Recap And Reviews Kdrama Witch Romance: Episode 13

Recap and reviews korean drama Witch Romance: Episode 13 -

Breakups and comebacks and parties , Oh my! A lot happens in this episode, bring the better after so many weeks of estrangement of our two lines closer together again. And not a moment too soon, as I began to worry that we never see Dong-ha and Ji-yeon smile and have fun together again. And the best - the witch is back



Ji-yeon goes home slowly Shi-hoon cancels their commitment, so dazed that they do not even Dong-ha, who can not be seen next to his suitcase in her yard. He stops her and asks her why she always cries when she has been with Shi-hoon. She does not answer and goes straight up.

She goes in and sits down, remembered how Shi-hoon broke things. He says to keep in mind for them that their commitment never happened, and finally shows a spark of life. She kicks at her feet and calls him shamelessly for making their six years wait, then not even have to wait a few hours to be able. She calls him selfish and a Bastard ( cheer ).

Shi-hoon will not even see, and ask them just to leave. Ji-yeon grabs one of her wedding shoes and throws it at him, screaming his name. She asks why he pretends to be the villain if it is the poor (so they do not he knows how to play the noble idiot card), but he insists that he is bad for trying to keep them ,

He takes on the shoe and says that her mother told him that she was happy when they try it on before, but that they are now only looks nervous. Shi-hoon says it he is in the future imagined, but that if she is not happy in that future, is it not a dream he wants. Ji-yeon sobs that he is in the future to dream it, but he tells her, only that she was beautiful today and thank her for him has to wear the dress. Back in her apartment, Ji-yeon sits in shock, then giant starts crying, gasping sobs.

The next day, Dong-ha shows in his new apartment already found above a strange man, claiming to be the new tenant. The host says Dong-ha, since it was too late to sign the lease, he rented the place to someone else. The other man refuses to leave and Dong-ha is forced Soo-Chul apartment to head back.

Soo-Chul is sulking at the Dong-ha suitcase, but perks when he hears that Dong-ha, lost the apartment. He says it's heaven told Dong-ha to stay, calling him a coward, because he knows that he only leaves because Ji-yeon married. Soo-Chul insists that Dong-ha stay and Dong-ha caves in the face of childish nagging. Hooray!

The next day, Ji-yeon not show up for work or answer her phone, which is the whole team worried and speculated about their whereabouts. They assume they retreat has gone on a lover with Shi-hoon, but director Kwon says she never went home from work in a single day and tells them to find them.

Young-sik calls Dong-ha, the errands, but the news that do not appear to work Ji-yeon have troubled him, and he home race. He ringing her door and called her name, and inside the house a very sick looking Ji-yeon can not even muster the energy to get out of bed to answer the door.

Dong-ha can be in place and they hardly even hold against a wall, and when she sees him she. Slumps to the ground He gets in bed back and wonders why she is no polar bear as alone to take care of her.

He nurses her while she sleeps, and when she wakes up, she asks weakly, why he is here. She asks why he in her dreams shows (interesting) repeatedly, and he says it's not a dream, to tell her to go to the hospital or at least call someone when she's so sick.

Dong-ha stares attentively and said that he is curious about two things, but only to ask about, and asks if he really turns up in their dreams. His face is so cautiously hopeful, it's killing me. Ji-yeon denies it, but you can not see in the eyes when she tells a lie him.

rights then mother Ji-yeon's can be in and Dong-ha goes to greet them. He tells her that Ji-yeon is very ill, and she goes rushing to see her daughter. Ji-yeon managed to sit, but still looks awful, and Mama asks if she is exhausted from the wedding planning. Ji-yeon said in a tiny voice: "Mama We're not married.."

Outside the door, Dong-ha hears this and skids to a stop mid-step. A strange look crosses his face, and he goes in a hurry. Mom asks Ji-yeon what happened and she takes the blame, saying it was her fault. She stammers that her heart has changed, and begins to cry.

Mom's Shi-hoon, who himself looks pretty awful to see. He apologizes for not even go to see, but he was too ashamed. Mom tells him that she thought of him always as a son, not a son-in-law, and that's why she was so angry with him. He says that he knows, and she hugged him goodbye.

Ji-yeon goes the next day to work and deflected all attempts to show concern. (Random side note: Hat Rin-ji possess only that a red skirt?) At the staff meeting, team leader Byul proposes an interesting story, a supposedly haunted by a ghost that One Light Hospital emergency room. Director Kwon remembers a story about a patient who died after the transfer, because there was no doctor to treat them.

The Troublemaker has this story covered in the past, but team leader Byul claimed by someone, to have new information, in hospital housekeeping department. A known foxy look comes over Ji-yeon's face when she presents his information collection methods in question, and it is enough director Kwon assign, to get the story to her instead.

Ji-yeon awards contracts to each her team in the hospital related, and it is clear that the witch is back! She is fiery and domineering and takes no argument from her assistant. It's great to get them back, strong and capable and responsible to see in their element.

Soo-Chul and Dong-ha for Ready to check their website requests and find an errand specifically requesting Dong-ha, the frowns when he sees the address. It's Shi-hoon address and Dong-ha goes but he looks very unhappy to be there. He says that a takeaway would have been faster, but Shi-hoon says he wanted especially Dong-ha.

Shi-hoon asks why he came when he did not do the job, and Dong-ha says it's because he curious about the Ready was. Shi-hoon gives him Ji-yeon wedding shoes and asked him to deliver it to her.

Dong-ha asks if there is only one delivery and Shi-hoon asks him Ji-yeon to say that it is to be sad no need. He wants to know that he was the one who was too late, but looks Dong-ha in the eye, he says that it is not too late for Ji-Yeon. It almost feels like he's Dong-ha his blessing. Dong-ha Shi-hoon passport and an air ticket on the table looks, and it rotates without leaving a word.

Soo-Chul is on Troublemaker up office to deliver juice that Rin-ji ordered. Rin-ji gives him one of the juices, as hard as they can flirt, and I swear when the hair turns back she goes to snap her neck.

Soo-Chul smooth, he says not sour things can drink and gives the juice to Eun-Chae. Rin-ji tried one more time and asks what Soo-Chul doing that night, but he says he go to his "sister" home, shooting glances to Eun-Chae (whose bland expression is funny). He leaves and Rin-ji snatches her juice directly from the Eun-Chae mouth, HA.

Ji-yeon breaking the news of her canceled wedding Na-Rae and Min-goo that night. Na-rae has clearly entered the weepy stage of her pregnancy, as she herself whining blame, that it is because they miss Ji-yeon her photo shoot.

Ji-yeon insured Na-rae, it is not their fault, and reminds them that it was she who asked Ji-yeon, who was to discover in their hearts. Na-rae whines that Dong-ha must be in her heart, and breaks off again.

Min-Goo asks how things are going with Dong-ha, and Na-rae completely tears switches off and says blatant pragmatism that it be for Ji-yeon yet turn him soon. Ji-yeon says Dong-ha needs to live his life, which sends Na-Rae in another round of tears. Ji-yeon it hightails Crazy out of range.

Dong-ha shuffles home and wondered what Shi-hoon meant when he said that it is not asking too late for Ji-yeon and that what he has in his pocket was is to her to deliver. He's all business as he makes the delivery, but his voice soft as he happened to Shi-hoon message to Ji-yeon. Dong-ha asks if something happened between them, but Ji-yeon just says they had a fight, not knowing that Dong-ha already knows about the broken engagement.

At work the next day, Jae-Woong tells Ji-yeon, that he found a case from three years ago in the One Light hospital, on the there is scandal similar current. A girl with heart disease went to the emergency room but died have before surgery. Oh no, it was Young-Chae, is not it? He says that her mother refused to give interviews about the incident.

Meanwhile, Dong-ha and Soo-Chul head to the hospital on a Work Item flowers and a gift for a girl of her friends to deliver, and they do not look handsome in their suits! It turned out that "self-defense oppas" are the gift, and they ask for selcas with the girl.

On her way out, she found a small but noisy protest underway man screaming over the hospital to treat not enough doctors, the patients and away with sick people. keeps a car, and Soo-Chul stops the driver from the rental of the passenger, while Dong-ha-sheets in the back seat - it is his father.

Dong-ha tells his father that he saw the message, but Dad denies the allegations, he always kept his principles to say. He starts from the car and Dong-ha holds him to get on the arm with one hand, the contact so that both the tension between them. Dad says he has nothing to hide, and the steps that are to the right in a small storm of demonstrators and journalists.

Ji-yeon calls Eun-Chae mother and begins to ask questions about something that happened three years ago at One Light hospital, but Eun-Chae Mom refuses to discuss it and hangs up.

Ji-yeon mom and Director Kwon go on the sweetest date ever at fishcake Restaurant. Kwon is solicitously, baby utensils and poured her drink, but he realizes that you disturb something. He estimates there about Ji-yeon must be, and praises her what a mother's heart is just the perfect way. He impressed Mom with his knowledge of cooking, and in their enthusiasm, they end up nose to nose, thinking both ". This man / woman is perfect"

Na-Rae calls Ji-yeon tell them about her mother and her boss in a day, and Ji-Yeon is appalled predictable. Na-rae also asks Ji-yeon if she can borrow some books, and as she searches through her bookshelf she sees some wedding books and a wedding planner that she did not know there was. Na-rae tells her that Shi-hoon left her there for her because she was too busy for wedding planning.

Ji-yeon pulls the wedding magazine and starts to shake her mouth, and she falls to the ground. She takes out the book, the Dong-ha for her left and turns to the side, where he wrote "Will you stay with me?" She remembers the message, the Dong-ha of Shi-hoon provided that it is not too late for them, and clutches the book to her stomach while crying Shi-hoon name. It feels like she was finally allowed from him lurch.

Soo-Chul and Dong-ha portion chicken and beer an increase in business for Master of Part-Time to celebrate. Dong-ha lectures that it was the change of CEO, the sales increase caused and Soo-Chul threatens to call a board meeting. These two are so cute.

Soo-Chul comments that you consider all the drama with the hospital his father and Ji-yeon, Dong-ha is it better than he expected. Dong-ha falls the bomb that Ji-Yeon is not to marry Shi-hoon, and Soo-Chul jaw drops. He pulls the cutest aegyo face and says Dong-ha should not move now, then pouts when Dong-ha continues to insist that he is his greeting overstayed. Sweetie, if the guy who heard it literally asks you to stay, you have your welcome not overstayed!

Dong-ha hits the love that you bring home the next day some money, and Ji- yeon is trying this time to talk to Eun-Chae mother personally. She is kind and gentle with their questions, but Eun-Chae Mom denies any wrongdoing by the hospital. Asks Ji-yeon not dig old incident that hurt so many people - but Ji-yeon wonders how, if nothing has happened wrong, "so many people" were injured. Eun-Chae Mom simply leaves.

Ji-yeon turns to go and sees Dong-ha to leave at the same time. He gives her a ride back to Troublemaker office and quips that they probably do not work very well without him. He asks what she's doing after work and says that he wants to offer him the farewell party. Her face falls, he still hear, move and she says, today is a bad day. He complains that he knows that they are only pretending to be busy, and leaves.

In the office, the whole Troublemaker team for Ji-yeon is planning a wedding shower. When she goes to scatter them, and they know something, but Young-sik turns expertly her attention to the hospital's history.

He shows her some pictures that he got from the demonstrators, he says got a shot, that's weird. He sits another photo from an angle that shows, Dong-ha in the hospital director of the car. Young-sik wonders aloud what connection Dong-ha hospitalized has director, then know that they share the same surname.

In a stroke of luck, the Troublemaker team called Master of Part-Time, the wedding shower set to help , so Soo -chul leaves Dong-ha know that disaster is eminent. He says he refused the job, and on a job with Dong-ha so that he can go off the head of Ji-yeon.

In the office Young-sik is doing a terrible job of being subtle as he every reason he throws can think of Ji-yeon to come this evening to the office. She is suspicious in any case, and said that he never worked so hard as a rule.

After she leaves, the crew returns to pull out and decorate completely visible with huge poster of Ji-yeon and Shi-hoon like a magazine cover with cutesy fake products the office of. (Random Side Note follow-up :. Rin-ji totally possesses only that a red skirt)

Meanwhile, Ji-yeon meets her detective friend in a cafe where he provides records from a car accident three years ago. He wonders why she is so curious, there was nothing unusual. He describes the accident as a car by bus from behind to beat, but the driver was seriously injured.

Later, however, a passenger had seizures from the bus, and it was brought to the One Light Hospital, where she died. There was some disagreement as to whether the passenger died of their chronic disease or whether the bus accident causes death. found a specialist that her illness prevented the final cause of death and the driver of the car was criminal charges.

Ji-yeon, the report states that the passenger who Jung Young-Chae had died. Finally, we know how they died. She reads on, that the name of the person who called 119 when she was taken Dong-ha. Since I do not remember ever the name Dong-ha to hear her lost love, must be quite a shock this.

Ji-yeon goes back to the office to put together the pieces of what happened three years ago. Young-Chae, the girl who died after the accident, was Dong-ha girlfriend. When she went to the hospital in emergency, the doctor in charge was to perform surgery on the driver of the car that caused the accident. She wonders whether the physician was responsible Yoon Se-joon, Dong-ha father. That would certainly explain ... well, just about everything.

you come in the office with Dong-ha a few steps behind her, but manages to get into the elevator before it reaches them. Young-sik and the office crew hide all in the dark, waiting for her to jump and surprise. If they do, they just stares and asks what's going on. She lectures to waste them on time at work and money on useless things, more and more worked up and angry.

team leader Byun is angry at her back, and soon they are screaming in each other's face. Lets the bomb that she is not married and Byun screaming that they do not, because no one would marry the witch, of course. Ji-yeon had here and slams him a good right in the nose. Good for them - he ask for thirteen episodes for

But it's all just in my head Dong-ha as he imagines the worst, if he does not reach Ji-yeon, before she gets to the office !. He runs up the stairs and managed Ji-yeon in the hallway in time only trap to tell her that the "session" is a lie and they derive from it. This leaves the Troublemaker crew huddled in the dark complaining about cramps and need to pee, HA.

Dong-ha drags Ji-yeon from virtually kicking and screaming, but he shushes only and tells her to get him on the scooter. He takes them to a playground and finally explains that her colleagues for her planned a wedding shower and that it's better, they do not go because they are not married. Ji-yeon asks how he knows that he heard fesses up it as they tell her mother.

you sit on the swing and Ji-yeon wonders how she could throw her a party, if it is not long ago were they to publicly humiliate part time attitude toward it. You want to know why Dong-ha brought her here because it would have been better to get the fix out at once. Dong-ha blames them to be as strong for pretend and for sick and do not ask for help.

Dong-ha says he is curious about two things, but he is only asking a her, echoed from his words when he used Ji-yeon back to health. He deadpans "you are hungry?" And makes Ji-yeon laugh. They joke about anything when they return home, go their old familiarity.

Dong-ha carrying a box in her room for her, and she goes to the kitchen for juice. He runs to the bookcase to see if she has never seen his book, and place it in the same place where he left them. He opens it to the side, where he wrote, "Will you stay with me?" And is shocked to see the note that she wrote tears under him, stained with her: "I'm sorry ... for being too late ..."

When Ji-yeon back in the room is, Dong-ha hiding the book behind his back, but then in front of her courage and places they are gathered on the table. She says she'll talk about it later, and starts to get up, but he stops her and says again:. "There's something I'm curious By any chance, they do from me the reason why you and [Shi? hoon] broke? the pleading in his voice to say to her yes, "killing me.

Ji-yeon can not see how it is, that it is not because of him, and turns to leave him. Dong-ha takes her arm and turns her back on him to pull her into a hug. "I'm not a fool - it's not too late for us," he says. Simply pull apart deep enough to see each other's eyes.


What? How to stop it ??? It is not fair! It's about a kiss to be, right? Right?!?! Okay, I guess I'm not getting a kiss today. Show is a tease.

A lot has happened in this episode and all of it for the better. I feel like Ji-yeon was appropriate for her broken engagement to mourn instead of rushing just out of a relationship and still hitched to another that was my fear when we were so close to the end always with them in the planning. But it feels like it is closed this chapter and is ready to get her life back on, both personally and professionally. I cheered literally when she Byul that little sneer was in the staff meeting, because we had not seen that page Ji-yeon since polar bear reappeared, and I missed it! I prefer the snarky, smart, kickass Ji-yeon, everyone throwing under the bus to get the story, their own players.

At first I thought that return Shi-hoon Dong-ha setting its part Ji-yeon wedding shoes was moving another passive-aggressive asshat, but I think in the reflection that it is a very difficult thing to do really. This show has plenty of characters to interpret motives for us on our own, which can be frustrating (making such as not clear why Ji-yeon Shi-hoon leave with six years away without contact), but also gives us our own conclusions assign the actions of the characters, as we understand it. My interpretation of Shi-hoon is the subject at this moment that he admitted Dong-ha and Ji-yeon know that he had no hard feelings, and gave his blessing for them, they should choose to be together. His message that it is not too late for Ji-yeon was quite clear to me: Be happy with the man who loves you and who you love again. I think Shi-hoon knew Dong-ha loves Ji-yeon much more than it does when you consider that he did not even know it really, but loved a memory of them. And that memory was not even the real Ji-yeon either because they too were, she was always "Image Management" to do when she was with him.

What Dong-ha and Ji-yeon have is so much more real and honest than what she has with Shi-hoon. It's interesting to me how their age difference to be a problem, has ever stopped, because it is so obvious that they are made for each other. Do you really know and understand each other and do not try to be someone they are not. They saw each other at their drunken worst, their angry worst, their sick worst, and it only brings them closer together. Best of all, they tell each other the truth always, even if it is difficult to say and hear, and the level of trust is really rare. There are allowed only one thing that they need to be a real couple, to do, and I hope that comes soon. Very soon. Right, show? Can we stop the kisses sources

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tags: featured, Park Seo-joon, Uhm Jung-hwa, witches romance

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