Recap And Reviews Kdrama Dear my friends: Episode 11

Recap And Reviews Korean Drama Dear my friends: Episode 11 -

Ahhhh, sweet revenge , Suk-gyun remains clueless about why Jung-ah left him, it is assumed a temporary thing and they come back. All other attempts gently (or not so easy when you Choong-nam) clue him, but he stubbornly refuses to believe that he is at fault, which leads in each person make the most amazing faces as frustrating his obtuseness deal.

EPISODE 11: "the blade revenge sharpening, Part 2"

Jung-ah sleeping peacefully in their new home, while Suk-gyun wakes up to find out that she's gone. He called her name over and over again to ask why it is not there - and why is it so much food

While the aunts are still hospitalized with Choong-nam, fill in all Wan. the details of Jung-ah's departure. She is thrilled for her aunt, impressed by Jung-ah "revenge." But Young-won and Nan-hee disagree about their divorce (although Choong-nam all for them). Wan asks her opinion grandma, but she says there is nothing of their business.

Suk-gyun calls Hee-ja only, but she does not answer, and Young-won wonders if he has ever cried so early in the morning before. Hee-ja replied dazedly, that once, thirty years ago. Hmmm sounds like it could be a story, but Young-won told just as old remember their details to stop.

Suk-gyun goes through the list when Jung-ah of aunts and asked them, or if they know with them, where it is. Jung-won and Nan-hee are that they are busy at work and do not know what he is talking about. Amused by his predicament, Wan asks her the truth about Jung-ah to say, but they continue to play dumb. Too Wan joy, but if he calls Choong-nam, she tells him tired, he left his wife it is obvious, and finally her revenge get

He is skeptical, though -. Why should young-ah left him? He assumes they just all work be pouting he put the memorial service in made. It was with him, though, because he honored rightly his parents. He then tried to call his daughters, to see if they know where her mother is

Choong-nam gets another call -. This time of Professor Park, but she ignored as she mutters that they get their revenge. She stubbornly refuses to help, as she rolls and dropping back to her hospital room while Wan tells her that she only professors should stop to see instead of taking revenge. Wan worried that they begin to re-take advantage of it, but Choong-nam tells her to be at ease.

When Wan begins after to clean aunts says Oma her is that her uncle to be married in a few months. worried grandma that Jacqueline will they dislike and asks how to win them for himself. Think for a moment, says Wan that they should spend their money, and then refuse politely any inquiry dinner together, keep quiet until they talk to her to decide.

Grandma grumbles that they might as well die just yet and leaves in a huff. When they are cleaned to continue, Sing songs Wan to themselves that they have to understand it, because it will be to write a book about it. But it is not easy to go, right?

Hee-ja quietly watches Jung-ah sleep, but when she gets a worried call from one of Jung-ah daughters, she tried to wake her friend. Jung-ah says she'll call you later - and then immediately goes right back to sleep. Ha.

Choong-nam nephew visiting the hospital and she hung her head in shame, as they excuse their phones for not answering when they were out with their friends. She tells them that they do not give it to her cafe, because they do not answer their phones, reminding them that something terrible could happen at any moment. When she imperiously orders her to get out of the way, they scurry outside her door to kneel to be like students punished.


taken Suk-gyun refuge with Seung-Jae, who seems slightly irritated that Suk-gyun assumes that he only watches all will do the preparation and cooking while Suk-gyun TV. When they sit down to enjoy their meal, Seung-jae told he Suk-gyun Jung-ah should ask for forgiveness, and ask them to return home

But Suk-gyun does not worry -. He is convinced Jung-ah is back in a few days. Why would they have enough to eat made him take a week, if they did not want to return to? Seung-jae tells him it's because of who she is, a good person. She's the kind that would make him a last meal, as she tells him to leave her alone for the rest of their lives.

Suk-gyun at that laughs, noting that it is ridiculous, because there are no divorce papers. Jung-ah will never leave him, because he is a good husband - for the fifty years that they were together, he has provided for his family in mind and never had an affair. He scoffs at the fact that they bought a house, say, it's just their way of trying him together to go on a world tour to get.

But he had to save money to care for them, provided they live to be a hundred. That's probably something Seung-jae has never had to worry about it because he is a lawyer who came from a wealthy family. But Seung-jae bristles that he is not a crook lawyer that the man and his parents spent all their money take care of their health in old age cheating.

Suk-gyun jokes that he should move only with Seung-jae since it cook better than Jung-ah, but Seung-jae does not seem to think it's so funny when Suk-gyun does , They would definitely make a stereotypically "odd couple" with Suk-gyun is lazy, untidy ways and Seung-jae horror that he did not wash his hands after using the toilet and seems unconcerned about directly in the bowl pees. Ewwww.

When publishing office, Dong-jin says Wan that he would go to America, and then he asks if Yun-ha was happy see them. She admits that she thought he was, but he played hard to get, to tell her that his life is good as it is, and he does not care whether she comes back to him or not.

How did respond Wan mother when? Wan remains only to mention, and Dong-jin assures her that, although it will be on the first hard on her, will perish, because she knows Wan is happy. Wan asks if he is an expert on the mother because she, then beat on their behalf excuses him, to tell him she is there. By selling her book

you old for a drink asks him from time's sake, but he refuses - his wife is coming soon. Also can be as cumbersome and imperfect as the top end. Both winking at each other as they wish each other luck and then go their separate ways. Aw.

Jung-ah daughters are in their new home and tried to talk sense into her. How could she leave her father so only if he can not take care of? Jung-ah ignores further purify as they alternately at her screaming and begging Young-won and Hee-ja help them talk sense into her mother. Jung-ah daughter Soo-jung is particularly angry, pointing out that it is embarrassing that all women in her family are always distinctions.

After leaving, Jung-ah makes aunts lunch when they calm their praise for storage, while her daughters were here they. Young-Won there makes their happiness to feel that she has no family - no parents, husband or children. Hee-ja, she says her and Choong-nam envied for their lack of family, but she pitied won for cancer-Young. Moreover, Choong-nam has all her relatives who rely on them. Life is not easy for anyone, right?

Wan swallows her own lunch down to her mother restaurant and thoughtless her mother answered the phone without looking to see who is calling first. It's Suk-gyun, and makes a face as if to ask him politely, trying as he does. , He Grumps to the "useless" who's "smokes and writes novels," then demanded that Nan-hee come and cook for him that night

Nan-hee says she wants - she has at least once, but Wan defended her mother and says she is too busy to tell him that he should call his daughters. He says they are too busy, so Wan may instead. She is surprised, but he yells at her that he has been friends for over sixty years with her mother, and she is an ungrateful girl, if she does not come. She tells him politely that she is too busy and then hangs up.

he will have problems with getting ahold of someone, when he calls Choong-nam come to cook for him. She asks me if he wants them to kill him and then hangs up. Ha! I love her. As Professor Park calls, she tells him sweetly that she is still recovering and they can get together next week - she has a big surprise for him. Ohhhh, that will be good.

Suk-gyun daughters are busy cleaning and cooking for him while he was reading the newspaper. He at least understood that they are irritated with him, even if he is surprised by her. His daughter asks him to do with her mother, to do what he can to get them back. They offer him the money for a trip to borrow, if that's what it takes.

But he does not understand why he should beg. When Soo-jung says that he treated like a slave mother, whatever you ask about meals nagging and glasses of water, he blurts out that he is a man - why should a man cook his own water or get? He is also certain that Jung-ah come back within a month.

What if they do not, though? But Suk-gyun focuses more to say what for dinner tomorrow evening to make, as their requests to hear that she has her own husband to take care of and can not always wait for him to Soo-jung.

Oh, hey, it's the beautiful photographer neighbor! I am happy to see him again, but apparently it will not be long before he moves out. Boo. He sees Hee-ja walking through and he greets pleasant, but she says she does not know him. He reminds them that he is the photographer who has taken up her image, and that he hoped to be said for a chance goodbye - but she stares at him blankly, they repeat it does not know. Before he leaves, he puts a copy of the group photo of her door.

When she goes along the neighborhood street, the image disappears in a foggy train tracks. They are the same tracks in Suk-gyun dreams, and as he goes along, he hears a train - and then he wakes up from his nightmare, to name Jung-ah name. But of course it is not there.

When she comes home, Hee-ja tries to go to bed, but then she decides hungry. While she eats, she suddenly gets sleepy, and instantly fall asleep at the table falls, their meal unfinished.

Morning Young-won and Choong- nam stop by Suk-gyun to give him breakfast. Young-won him cheerfully told it's Choong-nam last attempt to be friendly, but then wrestles shocked at how many dirty dishes in the sink are. He says that his daughters are too busy to clean it and Choong-nam tells him that if he will not wash his own dishes, it can not should eat. Pfft.

Then she hangs a list of on the fridge "how to be a good husband." Ha, I love it. Young-won cleans eager chaos, while still recovering-from-surgery Choong-nam rests at the table. Suk-gyun tells them Jung-ah to send back to him, so they do not by be angry, to do things for him.

Young-won outright tells him that this is a unique offer - besides, he is the one who should Jung-ah ask to come back. But he blames them, the two, who live on their own to persuade away for them. Choong-nam's like: "Yes, we have" then apologizes - she had just explode their system a few days ago; they also need not explode the head


Annoyed him tells Young-Won, that they leave, to stop Jung-ah really tried, but now it is on the side of Jung-ah, if you consider that Suk-gyun certainly treated his wife worse when he treat them right now Moreover, if he is to take care of his daily tasks needed someone, he should call to his siblings that he's been around his whole life taking -. they should try to repay some of the debt

Suk-gyun protests that his siblings are all human, and Young-won screams. "? and I am a woman, so what" But is Suk-gyun not affected to find help because Jung-ah him asked to come, and he is sure that they come back 'll with him.

Despite their true desires, Choong-nam returns with Suk-gyun work help. It is their way to beat him from the repayment of the children who used bully at school, even though it is still irritated that remembers.

finally Suk-gyun reaches the top of the steep hill to the new home of Jung-ah, and while she eats her lunch, he asks her what the caring for his parents and siblings is so wrong. He keeps taunting about getting a divorce until she pulls the paper, it is has already signed a divorce agreement - it must

He changes tactics only his signature

by declaring that this new house his law, but you. quiet, she says it will be pleased to bring to justice. Then he tried to insist he did nothing wrong - he took care of his parents, to obey her last wish that he look for his siblings. Why, he gave them even and one side with Jung-ah, when his parents were disappointed it them was never a grandson

Except Jung-ah indicating that everything he did was move out of their house - , She had to go there every day and to cook and clean for them. He does not believe that he has done something wrong to spend with his money to his siblings because he was a dutiful son. Jung-ah says that he can live with his siblings, then. She wants to be a dutiful daughter, also want to live out their own mother dying to be free.

Seung-jae, he continues is the opposite of Suk prove -gyun Hee-ja prepare fruit for the aunts' Assembly admiringly observed as him. He admits that his wife taught him domestic skills in their later years, and Hee-ja, it is understood to be that he was ready to live alone. When she tried to help him, she is surprised to discover closets in disarray really ask who made such a mess.

Choong-nam comes as Hee-ja their new coloring skills is showing off happy and apologized Seung-jae that he could not see her in the hospital because of his Blechschaden. Oh, it is sweet as Choong-nam says him to take good care of Hee-ja, hiding how much it still do their affection for him hurt must sacrifice.

Finally, all the aunts come. Wan tried it organized enough so that they take notes and question them about their lives, but they continue superimposed to talk. She tries to explain that the concept to make for her novel, it is attractive for the younger generation to hear, of the elderly people of ailments and diseases are not so interested.

The aunties agree to try to support their concept, but then to take over, as they bring suggestions about what to add and what they do not want in the book. Wan wants to create a book that is filled with pleasant and beautiful stories of their lives - not the details of how boring they are. For example, they want a story about the considerate mother to tell who is thinking about her children all the time, but they do not, make sure they call it does not interfere.

But Hee-ja blurts out that it's all a lie. She is disgusted by her children - when Wan to write a story about a mother who wants the day to be lonely, then they may Hee-ja get out of it. She raised her children when they were younger and needed her, but now that they hold, they have grown their imprisoned alone in her house.

Gi yes cries that life between parents and children, and the aunts are arguing about the concept of "love and war" between young and old a constant struggle is. Wan tries to gain control of the situation again, saying all their stories are completely makjang (that is, like a soap opera), but the aunts tell her in unison, that is, what life is really - it's makjang

[1945010!] Wan wants simply filled a book with beautiful heartwarming stories, but the aunts tell her that her misfortunes are the sad realities of their lives. In addition, the reality is more interesting and what people really want to hear about.

Suddenly inspired, Wan gathers her things and crashes that surprised aunts she tells a great job. She plays the recording of all aunts arguing over the details of their sad stories for the rest of the publishing personnel and stated that it has a new turn found - instead of beautiful, heartwarming stories, it will give such a cruel fairy tale below from the elderly to young people.

In a voice-over says Wan that they decided the real life stories of the elderly without sugar-coating, to write them. Because they are the protagonists of their lives and they have the right to decide how these stories are told

The aunts her gradually call to explain further about their actions -. Hee-ja her that her to say, asking a hundred rosaries in such a short time to make is not because she is lonely, but because of their voluntary nature. Jung-ah asks that she will not leave written home in terms of revenge, but only that they finally have a little freedom

Speaking of revenge wanted, but - , Choong -Nam contributes carefully a Professor Park made by the hand bowls, is out there filled with fruit salad. Pffft. The looks of stunned horror on the faces of the professor are invaluable, as they watch her casually hand out their food from the artwork. One of her nephews falls another Professor Park shells, and it only from waves. It was one of the less expensive, anyway

you are still trying their heads to the casual way to wrap your feats is the treatment if they show that they will be half-price their pictures sold, "generous" and offers them a chance to buy some, because they have said they wanted to have, but could not afford it. Let in an offended Huff (and Professor Park complains that he does not even have enough money to buy a painting, anyway. Ha!).

Meanwhile, Young-Won has some art experts some of the studies professor artwork, and it turns out that they are worth a small fortune. Hahahaha, I love it! Choong-nam is not surprising - after all, she is the one who knows how to make a profit from something. But she just laughs at the professors who thought they cheated by selling their art, to not only realize their true value.

Wan puts her voice over and pointed out that if the aunts get their revenge, then so what? If the law can for sixty or seventy years distress they form have endured - if it comforts them - it's not worth it? They also do not have to leave many years, and when would be cruel for the younger ones, to tell them just to keep living their lives as they were.

Granny massages Il-bong leg as she instructed her husband to practice his writing (ha, the sentence she told him to write, is "I deserve to die"). But then she gets a pain in his chest and begins to vomit. Nooooooo!

Young-won holding of Wan, bouquet in hand. It is to take from her first husband, who still refuses to face to face. She wonders whether they will be disappointed to see him again. Life is full of disappointments, she says, and admitted that she married her second husband to get through the first -. Although it did not seem to work

You laugh at yourself, ask if there is hearing an old woman talking about love boring. But Wan is sweet supportive to tell her, she is still beautiful, and she should go there. Then she added coyly that she went Yun-ha last week to see, and no matter what Nan-hee says, once the book is finished, it goes back to Slovenia.

Young-won just smiles and moves, Wan rely on their book work. But instead she revels in a happy video chat with Yun-ha, where they will first look at him because of how much it makes them miss him. He reveals that he is working, keep photos of the church. Wan smiles and says, it would be nice to get married there.

Suk-gyun has a different train tracks nightmare, and in the morning, he goes past a travel agency, think about desire Jung-ah, to travel and his determination to spend money for his family. He meets with his siblings who tell him that they do not have to offer him a lot of money spent, most of all, he has given them. But they encourage him to get back Jung-ah. the brochure for a trip to China After graduating he attended decided Jung-ah.

He asks her if she is happy that he lost every last penny on a trip with them. It is not a world tour - he could only afford a trip to China. But she waves him off, telling him that she does not need. It remains, while trying to sleep, and she finally tells him to leave.

I would feel sad, how lonely and lost Suk-gyun looks as he makes his way back home, but this is the bed, which he made during his 50 years of marriage, so he has lie.

over drinks with Seung-jae, he begins to cry when he stated that Jung-ah has trained him to the point where he can not do anything without them, what makes him believe that they would take care of him, take the rest of his life. He did not just ask them to come back home, he offered her a trip - but you threw it easy back at him. He downs another shot of soju, as he shouts that it is useless -. She really left him


I 'm so eager when Suk-gyun finally realize that a few lowering minutes, his pride her back and waving a brochure in her face, bragging about how much it asking cost, not the way to prove how much he is interested (which I suppose does at it a bit, in its own way). If it is stopped even thinking about it, he should at least have tried to book, as this is the place they go really wants a trip to Italy.

But I believe that Jung-ah will make him (and his old-fashioned sexist way) to pay for the whole funeral, that he caused. She's a grown woman who can make their own choices in life, and for the first time it may cease to sacrifice everything for her family. Finally, their children are adults and have to take care of their own family, and her husband is an adult who should be able to take care of to take, also (at least in theory).

While it may look on paper, it is not much happened in this episode, it was really full of wonderful little character moments. I wish I could simply all the aunts' transcribe conversations that were as realistic as they talked about each other and were distracted by arguing over details, but it's just proof that this drama is filled with relatable people. I can understand frustration Wan (although, really, they prayed for them, they all gathered together so), but I love that they gave her a wake-up call in terms of what kind of book you should write.

it makes me wonder if Noh Hee Kyung had a similar epiphany, because it is almost like we felt watching us their brainstorming for this drama - instead of the beautiful, heartwarming story , it's the truth about what the aunts lives are like. While so many of our aunts lives are assigned, they all have their flaws. Sometimes I find myself with an aunt one week agree more, and then switching loyalties, as I have this week I realized side with another aunt. But every week, I fall in love with them more and more, warts and all.

I suppose technically this drama could be considered "makjang" if we focus only on the plot points and ignores the depth of character that holds power. More than anything else, but it is the human drama that gives us a great sense of the reality of our aunts life. Each life has trouble, but as long as you have love and friendship, it's all worth it in the end.

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tags: love My friends, in Go Du-shim, Go Hyun-Jung Kim Hye- yes, Na Mun-hee, Shin Gu, Yoon Yeo-jung

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