Recap And Reviews Kdrama You're all surrounded: Episode 2

Recap and reviews korean drama You're all surrounded: Episode 2 -

You know, what's funny about this show that it is a comedy different for everyone and a thriller for Seung-gi, but somehow it works because he play the humorless hero of his own story of revenge that is not aware that the meta- situation is funny. It's the same dissonance we saw in the backstory, as Ji-yong was being chased by a killer, while Soo-sun to make jokes about the PA system, and it turns out, their total momentum even now to be everything, for him life and death, while everyone else just trying to get through the day. And at the Gangnam Police Station, one day is pretty damn emotional, to say the least.

Reviews have, You're All surounded 12.3% yesterday premiered in first place and with Episode 2 introduction 14.2% confirmed its leadership. ( A New Leaf is second and Golden Cross third both are, in the 8%.)


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EPISODE 2: "The reason why we are not detectives"

Our team of on their first case heads, and we rewind a little bit on the drive that led to the bat hunting. police van stuck traffic infarction, and team leader Pan-seok asks for the siren.

always so eager not -so bright Soo-sun grabs what like an orange Starbucks looks cup and throws it on the roof, where of course immediately it falls and shatters. and the harsh words are just at the beginning. they Pan-seok their handcuffs from the telling to dangle window and sure enough, people start to move their cars out of the way. Sometimes lo-fi works.

When they come to the front of the jam, they finally see that no moving one because two tattooed men sitting on stools in the middle of the road. It looks to be a kind of stalemate, he sitoff although they rush at the sight of Pan-seok in her car and back.

we cut to the chase (literally) and catch up to the moment when one of the bat grabs little Ji Gook hostage fear. All panicking, but Dae-gu is as cool as a cucumber as he takes out his gun and aimed it at the pair of them.

Everyone does not scream, and he looks like he could shoot anyway, but then he puts the gun back in the holster and exchanges it for the Taser. You still protesting, but he shoots anyway, and it shocked Ji Gook and takes the bat with him.

When they return from their trip, the district is humming with activity. The typical Gangnam arrests? Let's see, there are rich title Korean-American children, clubbers and sasaeng fangirl wars.

The fangirls immediately stop arguing when pretty boy Tae-il to hurry and move in despite hikes, and say Gook, so they have a clear picture of him get. Tae-il looooves attention and striking a pose or three.

They even courting Soo-Sun and Dae-gu, and each time a different picture snapped, you can Pan-seok's last nerve crackle along with it. He eventually cracks and storms in Section Chief Cha office a rookie swap at least two of the newcomers for two policemen with some to demand detective experience.

But boss Cha clearly enjoying this moment as the nameplate indicates the superiority that makes him the detective department head. He called Pan-seok, a gangster and washes his hands of the rookie allocation, and tells him to take it to the police chief, if he has a problem with it.

Obviously this type is to be a bureaucratic nuisance, and it is even worse, because it seems to have a personal grudge, when it comes to Pan-seok ,

3 on Team So back he goes where Eung-go to see the rookies whether Pan-seok something else tell them wants has fed. He introduces himself as "The Legendary Seo Pan-seok; you hear from me."

He says that he does not increase not only someone like his children, so they should now quit. "For the citizens of Gangnam! And for my sanity ... now quit." He refers to Soo-Sun and Gook particular they called for their bags to pack quickly.

But Pan- seok's behavior changes rapidly when Sa-Kyung, the leader of the new missing persons team, enters the room. He is embarrassed and asks when they arrived in Korea.

She answers him with a blow, and he takes it and forces the same light tone, as he says that he was well. She says he should for the whole or suffer death wish they did, and asks if he even knows why they meet him.

He nods and says that day just as it turned out, and they beat him again, so hard that all the other jerks in the room together. She spits back that he should have just said he forgot, and barks commands at another detective before stomping off.

Pan-seok shows a very different side as he fights to contain, what he feels. It is raw enough caught to observe a moment that everybody has their views for fear turns away from the very public dispute.

The Rookies ask Eung-do what relationship Pan-seok is to Sa-Kyung, but he says that they find out in due course. Eung-do turns his attention his team and pairs partner.

He couples Tae-il and Gook together and of course Soo-Sun and Dae-gu. He tells them partners are one body, and they must learn to trust each other. Tae-il and Gook are gorgeous happy, a little fist-bump are paired and share. Soo-Sun provides a friendly handshake and Dae-gu just looks away.

He asks who wants the first task, and everyone, but Dae-gu raises a hand. He looks around and gently lifts even playing his together.

police chief Kang and her boss detective section assemblyman to see a they still call Commissioner Yoo because he to be their boss earlier.

He notes Chef Kang risky experiment so many rookies taking on and tells her just not to fail. The way she smiles with her mouth but staring with her eyes tells me either he is bad or it is, but they are not on the same page.

Soo-sun to be entrusted with the query bats caught, and robotically she asks questions, as she reads 101. after the suspect from interrogation, they were in the middle of the road sits an endurance competition to have. Well, that explains nothing, except for the size of the brain.

While it is with so much going on, Gook supplies behind her discharge, and puts his box cutter down on her desk. Yikes, do not do that.

The racket a beat and palms do not miss while nobody is looking. Eung-do says Soo-Sun to tie the suspects and change it from her slippers to keep before taking.

Dae-gu and Soo-Sun in the cell to take him along, and she asks Dae-gu if they know from somewhere, because he seems familiar. He says no. The racquet cuts through his ropes by the time they get to the staircase, and he pushes a flight down to break free.

you run into a pile on top of each country, others, and Dae-gu goes to their baddie while Soo-Sun for her other slipper looks around hops.

The crook actually creates behind the wheel of the police car in the lot to get, and it is only about a clean getaway when another van Slams to make right into him.

warped the smoke and Pan-seok comes into view. Oh no, of all people. He comes to survey the situation, and all it takes is a glance at the bat and Soo-Sun her slipper ineffectually holds for him to know what happened.

He joins his team in and starts in an epic tirade, asks Soo-Sun, if they have not learned the rules of the survey at the Academy when they do not know, not a gun at her desk like an open invitation for criminals set, or if they do not listen to their squad chief, reminded them to change their shoes.

She apologizes profusely, but the knife was vows not to do. It is not appease Pan-Seok each to pass the blame for them, not that she knows the knife anyway.

He turns his attention Dae-gu, which seems not the least bit contrite in the debacle for his part. Sure enough, when asked, Dae-gu says the only thing he did wrong was his partner overestimate abilities, and then he says it is really the fault of the team leader is not better to monitor the rookies. , Oh no, he di'n't

Pan-seok can only laugh as he steps closer and closer, "Where have roll this crazy son of a bitch out" as the smile from his face disappears and he is about to start in an ass-whooping, Eung-do stops him and then head Cha goes in, foaming at the mouth.

he witness pitches have a fit, and the rookies, what happens to their team leader, if they make a mistake: it is drilled by the head, and to be called by any name in the book, he apologetically to bow. Chef Cha wants to take someone responsibility, and tells him to withdraw immediately.

your fellow players buy Soo-sun to try a soda and to calm her, but she has to be in Dae-gu sour to so disloyal his partner. She swears that she was not the one who placed there a knife and Gook says nothing.

police chief Kang says Pan-seok, that no one has to resign, and asks him to take care of the rookies. You know he is not happy about the newcomer attack, and he tells her it's too risky.

He says that detectives not to make the luxury of mistakes, because in this department, errors mean life lost. "You can not save someone who is already dead!"

, it points out that he was wise even a novice to, and the full weight of what is lost does not mean to any of them. His eyes flicker with vulnerability and she says that experience is what made him the detective he is today. I have decided it is the good guy.

That night, Dae-gu is a shady street and attracts a shady hat. He walks into a store and ask for a duplicate of a cell phone, and then he sneaks into someone's apartment and puts a spy camera in the lamp. How much bond you.

Soo-Sun their own doing in the pedestrian area to investigate, where they find the x-scalpel they leave accused. She takes it to the laboratory and faces to get the tech fingerprints, and he agrees.

Dae-gu returns to the station and pushes Pan-seok phone back on his desk, and jumps when Soo-Sun calls his name. They tried to smooth things over, but he says that there have not really derived his guilt for that he had a Spatzenhirn for a partner. Ouch.

He has the most offensive way of speaking-it is barbed wire but with equal parts oozing apathy and superiority. He points out that its view that detectives make the most money was calculated without taking into account the long hours and sleepless nights.

If you in the time on the job for an hourly wage factor gets a detective crap pay. Although really, that's his takeaway of all, that it is too stupid this thought out to have her an unfit partner. He tells her to quit now, and leaves them in its wake sputtering.

Dae-gu find a large envelope in his mailbox when he comes home, and at home turns out to be a police dormitory apartment that he shares with gook and Tae-il. is surprised Gook just that they are all roomies, and hop in excitement when Dae-gu his room. To share selected

He follows Dae-gu in and opened his arms wide as he waiting for a hug and did not even finish his welcoming speech before Dae-gu cuts him: " . I do not speak "Heh. I'm going to enjoy the roommate gimmicks.

Gook he guesses is tired and achieved a scented candle. Dae-gu: "smell do anything." Gook starts to hang a wall clock. Dae-gu: "Do not make any noise." So he won the sets and starts in the bunk bed to get. Dae-gu: "Do not you think a bed with me on the exchange."

This goes on until finally trudges Gook in Tae-il room with his pillow and blanket, ha, and Tae-il put away the photograph he looked. (A brother? Friend? Friend?) Gook says he to A Type treat a prickly type B as Dae-gu, as if he was not passive-aggressive out stepped out of his room.

Tae-il is as casual as ever and makes him the bottom bunk pick (because Gook is afraid of heights, lol) and tells him: "It is not where you sleep but the person you sleep it one. "

Pan-seok comes home filled his bare apartment with nothing but instant Ramyun containers and beer cans, and of course he is the apartment that Dae-gu earlier listened that night.

Now that he has the room to himself, Dae-gu opens his laptop and watch the live feed of Pan-seok house, although everything he sees tonight's his phone Pan-seok doing opening and sighing about someone but he does not call.

Dae-gu-board one of his great busts computer file he projects from then on the wall, which is quite intelligent. It is everything the original Masan murder worked around the Pan-seok, the experienced one, the mother. It contains a missing persons report on Kim Ji-yong.

He answered a call from someone named S, and says that he got the report in the mail, and not Pan-seok recognize him at all.

has one thing, he is someone of Masan on his team there though-concerned, which is a key he had not expected. He does not seem too worried about Soo-Sun because it is not so bright, but it's still not good , which for whatever plan he cooks.

He then opens to the Act, which he got in the mail, and it is the original police report of Mom murder. It shakes him to see her in the photos, and he struggles to hold back tears. In the morning he goes to the cemetery, and this time he tears can not fight. His country accent slipping out when he says: ".. I'm here I'm here, Mom" ​​

on the ground, Eung-do says Pan-seok of one new case girl from a nightclub involved, the are involved in a credit card fraud with a fine restaurant. You rich guys to spend, and skim a little off the top.

The Pan-seok sitting at his desk, Soo-Sun interrupts with an evidence report on the x-scalpel and says that her fingerprints weren 't on it, and that was the only way their innocence prove and there is no reason to apologize. Haha.

An apology is the last thing on Pan-seok lips, but the whole thing so ridiculous that it has no practical retorts. Soo-Sun sits awkwardly at her desk and go through their whole speech, written on Post-it in his hand.

The whole team gets a job to go this new case, but Pan-seok benches it and says their skills are perfect for sitting at a desk. He brings the death of the other Executive Chef of partners to drive up the point home, and says that if they are to be concerned about getting hurt their pride blamed on things they will not do, they should just stay here.

Gook asks why Soo-Sun had to go and bring the x-scalpel, and it spits back that his fingerprints were on it, but that part of the report to the left. They bicker back and forth, the guilt over to Dae-gu finally breaks out and says that the point is that they left behind only yet.

Meanwhile, Pan-seok and Eung go -do on an artificial date at the restaurant where the credit card is done scam, but one look at her table sends the con artists running away. You lose, and Eung-do nags Pan-seok, that they should be the rookies have brought, he said, because their faces have Detective written all over them. Pfft is true.

Pan-seok does not want to hear, but Eung-do says there is no other option is close to the operation to obtain, if they do not use their fresh-faced team. The Rookies stew at their desks asking if their detective careers are over, if Eung-do lists.

The van parks outside a club and the rookies are going undercover dressed. Pan-seok told them that their coverage is the most important thing, and their goal is to identify the scammers and trying to get appointments with them. He adds a rule :. Under no circumstances are they to engage in a fight

The team pursuit in, and everyone takes a different position upwards. Soo-sun sitting on the toilet of women with a recorder on hand, waiting for a juicy discussion. Gook is a waiter and ask to book the best girls, and Tae-il goes through the club as he has done this a hundred times. Immediately shouting girl for his attention.

Dae-gu parks. At the bar, and go for watches online shopping Huh? Oh, it turns out to be quickly research, because according to the amount of scan he begins each person as a sum of their net worth to see about diamonds, watches and shoes. Lol, the fake brand Hermeni, Cartigi.

Tae-il asks what he is doing, and Dae-gu shares, previously discharged through the women on the dance floor what it is based on their transition, the length of their nails, and the clothes they wear: the size of their bank accounts, and if they ever to work a day in her life, it got to


Tae-il is impressed, and when Dae-gu moves estimate on the next girl, they realize the clock it as one of the stolen cards charged will wear. Despite the interruption Gook about fashion advice, Tae-il maintained their number to obtain.

Soo-Sun overheard a conversation in the bathroom, and pretends to be drunk to get a good look at the two girls.

There is the one who ran away from Pan-seok and Eung-do in the restaurant, and the clock girl Dae-gu and Tae-il sighted. They are partners, and they talk about how many unsuspecting dates they managed to hook tonight.

Soo-Sun follows one of them out of the toilet, and watch in horror as a rich snotty girl a fight with the fraudster accepts because she stepped on her designer shoe , It is a tough job, and Soo-Sun almost intervened but Gook detain them and reminds them of Pan-seok rule.

But then it starts to hit the girl with her handbag, blood and Dae gu in steps to try and stop them. Bad idea! Bad idea!

He goes about it, of course, in the wrong direction, and his attempt to be logical only backfires, and she grabs him by the hair and throws him down, as he did not twice their size. It's hysterical.

The entire team is drawn into it, and the fight spills over to the dance floor. What had precipitated the rookies to notice a pair of cops (at least they look like cops) to sit at a booth and film, some with their cell phones. You are waiting for some kind of exchange, to go down, but the fight leads to a riot and they lose their chance.

The fight goes out of control and Dae-gu trying to crawl out of the mess when he suddenly sees a man lying on the floor and bleeding from the intestine. The sight of the bleeding body, the blood on his hands-he sends him back to the day spiral, he found his mother body.

There is still lying with mom in a pool of blood, but this time it is adult Dae-gu, which can be found. He attacks with a trembling hand: "Mama?"

Soo-sun sees the body and led by Dae-gu for a telephone to ask, but he is still in shock and can not register what they says. Always and always calls him, but he just sits there like a stone.

The party reached its peak and the air cannons shoot confetti. Soo-Sun realizes she no get in this turmoil to help, and that's when she noticed one of the policemen in the middle of the fight.

She reaches for the gun in his holster. It aims, in the DJ booth, but not calm her nerves. Dae-gu takes the gun from his hand and shoots without hesitation. The sound system short-circuit and the club comes to a standstill.

Pan-seok and Eung-do have no idea what's going on, and slack jawed by her van watch the Rookies get dragged in handcuffs. Dae-gu is the first of the other police officers to be questioned, but as the two scammers trying behind him nab sit, he does not say a word.

The rest of the team follows suit, and soon all four are locked up in cells. Pan-seok and Eung-do a little later come the idiots than hear laughs their own claim and the other cop that these bozos are detectives. Yet he refuses to let them out, they blew his cover when he was a drug case away minutes from cracking that he lost sleep over months.

Eung-do wonders what they are doing now, and Pan-seok sigh, "call the toad." HA, people also call it a toad? My boss Cha, of course, and the rookies hang their heads when they are released.

Back on their home turf, Pan-seok grabs the scariest stick-it is a wooden beam, and demands to know basically who started the fight. Dae-gu steps forward and says it was him, but immediately Soo-Sun says it was her, and then Tae-il, and then Gook.

Eung-do can not help but smile, that it already covers for each other, although it pisses only not get Pan-seok made more on a clear answer. It reiterates its rules do not fight, and reminds them that this was their last chance. He says that they have failed, so now he wants never to see their faces.

They are ordered to pack and go: "And if I ever, ever see one of your faces again and again, it will be your funeral I never want to see your faces, you sons of bitches," He! the wooden beams with a loud clang falls.

Without a word, Dae-gu takes the recorder in your pocket and plays speak the file of the two scammers on nabbing guys, and they a boss named Kim call. Eung-do asks if she registered that, and Gook says Soo-sun all night on the toilet sat to get the tape, and they also have a date with the girl for tomorrow.

He begins to blare through his tears, and screams that she really worked really hard, and do not reveal their identity in the police station because the girls were right there, and the case came first. Soo sun wipes quietly a few tears away.

Pan-seok and Eung-do are flat, and it's for a tiny second, but Pan-seok looks impressed and shout a little sorry.

he looks like he has something nice to say, but then begins to vibrate his phone. A second later, Dae-gu of the phone starts in his pocket vibrated. Uh. Oh. They carry the clone phone in your pocket when you are two meters away from the guy ??

Pan-seok does not think much of it at first, but then his phone does not ring and so does Dae-gu, exactly at the same moment. An agonizingly long silent stroke later, Pan-seok of the phone starts ringing again. And so does Dae-gu.

Dae-gu tense and drops the recorder in his hand for his cell phone behind. The team noted his nervous reaction, and worse, Pan-seok can tell something is not right. He whirls around and looms in Dae-gu face, the tension between them grows more tightly with any sums from their phones.


I'm afraid to Dae-gu Life Once Pan-seok realizes that he is on him spying, but I enjoy that the tension between them is always present because now Dae-gu prevailed hand ~~ POS = HEADCOMP has because of its anonymity. He's pretty brazen with the cameras and the cloning of mobile phones, but I think he did not insert take in Pan-seok lives his time and to play it safe. He is likely if Pan-seok is in mortal danger actually a dirty cop, I do not think he (or okay, I do not wants to believe that he is, because I naturally am rooting for the bromance).

But Pan-seok seems like a really good guy-someone who could not respect his superiors but takes its lumps and obey the chain of command anyway. He is responsible for his rookies "error, and it is not always to blame. That's what he taught them by example, and in a very short time, they record what they see and imitate them, like little sponges. And it worthwhile because their moment of growth as a team-stick right for each other after each other only once in the past day was really sweet.

It was fun the rookies take first case on their seeing that the actual police involved skill (and fortunately they are not really terrible at their jobs). It felt rewarding to see how they succeed as a team, especially after things with the Taser arrest and x-acto interrogation bungling. There is a nice complementary energy when everyone is on the job and sharpening their different skills. I'm still not sure what Gook are the strengths, but I am sure that we finally . find for now, it is ideal for comic relief, especially when he tries to talk to Dae-gu.

I look forward to many hilarious roommate conflicts (it was absolutely not occurred to them that they will live together would), and I can not wait for the partnerships to start loyalty discipline and confidence, against all efforts to remain detached. []; _taboola.push ({mode: "Thumbnails-a 'container' taboola Down Item Thumbnails" placement "Below Article Thumbnails" target_type, "Mix"});

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