Recap And Reviews Kdrama Jackpot: Episode 22 If the last short-lived revolt was

Recap And Reviews Korean Drama Jackpot: Episode 22

If the last short-lived revolt was - not enough rebellion for the discerning viewer, you fear not-another is planned and executed as if everything that came before it never happened. Our two brothers in each other's orbit on back end when Injwa his head erect again, this time with an army of followers ready to defeat the king (again). You know what they say. If it does not work the first time, do not worry, because you never die


after the fleeing man, he did not shoot turns out, Nameless and be Injwa, Dae-gil and his men scour the woods for the missing fugitive search.

Meanwhile listen Prince Yeoning the entire palace begin in sadness screaming at the king's death, just moments after he left his chamber. Yeoning is suspiciously unsurprised and unmoved by the message to have possibly instigated his own brother's death.

Dae-gil suspected Injwa hiding nearby, and begins in the brush to stab to anchor it. He gets closer to Injwa as he knows, but Injwa is again saved by the death of a royal family member, when the news of King Gyeongjong demise reached the troops. Injwa can only laugh at his fortune from his hiding hole.

After the palace reached, Dae-gil first thought is to suggest Yeoning that to be involved in the death of the king. The Soron ministers seem to think the same as they used to be captain over to the already ailing king so dangerous foods like raw shrimp.

But Prince Yeoning eyes all the power he has to say the Soron Minister confront off for daring him to accuse the Crown Prince, for nothing more than serving the King to do a meal. You storm out in a huff, so Dae-gil ask Yeoning what is really happened.

Yeoning is suspicious Dae-gil suspicion and asks him if he really thinks that he poisoned the King. "Can you assure me that you do not?" Dae-gil asks, desperate to hear, hoping him say those words. He remembers Yeoning that they were / are friends, and he would give his life for Yeoning. So can the say do the least Yeoning, is him the truth.

Leveling him look with an even asks Yeoning when Dae-gil would even believe him when he said he did not. "We were once friends" Dae-gil says. "We were brothers. I trust you." Yeoning shakes his head at this, claiming that Dae-gil, he had already turned against him at the moment suspiciously allows him.

In addition, he corrected Dae-gil in calling him " Jeoha " (or "His Royal Highness", the way princes are addressed), instead of instructing him to call him " "(addressed His Majesty", the way kings Jeonha or "). He adds that he allow anyone or insult him by this point dismantle the son of a maid water forward, and that includes his brother. to have


Chae-gun, their conversation, says Dae -gil that Yeoning not been wrong, this is no longer a question Dae-gil itself must relate with. He and Yeoning can be considered no more friends.

When Dae-gil packed to leave the house, Man-geum comes to the house to pay them a visit. Grandpa does not even ask where he has been the past 20 years, and one-geum does not bother to explain where he or was why he was so far of all time in hiding. (And no one will introduce him to Seol-in? No? Or we could just keep doing so as it is not in the room. This also works.)

But Dae-gil plan is not to leave home alone -he wants to take Grandpa and Seol-in with him to a place where they can all live well together, probably one-geum secret village.

Always the eavesdropper, Chae-gun hears departing plans Dae-gil, but no problems have to go with him. As for Injwa to Chae-gun feels confident that he'll never be able to begin to bounce back and another uprising. Pfft. He says that as he never said Dae-gil, that he would regret Live Injwa abandoned.

The shamanistic woman Jeong know Injwa is through their powers of perception on life, but receives a letter from him to tell her to wait for his return. He lives as a tramp in the meantime, for what as all one day looks.

Prince Yeoning officially crowned as king Yeongjo 21st king of Joseon. It is the second such ceremony we've seen in a short time, and as everyone gathered Minister "Long live the king!" Scansion, King Yeongjo turns to watch Dae-gil to see nearby.

"Do you annoy me?" Telepathically asks his brother newly crowned king. "Do not you fret," Dae-gil thinks adding back that they each have their own destiny, and to follow their own separate paths.

Injwa is close enough to hear the palace in the chanting of the coronation ceremony, and thinks that this is not the end, it is is come back to power and seize corrupt nation down, which is Joseon. He ducks his head as he goes one-geum, who thinks he sees him, but for whatever reason, thinks it is just no way it might actually be Injwa.

Chae-gun commands Dae -gil farewell before he leaves with his makeshift family in tow. Wait, why can not the man-geum traipse around now in plain sight?

King Yeongjo first order of business is Minister Kim Il-Kyung executed for masterminding the massive Noron cleansing, killed the order Chief State Councillor Kim Chang-Jip and so many of his other supporters. He also orders Noron turncoat Mok Ho ryung for his crimes and for exported to effectively bring any protest from the other ministers to silence that now fear for their own lives.

The king asks Chae-gun about Dae-gil, when the warrior has no idea where Dae-gil could have gone. King Yeongjo thinks that he can bear the weight of the throne, but they stand alone is much more difficult. Oh, he misses Dae-gil.

Man-geum takes Dae-gil & Co. hanging to his secret place, and after a quick cut of Injwa the wanted poster in the capital, we return to the village as Yeon -hwa returns from where it in has been the last few episodes.

The appearance of the king Yeongjo son CROWN PRINCE HYOJANG, as well as some kingly facial hair, lets us know that some years have passed. The now-tattered "Wanted" posters of Injwa and his cohorts will hang in the capital asserts replaced by posters that King Yeongjo the late King Gyeongjong poisoned, courtesy of Ms. Jeong.

Injwa did not spend long in thin cotton robes, as he fine silk again to wear the garb of a nobleman. He finds Jin-ki somewhere in the wilderness, and tells him that Nameless is alive. We find him in jail while Injwa muses that Nameless might be used one day against him.

What, why Injwa is just looking for Jin-ki now out Injwa says it's because it's time, their big thing to achieve ... again. Nameless receives a letter for the replacement of the current king in jail call while Jin-ki Park Pil-hyun goes to say it. Time to revolt Again.

Injwa finds Traitor Jeong cultivate a field, and all the others to mobilize peasants / soldiers immediately behind him. "Are you ready?" Asks Injwa. Traitor Jeong just want to know when the rebellion begins to tell on Injwa that begun in his hometown of Cheongju.

Injwa and Jin-ki control of Cheongju fortress take after all the officers to kill, bring us back to the first scenes of the show, with the Chyron to tell us that this is the year 1728, the year of historic Musin Revolt instead.

is obtained after the Battle of the fortress, Injwa searches cheering over the masses soldiers. A quick cut shows us a random man to send a white dove in the night, probably a message from Injwa to Traitor Jeong carries with instructions for him to assume the Yeongnam region. Park Pil-hyun similar statements obtained in the direction of the capital city of Jeonju in the Honam region to press.

Despite the fighting outside the capital raging, things are peaceful inside the palace, for the icy tension between King Yeongjo and Queen Dowager Seonui, the late King Gyeongjong woman rescue. She has no love for King Yeongjo made clear by their flashing back when she found her husband dead.

messages from Cheongju fortress in rebel hands spreads in the capital, the overheard Yeon-hwa. They returned to the house that she shares with Dae-gil, Seol-in, grandfather, and Man-geum, the latter of whom has to remember his son, not to interfere. So ... we drop the whole thing, where man-geum went long twenty years in hiding Dae-gil to make king?

Chae-gun comes a visit Dae-gil restarted pay since he left the palace, but he is here on business. Injwa revolt caused untold bloodshed, and Chae-gun hopes that, like him, Dae-gil want to see it end. If nothing else, it would give him a chance to finish his and Injwa unhappy relationship.

Injwa and Jin-ki feel more encouraged with each victory, and are ready to take their fight to the capital. Chae-gun says it's time for Dae-gil to meet with King Yeongjo again that he does appear in his old uniform.

King Yeongjo not not tell his young son, who is the visitor, and sends him out, so he can speak privately with Dae-gil on the uprising. Dae-gil suspected Yeongjo was behind the recent massacre of Injwa trailer (the Chae-gun told him), not to admit it, Yeongjo makes it clear that he no sympathy for the rebels or anyone who they supported.

Dae-gil tries to get him to see why people rebel primarily, claiming that all the rebels enough land want to eat farm and food. When King Yeongjo can not see that, Dae-gil then asks what it is different Injwa?

King Yeongjo is not pleased that Dae-gil came only to reprimand him, but Dae-gil wants him only to the people to think. But Yeongjo says that sacrifice for the good of the nation must be made, and that he will pay for what he, by this knowledge did to him.

But he needs Dae-gil on his side, because nobody knows Injwa better, and gives him a government post and soldiers to do what needs to be done. Dae-gil has five days to solve the problem Injwa, or use military force Yeongjo to end the rebellion itself.

Ms. Jeong a letter of Yi Injwa returns Sorons who agree with Injwa to side when the contents of the letter are true. If they are not, the Sorons will oppose him. The letter details to dethrone Injwa plans king Yeongjo and install MIL POONG-goon, grandson of Crown Prince Sohyeon (son of King Injo, the 16th king of Joseon), as king. (AWW, Seo Dong-won , stop me miss make six kites !)

Injwa convinced Mil Poong -goon that he is the only true royal lineage, that of a low water maid to take back the throne son, and proves that he has the sheer manpower to bring this insurgency, for carrying-0,000 armed rebels, to be exact ,

He adds that Traitor Jeong and Park Pil-hyun rebels from all classes of society scholars, farmers, artisans and merchants, but Mil Poong-goon Train worried that they may not be a match against trained soldiers , But there is still hope if Injwa tells him that they have Queen Dowager Seonui as allies.

supports Injwa overthrow King Yeongjo believing effort, that he poisoned her beloved husband and makes a deal with Injwa work from the palace to weigh the Minister, while to the hearts of men at the gates fluctuate works. This is true Mil Poong-goon Injwa thing.

It is to combine a bit of comedic relief when Chae-gun all Dae-gil Order [wirdhuffyüber him shortly before default daemon gil goes to Hong Mae in her sepia-Casino one ask favors. He needs medicine, and convinces her to get it for him by guilty her, they feel nothing has been done, but by the people take their lives, and this is their chance to give back.

Dae-gil pocket handing medicine to Seol-in, while man-geum rolled a map of eight provinces Joseon out, instructing everyone to where they are going and what they are like a general addressing his troops do. My plan is to win people back is, and take Park Pil-hyun and Jeong Traitor.

The task is considerably more difficult, if they find out that Injwa has Mil Poong-goon on his side, a character who can to gather the rebels. You may not be able to take on the entire rebel army, but Dae-gil believes that all this can be stopped when the Injwa taken out of the picture.

He also tells the rest of the group about the deal he made with King Yeongjo Injwa time to catch in five days, otherwise Yeongjo would mobilize his army. Chae-gun white Yeongjo is not just sitting for five long days on his hands, so Dae-gil, the time resets to three days.

King Yeongjo orders gunpowder and firearms are distributed among an elite group of a thousand soldiers, with the instructions that they have to wait for his orders. All other forces are mobilized to protect the capital of the incoming rebels.

Later the king Chae-gun asks if he believes that it is to stop Injwa possible is used without an army, and while Chae-gun isn 't sure he trusts in Dae-gil. King Yeongjo remembers when Dae-gil asked for his confidence, and thinks. "I trust in you also, Baek Dae-gil But sitting like a king at the time on the throne, I do not trust my position allows. not. I can not trust anyone. "

Dae-gil traveling to the municipality Mokcheon, which seems to be Injwa latest stronghold. He and Seol-in clock as new followers vow to Injwa and Mil Poong-goon, and it's actually quite adorable that Jin-ki so hyped about this rebellion.

Ms. Jeong in Mokcheon comes Injwa upgrade to the movements of the king, including his encounter with Dae-gil. She knows that the king make his train against Injwa soon, and Injwa orders her to keep on eye on things back to the capital.

Injwa is not worried about Dae-gil resurface, because he knows that it will meet their fate again, but next time they they meeting, one of them die.

Dae-gil plan turn Injwa the trailer is against him and sends Man-geum and Chae-gun on the two forts Injwa army wants to take next. Meanwhile Hong Mae and Yeon-hwa spread malicious rumors about Injwa inside the capital, with the latter to send with Pigeon Gram messages back to Dae-gil.

Tonight is the defining moment for both Dae-gil and King Yeongjo be, of his army ready Dae-gil should not move. Dae-gil acknowledges that the rebels would not know each other very well (since everything has happened so fast), so they will use that against them.

Seol-in infiltrated the outdoor kitchen where the food for the rebels mass produced and used the information obtained from Hong Mae medicine in one of the large vats stew , All rebels, they end up eating with diarrhea, their horses disappear, and its warehouse is set on fire, all thanks to Dae-gil.

While Grandpa and Seol-in wheel the provisions which they raised from the camp away turns, King Yeongjo his assembled troops, they pledged his cause massacring order Injwa and any rebel.

In light of the burning warehouse, Dae-gil riding behind Injwa above, with a cocky smile noting that it's been a while. Injwa growling his name back.


Remember how we spent all these episodes with Injwa operation from the dead certainty that he Dae-gil to make king? Remember, as Man-geum went into hiding for twenty years in operation from that the same security, and how it did not matter to one of them did not at any point in the process, Dae-gil want to be a king? Remember how Injwa tortured Dae-gil tirelessly for most of his life, as it claims to build his character, so that he might be king? I'm asking you seriously, Jackpot , because one of them ever happened as no're acting, and it is a kind of freaking me out.

While it is quite possible that Injwa finally just decided Dae-gil to fall as kingly potential once and for all, it makes of Dae-gil suffering from Injwa hands still pointless than it was before. At least Injwa had its own mad reason for all Dae-gil bones break even, but now the show has gone and negates the already shaky logic it to establish itself gave great effort. And is , which I can not seem to my head to wind. Because if Injwa might as well find a backup pledge in Mil Poong-goon someone because he is much more receptive to his ideas did not grow from him tortured to be, then, what it was all about? When Dae-gil not an integral part Injwa was thing why he has to do everything he has ever done to him? I just do not understand.

I wish it was more gratifying were brought low by his failed mini-rebellion Injwa to see, but two shots of it before, only to its former glory is somehow turn chills doesn 't it cut. It is also curious to see how miserable he initially failed to skip a few years forward, and suddenly he has an unstoppable army in hot pursuit. If the show has ever that Injwa is a friend of man? How has Injwa, a noble and constant source of rampant corruption, whether to manage or out of the office, to convince the people to win back his cause? If anything, it would make more sense made have to be used to plan as a homing beacon for the disenfranchised for him Dae-gil, and while he would not be the first to use a distant king relative as a rallying point for a rebellion, he got only Mil Poong -goon had on board by he amassed a legion of followers.

But since this revolt was the case in history, it was useful to have made someone to some point. It is believed that people of Joseon would have been concerned fairly in all revolutions in the palace, but that is not something that the show itself has produced. We have had an insight into Dae-gil love for the people, but it has never been a singular driving force of his character, until they had to use him against King Yeongjo pit.

By far the scene between the two of them the focus of the episode was, and his strength was in the representation of King Yeongjo. At this time we do not know whether he actually had a hand in the death of his brother, but he was absolutely right about Dae-gil has his own conclusions already drawn before him come to ask. I'm not sure if Dae-gil would have believed him, even though he said he would not do it, and to see how off target was Yeongjo at this moment, was quite shocking. He knew he pushed away his only friend, but it was Dae-gil, who broke the first of this trust. Unless Yeongjo really did kill his brother, of course, in this case ... I would actually still feel kinda bad for him. , Weird

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tags: Episode 22, in jackpot, Jang Geun-seok, Yeo Jin-gu

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