Recap And Reviews Kdrama Three days: Episode 14

Recap and reviews korean drama Three days: Episode 14 -

The race is on identifying a Jaesin mole working in the blue house. But heavy in this mystery episode, the biggest question in my mind is, how often do you try to kill a president in the course of nine days? We do not know until next week the final, but this episode adds a few hash marks on the tally.


President Lee steps out on a roof and a sniper crosshair, ready to act his life in exchange for Cha-young security. But Tae-Kyung also has its way to the roof, and you know that he does not have it is to sink in this way. Sure enough, just as the sniper pulls the trigger, Tae-Kyung deals with the president to the ground.

The nearby tower where he unfold observed the action, President Kim can not believe his eyes as president sits up, a little dazed, but without saying new holes in his body.

Kims sniper not get not so simple - a Blue House SWAT team took him with a bullet through the brain. The dominoes just keep falling for the Chairman Kim as secret agents stationed defeat his minions inside the building. The good ones are really to the point today.

from allies, makes Chairman Kim a run for the exit, but his escape is stopped by the security team leader, which places him under arrest for his connection to the last in a series of many presidential assassinations. So that means the security team leader is not the Blue House Mole?

Out on the roof, the President Tae-Kyung and the security team apologizes to cause them (a bit of an understatement) to care. He does not seem all ease breathing to be more. In fact, it seems almost a little disappointed.

Later confronted at the Blue House, Tae-Kyung security team leader about his role in the incident. Tae-Kyung had to pass him to what would alarmed at the cinema. Why should he ignore it and ruthlessly the President say in danger so?

The answer lies in a flashback to earlier that night. In preparation for his night at the movies, the President meets with the Prime Minister to make him ready to say, because he acting president will very soon get a promotion.

The security team leader guesses easily, the reason for this action. He suspects that the President Chairman Kim now wants him to murder night at the movies. He called on the President not to go, but President Lee is undeterred. He sees this as the only way to Kim once and for all to stop, to leave behind by evidence that Kim was responsible for his death.

, the security team leader has a good head on his shoulders and recognizes an alternative plan Luckily. He sends the SWAT team to the scene. When the president steps out on the roof, the SWAT team Cannons at the sniper and Chairman Kim identified the shots from a window in the tower next door calls.

The present Chairman is Kim now undergo the police interrogation. He remains cool as a cucumber, without a lawyer to answer all questions in decline.

But he knows not only how he is really screwed. Attorney Choi comes with some additional charges against President Kim: the abduction of Agent Lee Cha-young. It is completely safe and willing to testify about his role in the assassination.

There is only one piece of the puzzle is still missing. Who is President Kim mole within the Blue House? Kim dodges the question, laughing in the face of the prosecutor. Prosecutor Choi looks crazy enough to beat him, but only an assistant comes with Kim's phone records. Time on the ground, to get this.

The Blue House, Tae-Kyung wonders why the President him enough trust him to tell about the SWAT team plan ahead of time. But just because he trusts Tae-Kyung that he could not tell him. The President knew Tae-Kyung would never allow him to go forward with such a risky plan.

Tae-Kyung chides him as reckless, but the President reminded him that all went well. He is safe, Cha-young is safe, and Chairman Kim is in custody. We can finally all relax now, right?

Incorrect. The safety team leader is about to burst at the door President Lee bladder with news about Chairman Kim Man inside the Blue House. Kim's phone records have led researchers to a specific phone in the Blue House. The owner of the phone and the identity of Bluehouse mole is ... a nobody background actor. As only a complete Rando. Huh, anti-climax.

The President is in visible distress, as this apparently beloved employees arrested. The security team leader wants to examine all the Blue House, just in case there are other of them with links to Jaesin (as perhaps a sign each of us has ever noticed before?), But the president tells him not to bother , He wants to give his resignation in two days time.

Tae-Kyung and security team leader protest and said that was arrested since President Kim, the president will likely be cleared of any charges against him. But President Lee feels too guilty to continue about his past in office. His last act as leader of the nation is Yangjinri personally attend to atone for his wrongs.

Tae-Kyung seen in the hospital, Cha-young goes where Bo-won has watched over them. When he looks at the sleeping Cha-young, he thinks back to the time when Cha-young encourage him to keep going, to keep doing the right thing when it was difficult.

The fact that I made him long far in Cha-young stare a little uncomfortable Bo-won and she decides to leave her alone. Since the risk over time seem to be really, she is ready to go home as Seojori head. She thanked Tae-Kyung for everything he has done for them and makes a hasty exit.

When she the hallway, her true feelings heads down written all over his face. She is not ready to say goodbye so soon. She takes her cell phone out to Tae-Kyung writing an SMS (Does she not, you should wait two days? Play it cool, girl), but before she can exit the command, it appears in the hallway behind her. "Have you eaten?" He asks. Bo-won is struck speechless for a moment.

to come home at dinner, Tae-Kyung wonders how Bo-won planning, it is to be middle of the night and their car was reduced to a pile of ashes recently. He invites her to spend the night at his place again. You anyone too excited, though; it is because by itself be all the time, because Tae-Kyung has to report to work.

You asked when he would return, but he tells her intelligence never again say they are - it is always possible that they do not. All he can say is that he hopes that they will see each other again soon. Bo-won hope so, too. (That makes three of us.)

Chairman Kim seems to have friends everywhere he goes, and police headquarters is no exception. His allies in the police slipping him a cell phone, which he used to call the creepy guy American Falcon. "It is time to prepare for our final plan," he tells him.

On the morning of Yangjinri visit the Blue House security team for the trip prepares. The itinerary of the president is a secret from the media and the citizens of Yangjinri be kept. Given his role in the 1998 incident, it could very well be Yangjinri locals want to harm him. Thus, the security team at the last event with President Lee will be, and they want everything to go smoothly.

lawyer Choi Tae-Kyung phones with a worrying development. A closer look at the phone records of Chairman Kim, he discovers that Kim spoke to a second Blue House Mol shortly before the attempted sniping. The second mole was a telephone at the security team at the office.

Tae-Kyung looks preparing for his fellow agents around the president to Yangjinri accompany. Which of them could it be?

He brings the message to the security team leader, urging him to cancel the event Yangjinri. The team leader is reluctant to cancel the President of the last trip - when he called to his resignation in court in connection, this might be his only chance to pay his relationship with the people of Yangjinri.

He agreed to arrange for an examination of the alibis of all agents. Tae-Kyung volunteers to stay behind and lead the investigation and the team leader promises throughout the event careful watch on the president to hold.

The president is disappointed to hear that Tae-Kyung will not accompany him to Yangjinri. When he reached to shake his hand, the President recalled the day she met when Tae-Kyung promised first to protect him. He also remembers when Tae-Kyung, before this promise confirmed a few hours. They shake hands and the President thanked him for his service.

The entry into detective mode, Tae-Kyung used security camera footage to confirm that Mole # 1 was out of the building when the call to the chairman Kim brought from the security office. That is, it was definitely a second mole with access to this official, who made the call.

He notes that most of the offices were empty in the building at that time, so the Mole could have used almost any cell phone he wanted, but he would probably have the closest chosen. The schedule for the conference room directly across the hall from the security office indicates that a meeting of the managers took the time of the call.

When Tae-Kyung calls the asking security team leader of the meeting, he happened to be right next to one of the meeting participants. He reported that the communications team leader at the time of the call to be heard that the SWAT team with the President sent to the cinema, had apologized from the meeting to attend an urgent matter.

Now we know , which is our second mole , but where he is, is a different story. Tae-Kyung takes security footage of him in front of the blue house with the car leaving 30 minutes, but where he was headed, is anyone's guess. The police notified and the search is, but Tae-Kyung gets in his car on his own to set, for Yangjinri passed.

Meanwhile, a policeman escorted lawyer Choi in Chairman Kim interrogation room, but Kim is still not ready to possibly talk because he knows who this moment comes through the hall. to have the shady prosecutor with an order, the suspect in his custody

Choi asked Chairman Kim when he is ready to make a confession. "Are you ready", "to die?", Kim counters For the first time that we get a good look at lawyer Choi police escort and horror of horrors, it's newest assassin Kim in disguise. Please tell me what I think is happening is not done.

The assistant prosecutor and officer bombers accompany Chairman Kim out of the building and it is free once again to create evil chaos. As they drive off in a patrol car, checked Kim, his helicopter is ready and waiting for him. It's time the president paid a visit.

Inside an officer begins to pay to ask what prosecutor Choi to keep so long. He pokes his head into the interrogation room and found Choi facedown on the table, blood pooling on the floor below him. So long, dear prosecutor.

as the President approaches Yangjinri, his mind with the tragic events of 1998, incident monument is filled as employees at Yangjinri, the security team of the President asks all visitors to the park to vacate.

, the police finally catch to the communications team leader and ask him for his role in the attempted sniping under arrest, but the guy seems really confused as to what they themselves speak. Uh-oh, maybe he was not the second mole, after all?

comes as the president in Yangjinri, he will get with emotion and can not bring himself out of the car. The security team leader asks if he wants a different time back, but the president shrinks and begins its slow, gloomy way to the monument of his devoted security detail surrounded.

When they reach the monument, the President asks for a little more privacy and the agents left him. He reads the engraved on the monument names of 24 civilians who died in 1998, again the tears of guilt smothered in his eyes swells when he the terrible events of the day photos remembers the role in which he planning they played.

in other countries, the communication has team leaders were taken for questioning, but he seems still not to understand why he was arrested and claims has shown that he is not the one who left during the session manager.

in the Memorial, the security team leader asks the third man who was at the meeting to confirm the report that he had received from the Chief of the moment before. As you might have guessed, the third type is version of events somewhat differently. He says that it was not the communications team leader who leave during the session, it is actually the boss of the moment was. You know, the one who now sits in the safety bus, to keep in the Memorial a gloomy eye on the security camera feed of the President.

The security team the spymaster command, the chief of the command to arrest Post and warns the President that they need to return to the blue house immediately. When they enter the safety bus, find the agent that the boss of the moment is gone.

A terrible shriek coming over the earpieces agents and the signal goes dead, the team leader knows what that means -. An EMP bomb was brought close to the explosion. The team prepares the president to wipe in safety, but this plan is put on hold when they heard near automatic gunfire.

pushing in his car, Tae Kyung-race through the city while his colleagues Yangjinri agents around the president and brace themselves for whatever happens next.


"shoe leather" is a term used to describe the steps a character needs to of a great history event ever to the next. For example: Our heroine gets a call that Timmy the well fell. She grabs quickly their keys, gets in the car, the car starts, put the location of the well in her GPS, drives to the well rises out of the car and saves Timmy! Hooray! The whole middle part there? This is shoe leather. (The term comes from all the leather from the bottom of their shoes spent as we take every step to watch them.)

Sometimes it is necessary or desirable to show the shoe leather. It can keep the audience from getting confused ( "Wait, how he know about it?"). It can create tension, as when we watch with bated breath as a character slowly walks towards the front door of the haunted house.

But make no mistake. We watch to see a show history, not shoe leather. I think it is a part of nature Three days is to show a little more shoe leather than we really need, but if you have more shoe leather on the screen than the actual history events, you are in trouble, and that is exactly what happened in this episode. I'll buy some of the worst crimes suggest, but if you want an exhaustive list, basically just above refer to "Episode 14 Recap".

Do I need a whole scene of prosecutor Choi to see explain Tae-Kyung, as he goes back to police headquarters to head to try now, an admission of President Kim elicit? If you can come up with a single thing we would be missed if the scene had been left on the cutting room floor, you're a far more perceptive observer as I

The two different accounts of what happened were a nice little equipment in the meeting of the manager, but there was no way for speedier Tae-Kyung, to find that the second mole was at this meeting? The amount of time spent on the screen security camera recordings on watching, travel from office to office, read all the schedules, find out who went where for dinner - I was the only hair strands from my own scalp tears

and we can fail certainly not how often we mention the President and Tae-Kyung on the way to Yangjinri, both checked as if going more than five minutes without a use of them sit in traffic would make the by ~~ POS = TRUNC action incomprehensible.

This episode had some nice elements. I always love to watch them, the romantic tension between Tae-Kyung and Bo-won ratchet. was woven to blame the President on Yangjinri by the episode a nice character development and its peak when he read the names on the monument was really touching. But the abundance of shoe leather and the glut of flashback montages from previous episodes make me wonder if the author is in the final episodes of short runs on history. I can only hope that the two filler episodes this week on an amazing finale next week put the pieces in place served. ? I'm sure that's right

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tags: featured, Micky Yoochun, Park Ha- sun, sun Yi-hyun, son Hyun-joo, Three Days

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