Recap And Reviews Kdrama Uncontrollable Fond: Episode 13

Recap And Reviews Korean Drama Uncontrollable Fond: Episode 13 -

goes with all these self order imposed misery, it is incredible that somewhere in all the suffering, just a tiny seed of positivity to bloom. Not everyone is content to roll their own making in a torment, and at least some good will come of all this trauma and fear the people themselves impose. And when that little spark goodness begins to stand up and make themselves known, not even the strongest person could fail to see it light up.


In a flashback, we see again Eul of witnessing her father's accident, and how the driver are simply left him there in the street to die. Eul never saw the driver's face, only that it was a woman, but we know that there is Yoon Jung-eun was assemblyman daughter.

The scenes intercut between Jung-eun and Eul, the gap between their lives in the aftermath of the hit-and-run highlighting. Jung-eun had enjoyed her carefree life, take a "cure" to Hawaii, where she could remove her "dirty memories" and cozy always with her future in-laws. Meanwhile Eul worked tirelessly to find her father's killer, with no success.

Now Joon-young white in the accident Jung-Eun part and followed their lives through their social media account. He had to do that while Jung-eun drink to watch in all the pictures of Jung-eun they take on the beach live on, knowing that the years spent Eul miserably to fight for justice.

had he followed Jung-eun to the pool area, goes through the details in his mind - the CCTV cameras were broken in the area where they met Eul father, and the witnesses changed their statements. And that's why he was there to save Jung-eun, when she fell into the pool.

Well, Joon-Young team stares when he changes his mind about making the film because Jung-eun, the new team manager: ". I have heard it is really pretty" they do not buy them because young-eun allegedly committed, but Joon-young sticks to his story even willing to take part from the rookie actor, who already accepted.

He makes for pause for a moment, if Gook-young tells him that Jung-eun is not just someone getting married ... she marries Ji-tae, and daughter-in-law soon be Assemblyman Choi. But he has to carry out a plan, he is determined, and it is in this film is to regularly gain access to it.

Upon arrival at the hotel where he was filmed, Joon-young-Spots Jung-eun to speak with the film of the other star, Seo Yoon-hoo, and remembers that he on borrowed time - are there remain 46 days before the hit-and-run of the limitation period has expired, and he has to live between thirty and 60 days. He approaches the couple sure joy Yoon-hoo dismay that he will be with him in the film.

Eul staying at the hotel where the movie filming, as it will film the view behind the scenes of rival star Yoon-hoo. Ji-tae she finds there and insists on her blistered heel acting, tight reminded them that they are supposedly dated. He piggyback through the lobby, where they run into Joon-young and Jung-eun, only now to meet each other formally.

Ji-tae sets Eul down, and it goes straight up to Joon-young. She takes her cell phone and dials his number, and when it rings, calls to ignore it on all of their calls and texts. Good for them - and Joon-Young's credit, he looks embarrassed.

Eul asks why he was ignored, and Joon-young can not better answer than "just because." Enter Eul is willing to enlighten him, but Joon-young says he is not in the mood she's in, listen and be quick before they can say anything else. Eul can also find her room, so that Ji-tae to deal with Jung-eun.

just stares at him accusingly, and he says, a simple, but he is not sad for them as far as their engagement are "I'm sorry." - It is not his decision earlier sad and confusing them. It's all he has to say, and he goes to Joon-young to catch up and invite him for a drink.

Eul holds some Soju to pick up, but she thinks it differently, knowing her tendency to get drunk and get into trouble. Instead, she gets her work sunbae and invites them to go, and they end up in a Noraebang on. Ha, Eul celebrated her heart out of his body, while he looks startled open. He is finally in them, and they dance and sing all night.

Ji-tae and Joon-young have a much quieter evening, drink together as men. Joon-young denies happy to be here for Eul, claiming that he is here to film the movie and for Jung-eun. He reaches for his drink, but Ji-tae down, take it, pointedly mentioning that Joon-young is too sick to drink.

Joon-young also denies that, but Ji-tae knows better, and he knows dies also the name of cancer Joon-young of. He says this carefully. In English, so that no one around will understand and Joon-young sips to realize that Ji-tae knows his secret

Ji-tae says Joon-young by herself looking at, and Ji-tae find Eul let. It would sound out beautifully that he follows it with the words that Joon-young can not assume any responsibility for Eul because he die soon, and confusing to stop them. Joon-young can not even think of anything to say in response.

Eul sees Joon-young stylist Man-ok on Noraebang essence of a group of men harassed, and although she tried to ignore them, they can not help but get involved, scared when Man-ok really starts to sound , Eul runs at her, screaming and brandishing their shoes as a mighty sword fight.

Joon-young calls Gook-young and HA, all you can hear in the background, is Yelling Eul. It's an all-out brawl in the Noraebang over, with Eul and Man-in order, holds the upper hand and Gook-young support them. Joon-young shows up and yells HEY !! , and they stop all the fighting.

There is a struggle, but Joon-young ignored Eul, and calls only Gook-young and Man-ok outside. Eul follows him out anyway, explaining that the men they started, and Gook-young was only to help. Joon-young acts like he does not care, but if Eul says she was injured and shows him her battle wounds, his eyelids flickering just a little.

She sees him hollowing and just played to their injuries, although they can not decide the rib, she thinks, is broken, hee. But Joon-young can not help but recall Ji-tae angry words that he has no right to it, he asks only one employee of the building to take them to the hospital.

Ji-tae wakes up the next morning in his hotel room with a nasty hangover, and acknowledges that Jung-eun is in the room with him. He is angry, but it is in the name of his mother, and she calls Mama to report that he is awake and gives him the phone.

His mother says Ji-tae that it is replacing him as Investment team leader and director of Jung-eun, and asks him to stay in the team to support them. He agreed readily, which seems to annoy his mother, so she tells him to get out of the hotel room - it is not for regular employees. Damn it.

This is not to say that they do not get either, so they fuss begins his drinking it. Ji-tae stops, drop the merry polite tone, and tells her that she can do what she wants with him, as long as they or someone not affected Eul around them. He says the clear viewing in Jung-eun, the message for them, as well as rigid, and he promises that he will not leave it if something happens to Eul. It leaves them with the memory of those "map" it holds -. A veiled threat from their manipulations of his father

Ji-tae hangs on his mother and hands the phone back to Jung-eun, she congratulated sarcastically on their promotion. Jung-eun says only that they'll wait until he comes back to her, and promised to resign if he does it, but Ji-tae vows that will never happen.

Joon-young goes jogging for a morning, looking as healthy as a horse, until he stumbles over his own feet and continue propagating. He jumps back in order, but then has trouble receiving his water bottle fell. He looks at his hand as if it is a strange thing, and remembers how his doctor said that he would soon begin to struggle with even basic motor functions.

Eul has a nice shiner night fighting for her before and rubbing an egg gently over the bruise above in their hotel suite. She thinks about Joon-young's refusal to help her last night and gets angry and accidentally cracking the egg on her face, ha. Then she slurps on the raw egg, ick, and gets down for another egg.

She goes for a walk and runs in Joon-young sitting on the beach and watching the waves move in and out of focus. He closes his eyes and opens them Eul found directly in front of him stood, and she pretends she is looking for some money declined. She accuses him of hiding their money in his shoes and tells him to take them off, but when he stands grabs her to leave his hand and stops him.

She says she can not believe what people say, that he will be out of the way, because he is afraid that they have a bad influence on his reputation , She knows him to think only too well that he would like to run away from something. But Joon-young turns his hand away and says she does not know him.

She stands and insisted that she does not know him that she knows everything. She also knows what he is thinking - that he missed her. She's right, but Joon-Young says that these things must be really easy to imagine, all in their favor.

Eul ignores him and says that she misses him very, very much. She takes his hand again and says that she will see him later, and every day from now on. You are Joon-young, a sweet smile, and leaves him looking a little broken.

runs Outwardly Joon-young house in Assemblyman Choi, mother Joon-Young is deflected so that it serves the people things that they did not order, and Ajusshi is about their concerns that he does not get much better. He helps her gently not season the food that they barely noticed. She thinks about how she and Assemblyman Choi went to speak for tea, and they would have been both painful nervous.

After a few minutes awkwardness Mom Assemblyman Choi had asked her why she had been with Shin Joon-young home, and if they always got married. She had saved from answering Ajusshi she had called over, and she had to put him dragged down and announced that he her husband.

[1945010AssemblymanChois] had face as he watched Mom and Ajusshi holding hands had fallen. Mom had said that Ajusshi's father Joon-young, and that they live separately because it does not by Joon-young has approved to become an actor. She wondered again why Assemblyman Choi was home with Joon-young, and he would only stammered that Joon-young had saved his life.

Haru takes all Jik friends for a meal out in order to pump information to him. Jik finds her and Haru throws him of stalking, but she is more interested in the fact that his school says nametag "Noh Jik", as he had told her his name "Oh Jik." She figures that Eul makes his sister, and Jik warned his friends not to tell her about him.

He tried to pay Haru objects for their food, however, and Jik friends all sing, that they should come. Jik is not amused, and when Haru tried to stop him from paying, he knocks accidentally knocking them their head.

The next thing you know they are working in the sunglasses shop where Na-ri, a doctor for Haru to see sudden amnesia. Hahaha really? That's funny. Jik does not know what to do because they do not know who she is or where she lives, and he can not find to call her family her phone.

Na-ri asks Haru a few questions, and based on the answers ( "What is the capital of South Korea?", "San Francisco") You decide that Haru to near remain pretending Jik. Jik wonders why she would go to him to these lengths, if it needs to be very popular, is so nice and all.

he takes a book from Haru's bag which he finds filled with information about him, but ha, it's all wrong. He says Haru just ask him if they want to know something, and Haru smiling happily, her amnesia forgetting feint.

Eul forget that a pretty dress she bought to dry, it is forced Yoon-Hoos Shooting dressed in their colored old sweats today to go. Yoon-hoo it's sloppy appearance poor, and Joon-young comes on set Yoon-hoo at Eul roar as this search is to find.

Yoon-hoo whipped Eul sunglasses off her black eye revealed, and that only makes the fussy actor angrier. As it turned out, the men were at Eul Noraebang struggled to Yoon-hoo-employees and Gook-young hollers that they are the ones who gave her the black eye in the first place.

Eul the sunbae tried to smooth things over, but Yoon-hoo says departing Eul. He screams again that he can smell the kimchi on their clothes, but Joon-young just stands there doing nothing to help. Not that it needs Eul because she looks Yoon-hoo right in the eye and says that they have to film only well - what it is no matter how it is dressed? She says that this happens when people who work hard, and there is no shame to be dirty from work.

Yoon-hoo holds that Eul left, and complains that this must be why they Joon-young fired. He calls over to Joon-young, that he had told him that Eul was nuts, and Joon-young hand curls into a fist. But he keeps his voice pleasant as he says he did not know Eul for Yoon-hoo worked, otherwise he would have warned him.

Yoon-hoo turns to Eul back, and vows to ensure that it never works again in the entertainment industry. Eul just takes her bag and walks away, not even to spare Joon-young a glance as she goes.

Ji-tae Spots Eul in the hotel lobby and excused them for fired if he worked so hard, you get this job. He takes them for coffee and Eul says she heard he was fired, in favor of Jung-eun. He tells her that Jung-eun was almost his fiancee, but he called for them.

steeled himself, Ji-tae asks if Eul really Joon-young like that much when she ends up getting hurt. She turns to the question, to remind him to him that he called off an engagement only hurt. Ji-tae says that only he to be smart, because they will come to him if he waits long enough.

Eul says bluntly that it will never happen, in life, to relate their positions, but Ji-tae says you never know safe. He brightens and provides them back to Seoul to take, and go on a date.

Gook-young is so angry, so treated Joon-young for Eul rental that he finished his job as manager. Wait, that's not the man who locked in his own house Joon-young, to keep them apart? In any case, Gook-young is angry that Joon-young Eul did not defend, and he swears that he can no longer work with him.

start shooting on the film, and they begin with a scene in which Yoon-hoo character a gun character Joon-young holds. Joon-young invites Yoon-hoo to shoot even pushed the gun to the head, and Yoon-hoo throwing the gun down. He grabs the lapels Joon-young and tells him all mention of kill, then he can die.

Suddenly Joon-young slips out of character and occurs Yoon-hoo to the ground, then kneels over him blow after blow to deliver, a wild glint in his eyes. Joon-young is in several hits, rendering Yoon-hoo unconscious before the director stops things.

Shooting is canceled, and Joon-young swears Jung-eun that he thought it to beat the writer Yoon-hoo, and he'll accept it when Yoon-hoo to accuse him decide. Jung-eun suggests that Joon-young apologize before the reporters find out, but he says that once Yoon-hoo his nose into a similar situation broke and he did not apologize. He had only said that these things happen when players carried away.

Joon-young beats this thing off just call, but this is the first project Jung-eun and she cares, that it goes well. Something about the changes Joon-young to mind, and he asks what hospital Yoon-hoo is being treated in the.

visit Yoon-hoo and Joon-young easily excused, but Yoon-hoo is not interested in accepting his apology. Jung-eun reminds Yoon-hoo, that he once did something similar, but Yoon-hoo is sure that this is. Not a mistake, as Joon-young claims

Joon-young is all wide-eyed innocence - why would he deliberately do such a thing? Yoon-hoo orders him to kneel when he wants forgiveness, feel the Jung-eun offended, and she offers instead to kneel.

But Joon-young grabs her by the arm and keeps it standing, and he kneels and bows his head. He apologizes with a great big grin, and Yoon-hoo is forced to accept the apology.

Joon-young heads back to the hotel where he sees waiting outside his door Eul, and she asks almost hopefully, when he met for their Yoon-hoo.

Joon-young tells her things back to make, but she pushes her way behind him in his room and says that she knows that he did. She asks why he pretends he does not care about them, and followed him into his bedroom. He does not answer, but only says that he is tired and go to sleep.

Eul but says Joon-young to act on it, they will - it will not hurt her. Joon-young grabs only at the shoulders and pushes down on the bed for her to land on her. In a soft voice, he asks: "Do you want to sleep with me?" He slowly begins to unzip her top, and murmurs her to speak, if this is not what she wants now.

Eul says nothing.


Well, that was about as forward as it goes. I'll need a moment.

Okay, I'm better. First of all, I have so far had any kind of compassion and sympathy for Ji-tae, but he totally lost me when he basically said to have Joon-young Eul in peace and go to die. His said that Joon-young should confusing stop it, because it can not take responsibility for them has not been wrong, but damn, you have to say that so cruelly? Joon-young knows he would die, and he has already pulled back from Eul, he did not need to have his illness and his loss of the woman he loves as his face pushed. It was my unnecessarily by Ji-tae, so to speak, is it not, as he has done something to this point for Eul to other than her heart breaking. How dare he accuse Joon-young to confuse them, if he did it for years ??

At this point, I'm just sick and tired of his self-centered moping, and I'm ready for him to shake a bit and explain to him that he is not the moral center of the universe, and he has no right to someone to say how they should live, whether by lying or it bluntly. I am also commenting on Eul not thrilled that she would come to him if he just waits, the wait him like a vulture for Joon-young only on sound dying out ot so he in shock. But I admire Ji tae commitment to responsibility, but he takes it to an extreme that does not do himself, or anyone else, any good. I like him still and his strong sense of right and wrong, I just think that he's got some odd behavior, and I want him out of all this drama to just walk away and go somewhere far, far away to be happy ,

On the other side of things, I still want to smack sense into Joon-young and grab him wallow in the self-imposed funk in it. Of course, he is depressed to see his life slips away and not to be able to do something about it, that's normal, and in this sense I think actually very good, he thinks. But this whole "I do not deserve to love Eul because I made a mistake and because of who my father is" business must go. have I understand that it should be made to blame the parents a cultural thing, but it's ridiculous to believe Joon-young, that a man who his mother was pregnant, but not at all contributed to his life in any way each bearing should be on whether he deserved in the last months of his life with the woman he loves to spend. This is a leap of logic that I can not get behind, and as far as its causes Eul accident, I want him to forgive this. He did not do it on purpose, he had absolutely no intention of getting hurt her. It was a accident , no more, and he has not his own life for Eul trade. His own illness is just a coincidence, and not make him unworthy of love.

What does make him unworthy is its lack of honesty with Eul, and from this angle, I believe that Joon-young does not deserve to be with her. If he had been honest from the beginning, then yes, Eul even have guarded him against falling. He tricked principle in her to love him lying, and makes them think that they could actually have a common future. It is not right to be with someone, or avoid them because you think that you have the right to decide their lives for them. Now it is by believing Eul that he stay away from her because of his career, which is much more personally hurtful than to tell her that he is sick. But he can still earn the right to keep their love by openly and to tell her the truth that he is sick and wants to be loved for who he is, as long as he is still there only. He does not give enough credit Eul when making this decision, away from her.

But it is not all bad, because I in this episode was really proud of Eul, at each corner standing for themselves while keeping their sense of dignity and self-respect. She has changed a lot to drink by itself to stop and get into trouble, to retain their control when they attacked by Yoon-hoo and Joon-young also verbally. But she could not be with Joon-young they turn this thing into a meek little mouse - it still stands on its own, only in a more mature, dignified way, and it's really nice to see. You still got in this fight at the Noraebang, but that was in defense of someone who has been harassed and physically attacked, so in this case I believe their fight was justified. And yet I would not want you suppress Scrappy mind only fully see Eul because of a man. No matter how beautiful he is.

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tags: featured, in Joo-Eun, Im Joo-hwan, Kim Woo-bin, Suzy uncontrollable Fond

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