Recap And Reviews Kdrama Witch Romance: Episode 15

Recap and reviews korean drama Witch Romance: Episode 15 -

This episode really delivers on the kisses and caresses, almost make it worth such a long wait! But although all the major obstacles in Dong-ha and Ji-yeon way to couple hood were laid to rest, there is still to cover a lot of ground when it comes to learning how to actually a on a day-to in a to be relationship, day-basis. It's easy to say, age does not matter, but when life constantly throws it in your face, we have to hope that their ability to communicate with each other and is honest enough to overcome a new relationship uncertainty.


Again we see Dong-ha confession and Ji-yeon acceptance and her friends cheer her happiness. go home together later, Ji-yeon asks Dong-ha forgetting their consent that he to help with the competition for the editor-in-chief position at Troublemaker, and said she for " Geoje island feels bad. "

Dong-ha's no fool, and he knows that she does not want to publicize their relationship in the office. He does not take it personally though, and asks if she has confidence that they help exclusive balls with only Jae-Woong and Young-sik, can obtain.

The next morning, while getting ready for work, Ji-yeon reminds confession of Dong-ha and smiles into the mirror. At the same time, Dong-ha first thoughts upon waking are of Ji-yeon acceptance, and he squees and hugging his pillow. Ji-yeon waits for Dong-ha to come and see them as usual, but he does not show.

She meets with her team and ouch , it is in a grouchy mood. She gasps for each of their team members for no good story ideas to bring, and gives them two hours five more history items come to each and stomps out.

She hears voice of Dong-ha on the floor and thinks she can hear things, but he's been head Byun speak to team. He says bright that he has been to Byun their relationship to explain the dread Ji-yeon and she pulls him aside privately to talk.

Dong-ha is all innocence, as he says, everyone in the office knows about it anyway, but Ji-Yeon is angry. Of course, she is happy that they are together, but they only just broke their engagement and she does not want to know each their privacy. Dong-ha says she'll talk to you later and whispered mischievously that her necklace is right, go before to Byun to talk back.

had course Dong-ha meant that he said Byun it because Byun leave not connected more for an assistant a part time job request on its website. And Ji-yeon but let him out of their agreement, he took the job. She storms back to their team fuming over Dong-ha betrayal and took her frustration out on the poor Young-sik head.

Na-Rae and Min-goo prep for dinner and figure Ji-yeon must be very happy today after such a cool confession of Dong-ha. They ask each other whether they would marry since Ji-Yeon is older, but Dong-ha is still young for marriage.

Ji-yeon Mom visits them, and I love it as to the couple always brings food, the restaurant has . Brings you happen to them together after Ji-yeon and said that she is ashamed before her for dating someone when her daughter just a commitment broke. Min Goo slips and says that Ji-yeon has at least Dong-ha now that Mom calls to demand according to the information.

team leader Byun holds a meeting with his team, and Dong-ha face palms about the wickedness of his story ideas. He takes a phone call and leaves the table, only to catch Ji-yeon skulking to ask what he told Byun. She calls him a traitor, but Dong-ha laughs, how pretty she is.

go home that night, Ji-yeon speaks with Na-Rae on the phone, so they. Squeaking about how sweet Dong-ha treated her Ji-yeon complained that all they can think of the whole day long, Dong-ha (honey, not responsible of us makes you a).

When she goes to her front door, she found Mom, Dong-ha, and Soo-chul all sitting on a huge home cooked meal. Ji-yeon growls at Dong-ha left for the office, without saying goodbye, and he says only that Mom was cooking and he could not refuse.

Mom hardly tried the reason for this meal, and boots directly to question Dong-ha about his age, making him and Ji-yeon stiffen both to hide, as they, he takes in his early 30s. Dong-ha, to be honest to a fault, shows that he is 25, dinner to halt, as Mom math does. Soo-Chul, it can not get out fast enough.

Mom asks how she can date if he is still so young and Ji-yeon will be 40 soon, because Ji-yeon was looking for someone to marry not just date. She works up to a foam, and Dong-ha begins to say that he is serious. Mama just ask him out when he thinks of the marriage, but Ji-yeon assures her that they'll take the things themselves.

Soo-Chul Eun Chae-out takes, but it is suspicious, because they came so easily, without protesting. She says she only wanted what he flusters (so sweet) and breaks them the good news, agreed to join her mother to live with her. You are unexpectedly joined by a girl who knows Soo-Chul from the clubs, and she asks if he. With his girlfriend He says it is only a "younger sister" who gets a raised eyebrow from Eun-Chae. Oh, that could have a little stung?

The girl he says must be single, and asks him to call her, but he scares them off quickly. Eun-Chae asks what kind of women he loves, and he asks her why she wants to know. Eun-Chae plays it like Rin-ji was curious, but she's only fidgety enough to betray the lie.

Dong-ha and Ji-yeon way home together, and he skinship for some tries, but she brushes him off sullenly. He knows it is because he is working for team leader Byun and moans that they do not understand his heart. She tells him he has no right to anger, since he is the one who liked her in the back.

Dong-ha informs seriously that he accepted only the job so that he could work around her again, AWWW . Ji-yeon pouts that if he wants to be closer to her, he ended up going to the Editor-in-Chief make Byun, he reassures her that she is the only person for the job and trying them out of their bad mood to aegyo, but they did not move. She says that all her bravado and tough image and hard work is an act to be taken seriously and the best reporter, but inside they are still worried.

After all this go and

for Dong-ha still working for team leader Byun claiming she's his girlfriend, a traitor makes him. Dong-ha leans only in plants and a big kiss on her and said that she talks too much. He admits he was wrong to take the job and promises to quit.

Ji-yeon and Na-Rae have another call about Dong-ha and how much of a "Pro" it is to use physical affection, to get on Ji-yeon good side. Na-rae rightly points out that Ji-Yeon is quite affectionate if she drinks, so it is not only the age of the Dong-ha to make it in this way. Ji-yeon sighs again how everything they can think of the whole day, Dong-ha. I honestly do not understand why this is a problem, ...

Dong-ha and Soo-Chul a beer and Soo-Chul warns Dong-ha not of Ji-yeon innocent act be manipulated. Dong-ha says it's not an act, that what you see is what you with it. Soo-Chul whines that he besotted by an innocent face in those days, but did not say who it is, the Dong-ha suspicious. He tries to leave dramatically, and farting in Dong-ha's face as he holds it. Boys. Gotta love 'em.

The next day, in the Troublemaker , Director Kwon tells Ji-yeon, who has been nominated for the Global Change Reporter exchange program but she takes it in stride, as she has been nominated before and never won. Kwon says that this year their stories were stronger, and she reminds him only to remember that when an editor-in-chief of the election.

Director Kwon takes mom to dinner and a movie, and suggests that they do so often. He spills food on his shirt and tried to clean it, but the stain remains, and it is so because disturbing that he canceled the film of their date.

Dong-ha and team leader Byun working late, and Byun brags how he would completely destroy the witch. ". Scar that does not wash" Dong-ha asks why Byun she hates so much, but Byun says vaguely that she gave him one, he says Dong-ha need to know about it, because it happened to him, witches seduction and curse.

Byun says Dong-ha, how he fell for Ji-yeon, as they work for the first time started Troublemaker . He claims that he is a hot reporter full of great ideas, but the flashback shows us that all his ideas reminded Ji-yeon of jilted are left as stories about polar bears and women at the altar sitting to be.

When he let the courage during a drunken company outing, Ji-yeon hated to acknowledge his courage, worked up and know it in no uncertain terms. Your breakdown of how much he is disgusted her hilariously reminiscent of her the same thing to Soo-Chul do. She suspected that he never once had a friend who must be his embarrassing secret. You "cursed" him forever alone, and he has since been single.

Dong-ha emigrated to Ji-yeon of the workspace, think about what Byun said of her "witch temptation," and has the misfortune to be go as Young-sik brushes a strand of hair from Ji-yeon's face. He looks over Jae-Woong to see, appear to ogle her legs (and it has great legs) in her high heels and short skirt. He freaks out and tears them from there, to take them to a clothing store and grouching all short skirts she wears.

Ji-yeon's hilarious not angry, but take him up on his offer to buy them some clothes and warns him not to regret it. He vetoes all its decisions to be too loud, too short or too low cut, but eventually they are both laughing, how ridiculous he behaves from jealousies.

When Ji-yeon for clothes she pays chosen, commented the cashier what a good-looking younger brother she has. She gets angry and takes to leave their clothes. When Dong-ha comes on to the register, the girl left him told his older sister, but he says that she is not his sister and screams loudly as he chases after her, there they call just about every nickname for a friend, including "yobo" for a wife.

He catches up to her and asks her what else they should do so long, and they are playing hooky. Go for ddukbokki and Dong-ha feeds Ji-yeon, also go into a Lady and the Tramp kiss over a rice cake. Later he bought it about fifteen bracelets from a street vendor, the "handcuffs" bond she tells them to him.

He takes a call from Soo-Chul, to find out that a high school friend was discharged from the army, and insists that Ji- yeon connect them to catch up. Your old friend brings a girl with him who looks at 19 like a little kid next to Ji-yeon, so that they feel insecure.

Ji-yeon Na-rae apologizes to call and complain that she feels out of place, and Dong-ha finds them and asks to leave as "children" are so immature. Sweet.

At home, they sit on their bench of honesty in the yard and Dong-ha is still. He remembers Ji-yeon, they all also promised not to go when he pushed her away. Ji-yeon asks if he'll anxious to go somewhere, and he says that when they leave the store and the restaurant itself today, it made him uneasy.

she says that she feels too restless, but Dong-ha assures her that his heart will not change. She says that she knows the heart change that over to their own change of heart him. He promises that if she gives him time, he will prove that his heart is not her falter, and pulls her into a hug.

Morning Dong-ha outside waiting staring at Ji-yeon door, like most enamored fools looking ever born. Soo-Chul tells him how to stop and stare, because it makes him jealous. You go for the day and Soo-Chul asks bluntly, how far he and Ji-yeon have gone.

Dong-ha punishes him with two fingers, the nose (and I have my own father to me exactly what to do flashbacks that, yuck) but admits that Ji-yeon pretty busy in lately is so, well ... they have not done much. Soo-Chul calls to arrange than lame excuse, and I have the spinach.

Dong-ha and his father eating for the first time in three years, and tells him that he is decided to go back to school. He also says Dad, that there was a woman he loves and that she encouraged him to go to school, and that he wants to be a person that someone like her deserves. All this makes Dad very happy, and he says Dong-ha to bring the woman to dinner next time.

Soo-Chul surprised Eun Chae-through shows help their mother move. His impression of her her mother is traveling erwähnens spot-on, haha. He charms the pants the whole "man's work" let down do not go away from her mother when she pick up the orphanage and props to Eun-Chae for him and to do their part. She offers him to buy jjajangmyun thank him, to make him swoon for his help.

Na-rae downs wait a mountain of food in a restaurant for Ji yeon them and ordered two more meals for themselves only to connect, ha. You noted that Ji-yeon looks tired and listless, and wonders if Dong-ha has not "advanced" things more than casual contact. Ji-yeon thinks it's simply too long ago that they dated and it has lost its mojo dating.

She admits that everything she thinks is to Dong-ha and him like a stalker would all day text, if they could, but Na-rae does not solve the problem, since it would probably like it. She advises Ji-yeon only upset him if she does, but just off the romance Putting! Did I mention that it is the best Wingman ever?

Soo-Chul still refuses to say, Dong-ha, which is his crush, even if he tweeting that she bought him Jajangmyeon, and that he thinks to replace the setting of their Dong-ha, when the school goes back. He changes the subject and literally pushes Dong-ha towards Ji-yeon door and told him that he would get better go romantic things if he wants to keep him as a man to see.

Dong-ha goes home and takes place a shower, while Ji-yeon, a self-help book reads date on younger men. She makes sexy poses in front of a mirror (in her raggedy pajamas, which is hysterical), to Dong-ha comes in and scares the life out of her. She offers him a drink and he did not-at-all subtle asks for a beer. I see what you're doing there, sneaky boy.

He sits on the floor in the exact same location, he sat kiss for the first overflowing beer, and Ji-yeon wearing in twelve-pack. Someone is a little overzealous, and Dong-ha looks shocked.

He asks why they team leader Byun dislikes, and says no again to wear short skirts to work longer her. His jealousy is so sweet. She tells him, have a beer and pops up and you would not know it is overflowing and they are in a very familiar pose.

This time, when she licks beer from his finger, he licks her right back. RAWR. After a long tense moment ha-Dong grabs literally Ji-yeon on the floor, where they kiss and to and laugh today. But just when things get serious, Mom can be at your doorstep. DAMMIT MOM.

it makes as Mom in the living room, they are both vertically if a little disheveled, but Mom is too excited to notice. They planted on the ground between them and opens a beer that exploded in her face, and she asks who shook the can, HAHAHA.

starts Mom about younger men grumble (as Ji-yeon fixes hair Dong-ha behind Mom head) and explains that their relationship has ended with director Kwon because he is so immature. Dong-ha tries to leave, but my mom yells at him to sit down, to ask if he likes trouble then leave Ji-yeon alone to handle it. Poor Dong-ha looks equally frightened and confused, although he can not resist, Ji-yeon adorable grins on Mom to send the head.

Ji-yeon presents an exhausted to bed later Mom, and Dong-ha heads home. Ji-yeon offers him to go to the door, that they disappointed. This clearly tickled him pink, and he makes stupid kissyfaces them. He gives her one last kiss and leaves, and Ji-yeon giddily collapses on the floor. So sweet!

search the next day, Ji-yeon running frantically through the hospital for ECG room. Mom will always be some test results of Dong-ha father, who says she is normal, but she asks why she has palpitations and feels the depressed and fever. He says that those who may be symptoms of stress, and they both admit that they have a child, it sometimes causes stress.

Dong-ha finds Ji-yeon in the hall waiting, and she says that her mother was not feeling well, but she thinks that it is only heartbreak , You noticed how beautiful he looks in his white coat, and he tells her that he thinks go back to school. He says he will be much more to do, but she says that's okay, that he will make a great doctor one day.

When she Hospital, Ji-yeon asks leave her mother what she likes about Director Kwon. She says she loves his voice and his manners, though he is too fussy. Mama does not ask anyone to tell the office about her visit to the hospital.

Director Kwon calls Ji-yeon to the office to tell her that she as the Global Exchange Program Exchange Reporter was selected, which means that they spend become a year in England working for US Weekly. He says that he would appoint a temporary Editor-in-Chief until she comes back. She is excited and proud of herself, but then she hears Dong-ha's voice reminded that they are not promised to go anywhere.

She calls Na-Rae when she home on foot and catches it on things with Dong-ha and tells her that she ordered some new sexy lingerie. When she comes home, Dong-ha has already found their package and offers it for her to wear in. She goes to change out of her work clothes, and he slips a few scalars in your aquarium matching which has been empty since their last fish died. He even names and a meet-cute background for fish.

He says he really curious about all these packages is they get and go to peek in the box, but she grabs it and tells him it's not his thing. That makes it even more curious and he chases them around the house and into the bedroom, finally on the bed and get the box off her curves. He holds it over his head and the box comes open, lingerie spilling all over the head, HAHA. His face is invaluable.

Ji-yeon pushes everything back in the box, and Dong-ha sneaks next to her and asks if she is not everything I buy to show it anyway. She denies it, but he does not buy what they sell because no one would show these things otherwise. He chases them around the bed, on her tumbling and kissed her, and the lights go one by one, until it is completely dark.


Finally! The show feels like we back to the cute, fun full circle, sexy, kissy witches Romance we came all in love at first sight (or at least I know I have)! I'm so happy because the magic in this drama was always the ridiculous amount of chemistry between Dong-ha and Ji-yeon, and I think it has got even stronger as the show progressed. You can practically see the energy as they draw on each other when they are together on the screen.

I have appreciated for a long time that the age difference between Ji-yeon and Dong-ha was not a big problem in the bulk of the story. I do not make that a focus of the conflict make the characters feel their feelings and relationships without age concerns in the way and the stories with too much background noise confusing. But it is interesting to see it now starting to crawl back that the two finally officially dating. Because honestly be ... 14 years is a pretty big age difference for two people in a romantic relationship. Especially if the woman is older and perhaps is ready to settle down (as Ji-yeon Mom pointed out), and children are something that must be done sooner rather than later, if they happen at all, but the man still hasn 't even the school is not finished yet. This keeps the people not to ridicule social "rules", is the only facts of life. Include in Ji-yeon strong focus on their careers, and we have a real puzzle. Can this relationship withstanding the fact that there are players at very different stages of their lives?

Honestly, I think it can. The show has such a strong argument for Dong-ha and Ji-yeon really belong together, age and occupation be damned that I think that they circumvent the fact that the relationship is not their main focus for awhile. You can see each other not much for a time, they can be apart for a year even while Ji-yeon advantage of the fantastic career takes the opportunity it is offered, but I think that they can get through it and emerge from it stronger move. If this is where the final takes us, and I think it is, I'm not afraid of it, as I usually forced separation fear (one of my hated drama tropes). I trust that Dong-ha and Ji-yeon love each other enough to make it, no matter what happens.

Speaking of things that I really appreciated about the show, I also want to mention how cleverly I think the show, the drama to undermine tropes we could all familiar, which I'm guessing is a great why we have found all this show so much. Yes, it gave us a lot of the usual situations, but it also gave us signs, which have not reacted in a manner in which situations we expect. The biggest example of this is how it is every time a misunderstanding or feelings have been hurt, Dong-ha and Ji-yeon sit down and it speak of . I think if you have seen enough drama, you are so used to observe signs around each sulk for episodes at a time on the smallest misunderstanding, and it was such a breath of fresh air leads to see just who ... speak ! Miracle of miracles. Even situations where you would normally be, even for a big fight, as Dong-ha jealous fit over Ji-yeon clothes instead a source of fun for the couple as they laugh at how ridiculous it would lift effect.

I have enjoyed, like others, it is a polar bear in a very vague sense in the story a "bad guy" was not really. Shi-hoon was a fine line, the way he. Also a little control and a bit too unconcerned with what Ji-yeon went through, and he definitely dealt with it possible in just about the way insensitive busting But most of all I think it was less a "bad guy" and more of an unsuspecting guy. I was there worried for a while that Eun-chae would turn into the typical bitter jilted second guide, but they really took Dong-ha lack of attraction to it with grace and maturity. Soo-Chul began insensitive and mean, who are willing to publicly humiliate a stranger for money, but he's really turned out to be a rock-solid friend to Dong-ha to be that good advice is actually pretty darn. has

Mostly what made witches Romance so special for me, it was the sign. From the absolutely amazing results in the hilarious and wonderful best friends and parents and all Troublemaker employees, there is not a character that I did not get to enjoy to know the whole course of the show. I truly believe that no matter what has happened in the drama, and whatever history who have chosen to tell us, I watched these signs almost anything would do, and enjoyed it immensely. It is rare that a drama to see the character that each and every one of them love so much, and I for one am them a lot to miss us going.

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tags: featured, Park Seo-joon, Uhm Jung -hwa, witches Romance

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