Recap And Reviews Kdrama Happy Romantic: Episode 5

Recap And Reviews Korean Drama Happy Romantic: Episode 5 -

He smiles! A smile is a face that he knows how to make! Today we get finally start to see more of what makes our stoic genius tick, and it's not just all the gears and calculations. (Although he never be without his comforting calculations.) We also get a bit more of the light sensitivity I had been missing in the last few episodes, I'm glad to see, even if it comes with an emotional and serious side. Nevertheless, it is a promising improvement in my book.

Impact Grade: B +


When Bo-nui and Su-ho first agreement date comes to an end, Bo-nui suggests some calls for additional time and asked him to sleep with her today night.

Su-ho is not sure if he's right, but Bo-nui adds that if he spends the night with her, bring the approval three weeks end may now and his precious time save up. Su-ho clarifies that when it says "sleep", it means sex actually, and that the hotel room dinner was just an excuse, because sex was what she was finally together. He has a way of distilling facts down to the coldest, clearest version, right?

Bo-nui to it has upward and Su-ho asks incredulously when taken by people mad. She asks him to her only a stranger he picked up in a bar to check or because the men allegedly consider a club sex as a sport.

Su-ho agrees that it is certainly possible for people to behave in this way, and that he is not able to for them to judge actions, but he wants nothing to do with it, because it is not the kind of person. He turns to go, and she is literally begging on his knees.

He tells her to find another man, but Bo-nui says seriously: ". It has to be you" He stops and stares ... for a long moment and then goes quietly out the door.

Outside, he leans against the wall for a long moment, looks pretty from the encounter rattled, and their plea rings in the ears, as he drives home. Bo-nui thinking about his rejection and sighs that she would love to do today like ordinary people, with someone she loves.

There is evidence, as he worried is that Su-ho to find nightclub braves Ryang-ha, then a drink in a daze at bar sitting. Su-ho denies that anything is going on, but it is quite obvious that a lie, even if Ryang-ha assumes that his behavior is a response to the sudden emergence of Agent / first love Amy.

Su-ho denies that and fiiiiinally the nerve works, to ask how a woman sleeps can only beat together like it's nothing, and Ryang-ha and crows jumps "She slept with a woman? ! For the first time? "Su-ho shushes him and Ryang-ha works out that Su-ho woman refused, which made the first step, disappointed shake his head. insists Su-ho, that it is not so strange for him to refuse someone he does not care about; because it is would make him no more than an animal.

Ryang-ha shakes his head and asks if she was drunk or high or pretty, and Su-ho mindlessly answered no-no-yes. Haha. Ryang-ha-tsk TSKS that he hurt the feelings of a pretty woman, with the argument that it is not easy for a woman to make the first move, and twice they were sober. Su-ho thinks back to Bo-Nui proposal and counter, which they proposed made easy pretty enough.

Ryang-ha suspected that Bo-nui was the woman who wondered if this part of their list was bucket. Su-ho argues that they will not die and that it was not you who did not convince his buddy. Instead, only Ryang-ha says it's okay, his first time to be scared, and that he would wish him luck. Ha.

Gary finds Bo-nui on the terrace breed, and asks if her boss is very angry at them. Then he asks with a hint of jealousy, if the boss is a tiger, to ask what exactly they need from a Tiger Man.

Bo-nui answers clearly, "sleeping with him." You know it sounds absurd, but if the life of her sister is on the hook, it can ignore not only the words of the fortune-teller, without trying it. She sighs that she ruined things with Su-ho of them rushing, however, and now has to find a new Tiger Man is a daunting prospect.

Gary thinks more than one minute, then grabs her by the wrist and go proposes "a good place."

While his hands in the bathroom washing, Su-ho catches a glimpse of the protective symbols Bo-nui had on his hand and they are suddenly right there presents itself and said: "It has to be you." It spooks him and he scrubs the write off his hand, muttering that he does not like them.

Gary takes soil nui to an empty tennis stadium, stating that work with the body is the best way to resolve a revised spirit. He sends her to run everything on the court, and they accused him of, to tease her and chases him around in mock indignation. They run around the court to laugh until she stumbles and falls, and he flips over in concern.

Bo-nui shakes aside his helping hand and blinking back tears, it was not difficult, but seems to have their feelings on the way, and she buries her face in her hands, her sobs choked back. Gary is sitting next to her and encouraged them all to cry until she feels better.

Bo-nui begins acoustically that crying then lets out a scream. Gary yells Bo-Nuis name, calling it frustrating, and she screams his out, giving him a dummy call. Then Gary adds, "Choi Ho Where are you!" Must be his father

Bo-nui adds one last plea: ".?! Bo-ra Awake"

The Su ho comes at its building, stops the guard by written with a gift box of juice carp, who had issued him with marks all over the field. Mom, maybe? Su-ho, there are at the police station, disinterested.

He imagines to hear Bo-Nui voice one more time, will be seen on the TV Gary ... and only now is things to be achieved simultaneously, that the guy he fought accidentally, which is friendly with Bo-nui, is the type that he has been courting for his video game.

on the tennis court lying, asks Bo-nui if Gary will ever return to an earlier point in his life. He replies that he would want to go back the night before he left to Canada when his father had suggested living together (and do not split so that Dad could support them from a distance). At that time, Gary said no.

He asks the same question, and she replies that she would want to go in front of the Bo-ra accident this morning two years previously. You would do anything to go back, she says wistfully, and Gary begins to reach her hand consolingly.

Just then, squeals erupt: "Oppaaaaaa!" A group of teenage fans running to Gary for his autograph to ask, and it is only now that Bo-nui realizes that her plain ol 'childhood buddy Gun-wook is also the world famous tennis star.

She asks why he lied about his identity, and he points out that they never have to wonder just disturbed. She beams at him and thanked him for growing up so well, and he puffed in pride in saying that he's got a lot of money now, and they can help with everything what she asks. Of course, then Bo-nui starts over his Canadian Tiger friend to ask, (which he had before knowing offered what they meant to do with the Tigers), which replaced with a grimace his smile. Heh.

That night, Bo-nui crosses Su-ho from their list of Tiger and notes that they have failed. Then she wrote her resignation letter.

is the morning Su-ho arrival with the usual chorus greeted by hellos, but it raises a hand Bo-nui sight and rushes to block his in office, where he closed the blinds. "Okay," he says himself: "They acted naturally." HA. Natural like a Twinkie in space, maybe.

Then see Su-ho peers through the blinds Bo-nui on the way to his office, and provides all tried to escape about themselves and / or act natural, what he does so well as we can expect that to say at all, it is not. He deceives an angry phone call just as she opens the door, indicating that it is busy, and then assured again that he acted naturally.

Bo-nui keeps an eye on Su-ho office as she is working and trying to get a good moment to deliver her resignation. At one point, the Su-ho jogs literally out of the room to avoid them ... and then on his way out of the bathroom back Enge is driven. He makes an excuse to hurry off (in the wrong direction, no less), then in order to avoid slips.

Bo-nui asks him if he out of the way, which he denies, although at least this time he they say in, invites what they say has been waiting for. She hands over the letter and apologized for last night her resignation the way of calling the responsibility for their mistakes.

One might think that Su-ho would welcome their decision based on all his complaints, but he turns around to her and said that they do not appear right responsibility or attachment to their creation. Insisting that they compared to the actual game honor their responsibility, he returns her resignation letter and orders her to get Gary for the project. Bo-nui asks if he'll be okay it to see, and he answers (without looking) that he respects their personal lives

Bo -nui agrees and adds that she really cares for their game; they thought it would only be to exceed their limits, to take a more active role. She hopes that the game do well and allow their users a truly wonderful life through, to know, which is why they created it in the first place.

After she leaves, breaks the most charming smile out on Su-ho face he quickly hides.

Amy sets shop in the same building as Zeze factory where delivery to the gated lobby blocked because of security. Ryang-ha points out that it would have to move the boxes themselves, and Amy turns her brightest smile on him instead.

He ends the boxes carry all the way to the top, and they in Zeze office (with its Retina Scan) can so they can welcome their new neighbors , He does not know who is Amy until it turns to the staff, and sending late Su-ho an apologetic face, he has to know, screwed up.

Dal-nim drags from Ryang-ha to take him to bring them to task for antagonistic femme fatale in if he had boasted about his Su-ho guardian angel. He is that he completely did they realize, but just did not want the CEO's personal life to address with its employees.

Then he blames Dal-nim for excessively in their work to be urging them outside of a life to have that date people and remove their braces. Just to nettle him, she snorts that they'll neeeeever take them off and smiles-Wide. Hee. If there was ever a person could smile violently, she would be the one.

Su-ho remains rigid and avoidant with Amy, and asks why they moved into the building. She asks if he thinks she did it because, as if that is a stupid idea from him. He replies that your time takes Gary to convince about the game, so they have begun looking at alternative ways, is the news about Amy. She reminds him that they to trust everything for Gary handles and urges it to her. It also says that they consider to be more than coincidence this reunion.

Su-ho avoids eye contact and dismisses her, but Amy wheedles anyway, falling jondae speech and talk like his old friend noona. It proposes that, if they are Gary him permission, he gives her a passport in Zeze. He tells her to start with Gary, and she sees this as a positive sign.


Su-ho in a book leafing idly, and finds the talisman Bo-nui crept between its sides, at the request of his mother. He crumples it, grumbling, "mother".

Gary his search for his father continued to lack items to people print flyers, says Bo-nui that he is hopeful that it will bring results. Bo-nui explores the theme of this game offer he refused to ask him to reconsider and to declare that it is their company project.

Gary put out to realize that the man making the proposal, the jolt hit him the other night, but Bo-nui says that her boss began their game that others had discarded and calls it a good project.

Gary takes in, but apologetically refuses to tell her, better to find cool person, to rely on the game. He says, a little shamefacedly, that he is a son who studied in ten years for the first time for his father, and that he was not so great.

Bo-nui tells him that he can find his father now, and he agrees, but that means that he has no time for her project.

Su-ho mother finds her husband a new batch of carp juice brew and commented on his habit a box retained (aha, so it was a gift from Dad, not Mom). It infers from Su-ho to see, not to go to ignore Dad Council, ready to sneak past security. But when the gate beeps in error, she sneaks away quietly.

Mom sulking outside the building, such as Bo-nui steps and recognizes them. Mama asks for the talisman, the Bo-nui her that she hid in a book successfully insured. Mom wonders why it is not working as it was meant to prevent the "raccoon" to drive him to be near with the women they had hoped would also allow you to get close to her son.

If Mama sighs on the sly raccoon who is allegedly harassing Su-ho, Bo-nui thinking of her game again presentation, as they would put a raccoon head. Mom worries about the raccoons caused Su-ho to fall and hurt and feel bullied mentally, and Bo-nui think of all the meetings is they caused that fits this description.

Bo-nui, the connection, but it has not admit it to Mom and tries to apologize hastily. Mom asks for her phone number, and despite their reluctance deny Bo-nui can not quite. (Mom she goes to her phone as "girl who has a clue.")

Then, as she goes, Mom spots an elderly man on a Delivery pull up cycling, and to see her eyes wide chicken Ajusshi. She gasps, "Young-il ... oppa?"

Bo-nui continues its Tiger Hunting online during their lunch break, but finds that it has been banned for inappropriate posts. Aware of their clock ticking, she is annoyed with this stress added, as well as Su-ho falls from her desk to ask a question.

But he voice not question that he really wants to ask you to think to himself: "If you asked me to sleep was-really attached with no feelings" Bo-nui thinking: "Why am I so painful when I have a tiger in front of me?"

can do

Aloud, all Su-ho is to ask what kind of sandwich they eat, and then rejects prompt their offer from the other half. Heh.

all He Dal-nim presentation distracted for things to ask them is already sent, and when he returns to his desk, he found a sandwich left on his desk with a note Bo-nui. He eyes it as it is the most perplexing mystery of the world, wonder why they will do so. He's too distracted to focus on work, and when he drops his pen at his desk, he bends to retrieve it and see ... the talisman they stuck there on their first day.

Dal-nim suspicions that Bo-nui did more of their strange happiness habits to disturb the boss, and calls to ask what she did this time.

Bo-nui goes to her house up as Gary comes to demolish the road, confused because he just got a call locating his father. he all is an address and no sense of direction, so Bo-nui offers to go with him.

Su-ho contemplates the talisman all day, trying to unravel it. He remembers running in Bo-nui at his office early the first morning, and also how he had interrupted her as she fussed with the book.

Bo-nui and Gary arrive at their destination, and he pauses nervous before the house, wondered if his father recognizes him. The good news is, the owner knows who he is, but the bad news is, Dad did not live here anymore. Gary shoulders slump in disappointment.

The host shows in the room the father, still contains the things he left behind. Bo-nui steps aside to give Gary privacy, and takes a call from her gambling ex-boss who seems to be back; he pushes them to lend him money, which she refuses flatly.

Gary his father's diary reads through that had haunted his life and his career diligently over the years. Gary left to read furrows to the entry, describes in his father his last rented room his forehead and a ticket-buying as far as he knows, Dad never came to Canada.

In a flashback, we see Gary to win a junior tournament and dad wait around to congratulate him. But Gary had waved to someone else and run past his father to his mother, her husband, and not even seem to notice the rest of the family, Papa, stand right there.

flipping to the end of the diary, Gary reads the entry: "He looked happy That's enough.."

Gary bursts into tears, and Bo-nui comforts him. He is subdued on the bus ride back, and Bo-nui says reassuringly that his father will be fine. She encourages him to sleep, and he puts his head on her shoulder. Just then, the bus hits a bump in the road and the mirror goes flying into the corridor, staggering. Not a good sign.

Su-ho in the bookstore directs the fortunetelling portion to attack, to study a pile of books selection. Back in the office, he examined, Bo-Nui workstation and all figures and charms it has set itself, and it-comes over her notebook and the page with the heading "Zeze Tigers".

Flipping through the pages, he read list after list of names with the corresponding birth years, all crossed out ... and his own name, circled.

Putting the pieces together, he holds Bo-nui in light of this new information: its charms, superstitions, tiger hunt. He calculates everything in coldly conditions, and lands on the circuit: sacrifice.

arrived at her home, Gary thanks Bo-nui with a big hug and heads inward. That's when she gets a call from Su-ho and passes out to meet him, and he faced them all worked up about his revelations.

insisted that they answer honestly, he wonders if the reason Bo-nui said: "It has to be you," because he was born in the Tiger Year. That is, if it is true that as the barbarians of the past offer women and animals in prayer rituals, she was used to him as a victim.

She apologizes to explain in a hurry, that she should have told him everything, but thought he would treat it like a madman.

Su-ho calls terrifying to ask how their plan went far back, and why she had said he was a warm person and that it might be him only. He raises his voice and Gary suddenly appear between them to step and asked why he is so angry when nothing happens.

"It can not be that it was thought that they have loved you, could it?" Gary asks. Off the beaten overlooking Su-ho's face, I'd say that he hit the nail.

Gary leads Bo-nui away, and Su-ho she stares shaken search.

But Bo-nui pulls away, her reasons to go feel the need to Su-ho back and explain. Gary points out, such as Su-ho had just now accused said he would never understand. Consequence will be to talk to are in verbally with him.

But she says she wants-she wants to give Su-ho, the chance to bring his anger expressed, which it considers justified. She sends Gary on without her, and runs back to Su-ho. He is sitting in his car, looking defeated, and looks up Bo-nui to see approaching again.

epilogue. Su-ho takes photos of the two talismans in his office and looks at online. The in the book (by his mother) to ward off what is in the way of an earnestly desired thing over. And under his desk to seduce a man.


Okay, I have found that I have only really a broad complaint about this show: the sound. Everything else is workable, but based on a rom-com on a crazy premise, the show feels frighteningly serious. It feels like the director either not get the memo that he actually filming a rom-com, or the director has no sense of humor.

happy Romance actually feels more like a novel melodrama me (one on the lighter end of the melo spectrum), and the editor, music and mood are all in this vein. That seems to make as the strangest creative choice because Bo-Nui despair so hard feel and real compared to the screwball things that she does, and it's like the show is not the comedy inherent in the premise does not recognize.

This is a pretty big disappointment for me was in the last few weeks, because I see, kept what the show could have been-there, how the show felt such obvious moments lacked for being sombre, light and pleasant and trading takes realism. Why are you reporting make at this drama, if you do not find it funny?

But now that we are in the first week 3 and established the tone and is consistent, I mean, this is the point where we accept things and move on, or do not take them and leave. So with that in mind, I think I'll have more success my expectations set and to see a romantic drama with a few funny moments, but as a comedy.

To be honest, I'm not sure I would have been willing to remain on board, if not for the latest development with Su-ho feeling, because to this point, I didn 't really feel an affinity for the characters. I thought Hwang Jung-eum was a fairly credible job of making Bo-nui feel grounded in some truth, rather than some random crazy person, and Gary noona a cute puppy with an eye on his, so there is nothing to hate. But emotionally, it's Su-ho, who eventually do feel something with his opposition to responses to Bo-Nui proposal-would you, he would have been glad to be rid of her, but he was strangely reluctant to resign to accept , and that's when I knew I was in.

the show has done a good job (and I mean especially Ryu Joon-yeol has done a good job) makes Su-ho rugged, rugged mannerisms of his defense (and socially stunted) personality and not so much a jackassy trait. I've seen enjoyed it to be cool and logical and unmoved for a moment, and then struggling to contain in other his panic. So my curiosity was piqued get him with Bo-Nui plan so angry to see, because he could have just written them as Weirdo happened from time with her.

So the minute I realized that he was actually hurt that he felt insulted and betrayed that he not someone one-of-a-kind and necessary ... well, the only hurt my heart. It's not that he disappointed that she does not love him, but I can see how he began the teeniest ask about the opening of his feelings something hit him in the face just to the reality: you're not special. His conflict and reaction feel real and interesting and something worth a visit, and if you get me so well, I do not care ( ... as lot), that the joke chances to fly away to the left and right and that we are in a heartfelt coming-of-emotional-age instead melo. I think this is really the true law of the K-Drama: Be I do not care, and I am yours.

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tags: Episode 5, in Hwang Jung-eum, Lee Chung-ah, Lee Soo-Hyuk, happy relationship, Ryu Joon- yeol

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