Recap And Reviews Kdrama Healer: Episode 18

Recap and reviews korean drama Healer: Episode 18 -

belt itself in, people it is a roller coaster of an episode, the entire emotional gamut there it runs much of cuteness, laughing, but with only left a week, we can not be too safe in the current comfort. We are never far from the subliminal anxiety that runs everywhere, to remember that it is just enough time for another big fight. And that is certainly a doozy be


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a little back up, we see how the band made its way to the Moon-Ho broadcast, rather than the older hand. Aha, so it is was Dae-yong, who first got to the charnel vault, and she finds a box in the back stuck the real tape contains. they exchanged it for a bait, it can take directly to moon-ho.

moon-ho hears immediately, then called Jung-hoo to inform him of its contents. When they had known, Seo Joon-seok not guilty, but moreover, he was not even initially a suspect. he had gone to the police Gil-han to report the murder, with photos as evidence. so the tape is not a suspect statement, but a testimony.

Jung-hoo has to pull the car over to process the good news, and he and Young-shin smile at each other.

Moon-ho thinks the band is enough to take broadcast, and tells Jung-hoo to come back. Jung-hoo asks Young-shin, what she thinks, and she is of the same mind as him. You will see by the original plan

So now again we touch with Jung-hoo, the elderly face in front of the camera capturing the whole nation to see. A bodyguard blocked elders from view, but Jung-hoo jumps into reporter mode (with some of Bong-Soo behavior) and begins to ask a question. It is ignored as the older leaves.

Jung-hoo has a few seconds of airtime before the guards close to him, and exclaims: "These people have to work for the Elder I'll ask you a question You certainly would not use force and the! beat reporter who came to interview the Elder during a live broadcast? "

His glasses and wallet will be confiscated, and then the older one back into space , After confirming that this guy is named a reporter Park Bong-Soo, he asks: "Did not you say you were the healer?"

Jung-hoo Laugh stutters: "I-if I said that, ha ha, I was told that you would meet with me." Gah, I'm so glad that Bong-Soo is not real because he would not last for long this world. The Elder says he would speak when Bong-Soo were the healer, but if not ... Jung-hoo conjectures "They would call me k-kill? But I do not want to die."

He asks whether "Opa" is the oldest real, and the elder replied that he would not ask his face needed to transmit. But Jung-hoo counter that kills Gramps people who bother him, and he could not have that-that's their way a "Beware of Dog" type warning sign posting.

The Elder crouches Jung-hoo par encounter and calls it child to ask who he is. Jung-hoo replies that it is a man named Seo Joon-seok killed among men Opa. "I'm his son, Seo Jung-hoo Grandpa, if you continue to kill people, you should their sons or daughters to . think "

Outside the house, Young-shin is impatient with a camera, trying to urge the police to her to intervene. But the police can not do anything without proper authorization, as Young-shin just right there begins filming. There is not much to see, but it's enough policemen outside the older house and moon-ho turns the mission stationed to show to show the scene. Within moments to lift them to withhold the guards Jung-hoo inside again.

The Elder invites to sit Jung-hoo, offers a drink Jung-hoo that is denied, and how an incense lighting is a kind of polite visit. Jung-hoo, the wimpy act like and stands defiantly before the old man at the Elder Description his side derisively as "working people to save."

The Elder explained that the "us" that the protection of people and the "they" who receive their protection: "Young man, the side you want to be on"

Jung-hoo about the elders talk unimpressed, but ... wait, why fade and your senses numbing? Gah, it is the incense, is not it? The Elder began to blur in his eyes as the old man says that he likes quite Jung-hoo but will not have to wait long for his decision.

Jung-hoo tried to delete his head through the smoke, and then sees the stick and put it out. Thank god. But the drugs have done their trick, and he falls over, unconscious. The Elder leaves him in the room broken into.

Back to Seo Joon-seok's testimony, which we see in flashback. Joon-seok sitting in front of the detectives dull, emotionally traumatized by Gil-han death and stated that "they" call themselves farmers. As a trio he and Gil-han and Moon Shik, chasing the story for the past year when they received information about a planned truck consignment which it has to mean bribes movement.

Joon-seok describes the "agriculture" that this group is doing: you as their field for the plows to see the country, money sowing reap all possible benefits political, legal, financial.

Young-shin finally gets tired of waiting and bursts through the accommodation Elder. She finds Jung-hoo begins to stir, tried to shake off his drug-induced stupor. She asks anxiously: "Why are you always sleep when I see you?" He answers: "You've got me always awake." Pause to aww.

offers to take him to the hospital, but he asks some sleep, resting against her shoulder and hold the arm. He asks: "Our fathers were very close, they were not?" Since he did not get to see the show, Young-Shin says that their fathers were faithful to the end, and tells the events that we see in flashback.

1992. Moon Shik driving the car as the three friends follow the truck in question, and the mood is lighthearted with bickering and laughing. They think the task, be a simple matter of snapping a few photos, the money handoff shows.

Upon arrival, it is clear that the situation is more serious than she had expected. A truck containing big metal paint cans, and another filled with apple crates with massive sums of cash.

Gil-han wants to see in the paint container while Joon-seok restrains him. Gil-han just quips: "What she would do, kill me A reporter?" But they overturn accidentally am, the other to alert their presence, and Gil-han has distract them while Joon-seok gets on the paint cans , can protest before his friend, he runs and is quickly followed.

Joon-seok a canister packed and the car drives, where he warns Moon Shik on the risk. He says prepare Moon Shik for the weekend, then it goes back to get to his friend again.

When Joon-seok makes it back, Gil-han is already prone on the ground, bloody head. Moon Shik comes just in time, him go back out after the Farmer boys to pack, but Joon-seok swells in righteous anger. He begins open photos, and Moon Shik forcefully pulls him snap back to the car.

The car escapes, and Joon-seok said in his statement that he was on the run for a few days and finally found out what was in the paint cans. He stated that it was to weaken steel in construction projects chemicals, and as soon as he shows this, men in suits burst to stop the process.

Young-shin wraps up the story, and Jung-hoo sighs: ". It's over the homework for teachers, father, and you.." He is free, the healer behind and Young-shin praises him well done for a job, Jung-hoo lays his head in her lap (... but ... the older house ...) and asked to leave, "live like other people, it's hard?"

"Let's try it, how other people live," she says. He asks: "You will be with me, right?" And she replies: "Of course." He sighs, that's enough, and closes his eyes to sleep a little more, take in his hand

[1945010th] Myung-hee prepares a nice dinner for them and moon Shik, and her pleasant outward attitude puts him in a good mood. It seems it is for his reaction to observe how they told to watch him moon hos mission and asks for what he has not told her. he replied that he would of her did not hold back, admits that he suspected Joon-seok had to know all these years, and the program has allowed him the peace of mind that that was not true.

Myung-hee do not want the answer (well, it is a lie), and I wonder if it he would react differently had hoped . She holds on her friendly face, but looks meaningfully over at Ji-a birthday spread around. I do hope extends suspicion on this story.

Moon Shik runs into his study after dinner, and his mind flashes back to his first encounter with the Elder. And now we see what happens next: Moon Shik accepted that much, and is a testimony to the police that he saw Joon-seok killing Gil-han. Interestingly, the first instruction is given, while bloody, full of fear and trembling. The second time, Moon Shik has resigned and dead eyes.

But by the third time, it is fresh and awake, confident in his lies as he says that the money, greed triggered Joon-seok. When Gil-han refused to consider it, Joon-seok killed him.

In the present, the memory will not even lift a tinge of regret, as he sits there, idly eating Ji-a birthday cookies, soul unmoved. Or maybe missing.

In contrast, in the café, Young-shin and her father eye with pious expectation Biscuit, bummed to see both that it broke in transit. Young-shin feeds Dad the first bite, and they are amazed at the taste. Then asks Dad if they bring about "the guy", and she feigns ignorance first ( "What type? I somehow have a lot of people").

Dad tells her to call him, then sighs that of all the men she had to cry at the drop of a hat so weak and fragile, always ready to pick. She dies laughing.

When she gets to her room to find her Jung-hoo already here scares has to have in his embraces through the window and climbed all ready. She pushes him back at arm's length and sets a few ground rules, such as how other people live, the front doors includes the use. And their father take his permission to date to obtain, which makes him grimace. Even his girlfriend birthday, he should give her a present.

keeps expecting her hands, and Jung-hoo fumbles come up with something. He gives her the necklace from his neck, and she points out that it would be nice to receive gifts that are new and wrapped. He tries to make it better by pointing out that his necklace a tracker in it, but that just sounds worse lol.

Young-shin makes him to fasten around her neck, and he asks: "Can I hug you now?" He grabs her in a hug, without waiting, and she kicks him. HA.

infringed He looks as if he asks why she pushed him away holds, and she reminds him that he wanted to live, and love, as other people. He asks what that is, and she says: ". This is ... a little different than other people"

Jung-hoo he decides things in the right order to do, and tells her to wait. She agrees to tell him, do not take too long. It presents the main points-father, salary and heads to show it to the door to him how to use it properly, only to turn around to see that he has already left windows. Siiiigh.

Adorably, Jung-hoo then barrels in the cafe doors, psyching himself to this to get by. But the longer Dad stares at him blankly, the more difficult his nerves shaken, and Jung-hoo mutters to himself that he can not. He stutters to Dad that he will come back next time, and I love that he really is not too far from wimpy Bong-sookie, after all.

pickpocket Ajusshi occurs only Jung-Hoo blocked output and Dad slowly wraps his hand in an apron as he always ready to inflict some pain. Jung-hoo says nervous that he is here to give its proper greeting and to get permission.

Young-shin hear noise and hurries down the stairs, where she finds in the study with Dad and ajusshi Jung-hoo. Jung-hoo sends her pathetic pleading looks while Dad warns of this stay.

Dad begins with the Café kiss a few days ago, and just thinking spurs violent impulses. Ajusshi intervened: kill information first, and then . Ajusshi accepts the query and asks how far they are away, and luckily Dad pushes him aside, because I'm not sure that's an answer that they want to hear.

Dad asks if the soup was a good thing, and Jung-hoo replies that it was delicious. You will recall that Young-shin Dad had called for the recipe instructions of Jung-Hoo's pad, and now know, Dad, that Jung-hoo's friend was to require care all night long. Ajusshi has to hold him back while Jung-hoo darts around the room trying to avoid a beating, while trumpet, "I'm sorry! I'm sorry!"

make this even better the fact that while the sound of destruction coming from the office, Young-shin heard from outside ice is eating . If you do that.

However, the atmosphere takes a darker turn when later his way inside Moon-ho makes apartment at night Oh secretary. That can not be good.

On paper, Editor Jang alerted Moon-ho to bookings on a day Takes the information from witnesses offer that met the Elder. It is unclear if these tips are genuine, but Moon-ho has his staff to look into it, and they are all on track that sounds promising. Editor Jang points out that it would understaffed, that is Moon-ho of the cue to introduce their new employees: Jung-hoo, or rather, Bong-Soo, who warmly welcomed.

While the team congratulated him for his intrepid undercover work, Young-Shin says Moon-ho about Jung-hoo want to live like a normal person, the moon-ho notes is not the easiest thing. Young-shin quips: ".? I think how other people live, knowing that does not mean what you're doing What's so great" It adds that Jung-hoo healers done to be, laughing, that they thinks he was fired. Yay for ajumma.

Moon-ho tells her that Myung-hee apologized to meet Young-shin again. When she cozily, Jung-hoo shoots Moon-ho the pages eye and steps right between them, like talking in ancient times. Aw, envious Bong-Sookie.

Young-shin begins with a statement of a friend reentering mainstream society to tell, and we see Jung-hoo adapt to civilian life. He is struggling to stay all day at work awake, which compares a wildcat awake for hunting to be asleep otherwise.

When his first paycheck comes, young -hoo calls to ask ajumma how much it was, at the paltry sum shocked ( "But ... I worked a whole month!"). He also wonders whether he should pick up some part-time jobs, but ajumma reminds him that he cease to be the healer and wants it back earset. Then she yells at her screen-not in Jung-hoo, but in the unfortunate novice who can not do a simple task properly. Ha, it is the new Healer training?

There is Dae-yong, who is by all car boxes to them in plain view. Dae-yong complained that there is not a road without cars parked in Seoul, and ajumma barks: "That's why your hyungnim on roofs flew around!"

Young-shin's voiceover comes from her conversation with Myung-hee, and describes them laughing, like this guy a little older is small, but acts thirteen why she has to look for him. Myung-hee suspected that she likes him, then right leaning a crumb of Young-shin to clean face and freshen her makeup, already comfortable their relationship.

the day comes for live broadcast interview Moon Shik, and at the last minute, replaced Moon-ho the alarming news that Moon Shik at the station arrived and announced that he will be from the script would notwithstanding. This is equally disturbing both the transmitter and one day, but it's worse for one day, who have lost their chance to meet Moon Shik interview answers in real time.

Am Bahnhof, Moon Shik says only Min-jae, who he is interviewing, asking what she wants. The Someday team gathers to see and Moon Shik starts with ball fields questions about whether he manage able Seoul when he did not even manage his brotherly relationship.

Moon Shik speaks openly of Moon-ho current activities facing it, but calls by its own reporters. He identifies himself as a member of the pirate broadcasts that have these days Moon-ho gathered so much popularity and even draws the picture on air to show out.

be called a journalist who fought once for the freedom of the media, he says that he has his brother to take activities in stride because that is what he fought. God, this is annoying. Moon-ho watches with a sour expression, and is forced to cancel its planned mission, since the direction of the Moon Shik interview.

Myung-hee reaction similar, full of impotent rage, and Young-shin takes her hand when they hear talk on Moon Shik, as open to the press these days has too much freedom, and so that those to happen in power, had a lot of sacrifice. Oh, boo-hoo for the rich and powerful.

Then he takes to include the old suitcase full of tapes from Moon-ho-so that what lurking in his apartment did Secretary Oh. Moon-ho, to avoid physically assaulted his television as Moon Shik showing off pride, the bands and the old Healer Zine as precious memories Jung-hoo has to jump. His complacency is unbearable.

Myung-hee watches bitter Moon Shik the importance Healer and announced the press declared behind as a force that and treated Company identified pain, and it only takes credit for everything like a fucking hero. Moon Shik is the camera going through / to the public to say that he worked to protect the media and will now turn this effort to protect the city of Seoul, "and this land of freedom, democracy and order."

Myung-hee Young-shin yells, "I'm sorry." Young-shin does not understand why, but holds her mother's arms as she cries.

Sitting grim after the broadcast, Jung-hoo has the tapes to steal back what should not be too difficult. Moon-ho points out that he abandoned his secret messengers current job and said that he wants to live normally for Jung-hoo. "But ... are you okay?" Jung-hoo asks. He looks over to Moon-ho and says in joke relief. "I was really scared You wept"

Moon-ho returns, "I cried almost." Jung-hoo asks if the account is stolen tapes and Moon-ho tells him just to buy some more beer and to come because he got a lot of things he wants to tell him and Young-shin.

Our Double S Guards make a reappearance, although it get pushed to the side, as the operation is taken over by Jeil newspaper manager Ahn. I suppose it is more effective than Sang-soo, the place taken by the brusque newcomer office.

Min-ja has her eye on Double S and noticed the movement, as well as Dae-yong, of the building stakeout. Watch the Jeil team leaves the office, and Dae-yong wonders why they are here. Ajumma responds only to make the healer a pension fund, and it is. To the bat that followed him after the ex-cop died It is likely that one of them was the killer, but why should they be connected with Double S?

Dae-yong photographed the Jeil team, and the close-up of Manager Ahn face niggles at ajumma memory. Where has she seen him before?

The Someday staff remains their way through the Elder tips work late, which are mostly duds. Moon-ho looks exhausted, but taken as a break, he is preparing to things soon to start (... more things?). He is not sure when or how it will come with them, but he knows what to expect.

While the employees doze, Moon-ho Young-shin sleep in Jung-hoo finds lap, clutching his arm. He notes that the couple is pretty crass, and Jung-hoo informed Moon-ho, that they not only someone can sleep. "What about you?" Moon-ho asks. "I'm not just anyone," Jung-hoo answers.

Jung-hoo asks the elders fighting over Moon-ho now, and wonders if the Young-shin in jeopardy. Moon-ho do not know and asks if Young-hoo they want somewhere far away to take, where it will be easier to live as a normal person. Jung-hoo admits that he hesitation the idea: "I think it is is because of you Rely feels right on your own and go away just the two of us do not.."

moon-ho touched hand to heart and half teases that it touches. But Jung-hoo says seriously, "I can not be without it now. So if it is for them, I might throw up."

"That's okay," Moon-ho says, smiling slightly. Ack! Stop doing things that make me fear for you!

In the morning of the attack begins. In a variety of activities, Moon-ho is hit with legal documents, including a summons by the Prosecutor's Office. Then a team from the National Tax Service will be sent to act on the report that the misuse of funds were used to buy out one day. Fuming, Moon-ho can not do anything while they confiscate everything.

It looks like they're going big time after one day, and Editor Jang Jung asks -hoo whether current business might be related difficulties his wife. Your restaurant has been hit with a health check and enormously well, and the timing makes him wonder if there is a connection. But he shakes his head and says itself does not exist.

Later that night, Moon-ho pulls into his garage, with Jung-hoo and Young-shin is not far behind, for a friendly visit armed with beer. The second moon-ho opens his car door, he ambushed-Gack is! Noooo, not moon-ho!

His attacker drug him. With chloroform Your car shell out moments later, as Jung-Hoo The car drives meets Jung-hoo as odd in., And at the moment he sees the dropped camera in Moon-ho Parking, his sense of alarm spikes.

Jung-hoo immediately ajumma connects and asked them to follow Moon-ho, and are the choice of Young-shin: come with him or in Moon-ho Flat wait. They hypothesized that the fight will likely and quickly out of the car better not hold him back. When he tried to accompany them to the top, she dismisses him, and he pressed enough to Moon-ho to rush. Uh-oh. I have very bad feelings about all of this.

with an unconscious Moon-ho, the older thugs find his cell phone in the getaway car and a motorcyclist's hand, which extends in the other direction. Crap crap crap.

Jung-hoo therefore follows instructions ajumma for the wrong vehicle, while Young-shin on the elevator is located on Moon-ho apartment. Someone joins her and she looks nervously on ... a smile, greasy face Secretary Oh.


Well, that's certainly not a face that you ever want to see before especially when it looks so maliciously. Secretary Oh should never be happy, because only bad things happen when he is happy.

What a great (and terrible!) Sequence of turnarounds, last episode of euphoria of the team Healer come from a fast on the bad guys pull with such composure. Then there was that all relationship cuteness, and moments of warm humor and promises of the future ... and bam! We slam into a wall of darkness and unease. Dramatically, it's fantastic. It's just that, as a spectator, I do not know how much to take on my nerves. I care too much about these people, so sue me. * Cries in cornflakes *

I was a little surprised that Elder action settled as soon after the live broadcast to see ambush, because while I knew he later to regroup, I would not expect him, that just ... disappear and let the characters be happy and safe. I suppose slump only makes the attack more painful when it comes, but it also serves the purpose to give us an insight into life after healer-dom, I do not know that I wanted so much to see, until we saw it.

This is not only because I want to see Jung-hoo normal and happy, but because it introduced a thread of sadness in this concept woven by the company again, I know that really appreciate. It is amusing actually Jung-Hoo seen reintegration quirks in a comedic light, but it also harms the heart a little bit, if you know how much influence his isolated life had only consider that he as a human being is, and how it responds to most normal circumstances. It's weird to call him thirteen and laughing as he goes through the window, but then he asks in a plaintive voice, why Young-shin will keep him away from her, and the reality comes in crashes: He does not actually know how to react. He has no social graces. He is always tired because he had never be a functional adult.

Therefore, it is equally sad as it is amusing Jung-hoo to fight to see to adjust banal life, because this current life is not too different, especially

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