Recap And Reviews Kdrama Spy: Episode 7

Recap and reviews korean drama Spy: Episode 7 -

For a world in which the stakes so high, are for the characters that inhabit it, the current level of danger they all faced is surprisingly low. It's not like the safe delivery of a handsome secret agent will affect the already tense North-South relations or anything, right? As we learn in this episode about Yunjin in the past, it turns out that women in Sun-woo life share common ground with each other when it comes to Sun-woo, the safety and well-being.

What with the leaves Sun-woo never-ending question of where his heart lies: family or love

SONG oF THE DAY [1945009[

Vixx - "어둠 속 을 밝혀 줘 (Light Me Up)" [download]

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We open at night when Yunjin had first obtained their mission had Ki-Chul wasted no time to get the picture of her and her mother in burning, switching them to become accustomed to live like a Seoulite then.

But now it was time for the real work to begin. After a request a work give visa, Ki-chul had scoffed when she had asked for more details. It is not to know its place more than they need, he had recalled, then added not so nervous to act because everything else already is in motion.

as Yunjin the immigration Department had as instructed visited, where she was immediately arrested as illegal resident perform a fake passport with him. that was also the day when she first Sun- woo met who had intervened and confronted the staff with respect to an indication of another applicant he had approved.

Seeing that Yunjin recall Ki-chul had words that the plan had been established. Sun-woo gave her a reassuring nod that everything would be fine. Fast forward to the recent past when Yunjin went to greet Sun-woo family. Ki-Chul had advised on the phone, to be on guard, as Mom is a clever woman and a quick mind.

Ki-Chul was not too far, when he had called, and Yoon-jin had seen the van before driving away inside. Then the night before Soo-yeon death Yunjin was giving been the one Ki-chul, a heads-up. She had worried about the Sun-woo safety and relieved to hear that Sun-woo not ... although be injured in shock left when Soo-yeon's death was reported in the news.

Another ring takes us back to the present, where Mom keeps the ringing phone: "You want this for" the question of whether Yunjin do not want to answer, says Mom in a knowing voice orphans in their day, only the northern selected as spies because family members were a liability.

"Well ... they do not even choose the families without more", Yunjin answers with a trembling voice. "Because they do not return when there is nothing to protect them." Mom, the phone looks for Yunjin take before offering second, what are Yunjin intentions for her son in the last withdrawal?

Yunjin replies that were to keep their orders from Sun-woo side; they do not know what the bigger picture either because it is a figure just which remains by orders. But as soon not say that it does Mom across the face with a blow react the.

Mom demands that Yunjin never appear before her or deny her family from that moment on, Yunjin in her the love call address of "mother." with tears in his eyes, Yunjin insists that their feelings about Sun-woo are sincere, although he knew that she should not fall in love with him.

But Mama will now not hear barking as Yunjin, could have done this to Sun-woo if she really loved him. "And what about you?" Yunjin returns. "You deceive Sun-woo, are not you? Then your feelings are fake, Mother?"

Mom argued that she works to protect her son from harm as a spy, but Yunjin replies that it acting under the same intentions. After all the lies, cheating, and to keep spying Sun-woo hurt before, Yunjin not know who she is connected with more. It is always someone who will not be awarded by Sun-woo or her home country, and now she is at her wits end.

her sobbing breaks Mom determination by a hair, although a stern voice says not to let Ki-chul Yoon-jin, that she has been found. She orders Yunjin off-the-grid disappearing and promises not Sun-woo, that is the last thing to say that they do for Yunjin.

Yunjin sitting with her tears in the dark until their spidey senses pick up on Sun-woo approach. She calls him quickly with an apology that she evening is busy with work today, and if Sun-woo asks if he can only see her face, she denies him.

Poor Sun-woo is persistent just want to be her side, but he is averted. Before he goes, but he asks them not to promise things in the future, by allowing them to stand up. On the other side of the door, Yunjin her sobs choking back ...

... and Mama, click the microphone to hear the exchange. Watch Sun-woo leave, Yunjin asks him a tearful farewell.

Mom waits outside until Sun-woo looking at home depressed arrives. He asks if Mom seen lately, Yunjin had gone to drop the matter if the answer is no. Before committing to the head, but remember Sun-woo his mother, that no matter what happens in the future, will never change his feelings

Once she is alone, Mom questions noting that ". [SindSiesicher[those feelings] will not change? "Can not sleep, Mom gets on her pills to take and says to wear by this.

There is a view of the new provision in Yunjin eyes the next morning, as demonstrated in their all-black outfit. It collects some cash and several passes in a hidden compartment under a drawer, and then receives a call from her mysterious contact that says angry she one who does not last answered.

Yunjin tells her that he must contact'll sooner to speed request which sounds like contraband by her family from North Korea. He snorts in the immediacy, although what to do right, he can, if Yunjin offers its entire emergency stash. Your meeting is in three days, they remembered him.

At home, Mom sits next to her husband while to explain why they do not meet at his workplace calls to chief song. Chef Song insists that he is not trying to spy on dad's company or anything to which Dad replied gently that the company's future for the Department of Defense depends on the balance of the project.

He instead directs the conversation Invite Chef song about for tomorrow night dinner, and hesitates when the man, Dad extending the offer to the rest of Sun-woo colleagues. He adds that he will have at home remotely, and during boss Song is not happy about the arrangement, he agrees.

Over at his headquarters, Ki-chul has the conversation overheard, including the part where Dad wonders why Chef song will not come from himself , Growing curious, Ki-Chul performs a quick search on the Internet, where a newspaper article reported that hedge Technet their bid for cryptanalysis offered program to their software had withdrawn further develop.

Ki-Chul grins at this as good news. Hm, interesting.

Sun-woo is surprised to hear about about Chef Song and his colleagues for dinner. Dad chuckles that it was Mom idea, and although they are briefly interrupted by little sister Young-seo bad grades in school, Sun-woo finds to be the message suspicious.

Sun-woo sends a concerned text Yunjin, taking a moment to scan its surroundings on the subway before a call of a limited number receives. It's Ki-Chul, who apparently bought her excuse that she is feeling under the weather and on the way to hospital. But Yunjin has on a tail-one picked up by Ki-Chul lackeys and steps quietly thinking from the train ...

... Or so the footman, because they too late that Yunjin still on the train realized. But it is a step too late anyway and loses Yunjin, walking away with a smug expression.

Over at NIS headquarters Sun-woo while Hyun-tae speech distracted about how these newfangled facial identification technology makes things so easy for the young'uns. They are interrupted by Chief songs arrival, and Hyun-tae not miss his hand over a briefcase to its inhabitants hackers.

Sun-woo follows Chef Song in the hallway after mentioning tomorrow dinner, worried because his family are still in the dark about him, a spy to be. Chef song seems sarcastic amusement as Sun-woo is kept a secret and says there is nothing to fear, because they will play the official act to a T.

Meanwhile, Hyun-tae bugs the hacker about Top-secret briefcase, catching a glimpse of the encryption program. The hacker says it's stuff, but admits that he does not not know the contacts either because it is blocked by a passcode.

Yunjin ignored Ki-Chul reputation, just to see, and another of his minions look for them waiting by the subway entrance. She hops to find on the other side of the escalator a different path, but is shut off again. It is accompanied in a van and sends a response to Sun-woo text (which asked them to send her a period, whether it is in order). see

Sun-woo rays that single point and tried to call, but gets no answer. Yunjin is brought to a remote area, where Ki-Chul already waiting for them. He notes that the women to Sun-woo look so similar when the same mission given, and Yunjin not regret the decision she has made to try and escape.

Ki-Chul is given some thoughts on how to deal with her and her family he-should they burn to death or send them off to a prison camp? He knows better than to try to force a woman to change their mind once it's made.

Yunjin bites back that her family is already in transit, and it does not matter to her what he chooses to do with her. Ki-Chul has not skip a beat, saying that death would be an easy way out. He let it go.

Just like Yunjin about is within walking distance, a familiar ring keeps them in their tracks. It's the phone they thought that they would previously discarded same, which is now in Ki-Chul in hands. Taking it from Ki-Chul hand, Yunjin answers and is completely relieved of her mother on the other end hear the voice, as they say that they arrived safely.

But this conclusion can only mean that Yunjin can 't walk away from this mission (and Ki-chul embrace) that easily. She asks what it is that Ki-Chul of their wants, then he grabs her throat: "Absolute loyalty," Ki-Chul replies. "That's the way you have chosen."

Sun-woo stays late at the office, where his facial recognition software between Ki-Chul picks on possible match and an old Army photo. Eun-ah teases him for his commitment and his suspicions that he lady friend a hard time with his hit. Adding that there are many fish in the sea, it offers to be a drinking buddy again. Uh, yes, please?

Eun-ah makes a face as Yunjin calls (booo) and Sun-woo admits that he had all been worried day but relieved to hear that she is doing well. While they make plans for dinner, Sun-woo does not notice, bring the program to a different game under the North Korean lines. Mom

Speaking of whom, Mama Papa sits to test the phone-hacking program, noted that the phone to move, interrupts the process. You need a full three minutes to pull it off, but they do not even know if Chef song will take out his phone or not.

After Mom the profiles of the rest of the transmitted analysis team, it concludes that Dad and chief song even alone must be left. However, it is not easy to get hold of them on their own to the other guard.

, you will need another person to help, and as if right on cue, Young-seo comes through the door. hitherto been little sis had denied the privilege to stay for dinner because of their poor grades, but she has to keep busy now the task Eun-ah.

Also worship Sun-woo is for cucumber (yes, you read that right) can not get a smile out Yunjin for dinner. He can see through them and facts that mom went and to see his girlfriend, after all. He comes right out with it and ask what mama said, and if Yunjin that's not the case, insists he is not be fooled in the slightest.

Nevertheless, he secures and apologizes on behalf Mamas. He takes her hand and promises to protect them, not to worry about whether his family is understood or not. But Yunjin pulls her hand from his and says this is not what a family does.

If you were to ask someone to choose between love or her family, she would choose the latter every time. He asks, with those who are orphans then They'd just love. Took her hand again, he vows to protect her and the family has not (because he believes Yunjin no other family).

He says that this would eliminate all their other worries. It's wonderful serious and noble, and again ... where I find myself one of those men?

Sun-woo she drives home, but before she gets out of the car, he invites her over for dinner they connect to. He wants them all, as to introduce the woman he will marry. Well, that's a damn good surprise proposal.

Once inside, Yunjin sends a reply and breaks into sobs down. Sun-woo is pleased to see that they believed the Invite the food and sends a short Thanks.

Just then, ominous music falls, as we cut to Sun-woo of the cabin, where the computer two faces from the date identified Soo-yeon had died in the North Korean troops on two soldiers: Ki-chul and Mom


When voltage is what Spy in this show about wanted to achieve espionage, it has I'm sorry to say that the show its brand below. These final moments could have played better if we do not see Mom's face scanned earlier subsequently removed because it takes from the surprise that the computer software would think to identify Mom's face also. I was hoping and waiting for the drama to pick up the pace and deliver a tight and thrill-tastic story for a few episodes now. Call it wishful thinking, as the experimental format of a 0-minute double head could have really supported the idea sent to 50 minutes (or less) per episode to his tale advantage.

But the truth is that we half, and it feels like Spy puts his feet with every episode to draw closer. We still do not know what the all too important mission that is somehow includes Sun-woo, and it's not really anyone can we turn for answers in our characters either, since the only person who knows the whole picture Ki-chul. And he also, our closest baddie currently seems too low to deliver on the villainous head of a proper explanation.

At this point I would say that it might not be enough to take the arc encompassing history us through the second half. Go for a show from a long source material (the Israeli Drama The Gordin Cell was 22 episodes long), which is quite surprising, but the main is writing loan for Spy lists a number short Drama Specials. So I'm torn between whether the authors not to save able to pace the story in a longer mini-series format, or that they are their better chances in the second half. And if it is the second, I would be more disappointed because I feel like you should never be stingy with good material.

It's a real shame, then, that Spy his individual episodes to smaller arcs has chosen to devote far as dinner invitation. Part of me hopes that this will always be the most exciting dinner, but then the other part hopes that there should be some explosions happened in the background to be to revive things. Honestly, I feel like we did not do a deeper explanation to Yunjin in the past, and requires rather a better focus on the conversation between mother and Yunjin.

And this is where the story makes a stronger representation. It was an interesting contrast between Mama and Yunjin why every woman was recruited into the spy world: they had nothing to lose, while the other risks loves everyone they lose. Both women are from the motivation driven Sun-woo sure to keep a common factor, the mom and Yunjin would me together a team does want when it so urgently is a thing. But then again, if Ki-Chul really needs Sun-woo that much and without a scratch on that then the greatest danger Sun-woo is, is a paper cut. Owie

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tags: Bae Jong-ok, in Go Sung-hee, Jaejoong, Spy

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