Recap And Reviews Kdrama Three Musketeers: Episode 5

Recap and reviews korean drama Three Musketeers: Episode 5 -

as if everything wasn ' t already a test for Dal-hyang, now it is his loyalty, which is set through the wringer when he is faced with obeying his king, a prince, he was likely a little less or do themselves, see the. But it's so hard to know what he wants, sometimes, as is knowing what Sohyeon wants, probably because it is never easy a thing, right? But if it would Heroes an advantage too jealous, it was hashing out in a sageuk, it is that they settle things like men even if they are sometimes as boys act

. Note: I will be for JavaBeans to assume that was awesome enough to recapitulate Musketeers when I was not able. Talk to follow a tough act, though. No pressure, no pressure ... * repeated mantra *


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Episode 5: "A duel"

Dal-hyang bravely battling against General Ingguldai, but is found in difficulties if the general spikes

use designed fortunately it on the floor a spear from a bamboo tree.

, Ingguldai Dal-hyang commands is forced to flee, when two more soldiers approaching. one to him go hunting follow the general and sends alert the other the remaining forces, where they have gone. begins.

Sohyeon shown insures the window of the general by a soldier who jumped him, that they begin Ingguldai be "that's the problem". Sohyeon mutters. he's not his father wants to catch Ingguldai soldiers, he wants to protect him.

Dal- hyang is as relentlessly Ingguldai equally strong in the following as the general, is to run from it, to be in an open area away where no one can hide.

That's when Ingguldai a horse, the spots, unfortunately, by accompanied by only a few companions woman is ridden. He kills without mercy all the king be killed for Ingguldai for the horse, instigating Dal-hyang to the point where he asks his fellow combatant, whether the commands are allowed.

When the soldier replied yes, Dal-hyang takes his musket and objectives for Ingguldai who rushes to get on the horse and flee before the match cable ignites. But Dal-hyang is patient, and is triggered when Ingguldai is firmly in his sights.

Everybody hears the shot, including a very worried Sohyeon. But when we return to Dal-hyang, we see the gun shot Miss Ingguldai. At the time, Dal-hyang was realized something thrown on the drum, so that he would miss a targeted, it is too late to be fellow soldier is knocked out, and so he does.

There is Min-seo, implementation Sohyeon of orders. He feels bad with the elastic Dal-hyang knock twice (so that it will not be recognized), so that it at least the blood patting away from Dal-hyang forehead before removing evidence that it was ever there.

he sees himself as a mounted Seung-po on Ingguldai to see win, and we see Seung-po fire on generally with an arrow ... surely he has just shot his horse, not true?

, the court ministers are furious that Ingguldai not been caught, but Minister Choi acts as the voice of the opposition (and reason) as the king told that they are in an emergency situation: the ambassadors know King Injo Ingguldai ordered the beheading, but Ingguldai has disappeared.

Even if they were to catch him and kill him, argued Minister Choi, sending his head back to the Manchu Emperor war incite. Similarly, if Ingguldai to make it alive again creates, he is the Emperor tell everything and war would inevitably again. His advice is that Messenger and capture Ingguldai alive, then decide to calm from there.

While arguing ministers among themselves, Sohyeon is giving a secret writing Seung-po. Hopefully it is good news.

Dal-hyang wakes up in his quarters to be due to the constantly fretful Pan-swe tended. Dal-hyang face falls when he tells that Ingguldai has not caught while Pan-swe begins to whine about the possibility of war.

But then, Dal-hyang remembers in his attempt sabotaged Ingguldai to shoot, even if he can not remember, who knocked him out. He knows that it will help someone Ingguldai ... but who?

Pan-swe attracts curious the needle out that he in Dal-hyang of garments, the Dal-hyang quickly out of hand swats for his own protection-it the poisoned needle he took of the deceased neck court lady ,

When Yoon-seo her husband hears that night break later, she hurries to meet him ... and ends up tripping over her hanbok in his arms. I love the look Sohyeon to their companions sends before he jokingly asks if Yoon-seo fall intentionally holds (each one is thinking, the Makin 'Babies Talisman works).

you chalk it up to her usual awkwardness before Sohyeon to say that they have something to talk personal, he has waited over-it all day on the chance. All her companions step back, to give them some privacy before Yoon-seo struggling to eke out that they have made a mistake.

Sohyeon guesses it has something great with how much she is hesitant, but in the end, Yoon- seo loses her courage: "Actually ... it's ... nothing." Hah. Sohyeon tells her to come with him only because they waited all day, but Yoon-seo maintains that it really is nothing. It is such a terrible liar.

On the way back, Yoon-seo spots Dal-hyang who come the prince can be seen on an urgent matter. She is restless when Dal-hyang it will not tell her what he wants from Sohyeon or why, and even more when he asks them if they lost the letter.

Yoon-seo returns to her quarters in panic before them all their companions to be ordered to leave-except for the head lady-in-waiting, which sends it to pick for a top-secret meeting Dal-hyang.

separated by a screen asks Yoon-seo Dal-hyang as he knew, they lost the letter. Did he take it? Dal-hyang can tell the whole story to her only: that he knows who has it now, even if he can not say more. All he can do is to be careful, warning, since one of their companions is certainly a spy.

But then Dal-hyang asks: "Why ... why do not you burn the letter?" Just the thought of it fills both with emotion does Yoon-seo her best to hold back, as not to misunderstand Dal-hyang, she says the letter only maintained because it reminds them of their youth.

When she asks if Sohyeon knows Dal-hyang says that's why he came, but again, he is forced cryptically reveals his on a little further. He can only advise, find the spy in their midst for their own safety, before he grows concerned when she does not answer.

Dal-hyang makes a conscious decision to abandon decency by leave behind the screen and their initial shock ignored when he asks, really concerned, why she cries.

"I hate it here," Yoon-seo admits tears streaming free now her face. "It's always been like that. I can not trust anybody." Poor thing. What she describes appears to be the universal disadvantage of palace life, because she hates all the secrets and are closed by so many walls.

"Are you not get the love?" Dal-hyang reamers carefully to which Yoon-seo replied bitterly, "Love? What's that?" But they do not know what to do if the letter against it is used and it has driven out of the palace, is her family suffer ... and so will Dal-hyang.

The only consolation Dal-hyang can give is for them an object at a time, to be addressed, which means finding the spy. He'll take care of things outside the palace, and ask them to put their trust in him. They share after a long moment of silence, only to a rigid one.

But then they both call Yoon-seo-chief lady-in-waiting address to hear the prince who has come for an unannounced visit. Eek! Your court lady stands for as much time as before left him in the lurch, to find only Yoon-seo alone. Dal-hyang has hidden behind the screen ... but it is such a terrible liar! This will not end well.

Sohyeon can say she has to cry, a fact which it disputes quickly. But they need not even lie bad since Sohyeon wonders aloud what might make them so nervous, noting that the tassel of her hanging screen ever so slightly vibrates. He wonders, could it be that they brought a man in her room? Cue Sohyeon raises to reveal the screen Dal-hyang back. Yiiiiiiikes.

This only reinforces why has Sohyeon still not made Dal-hyang one of his men, and he has a I told you so moment to have right in his initial concerns ,

Then he turns to his wife to tell her that, although he pardoned for the letter from grace, she was not happy because he is not to be jealous, was as expected him. Now, he says he'll do what a man should in a situation like this.

Her voice trembled, Yoon-seo is the full truth about the situation. the reason why she went to see him, earlier on this day, because they lost the letter, and the Dal-hyang came to tell her it was stolen

they can not answer Sohyeon, when he asks who stole it (because they do not know), but Dal-hyang can. "It is the woman who you've always wanted," he says, before adding that he only hid because he was not the princess wanted to cause trouble. Nothing happened otherwise.

Yoon-seo asks who "this woman", but Sohyeon can not be answered in the mood, he ordered him Dal-hyang out. Before he goes, soothes Dal-hyang the princess who Sohyeon this is a problem not turn into, because it carries more responsibility than they.

Once they are alone Sohyeon orders Dal-hyang, tell him everything. He begins to tell the prince that Mi-ryung who uses her other name Hyang-sun, was of Ingguldai discharged as a soldier dressed concubine, but came to soon.

Dal-hyang also told that Sohyeon Mi -ryung already knew that he would send someone before he arrived, and that she knows about him and Yoon-seo because of the letter she stole. He was not to know to be able more because they poisoned him, and generates the needle she used to kill the maid as evidence.

He also directs the message Mi-ryung gave him, after he was paralyzed from the poison that he should remember the feeling and Sohyeon tell, because they will come next for him. What he did not add the warning Mi-ryung gave him: "There is no need to be the prince, is so faithful He is not someone your life worth putting up for.."

to say after Sohyeon that Mi-ryung was copied with the intent letter Yoon-seo, to use it against them, Dal-hyang finally asks the Mi-ryung really is-and more importantly is why has Sohyeon want them dead? What happened exactly five years ago?

Dal-hyang argues that he too can not go on if he knows so little, especially as this relates to the Yoon-seo security. Sohyeon steps finally to say that he is concern for her, so Dal-hyang need not concern yourself.

"This letter is to me, so that the error also mean," Dal-hyang answers. Sohyeon not like the sound of this, and says as much: down The way Dal-hyang claim on the letter makes it sound like he is trying to claim the princess also.

But enough is enough-Sohyeon not tolerate Dal-hyang more on his own actions. Dal-hyang's hear what he says to without question now, if he is to be serious or a joke is. And although Sohyeon claims to have greater concerns than Mi-ryung, he commands even the eunuchs Yoon-seo to investigate servants to find the mole.

The first thing Yoon-seo does when Sohyeon she visits next apologize not burn the letter, but he tries to facilitate it already rampant worries by saying that he would deal with it, because it's his fault. He will be on their side, if the letter is a problem, and promises to protect them. "Trust me," he adds.

But then he turns around with his trademark half-serious / half-jokingly expression when he whether Dal-hyang said you ask the same thing. At her sudden silence, guessing that he will have Sohyeon and gumption clucks his tongue at Dal-hyang of.

There is an awkward moment in which Dal-hyang bumps in Seung-po and Min-seo, probably because one of the two it a small concussion without his knowledge was. I love how happy Seung-po is heard that he came because of the princess, because he will take jabs at Dal-hyang, at its one secret crush for harboring.

Dal-hyang happens accidentally dropped on a handkerchief Min -seo, although he does not know the bloodstained handkerchief Min SEOs uses his forehead to strike him to wipe. But it gets him to think. has

Finally, we learn the fate of General Ingguldai, the meeting of a secret location to another by Seung-po and Min-seo, brought with Prince Sohyeon.

Ingguldai seems surprised when Sohyeon for rough treatment in fluent Manchu apologizes, but bows his head in respect to when he gave his sword. Sohyeon Impressed by the language to know, and when he adds that he studied it, he knew it of more use than the opposing Ming language would. could mean

At the same time, since King Injo been the alliances with Ming, white Sohyeon that only difficulties in the Manchu tongue as Prince of Joseon speak for him in this sense, he has given a weapon Ingguldai as against him to use a sign of confidence.

Sohyeon then explains that he kidnapped Ingguldai order to protect him, which should generally say that he Yes-jeom is a much better ally than Kim. He does not want war, and believed that the reason is Ingguldai Yes-jeom met with Kim because he feels the same.

But finally when Ingguldai wonders exactly where he has been brought, his expression turns into a horror of dawning when Sohyeon reveals he is in his personal library. .. in the palace . It is the safest place for Ingguldai right now, because it is the only place they are not looking. The darkest place is under the candlestick, as they say.

Cue flashback to the secret missive Sohyeon of Seung-po obtained after he had caught Ingguldai alive. Sohyeon had so much been a part of the plot to smuggle Ingguldai in the palace with its own litter than the other two musketeers, he was actually run in them (along with their prisoners) to fool the guards.

There has suspicious search Seung-po and seo Min-Prince library so late to watch at night, this is where Dal-hyang finds , He gets right to the point: He knew who kept him from killing Ingguldai someone he knew, because he could feel it after the blood from his forehead wipes

And now that he take a look at Min -seos got. bloodied handkerchief (with the possibility of important things from Hanboks always spilled, you would think, would have invented someone pockets), he got his suspicions.

Actually, it is more than a suspicion, he knows what's up with the two of them a dark library guarding and want for yourself to see if Ingguldai is inside.

Seung-po is confirmed when he Dal-hyang not let that happen and said that a very important conversation inside happens that Dal-hyang not interrupt can. Of course, this rankles Dal-hyang sense of justice, because the commands of the king Ingguldai-not to kill were to save him for a private chat with the Prince.

But Dal-hyang not when Seung swayed -po tries to make light of the situation, because they are all friends (... right?), And claims that he is just with them against traitors the country fought. To Dal-hyang at least at the moment they are no better than Kim Ja-jeom

Whatever is the explanation Seung-po, Dal-hyang the situation in black and white thinking looks. You are the king's orders disobeyed, that is, they are committing treason. He draws his sword, he convinced by the line of duty to the king behaves on a higher authority.

Inside the library, Ingguldai and Sohyeon realize their views are the same, when the former admits that a war with Joseon would be a loss for both sides, and if his Emperor wants to penetrate. He just want to be a response from King Injo broadly of a "brother country" on a subordinate.

You are by the sound of swords clanging interrupted outside since Seung-po and Min-seo continues to block entry to win a very determined Dal-hyang made. Sohyeon observed the subsequent struggle for a hot second before they order you to stop.

Dal-hyang sticks to his guns when he Sohyeon clearly states that he only has to pay the orders of the king and that he must be allowed inside because it is safe Ingguldai is there.

Sohyeon taken surprised if Dal-hyang not only to stop his approach because he tells him, even if he orders him after. Looking straight at him and fearlessly repeated Dal-hyang the words Sohyeon once told him: The only order that is its the king of trumps, and as it is not its task, the subject, to argue methods, or personal risk involved -his place is to obey.

as Dal-hyang says he is doing what he was told, he politely but firmly Sohyeon asks to step aside so he can prevail with his orders.

"If I do not, you are going to attack me?" Sohyeon challenges. Judging by the look in Dal-hyang eyes Sohyeon believes he would, and it does not deny Dal-hyang. If Sohyeon is the king to defy order, will do it, what he needs.

Sohyeon takes his gat and draws his sword and says Dal-hyang that he'll have to defeat him for the first time. Oh, it is to . "What arrogance," scoffs Sohyeon. "You wear the king's command not, but to defy me."

"I am only an officer carrying out the orders of the King," Dal-hyang replied stiffly. Sohyeon:.. "No, you're my defies the excuse of the king using contracts you have your girl to me, and you have been angry with me from the beginning like a child, you throw caution to the wind is not that way. ? "

His accusation is the only thing that shocked Dal-hyang determination, which means truth there is.

So Sohyeon a deal makes him: If they fight and Dal-hyang wins Sohyeon Ingguldai hand (which he confirmed is inside) to him and that will be that. "But if I win, all the goodness that I have given you will be revoked. Your test results will also be revoked, and then you can return home immediately. How about it? Is not that a bet Bet on value for a young, energetic man like yourself? "

Dal-hyang he told the prince can not fight, but it still contracts aside, if that's something Sohyeon just can 't do. So he goads Dal-hyang in all, You do not want, then fight? , the Dal-hyang the Cojones borrows to say that while Sohyeon may be good at fighting, he's been missing since he. Not a soldier fighting for a living Oh. OH. (* Packt Popcorn *)

Sohyeon accepts the challenge and puts his sword to Dal-hyang neck, ordering Seung-po and Min-seo not to interrupt. Dal-hyang does not want to hit him directly, but when the prince he swings his sword to draw it has to defend.

Sohyeon asks again if Dal-hyang will accept the bet, and Dal-hyang says he when Sohyeon says so. Then the is real battle begins.


acted After blows and parried, the two seem pretty equal strength ... at least until Dal-hyang Sohyeon wound of eyepatch / provides no-soo start to bleed through his sleeves. The deflection is currently, but it's enough for Sohyeon but to push it out of its gridlock and reduce Dal-hyang arm.

Sohyeon is still anxious to see the fight through, he does not realize Dal-hyang his sword in the handle reversing so that the sharp side is not facing the Prince.

Suddenly Yoon-seo steps in the middle of their fight, and almost loses her head for them. Both men say they refused aside for their own safety to step, but Yoon-seo and cries to stop them, rotate locking eyes with Dal-hyang first before her husband.


This is the kind of fusion I sageuk have lately, full of character depth , high stakes, and missed. I especially like how Three Musketeers takes a balanced approach when it comes to political tensions underlying both the backdrop and driving force for the nuanced character drama is unfolding because the policy will be integrated by the need unlike is overwhelming (our worst nightmare sageuk), or simply stapled for legitimacy (our second worst nightmare sageuk).

to do it this way Sohyeon battle directly from its country everything seems real, and everything more dangerous because he is a pioneer in a court, which seems highly distorted, well, against that . the only ally with political pull he is Minister Choi who (in this version of events) on the loyalty of his closest friends / colleagues Musketeers can depend him. And if it were not for the girl trouble going on between them, I'm sure Dal-hyang I'd been a guy Fanatic although the way she is playing her pseudo-rivalry now that the character turns come later will feel that much more deserved.

But developing love triangle only grows more alarming by the episode, which is not a bad thing. It is frustrating for the right reasons, even if the reason is that there is such a visible impasse for Dal-hyang is that it be observed both for him and Yoon-seo-and to a lesser extent Sohyeon is painful, because his personal involvement with his wife in his relationship is still one of the most compelling mysteries in the show. Well, that and the Sohyeon really is deep down, past all the walls and acts he puts other.

broke my heart a little more for Yoon-seo in this hour when you really suffer, is not so clear that one can look at them and the pain, it can be seen in, and no one knows the better than she. She had, without anyone be so much to bear in silence in trust or sympathize with her, is their status and a man is emotionally impenetrable as Sohyeon to have someone like that, like Dal-hyang they hear and concern for they must "ve so overwhelming for she felt. He is not just a friendly ear to rely on, but also a remnant that was Yoon-seo before a title is greater than to be herself. My outburst with him in Palace choking feeling went to make a long journey to her character that much more tragic, if only because there is nothing they can do to fix it.

Worse still, there is nothing Dal- hyang can really do for them, which would explain some of his latent hostility Sohyeon. as much as they are about a woman struggling their duel felt like more than a result of a simple jealousy, because none of them seem to me as petty. Dal-hyang was a bit more grimly to play in the righteous officer, as he would have been there when Yoon-seo was not involved, sure, but I like that the tension between him and Sohyeon not quite feel so flat. Or who says, really-when her relationship status complicates for Drama consider this good, I almost did not, they want to sort out to always things.

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tags: featured, Jung Yong-hwa, Lee Jin- wook, The three Musketeers, Yang Dong-Geun

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