Recap And Reviews Kdrama Sly and Single Again: Episode 10

Recap and reviews korean drama Sly and Single Again: Episode 10 -

More secrets this week revealed, and Jung-woo still be serious problems must go Ae-ra. His feelings are obvious to everyone, but even at this point, but the way he acts on these feelings leaves much to be desired. There are playful banter and bickering in abundance, but the honesty we again not seen as much of our lines in the roof scene a few episodes. In contrast, Seung-hyun did not hesitate a second to say how he feels, on the admission of follow-up that there episode 9. And for Secretary Gil ended fans, we see a new side of him in this episode as Jung -Woo secretary witnessed the cruel sting of sorrow. A bit of a rocky episode, and one with more than my preferred dosage of Ae-ra family (which does not), but it does a decent job before, the conflict of the device.


We have in the middle an unwise back hug Ae-ra, Seung-hyun began the moment the Jung-woo around a corner is within walking distance. Ae-ra locks eyes with Jung-woo that looks hurried away beaten in the night. Ae-ra breaks of Seung-hyun away with a curt: ". Let me go"

Jung-woo drives out alone, beset by the memory of Ae-ra in other arms of the man. Back at the house, in which the employees drink and make merry, Yeo-jin comes with terrible news: the crashed DonTalk Server. Jung-woo is the best suited to fix the problem, but he is nowhere to be found.

The employee search the house and grounds in panic. Ae-ra recalls frightened reaction of Jung-woo, when he saw her and Seung-hyun earlier, and thinks to himself: "Surely he would not ..."

... but he did. Ae-ra place on Dream House Jung-woo, staring in a darkened room in the miniature version. She tells him about the crisis and calls on him to return. "Who are you worrying?" Jung-woo asks. "The CEO or Cha Jung-woo?"

"The CEO," she replies. Jung-woo does not know exactly what answer he was looking for, but it certainly was not. He informed cold Ae-ra that he does not do it in either needs to take care of capacity, and he would prefer it if they do not come in the future in the house. Unbeknownst to the divorced, Yeo-jin car takes the road to a stop in front of right, seemingly Ae-ra that followed as she walked.

The next day at work, Ae-ra is scolded by their counterparts from the recording when it was such an excitement to the servers. You feed them a line about a stomach ache, and apologized profusely. Meanwhile, Seung-hyun is despite strikingly beautiful to Ae-ra at work, be their cold reaction to the back hug, so she pulls him for a little chat on the roof.

On the way to the roof, which should run in but Jung-woo, leaning against the cabin wall and looked like death warmed up. Up on the roof begins Ae-ra a hilarious self-serving speech about how they should be prepared, because they attracted the kind of girl that boys since she was in middle school. She understands how awful injured Seung-hyun must be, but she can not accept his heart.

Your long-suffering sighs only muffled snorts of Seung-hyun to draw, and their rejection neither dejects still scares him. He informed happy that they'll later to accept his feelings come (perhaps we should cut him some slack for harmless and cute, but I think someone should the concept of still Seung-hyun "Do not insert means no!") , Hidden behind the roof door is in his trenchcoat Jung-woo, listen carefully every word.

After listening to on the roof, gets Jung-woo, a reminder that he is having trouble not the only one. Secretary Gil was unloaded, and the experience has proved too much usual for our beloved secretary good humor and knowing smile. Jung-woo consolation - that it is good to break with a materialistic woman before things went - only makes matters worse. Secretary Gil storms off, and can do all Jung-woo is screaming at him not to drink too much.

Secretary Gil, of course, heads directly to a bar, and the way he throws a glass of whiskey shows back that Jung-woo Council is likely to be ignored will. The Friends secretary are determined to help him through his grief with alcohol and pretty women, and they have made arrangements with the establishment of the latter to make available.

Three women walk in and join them. The waiter then says the ladies that they are very happy with DonTalk is handsome drinking CEO.

Secretary Gil cracks a cheesy grin and not deny it. Too bad that the woman sitting next to him, is song-hee from the marketing team! I have no idea how she came to be there, but the two of them seeing thrown together like it's fascinating.

is performed while working the next day, Æ- ra and her colleagues see an interview with Jung-woo and Yeo-jin. The interviewer asks if their relationship more than just professional may be, to which Yeo-jin replies that nothing is impossible. Jung-woo looks away with a surprisingly awkward giggle.

The employees gossip about the chances of the two bosses always together. Manager Kam is of the opinion that it already secretly dating while Song hee complained that the director Kook simply inclinations is too strong an opponent in terms of winning the CEO.

Later that day, Jung-woo one makes surprise visit to Ae-ra Division, the team leader Wang sends in a last-minute frenzy. Jung-woo says he only there to keep on eye on things and to show his appreciation and oh so casually sneaks over to where Ae-ra is sitting at her cabin.

He reminds them of the idea they shared at the company retreat, and asks her to have created an official request before the next day. It means another late night for Ae-ra (which is probably Jung-woo of ulterior motives), but it is not, how can they refuse CEO with team leader Wang and the rest of the office looking on.

Full stalker mode, Jung-woo sneaks into the office down to check for Ae-ra, and is excited when he sees a personal call at ... at 10:00! He calls them from his desk phone and says that they can finish their work if they just trying hard.

Ae-ra asks if he knows what it is. "Wednesday," Jung-woo answers. After hanging up, Ae-ra complains that he should have remembered, even if they are divorced.

Ae-ra tried the office to escape at midnight, but Jung-woo literally runs into the hallway. It is at its breaking point, but Jung-woo ham his shoulder injury, "which he allegedly suffered after they save from the falling column. Ae-ra is not happy, but she drags himself back to the office.

Jung-woo remains with Ae-ra into the early morning hours when it seems as if they are more bickering do work. Ae-ra-texts Seung-hyun, who is waiting in a restaurant to them that they are not able will be to see him.

This is, of course, calls Jung-woo to ask if they later have plans, and when to ask a man. He is visibly upset at the prospect of their dating, if she only started work in his company, to find a man.

remain Jung-woo comes back with some food and laments late for the benefit of internally need. he boasts that he is the future head of iT Korea, Cha Jung-woo ... only on a bottle cap has to sit strategically Ae-ra set on his chair. Ae-ra, the air in triumph suggests, then sees the seaweed soup and realizes that Jung-woo has, in fact, remember that it was her birthday.

The next day, Ae-ra promises Seung-hyun that it is for dinner the next time pay. Seung-hyun agrees enthusiastically while Yeo-jin, the interaction of a high floor clocks.

Later Yeo-jin makes a visit Ae-ra Division, and I suspect, team leader Wang head with all these visits to spin from the higher-ups , Yeo-jin publicly Thanks Ae-ra for picking, the gift for the man out, that she wants, and just smiles when the office workers applauding for her alleged relationship with Jung-woo.

Ae-ra sending a text to Jung -Woo, wondered if Yeo-jin know about their relationship. then wraps the text, thinking that it might seem as if she still has feelings for him. Of course, saw that Ae-ra sent a text while not knowing what it was driving Jung-woo crazy

section to. Jung-woo and Ae-ra talk through their phones on the roof. Ae-ra claims that she meant to him accidentally sent someone else for a text, but that is not likely to make him no less worried. Its battery gives before he heard that they send the text, so he grabs her by the wrist and leads her into his office.

Safe in his office apartment, Jung-woo to know childlike, calls on the Æ- was ra an SMS, also of three counting down. That's when the doorbell rings, signaling disaster ... Jung-woo family arrived for a surprise visit.

Ae-ra hiding in the bedroom, while Jung-woo sits with his mother and sister down. Cut directly to the heart of the matter, which, of course, is Ae-ra-lasting employment. You want him to fire her, convinced that she is up to something.

A poorly timed phone call from Song-hee almost blows Ae-ra-cover, but Jung-woo female relatives are distracted by a text which for Jung- woo of Ae-ra mother about the soup she made him sooner.

Jung-woo finally puts the foot by leaving his family down. After they leave, pretends Ae-ra that they not heard the hurtful things they wait said, is to fall the tears to be left alone. Unfortunately for us all, Jung-woo mother leaves with the intention to stop by the restaurant run by Ae-ra family.

Seung-hyun takes Ae-ra an empty space that he rented, with plans to make it into an art studio. He ordered black bean noodles, banks Ae-ra earlier promise to him to eat a meal. The convenient meal is interrupted, however, when Ae-ra gets a call from her brother. Jung-woo's mother and sister have arrived at the rice soup restaurant, and the atmosphere is very tense.

The confrontation between the families starts bad and gets worse, flying as accusations on both sides. Ae-ra mother is passionate in defense of her daughter, and calls Ae-ra thereafter. been Ae-ra parents with a reconciliation on board before had, but that was before Mom was insulted on Ae-ra job - now she does not want her daughter to the kinds of insinuations of her former in-laws be open made.

This time it is Ae-ra, the Jung-woo exclaims to the roof. She admits that when she joined the company had different intentions, but now she wants to do only their best for the rest of the placement. It acknowledges that his mother a right to be with her, angry, but asks him to ensure that his family stays away from her.

Ae-ra hangs up and walks away before being able Jung-woo react, but we see that he has kept the phone gimmick she fell in his apartment.

Seung-hyun waits for Ae-ra outside her apartment, but the cake did it is not for them. He finally decided cash in the rain check for tea with Min-young, and offers her to stay for homemade candles and even help with a few last minute orders.

Seung-hyun is working with Min -Young ignore craftily Ae-ra, and it's funny how it is easy to manipulate. helping After offering a few times, it just mixes, but their only power is a little hot wax on Seung-hyun spilling hand.

He does not look too excited, but when Ae-ra the tiny wound treated and blows him thoroughly. A few minutes later Seung-hyun gets up Min-young to bring some more wax when he sees a photo album with wedding photos of Ae-ra and Jung-woo.

Seung-hyun is going in his new studio painting as Yeo-jin. She sees his painting, which he selca a few episodes in the police station took Ae-ra shows and like her brother for asking.

The camera cuts Jung-woo and Seung-hyun sparring with Seung-hyun is pushing particularly hard. He all the tense moments between Ae-ra and Jung-woo to remember that only increase his determination.

He suggests Jung-woo, and we learn that they made a bet on the outcome of the match. Seung-hyun remembers Jung-woo of the, said many years ago what he: that you should be careful when friends to choose and even more cautious if they choose to leave. Seung-hyun leaves without telling Jung-woo, be what forfeited after winning the game will be.

When rice soup restaurant, Ae-ra father home flowers and other gifts his wife brings cheer. Unfortunately, he seems in his wife's savings dipped this thoughtful gesture to finance ... I think we are all that we have seen. Dad saved a beating, but when Jung-woo turns out to apologize for the purpose of the behavior of his family.

come out some heavy truths than Æ- ra mother takes Jung-woo for his thoughtlessness to task. Jung-woo learns that Ae-ra took on a load of debt after the divorce, and that Soo-Cheol issued the child support money that Ae-ra, she said had been used up. When Ae-ra arrives at the restaurant, goes so far as to call Mom, that they leave their job at Jung-woo of the company.

Jung-woo talking with Ae-ra alone, they both pretty steamed. Jung-woo mirror Ae-ra earlier words on the roof when he says he understands why he hates her mother.

Ae-ra tells him that if she finds another job, she would leave the company. Jung-woo leaves Ae-ra in the restaurant, but not to say in front of her that she was a telephone baubles in his apartment, and that they have to swing at some point going through to pick it up.
When Jung-woo approaches his car, Seung-hyun appears. Seung-hyun does not ask why he outside Ae-ra family restaurant

"Hyung, I've been thinking about what we talked about before," he begins, but Jung-woo is not ready to wait and listen, what he say.

"No," he broke out, cutting Seung-hyun from mid-sentence. "Do not do it."


Unfortunately, I have pretty much lost hope for Yeo-jin. Until this episode, I refused to write them off, and I did not like it. But at this moment in Ae-ra office really took things for me: Search from Ae-ra to imply that Yeo-jin in a relationship with Jung-woo was pretty low. Let me just say, I can understand Yeo-jin concern about Ae-ra. An ex-wife almost always has the potential to threaten a new relationship, especially if it messy, lying around unresolved feelings. But Yeo-jin should determine whether or not Jung-woo has no feelings for they before their claim before Ae-ra is so much trouble in staking.

I can not really bring myself Yeo-jin, although to hate - it's more like pity. She had been through so much, and now she's setting deliberately injured up again. The lies by omission, that it is going to come tumbling piling up, and I think that if they do, they will be completely destroyed. The question for me is whether they are worthy of our sympathy, if that happens - right now, it is really press

The family ... yuck .. Ae-ra mother rubs on my nerves more every time I see them, and the scene with both obnoxious families had zero fun. Frankly, I would like to Ae-ra and Jung-woo had been just eloped and disinherited, so we could concentrate on our leads together again without this all the time on characters whose some redeeming features are wasted increasingly insignificant for me compared to their general nastiness.

this episode for me on a real low point began Seung-hyun. The back-hug was the epitome of "too far", especially compared with the romantic situation, which he had prepared beforehand. He is a wonderful dog, sure, but he lost a lot of points with this. He took the rejection at face value, which is good, but its persistence is after a little disturbing. There is a fine line, after all, between endurance and rejection, and if you are you cross it no longer sweet ... you're a stalker. Ae-ra does not seem to him hanging on your mind, and look for his company, but when Seung-hyun romantic advances to turn down further, I really hope that he gets this message. The good thing is that everything is now between Jung-woo and Seung-hyun outdoors from. No more dancing around, wondering who knows what. Now it's time for confrontation, tense is friendships, and hopefully some overdue insights into what our leads on actually confused today feel

Jung -Woo me this episode, and not really in a good way. On the one hand it was nice, so complete it, to see transparent unhappy possibly other men dating about Ae-ra. But to keep them from dating his method - does its job every night late - was childish, controlling, and definitely not attractive. It was a kind of nice that he remembers her birthday, but compared to his ulterior her too busy to keep other people to see? Not cool. I mean, what's next? The binding their feet so that they can not run away? He also seems to have conveniently forgotten what he said to Ae-ra on a new life with a new wife in the dream home he begins originally built for them.

Did he recognize his hypocrisy when he presents his future relationship with the actor in Ae-ra face, and then can not bear to see how they can make a fresh start their own? If he does not see it, then he refuses deliberately acknowledge that his jealousy is given completely unsuitable his actions the fact. If he does not see, then he's an idiot with a selective memory. Neither option makes me happy about the person he is currently getting back together with Ae-ra. The only positive sign in this episode was Jung-woo willingness to apologize for his family.

I wants to anchor for you, Jung-woo, but I can not if you start me more to work with. Cute bickering will not cut forever. Time to own and to be honest, or mouth and let go Ae-ra.

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tags: featured, Joo Sang-wook, Lee min-jung, Sly and Single Again

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