Recap And Reviews Kdrama Liar Game: Episode 6

Recap and reviews korean drama Liar Game: Episode 6 -

Okay. SO GOOD. This is a deceptively touching episode of Liar Game , and for humanity as Da-jung goodness finally provides some positive results. Of course, they had results to lie a little to achieve the, but I would so much that the sale as not name growing up. Or is growing as (he)? Da-jung could literally get away with murder at this point because I am literally running out of ways to say I love this show. I love this show so much I want to kiss it on the mouth. , It


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EPISODE 6: "Layoff Game II"

Da-jung the last card draws to her, the one that decide , their fate ... and it is the misprint. Jaime the bet wins, and Da-jung loses $ 150,000.

While Dal-goo distract the guards Mall with its deliberately poor driving, Woo-jin uses opportunity to purchase a camera to sneak the power within and cut. PD Lee in the middle of the blackout keeps quiet, completely unaware that Woo-jin disguised as Liar game crewmember. Ah ha.

wearing so the light is his face of someone obscure directly at him, Woo-jin Search is to convince capable Da-jung cameraman that he has to take his equipment to the base camp to be checked.

should be discouraged to notice the switch Da-jung, and thinks she's just interviewed when Woo-jin asks her if she has given up. "What can I do at this point?" She sighs. Woo-jin: "Make them pay for what they put you through."

That's when Da-jung looks up, and confirmed her suspicions when the power is restored. Woo-jin tells her to keep their wits about them and run quietly to a place without cameras, while pretending to follow as a VJ.

Once they are alone, Da-jung says Woo-jin he right they hope people would be trustworthy and it was betrayed, as he said they would. You can not figure out why the network picked them. "Is it fun for you, suffer me to see?"

"Yes", Woo-jin replied matter-of-factly. Da-young, now angry, tells him that he can go home, because the game is already over. Woo-jin: "I'll decide when it's over." Yes, you will be

After Da-jung tells him how she lost the bet with Jaime, he tells her that she never had a chance in the first. Places they just thought , the odds were even, but because they would have to reshuffle the cards every time they pulled her out of her face upward while Jaime would never, would never have been able to win.

"I'm really an idiot, do not you?" Da-jung says, once the realization that they scammed- again was sets. But for once, get woody jin is not as hard on her as he tells her that she can not just blindly trust others:


So Da-Jung Jaime approaches for another round, this time for only half star Jaime if she wins ... but if they lose, all their remaining money to Jaime would.

Jaime also seems a little surprised that Da-young would be so stupid, but in their stupidity believe as Da-young, hopefully to continue to act, that the chances are fifty-fifty. Jaime thinks Da-jung for the same trick falls again .

The same applies to PD Lee goes, the TSKS that Da-young may not have learned their lesson. Do-young is sharper than that, though, and thought might have something happens while the lights were off. Either way, he's excited.

With Woo-jin Council, Da-jung gets Jaime guard down by allows their first win nine rounds. During this time she makes a small fingernail indentation on the edge of Jaimes card so that they can feel it when cards from his pocket picking.

and Woo-jin knew by the time Jaime is suspected something, it would begin late-da-jung to win and traps Jaime in further the game by acting like they usually innocent self. can ..

... to play, so that when they win , there is nothing to do about Jaime. Genius. (On Woo-jin part, anyway.)

Dal-goo finally had it with his abusive boss, and shall work for himself in a hilarious bout of banmal -ery. You literally swap rounds of I'm an asshole? You're the asshole! until they are blue in the face, and at the end, Dal-Goo is terminated.

showed In the seventh round results, are, everyone is surprised that half of Jaimes to see star was added to Da-young, so that they can make well in the last race.

One of the participants had no idea star could change hands, at least to Do-young it recalls that the rules explained something could be bought or sold. Jaime acts like she does not care and ensures Da-jung to say that they still have no chance of winning.

Woo-jin proceeds nervous in the basement, while waiting for the results, as-young to lose because her cameraman has to sneak down there. Nevertheless, the relief is the fact that about him obviously comes when he sees Da-jung bright expression, because it means they won.

She still has a long way to go, since twelve stars is not enough to win but now, according to Woo-jin, they can win if they carefully followed his instructions.

The next evaluation stage comes, and Da-jung is still in last place with just twelve stars. Do-young asks her if she is going to do something to prevent its removal at this rate, so that Da-jung to stand up and face him, "Why does a person have to be released Why do people together? choose? "

Do-young, a little surprised seems taken from her sudden outburst, but keeps his cool facade when he tells her that this is a game, and they have to for her as she is. "You created this game, Kang Do-young," she fires back. "Do we have the rules, as you did?"

To Do-young, the answer is obvious. Jaime sees Da-jung rages against the machine as an act of desperation, and all but coos that even if Woo-jin to save magically the day showed that he could do, Pat is Da-jung on the back , Their loss is imminent.

At least turn the tide when it comes to Da-jung fellow contestants, as Sung-joon a little muttering "I'm sorry, Noona" while the kindly straight Director Jung she looks pityingly.

While Dal-goo Updates gets from the outside to make friends with the guards, Da-jung approaches assemblyman aide KIM BONG-Geun with a request. He is not willing to give her the time of day for them to give him their remaining game money offers when he sold nine stars.

makes Da-young it seem like she wants to Jaime just revenge for tricking them and when things as they want, would be bound Jaime with her during the tenth round, made it a animals will lead break round. Either way, Aide Kim agrees to the deal and is nine stars for ₩ 150 million / $ 150,000.

During the ninth round evaluation, Do-young Comments that the game may also become easy, but he hopes Da-jung to shake things up a bit. Da-Jung claims that she does not know what he is talking about, but Do-young just grins, he is looking forward to what happens next.

But when the results showed are the only name that is emerging on the board since-guys ... with seventy-five STARS. What?! How?

all her fellow contestants share the same shock feeling, but Da-young just says they got nine stars from each participant. None of them knew that the other stars had sold to her, and now they feel all-even Fooled Sung-joon seems to be disappointed in Da-jung.

But the question remains, how did Da-jung each of them promise $ 150,000 it has not? Everyone on the production team cheers for Da-jung except grumpy director Jang who casts doubt might like Da-jung from this, have drawn unaided.

the rest of the results are revealed, with all but da-young tied with twenty stars, and the only, is the reason Jaime bonded with them because da-jung used in this round to its three stars.

fly into a rage, requires Jaime to search the contract Da-young with each participant she made $ 150,000 before the end of the round promising. Jaime recalls that Da-young can not possibly pay them all, and reminds them that their money will be confiscated if they were to violate any agreements it makes.

"Hey, Kang Do-young! I'm wrong?" Jaime asked in banmal, and it is funny how Do-Young's hands defensively go up when he answered that yes, Da-jung prize money will be confiscated if they can not pay. All participants will move yourself on the back, secure in the knowledge, tapping, the Da-jung dug its own grave.

"Why make a contract you can not keep?" Jaime sneers. "You can perceive it," said a voice behind them-it's Woo-jin. "Has Nam Da-jung look like a liar?" He asks after taking his place beside her. "I told her to do it."

Jaime all her anger turns on Do-young when she asks how a non-subscriber can be here, and I love Do-young is sad-but-not-sorry shrug. He eats only that, he is not there?

But Woo-jin reminds the others that the rules stated they could bring them something on the game you want so for this game, they can only look at it, since -jung personal property.

"I'm just a dog right now," Woo-jin says before protectively da-jung when he steps. "Nam Da-jung loyal and vicious dog. I'll show you what happens when you mess with my Lord." Is it hot in here, or is it smoldering hot? * Fans self *

Director Jang is acid , but all attempts to get through to young go unnoticed because he literally have too much fun. Participants are also angry, but Woo-jin reminds them of their marks to search.

With all of them bound for the last place, their survival is Da-jung. She has more stars than they could ever need, so if you use them in the next round of their stars to buy, they can save from elimination.

PD Lee finally sets temporarily to film to a standstill, to move aside Do-young: "You knew, did not you Why did not you before? the time to say "Do-young:" it's fun director Jang say that it "had to be entertaining not only.? Oh, you sly dog, you.

Do-young is waiting for the moment when the participants would recognize their individual roles within the game, because now they have to take matters into their own hands. His advice to PD Lee is not to interfere, but keep filming.

When PD Lee claims that she does not know how to explain this to Director Jang, Do-young leaves the decision her with the reminder "I chose The partner for this show, was not director Jang, it was you." PD Lee selects Do-young.

The bound candidate whether argue even buy star at all, but then worry that they will not be able, the prize money to pay back when they lose. Bulldog says he is not afraid of the show is bound, that is, when Woo-jin tells them that excreted by the thirteen candidates in the final round, only five were able to pay their debts.

The other five used loans to pay for it, while the remaining three just disappeared. When Woo-jin mentioned that Lee Min-jin missed, mentioned the lawyer in the group that they had gone to the loss for the lawyer to him, since they had spent more than half of their prize money, and had no way there to pay back.

But that was the last thing he heard from her that aligns with Woo-jin history. Participants take now to lose the idea just a little more serious when Do-young returns to tell them, have agreed that the producer Woo-jin count as Da-jung property to let the rules into line.

After Woo-jin and Da-jung up shop, Aide Kim and Director Jung come beg first. Woo-jin does all the negotiations, so that they use the money contractually Da-jung buy stars at the end then is obliged to pay them.

Sensing Da-jung restlessness with this whole situation, Woo-jin explained it to her this as :. They made an offer for all to share the prize money, but they were greedy, and that's what they get

Da-jung not see how anyone could trust it, but Woo-jin tells her that trust is not easy. "If you were put your trust in them but betrayed, you have to have to pay them. Compensate confidence. Punish treason."

Woo-jin holds the individual increase star price, since each participant comes to buy, always as high as eighty thousand dollars a pop. Director Jung returns more stars to buy and begins to whine, if the price is more than he can pay, even go so far as to ask accusingly Da-jung, why they be so cruel.

"What about you all?" Woo-jin replies. "Why did you do that to Nam Da-young?" It is clear that Da-jung feels bad enough cave as it always does, but she fights the urge.

After more stars change hands, it is time for the final evaluation round. Woo-jin recalls Da-young that eliminates those who stand up to them now. "Do you really want to do it?" She says yes.

In the studio, the participants gather around Do-Young, who stated that the only people who know the outcome of the game are Woo-jin and Da -young. It is Da-young are all hinge on their last three stars, and although many try to beg and plead, Da-jung apologized and the decision says has already been made

The results are in .: are there-young tied primarily with thirty-star, seven people in the second place-and after the six lucky participants to call, the only two remaining Jaime and Director Jung. Jaime occurs even to be eliminated ...

... is called Moments before their name as the seventh lucky participants. It is in, which means Director Jung is from. Tears fill his eyes as he asks Da-young, why it to be him, as he has been so on his luck down since he lost his job (during care for his sick mother, no less).

There are not a dry eye in the house at the end of his heartbreaking story and Da-jung thanked him the only person sure to talk to her when everyone else their avoided. He wants to know why they are eliminated him when she is so grateful then.

"So I could help you," answered Da-jung. All revolve around them quizzically until she explains that she spent Director Jung prize money knows that he is not on medical costs-so had to give him the money they earned in the round. Whoa.

This is a phrase no one expected, as Da-jung Director Jung says he what need now is not to be in this game, or the prize money. You will repay its debts, so that he can return to his family.

The amount of money won Da-jung by star equal to more than two million US dollars, and give even seven hundred thousand Director Jung to cover its debt for sale, she is still left with two million. How will they spend it?

There hold would mean that each participant three hundred thousand dollars would be (she used to buy star), streamlines Da-young, that money is not is really her, that it will be every two hundred and fifty thousand dollars each. "Does that mean you will participate in the next round" Do-young asks

.: Da-jung "Yes. I thought about it while playing Liar Game ; for us this show made to deceive and be deceived, it is possible, but if you a different way to think, I think it could be a test to see if we can today really trust I trust you?. all ... no, I wants trust. So I'm going to share the money. "

gets Director Jung to say a few words, to become eliminated, and has a heartfelt monologue about how sad that he is to have a kind of person deceived as Da-jung and how grateful he is to her.

Do-young sniffs back tears that I am that are fake before he asks da-jung something he was curious: "What is your dream for the future:" If they have no answer, do-young, he says thinks she would be doing well, a non-profit organization running ...

... before he just looks at Woo-jin to ask what he thinks Woo-jin caused the foot of platforms after all his mother ran a non-profit, before they committed suicide. Ohhhh , you horrible excuse for a human being. I love you and your terrible awfulness.

PD Lee asks Do-young now, if there's anything he wants to share with her, as they suspect his argument, Liar Game begins behind the creation because of his obsession with Woo-jin and Da-jung.

Do-young laughs off only the idea that he had a personal interest in any of this, but PD Lee turns fierce when they attack first female-to-male arm leading drama country he to ask her look while talking

Do-young .: in the eye: "Were my intentions for the creation of this show purely No," clean "is not enough to describe it. They were noble . In addition, my personal ambitions are so small and pathetic as dust. Do you need further explanation? "

No, no , I think we are now well. Carry on, crazy person. Continue driving.

There are brief mention in the news the next day of the first anniversary of Woo-jin mother's death, and since Da-jung heard the story of dosing young, begins Woo-jin on his way to her memorial, so that they accompany him.

he is taciturn to answer any of Da-jung questions about his mother, at least until he takes in a dilapidated orphanage to run his mother. It was like a second home to him, as his mother would make him always tag along, if they had the thing to take you there.

Sometimes they would stay for days, and Woo-jin sharing had to endure his mother with all the other children. "You must have been sad as a child," noted Da-jung. "Probably," Woo-jin admits. "Actually, I do not really remember the time I spent here. I think I do not want to remember. I hated them then."

He remembers her as a person very similar to Da-young-she had to be easily and just as easily deceived trust of people who would be blood boil when he saw to be how they use them.

asks da-young, he studied psychology because he wanted his mother to protect, for Woo-jin that a psychology degree to snip back is to protect someone no way. For most, you can only be understood, even if he admits he failed in mind that with his mother.

"I do not understand you," he says Da-jung. She could already went with a half million dollars to their expiration penalty to pay, so why not them?

"I survived alone would" nods Da-jung. "But I did not want to leave other people in debt. I'm a fool, do not you?" Woo-jin asks her if she remembers what she said to him when she first said his mother same words that met before she fell to her death. "Is it so wrong for people to trust each other?

Because he these words from their right to be heard, after he got out of jail, his voice is cold as he Because -Jung says that it is a burden for him. an unnecessary one, at that.

During his broadcast interview with Do-young, Woo-jin is about the controversy surrounding the "personal belonging" clause in the last round asking Instead of answering, Woo-jin asks a question to the audience:. have you ever thought that the network, the loophole created, so this would happen

Do-young demurs such absurd accusation, and asks why he in the measure to help Da guys that he is. Woo-jin stop before starting to make a break.

After making sure their microphones are turned off, Woo-jin asks Do-young, when the name "L Company" a bell rings. Do-young, he says it from the stock manipulation case recalls known a year ago has become, including Woo-jin then asks if he, Da-jung, Lee Min-jin, and the other participants are connected to L Company.

Meanwhile PD Lee a strange call from a man the network unless Liar Game threatens gets taken the air. It is to make calls like these used, but it is the use of man " My Da-young-ie" who actually gets their attention.

"By any chance, you are Nam Da-jung father?" She asks.

Woo-jin changes include its line of questioning whether Do-young to connect to L has company or not-because he knows that the participants not only selected at random.

Do-young rolls her eyes and giggles like Woo-jin lost his marbles, and also accuses him of suspicion. "Trust me," Do-young says.

Then he leans in close and asked with a devilish smile, "Is it so wrong for people who you trust another"

Do-young gets a good laugh from Woo-jin shocked reaction, but a firm grip on his arm keeps him leave as Woo-jin looks him straight in the eye and asks, "you ... know me, not true? "


I am not ashamed, I literally jumped out of my chair to admit when dosing young to the last words Woo-jin mother always said to him repeatedly, because the moment was just that a good . It was so good. I have to make a concerted effort to do-young in the last few comments sections to avoid fairness Oden and write sonnets, but so to do now to one of the best drama villains would be unfair to ever avail of the screen , ever.

It's a really fine line between a good secret tease and only for the sake of it withheld information, and Liar Game manages his Shaper it gives us a fully realized character in Do-young, but shows only what is necessary from one moment to another. The impact, he explained his reasoning, the show would have lost in this hour for creating word he had his whole M. O. vomited from the outset (as some maintain mustache twirling villain camp to do), but he did not. He was silent, he laid low, he manipulated from the sidelines while innocently playing.

But then PD Lee demanded answers, and the grin devil facade suddenly gave way to something much darker. This scene where Do-young his personal credo was quoted as perfectly designed as to be stunning, not only from a directorial and writing standpoint, but from a Einwirkungs one as well. They feel that something is fundamentally wrong with Do-young that he really believes that he is a kind of god among men, and that what he does is not only right, but required . The fact that he so believes with such a belief is what so very fascinating and so frightening-about him.

We do not know exactly how Do-young Woo-jin mother or can be connected to the other, participants, except that it all has to do with L Company, but tell him Woo-jin mother's last words opened to hear a whole new can of worms. How would he know what she said? Was he there that night, or he has something to do with her suicide? My first conclusion is that it could have set this for [insert conspiracy theory here] emerge as elaborate revenge, but unless he was PD Lee about his personal ambitions means nothing-what quite possible-this is something else. Orrrrrrr is it?

If nothing else, what we know about Do-young tells us that he would probably not stay by turning Da-jung Liar Game in a morality unless it is touting his worldview that people are slaves of money. Da-jung managed system to fight at last, and although it took part in a little deception to her, the fact that they can learn how to play the game without selling their soul means that it now is the direct opposite reasoning Do-Young for creating the show. But if Do-young, she opted for a purpose and masterminded every move, he must've expected something like this happens, right? I wonder if Do-young even know what it feels like to be surprised, but would anyone-heroic genius mean, maybe-would have him first trick.

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tags: featured, Kim So-eun Lee Sang-Yoon , Liar game, Shin Sung-rok

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