Recap And Reviews Kdrama Doctor Away: Episode 8

Recap and reviews korean drama Doctor Away: Episode 8 -

The competition for the best surgeons always rages like any game of musical priorities plays relations and teammates all while the stakes rise higher and higher. Despite the darkest past of all, Hoon heart is in the right place when it comes to save lives, which is more than can his metaphor joyful rivals be said. At least our hero a guy got heart bleeds in Soo-hyun, but you'd be surprised how much callousness among physicians at Myungwoo is hospital-although I think that is no surprise in drama country where is caring usually the last what on each physician mind.

still competitive and unpredictable show reviews because this episode was recorded a decline of 13.1% to 12.5%, while hit Big Man 's figures 11.2% on their steady climb upwards. Doctor Stranger better watch out.


Jeon Hye-Won - "이렇게 좋은 날 (So Good Day ) " from the OST. [ Download ]

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After Seung-hee Hoon agrees operation on the twins to help carry out, he agrees to go in the absolutely ridiculous operation competition. As prime minister Jang, he says to work with him to the front looks, Hoon answered only with silence and a tense smile.

he recalls what Prime Minister Jang did to him, and Jang fell smile when leaving Hoon tells us that he remembers.

Prime Minister Jang is surprised that Hoon said nothing at the sight of him, and notes that Hoon become must've soft when he takes on the toilet goes. Hoon there and lands overhear causes unrepentant Jang to note that Hoon much as his father looks like.

Hoon loses his temper and grabs the Prime Minister of his expensive lapels. Jang unfortunately does not seem as if he gives his condolences for Hoon father crying on the Hoon: "Why did not you do it?", While his father hold memories when he breathed his last. Prime Minister Jang: "Why do you think I did it?"

Since this is pretty much an admission of guilt, Hoon clocked the old man before growling, that he is going to win the competition, turned to see what Prime Minister Jang really looks like black heart.

During night and fellow security personnel try (to do Hoon?) To break into the locked bathroom, Prime Minister Jang says he can not see waiting as Hoon puts his heart. "Just pray that I not be," Hoon said menacingly. For if he is the one who performs the operation, he promises a hole in Jang heart to put

That's when Prime Minister Jang drops the bomb. "If you want to see my heart, you have to try your best. If you do not, you could never get your girlfriend to meet in the north." Ohh breeze.

Hoon stays out of trouble thanks (or no thanks) to Prime Minister Jang the commotion on his own fault dizziness. But unbeknownst to them, because Chi-Gyu and whatever girl he hiding this week with were in the bathroom, they say the Prime Minister Chairman Oh he overhear something did not know before. That Hoon, the son of Park Chul is

Before he leaves, Prime Minister Jang takes a tour of the hospital and asks Jae-joon, why does he want to operate on him. Jae-joon replies honestly that it is because he wants to be of Myungwoo Hospital new chairman he proves the best the chairman Oh ... right in front of Chairman Oh.

His future father-in-law apologizes for Jae-joon boldness, but Prime Minister Jang is unfazed, he also finds Jae-joon honesty refreshing. So if Chairman Oh asks what this means for Hoon, Prime Minister Jang all but shrugs when he says Hoon an uphill battle when it comes to Jae-joon.

Chairman Oh Director Choi takes to task not to tell him about Hoon Genealogical and threatens to throw Hoon in place. But director Choi forces him to rethink the subtle threat that he knows "too much" about the hospital, as Chairman Oh the middle road leads through the offer in the blank to Hoon remain competitive only now he has competition to surgery shorten. May the best man win doctor.

Director Choi a call in English from the Mac robot voice gets to tell him that the orphan boy he wanted for Lee Seung-Hoon, who recently returned to Korea. Robot voice says he has a projection which is Lee Seung-hoon, and that he will call director Choi when he knows for sure.

What Director Choi not know is that the call is coming from inside the hospital, such as robots Voice Office Jae-joon, the comes and asks, "Lee Seung-hoon" Jae-joon turns around. Welp, we got our answer to the question whether Jae-joon is the maligned orphan.

While the two seem to know each other, robot voice seems a little surprised that Jae-joon Lee Seung-hoon is he's been looking for, it's hard to say whether he in league with Jaeger joon or not do.

The two converse in Chinese, asking with Jae-joon if hit robot voice with Director Choi while robot voice replied that it all depends on Jae-joon. Curiouser and curiouser.

But he owes Jae-joon guilt because Jae-joon heart surgery performed on his father, and Jae-joon buys him a ticket to China to him as soon as possible from Korea. Before he leaves, commented robot voice, as Jae-joon of lego castle is far from complete, before you ask, what is Jae-joon do if it is.

"I'll tear it down," Jae-joon replies. "I built this castle just so I can tear it down." Our episodic dose this hour has arrived from metaphorical foreshadowing early.

Hoon pulls Seung-hee aside only to them to smile for a moment, but she quickly begins a smile back when she sees reflection near Agent-Cha. Hoon seems slightly off to notice, but says nothing. (This lack Hospital security is really turning into a theme.)

Seung-hee Hoon says that the twins only getting worse and will need surgery soon although he is suspicious, why they volunteered to help. He thinks of Prime Minister Jang warning also back if it does not compete well he does not want to operate on him will receive and will never therefore be seen again Jae-hee.

However Seung- hee claims she is just to save the children. They are interrupted when Soo-hyun jokingly asks how much Hoon paid for the surgery, and then quit the discussion in Chang-yi cafe where Hoon has to explain that he took an entire 500 won for the operation.

course when Seung-hee asks if that's all it took, he thinks back to the gangsters per stitch to shop and shrugs in defeat. Soo-hyun keeps the tone of the conversation light, as she tells Seung-hee that Hoon was to sneak his girlfriend from the north to save.

"What do you think would say your girlfriend when she learns?" Seung-hee asks adverse, and with the two girls on his cooperation, Hoon resigns one or two-word answers. He says grudgingly Soo-hyun the essentials to all questions that she asks about Jae-hee, like, how they met, whether it was love at first sight, etc.

But every time he replied that he sneaks a look at Seung-hee. Although he complained about Jae-hee behavior towards him, he answers still Soo-hyun question of why he still like them with: "Because they Jae-hee."

Soo-hyun confesses that she is jealous when she asks if Jae-hee knows how he feels about it. Hoon answer is more harmless, though he looks at Seung-hee, when he says that Jae-hee would not in any case know because she's not here. Soo-hyun: "When you meet them later, what you want to say?" I missed you? ''

Surprisingly Hoon responds by slamming his fist on the table when he sees Seung-hee straight in the eye: "I see the babies save, so do not worry. But what is your real reason? The real reason why you do this operation? "Then he turns back to Soo-hyun with a disarming smile as he says is what he wants to tell Jae-hee. Hmm. I wonder if this means that he know that Seung-hee = Jae-hee?

Seung-hee is called away from Agent Cha, who has just received word from Prime Minister Jang that he Hoon wants to stay away from him. wait. .. what Okay, let me break. Prime Minister Jang moved heaven and earth Hoon to get on the surgical team that was already risky together to look at their past, but now that Hoon's known of their past, Jang wants and now wants Jae-joon to do the operation? How does ANY of this sense ?!

Anyway, the plan is for Seung-hee to Jaeger joon team back on because he is the leader now perform the operation. Or something.

Hoon uses his genius to pick up the twins, it is for the operation on. It looks like Jae-joon be operated on the other at the same time, and who with a dead baby does not win. End

pull to discuss the surgery procedure, with their teams, although Hoon is quite sparse compared to Jae-joon in adjacent rooms see-through. To make the stakes higher, they only have a 45 minute time frame to work with, because of the complications, if they no longer take.

And hah, it's cute how while taking Hoon waves Jae-joon and his team in the other room like a dork because the operation seriously, then it is not as stone-faced as Jae-joon is on competition.

in the other room, Jae-joon ignored objections from his team about Soo-hyun his first mate and chooses them anyway. He reassured Soo-hyun in private that he has faith in her.

Now that Doctor Yang Hoon has as his first mate and Seung-hee when his anesthesiologist, he has to find a scrub / scrub nurse. But the nurse Hoon want is not in the hospital.

Meanwhile, Seung-hee thinks to switch to Jae-joon team back to the agent Cha command for them, even if that means giving up on Hoon. "I do not know what they think also," Cha added that as an apt illustration of the writer seems to know at this point.

But even if Seung hee is being moved, Agent Cha wants must , Hoon win. "He's just worthless trash if he loses. You, me, and that bastard will all die." I feel like that's a redundant question at this point, but, why?

to find her nurse, visited Hoon MIN SOO JI ( Uhm Soo-jung ), which we know as the woman pregnant with Doctor Yang of the baby.

... Or the woman who was pregnant because Nurse Min is the door to look no answer for her child. So Hoon sneaks through the window and plays the sympathy card, to convince them to his team, but it is a while ago a nurse or abandoned.

He goes without knowing what her answer, although it is at least considering. Doctor Yang holds later her child when he tells her that she made the right choice to do it, even if it is useless: Coupled with the shady phone call from the last ep, Doctor Yang "Doctor Park will never beat Doctor Han." seems to be another ajusshi over forty in a conspiracy against Hoon.

Seung-hee it breaks to Hoon, that it is out of operation, the backup, use the lame excuse that they want to get away time. I love that he throws what she said earlier her back (on the desire to save the baby), and that their reaction is pretty much I have, but now just is not working.

after a meeting with Seung-hee, where she was convinced to change sides, the anesthesiologist, the Soo-hyun next Jae-joon had practice team, EUN MIN objected SE ( Han Eun-sun ), volunteers Hoon anesthesiologist in Seung-hee place.

This means to be that Jae-joon now no anesthetist (as it literally all go home early and can not help, or something) to be convinced, what causes to seek him Seung-hee ,

Just like she said Hoon, it claims that it is not available until Hoon shows up to try to persuade them to join Jae-joon team. She is confused, that he helps Jae-joon when they're supposed to be in the competition, and Hoon replied that it is because he wants the competition to be fair.

Still Seung-hee is a no-go, because they go home, got is Dance Moms to watch. Jae-joon is suspicious motives of Hoon to help, and claims that he is so good, he did not even need to win an anesthesiologist. Hoon just smiles and wishes him the best.

Chairman Oh, knows that Jae-joon, the wooden castle is a metaphor for Myungwoo Hospital, but tried the way Jae-joon she looks to change. He (Chairman Oh) is not the owner, he castle is only the caretaker.

The castle itself has, he claims, as in a The Shining he chooses esque way his supervisor. And in order for Jae-joon to prove himself as a possible caretaker for the animal that is Myungwoo Hospital, he got rid of Hoon. They say that all this in Burg metaphors, of course, but that's the gist of it.

To prepare for the operation, Hoon enters the virtual reality chamber of his mind, to imagine how it would go ... only to let yourself interrupted by Soo-hyun. Ha, I love that down, can hear the simulator power and that Soo-hyun really confused by Hoon behavior.

But she's here because she is uncertain about, as the first member of Jae-joon to do surgery which team that is exactly why Min-se said they did not fit for the job was. Hoon is not helping someone on his rival team up, as this will help the survival of both babies make.

It is inconvenient when Hoon is tricky, and after jokingly assured her that he tried unsuitable is not to be, he returned in a hug, so he can Inception runs in their joint simulation to show her how it's done. (It's a simulation within a simulation!)

Seung-hee does not look happy, the two of them so close to see, but then again, that only their normal expression might be. After Jae-joon Soo-hyun away annoying for a conversation takes, tries Seung-hee Hoon recalled that he help in a competition and Soo-hyun, he only helped the enemy.

"Do you think this competition is a joke?" She asks. Hoon calmly replies that they the one to be on their promise to his team, backed out and then refused Jae-joon is join. She holds him with some advice: There is much more at stake in this contest, as he thinks

Hoon asks her what is at stake. . "If I lose, I'm going to die?" I thought for a moment that you might Jae-hee ... but you're not. "When she asked why, he replies:" If you Jae-hee, would you say that it is win or lose, if I does not matter. "

it, that it is trying to say because the competition is important and Hoon gets angry when he called the baby again, that nothing is more important fires. He drilled it that the two miniature people to have to have surgery tonight, an operation they might not even survive.

"Why is the competition so important if we do not know whether they live or die after surgery? Is what winning or losing, so important?" When she tried to argue, he cut her word and says her go. She walks away full with tears in his eyes.

Soo-hyun devastated when Jae-joon tells her he means switching HYUN from the bespectacled doctor GEUM BONG- because it min- the se back to his team.

But with the way Jae-joon calls, Soo-hyun will soon known that he does not see them and react as close Hoon jealous. She claims she went to Hoon for help despite her embarrassment, and Jae-joon fires back: "Was that your embarrassed face For me, it looked like you could not contain your luck?." Ouch.

added complication is, he pulls rank on them and orders it. From the surgical team Asks you to reconsider for him because every doctor wants to try a difficult procedure as they are on the list infants to Jae-joon replies coldly: "I need someone can it do, not someone wants to do it.

He not Hoon must ask for help "more drills in their inability by adding someone like Bong-hyun would. Impressive. So this is about his jealousy.

is given to accept

Soo-hyun, but no other choice, and fighting as hard as ever after catching her tears. It does not work the arms.

Jae-joon Doctor Yang a cryptic text asking for his help as a knight, cashing in on the trade he made to help Yang advance if he helped Jae-joon sends. Doctor Yang wasted no time in a door on his hand slammed again ... Jesus, Seung-hee can only get out of surgery by saying so, but this guy has to break his hand?

Doctor Yang explained his reasons nurse Min, and that he did it to get a full time position of Jae-joon. She has disappointed in him, even if he claims that he did it to be a better father. "Then about what to be a good doctor?" She asks, but gets no response.

This leaves Hoon without first mate, and as Soo-hyun has become available only recently, he asks her. It is initially reluctant (because Jae-joon she made her abilities doubted), but Hoon says all the right things to convince her to take his hand.

But that's when Hoon finds out that Min-se left his team Jae-joon is join. She has not left completely deprived him though, as they Seung-hee calls on their behalf, as their superior, to be eligible for the surgery. Huh. That was to get all part of the original plan Seung-hee with her Jae-joon to change his mind.

Now that Seung-hee back to Hoon team it seems like that's what they these Roundabout made any plans for all along-this way, they on could be ordered to be Hoon team and avoid the suspicion of Prime Minister Jang, not on Jae-joon being.

as Agent Cha has earlier in the hour, she admits that she does not know what "they" think, but that the two of them with their mission to continue independently. Unbeknownst Seung-hee and Agent-Cha, Chang-yi follows them on Hoon command.

After the night the spy of the president buys away, we (and Chang-yi), see Agent and Cha Seung-hee approaching a darkened art center, rifles at the ready. She follows them into the building, while the babies are preparing for an operation in hospital.

Jae-joon is furious when he finds out that Soo-hyun Hoon joined Team as doctors begin scrubbing up throwing Hoon of winning in an attempt dirty play.

Hoon tone remains jokey when he Jae-joon can think what he wants, but he is dead serious when he says his rival: ". You need to save the baby at all costs Understand?"

Chang-yi calls Hoon as he scrub, and he is to respond in a position even after his phone into the sink. (Ha, now I want to kind of one of these waterproof phones. Damn, PPL!) It is well hidden, even though the art center with bodyguards teeming as Seung-hee and meet Agent-Cha with a dramatically lit nightshade and are stripped in the process of their weapons ,

Hoon is for Seung-hee worried once Chang-yi it goes something shady down, and flashes back to telling moment when Jae-hee shot was and now night told at the moment when he saw Seung-hee

for the first time the two spies that there has been a change in plans. Jae-joon has been chosen to work on Prime Minister Jang. As he says, he pulls a gun on Seung-hee.

Chang-yi eyes grow wide as night finger pulls the trigger. "I think he'll kill them!"


In an attempt to try this show better understand a task where I just have a very difficult time to do, I'll try to list them all going on the myriad conspiracies, so we (ideally) they begin to break down from there. Or at least try to, anyway.

1) Prime Minister Jang prevent conspiracy War, to become president, 2) Director Choi wrongdoing conspiracy over Jae-joon parents, 3) Chairman Oh conspiracy that wrongdoing conspiracy to cover up, 4) Prime Minister Jang conspiracy Hoon father, 5) Prime Minister Jang killing conspiracy to get Hoon hospital to operate at Myungwoo, 6) Chairman Oh get conspiracy Hoon on stop operate at Myungwoo hospital, 7) Jae-joon conspiracy Myungwoo hospital assume, 8) The Jae-hee / Seung-hee conspiracy 9) Agent-Cha and Seung-hee mysterious mission conspiracy, and finally 10) The "Who ISN 'T a spy?" conspiracy.

Phew. I have at least half of them? The thing is, it is not even the bajillion plates show will be at any given time spinning, which makes things difficult as a viewer, because if not to concentrate on a plate it decides in the context of political conspiracies it does feels like to explain more, it usually does a good job. I never thought I would be the one to say that I, the hospital scenes more than to enjoy the spy scenes, but then again, I never on hospitals to weighing expected and spies regarding on a drama. I think it's a first time for everything.

So from all listed conspiracies Hoon participation (or not) is Jang practice in Prime Minister what the bewildering as of late, if only because there is not a whole lot Make sense. When Jang knew with Hoon his past could be a problem, why did he insist so strongly that Hoon perform the surgery in the first place? It's not like he chosen Jae-joon also because of the competition that now randomly appears if it was designed for Jang to choose his team even though originally the competition was arbitrary because he'd already chosen Hoon only a matter of heart to a change of prime minister Jang.

If that all makes the effort expended Hoon completely put in the hospital and entirely devoid of purpose. Even if Hoon threatened him, seemed to be Jang challenging him only to win, so that he perform the surgery. And for what? Why did he want Hoon comes first when Jae-joon was a suitable replacement?

And then we come to the Seung-hee question, and why its existence is a black hole where plausible explanations go to die. I can not get my head around wrap Seung-hee seem relevant if it has been made as Jae-hee look exactly works around the only person in South Korea, which she knew as Jae-hee, but builds its whole personality to not is Jae-hee-regardless of whether they actually or not. While we know it and Agent-Cha working on some level with Prime Minister Jang, also made it clear in this episode that he're not the only one they take out orders. When Jang Hoon rejected for surgery, Agent-Cha and Seung-hee had to put their heads together to find a way to find out that Hoon would still win to make because their lives (somehow) against it.

So that means someone is to them scarier than the prime minister, and there is someone who cares really Hoon fate. But since we are talking conspiracy anyway, I have to throw an equally ridiculous in the mix: What if Hoon father is still alive? I mean, they never retrieved his body, and we usually know what that means ... Orrrrrr we do?

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