Recap And Reviews Kdrama Secret Door: Episode 11

Recap and reviews korean drama Secret Door: Episode 11 -

Ack, it is already time to start the Prince's trust in shattering his father? I know that at a basic level this is what the whole show is about, but it's too much to ask to delay the process as long as humanly possible? What happens if we run out of tears, what do you do?

Now that the murder case to rest, actually takes Prince a big step forward today and shows some promising signs as a future politician. But in this world, every victory comes with blowback, and he is to learn about the hard way that in an attempt to win a battle, he may have spurred only a political war.


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Ji-dam bows before the king, the name Heung-Boks restores and provides give them what they like to solve for the support of the murder case as a reward. in the presence of Princess Hyegyeong, Yeongjo Sun asks if he wants to take Ji-dam as the husband, and all three heads turn toward the throne, wide eyes. Way your son to put on ice there. Thanks, Dad.

Sun answered diplomatically that he did not even have enough time to his family, as it is, and can not process does not take a mate . give Yeongjo laughs and notes that he does not really Hyegyeong consider feelings as if it all did not deliberately.

he asks Hyegyeong if he upset and of course they answered as it's supposed to , -That the royal house must be prospering, so that the nation's prosperity. is Yeongjo satisfied with the answer and comes to you in the eye to see, as he says, that a king should have many heirs, so it weigh his options and choose the one that would best govern. Ouch is not lost the implication on one of them.

Nevertheless, argues against Sun producing a wife Ji-dam, so Yeongjo it drops and tells his eunuchs to ensure that they will be richly rewarded. He warns Sun to stop playing a policeman and turn his attention to more important things, and Sun agrees with a friendly smile.

When they leave the king's palace with Ji Dam Behind behind says Hyegyeong that Sun Ji-dam should hold close as maid consider whether he does not want a husband, her intelligent and useful call. But Sun claims that Ji-dam is not fit court life:

"And more importantly, I do not want to keep enclosed within the walls of this incomparably cruel and relentless palace."

he makes the hurtful thing to be made may face hardened, and say Hyegyeong could see that he for Ji-dam to worry so much that he does not want them would suffer their fate. Hyegyeong returns to her room and tells her court lady that she did not realize that he cherished Ji-dam, the lot.

Sun takes Ji-dam back to her father, who is just easier to have them back again. As Sun apologized constantly for her at risk path set, Dad sends him with an air of finality, stripping him of a long life want to. Sun points out that this sounds like farewell, and Papa admits that the prospect of a reunion of Prince scares him.

But Sun is can not stop about by, and says Ji-dam with a smile to write many good books, and that he will see just for them now good things.

As we know, things are hardly comes across Sun, despite the murder case to an end, and he is surprised by sharp reaction of his father, as to he top brought that traitorous secret document.

Chul-Joo meditating in the forest, remember his old friend Kim Mu. In flashback we see Chul-joo in the last moments before execution Mu arrive, and last thought Mu was that he did not hand Chul-joo saved because he was a friend, but because he had become the largest Joseon fencers.

Sun finds Chul-joo training in the forest, and Chul-joo calls it a moment of telepathy, because he hoped to see the prince. He tells Sun that he supplied the pipe (and the maengui , hidden inside) to teachers Park, but teachers Park turn handed it over to someone else and Sun Chul-joo store.

Sun asks why he tell him all this, and Chul-joo says. "Because someone has set right this dirty world, the man is a believes only can someone under him kill over a dirty document amounts to less than a piece of paper does not have to charge a person and change it? "

the words moving sun is low, and his eyes with tears glisten. Chul-joo asks: "Will you change it?"

Sun marched back to the palace with determination and has called to see him Teachers Park. Park comes with a letter of resignation at the ready and Sun tears it angry at it a try call to run away. He asks bluntly if teachers Park the maengui enough to save him on Prime Minister Kim, and teachers do not even know the park where his actions to defend launch, freaky especially that Sun itself knows what is called the maengui.

Sun Smoke, teachers reminded Park because he said he was fine, so long imprisoned, she went after the truth is what all this was for. Teachers Park asks how he came about the maengui to know, but Sun says that he was the one who taught him to trust anyone, and he wants the consultation to follow now begin.

He intends to get his hands on this document, and teachers told Park that he just so the horse must be in this war. Teachers Park trembles in fear and asks Sun not to do this, to warn him that he is not prepared to handle it.

sun gets into the heart of his fear and asks if it really what he cherishes suspicion-his father is party of treason documented in maengui? Teachers silenced Park, and Sun wounded looks as if he says: "?. Do you know when you are most efficient if you do not want to lie with your words, teachers," Off He charges against teachers Park has a chance with a reply to come.

The central concern "Noron Minister now is to keep the document in their possession, so that recent events do not repeat, and Prime Minister Kim says not to worry he wants the matter to be buried directly under the king's nose.

Sun asks Court Lady Choi on which in 1724 has happened, and it looks visibly disturbed at the mention of the year. at his insistence, confirmed they just the most obvious events, namely that King Gyeongjong died and his brother Yeongjo became king. But she looks downright petrified when she says that she can no longer say, and that Sun of even mentioning renounce the year, according to.

This is enough to confirm his suspicions that there is a hell of a lot more history, and the more they do not warn him to dig, the more he is convinced that he has to. Ack him someone so the truth to say that he listens to your warnings!

He only proves their fears are justified when he strolls right into the royal library and asks for the records of 1724. the eyebrows to the left and the right throws and Sun will said that no records from this year exist because they all were destroyed from a fire 10 years (the fire Yeongjo set in the first to try and get rid of maengui place).

Yeongjo immediately gets word that sun to get out this year for records was poking and looks petrified, as it dawns on him that Sun to already know everything. His eunuch swears his men need to see the prince tightly to know to be safe.

Sun is outside the library, the front rose 10 years in flames, and recalls see them as young in flames. Prime Minister Kim and teachers Park were there, and the King had lamented the loss of their rich history. He now wonders about the true meaning of these tears, and thinks that they could be proof that his father had nothing to do with the maengui or fire.

Advisor Chae brings the Prince another stack of Noron records and hesitates before carefully when Sun asks about the identity of Juk-pa investigated. It takes a list of all the nicknames maengui signed, they all identified to Noron officials with one exception :. Juk-pa

He asks again what the content of the document, and Sun says that he seriously. A promise of TripAdvisor Chae needs before he can answer his question Sun says that he intends the truth, to seek care where that road leads (nooooooooo! It leads to a very bad place!), And asks if Chae follow him to the end.

Chae kneeling as a sign of its commitment, and then asks for the document. Sun hand trembles when he takes it from his sleeve and hands it over, and Advisor Chae eyes widen when he reads it.

Sun averts his gaze and his voice trembles when he asks what TripAdvisor Chae said: "Does the king know of the maengui Could he be Juk-pa This will not be the case, is not it??? "Agh, the hope in his voice ...

the worst thing is, someone overheard on their conversation. The spy reports to Prime Minister Kim, who looks shocked that the prince inquired into the identity of Juk-pa. Cruuuuuud.

The next morning, Sun calls for a royal tutoring session and change the subject of the study want to discuss the importance of a household lead, as taught in a text, and calls on the pointed rhetorical question, what happens when a man can not manage his own household or to control his own son post holds a high-level government? (He refers specifically to the first three ministerial posts, of which Prime Minister is the highest.)

Huch, it enough barbed Advisor Chae to worry about asking for the tutoring session whether Sun to go directly to the Prime Minister intends Kim Taek. Does he mean to test even the king? He worries that Sun is able not handle what he getting into, but Sun has clearly no intention over gets

Yeongjo word of tuition hour of the prince and it puts it on the edge. "A father who ... can not control his own son, is that me, or is that Kim Taek?"

in the teacher Park Towers Traveller Chae scold lighting go to him for renting, the Prince for a full frontal attack on the Prime Minister. Traveller Chae argues that he is not wants to stop Sun he can hardly want included the Prime Minister's neck with his own hands to tear, and went so far because he does not want to bow to the prince will save his people like heaven to serve. He asks if he this is bitter to the injustice, as Sun must feel.

teacher says Park, that is not reason enough to take a young soldier to win in a war that he is not ready. Chae thinks there is nothing to say that the Prince did not win this fight, but teachers Park contends that Sun and Advisor Chae are both ill-equipped to go against the likes of Prime Minister Kim.

Chae switched it off with the words that the arrow has already been dismissed. Park finally yells: "And when to stop while trying to Kim Taek, you can have a still greater enemy face!" He does not say it out loud, but he is the king and teachers Park is even more frightened when Chae curtly replies that he already knows. "Because I do not you.": Park asks incredulously, as he is not to put an end, and Chae answers Damn it.

go The desire of the prince, after Prime Minister Kim has attracted the Soron camp, and they begin the process of removal of the Prime Minister, starting with official appeals the prince, so that he has to stand on purpose. So it is called a good start.

But Prime Minister Kim, though shocked by Sun to play in power, just go quietly to say Yeongjo that he should prepare an attack ", otherwise you will have to present a different heir." Eek. Yeongjo rushes out to him, rattled to leave both sides.

Prime Minister Kim goes directly to Yeongjo pregnant concubine Lady Moon and tells her that they have a son must, because the legacy will be the next king of Joseon. He plays the role of the faithful subject and swears his loyalty: ". They say that a wise bird chooses a tree good, and that a wise vassal selects a good master" Lady Moon does not hesitate to take him as an ally and trusted him everything.

Princess Hyegyeong listen to the visit of the Prime Minister Lady Moon and speculates what he's up to, it is the royal house and replace the crown prince to shake. She tells her father that they get rid of Prime Minister Kim have and at their word, he gathers together scholars to write more official appeals to the Prime Minister impeachment.

Meanwhile, Prime Minister Kim comes Sun directly asking if he really thinks he can beat him, and Sun smiles on the challenge back to say that they did not know until he tries.

mount support both sides, and Prime Minister Kim plans to Sun to blame, are always involved in a Soron action, essentially engaged in factional politics that they will then argue for Yeongjo the Tangpyeong policy is technically criminals (a policy which he introduced to curb infighting in his yard).

But Sun surprised Advisor Chae when he says that he wants to protect Prime Minister Kim. Oh, mess are you with him? Yeongjo listen to what's on and giggles going on, a little impressed by his son and wondered what his endgame.

Meanwhile, the Soron scholars who have rallied against the prime minister, are upset that their cries went unanswered, and they kneel in the courtyard to start a demonstration, for the Prime Minister to sing impeachment.

Prime Minister Kim, meanwhile, argues that Yeongjo once a lid has to put on his son, and for all, and to take away his reign.

sun leaves the protest go late into the night, and then comes the Soron scholars meet. He makes a show of Prime Minister years defending faithful service to the king, but if the Soron leader shouting that he would die in protest, so behaves as to give in forced, and stated that he would present their case to the king. You smartypants.

The hearing Soron Minister thereof and find out that nothing will happen to Prime Minister Kim when it is in Yeongjo hands, but teachers Park panics. He has to stop too late sun, and asks Advisor Chae if it all the time-knew that all this meant the king was to be tested.

Yeongjo appeals by reading, and asks Sun why he brought this matter to him. Sun says that the ouster of Prime Minister Kim is not something he has to deal with. He says, with added emphasis: "Since 1724 ... since the day you boarded, it is not the topic is most dear?"

to cover Sun watches for the reaction of his father, and Yeongjo twitches at the mention of the year and reached characteristically an ear to the expression of an unpleasant thing. Yeongjo treading carefully, and says to him, it is not a question of what subject he holds dear, but he found the subject at a particular time useful.

He insists that this is a matter that the sun can decide without him, and asks if Prime Minister Kim is of use to him, or not. Sun is not a slightest in and pushes back response is down he remove the Prime Minister from office?

Finally Yeongjo him he can tell take the seat of the Prime Minister of Kim Taek away ... but then adds that it all is an exaggeration to dismiss, and he should him degrade only a useless post. Yeongjo warns that he. Noron leader after all, and there is a price to pay He advises Sun "under the hand of the Grim Reaper, if you need to, that policy is."

Sun has troubled by his father's words, but recovered successfully to fire the right Kim Taek what he does immediately. Sun demoted him per suggestion of his father, and Kim Taek tells Sun that he has won this round, but he intends to etch this moment deep in his bones repay later. Great, now I'm afraid that Sun got his way.

Kim Taek is all smiles until the sun goes away when he opens his trembling hand so hard from clenched fist to reveal the blood.

Sun in his palace, exhausted, and although Traveller Chae this a clear choice by the king calls with Sun Kim Taek to side, not sun do not shine how happy or safe.

Yeongjo goes for a late walk with the teacher Park, and mentioned that Sun to digging for identity Juk-pa. He now knows that the Sun has maengui have read, and asks if teachers Park was the one who showed it to him. Without the answer to hear guesses Yeongjo that Park is not the type to act so rashly to find out that another copy are in circulation.

Park is worried that this will get out of control, but Yeongjo cuts him off: ". Do you know what is now the biggest problem that the prince dared to test me" Yack, I knew , that was a mistake!

Yeongjo says that when the Sun, the title, his first thought should be read as a son, his father, to consider a victim who was framed. Instead, Sun's first thought his father and using Kim Taek presumed to test him. Teachers Park tried to speak in defense of the sun, but Yeongjo laughs maniacally that if he was given a problem, he should give a reply

Yeongjo leans menacingly in :. "You said I would be a tyrant, is not it? I'm one of those who challenge me. But for those who follow me, I'll be a wise king." It is mainly a deterrent because the latter is, what Yeongjo as is known. He laughs when he goes away, so that teachers Park discouraged.

Kim Taek wastes no time and sends an assassin for the prince. A man dressed in black steadies his bow with Sun in its sights, and an arrow fires. It narrowly missing him, and the shooter is running, but after the initial shock realized Sun that it was not an attempt on his life, but a message.

There is a piece of paper attached to the arrow, and he unravels a mystery about the identity to find the Juk-pa: He's in an image, but is not shown. Sun sees the key and gasps: "It can not be ... I know who that is"

He takes off in a run and Advisor Chae follows. Sun creeps into the library, as he mutters the key over and over again, and grabs a volume of royal processional painting.

His terror increases when he searched page by page, to repeat the key and its importance parsing: "The person in the pictures, which is not in the pictures, the person who can not always be drawn.. .. "We see that after drawing in drawing, wherever the king is always marked, but never drawn his character. Since it is not allowed


COMMENTS [1945015"Itisthenation'skingmyfather"]

He knows! HE KNOWS! That's frightening, and I feel torn about it-it is narratively satisfying on one side and on the other hand ... there is death. I'm totally on Sun's side, but I would like friendly to roll him in bubble wrap and lock him in his room, so that it ceases to discover the truth. This show has to make the interesting effect you the same root for the hero, as he wished, he would be leaving things. I know it would be terrible, only to let the massive corruption all continue unchecked, and he doing the right thing at every opportunity and it admirably fat be why I love him as a character. But sometimes I just want to cry, Stop poking the bear!

There is a case of narrative, the story to their advantage in a good way used a meta-layer to add tension, because we know exactly how dangerous playing a game sun. While I'm rooting for him, I can not be happy at his victory over Prime Minister Kim when I know how it will come back tenfold to him. I like that in essence the story is used by a court to turn drama into a thriller, due to the fact that we know more than our hero forever. Narrative tension can you be a risk that your audience running frustration with the hero in any other story treacherous open ended, I could complain be that Sun is still too naive. But I enjoy the twist in this drama where I have been active with the part of myself in the war, the hero wants to stop fighting win and learn the truth for the benefit of staying alive.

I can not believe that Sun dared to test his father, so open, even if it is performed in the opposite manner to that Yeongjo takes. The problem between father and son is always a matter of perspective-So does his hopes in his father to confirm, more than anything else want Yeongjo to prove him right that he is not part of this conspiracy plot. But of course Yeongjo sees only in the exact opposite, assuming that his son jumped from him to the worst conclusion when he powerless puppet ruler was (at least at the time of signing the maengui) and feels harassed even more so to be grossly misunderstood. It's a terribly sad case of a person who distrusts and drives everyone away from him while complaining that nobody trusts him, and no one will remain at his side.

These rings for Yeongjo the history books as true, because for all his power and his own personal dislike of his son, he was very sensitive Sado trusting and defend him when it comes to allegations of his involvement in King Gyeongjong mysterious death came. was known Yeongjo never directly tell his son what he wanted, but was always disappointed when Sado did not rise to his father's defense. At its core, it is a misunderstanding (you could see how a communicative father would share this burden with his son and make him an ally from the beginning), but the political stakes, where it is inflated in a tragic misunderstanding of epic proportions and they will have this way of separation further down, started on the wrong foot. I know that it's probably time for Sun to start his father to see who he really is, but Aaaah, I do not know if I'm ready for this grief.

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tags: featured, Han Seok-kyu, Kim Yoo-jung, Lee Je -Hoon, Park Eun-bin, secret door

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