Recap And Reviews Kdrama Bad Guys: Episode 5

Recap and reviews korean drama Bad Guys: Episode 5 -

Several killings are scary enough when a victim-type or motif are identified, but what if neither is available? This is the last event that Team Crazy Dog has on her hands with a spree gunman on the loose, someone that down and everyone within reach. The good thing is, these guys will not dare settle for "unresolved", and they will do whatever it takes place to prevent even more unjust deaths.

Another strong ratings for shows Bad Guys this week: this episode reached with the minute high of 4.6% to 3.8%. Well, that's what I call a hit


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Episode 5: "The reason for murder"

cold open today: On a sunny day in the park, a man approaches a woman sitting alone from behind. he reached into his jacket pocket, he slowly extends his other hand to her ...

she jumps in alarm and breathes relief to recognize him. It turns the man from grabbed a small box, namely a diamond ring. his girlfriend (?) just ask him away to ask anything before walking.

at the same time, a masked man invites some distance in a hat his rifle. He fires the gun and the woman falls, dead. another shot rings out, followed by another, and then another.

is elsewhere a peddler in a panicked call to the police, some "strange men", the report in broke and beat him and his men. These so-called "strange men" are nothing more than team-Mad Dogs and the peddlers hands over the phone, so that Goo-tak the dispatcher can say that everything is good here.

arises from the dimwitted peddler, rather than the information selected line. Ha. After Goo-tak schools to put it on the various shipping number, quiz he the peddlers to report on a drug business. And then Goo-tak calls the number, and hands the phone over the traffickers told to report his own illegal activities. Hahaha.

Thus Goo-tak leaves his boys to collect, and lets them find out who the prison time reward for this case is reduced. Tae-soo suggests that they let Young-moon this take because Woong-Chul his 10 years won for Madam Hwang taken in a game of rock-paper-scissors.

Meanwhile angered Commissioner Nam storms in lawyer Jang office that the corrupt prosecutor had dismissed the arrest warrant against Ms. Hwang. He is not appeased in the mood, however, and rotates the arm of the prosecutor.

Just then, they are interrupted by another prosecutor, the friendly to his colleagues checked in, and then cuffs Jang and said that it is dishonest people like him, the prosecutor have a bad reputation.

Special Prosecutor OH Jae-Won ( Kim Tae-hoon ) 's reputation as "Bulldog lawyer" precedes him, a nickname given to him for his tenacious approach to his cases. He was working on the case of trafficking, returned and appears to be a morally upright official.

lawyer Oh be a remarkable man and asked for it on the new special crime-hunting team, a large human trafficking organization in just 3 weeks, during the authorities had worked put on the case for years.

He wants to know who's pulling the strings, and Commissioner Nam chuckled answer, he smiles back: "Do you think I ask because I have not been able to figure out yourself, or as a courtesy to you, Sir? " Ooh , New Guy can not fool a.

lawyer Oh claimed that he could help, and promised to take care of by the end of Team Mad Dogs "cases from the beginning. When mention of Goo-tak Name, prosecutor Oh admits curious with a smile that yes, he white, Goo-tak all good.

If Goo-tak gets his guys to move, Tae-soo is in the middle of a another hospital visit in Sun-young. she tells Tae-soo as a good man appears and adds wistfully that it would have been nice if he had worked on her late husband's murder case. a few weeks after his death, she had heard that the murderer had become. So Tae-soo then kill her husband?

in any case, Sun-young was not able to meet the murderer and ask him the burning question in her mind, why did he kill her husband? What was the reason?

If the killer was truly sorry for his actions, she would accept his apology? An apology is, if you make a mistake, responds Sun-jung: ". Murder is not an error ... it is a crime" Tae-soo seems understanding of this response, and Sun-young says that she will not ever forgive the killer.

He no longer needs to come to visit, they will be released tomorrow, and declines to stay longer because it has to make a living. The only confuses Tae-soo, who believes that it would be financially supported by him was, albeit anonymously.

But Sun guys never a penny extra, seen, that's when Tae-soo realizes that the pawnshop owner of Episode 2 had lied to him about it. Unfortunately, the pawnshop is empty by the time Tae-soo falls off again. Enraged, Tae-soo asks Goo-tak, what will it take until it is to overlook a murder there someone he has to kill, and he'll do anything Goo-tak asks if he is granted to take this life.

"If I can not kill that bastard, I do not, that woman can see again, because I would feel sorry for them," Tae-soo breathes. His anger and guilt speaks to Goo-tak, the Mi-Young blames cuts him short.

Mi-young reminded him (in banmal to this) that they have to work alongside criminals who are monitored. Goo-tak Recalls that Tae-soo did nothing wrong moment and plus, not criminals are human, too? You their past sins qualify monitored at all times to be

Your hunting dogs looking for career advancement, as they are their Clenching Teeth, endure the pain, and break their bones- all for the what? Because they will die if they fall, so he advises Mi-young not to let criminals their wounds untreated and push them away.

Team Mad Dogs stumbles upon the scene in the park as well as removed the body. You are told that there is a random murder, although Mi-young to mention a similar crime, the place elsewhere has a few days ago. Could be the same gunman? In any case, says Goo-tak, the trio later follow-up case is worth five years.

Later that night, Tae-soo some empty rifle shells spots, then retraces the steps of the gunman, where the mass shooting began. He closes his eyes to imagine a gunman, and takes them four victims before moving elsewhere two in all six shots more, shoot six victims.

the sound of Jung-Moon's voice brings Tae-soo back to reality, but does not give up easily any useful information. Not that Jung Moon really needs him because he has a profile description of the masked man who carried his weapon in a fishing rod case.

mentioned identification of eeries similarities between this series of murders and the latest micro-young, young-moon said that there were six victims in each, and in both cases the masked gunmen waited between the fifth and sixth shots. After taking the fifth victim down, the shooter was like a hunter waiting for its prey, then shot his sixth and final victim.

The testimonies are also a game in both cases, and if what the subject was asked Jung Moon smiles-that's what they find out next. Tae-soo teases him for his smile and said that the stone-cold expression suits him better.

Tae-soo expression darkens even Jung-Moon leaves and a flashback takes us back, as the two men were detained in the same facility ... and Tae soo had on his person a picture of Jung-moon also. Yikes, you have a goal to have at Jung-Moon also?

Back in the church, Mi-young can not help, can be amused to sleep by Woong-Chul ability with open eyes. She wakes him out that the shooter in a taxi two crime scenes left.

In an unknown location, we see the gunman laboriously his homemade bullets manually mount.

Despite curiosity Jung-moon that the twelve victims demographics assessment in vain might be what looks like random murders, Goo-tak insists that it is he be found useful ... just as wrong later throws a file in frustration down.

Goo-tak Jung-moon turns on Hwayeondong asking murders, he was originally detained-who these people were? Why did Jung-Moon to kill? When Jung-Moon does not respond, Goo-tak asks if his case falls as these murders in the category.

(Random killings translated classified in a category as "Do not Ask Murder" [ Moot-ji mah sal-in ] when it appears between the murderer and victim no obvious motive to be or relationship So Goo-tak both asks. "? and" "is for you a" Do not ask "Should I do not ask, either")


Goo-tak asks if Jung-moon nor even innocently thinks about Jung moon turns to him again: "What think "

Goo-tak admits that he was a little hopeful, but let the matter drop. That's his answer also Jung-moon answers he-wants to know, but not.

Tae-soo falls through a shooting range where he friendly with the owner, Hyun-woo. You talk about the murder case, and Hyun-woo assumes that the killer does not use personal weapon, so he will not immediately identified (in Korea, you have to for personal possession of a firearm, having a permit from the police department).

that is what Tae-soo also thinks, and he asks his friend about the guns in this house. Hyun-woo says that registered here weapons to the authorities legally but Tae-soo leans in to ask if he is encountered by those of illegal acts to kill the search for weapons.

Tae-soo only his friend's leg draw, but asks seek to have the unregistered weapons him in another shooting. Previously Hyun-woo correction was Tae-soo shooting stance that gives inaccurate results; but this time, Tae-soo, the weapon has rotated horizontally, and then shoots, has a perfect shot.

Hyun-woo says Tae-soo is losing an eye if he keeps shooting as giggles soo on the TAE: "You live safely, I live dangerously, it is always with us as.. "he grows tense at the mention of the older pawnshop owner, but agrees Tae-soo to know if he ever shows up.

Woong-chul grasps the fact that he the day on how quickly followed and TSKS beings are over. He is in standby mode, while Mi-young holding in the traffic control center Watch

Back in the church, Jung Moon connects. The sixth victim worked in every series of murders at the same company. Moreover, their significant others were always the first victim, and the crime scenes were visited places the salarymen often. What about the other victims then, Goo-tak asks.

But before Goo-tak hear an answer to report Mi-young calls that the shooter is in motion. Woong-Chul follows Mi-Young-direction tail by taxi, and when the light turns, he confronts the frightened taxi driver.

Woong-Chul doesn 't mince words and asks where the gun is, grabbed the driver in a stranglehold, when he protested. As Woong-Chul is on the master to check a shot rings out. And then another, and another, and another.

There is a bloody frenzy when Woong-Chul runs around the corner and sees the shooter his fifth bullet point-blank shooting of a man. He hears the cry gunman: "Why Why did you do this to us?" Firing before the sixth and fatal shot.

Woong-Chul eyes the shooter for a moment hits, but a bleeding victim cries forces him to stay back, the left gunman pull down. A car stops only-it's the same sharply dressed mob boss here Woong-Chul, who is its two-week deadline expired, to remember. He is not surprised to hear that Woong-Chul has not to do the job and tells him to get in the car ... until his death.

The time Goo-tak comes on the scene, he takes a rifle shell, it casts aside. Strangely died a victim of this round, but he also worked at the same company as the others. not say Goo-tak, Mi-jung to discuss the connection.

Woong-Chul's gone to off-the-grid, to the Goo-tak indicating that it is surprisingly quiet. It recalls Goo-tak earlier words, they should trust Woong-Chul and maintain.

Poor Woong-Chul is held hostage by his former Mafioso boss, to whom he asks desperately for a call. He was the only one who got a good look at the gunman, and if he dies here, the shooter will not be recorded. I have always admired Woong-Chul moral fiber, and he says that they then can always kill him.

Hyun-woo hands over the data to an unregistered weapon which lacks passed two weeks ago. Tae-soo thanks him and then has the oddity in the coverage of the latest murder. Normally the shooter an accurate shot, but this job was sloppy-man (who died) was shot at twice.

Hyun-Woo unapproachable sound response of the murders a bit suspicious in my ears, but Hyun -Woo stops asking Tae-soo, why he does not have his leg in a brace asked his. Hyun-woo had planned to be give an assassin, and Tae-soo asks who permanently injured him. ". Be careful ... of Jong-seok"

Jong-seok has to be a mutual acquaintance, someone Tae-soo had an agreement with: that would kill the other one the next time they meet , After the wedding invitation on the table, Tae-soo congratulated his buddy seen now to live a normal life.

How much do I love that Woong-Chul is a phone call to Tae-soo? He leads the desperate cry of the gunman ( "Why did you do for us?") To Tae-soo, find out that he is sharp enough to figure out what that means. Tae-soo also takes up on the idea that something has happened to Woong-Chul, who tells him to catch the shooter, before hanging up.

not too long ago, later some gangster Tae-soo approaching him for a commission hit job, a picture of the target handover via ~~ POS = TRUNC and asked him to the goal in the most cruel fashion possible to kill. We do not get to see who is the target, and my guess is on Jung-Moon. No matter refuses Tae-soo.

When the gangsters to attack him, Tae-soo takes each of them slightly downward. He wants to know who called the hit, but the police arrive before getting an answer. Tae-soo stuck the photo in his pocket.

Although Tae-soo act of violence temporarily lands him in lockup. Tae-soo relay Goo-tak that Woong-Chul is to find a higher priority considering the shooters as its own security. Handing over the information of Hyun-woo, Goo-tak will be able to find the perpetrators, that with. Goo-tak repeated "Culprit s !"

Two of the action, it can be found up to Goo-tak and Jung-moon the gunmen. There are two of them: an experienced firearms and other hardly a newbie, but both frequented a certain shooting range before a gun missing. Your name: Jang Myung-jin and Go Chang-shik

Jung Moon falls over and breaks in Gos apartment while Goo-tak, to the in workspace Jang leaves. where he finds prepared bullets and a family photo. Back at headquarters, insists Go that he only followed orders Jang. The only reason why he was a weapon picked on all Jang to insure that he would be on the plan in.


Goo-tak heard enough, so Mi-young continue the interrogation. Go had lost with his accomplice, who was the police on his heels concerned had picked up contact. She asks how many people were on their hit list, and Jung-moon interpreted to mean Go silence that they planned to kill more life.

Rocks Go chin, Jung-Moon asks quietly, which next. At the same time we see Jang in a taxi parked under the bridge and loads his gun for his next target. President of the Company

The following morning, Goo-tak has young-moon, Mi-young and others stationed around the park officers. Everyone is on high alert, and any suspicious activity or noise begins Goo-tak attention that makes only the president of the company that much more anxiety.

Meanwhile Jang gets in position. Jung-Moon sees him first, and as Jang is to pull on the trigger, Jung Moon outs of his presence. He pulls towards Jang that pops out of the bushes. He pulls the trigger ... but it clicked empty.


Jang to the ground in shock before take off. He loads his rifle again and threatened to shoot another woman, and Jung-Moon holds his tracks. In a hurried voice, Jung-moon says that he knows that he and Go were among those sacked for forming the lost funds the company.

The truth is that company execs and Kang Seok- ho embezzled funds (the man to proposed at the top of the hour his girlfriend) was the one who carried out the order.

a gentle Jang a curt reply, why received he had to lose his job ( "Do not ask") words repeated Jang in the present: "Do not ask me why you [police]. told not to ask either. "this is very sentence was the idea behind it why and go first started this help killings-that random killings, covering their true goals.

Jung-moon points out that one of them was wrong with the men to kill innocent life together. No matter how he angry was that he lost his job, lost his wife due to illness and had to send away his child, it is not to make his actions right. "The people you killed, you know who these people were?"

And closer with each step, Jung-moon names each victim by name and circumstances which lives thirteen Jang and Go took. Jang whirls his gun at Jung-moon to tell him to come no closer. But Jung Moon continues, saying that a victim of his wife had just lost, did exactly as Jang.

Pointing the gun on himself, Jung-moon invites Jang to kill him if he wants badly to kill. It can also kill anyone who causes harm to others, Jung-Moon says. "Why, we hear people beating each other? Someone else is in the wrong, so why we are all the same, hurting each other?"

Grabbing hold to shoot the gun, Jung-moon told Jang, Jang and if hesitates whirls Jung-moon the gun from his hands and turns against him. A tear rolls Jung-moon on the cheek as he damn trigger his fingers over the places, is Jung-moon he would commit the first murder can remember?

Not today because Goo-tak calls him it says, is not to solve his problem. Jung-Moon finally falls the gun, and when he asks it about Mi-young hands, Goo-tak, if what he said earlier, was from his head or his heart. Meaning, he meant what he said or was it part of his plan?

Goo-tak ensures to tie loose ends by for embezzling funds the company's president seizure. And while I am relieved that they have all arrested, someone is concerned about Woong-Chul right now?

Goo-tak of prosecutor called on Oh is the usual fishing spot the Police Commissioner. He studied team Crazy treat dogs of cases, and if his metaphor is too pretty, prosecutor Oh humors him less delicate with another.

Goo-tak is ready to make the session short, but he caught off- guard when prosecutors Oh says he knows that Goo-tak work alongside criminals. What's more is that he. The past that knows Goo-tak shares with each of them He knows that everything goes back to what happened two years ago, but the question is-are the criminals know that too?

Meanwhile Woong-Chul looks pretty beat, but he's still alive. His former chief remembers when Woong-Chul first with the request came to him that he wanted to live like a human. So is the Mafia boss had ensured that Woong-Chul would not want. How could his generosity like these to be repaid? It's not like Jung-moon is an innocent life, he is a serial killer

Woong-Chul unfortunately finds that his former boss still wears the ring he gave him. He is grateful for his boss goodness, but he has realized that a life that looks only seemingly good, is not to live as a man.

"But you know, Hyung-nim I did not sleep one time easily at night the people I will be killed appear in my dreams and ask me." Why did you do this to me? What was the reason? "But I really had nothing to say to them."

"How are you doing lately, Hyung-nim?" Woong-Chul asks. "Sleeping easily these days? "his former boss rises from his seat, surprised at Woong-Chul boldness.

But Woong-Chul voice is only more desperate, shouting," Doo-Kwang-ie hyung! Let your dongsaeng Sleep well. I ask you! :. Lee Doo-Kwang, which we call "Whoa. But at least we now have a name Boss Lee

And Boss Lee gets the car ready ... because they go Woong-Chul today buried.


I'll say it again: I really love Woong-chul and his moral fiber Maybe. is it because his feelings are so easily accessible suppress us as viewers, while Tae-soo and young-moon their emotions more in comparison. he's looking at all this work on his shot towards redemption how can you not love him if he the safety of other presents its own?

broke my heart for him in his confession that he he has been plagued by the people killed, and that in retrospect, materialistic wealth does nothing to satisfy his yearning desire like a decent human being to live. And although I thought it was great for Mi-young to finally give Woong-Chul and other criminals some slack, because they're still human, I want the show more urgency on the safety and wellbeing of our Trio gave as much criminals as they drive the dramatic effect of criminal matters. As such puncture wound has disappeared severity Jung Moon mysteriously once Mrs. Hwang was arrested, and that Tae-soo noted that Woong-Chul might be in danger ... and he is to be buried on literally. This is not to dismiss the other clear question that two armed men were still at large, but did not want anyone to go to the police force for the strong men lookin '?

As for the case itself, I thought it used term for "random killings" and integrate it on both Jang and Jung-moon was the show pretty clever. How interesting that the one who reminds allegedly killed numerous people the gunman of the dozen or so he lives took. It is with every week that Jung-moon not to be , the Stoics and insensitive psychopath people believe him on one side, which is great Jung Moon character, and to humanize the other side, continues are within the definition of psychopathic behavior. Could a real madman conflict hesitate and feel the life of another operation to take when they told him that he is a serial killer? Perhaps this is to be resolved to wait a mystery.

Speaking of secrets, I like how the new faces shake things here. In particular, it is lawyer Oh, I'm most excited about, because he with him heard of Goo-tak or maybe even a past at least the share. His insatiable curiosity and own Grimly information to find out is what him a double-edged sword, he makes could be either to have a powerful tool for Goo-tak on his side, or a dangerous weapon, who knows his secrets. I have loved long since Kim Tae-hoon 's performance, so I hope as well that he is here to stay for the rest of the series.

Although our team seized this week villains, asks the show interesting questions, which I hope they hang them not to leave: do to the killer (including our residents are) know the people who killed them ? And what was her motive? Some cases have these answers uncovered more than others, but I am glad that our crazy dogs will not settle for an answer that these villains were just crazy.

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tags: Bad Guys, in Jo Dong Hyuk, Kang Ye-won, Kim Sang-joong, Ma Dong-seok, Park Hae-jin

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