Recap And Reviews Kdrama Three Musketeers: Episode 10

Recap and reviews korean drama Three Musketeers: Episode 10 -

In what could be the best episode yet (again) to save our boys race against the clock to their friend and their princess who can or have had not quite at that hour with their willpower and ultimate display of courage in the face of almost certain downfall. The same applies to our three musketeers and their plus one on-each pulling their weight in this episode, and the synergy created ensures a pleasant captivating PM. Did you expect anything less


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EPISODE 10: "One for all, all for one"

When we went last out, Dal- hyang was No-soo people to turn pincushion, after which begins rewound with back to the point where Ingguldai first Dal-hyang attacked in a drug-fueled haze under the floorboards in Ingguldai looking for space, but at this hour .

During a disguised we No-soo around outside, Dal-hyang did his best to try and dodge the big swing saw Ingguldai before taking that splashed one that blood back to the general face. now we see that he [1945011schleichenhatte] has indeed a hit on Dal-hyang land, but it could have been worse. he swiped Dal-hyang thigh when he meant probably to behead him

Ingguldai had tried him again to stab, but Dal-hyang jumped off in time and patted him on the head with a vase. is , if you were of no-soo men finish what Ingguldai could not but Dal-hyang to defend himself and his attacker stab first.

Before his attacker stopped breathing, Dal-hyang had demanded to know why he tried to kill him, to eke out only for the man from that he had been sent find to out if Ingguldai had killed him.

left confused and wounded, had Dal-hyang no way the high windows or through the hallway to escape, especially when he could hear no-soo, and approaching another assassin.

He bought a couple of free minutes by a door lock rigging and, in an unexpected turn of events, used Ingguldai sword the man he just killed to decapitate. (Smart, Dal-hyang)

So broke by the time No-soo and his man in the room, they found Ingguldai unconscious and a man they suspected Dal be -hyang beheaded. Dal-hyang had left the body with his identity tag and add the sword of Prince credibility of the List, and hid and the decapitated head under the floorboards.

Dal-hyang had in and fade out started by the time of consciousness No-soo Ingguldai body at his desk and threw the poured over drugged wine on the base arranged and according to the wine, Dal- hyang consisted entirely.

Cue the scene all others stumbled on, with an unconscious Ingguldai a bloody sword next to a decapitated body. No-soo and his lackey were found in their efforts, the missing head, not quite believing that it could be, Dal-hyang is.

Flash-forward to the present, with no-soo again driven at the scene of the crime. As he had suspected foul play from the beginning, knifing No-soo begins through the ground, and Dal-hyang does not have time to react enough as No-soo sword comes down ...

... and lands firmly in his arm. Dal-hyang covers his mouth to stifle any sound of pain he could do, even though no-soo knows that he has got him after the fresh blood on his blade stains and prepares to stab down again.

an unusually jovial Kim Ja-jeom about what is there arrived in Anju, because he has about the suspicious circumstances Dal-hyang is perhaps death heard confronted Sohyeon happened under his roof. He reiterated that his visit should remain a mystery, but it certainly can not be stupid enough to do Kim Ja-jeom to him no favors, right?

Kim Ja-jeom says Sohyeon that there is nothing more to be expected what happened when a murder case, all but his tongue to Seung-po and Min-seo cackle else for telling the prince. But he's practically giddy when he says Sohyeon that Ingguldai not there to answer for his crime, as we cut to the town square where Ingguldai be executed set.

Now we are present than can be present because Ingguldai fate had been left to an uncertain (ly bleak) note. Hardly has yes jeom mention it that we the executioner swings his sword for the killing blow Kim.

Someone is injured, it's just not clear at first to see if it was Ingguldai. But all hell breaks loose when the executioner, who has been shot by an arrow, before he could kill Ingguldai, on the ground keels.

Snipers on the roof, take all the guards present, before a masked man cuts Ingguldai free. It turns out that this event has already happened, and what we saw was Kim Ja-jeom version of the scene, as he puts it Sohyeon, although he claims not to know, saved the Ingguldai and helped him to flee. (Ten dollars says it's Kim Ja-jeom.)

Sohyeon must suspect the same, but he has to use any hard evidence against Kim Ja-jeom and no one knows that better than the guilty minister himself.

as if on cue, Kim Ja-jeom hands the three Musketeers a box which he claims contains the head of Dal-hyang, and though Seung-po looks reluctant to see inside that is a head, its havoc on the idea that it might be, Dal-hyang of preventing him looking too long and that's exactly what Kim Ja-jeom wants ,

sure Kim Ja-jeom claims that it is Dal -hyang head although decomposition made it impossible to distinguish his features there, and expects to believe three of them that he only nominal value. I know our guys are smarter than that.

Poor Seung-po and Min-seo are upset, but Sohyeon continue Kim Ja-jeom place to looking into the eye, as it just goes on and on, and to ... to Sohyeon finally snaps and punches him in the face, not once, not twice, but again and again, until he pulled away.

and after a short trial, the other two musketeers Sohyeon to stop, they decide against Kim to join in the brawl Yes-jeom men are at least until they stopped by the governor of Anju. He has the three arrested Musketeers (he does not know what Sohyeon looks like?), While Kim Ja-jeom laughing manically on watches.

Because Yoon-seo can not tell her mother, the actual reason for their visit, Mom of course, assumes the worst and thinks Sohyeon dumping Yoon-seo in her birthplace off means that he get rid for good of her.

But Yoon-seo receives an unexpected visit to Mi-ryung who arrives dressed as a noble lady with a false identity. Yoon-seo fist clenches when she recognizes her, but she says nothing until they are in private.

Only then will they confront Mi-ryung about their broken promise that it would never appear in front again her or Sohyeon again, but Mi-ryung wearing only her signature condescending grin as she tells the princess that she Anju has just returned, passing it Dal-hyang the nametag ". Park Dal-hyang in Anju died"

Yoon -seo eyes widen as they claim to be her husband dodgy remembers when she suspected he had heard bad news, and now assumes that he had heard about Dal-hyang death, and kept the truth from her. Oh no.

The Three Musketeers find themselves in yokes and chains containing box overlooking the supposedly her friend decomposing head. Seung-po can not help but think the task of the eunuchs, whose was to report to the king that Yoon-seo hairpin had been found in Ingguldai room, and how he had made the eunuchs agree to keep to the report, from when Seung-po could prove that the rumors about the Princess of finding Dal-hyang were made alive. So much for that.

It soon becomes clear that the governor of Anju not know who Sohyeon, and Kim Ja-jeom is anxious that it will keep that. (For now). But the whole point of that power over Sohyeon lording is so that he use it in, but he will not have to, he says, if only Sohyeon connect hands with him.

Kim Ja-jeom then admits that he was out of his execution sword behind Save Ingguldai, and that he'll be the general return to his home country as Sohyeon if he leave so badly wants to , their partnership agrees. It also sweetens the deal with the promise that he would run before, to rescue the princess, after being dethroned. How generous of him.

Meanwhile, Mi-ryung attempts to convince the Princess that Dal-hyang is dead, much in the way Kim Ja-jeom on did the three musketeers. They both know that Yoon-seo not hairpin has she would need to prove their innocence to the king, it is only a matter of time before they'll dethroned.

"Why are you telling me all this" the princess asks clearly struggling, and its frame to keep ahead of her rival

Mi-ryung:. If you are dethroned ", it is said that I would be the next princess. I really disappear intention and I wish luck to the both of you. But at these words ... yes, I wavered in these words.

I thought it was impossible, because I dared to an unattainable dream to hang princess to be. But they say that it is possible. I can dream. So I'm on your Highness sorry, but I have to dream again decided. If you were expecting the news of the hairpin, I think it has gone to hell, so I came to offer a proposal. the letter will not arrive. that's why I came to a proposal offer a different way to find "

Yoon-seo face really become a mask of horror once these words sink in:" ".? Another way: "You're ... telling me to take my own life" Mi-ryung just smiles, "I have just proposed a different method."

from prison (for now) who see three Musketeers on in solemn silence like a sob Pan-swe the box you think contains Dal-hyang buries head.

Yoon-seo steps was concerned in her room at night, as they ask, Minister Choi flashes back the news of someone dying through Dal-hyang. He confirms that it is true, but can not live long on the sad state of affairs when Yoon-seo has not yet hairpin and although he wants a forgery to try that, Yoon-seo to be destroyed by the message at the bottom have hope that they would deceive the king.

Now that she has had time to process the idea that Dal-hyang is dead, Yoon-seo cries out for him. Another flashback shows that she had asked Mi-ryung whether she really thought Sohyeon she would accept her as his wife, and Mi-ryung had said he would-as would do so his only way to save his Ingguldai.

Although it that their plan was recognized extortion marry Sohyeon in, Mi-ryung seemed confident that he will eventually come to would.

Suddenly though, Yoon-seo stop their pace and fixed to a rafter in their room. Oh no. Do not you dare, Yoon-seo!

Share After a drink in the silence with Seung-po and Min-seo, Sohyeon eventually it breaks to announce that he will do what Kim Ja-jeom wants. It seems like his defeatist attitude has much to do with Dal-hyang, he remembers affectionately as faithful and true.

Because he for failing feels guilty Dal protect -hyang, Sohyeon now doubts his ability to be king and is ready to just give up. If Seung-po asks what this means for Yoon-seo says Sohyeon that at least pretend that will keep them alive as Kim Ja-jeom said. Everything as Kim Ja-jeom said.

Later that night, Yoon-seo maid her mistress enters dark bedroom to drop only her tray and jaw when the noose Yoon-seo spots was hanged from the rafters.

But by the grace of dramagods, Yoon-seo does not depend on him.

her maid finds them outside, be surprised if they do not meet a suicidal woman, but a determined princess that announced they would return to the palace.

Now that he knows Sohyeon is (reluctantly) ready to play ball to sign with him, Kim ja-jeom hands over a deal for him, stating that the next woman he take as crown princess going will be of Kim's family. Is there a better way to insert closer than a relative in the royal family to the throne?

But it is not only a relative of his, and Sohyeon suspected as much when he asks flat-out whether it Hyang-sun / Mi-ryung is. Kim Ja-jeom does not deny, but if he says he took them in because he felt sorry for her near dead state begins Sohyeon to tremble with rage.

Yoon-seo brings her Palace- bound envoy to a halt when she discovers Mi-ryung of the street and usher them to her litter. Already can Mi-ryung see that Yoon-seo not the meek thing is they just faced that Yoon-seo confirmed by noting that on the contrary, still alive-despite Mi-ryung's wishes.

Naturally, Mi -ryung says she never wanted to see the princess dead, only that Yoon-seo has failed first even to preserve their honor by not killing. But Yoon-seo does not agree: First, because they Dal-hyang do not would die so easily, and his name tag is not shown enough it is the opposite to convince


and secondly, because she knows Sohyeon well enough to know that even if he does not love, she knows he would not shun as his wife in a murderess take: "We'll see which of us is right, even if I die, I'll die in the palace as Crown Princess.." in addition, a How does someone dare as you suspect to tell me how to live and Yoon-seo has just taken Mi-ryung to school .

Maybe it was because Kim Ja-jeom make Sohyeon reluctance its brand in the prenuptial agreement that he makes sure to mention that it is the feel only , both Ingguldai and Yoon- is seo store. Sohyeon hand shakes when he takes the ink brush sign ...

... But they are interrupted when they hear someone say they are looking for "Three Musketeers" bursting with names, only for the little girl who had Manchu eyes for Dal-hyang, Tani come through the door.

She has just moved out, but Sohyeon engages their use of "The Three Musketeers", because he would only ever called her group back before Dal-hyang way when, which means none other than Dal -hyang would know.

Kim ja-jeom has no idea why Seung-po and Min-seo runs to leave the room, and even Sohyeon must work to suppress a happy smile. Dal-hyang alive

in a retrospective visit We Dal-hyang again: While he was still under the floorboards, he heard Kim Ja-jeom tells his minions find the head, at any price, because a Dal-hyang live the end Kim plans Ingguldai and Yoon-seo dethronement would mean.

But no-soo after Dal-hyang was known not dead as one of his men, suspected Dal-hyang hiding under the floor and tried to finish the job the body after identification.

in another timeline and show that ever closer to Nine proportions, Tani inching leads to the scene, a group in which no-soo only stabbed Dal-hyang , which means that we are finally in the present. (This is still technically in the past, because this whole story is, when read in the future-past in the present-future of us is consumed. Orrr it is? )

Da Dal-hyang had the men asked him found him to hide and say, no one of his presence, he wakes up to find Tani vigil at his bedside to hold. The friendly man with Tani, both Manchu and Joseon speak languages, and is thus capable of Dal-hyang to say that everyone thinks that he has been killed by Ingguldai

Dal-hyang worry about the risk of any (read :. Yoon- SEO) in the capital will be directed, if he can not get word to them that he is alive, but fast enough they can not get their say. But aw went the friendly caretaker through the trouble, the sword was Sohyeon Dal-hyang from his "grave" to retrieve, they come back to him.

as the janitor tells him how the sword was placed there by three men, discloses a flashback Sohyeon respectfully the sword in the pile of dirt with tears, yes, bonafide People stick tears his cheeks -streaking down. All three of them were crying for him.

In the present (?), Dal-hyang can not help but think of the Three Musketeers smiling, overjoyed that they are in the same city. In order to maintain its status Not Dead secret, he had instructed the friendly caretaker, just look for the "Three Musketeers" of a moniker only they would recognize.

Cue Tani combing through the entire city to ask "? Three Musketeers Three Musketeers", until the right party actually belongs. Takes you happy the way for Seung-po and Min-seo during Sohyeon slams on the brush and tears Kim Ja-jeom contract.

Kim warns him that he will not get again this offer, but Sohyeon could not care less if he was threatened with a woman and swap Ingguldai death. Now it's Kim should Ja-jeom fear him be warned Sohyeon.

With a little ingenuity, No-soo just for a fight to the even recovering Dal-hyang to track down at his safe house death. Although the Tracking just takes a little less than one minute, it is still a fun, edge-of-your-seat way Dal-hyang to follow as he fought several lackeys in his attempt to escape.

He eventually overwhelmed by No-soo of the men, but before any of them can beat him, to block a headed straight for Dal-hyang three swords intercession , There is no time for chitchat as Sohyeon tells him just to drive to the capital-he can rescue the princess, when he is not dead proves.

But at least there is room for a little bromantic humor as Sohyeon makes sure to mention that to protect him, the Crown Prince, instead of being protected, but that's just how important Dal-hyang life today is not commonplace. D'aw.

Seung-po do not let Dal-hyang leave without his gat selfish in a proper farewell tilting because he did not have to say a when Dal-hyang died earlier.

After she sent the three of them joining in their swords raised together, is Dal-hyang on his way. The cherry on top of friendship Sundae comes when Pan-swe happy Dal-hyang his horse supplies and jumps to hug him, overjoyed to see him breathe.

Tani makes it in time to say goodbye to him, and Pan-swe when her interpreter act, calls for Dal-hyang that he will his promise hold has to know that he made Tani to marry when they rescued him. Haha. If only. (And in some law years, do not let us make strange.) Not even

And after a failed attempt No-soo Men deter a crown prince attacking realize, they go in the way battle ,

It's birthday Princess Jeongmyeong is also known as the deadline for Yoon-seo to wear her hairpin before the king and to prove their innocence. All women, including the birthday boy himself, are all excited with malicious intent, to see if Yoon-seo seen with the pen or not, but Yoon-seo is still dissolved without going there, knowing what they'll opposite to. [1945009[

When King Injo and Yoon-seo both head toward the party at the same time, the eunuch the news of her alleged infidelity camp stopped only moments before their fate sealing. Is Dal-hyang?

Injo at the party comes before the crown princess and not pleased that Yoon-seo is found on her neck over. Nevertheless, they screened to give the inner courage, even if they can not help their hands in nervousness rang ...

... Until suddenly something in placed them. It's not just her hairpin, but it's Dal-hyang is that it has taken a knee her hand. "They were alive," Yoon-seo whispered unsteadily, only for Dal-hyang to jet to her: "Of course I was I can not die so easily I will live for a long, long time, to protect you, Your Highness.. . Do not worry. "

Yoon-seo eyes with tears, as they do not fill thanks to him for the hairpin, but to be alive. Then, with the pin in place, they may ask the king with her head held high. The second Injo sees it, he even suspecting she is ashamed instantly.

to an incredulous Eunuch Kim after confirming that he not at all dead, Dal-hyang takes the scathing letter he delivered almost to the king and tears it into pieces.

things are not quite as rosy for Sohyeon and his friends from the city police (seen have the arrested also countrified him, hah) and are at the moment through the city like criminals be carted.

Although Sohyeon a curious officer says that he is , the Crown Prince, no one believes him. At least get Seung-po in an excavation of the countryside to hate while digging for gold.

So when the officer requires real answer Sohyeon just grins and says that they are the three musketeers.


so, so much fun. I do not know why I will be surprised again and again how the show manages me new reasons they give every week, or at least like me of the good times, it reminds the week before, when it dares darker gave. But it is clear that Three Musketeers is to give from us first have a good time, especially, and I suppose that it will provide more and better times, still seems almost too good to be true to be. (This makes it not to try it, drama country!)

I'm honestly not sure if Kim Ja-jeom increasing edentulism is intended or not, because no-soo something managed to be of a mandrel in each side more than the man who is supposed to pull all the strings. And while his plots and plans come with just enough to wiggle a statement on its own legs with all the finesse of a newborn giraffe, I can see the purpose they serve. It is much easier to forgive a weaker plot point, if all of them believed so fervently-otherwise, if someone suspicious circumstances to Yoon-seo alleged affair with Ingguldai were too heavy to consider they would probably realize how stupid it was ,

But! With our good guys against the clock race that the hairpin to get just in time , to store them in front of a favor, the validity heard behind to play role considering its conviction. This is not a catch-all excuse by any means, because what worked for the ticking time pin does not necessarily carry over Kim Ja-jeom threat to salt of the earth Sohyeon stood up when he did not marry his niece newly adopted.

, the focus shifted sharply away from Mi-ryung inner workings of the moment when she was revealed to be a murderer, and while it is too early to call the shift disappointing, faded their development lately compared to the complex treatment that was once graced with. I think it's fair that they have very good lost their mind or never had to really start, but it would be a shame to deport the ranks of spurned second leads, if it could be so much more. Now that the show can take as to try.

If somewhere slack in the line of Mi-ryung recent turn Yoon-seo picked it up and then some was created. This episode was so enjoyable watch for her character, we feel the extra endearment direction now feel that we have their growing and coming in their own even in such a repressive environment seen. What I probably most concerned about the way loved her trip was this hour was staged, how capable she was alone until the end, because they had no way of knowing that their world would not end until her guardian angel swooped literally to save in the last minute they. And with three more on the way, I get to say something to Yoon-seo, I never thought I would before, therefore they have to say. You lucky, lucky girl

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[1945076Stichworte]: featured, Jung Yong-hwa, Lee Jin-wook, The three Musketeers, Yang Dong-Geun

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