Recap And Reviews Kdrama Oh Hae-young again: Episode 13

Recap And Reviews Korean Drama Oh Hae-young again: Episode 13 -

As set in stone are Do-Kyung visions, and may in the future (past?) be changed? It's time to find out how Do-Kyung, decides to take his own life a more active role. It will take some serious self-analysis and courage, and it will mean some scary risk, very close to a man who has always kept his feelings to the vest.

EPISODE 13: "I understand the heart I"

has claimed a premonition that he showed that he never said to have die Hae-young that he loves her, Do-Kyung decides that he are no longer willing to sit back and accept his fate. It accelerates back to the city, calling Dr. Park on the way to tell him that no matter what happens, he refuses with regret dying.

is Hae-jung busy packing all off their belongings, they remember him. Your girlfriend Hee-ran falls to see it, and pull it out to do something normal. Hae-young is quiet, and the song Hee-RAN games in the car seems to consider exactly how she feels.

you go for a walk, and Hae-young muses that her life is no such thing as she thought it would be at this point. You never expected to make money and to be this difficult to love.

Hee-ran asks if Hae-young things with Do Kyung is over, and she smiles weakly that it was unloaded. Hee-RAN does not agree that there was a dumping as Do-Kyung it was very considerate, the role to assume "bad guy".

Hae-Young argues that this is only because he does not love her as much as she loves him, but Hee-RAN disagree again. "It is not because he does not love. It's because he does not know how to love." Lady speaks the truth. They interpret that men simply do not understand that women depend prefer there and stand their ground even in difficult times.

jokes that Hae-jung someone should come and then dump, just so that they can be for even him dumper. The thought cheers Hae-jung immense, and the two friends laughing at the idea until a strong wind whipped Hee-RAN hat from her head. Hae-young runs into a fountain to retrieve it, and if the fountain sprays water all over her, she laughs for the first time in a long time.

She catches a cold from the wet clothes wear, and Mama brings hot tea and tells her that she and Dad move on land. You want to leave Hae-young their jobs and come with them, but Hae-Young says she is strong and wants to go back to work.

Haha, Dad jumping for the video monitor when the doorbell rings to keep from seeing Do-Kyung at the door Mama. He runs nervous and shoos Do-Kyung away and said that he will have Hae-jung call him, and grabs him by the wrist and runs when Mom comes out.

It works, and when mom she runs in the wrong direction looking, they come out of their hiding places, relieved. Then she reappears and sees them, and hee, Do-Kyung is only halfway through a tribute to Dad grabs him and runs again. The guys are faster, but Mama is cracked, and it finally corners.

Mom stares daggers at Do-Kyung and says that he had fooled that they are not feeding him to know how her daughter fall for him and would be rejected. She is deeply disappointed in him, and says that what you sow - he ruined a pair with a bright future, then broke Hae-young heart, and he will be justly punished.

Dad sneaks away Hae-young, to warn that Do-Kyung is outside, and it's just as Mom heaven is pleading to nullify what she just said, and let her even do-Kyung Punch just. Dad drags Mom inward, and Do-Kyung Hae-jung tries to embrace, but she steps out of his reach.

Do-Kyung, he says came about because he misses her, and apologizes late have come. Hae-young does not look at him and sneers that he would not move a muscle when she begged him shamelessly, but he has come, now that he feels better. She says that their timing is off, and tells him not to come.

She turns to go, but do-Kyung said quickly that he has made mistakes and he was wrong. He promises not to go back and forth on her again, and never to let her go. Hae-young turns back and says she will not go back and forth either, because she has to let him go.

She is calm and collected, and says that this is not a game. Do-Kyung argues that they both know that he pushed her away, though he has feelings for her, but Hae-young again, that it's over, completely over.

She raises her cold her sniffing and said that she does not cry, and adds another thing ... "I am to you for allowing me to finish things up and dump grateful." And so, she's gone. Do-Kyung is front of the house late at night, but when Hae-jung finally comes out, it is only to give him the bag of items that they remember him.


, Do-Kyung mother asks him for forgiveness Chairman Jang to wonder how she did it in his vision. He says Dr. Park about everything he saw in this vision, worried because so far all he has been steady seen. But if he can not do anything, why he's going to see it at all?

Dr. Park muses again on his theory of Do-Kyung visions: that when we die, we look back on our life and experience it as if it happened just then, and Do-Kyung is somehow " remember "things that does not happen in its current reality.

The Council of the good doctor is for Do-Kyung to look into his heart and to determine what they want, but that is easier said than done for Do-Kyung, who never easily opened his heart. He admits that he has always done the bare minimum when it comes to relationships, always let the other person actions of his own leadership. Not once he has his heart's desire disclosed.

He says Dr. Park, that he is no longer to die not afraid, he's just sad that he did not give Hae-jung more love than he chance the would have. Now she is suffering from his dislike, and that's what bothers him most.

Hae-young is on his back at work with a cheerful mask on to play it as it was just on vacation to tell her pale face away and lost weight, as if they were deliberately. She insists a little too shrill that she's fine, just fine, really!

Soo-Kyung knows the truth and apologizes in private and Hae-young admits that any "sorrys" they only make you feel worse. Soo-Kyung apologizes straight again, then apologizes for apologizing, then stops before it gets even stranger.

She says that Do-Kyung think in a lot of pain, but Hae-young, that it should be easier now that it's all over. From now on she wants to live as Soo-Kyung, no one to require independent and strong. But then she realizes that Soo-Kyung is very conservative dressed, and that "mole" on her face is actually food. Ew.

The other Hae-Young approaches also Hae-jung to apologize ours, but our Hae-Young says her public humiliation they feel better at the end actually. She has nothing to hide, and that's what it is worth. Awww, that's sad.

She talks about her teenage years, and as such a bad loser always felt. She laughs ruefully that she still feels so, and sees the other Hae-jung in the eye as she says she wants to overcome it.

The other Hae-young smile that she has changed the way how to get and move so easily changed. Our Hae-jung seems a little stunned something so free from the woman to hear, she's always felt interior to, and this time she agrees that to have drinks with the other Hae-young. Someday. She tells the other Hae-young, that she and Do-Kyung are over, and wishes her luck with it.

The other Hae-Young is considering that our Hae-Jung and Do-Kyung broke, but not because she did not care for each other. It is clear to her that they love each other, so why they split up? It makes her sad that she is not do-Kyung of the most painful love more - only when I was not began to think a selfish brat.

Hoon and An-na are together again and snugglier than ever - have I missed something? Anyway, Hoon rushes out when he received a call from Hee-ran comes in relation to his script, freaky, because if they approve of him, this could be his big break.

The Peek to Hee-ran skirt still rattles Hoon, and this time he focuses on their low-cut shirt. He snapped out of it when she says that she likes his characters, and promises to send the script to some actors. She leans to discuss what Hoon even better look her blouse down in a particular scene. He has focused a hard time, but promises to make the necessary changes in two days.

The neighborhood ajummas are shocked, the bus sober and demure dressed step from Soo-Kyung to see, but you always have no idea that they go home safely, even if they ask nicely. She mentions her pregnancy, the works, and the three of them end up in a cafe on the discussion of the fact that Jin-sang thinks it's another man's baby.

Soo-Kyung, the biggest concern is not that Jin-sung is a notorious player - she hates the fact that he lowlifes defended in court. She gets everything around it worked, then remembered the baby, and whispers that the baby daddy is complete garbage ... but you like him still.

The ajummas think they do him a chance, right by her and the baby, but Soo-Kyung is should be to say against him. He does not even know that they slept together, and it would be too much of a shock to be.

Jin-sang calls Soo-Kyung only of a bar, of course. He tells her that he has asked his friends, and they all said that when she got a woman pregnant in a one night stand, they would not tell her to have the baby. And as for him, he says that he would flee the country.

In Soo-Kyung wish, he told all his friends that they Fourty and wants to have the baby, and ask them this time - they would rather know that it there had a child, or continue to not be aware of?

agree more guys that they would rather know about the baby, and Jin-sung says he feels the same way. He pushes the baby's father to say, immediately, and Soo-Kyung says quietly that she would tell him definitely.

Hae-Jung and Do-Kyung Deal (where Do-Kyung promised to pay their rent when they undressed) in relation to the house is discovered by the owner, and he is not happy. It assumes that they are still antagonistic and that Do-Kyung kicked Hae-young, but he says Hae-young, that it is their lease for the rent still on the hook for the duration, refuses Do-Kyung consent to accept, to pay it.

He says he will see Hae-jung in a year when their lease is, but she barks that she now wants to finish this. I do not think she speaks more about their leasing, and Do-Kyung hangs his head that remind a part of his vision, where he had discussed this with someone we do not see. But this time he goes against his vision, and asks: ". Can you retire I would like if you moved it back to"

He follows as Hae-young storms off, but she refuses to his offer of a ride home. Your phone rings, and Do-Kyung, is this reminds to a vision, and know it Tae-jin called her. He turns away, and he does not see that it does not answer the call, as he expected.

Hae-Young Tae-jin not met for dinner, and throwing her subdued mood cold to her. Tae-jin apologizes for beating Do-Kyung, saying that he thought he had his business to ruin, to get to Hae-young. Hae-young to talk of Do-Kyung on, then apologizes for being too hard. Out of nowhere, she breaks with Tae-jin, but he asks for some time to hang out and see what happens.

Hae-jung increased in the morning, when it has reached for a pair of shoes, and finds Do-Kyung shoes with her (which he has in you deter entryway overenthusiastic suitors). She pulls herself together, but it breeds on the bus ride to work.

Tae-jin visited Do-Kyung at work, and muses that he once a CEO was to someone all took away. He does not so veiled threats that he can do the same thing to do-Kyung to do if he wants, but Do-Kyung invites him to do what he wants - he's not afraid.

Tae-jin recalls Do-Kyung that he be allowed his business was an accident ruined, but hit his car has not been, and asks: "You have been for them then fell were not you?" Now he understands why Do-Kyung then attacked him, but he did not get why he still this procrastination.

He says that now, they all go back to their proper place. The implication is that if Do-Kyung does as told, Tae-jin will drop all this and not seek revenge. As he leaves, he turns back and says the words he said in Do-Kyung Vision:

Hoon fails in fixing the problems with his script, "Somehow we have again with the right people at the end." and he knows it, so Hee-ran it kicks it together at her workplace. Hoon has problems because Hee-Rans scantily clad legs, and when she lies down for a nap, and tell him to continue to work, it is not help his concentration. In his defense, she has to wear a slip and not much else.

He panics and falls over all when Hee-RAN bare legs for comfort to get close, convenient to get even the stairs in a goal for discarding. She finally realizes what he thought, and exits it.

Do-Kyung goes to the movies, and a battle scene screen turns into his tussle with Hae-young when he had kissed her. He remembers her brief happy times, then their separation, when she had asked him only to stay with her a little longer. When he go home, he looks at it is on the sidewalk, but she walks past him without saying a word.

He asks where she goes, and she just keeps walking. In his vision of this moment Do-Kyung had turned and apologized to her to speak, but this time, when he speaks, it's to tell her to change her shoes, because they sound uncomfortable.

And this time instead of meeting Tae-jin, taking his hand as she did in Do-Kyung Vision, Hae-jung refuses Tae-jin outstretched hand. But here Do-Kyung rotates too quickly away, and missed this change.

Jin-sang tries to cheer his friend, saying that he has exciting news to make the Do-Kyung forget everything. Soo-Kyung pops her head out of her room to say that they has news that on Jin-sang, but Jin-sang movements that he would talk to her later.

He has to take from Do-Kyung, but Do-Kyung is just on the floor in defeat. The situation reminds him of the end of his vision, where he died lying in the street

Do-Kyung was quite Hae-young footwear -. She hobbles him with bleeding feet by wearing your heels all day. She still feels rundown and says she'll sleep the next day, and Mom wonders why the medicine is not working.

When Hae-young lying in bed exhausted and sick, she thinks that at least bear the uncomfortable shoes all day, they distracted from thinking of Do-Kyung. Everything reminds her of him - the shoes, even her bra insert, which went flying as he caught it. Everywhere she looks, she remembered, and she welcomed the almost painful distractions.

you're thinking about him today see and as well, as they walked away, her mind she cried again to turn. causing the pain their shoes keeps them going, because the physical pain it if temporarily distracts from their emotional pain. "Even if I'm sick, I feel better."

The next morning sees Mom that has Hae-jung their medicine does not take, and finds her unconscious and unresponsive. She is taken to the hospital, and in her fever-driven haze, she thinks she sees Do-Kyung there. Once they wake up a bit better and she is furious that her first thought of him is.

She sits up and the nurse pulls back the curtain around her bed, to show that Do-Kyung is it in the next bed, to get IV for exhaustion. They look at leach other for a long moment, then Hae-Young takes ... and pushes its curtain again.

Do-Kyung is, then leave stops and remembers his vision, where he had called her back not sick . Instead, he says: "I'm glad to see it was unfair that I was the only sick I'm so glad that you're sick, too..." You tell her, mate.

He continues that if he could turn back time, he would just ruin their wedding the same way. He would ensure that they moved in next door and hit it again. "I'm sorry. I'm really sorry. But I'm not sorry I ruined your wedding, damn it!"

He almost then leaves, but he turns back a second time to provide a softer apology. He says that's how he really feels, and that he was sick because he could not embrace. This time he really leaves, but as he goes home, he hears footsteps behind him running.

He turns around and begins Hae-jung in his arms. They hug, pull back and smiling at each other, and Hae-young kisses him.


Okay, any advice I aside would give when real people were and recalled that this "only "a drama ... to the point that these two only themselves are sick to avoid their emotional pain, the feeling, I will just get together, make the hurting stop. You may select only dysfunctional, and everyone will be happy, right? This degree of self-abuse can not be good for either of them, and they needed seriously to either give in and get back together, or someone would end up dead. Oh wait ...

Strangely though, our Hae-young is very public humiliation seemed to have somehow given an emotional reset, and it definitely has the other side come calmer and more acceptance (even damaged, but better, you know?). Maybe it was not the best way to do it, but it seemed a dangerous emotional spiral, and feel like the whole world gives to its kind laughter was her easy to stop everything and think. She has realized that embarrassment is not the end of the world, and is compared to another person is not the worst thing that can happen. Unfortunately it causes to give her on Do-Kyung, although I can not blame - it hung there much longer than I think most people would, considering that he pretends to be not only apathetic, but actively pushing them away. In Hae-Young-defense, Do-Kyung actions from the beginning were confusing, like a friend, as he would care for her to tell her that he did not want in this way. But I believe that this is what will happen requires that they both took a step back and have some serious thought.

It is a step in the right direction that Do-Kyung finally reconsiders how it relates to others, and how he never opens his heart. Since his father's death (because young do-Kyung seems like an open and cheerful child) and he left with his arms narcissist a mother he had shut down within just to survive, and above all grow up healthy. It's always been his main problem, since it met our Hae-young - that forces them to confront him his inner feelings, and he has never done. I think that all his excuses not to get close to really only walls he threw himself once of actually protecting feel something, because when he feels something, he could be injured. But our Hae-jung got in anyway by sheer determination and now Do-Kyung has to do some hard work, because while he got back, he was still out, like to keep them.

I believe that Do-Kyung thought he other loved Hae-young, as much as he loves to someone capable who is not Hoon, Soo-Kyung, or Jin- sang. He explained that he felt for her compassion, which is to love as close as he ever even leaving. She loved him, and made him happy at bottom, and I think he was willing to settle for the most joyful. I believe that his pain about the way she was left not so much true heartache when feeling once again, he could be opened, even a little to someone, and they left him.

So it was good to fight him his vision to see, to do small changes and refuse, or to say what he saw himself doing and saying. He eventually takes responsibility for his own actions, so that his own emotional decisions and moving out of his comfort zone. And it worked to influence the small changes small reactions, such as when he changed the vision and asked Hae-young to move back into itself, and soon after, they did not answer when called Tae-jin, as laid down in vision did. Later he said something else to Hae-young when he saw them on the street, and it has not Tae-jin take the hand, as it did in the premonition. I cheered almost as he called them, he was glad she was too ill, and that he would love to ruin their wedding because it was the first time he is acting on his own anger and frustration in this situation leave, and you know, it felt good. I began to get frustrated me as Do-Kyung maintains the changed results of his actions is missing, but then that embrace what has happened, and I got goosebumps. There is still the small matter of Do-Kyung of impending accident, but by proving that he could change what he saw in his visions, I believe that he find a way to avoid his death, as well ,

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tags: Episode 13, Eric, in Jeon Hye-bin, Oh Hae-jung again Seo Hyun-jin

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