Recap And Reviews Kdrama Witch Romance: Episode 3

Recap and reviews korean drama Witch Romance: Episode 3 -

Ji-yeon continue fight to be against the idea of ​​romantically involved with a younger man, but fate (or contrivance) engages, and she and Dong-ha for a long time can not avoid each other. He is officially a part of her life now - or for the next three months, while it tries to Ji-yeon of workaholic tendencies to temper with concerns about their safety. But nothing is ever simple in Drama country, and we also get our first real introduction of a second lead -., Their connections to Dong-ha fate remains to be seen


Ji-yeon exits her bed Dong-ha to the fourteen years to discover age gap between them. She throws his clothes to him and told him he must go.

When he asks why she says in despair that he twenty-five, and she is thirty-nine. Dong-ha wonders what with that is so wrong, completely confused at her sudden change in attitude. But she puts him out the door to slide, he call forget this night ever happened.

When she tried to sleep, to drink Ji-yeon frets about so much alcohol that they would get involved with a younger man, but even assured that probably no chance there they will run into each other again. In his own bed, Dong-ha wonders how in a city as big as Seoul, he ended up next to Ji-yeon, and worries about his, what will he do when he looks back.

Morning prepares Dong-ha for all odd jobs he has his and Soo-chul of part ~~ POS = TRUNC business, but a customer lined after another Cancels. Soo-Chul bursts through the door, which posted him the scandalous articles of Troublemaker Trio on Master of Part-Time Jobs Evening shows yesterday, smeared her name as irresponsible and negligent Ready Service.

Dong-ha marched in the Troublemaker office and demanded to know whether the trio are the ones who wrote the article and negative comments. If they find out, he is employed by Master of Part-Time Jobs, they assume that Ji-yeon must have paid him to kiss her, so that they from the outset outsmarting

He tells them it was nothing like that. - your prank was so childish that he volunteered to kiss her, and she should be embarrassed not only for this match, but also to write for their trashy items. Soo-Chul apologized and returned the money, so why have it still write? Should not they ashamed of their scheming?

team leader Byun says that compared to everything Ji-yeon to it has to do, that's nothing. "What have I done?"

At the sound of Ji-yeon voice, everyone scatters at their desks, and her eyes widen as she stood Dong-ha sees before her. He fueled even by anger about the article, and if she asks why he is there, he says it's because of yesterday's "incident".

automatically assumes that it comes to their hot and heavy make-out session (and I never had a flashback been so grateful). Pull him aside, they tried with him to reason, but he is more focused on what the trio did, shouted that he would sue. Ji-yeon says that an action a bit extreme - even if she has to kiss him for the first time, he is 25 and bwahaha

At this moment " legal.". her boss comes in and says that he understands the situation - he has heard all about it. (Ji-yeon, still think this is skinship about her, Pffft wonders whether Dong-ha is a kind of gold digger..)


Director Kwon, the trio get to Dong-ha to apologize for their Actions. But "I'm sorry" is not enough for Dong-ha, who says that not only everyone has canceled this week, but they have lost 80% of their clientele. Trust is the most important asset in their line of work, but thanks to Master of Part-Time Jobs this article now has lost all confidence -. So now he is effectively out of a job

A pretty young intern, young Eun-Chae ( young Yeon-joo ), in the office arrives documents before their official launch date to deliver next week. She also has a package for Ji-yeon because her by a mysterious delivery man. But before Ji-yeon can open it, Dong-ha finds the blood dripping from the corner of the box on their hands, and takes it from her.

is any horror at the sight of blood, and Dong-ha cautiously opens the box to reveal a dead bird (ew) and a letter that reads in cut-out letters, "Ban Ji-yeon, watch your mouth ! I'm watching you. "Suuuuper creepy.

Ji-yeon once more information from Eun-Chae demands and diminishes their observational skills (and future as a reporter) when Eun-Chae admits that she can not remember all the details about the messenger.

When director Kwon suggests that it could be cool by Kim Jeong-do fans, Ji-yeon calls from one that the team take photos of keeping packaging as evidence, and after washing her hands, she will check with security for CCTV footage from the delivery guy.

is alone in the toilet Once Ji-Yeon, they, as it is not so calm appear, and she trembling washed the blood from his hands.

Outside the ladies' room (and within earshot of Ji-yeon) consoles, Dong-ha Eun-Chae, the delivery by not checking blames himself or to describe the situation the person who gave it to her , He tells her not to be so hard on yourself -. Not everyone like Ji-Yeon is, of itself does not flinch at the sight of a dead bird

In the security office, Ji-yeon watches the CCTV screens - but not a good get views of the Messenger-face. She returns to the Director Kwon office where he and Dong-ha finally settled on three months of the contract with Troublemaker to match what he did for master work of part-time jobs. To fulfill the contract, it shall Dong-ha Ji-yeon assistant to be

She refuses immediately. "I do not know want him!" But director Kwon says her magazine is more popular than ever thanks to Kim Jeong-do-scandal, and when she receives packets with dead birds, they may be in danger. She protests - after all, it's not like it's the first time that it has a threatening letter ever received, and it must not obstruct an inexperienced child. (Dong-ha: "... kid")

But director Kwon says the decision was made, and Young-sik is happy to fill Dong-ha in on all Macken Ji-Yeon is how she takes her coffee, what vitamins they like how she is moody during the work when to eat, can not remember, "as it is now," he adds, as Ji- yeon sparkles with them. Ha!

Dong-ha thoughtfully takes everything in, but Ji-Yeon is still to follow the barricades and jobs "Part-timers Yoon" her.

He tags along after her, in their use of banmal objections, but she says she can talk to a younger wizard easily should (focus on younger ).

she commands Dong-ha as a "team leader" to address her and if it produces at all what happened between them last night, he will be fired. If he has a question for her, he must first ask permission to ask her - and no personal questions. He must also be available 24/7 if it is required for an assignment: No matter where he is or what time it is called, it must come running. "Fired!"

Outside she bounced about on his scooter chauffeured to be, and he noted snidely that it faster than the bicycle she stole from an orphanage if he talks too much again. She warns him when he brings, he is fired. Dong-ha just kind of shrugs: "I am no matter fired what I'm doing." As if to prove she climbs onto the back of his scooter, with the warning that if they fall, "Fired"

as they drive (or scoot?) , Dong-ha spots a car to follow along them. He tried a few maneuvers to lose the car, but on the back of his head by Ji-yeon just smacked drive for like a madman. They come to Kim Jeong-do lover at home, and this time when Ji-yeon ringing, Soo-jung actually responds to invite them.

Dong-ha play deals with Soo-young daughter, so she and Ji-yeon can talk privately. Ji-yeon says she never meant to hurt Soo-jung - all she had to do was, as hypocrites reveal Jeong-do. She just wants Soo-jung to realize that Jeong-do is not good to wait to stop back for him to her, and to move on with their lives. Soo-jung says that this is the life they have chosen, chose to wait just like Ji-yeon for Shi-hoon.

defense, Ji-yeon says she differs from Soo-young - at least they do not give up on their life. As she leaves, she tells her sunbae that the reason why she attended, she was to warn that they all they bring Jeong-do down can, will do, even if it Soo-jung pain brings.

Dong-ha and Ji-yeon return home, and as he gave the scooter parking, he noticed a mysterious figure lurking around the corner. He chases after him quickly, but not fast enough to catch up - but he manage to confirm that the same glasses-and-hat guy who pursues all day and was responsible for the dead-bird Package.

Ji-yeon dismisses Dong-ha, since it no longer needs its services, and is annoyed when he on the stairs with her walks. He tells her that he did not follow her because he wants - he will happen to live next door

you find immediately that suspicious, call him a stalker and ask if there is a wire tap in his apartment. . Dong-ha unnerved Recalls that's crazy, and slips into his apartment to make sure they can not follow him. (But he did not remember that when they need something to give him a call, and he will come within seconds is carried out. Aw.)

Back in her apartment, she is serious, when she sees the polar bear image - it takes a happy flashback when she was in a similar photos taken by NOH SHI-hoon ( Han Jae-Suk ) was amazed when he gave her a loving back hug


Ji-yeon turns away from the photo, turn up the music, and begins its relaxation dance. But the thought that Dong-ha could cause her suddenly the music be turned off to hear.

In his apartment, Dong-ha (which had been grooving indeed happy with their melodies) the song hears excised and concern is on, worried something has happened. He rushes to her apartment above where they him with surprise (and toothbrush in hand) greeting when he jumps, checks whether to make everything is okay

Ji-yeon giggles when she sees his shoes , A slipper and a sneaker. "You really must have been in a hurry!"

Just as it is reassuring him everything is fine and they do not need it, the wind blowing against the shutters and startles her. She ducks behind him, revealing how nervous she really is, despite her words. She insists she is fine and he can leave (as she clings to his arm, ha!), But Dong-ha of scouts, he says a'll stay a little longer.

She begins to offer him something to drink, adding that it has beer - but that only reminds her of her drunken invitation from the night before (what their super sexy fun times lead). Ji-yeon turns instead on the TV, and it is one of the kissing scenes of I Romance 3 need. Ha. Both shift uncomfortably in their seats, and it turns on the transmitter faster - yet another sexy scene. HAHAHA!

to the radio decision would be safer once they engage in a quiz show (where Ji-yeon the announcer presents in her living room). Or at least Ji-yeon does when her competition series means that she screams answers before the question itself is ready - and half the time, it is wrong, much to Dong-ha amusement. He asks teasingly if she is the type who hates to lose. Ji-yeon: "How should I know I've never lost?." Hee!

It plays the music on the radio, and they soon will see the generation gap between them, as Ji-yeon songs from popular singers from the mentions 1980s - but Dong -ha recognizes only the songs, because they have been re-made by contemporary K-pop artists

In a final attempt to connect, she begins to sing her favorite song, "Sunset Glow" and is. delighted when Dong-ha immediately starts singing along with her - but then he adds in the chorus from the version that he knows of Big Bang, which is not the original Lee Moon-se version that Ji-yeon sings , Nevertheless, it is just as sweet as she happily together, manage both versions to meld.

Morning Ji-yeon nut rolls with a suitcase and rings up at the door to Ji-yeon apartment. Ji-Yeon is stretched out asleep on the sofa, and Dong-ha will sleep in a chair nearby. After she wakes up and realizes it at the door of her mother, she and Dong-ha in a hurry to try to figure out how to hide it (and no, just throw a blanket over him will not work). She lands him in a closet sliding, despite his protests

Mom, there are some home-cooked food to fall off, before leaving on a trip to Jeju, but it also has another reason for the visit -. Undersigned she Ji yeon for a dating service.

she's lucky that Ji-yeon yet 39 is only because once she turns 40, the fees are more expensive, so they really need a man to find this year. Ji-yeon rejects the idea on blind dates go, they say happy is the way it is. But Mama is determined to marry her

The Klang Dong-ha shift in the cabinet are Ji-yeon an idea, and she calls sweet to him. "Darling! Come out!"

He stands at attention with his adorable bed head when Mama him checks as to his surprise, he is introduced as Ji-yeon's friend. But he goes along with it, thanks to a little encouragement (through a painful bruise on his arm) of Ji-yeon.

The two pretend to be one happy couple (and Ji-Yeon is on board is aegyo hilarious) when mom interrupts her "pancake" moment, him saying that he should not feel obligated to stick around because he is so busy, and almost calls him "son-in-law." Hee! It looks like Mama fully approved by Dong-ha. Can not say I blame her.

in an orphanage, Eun-Chae a cute little boy as her mother dresses, OH MI-yeon, hands over an envelope of cash so Eun-Chae for clothes they buy new work. They tried sweet to give it back and said she has many clothes, because "Unni has at least the value of a truckload."

At the mention of her older sister, Mom is significantly affected, and Eun-Chae tried to cover her gaffe light by invited her mother in her visit new home come.

Mom smiles as she waves goodbye Eun- Chae, but the smile not dwell

Dong-ha as is also in the orphanage, one of the window has only fixed -. but to accept the payment, he hands over his own envelope of cash. When he does this, he asks for the "Young-Chae Mom," learning that it does have better a lot, especially now that her daughter is out of the US here. Dong-ha is surprised to discover she still has a daughter.

When Eun-Chae at the bus stop waiting for the twinkly music and slow-motion wind fate over - or is it just Dong-ha on his scooter which pulls up and stops them as intern from Troublemaker

to read in her apartment, Ji-Yeon is recognition. (And rock to Big Bang version of "Sunset Glow" - aw why so sweet) when her phone rings. We do not know who is at the other end, but her face is serious, as she says that she understands, and is preparing to leave the apartment.

When Dong-ha, they discovered is no longer at home, he tried calling them - but they ignored his reputation because dinner with actor Kim Jeong-do, is. Eeeek! said Dong-ha, set for this reason remain!

Jeong-do says that if Ji-yeon pursue their products he holds would withdraw the lawsuit. But Ji-Yeon is not over: it points out that he is the one who should be afraid of more, of public opinion, to remind him that in politics, every vote counts. She asks him if he hired someone to follow her, "but you would not that terrible, now, is not it?"

Oh, but he would, because after she leaves, Jeong-do tells his minions, that if they can not reach them with words, they are to "show her" instead. That can not be good.

While Dong-ha is busy running around frantically track Ji-yeon tried to return to her apartment. Seeing that the front door is slightly open, she enters her house carefully

There is a scene from a horror movie. Mirrored in the darkness, their apartment completely ransacked, and hanging is one of her dresses with an ax and blood dripping from it. She gasps and steps back - just the arm of the mysterious have glasses and hat guy break through the window of her French doors and her grip around his neck. Gah, why so scary ?!

Ji-yeon creates by biting to defend his arm, and then reached for a fireplace shovel. He rebuffs easily their attack and hurls it across the room, where they pat each other, as it lands upside down.

Before the creepy glasses-and-hat dude else can do anything, Dong-ha comes to fight him on the ground. The two men exchanged some pretty vicious beatings and glasses-and-hat dude swings a chair at the Dong-ha, the blocks with arm. Ouch. Glasses and hat man crashes and Dong-ha hurry to Ji-yeon page to ask desperately if she fine.

She is unconscious and in a lost memory: Shi-hoon gives her the polar bear picture (what we see in her apartment), and added, that he and Ji-yeon they should see go together sometime, because the polar bears are at the end of the world ", and I want to go with you to the end of the world" written on the back of the photo.? Would you like to marry me

in the hospital Ji-yeon slowly flickers in and out of consciousness, and how it does it, she thinks she Shi-hoon smiling down sees face on it, their names called. In a voice-over, she says that the end of the world was not the North Pole after all -. Instead, for them, the end of the world, where love stopped

Shi-hoon face replaced with a worried Dong-ha, as your voice over continues, "to have a new beginning, there to be an end, but I do not even know how to begin.."

After Dong-ha checked to ensure it has come to his senses back he leans back and sighs. He blames them to ignore his calls and said that she starts actually worry and care to make it about them.

As a tear rolls down her face, Ji-yeon wonders if she'll ever be able to love someone. again


It's official: I love this show. Everything about him pleased me - the characters, the script, the pace, the editing, the visual style. All . It has humor and intrigue and characters that treat each other with respect.

In particular, the lines. I adore them. Uhm Jung Hwa and Park Seo Joon have already convinced me that Ji-yeon and Dong-ha belong together forever and forever, only on the basis of the natural chemistry between them. Dong-ha has me totally when he was so confused as to why she was freaking out about their age difference - he has not seen it as a problem. But he also respects the fact that they did it, and really, Dong-ha seems to respect only Ji-yeon, although he did not always understand. Oh sure; He is not totally incapable in a little snarky comment here and always there, but he treated Ji-yeon as a person and not as a conquest or something to strengthen his ego. , Or even a hindrance that he learn with stuck and need to like

No - despite their lightning trouble together, it is clear they see a mutual Both share (if sometimes grudging) attraction and genuine affection for each other

were My favorite moments in this episode, as they hung in her apartment -. at first glance, to recognize the fact that Dong-ha was more inclined "Balloons" as a DBSK his songs instead of FiveFingers song should prove their wide age gap. But in reality, were the two of them to overcome in a position with a common love music, to bridge this gap, it has managed. Ji-yeon was to share some of their favorite songs, something that is very personal and meaningful to them, and instead to shake it, because he did not know the singer, Dong-ha was happy to find a way to connect.

which is probably the main why I love these two - they combine . Despite their differences, both in age and general temperament, they act like two puzzle pieces perfectly fit ideally suited.

, which is why I'm on a secondary love interest not as sharp appear. Eun-Chae seems sweet and thoughtful, and yes, it is closer to Dong-ha Age - but Dong-ha and Ji-yeon no outside interference need to create obstacles in their burgeoning relationship. Ji-yeon uncertainty about someone dating younger (and what I imagine the reactions of people in such a relationship will be) are hurdles enough. Not to mention, it seems like Eun-Chae older sister, Young-Chae Dong-ha former girlfriend - and dealt with the way her mother (and of what Dong-ha was in the previous episode to his work say), it's seems like Young-Chae has passed.

I you do not know, but in love with the man of your dead sister love was with just does not seem kosher. (What can I say, that's drama Country -. Everything goes) But such a scenario seems more suited to a melodrama than a light and airy rom-com as witches Romance

Really. too much, it is to ask the rest show Ji-yeon do their best to spend Lois Lane impression as everything does everything to reveal the truth about unscrupulous hypocrites, with Dong-ha tagging along as a mixture of Clark Kent goody- two ~~ POS = TRUNC superheroes and Jimmy Olsen adorable-runner? Dong-ha can move in Ji-yeon apartment (because it is the one that his old losing him), and it may be forced cohabitation gimmicks, how they spend their evenings together to share their favorite music.

And kissing. Because there must be more kissing definitely

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tags: featured, Park Seo-joon, Uhm Jung-hwa, witches romance

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