hoon and Doctor Moon got an illegal overlooking Seung-hee medical records bulldozed their way past the Mall Cops hospital security. I suppose that was orchestrated by Prime Minister Jang.

Sang-jin hears the same message, and suddenly cares about Hoon job status, as he told his father that they should Jae-joon let up now that they have reasons Doctor Moon and Hoon the medical records scandal surrounding fire.

still chairman Oh says no, but only because he now intends to tame Jae-joon, that he saw the side of him, like a wild dog acted ready to bite his own master. At least Sang-jin finally says something useful from his father to ask how exactly the Prime Minister knew about Hoon and the medical records. Ah ha

section :. Doctor Yang, Prime Minister Jang spy in the hospital when he finds his wife, nurse Min, ready to leave the party because all looks depressed except for Doctor Moon (?). Nevermind Hoon and Soo-hyun an explosion on the stage as they sing "Tell Me" by the Wonder Girls, also known as the only song Hoon ever heard.

night asked Prime Minister Jang whether Chairman Oh will change his mind, to say his boss: "He has to." If he asks, what this means for Hoon and Jae-joon, Jang says only that its result 1: 0 now. Large, the competition is still on

Chairman Oh goes outside Jae-joon to scare, but Jae-joon remains kneeling: "Everything is my fault Please give me a chance.." When Oh asks why he so stubborn, Jae-joon flashes back to when he confronted him as a child.

"I have unfinished business at Myungwoo" Jae-joon says, as a cryptic answer is just going to get him anywhere. His talk is intercut with what he said as a child: / "I want to make Myungwoo the best hospital in the world." "Bring my father back to life!" / "I do not want to lose Soo-hyun." / "I will get my revenge at any cost!" / "Please give me a chance. If you do, I'll do everything give, I have to serve you. "/ " I will have my revenge! " /" please give me another chance. I beg you. "/ " Do not forget ... " / "I, Han Jae-joon ..." / "My father was Lee Do-sun, and I'm Lee Seung-hoon. never forget our names."

Jae-joon crawling on his knees with tears in their eyes Oh Chairman touching boots. "Remember that you'll be back!" "In Myungwoo ..." / "I quit business. Please give me another chance. Please. Please, just one more chance! Please! Please ..." /, he begs and begs.


Nobody can PD Jin Hyuk accuse smooth or uninteresting director, although its operation style over substance seems favor too. And while not seem at war, what's on the page, unless the intended effect is extremely dull, it is rare to meet him decisions, to see work that our understanding of history to improve and not only what the presentation well-lit and fairly. It could be because he is not sure of the story, even an apology, which I would totally buy at this point but most of its overt, in-your-face moments about Jae-joon appear to rotate, which is so interesting, as it is inexplicable.

would be

case in point, if we the true intentions for Soo-hyun who panned for the first time on Jae-joon with her from his embrace moment camera gets close Myungwoo hospital behind. Then there is every single shot that includes him and his metaphor Castle. And as I say, I can against each other like in the last scene, the point could not have been be more clearly was the show flashed Jae-joon Hidden Agenda through intertitles with dramatic music paired directly from a silent movie.

That being said, I realized that this is perhaps the only way to make the throat point clear because Jae-joon poker face is so cold, its facade so impenetrable that it would be no other way for read us what were trying to convey these scenes only by him as a character. For some reason be used outside methods to beat this point in us we are so hard to see stars. But that's okay, because you know what? Jae-joon revenge is only tarnish crystal clear motive in a show full, ever-changing goals and characters. That alone makes its thing automatically worth something.

I do not know if the show to a point clings relentlessly pushing onto us necessarily the best thing to do, but at this point it is a survival instinct-Jaeger joon revenge, no matter how obvious, is the only thing at the moment to make sense. I wish I could say that Hoon infinite love for Jae-hee has the same effect, but it does not work when it literally turns him crazy , with a wild eye yet vulnerable quality actor Lee Jong-seok has mastered. It calls into question all the growth it has experienced while working at the hospital and whether he cares to save life at the end of the day, if all goes to Jae-hee beyond it.

is worse is that it is still a very good chance, Seung-hee is a completely different person, only the role of Jae-hee play Hoon manipulate, and while that might ask do, "why should she pretend to be someone else?" I would only be able to tell you that there is a very good question. seriously, I have no idea why nine episodes were issued, the relentlessly deny Seung-hee that she is Jae-hee, only to turn around and pretend to be her-even if it is you who guess everyone is now.

Everything what I want to know if I had only one thing to pick from dozens in this show, is what Prime Minister Jang actually wants . did he actually give two cat slippers about operating on his heart? Because it appears as if by back and forth between the two wildest wild cards take a rather laissez-faire approach to the whole ordeal of his chest could be opened at the end. Will Hoon, of North Korean refugees be who wants to kill him? Or get Jae-joon, a man with a distorted existence operation revenge on the man who killed his father? Is there all other doctors in the house?

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tags: doctor stranger in Jin Se-yeon Lee Jong -seok

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