Recap And Reviews Kdrama Doctor Away: Episode 11

Recap and reviews korean drama Doctor Away: Episode 11 -

We bring the focus back on the operating Jousting between Hoon and Jae-joon, where the number of rounds is as arbitrary as the whole concept itself. Oddly enough, it is remarkable how the world can seem so small when it sharpens at a time in a hospital in conflict. History threatens in the face of another possible case of malpractice repeated, and it is up to our cardiothoracic surgeons to suture the problem before it bursts.

The ratings race is tighter this week stranger than doctor drove a 11.0% Big Man came in second with 10.7%.


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On his morning run, are Jae-joon thoughts filled with his desperate pleas that the previous episode completed for the Chairman Oh to give him a chance. Everything is related to his character metaphor, its accessories are of course too tells his PPL watch him a little hurry.

a look back at last night teaches us that the chairman Oh had Jae-joon entry issued and another chance, after what he claims, Jae-joon should thank his lucky stars for two things. (a) its binding to Soo-hyun and (b) Hoon illegal glance on Seung-hee medical records to give him another round in this arbitrary competition against Hoon that.

Meanwhile, Chi-Gyu wakes up in a very different kind of morning, in embarrassment at the memory of when he last night drunken escapades shrugs. Spotting the hair lying there instead of to find to his right, his first thought is, so he carefully watched by Soo-hyun to the ceiling and bounces in a mixture of shock, relief and horror a mannequin.

His flirtatious progress towards a plastic model aside, Chi Gyu Answers Jae-joon reputation and assures him that Soo-hyun likely it again home made everything okay. A hand his chest insidiously has checked him his left, leading to another round of shock to see relief and horror doctor Geum.

Apparently, the Party cardiothoracic surgeons are all crashed on Soo-hyun last night. At the sight of two different shoes, the two docs' eyes widen, remember that Hoon Soo-hyun followed up.

On the trail of clothing, air snatch two pairs of bare feet in bed to see together. This entire sequence is ridiculous and yet strangely hilarious-maybe it's the techno-electronic music in this scene.

Anyway, it's Doctor Moon in the same bed as Hoon, although the discovery does not make it less shocking to everyone in the room. As for Soo-hyun, she wakes up on the floor, and then continues to swing a mannequin arm against her boxer-bearing counterparts.

When asked what they all do in place, point out that the guys it was one who told them not to leave. It heralds to step out, but that's when Mover suddenly appear at her door, here with the new tenant. Seung-hee, who not looking happy to see Hoon and his bedhead hair in this apartment

simultaneous assignment mix-up turns out, the broker's error, and Soo-hyun acknowledges the to be place to Seung-hee, as they later signed. Feeling bad, Seung-hee proposes that Soo-hyun stay until they find a new place.

Hoon has overheard the discussion and says Seung-hee not get anyone else involved unnecessarily. This remark stirred Seung-hee jealousy again, and she pulls him out by the ear. Asks you what happened last night, a strand of Soo-hyun hair removal from his.

His mumbled explanation reassured, though Hoon pulls her back to encourage them to smile more, as formerly. It should not be able to do that under the current circumstances, she tells him.

Hoon immediately investigated Soo-hyun from his recent scolding blame on her. He pressed to keep her hair from rogue rid, and she returns the favor in kind. Seung-hee observed their schoolyard bickering bear just outside what I think, a sad expression.

Hoon a little redeeming in his apology to Chang-yi, for he remembers to keep quiet. She still has not quite forgiven him, but Hoon gets some points for trying to make amends.

Chairman Oh continues to hear that they already found a place of her own with Soo-hyun. He agrees Soo-hyun move to leave on the grounds that she and Jae-joon engaged. Your hand is an involuntary jerk.

At the mention that Jae-joon wanted to be transferred, Chairman Oh says that has changed and his daughter smiling the branch hospital. Jae-joon and Hoon Seeing has together they go remember the two different hugs.

Hoon rejects the idea of ​​extending their surgical contest two rounds and therefore with more life gambling. Having prepared for the answer, Jae-joon gives him a large sum, Hoon to say that he resign and then take the money.

Hoon turns off the tempting offer and accepts a meta-moment, as if to ask the doctors, who in this place to burn as much money. He asks what important reason Jae-joon has to be part of the prime minister's surgical team, and Jae-joon explains that people hold different values, just like how Hoon wants to save his North Korean girlfriend, he wants Myungwoo in the best make hospital in Korea.

this sum up means that his goal Myungwoo the hospital director is worth more than to be money. Hoon does not look on Jae-joon career aspirations down but this chat has not changed his mind, either because he has his own reasons to adopt in the Prime Minister.

It is best to accept this offer in the interest Hoon, says Jae-joon firmly. Hoon says that as a threat sounds, but he does not move. At the same time, Soo-hyun her father versa statement that Jae-joon can be operated on the Prime Minister with confusion.

So Jae-joon calls the police to have the latter employs polishing Hoon and Doctor Moon arrested, his brand new hospital director nameplate (convinced that it will eventually happen) when the barge cops. Doctor Moon instantly finger of blame at Hoon points to the medical records searched.

See Jae-joon around the corner, Hoon grabs him angry by the lapels and said that things do not go according to Jae-joon plans. Jae-joon is convinced that they want, "because I have more important things to do than to find a girl."

, so taken abandons his

Watching from the other side the glass is Chairman and Oh Soo-hyun Hoon himself. on the other hand, Doctor Moon is dragged kicking and screaming his innocence.

Hoon takes everything in motion, because this isnt his first brush with the law. He assures Doctor moon that everything will be fine, as long as they keep three things in mind. The first is an attempt to escape, are not removed with the police two feet work.

The second is to deny all allegations in the police station, but that did not go well either because there is enough evidence that says otherwise. So asks Doctor moon, what is the latest tactic ... and Hoon sighs before his face twisted tears hold back: "I was wrong, Officer I'll confess.." Ha.

It gets even better, because then shows Hoon Doctor Moon and whimpers that he made only after his "master orders." Doctor Moon freaks. This show is crazy.

Soo-hyun finds Jae-joon in his office, where she is surprised to hear that he was the one to report Hoon. She said to Hoon defense, arguing that Hoon tried to confirm his sweetheart doppelganger. But Jae-joon can not buy this excuse, and she asks if Jae-joon is to be a sore loser. Ouch.

In its contention that Jae-joon did they even do not act so, he replies: "What then did the Soo-hyun, I?" Admit it, that the recent first round loss yet stitches, but what annoys him more is Soo-hyun ubiquitous concern for Hoon.

jealous tantrum, Soo-hyun Jae-joon in the face takes the opportunity to put it right: "There is no place for me in [Hoon’s] ! heart you is everything that "Omo, are you jealous, my love

Jae-joon votes, the question:" this anger has you because there is no place for you? ? "He takes Soo-hyun hand and urging them to join him and his team. Soo-hyun says she really wants, but Jae-joon keeps them blocked and pushed her away.

Soo-hyun appeals to Seung-hee together to visit the police station. Chang-yi heard the news of Chi-Gyu and pats him on the head with an empty bottle for bad-mouthing Hoon. Anyone else a side romance brewing between these two see?

Hoon is still Doctor Moon on the nerves in prison by the time Soo-hyun and Seung-hee arrive racking. Unfortunately, the cost of the only person to fall into a position is party they reported. Cue Jae-joon, who notes that this will prolong the episode of rejection of his surgical competition.

As a winner no matter whether they lose their medical licenses, Doctor Moon easily accepted. Hoon still refuses, despite the additional condition that their next patient choice is to it. He then looks to Seung-hee, who nods, he reluctantly agrees.

that it is effectively released from prison, and Soo-hyun takes Jae-joon aside and calls this whole act cowardly. Jae-joon fires back that according to the law, the two would be imprisoned for their crimes, but he gave his colleagues doctors a second chance.

In the car, Hoon asks why he has to work on Prime Minister Jang heart. Seung-hee says she'll explain later, and they should do what they are told. But Hoon white Agent Cha not someone to do that, so she replies: "Trust me I want to protect you.."

She claims she has her own plan, where they live happily until their death because they show more secret conspiracies need to juggle at once. He agrees to do things their way, and then tells her wide smile.

go back to the hospital where Hoon slightly dolled-up Chang insured yi that everything is okay now. It's nice that they tried to impress him with her pretty appearance, although Hoon compliments more along the lines of a nice dongsaeng than love interest. D'aww.

Nevertheless, Chang-yi changes from their casual clothes to attracting clothes underneath. Chi Gyu happens to witness the transformation, they waltz with a coy smile at him, grabs two bottles of this time, and smacks both sides of his head for a Peeping Tom to be.

Hoon over is almost run out of a taxi, but his attention turns to the woman who gets out. He watches as she clasped his head in pain, but is all smiles and her husband to greet hospitalized son. Just when Hoon turns but breaks them together on the floor.

Hoon led by the woman to investigate his genius and then carts inside. But he did not get to treat them because another team of doctors taking them away.

Chairman Oh takes this opportunity to chat with Hoon about his father. Hoon is no fool in this matter, as Chairman Oh confirmed that Myungwoo would be in ruins when the misconduct complaint went through and could not later be able to save countless lives they have made over the years.

doctors are the ones that will save lives, not the hospital, Hoon argued. But Chairman Oh counters that doctors can not treat patients, replies without equipment and Hoon: "And did that money falling from the sky No, you bought that with the money your patients give you?."

Chairman Oh it grins-would be doctors who think so? Hoon fires back that patients want a doctor who do, like his father. "And what happened to him?" Asks the chairman. Hoon balls a fist.

Patient Lees family is relieved to hear that the patient has regained consciousness, but we all know how easy to change a medical fate of the person in this hospital.

Solanaceae and Agent-Cha hash of the change of plans on the riverbank. Agent-Cha asks how Jae-joon he should be trusted in their mission to win, responds to the nightshade family that he can pray that Hoon doing instead.

But what does it matter that someone else will come thinks the winner when Prime Minister Jang looks this silly competition as a literal Gamble. He puts his bet on Jae-joon to win the second round, because a tie-breaking final round is much more fun. Or something.

Hoon reviews scans patient Lees, distressed yet he felt by the bursting of a blood vessel by his genius. He points out to Soo-hyun, who did not not appear on the ultrasound. They are interrupted by Doctor Moon, the Hoon's all Have we not broken? He is dragged away, so Soo-hyun to check scanning.

In his office Doctor moon she says the advantage of having in this round and therefore rather than enjoy should do their best. Because that's the kind of doctor is Moon. Noticing the husband loitering woman in the hallway, Hoon stick around long enough for creative doctor moon proposals.

It seems that the cardiologists have not given a clear explanation of the family, so sets Hoon patient Lees state in layman's terms: His wife three stents in their heart has to improve blood circulation, but a blood vessel burst, so you fainted earlier

on the question of whether. this is a case of misconduct, Hoon replied tender that he can not be sure, but it does wonders for whether the document think that something is wrong and a mistake they made. He explains the complications in this type of internal bleeding, namely shock and possibly death.

Just then, they get the terrifying phone call that the patient falls and arrive just in time for the senior cardiologist to acquire a heartbeat again. The senior cardiologist assured them in a chipper voice that everything will be fine, although Hoon troubled expression suggests otherwise.

Hoon is reluctant to perform surgery, knowing that the cardiology team will not be thrilled about. I feel bad for the teenage son in his wheelchair, who had to lift the hope that his mother will make it, and so also Hoon.

So Hoon pulls Doctor moon take it with the senior cardiologist in claim claiming surgery is both unnecessary and risky. He recognizes Hoon as resolute young doc from the emergency room and his foot he puts not the cardiothoracic department, will have his team to steal a patient.

Hoon argued with Doctor moon in his office on patient Lee Hoon wants to pursue surgery to correct the possible surgical errors and save the lives of patients during doctor Moon insists that they push for an eye to a life that they do not even responsible. Your shouting match she gets nowhere and Hoon leaves, pouting.

Hoon can not decide to ignore the dejected teenage son in the hallway. The realization that the operation is just not going to happen, discourages the boy who makes his mother the state responsible. He had an emergency caused when his mother had a heart attack, but could not get to her because of his wheelchair, so he resorted to crawl on them. Aw, baby.

Although he has told that this call likely saved her life, the boy calls himself a terrible son anyway. Hoon says grimly he's probably an even worse son by these standards, Papas remembers death.

He tells the boy to bring these negative thoughts aside and assured him with his trademark wink, that they'll find a way to his rescue mother. to be

Thus gathered his team Hoon, Seung-hee to ask his anesthetist. He smiles as she hops aboard. He then studied nurse Min and she agrees, although she suggests, to be someone else aside from Doctor Yang his first partner.

that someone Soo-hyun, of course, still mulling over why they couldn 't the bleeding on the scan. She raises her hands when Hoon approaching him against warning again with her joking around. He whispers that he would not dare, not when to save a life.

He takes her hand and says that he needs their help to the patient with the blood supply to operate. Soo-hyun is on board until she hears that Hoon has not get permission from the other department and relies on the literal brakes. Well, good thing you found out before you. The patient in the operating theater run

Hoon says they do not need permission from docs who would rather ignore the condition of the patient. But Soo-hyun does not move and he asks her if she would come him or not. They confirmed that this patient in the actual risk be if they do not go, and then right.

You can imagine the surprise of cardiologists when they hear that their patients will be prepared for surgery. The situation in the operating room, patient Hoon Lee sends a reassuring smile before he scrubs in.

It just so happened that Jae-joon team is currently in the adjacent room, noting Hoon and Soo-hyun presence works. Jae-joon takes, but still with its own procedures. Hoon thanks Soo-hyun set for the neck on the line for this operation, too. She asks if he worried about them right now, which Hoon says he everyone is in his team.

It is not long before news reached ears Chairman Oh, but it's douchey Sang-jin, who arrives first room in the thicket. Sang-jin grabs already washed hands Hoon, because he prevented from operation (albeit temporarily). Hoon responds with a headbutt.

The file cardiology team in moments later and Hoon requested that he be allowed to do this operation. Such request will hit in the face with a blow, and the senior cardiologist pulls rank over Hoon-how he can dare with such arrogance speak? grabbed


Soo-hyun attempt to Hoon defense to get to the senior cardiologist their raised by scrubbing with one hand ... and it's Jae-joon, which engages to break it.

by Doctor Moon cardiologists ushers removed Hoon held a look in the operating room, and then turns to Jae-joon explain, "I found the patient for our second battle. The patient go to take. "


Even if it is painful by more sit the ubiquitous surgical competition in this hospital I'm glad it swirl temporarily holds at bay the numerous conspiracies in this drama verse. Not that this arbitrary tournament makes more sense than anything else on this show (though does not cost much, of course) that's a plot point, the set hour the beginning and end of bookended the struggle for more laps. [1945009[

With k-dramas give us two episodes per week, the odd episodes a conflict in the hope usually established that viewers see a payoff or continue to build narrative tension in his own episodes a smaller arc to finally crowned. As a viewer, you can see if a show falls into this pattern, and some shows do a better job, that go in its execution than others, and these guidelines (say, for example, to receive a payout in an odd sequence). On the other hand, that the following formula can also lead to other less desired content in an hour. In strangers 's case, much of this episode was dedicated to humorous filler, and during off-beat and funny (I do not know why these moments to make me laugh, but they do), I couldn' t think any reason why the show that the time would not take to help its viewers to make more sense of the wider world at hand apart from one case of panicked storytelling.

We are already past the half now and while I could spend the show understand a few episodes trying to win its position at the beginning or even middle distance, I would Stranger run out of time to tell the story, it wanted to see hatred in the latter course of his escape. In the hope that it, to tell a universal story of course. Instead of giving us the story of the journey, we see more the same tiny narrative moments recycled more often, as contempt of Doctor Moon for each patient or the necessary check-in of Prime Minister Jang ambivalence.

All can we do then, is to give focus on whatever the show for an hour deems important. So in our case the week, I had wondered how Hoon and Jae-joon would go to operate more with this contest without twins. Handing patient Lee Jae-joon hands insured Hoon that Jae-joon will do what is necessary for their fight and thus to save their lives. I have to find the feeling that a word of President Oh will trump every cardiologist tantrum that leaves Hoon patients who he wants to save. It is a good thing, then, that the medical moments of this show to continue to be convincing, we provide insight into our doctors character and values ​​in their line of work rival.

I'm still restless, as we in this procedure fight, but all thanks to Prime Minister Jang off-hand remark at how fun , it would be breaking to achieve a tie round. I should not be surprised at how apathetic politicians is other people's lives, including his own playing. Then again seems to consider all other his little, but-is-it-that important operation as a springboard for their own goals, so why should not he?

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tags: doctor stranger in Jin Se-yeon, Lee Jong-seok

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