Recap And Reviews Kdrama Hyde, Jekyll, Me: Episode 2

Recap and reviews korean drama Hyde, Jekyll, Me: Episode 2 -

Our basic settings available, the abduction takes over secret and involved our characters in a dangerous investigation. But since a certain lady in need is what our hero brings, well, inner hero, a little danger is actually a good thing. And although they are only tiny cracks, we begin already to see that our leading man might not be as cold and unfeeling as to think he he wants is.



Park Bo-ram - "Falling" for Hyde, Jekyll, Me OST [download]

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After six hours of his time to lose and lose no memory consciousness in the elevator on the other side, SEO jin is further shocked when Hana his room when he enters the one who is saved in the water to ask.

"save" audible in the word, Seo-jin secretary gasps, and SEO jin eyes wide. Hana says that they also do not remember much, but somebody remembers them in the water.

Seo-jin covers his ears and says out her because he is not the kind of person, Women go rescue. But she realizes his necklace and asks if it is to be in her voice with a hint of recognition, and turns to go before they get an answer Seo-jin grabs his broken glasses and stares at his reflection in the window down. "Why did you come back, Robin?"

Hana leaves the room and scoffs at the closed door back, to conclude leap that Seo-jin led them out before she could bring up her circus troupe contract. The necklace but niggles, and she thinks back to the moment when they in front of the side of a bridge 15 years was hanging.

begin to slip your fingers, but a boy catches her hand just in time. He wears the same necklace Big Dipper. He loses grip and falls into the river bottom, so, without hesitation, he jumps, and pulls them to the surface. Briefly opens her eyes, the chain, and in voice-over, to see when she thanks him, as he says only that this is who he is.

She shakes the thought that it could be the same type, it also gave much of a coincidence. Well, that's certainly true, but we know that it fits the schedule for when Seo-jin split personality Robin appeared for the first time.

Seo-jin parents come into the country and his bodyguard / chauffeur that Robin came back reports to the Chairman Dad about the events of the day, and his suspicions. Parents seem as horrified as Seo-jin's.

In sickroom, Seo-jin finally Dr. Kang remembers and asks her to see, and the secretary Kwon sweats another bucket as he stammers: "Dr. Kang is missing ..." We are on the Switch police station, where a detective is on the case of a presentation. Practically, that.

The scene looks just like Hana saw it for the first time, with the exception of the very important fact that Dr. Kang is no longer there in a pool of blood. Police believe she is still alive, because they asked an emergency call to save someone made it, and all the CCTV cameras in the offices were shut down before the crime.

When Seo-jin hears the news, he remembers Hana escape of a masked man in black to see, and notes that this is the kidnapper / killer could be. The investigators divided the work, and a Detective Na is possible to examine witnesses assigned Seo-jin and Hana.

Chairman Dad comes Seo-jin in to see immediately the hospital, but it is not a concern that brings him there. He says to get Seo-jin before Robin ruined everything. You have only a month before the vote (probably to take over the company for Seo-jin), and Dad only sees Robin as a liability.

Seo-jin swears it is not what he thinks, and remembers Dad as he for the last five years to live, to control this thing, and how hard he is working to show that he, the company can lead. "You know that I my eyes were too close to close my ears, close my heart for five years and did not even change!"

Chairman Dad sees Robin as weakness and says that if Seo-jin had not lived so, he would not now stand before him. Seo-jin, he says did his best, so that he could stand in front of his father, and plans to keep it that way in the future. He asks to be left alone, but Dad says with disappointment that Robin is coming back.

Dad ordered the bodyguards to keep watchful eye, and the secretary Kwon falls into a little fist-pump "Fighting is" the encouragement that Seo-jin turns off immediately. Heh.

Seo-jin goes home and makes its way into a secret security space behind a wall in the greenhouse, and flips through photographs of Robin run rescue people locked in Wonderland over the years.

Oh, he was not kidding robin actually does save people. It's all he does, it seems as if he's got a kind of hero complex. Curious. Also, why is his alter ego named Robin, not Batman?

Seo-jin he logs on to take in a video message for Robin, which is common practice for them. He looks at the camera and says Robin Rule 19, to remember and that he has changed, there is no reason for Robin more to come back. "I do not want you anymore. Go ahead and come back ... and I'll be forever of you go."

He taught then to calm his nerves, repeating the song over and over again "That's supposed to happen." with his eyes still closed he stifles tears.

The next day, Seo-jin makes his rounds in Wonderland and asks for Dr. Kang investigation. Secretary Kwon says that there is no CCTV footage and no witnesses, but Seo-jin know it grab a witness, and looks at the circus over their stuff with a sigh of exasperation.

Hana is already provided in the question scene where Detective Na antagonistic second he gets gets confirmed a call that Hana is the only person who is not the building seen entering before the security feed was cut , Hm, zip-lining and climbing through a window does not look very good in the face of crime.

He wants to know how it indoors, suddenly treat her as his prime suspect when Seo-jin arrives to say the rather absurd sounding truth and they back up. She says it's his fault for trying to give them rebuffed, but he does not let them in the argument to get very far, because he wants to come first in the event.

He breaks the barrier tape in Dr. Kang to contact the office and Hana follows Detective Na leave between them sputtering and completely lost. Hana shows them as they climbed through the window and where she saw Dr. Kang, and then remembers feeling like someone was standing behind her. She turned around and looked at ...

Seo-jin grabs her shoulders and keeps asking: "Did you see who did it" Hana struggling at the moment back to image and says in a daze, "I see. But I can not remember."

You can consult a doctor, and Seo-jin calls the diagnosis before doc. Ha, who says someone with PTSD have eyeroll? He accuses her of acting like she does not remember because the timing is suspicious, and it is the perfect way for them to stay there to him.

This is because it is just learning news to her that his case is important for him, but it is lit to know that it is only by accident his day ruined. Seo-jin told the detective a hypnotist willing to obtain, and Hana balks at the way he goes about giving orders, he should ask for help and offer ways to eradicate it. She reminds him that he knows exactly how to pay them, and adds sarcastically. "You do not have to be very bright"

I love that it drives him crazy. A few minutes later he is sliding contract sign a copy of the new circus for them. It also wants an apology, and he murmurs out of the corner of his mouth, and she insists on a better, from the soul

Seo-jin. "I. Am. Sorry. Are we done?" Heh. She frowns to see that the contract is only for two years, and writes instead of ten years. He has three, then four, but every time she comes back with 10 years, and an insult to the side, until he finally gets tired of the contract back and forth sliding and approves its terms.

he immediately gets to take hypnotherapists, but she stands up to him to look into his eyes and asked again whether he was the one who saved them , It occurs near that it unnerved, and says sincerely, ". Thanks This is how you do it from the soul."

She turns when this necklace was always asking back but it thinks differently and murmurs that it be a coincidence. He follows her to the elevator, stirred and demand an explanation for why they keep asking about the rescue and the chain.

Hana says it's nothing and reminds him that he is the one who insisted that he have not saved. Seo-jin grows increasingly worried and asks what if it, and it slams him against the wall when he asks what to show it, and do this to him. Sheet, end their manhandling! He sends his heart rate skyrocketing though, so he retreats to breathe and calm down.

Seo-jin she takes to the police advisors hypnotherapist (student of Dr. Kang, after the detective) and Hana looks in his car around with curiosity. There are religious symbols hanging everywhere, but they are a mishmash of different religions, from Buddhism to Christianity, used almost like talismans more than anything else.

She assumes he is really pious, including his belief in hypnosis. He frowns and calls hypnosis science, not faith. She is a skeptic, though she tells him that she learned self hypnosis once. She takes her necklace and swings in Seo-jin's face, then he says he hypnotized to bend a coin in half.

He bends her trick coin and does not find it amusing in the least, but it really says this stuff good passes magic shows in Las Vegas. He complains that real hypnosis is not a joke.

He falls Hana and reminding them to come up with a sketch of the suspect, and they will be in the elevator with a man in a long black coat. He is to go with the same floor, and once they arrive, he introduces himself as YOON TAE-Joo ( Sung Joon ), and already knows its name.

Up in his apartment, Hana goes through this roundabout explanation of how he knew it they text simply sent in the elevator, but he says Detective Na him. She wonders why he did not say anything immediately then, and he explained that the moment he introduced himself, you had a little impressed that this doctor was able to read people. He makes a song, saying that it was the same song that played when he right. And from now on, this song will be their trigger to they feel like they can trust him.

Chairman Dad calls Seo-jin in his office to him a plane ticket to hand. Apparently all Dad knows to do, kick Seo-jin is out at the first sign of trouble. He says that if Robin is back, it means that he would be more back often without warning, and who knows what he will do if he is loose. Seo-jin refuses this time back down and says that Dr. Kang was about to heal him well. He promises to find Dr. Kang, and if this time it does not work, he will leave and never come back.

Tae-joo says Hana that they have no real meeting today, and a rope accepts cats cradle to play with her while they chat about their lives. The activity makes answer his questions freely, without thinking, and he steers the conversation to what they did yesterday.

Suddenly he turns on her trigger song around and tells her remember what they do yesterday afternoon, and snapshots his fingers. Just like that, Shutter her eyes closed and she falls back into her chair.

She remembers discover on the floor Dr. Kang and Tae-joo leads they turn around slowly and put the attacker. It begins with the hands on the neck to fight, as we see in flashback that he strangled her against the desk. She grabbed the nearest thing scissors and stabbed him in the arm. That's when they made a break for it and ran in Seo-jin.

you start to fight again, and gasps that the man strangled. This time it's on the roof, and we see how they are trying to fight back. As she does, she takes off the mask of the attacker ... but Tae-joo it snaps back to the present.

Hana wakes up gasping and choking, and says Tae-joo that she saw the attacker's face. You just can not remember it now. Seo-jin gets word and jump to his feet in excitement. But then it dawns on him when they pulled off the mask, the white attacker that she saw his face ... and that puts them in danger.

Detective Na travels Hana home after their meeting, and she cries when she is Tae-joo, to words that occur a violent reminder as suppressing only her survival instinct reminded in and completely normal. He tells her, gently, that they first need to address their fear, after which they will naturally come to remember. Do you think maybe you could their fears about dinner and a movie responsive? I know, I know. But why is he so cute?

The kidnappers wastes no time in accordance Hana comes, and lurking outside Wonderland awaits them come. He follows her in, and she begins to someone behind her feel crawling, and accelerated its step.

Only when overtaking on it, it leads directly into Seo-jin, and if they say that you are being followed, he pulls them instinctively behind him. Huh. This from the guy who bit a lady and made her monkey bait?

He grabs her wrist and takes them to the circus theater itself, and then blocked the door with a team of security personnel. He asks where she lives and declares it too far, and bring them up in a penthouse suite, the Wonderland facing.

takes in the view of breath, but coming back to the earth and call it overkill. He points out that one can not come without security key to this floor, it is to make sure. He lets it take to her home the security team or stay here, and prohibits them from all circus activities.

Hana turns with, but Seo-jin thinks that they do not take very seriously this threat. He steps closer and points out that when Dr. Kang discovered dead take missing, which makes them a witness to a murder. She takes that in, as he tells her to hurry up and remember, because that is the best way to get this out.

She reminds him that he was there, and he left them, to make them the only witness. And then when he needed it, he sent them back in this terrible memory, without so much as a word of comfort.

He says that's why he protect them now, but you do not really know if there is protection or prison. She refuses to stay if he will be so, and asks how he could be without one ounce understanding or kindness. He does not see the point, and says that if she does not like it, they can leave Wonderland

Hana. "Wonderland was your were born from the moment you, was not it? It is now, and it will always be so. But do you like Wonderland?" She says that it will never been her and never will be, but they like Wonderland-it keeps all their happy memories of her childhood and her father.

asks you how he to tell her, can be so frivolous to leave all the time, and asked if he could leave and go all his memories like that. But everything he remembers, the fear is (we yell a brief flash of two children in Santa hats, when someone moves into a haunted house flies).

He tells her that he can throw it all away because he does not have any happy childhood memories of this place, "I need it Why should I? is it a person, a woman? it's just me. "he told her to stay, if they so much like it, before he gets rid of all of it.

She follows him to the elevator and says that he is right, her voice icy now. She says that there is no way he was the one who saved her, then or the other day. She calls "this person" is someone who saves people so that Seo-jin stunned that she could speak about Robin.

He chases after her to ask what she meant to answer them scream. He asks suspiciously: "Did he ... how do I look?" But she replies coldly that they not equal and stems from.

Seo-jin his violent physical reaction reminds Hana in danger twice, and to see the continuing question of why Robin would for the first time appear again in five years. Seo-jin watches Hana walk away and the thought occurs to him: "Could it be because of you?"

When he runs after her, the sight of a red heart balloon reminds him of his dream. In fact, everything looks the same, which is kind of creepy. We now have premonition dreams? Just like in a dream, the huge mirror ball head starts swinging, and Seo-jin calls: "Jang Hana" But then he starts choking and falls to his knees on the ice.

Up in the rafters, we see that it was no coincidence that Hana at risk, but glasses Strangler to set a trap. The mirror ball snapped from its chain and fall begins, and Hana looks up, eyes wide. I hate it when people stare away instead of running.

Of course, Robin engages her just in time out of the way on the ice slipping and breaking their case. He weighs in his arms, and when she opens her eyes, the first thing she sees is again that necklace. LOL, you're telling me that the first thing he did was to tear this tie? Because it's not like it was a whore store or anything.

When their eyes to move upward, it is even more shocked to see Seo-jin's face, but with a smile them. A large, Toothy Smile dimpled. Guh.

It is made completely speechless when he reviewed and checked it again to make sure she is not injured, and asks tenderly, if she's okay. But that's when the security team is in the distance, and with a look, team leader (and spy Chairman Dad) Seok-won recognizes Robin.

He takes out a Taser, and the other bodyguards prepares a stick. What is he, the Hulk? What's with all the artillery? Robin sees them coming and ensures Hana to say, go to the hospital, and then take a break for it.

She looks confused, as his own guards chasing him, and happens a look at him out of hiding peeking out to catch. Then suddenly he starts in this acrobatic somersaults and jumps around the stage props and Hana gapes, ask what it is that they just saw.

you chasing him all the way up to a balcony that overlooks Wunderburg, and finds him with his arms outstretched stands. He drinks in the freedom and says loudly, final title, "I have come back out.". If there is another me in me ... [I hope], that he is a better man than I


I hope he's better, because the reaction of the chairman Dad and security personnel has me worried that Robin has a dark side, we have been not opened. What if he was a mischievous trickster or something? when its driving force people still, he seems really good so far, saves. Dr. Kang said in her notes that Robin came from Seo-jin guilt, so I can only assume that his guilt about mistakes, to save someone makes him this savior role again and again re-enact. I like that phrase because it give Robin an interesting story instead of using it only do the warm fuzzy version of Seo-jin. Although, okay, I would not Spirit spending a lot of time on a Smiley doofy Robin, which is just beautiful for the sake of being beautiful. Even Robin has better hair.

But it is actually Seo-jin moments of vulnerability that most my interest, as his obvious fear capture losing control, or most interesting when it begins its own rules to break Hana. He got endless codes and all these non-contact rules, but he is the one to touch them repeatedly and excessively protective when he he insisted, things do not have to do like that. Their relationship is almost all antagonism, but it does not seem to be unbalanced because Hana dishes as much as she comes back, and she is not afraid to stand up for himself. She is independent and proud, and going pretty good toe-to-toe with Seo-jin, the pretty fun their bickering banter (if someone like the detective between them open with his mouth especially hanging, unable to hold, with its rhythms).

Mostly I like the way it calls the bullshit Seo-jin out, and that they find it rude and unsympathetic. It makes the downside interesting-when Robin will inevitably sweep their feet and confuse the shit out of her, especially if he is the dreamy hero in all these years, is wanted. I do not like the go-to first love trope, but it is quite inevitable in drama country, so I think we have to go with it-Twu Wuv and fate go hand in hand, of course, because no one ever two has heard meet adults to overcome their deep psychological problems, and then live happily ever after. What are we, a deep conflict with a split personality love triangle?

Anyway, I'm more interested in Hana (or rather, Hana at risk) be triggers Robins, because it means they'll Seo-jin matter. I'll love it when he on keeping them safe at all times in an attempt insists Robin to keep from surfacing only to fall for them. And overall, I'm glad that we are already at this point in history after the second episode, with the right questions only on the road, rather than asking our characters to sit back and wait for things to respond. Dr. Kang case is a good motivator in this regard, because Seo-jin has a personal interest in finding her alive; and it forces our lines to be together as they solve the mystery. I was sad to disappear soon about it, but Dr. Tae-joo made in an instant up for it. And here I thought that Seo-jin would be the greatest competition Robin. Be still my heart. I consider myself to say that so far we can not trust either Robin or Tae-joo (he the suspect long black coat)., But I have the feeling that a lost game will be

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tags: featured, Han Ji-min, Hyde Jekyll Me, Hyun Bin, Sung Joon

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